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04x06 - Tabula Rasa

Posted: 01/18/23 08:44
by bunniefuu

Is anyone there?

Look, I need some help in here!

All right...

look. I know you're probably panicking
right now, but there's no time for that.

You need to focus.
I'm sure you're wondering

who tied you to the desk.

Well, the truth is, it was you.

I mean, me.

I did it because
I needed you to get this message.

It would take too long to give you
the explanation, and you wouldn't

remember it anyway so you're just going
to have to trust me on this. Now,

You'll find a knife taped
to the underside of your chair.

Find it, and cut yourself loose.

Now, I need you to listen.

It is vitally important
that you find this woman.

I don't know where she is,
but you have to find her. She can help.

Check the mess hall, maybe they took her
to the brig, I don't know. Keep looking.

Don't worry about anything else.

And for God's sake, don't trust anyone.

Just find her and do it fast, because
if you don't, hundreds of people

are going to die. Including you.



- Hey, what are you doing here?
- I heard you were back, and

- I hadn't seen you for a while, so...
- Yeah, I know.

We have this whole new mainland
to explore,

and I've been bringing
back samples all week.

So I see. Anything interesting?

Well, it's all pretty similar
to what we found back on Lantia.

We found a few new species.

Oh, which reminds me,
I've got a surprise for you.

I found this guy
hiding in some shrubbery.

What is that?

Well, it doesn't have a name yet
but I'm thinking of calling it...

Rodneyana Villosa.

After you.


- What... you can do that?
- Yeah.

Be careful.

The bristles will pierce skin.

Anyway, look, I wondered if I could...

you know, tear you away from all of this
long enough to have some lunch?

Oh, I would love to, but...

I think I'm coming down with something.

I have a headache,
and I've had a few dizzy spells,

so I was thinking of going down
to the infirmary.

Well, I'll come with you.

No, you don't have to do that.

I know how much you hate
being around sick people.

No, really, it's fine.

Oh, that is so sweet.

- Thanks.
- After you.

Dr. Brown...

I see you've brought
my number one patient.

What? Oh, no, we're not here
for me this time. I'm-I'm here for her.

Okay, well, what can I do for you?

Well, I've got this really bad headache
that won't go away, and

I feel kind of dizzy.

- When did you first notice it?
- Some time this morning. Why?

Well because you're the fourth person to
come in here with those exact symptoms

and the second person
from the botany department.

Gerald? Hey...

- Who's that?
- Gerald Baxter. He's on my team.

You've met him before.

He's got the bug collection?

Oh, sure, right, yeah. I remember now.

Well, I'm gonna need to take some blood.

- You, too, Doctor.
- What?

If there is something going around, you
might have been exposed to it as well.


Major Dorsey and his team
just returned from M6R-214.

They examined the debris field above
the planet and found the parts from one,

- possibly two, Replicator ships.
- It was just a matter of time before

the Wraith got organized
and started hitting back.

I suppose. They did
defeat the Ancients, after all.

The Replicators may
look like the Ancients

and they may use the same technology but
they're gonna be tougher to put down.

Colonel Carter, come in, please.

Go ahead, Doctor.

I've got a situation developing.

Be advised I've imposed a quarantine
on the entire infirmary level.

- What's going on?
- 11 patients

have shown up here in the last hour,

complaining of headache and dizziness.
Eight of them are from the survey teams

- that just got back from the mainland.
- Any idea what's wrong with them?

I ran some blood tests and found
a bacteria I've never seen before. I'm

checking it against
the Ancient database.

What do you want us to do?

The first thing we need to do is isolate
everyone that went to the mainland

and have them report to Dr Neves
in the auxiliary med lab for testing.

Will do. Keep us posted.

More test results. You and I are
both infected. So's Dr. Mckay.

The good news is the most advanced case
is still only showing

mild, flu-like symptoms.

- Maybe it won't get worse than that.
- Yeah, let's hope so.


Hey... hey, wake up.

What are you doing here?

- I don't know.
- What are you doing?

You're not a soldier.

If you say so.

- You should come with me. It's safer.
- No, slow down. What's going on here?

It's the soldiers. They're after us.
If they catch us, they'll take us away.

Take us where? What soldiers?
What is this place?

- Shut up. The soldiers will hear us!
- What the hell's going on?

- Why can't I remember?
- I don't know.

- No one can.
- No one can?

- You've seen others?
- Yes, one or two others,

apart from the soldiers.

- What about her? Was she there?
- No.

I have to find her.

- Why?
- I don't know. It's important.

The soldiers probably
have her by now, okay?

- Well, can we ask them?
- Are you crazy?

If the soldiers see you,
they sh**t you, take you away.

Again with the taking away.

- You should hide with me.
- I can't, I've to keep looking.

Fine, suit yourself. If you get
yourself k*lled, I don't care.

It started suddenly, and then it just...

just stopped.

Okay, well, I appreciate you telling me.

Aren't you going to do anything?

To be honest,
I don't see how it's relevant.

It's a new symptom.
I thought it might be important.

I don't see how a "tingling sensation in
your knees" relates to this condition,

especially since
you're the only one experiencing it.

Yeah, but, so far.

I'm just saying, we don't know
anything about this disease.

The best thing for you to do
right now is try to relax, okay,

and let me do my work.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

What did Dr. Keller say?

She's going to...
take it into consideration.

Thanked me for my input and...
how you doing?

I'm okay.

Dr. Keller's got her team working pretty
hard. I'm sure they're trying a bunch

of stuff. I'm sure they'll come up with
a way to beat this thing in no time.

Seriously, are you okay?

It's... my headache.

It's getting worse.

Is there anything I can do?

Could you...

ask the nurse to bring me some tea?

What's wrong with this one?


Marie? What's... what's going on?

I don't know. I just got really dizzy.

Are you telling us that the infection
has breached hazmat protocol?

I'm not entirely sure.

It's possible she could
have been previously exposed,

but that would mean it's already spread

much farther among
the general population than we thought.

I've got off-duty medical
personnel conducting random

blood tests around the City
just to get a sense of where we're at.

Have we confirmed it came
from the mainland?

The plant and soil samples brought back
by the botany department were negative,

but it still seems like
the most likely point of origin.

What about the database?

I haven't found a match yet,
but I'm still looking.

There is one more thing.

Since we have no idea
what this disease does,

or how it's spread,

or even if our containment measures
are having any effect, I...

recommend we suspend
all Gate travel immediately.

Thank you, Doctor.

How you feeling?

I-I don't know.

They brought dinner. This salisbury
steak's actually quite good.

And by the way, I asked Dr. Keller
about your friend, Dr. Baxter.

She says he's asleep,
but apparently the fever's down.


Dr. Baxter. That's his name, right,

the guy on your team?

Where am I?

What do you mean? You're in the
infirmary. I brought you here, remember?

Who are you?

Hold it right there.

I don't want to cause any trouble.
I just...

Yeah, put him with the others.

- Go and get him out of here.
- Yes, Sir.

What's the word?

Well, the random test results came back.

Six different people working
in six different areas of the City,

all positive.

That doesn't sound very promising.

It's either a statistical miracle,
or the entire base has been exposed.

We're running more tests to confirm it,
but it doesn't look good.

I don't know about you, but I feel fine.

Me too, and that's the problem.

If there is a delay
before the first symptoms appear,

it could've spread anywhere
before we even knew what was happening.

I've informed Stargate Command
that we're suspending Gate operations.

- Colonel Carter, this is Dr. Keller.
- Go ahead.

I'm sending you scans on Katie Brown,

as well as three other patients who are
beginning to show signs of amnesia.

All of them show
large concentrations of affected cells

in the medial temporal lobe.

It looks like the bacteria is causing
these cells to produce a hormone

that interferes with the brain's ability
to access episodic memory.

How bad are we talking?

Rate of deterioration seems
to vary from patient to patient,

but, in all cases,
it looks like it's progressive, meaning,

the longer they go without treatment,
the worse it gets.

Pretty soon, they won't be able
to remember their own names.

You said the first symptoms
were headaches and dizziness.

Yeah, that's right.

How long after they appeared
before the first signs of memory loss?

Again, it seems to vary,

but you're looking at
an average of about six hours.

What about you, Doc, showing any signs?

Yeah, the headaches
started half an hour ago.

All right, keep searching the database.

It still think it's our best bet
to find a solution.

I'd love to, but if we're right about
these numbers, I'm about to get overrun

with a lot of new patients.
It's already pretty crowded in here.

Mess hall.

We can clear it out
and make a temporary ward.

That's a good idea. At the very least,

it'll consolidate everyone
in one place for treatment.

Do it.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

Where am I?

We were hoping you could tell us.

Who are all you people?

We don't know.

None of us can remember anything.

What's happening out there?
What did you see?


It was just...

empty hallways.

How did I get here?

The soldiers brought you.


They bring everyone here.

They say it's for our own protection.

Don't waste your time. It won't open.

Why are they doing this to us?

Why can't anyone remember?


the computer.

- Where's my computer?
- It...

wasn't with you when
they brought you here. Why?

I have to find someone. It's a...

a woman.

Do you know who that is?

Does anyone here know Teyla?


I thought this City had some sort of

a*t*matic lockdown
to prevent stuff like this.

It does.

Oh, yeah?

What happened?

You're asking me?

You got a headache?

I guess it was just a matter of time.

I'm fine.

How you feeling?

I am fine.

- Any symptoms?
- No, none yet.

Me neither.

What is it?

How do they know we're all infected?

My blood wasn't part
of the sample that was tested.

Nor was mine. Even so,
it is likely we were exposed.

So? Being exposed
doesn't mean you've got it.

Maybe it doesn't affect
everybody the same way,

and all I know is I feel great.

So do I.

Perhaps you should make
Dr. Keller aware of this.

Excuse me.

- I need to talk to you.
- I'm a little busy right now.

I'm not sick.

If you're lucky enough
not to be exposed,

you just blew it by coming in here.

No, I know I've been exposed.

People I've been working with
all day have been getting sick,

but I'm not feeling anything.
Neither is teyla.

You think you might have
some kind of immunity?

You're the doctor.

I'm going to need
a sample of your blood.

Take as much as you need.

What are you doing?

I have to remember somehow.

I already feel certain
things slipping away.

- All right, now what are you doing?
- Getting out of here.

All right, everyone!

Listen up!

I need to escape as quickly as possible.

- Does anyone know how I can do that?
- You can't just leave.

- Why not?
- What about the soldiers?

We're just going to have
to deal with them.

I'm sorry, call me crazy,
but I don't exactly trust them.

That doesn't mean we should be running
loose. We have no idea what's out there.

Look, something caused this to happen,

We're not gonna figure it out from in
here. Somewhere out there, there's a...

a woman that...

a woman named...

Right, thank you.

I think she knows something.


I don't know.
We got to get out there and find out.

- I think we should listen to him.
- Why?

It makes sense.

Why haven't the soldiers
told us what's happened?

Why haven't there been any
announcements, or any help on the way?

Maybe they don't know
any more than we do.

We need a plan.

They let you out?

The second set of random blood tests
just came back, all positive.

Didn't see much point in quarantining
the infirmary anymore.

You showing any signs?

- Headache?
- Yeah, same here.

Five bucks says you start
losing your memories first.

We've got food, water, and blankets.

We don't have enough beds,
but we're just gonna have to make do.

We may need to think about
ordering all non-essential personnel

to report to the mess hall.
They're gonna wind up there anyways,

- we won't have people with no memories.
- That's what I'm worried about.

I'll send Lorne and a team out,
make sure those orders are followed.

These are from Dr. Neves.

They're stimulants.

He thinks they may slow
the effects of the memory loss.

It's just a stopgap, but

- at least it may buy us a few hours.
- Do we know what's in these?

- Because I'm allergic to a lot of...
- Take it.

Hand these out to Lorne and his men.

One more thing.

I've ordered Dr. Zelenka to remove
the Gate's main control crystal.

No matter what happens,
we cannot risk spreading

this disease elsewhere
in the galaxy, or to Earth.

And what happens
when we all start losing our memory?

Dr. Keller will come up with
something before that happens.

I thought we were moving
everyone to the mess hall.

He's our most advanced case. His vitals
are too unstable. What can I do for you?

I was just wondering
if you found anything.

What do you mean?

I'm not showing
any sign of the disease, remember?

Oh, well, it's possible you could have
some sort of natural immunity.

- Doc...
- Stay here.

I'm gonna take a sample of your blood...

Doc... you've already done that.

It's happening to me, isn't it?

Doctor, he's convulsing!


OK, give him... meda...
medazelam, four milligrams.

He's in V-fib. I need a crash cart.

Charge it to two hundred.


Charge it to three hundred...


Go! Go!

This way!

All right, I think we're clear.

Oh, thank God!
My lungs were about to give out!

So, what next?

I don't know. How do we find her?


Teyla. The one
we just risked our lives for.

Right, right.

I don't know.

All right, we'll just have to search
room by room. I mean,

how big could this place possibly be?

- Where are you taking us?
- I already told you. The mess hall.

I don't want to go there.

Just relax. I know you're scared,

you just to have to trust me.
It's for your own good.

So much for coming quietly.


mess hall's this way.


Don't look at me that way.

It's easy to get turned
around in this place.

Major Lorne's picking up
some more stragglers.

We're starting to get
a little resistance.

Yeah, they're starting
to lose their memories.

They can't understand why
there's a bunch of soldiers after them.

That's why I told him to take his men to
the armory and equip them with stunners.

I'm not sure I like the idea
of us sh**ting at our own people.

Well, we may not have a choice.

Yeah, I suppose you're right.

Pretty soon, there's going to be
some panicked confused people out there.

Okay, carry on.


Come with me.

You might want to go
easy on that stuff, Major.

Sir, we need to delay this thing
as much as possible.

If we all go, there's no coming back.

Yeah, I know.

That's what I want to talk
to you about. I got an idea.

- Didn't we come this way before?
- No.

Are you sure?


I have an idea.

What are you doing?

If we come back here, we'll know
we've been this way before.

Presuming of course that we remember

that we're the ones
who put it there in the first place.

I know you're out there.

Drop your weapons and come out slowly.

Little guy with glasses.

- What are you doing?
- Hey, I know him.

Don't sh**t.

I don't have any weapons.

Who are you?

We were captured
by the soldiers. We escaped.


Wait a second.

What is that?

- I found it.
- Let me see.

- What is it?
- I don't know, but...

something tells me it's important.


I don't know.

Hey, how did you know to do that?

- I don't know. I just did.
- Well, that's her, Teyla.

You know her?

Well, not exactly.

We're looking for her.
We think she can help us.

It says, "find her."

How are we going to do that?

This is what I wanted to show you.

This is the bacteria
that is causing our disease?

Not exactly, but it's very similar.

And you found this in the database?

I stopped looking in the database.

I knew there was a reason why
Teyla and Ronon are the only people

who've tested negative so far,

and we don't have a lot of information
on the Satedans, so I started

looking through Dr. Beckett's records
on the Athosians.

This is a blood sample
taken from a 10-year-old boy.

He was suffering
from something called...

I wrote it down.

Kirsan fever?

Yeah, that's it.

It is a common childhood ailment
throughout the galaxy.

I had it when I was 8.

I had it when I was 10.

But this cannot be the same disease.

Kirsan fever does not affect adults,
nor does it cause memory loss.

Well, that may be true but...

the structure of the bacteria
is too similar to ignore.

They have to be related somehow.

Wait a minute.

Maybe they are the same.

That would explain why the sensors
didn't identify it as a threat.

- How is that possible?
- Well, think about it.

I mean, this planet didn't have
a Stargate until we came here.

Maybe when the Ancients
were first scouting this place,

they accidentally brought this...

Kirsan fever with them. It got trapped
here and over the course of 10,000 years

it mutated to cause the symptoms
we're now experiencing.

That would also explain
why you and Ronon aren't affected.

You have antibodies built
up from when you were young.

Well, if they have
the antibodies, then...

It would take months
to reverse-engineer a cure.

I mean, I'm not even sure it's possible.

The sap of the enchuri plant.

My people have used it for
generations to combat Kirsan fever.

It is highly effective
and not much is needed.

- Let's go get some.
- Take a Jumper.

Wait a minute.

You've disabled the Gate, remember?

You ordered Doctor Zelenka
to take the control crystal.

Where did he put it?

Zelenka, this is Sheppard. Come in.

Check out the rooms
down there and there.

I want this section
cleared out in ten minutes.

Lorne, come in.

- Yes, Sir, go ahead.
- You seen Zelenka?

As a matter of fact, I have.

Did you bring him to the mess hall?

Sorry, Sir, but he gave us the slip.
Must have heard us coming.

Cracked one of my people
over the head with a metal rod and

disappeared down a service hatch before
I could get a shot off. There's...

no telling where he is now.

Zelenka, respond?

Zelenka, come in.

Radek? We are not trying to hurt you.
We need your help.

OK, this is pointless. Look, we don't
even know if he still has a radio, and

even if we find him, he's not gonna
remember where's the control crystal.

- Let's face it: we're screwed.
- There's gotta be some way out of this.

What about the Jumpers?
They've got DHDs.

It doesn't matter. Without the crystal,
the Gate can't establish a wormhole.

We're not going anywhere.

I'm missing something.

I can't concentrate.

What about the mainland?

Ronon is right.

The enchuri plant is abundant
on many worlds. It may be here as well.

All right.

Assuming we can find the stuff,
how're we gonna distribute it?

I'll figure something out.

I'll stay with Rodney.
Do you know what to look for?

It grows like a weed on Sateda.

It's... right there.

You can fly this thing.

It's in your blood.


Wait a second...

what am I doing?

You said, the quickest way
to spread the cure

was to aerosolize it and distribute it
through the ventilation system.

You are currently attempting
to override base protocol

for temperature, humidity,
and air pressure.

Right... right, okay, it's easy.

Just a simple matter of accessing
the root directory, and...

- Come on!
- Rodney...

No, no, no, no.
I should be able to do this in my sleep.

Oh, God...
it's happening to me too, isn't it?

You have to remain calm.

No, no. You don't understand.
My memory was lousy.

I mean, people's names, birthdays.

I once forgot mother's day
five years in a row.

What is the ratio of circle's
circumference to its diameter?

Well, that's pi. It's 3.14159265,
et cetera, et cetera.

- That doesn't count. That's easy.
- You are a scientist, Rodney.

That is what you care about. That is
what you will hang on to the longest.


Right, so...

wait a minute.

Doesn't that make me
a really bad person?

It makes you the type of person
who is going to save all our lives.

Oh, okay.

What is this place?

I don't know.

Looks like they left in a hurry.

- She's not here. Let's...
- Down here! This way!

Quiet! Go, go.

All right, everybody, spread out.
They got to be in here somewhere.


Found 'em.

Good. Let's go. Let's move out, come on.

Can we get out of here, please?

- What is it?
- I have an idea.

Come on.

Let's go.

Wait a minute.

- What is this place?
- The mainland.

- What are we doing here?
- I told you already.

We need to get that plant.

Something seems fishy.

Never gets old.

Sorry, buddy.
You're just going to slow me down.

How's it coming, Rodney?

I'm just about finished... I think.

What was that?

I will go see. Keep working.

Don't move!

Major Lorne.

- It's me, Teyla.
- You shouldn't be out here.

Major, it's me.

Everyone's been ordered
back to the mess hall.

But Dr. Mckay and I...

Put your hands on your head. Slowly.


Oh, God...

All right, let's get her up.

Come on...

All right.

Look, I know you're probably
panicking right now,

but there is no time for that.
You need to focus.

I'm sure you're wondering,
who tied you to the desk...

- You're awake.
- Major Lorne, you must set me free...

Save it. You're not going anywhere
till I get some answers.

I need to know
what you've done to my people.

What I've done?
You believe I'm behind this?

Is it a drug? Some kind of bio-w*apon?

Major, they're sick. You as well.

The entire base is infected
with a disease.

Everyone except you.

Yes. I'm immune to its effects.

Isn't that convenient?

How many of those have you taken?

Why don't you just let me
worry about that, okay?

It's the pills.

They're what's making you act like this.

They're confusing you.
They're making you unstable.

Making me unstable?

I'm not the one who unleashed a disease
on my people, okay? Quit stalling.

I want to know what you were doing
in the hall...


- Teyla?
- Yes.

It's good to see you. Colonel Carter,
Dr. Zelenka, you as well.

How did you find me?

Well, we were having trouble finding you
by ourselves, so we followed him.

Did you finish your work?

What do you mean?

Can you disarm the force shield?

I don't know.


Don't move!

Drop it.

Now back away.


Tell me...

Who the hell are you?

I know you don't remember everything.

You have no idea what's going on.

You're confused,
maybe even a little scared.

I know I would be.

But you have to trust me.

We're friends.

The things we've been through together,
I don't care what anyone says,

no disease can wipe that away.

Not completely.

Okay, deep down,
you know I'm telling the truth.

- Now, give me the g*n.
- Oh, nice try.

For all I know,
you're the one who tied me up.


Then sh**t me, and you'll be all alone,
in the middle of a dark forest,

with no idea who you are, where you're
going, or what you're going to do next.

How could I possibly make it any worse?

That's a good point.

Here. Sit.

Are you sure you wouldn't rather do it?

- I do not know how.
- And I do?

Yes. You created the override program.

- You said you were almost finished.
- Oh, then it should be easy.

Rodney, listen to me.
You must do this, It is our only chance.

The knowledge is inside you.

You just have to find it.

He did it.

When I said I was almost finished,
I guess I wasn't kidding.

Now what?

Well, now we just have to hope
that colonel Sheppard and Ronon

completed their side of the mission.

Right. Right...

- Who?
- Who?

What is it?

A ship.
Headed for the bay doors on the roof.

Have they identified themselves?

No, Sir. It could be help.

It could also be some kind of an attack.

Get in touch with the others.
Tell them to meet me at the Jumper bay.

And find major Lorne!

- Nice flying.
- Thanks.

Come on, help me with this stuff.

We got to get this to Teyla right away.


Come on.

Hands in the air. Now.

Listen, Lieutenant, this is medicine.

- We need to deliver it.
- I said, hands in the air.

Let's take them to the brig.

You're making a mistake.

There are sick people who need that.

You sure you know what you're doing?

What the hell is going on here?

Sir, we caught these men
trying to infiltrate the base.

Lorne, you have got to listen to me.

Everybody on this base
is going to die if you don't.

- And who are you?
- Look in your pocket.

- What?
- Just look in your vest pocket.

You took a picture of him
just in case it came to this.

I was there.

He's telling the truth.

This is our commanding officer.

That's right.

I am your commanding officer.

So... you should do what I say.

Yes, Sir. What are your orders?

- Do what he says.
- g*n.

Follow me.

Colonel, you're awake.

What happened?

Teyla distributed the plant
through the ventilation system.

Knocked you out for a bit.

How long have I been asleep?

About a day.

A day?

Hit some people harder than others.

How are you feeling, John?
How's your memory?

Oh, pretty good, I think. I mean...

things are a little fuzzy.

If I forget your birthday next year...

I will forgive you.

When you are feeling well enough,

major Lorne wishes to speak with you.
He feels badly about what happened.

It wasn't his fault.

Just glad he still had
the photo I gave him.

- That was good thinking, by the way.
- Yes.

If the distribution of the cure
had been delayed any longer,

many more people would have died.

What do you mean?

Where's McKay?

You should get some sleep.

It's okay. I'm fine.

I can let you know when she wakes up.

I wanna stay.


She's not giving up, you know.

She's a fighter.



She's moving her fingers.

Katie? Katie!


Where am I?

You're in the infirmary.

You're safe.

Do you remember anything?

It's good to see you.

Yeah, it's good to see you too.