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04x04 - Doppelganger

Posted: 01/18/23 08:40
by bunniefuu
- What are we doin'?
- Exploring the Pegasus galaxy,

- it's what we do.
- You know what I meant.

There certainly doesn't
appear to be anything here

that would help in our fight against
the Wraith or the Replicators.

Come on! You guys k*ll me!

Planets are huge, you know!

Yeah, and usually
you're the one complaining.

Yes, this enthusiasm
is most unlike you, Rodney.

I'm turning over a new leaf.

We did the standard
fly-over in the Jumper,

scanning for life signs... nothing.

You can't fly around for ten minutes
and decide there's nothing here!

Yes, I can.

I'm getting strange energy readings.

Yeah? From where?

I can't pinpoint the source.

The jungle's pretty thick, though
it could be hiding just about anything.

I don't know.

It's almost as if somebody in a warm,

cosy room typing onto their computer
sent us here for their own amusement.

You don't really think
Zelenka would do that?

If he did, he's gonna be sorry.

Look, do you have any idea how many Gate
addresses there are in the Ancient

database that have
no accompanying description?


No, I think
it's a little more than that.

I don't really remember.
That's not the point. Nothing...

no information at all.
I say that has to mean something.

Maybe it means there's nothing worth
writing about on those planets.

Or there is, but the Ancients
are trying to hide it.

From themselves?

A lot of time has passed
since the Ancients were around.

Things change... maybe there's something
here they didn't know about.

You have a bet riding
on this, don't you?

What makes you say that?


That's it!

I'm calling this one.
Everyone back to the Jumper.

- Come on!
- Face it, McKay. You lost this one.

Hello? What's that, then?

Looks like some kind of
natural crystalline growth.

I think that's what might be
causing the energy readings.


Looks like one of those toys
you play with when you're a kid.

What, Commodore 64?

Triple-barrelled shotgun?

- A kaleidoscope.
- You realise what this means?

We discovered
an alien fungus that glows.

How ?bout a power source
that literally grows on trees?

Admittedly these energy readings
are pretty low level, but

if these crystals could be cultivated,
then... Wait. What are you doing?

- Are you alright?
- Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shock.

It could have been dangerous!
I told you it was giving off energy.

Honestly, I...

don't know why I did that.

- Well, you k*lled it!
- Oh, really?

- It's not giving off energy any more.
- Maybe he just scared it.

- You don't even know if it was alive.
- Seriously, why would you touch it?

I don't know!
I said that, OK? I just did.

Can we leave it at that?

OK, well there's gotta be
more of them around here.

I'm gonna recommend sending a science
team back here to check it out.

I am a science team!

OK, fine.

Let's desert a potentially
significant discovery

just because you guys don't want me
to win a bet with Zelenka.

All your scans are clear.

Blood tests are normal.

As far as I can tell,
you're in perfect health.

See? I told you.

- Thanks, Doc.
- No more touching strange things.

That's good advice.

I don't know about you,
but I'm exhausted.

- It's been a long day.
- Well, thanks for hangin' out.

Just wanted to be sure.

I'm fine.

Get some sleep.

Good night, John.

This is pretty good!

What is it?

I knew you two were
gonna eventually hook up.

We are not hooking up!

- It's just dinner.
- I'm telling you,

there's something in here
giving off a strange energy reading.

John, what are you doing?

Colonel Carter doesn't trust you.

No-one does but me.

What are you talking about?

What's wrong with you?

What do you mean? Nothing.

You've never been the same since you
got into the mind of that Wraith Queen.




I cannot even begin to tell you
how bizarre it was.

- You want bizarre? Let me tell you...
- You know what? Don't.



Teyla had a dream about you last night.


What was it about?

Actually, it was more of a nightmare
and I'd rather not talk about it.

Was I the dashing hero saving you
from a big bad monster?

Actually, you were the big bad monster.

- Really?
- Like I said,

I'd rather not talk about it.

Where are you going?

I'm sorry. I have a headache.

I did not sleep well last night.

Is she really mad at me?

I can't control what's in her dreams!

Really? You think you can't control
a person's dreams?

My father read me ?Moby d*ck"
when I was seven years old.

Seriously, what was the man thinking?

Do you have any idea how long I had
nightmares about being eaten by a whale?

- They haven't stopped, have they?
- No.

It's coming from outside.

I go to the opening, I hear darts.

I pull open the tent
and he comes inside.

I know it's not really Colonel Sheppard,

but I can't help but feel...
different towards him.

Do you think it's my subconscious
trying to tell me something?

If there's something real going on
between you and Col. Sheppard

that you feel you need to address,
you definitely should.

Otherwise don't let it bother you.

I've had horrible nightmares before

of my father being taken when
I was a little girl, the cullings since

but none of them have felt like this.

When I woke up,

I could barely catch my breath.

I know it sounds silly but

I think I am actually afraid
of falling asleep.


physically there's
nothing wrong with you,

other than the symptoms
you've described,

which can all be
attributed to lack of sleep.

These should help for the short term...


if the problem persists,
you definitely need to come back.

You have no idea how good the thought of

a solid night's sleep
makes me feel at this point.

I think I do. I'm not sure
I've had one since I got here.

Thank you.

Don't mention it. Have a good night.

You too.

Doctor Keller,
we have a medical emergency.

Doctor Keller, please report
immediately to the infirmary.

- What's wrong?
- It's Teyla.

She's in severe abdominal distress.
Says you gave her some medication.

I prescribed some Ambien
to help her sleep.

Went to the Mess for a late-night snack.

She started complaining about her
stomach and then she just doubled over.

I thought you were going to bed. Did you
take one of those pills I gave you?

OK, just try to relax.
Let me have a look.

Hold her for me.

Oh, my God.

Doctor, do something.

OK... we need to... sedate her


Oh God!

Can you believe this?

Sorry, Doc. Didn't mean to scare you.

We were sparring and
I got in a lucky shot.

It's the middle of the night!

Maybe for you.

Sit down. Let me have a look.

You're gonna need stitches.

Guess I taught him too much, huh?

Yeah, I guess so.

You don't need
to stick around. I'm fine.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

I want a re-match tomorrow, though.

That's what I was afraid of.


See you tomorrow.

Something wrong?

No, no, nothing.

I don't think he's seeing anyone,
you know.

Oh, oh, no!

No, that's quite alright.

You know, this would be
easier if you lay down.



Is anyone here?


Hey, buddy.

What are you runnin' from?

I don't know.

Come on.

I'm really sorry.
Did I... did I hurt you?

No, no. I'm... I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to...

You fell asleep.

I was having the strangest dream.

You sure you're OK?


Go ahead.

I'm almost done.

It was terrifying.

There you were
with this disgusting alien bug

crawling out of your stomach,
and colonel Sheppard was acting like

it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen.

- That sounds like that movie.
- Yeah, Alien. Have you seen it?

Colonel Sheppard speaks of it often.

I still remember
the first time I saw it.

I certainly did not think it was cool.

One time, in med school,

I made the mistake
of confiding to my partner

in biology class that it had caused
my all-time worst nightmares.

He actually planted a live snake

inside a cadaver I was working on.

Well, I never saw it as a kid.

I knew from the poster it was going
to be too scary. No, I was 16

when a neighborhood theater had a

horror revival festival.

I thought, great, you know, date movie.

So, Jocelyn Rutger,
third period science.

Bit of geek, but she had a great...

Anyway, you know how girls get
all scared and curl up on your shoulder?

Your planet has some
truly strange rituals.

Anyway, I eat when I get nervous.

Really? I hadn't noticed.


very tense, working like a charm.
Jocelyn's all freaked out beside me,

I'm packing away the goobers
and the popcorn,

and then the alien
bursts out of John Hurt.

- You didn't.
- Puked all over her.

I have got to see this movie.

Don't you think it's strange each of us
has had incredibly vivid nightmares

with colonel Sheppard
being somehow an integral part?

Acting most unlike colonel Sheppard.

Not me.

Have you had any nightmares recently?

Not a night goes by.
Last night, I dreamt that colonel Carter

invited me to her quarters for dinner.

Maybe you shouldn't be
telling us this, Rodney.

Yeah, I said nightmare,
not delusional male fantasy.

Wait and listen.

Turns out she was serving lemon chicken.

I mean, lemon, and the only reason
she invited me was to tell me

that she was promoting Zelenka over me.

That's it?

Then I was eaten by a whale.
Don't ask how that happened.

Okay, do you guys really think
I'm crazy?

I realize they're just dreams, but...

First it was Teyla, then right after
you came to see me, I had one.

And that's when mine stopped. Those
pills you gave me knocked me out cold.

And then Ronon had one
while I was working on him.

What's the big deal? It's like you said,
it's just a few bad dreams, right?

I shouldn't have bothered you with this.

I know I don't really
have any hard evidence.

Believe me, I've seen
a good hunch go a long way

in some pretty crazy circumstances.

I'd always rather you were on your toes,
especially with anything suspicious.

I know a few bad dreams
isn't that significant.

It's only natural, given what we face
on a daily basis, but...

this was different.
It really rattled me.

Coupled with the sequential pattern.
First Teyla, then me, then Ronon, all

with col. Sheppard being a significant
negative presence in our dreams.

- Do you have any idea what's behind it?
- No, I don't know.

Thing is, it started right after colonel
Sheppard touched that crystal

on M3X-387.

I thought you cleared him medically.

- I did...
- Excuse me.

There's an emergency situation
in the crew quarters atrium.

Security was called for
and has been dispatched.

Thank you. Excuse me.

Put down the g*n, Major.

- Let's talk this out.
- Someone, get an ARG.

Now. sh**t him with it.

Major, talk to me.
Tell me what's going on.

Just do it!

Okay, what's the harm? I mean,
if he's human, it won't hurt him, right?

- John, what is he talking about?
- Don't talk to him.

Colonel Sheppard is a Replicator.

Look, Lorne, I don't know
what's gotten into you...

Me? No, no, no, no, it's not me.

Major, how about you lower your w*apon?

He's a Replicator!

You don't believe me?
I'll sh**t him, you'll see.

That won't be necessary. I've got my
hands up in a very non-threatening way.

I've called for an ARG.

You believe him?

Of course not, but it won't hurt you,
and it might help him to lower his g*n.

You're one of them, too.

But don't just stand there!
sh**t them. sh**t both of them!

I take it I don't have to sh**t
either of you with this?

I'm so glad no one was hurt.

- And you don't remember anything?
- No.

Honestly, I haven't had a sleepwalking
incident since I was, like, 10.

It's quite common for someone
suffering from somnambulism

to perform complex activities
in their sleep

and remember nothing upon waking.

So you think this has something to do
with the crystal I touched?

That's when it seemed to start.
Major Lorne's not the only one.

In each case,
the person being affected reports you

being a significant negative presence
in the nightmare.

Well, I can't control that.

No, but maybe something is.

What? You think someone's
impersonating me in their dreams?

Look, I've seen more than my share of
alien entities that are capable of this.

Colonel O'Neill was once
knocked unconscious

by an energy being that lived
in crystal form.

It took on his appearance for a while.

I read at one point, you were taken over
by an alien entity.


Not a personal highlight.

The question is, what's the point?

Maybe it's feeding on our fear.

- I'll shut up.
- No, no, it's not that big a leap.

It's just...

We don't have any proof.

First, it was Teyla.

I was next, and then Ronon
after I treated him...

Well, I'm the one who touched the
crystal, and I've never had a bad dream.

Maybe that's why you're appearing
in everyone's dreams.

Whatever's doing this imprinted
your image onto itself.

Now that I think about it,
it's possible whatever this is,

its spread may be limited by touch.

Okay, anyone who's had contact
with major Lorne,

since the incident needs to be isolated.

If this is some sort of alien influence,
we have to find a way to detect it.

Sit down, Rodney.

I'm good right here, thank you.

All off-world teams have been contacted

and instructed not to return
for the time being.

Gate travel will be restricted to an as-
needed basis, and until further notice,

all non-essential expedition members
will be restricted to quarters.

Come on, is this really necessary?

- It's just a few bad dreams, right?
- The fact is,

we don't really know
what we're dealing with.

We may have an alien entity on our hands

capable of moving
from person to person at will.

And so far, the only behavior we have
to evaluate, suggests a certain malice.

Based on what's been described to me,

the personification of colonel Sheppard
in everyone's dreams

is behaving much like a sociopath.

Did I have a goatee?

Right now, all it's doing
is causing some nightmares,

but we don't know if that's
the limit of its capability.

You're saying
this is only the beginning.

I've never profiled
anything like this before.

It will likely progress,

try to drive up the stakes,
seek bigger thrills.

Now, even if it's limited to
manipulating the host's subconscious,

it may be able to put someone
in serious jeopardy.

So, what are we talking,
Freddy Krueger here?

Oh, come on! We don't have a single
shred of hard evidence here.

I mean, until we do,
this thing is just a bogeyman.

Exactly why you're
going back to the planet

where colonel Sheppard
touched the crystal.

- What? Why would we do that?
- Well, just as you said,

to gather some hard evidence,

see if there are any more
of these things.

We need to find out
exactly what they are,

and how they work, and if possible,

how to detect if there really is
something inside Lorne right now.

Thank you.

But-but you said no more Gate travel.

I thought that was a wise decision.

I said on an as-needed basis, McKay.
I think this qualifies.

Yeah, but don't you think
a science team would be

- better suited for...
- You are a science team, remember?

Okay, fine,
but it's a big planet, you know.

We could really use some more manpower.

I still can't believe
you're making me do this.

Ah, you lost the bet.

There's definitely
something on this planet.

Yes, but I distinctly said "of value."

I hardly call this
particular discovery valuable.

Over here.

There you go.

Better get started.

"Better get started." Yeah, sure!


Don't look in it,

and whatever you do, don't touch it.

I wasn't even thinking about it.

Radek, we got a live one here.

It could be useful to compare the two.

- That's just what I was thinking.
- But be careful. It could be dangerous

to try to harvest one
with an active entity in it.

Once again, you've read my mind.

when you're finished there,
I say you give it a shot.

Yeah, give it a shot.

You really think it was safe
to bring a live one back?

Those containment tanks
are non-conductive.

We believe it needs conductive
material in order to travel.

And having an active crystal

allows us to calibrate
these hand-held sensors

to detect the energy signatures
associated with it.

Hopefully, we'll determine if someone

is carrying one of these creatures
inside of them.

As long as it doesn't know
what we're up to.

Otherwise, it would just transfer
before we could scan them.

You're assuming they're not only
capable, but conscious and aware.

It's demonstrated some pretty
sophisticated intelligence so far.

You think it would have
basic avoidance skills.

We're gonna have to modify our scanners
to operate at a range large enough to...

Wait a minute.

We could calibrate
the City-wide life-signs detector...

Oh, yes, Mr. Wizard, we're just
going to snap our fingers and...

What are you doing?

I don't know, it's...

It's mesmerizing.

You said it was safe.

We said we think. Still...

I don't know what I was doing.
I can't believe it...

I was suddenly overcome by
the compulsion to want to touch it.

Yeah, we think that's how it...

ropes in its victims.

It's not in him.

You said the entity needed
conductive material to travel, right?

Well, based on the...

It's the power conduits.

They run through the entire City.

It could be in anyone.

Kate, what are you doing?

I don't want to die.


Come down from there.

I can't.

Why not?

Help me, please!

John, stop it.

Stop it. I have to help her!

What are you doing?
John, get out of the way!

- Teyla!
- Kate!

She did not report for duty
and I can't wake her up.

She's dead.

This is colonel Carter.

If I could have your attention, please.

I'm very sorry to have to tell you
that we have lost

a valuable member
of the expedition today.

Dr. Kate Heightmeyer meant
a great deal to all of us.

Her death is nothing short of tragic.

I'm also sorry to have to report

that the threat we face
is still in our midst,

and until further notice,

the full lockdown protocol
will remain in effect.

Try to remain calm.

We are doing everything we can
to ensure everyone's safety

and to resolve this situation quickly.

Thank you.

That was good.

I mean,

horrible, obviously.

Terrifying and horrible, but I just...

I meant you sounded strong.

I'm sure they were at least
a little reassured hearing your voice,

but you don't need me to tell you that.

A day like this, it doesn't hurt.


I was just about to come to see you,

but I wasn't sure
if you wanted to see me.

Colonel Carter? Excuse me.

I think I've managed to calibrate
the city-wide sensors.

I mean, if it is working properly.

We had some trouble with the...


We have a positive reading.

Do we know who that is?

What do you need me for?

What's with the rubber walls?

I'm sorry, Rodney.

I have to go.

Oh, you've got to be kidding.

It's in Rodney?

The isolation room has been lined
with insulating material

to prevent the entity from transferring
out of him and into someone else.

If we're right, we've got it trapped.

Yeah, well, that doesn't help
McKay much, does it?

If this thing kills people
in their sleep...

No. We've got to find a way
to get it out of him.

Someone want to get me some coffee?
I'm already feeling a little tired here.

I could give him something to keep him
awake for a while, but it'll only work

for so long before we start putting him
at risk of pulmonary failure.

Believe it or not,
I've been there before, too.

Do what you can.
We'll try to come up with something.

Hang in there, McKay!

Oh, thanks. Like I have much choice.

Do you think it knows it's trapped?

I don't know, why?

Maybe there's a way to...

I don't know, reason with it.

Being in Dr. Weir's old office
made you think of that, didn't it?

Normally I just sh**t the bad guys.

- We just heard.
- There must to be something we can do.

That's what we're talking about.

Okay, let's say for a second that
you could somehow communicate with it.

- What were you planning on saying?
- I don't know, I hadn't gone that far.

It strikes me that if it feeds
on fear, or worse,

likes the thrill of k*lling
its host, then...

Well, it would take
the last chance it had.

To k*ll McKay.

What about survival?

It's trapped.

Will it die without
a living host to transfer to?

I was hoping not to find out.

We could give it a chance to leave.
Go home.

- Back into the crystal.
- Yeah, sure, why not?

Send it through the Gate
back to its planet.

I've heard of people being talked
through waking dreams before.


Maybe McKay can be hypnotized

into a state where he could somehow
communicate with it.

He has successfully meditated
into an altered state before.

Yeah, that was after
he was genetically altered.

I'm sorry, what?

You want McKay
to ask this thing to leave?

We are talking about McKay.

Scary things are not exactly
his strength.

And he is up against a creature

apparently capable of
manipulating his subconscious.

I wish there was a way
for one of us to get in there.

Into McKay's dreams?

Yeah, you know,

help him out,
give him a little moral support.

Come on,

All the things you've seen,
you've never come across

a way for one person to get
into another person's dreams?

Where's she going? What's going on?

I don't know, but I think

I'm about to see a side of McKay
I never wanted to see.

It does not have to be you.

Yeah, well, it's my bad idea.

What was?


We first encountered
the technology 10 years ago

on a planet where
the survivors of a holocaust

were living entirely in a virtual world
created in their minds.

Since then, we've managed to modify it

for use in the VR training
of SG team members.

It only took some minor calibrations
to tune it in to subconscious activity.

So Sheppard is actually going to see
McKay's dreams?


to be honest, the technology is
untested for use in this manner.

Dreams are much more random
than conscious thought.

It may be difficult
for the system to translate

what's going on in McKay's brain so that
colonel Sheppard can understand it.

I'm just hoping that the two of them
will be able to interact somehow.

You sure about this?

Not really.

I'm pretty screwed up.

You're telling me.

We're ready if you are.


I haven't done anything yet.

For trying,
and don't say I didn't warn you.

Administering sedative.

Nothing's happening here.

He's not dreaming yet.

Oh, boy.

Nice whale.

Nice whale, you're my friend.
You don't want to eat me.

Give up.

You'll never make it.

- You're too weak.
- Oh, thank you.

Thanks for the encouragement.
Way to help out.

Why would I want to help you?

- Because I thought you...
- That's not me, Rodney.

Don't listen to him.

You're pathetic.
You might as well jump in.

Don't be afraid.

Oh, God, I have to get back.

I have to get back. It's my only chance.

You're going to die out here.

Shut up! Don't listen to him, Rodney.

That's easy for you to say!
Why don't you help me row?

You know,

this really isn't as strange
as you lead me to believe.

Oh, yeah? What about that?

I hate clowns.

You can paddle all you want.
You're not going anywhere.

He's right! I'm going to die out here!

He wants you to be afraid.
Don't give him what he wants!

He can't really hurt you.

That's where you're wrong.

- What happened?
- Clear.

He's in cardiac arrest.

I'm sorry.

I've done all I can.

He's dead.

This is all your fault, John.

If you hadn't touched that stupid rock,
McKay would still be alive right now.

I thought you were going to help him.

I tried.

Some friend you are.

Colonel, you've been compromised.
I'm relieving you of duty.

Son of a bitch.

It's okay. It's okay.

- Just try to relax.
- What's going on?

You were in cardiac arrest.

The entity...

It's in colonel Sheppard.

You can quit now.

I'm not afraid of you.

Oh, yes, you are.

I'm the one thing you are afraid of.

You failed your friends.

You brought this on them
and there is nothing you can do

to stop it!

His heart rate is dangerously high.

Can you wake him up?

I could try, but in his physical state,
that could make things worse.

Yes, and the entity
would still be in him.

Hook me up to him again.

Get up.

Come on, John.



That's what you want.

It's your fault Heightmeyer's dead.

Your fault McKay is dead!

I'm not dead.

You can't win.

Yes, we can.
You're vulnerable to electric shock.

That's why I'm still alive. You left
before you could finish the job!

What the hell was that?

Which one are you?


Good you or bad you?

Me, me.

Is that...

You, you?

I think so.


Okay, this is really weird.

You're telling me.

I thought there'd be more... hot girls.



I have an idea.

How about we get out of here?

Sounds like a plan.

Couldn't sleep.

Yeah, me too.

Thought I'd have
a little snack before I...

Yeah, we couldn't sleep either.