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04x01 - Adrift

Posted: 01/18/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
Colonel Ellis, you made excellent time
on your first voyage here.

The Replicators
know the location of Earth,

and with these new ships,
have the means to get there.

So, you're going to blow up their ships.

Oberoth... We had no
choice but to attack you.

You were building warships,
they needed to be neutralized.

And now so do you.

No matter where we try
to hide on this planet,

the replicator satellite
will be able to track us.

We submerge the City,

the water attenuates,
the satellite's beam intensity

- buys us some more shield time.
- The water has no effect?

It's having an affect, but
not what we want it to.

You want to bring an asteroid
towards us? Is that wise?

Atlantis is leaving this planet.

- We're not flying high enough.
- We don't have enough power.

Lower the shield.

The hyperdrive just shut down.

We are lost.

We dropped outta
hyperspace way too soon.

I have no idea where we are.

She's unresponsive and her pupils
are sluggish. I need you to prep the OR

and have the scanner ready
when we get there.

We're on it. The scanner
is moving into position.

She's crashing.

Let's go, guys. I don't
want to do this in the hall.

Here we go, here we go.

You got City-wide sensors back on-line?

Hopefully, yeah.
Slowly booting up right now.

- Can we contact the Apollo?
- Not yet, no.

- Why not?
- The sub-space communications are down.

Don't worry,
I've got Chuck working on it.

Well, maybe you should be working on it.

I've got bigger fish to fry.

What could be more important
than contacting the Apollo?

This can't be right.

What's wrong?

We're losing massive amounts of power.

Just pull it out.

- I can't do that.
- Why not?

We have to wait to get you under the
scanner, make sure pulling it out's not

- gonna cause even more damage.
- Pull... it... out.

Yeah, yeah, I get it,
you're a tough guy.

If you want to pull it out, go ahead,
but I'm not gonna... are you crazy?

On three, ready? One, two, three.



I don't think the problem
is on this end.

I don't care where the problem is,
I want to know what the problem is.

It's in the conduits.

It looks like...

Several main conduits
were affected by the beam.

- All right, that means we'll need to--
- Yes-yes-yes. You should get the--

I will, as soon as
I've shut down all the--

Yes, yes, yes, I will do the same thing.

Wait, wait, wait, what's going on here?

Every second I waste,
we're draining more power.

Just trust me,
we're doing the right thing.

No change.

Let's start her on Manitol, 200 cc's IV.

Tell me what's going on.

Long story short, there are a bunch of
systems on right now don't need to be

and given our current situation they're
draining the life out of the City.

- Can you not just shut them off?
- Yeah, just wait...

Maybe, yeah.

Come on...

Come on...

- Time?
- She's been flat for almost 2 minutes.

Come on, we need you here, Elizabeth.

She's going back into v-fib.
Let's hit her again.


There we go.

There we go. Let's start the scan.

Dr. Keller?

That's not good.

Her brain is swelling quite seriously.

- Would explain the sluggish pupils.
- Yeah, among other things.

Give her Nimodipine,
30 milligrams q 4 h,

and keep an eye on her blood pressure.

Nothing. The control grid's
all out of whack.

I can't shut the systems down from here.
We're bleeding out.

- We shut down the systems manually.
- I don't think we have the time.

You would rather not try?

Okay, you're right, you're right.

Zelenka, we need to deploy some teams.

She's not responding.

We're losing her.

I'm sending some of my men
with your guys in case they need help.

Their ETA is under 5 minutes.
Does that give us enough time?

I don't know, what little power
we had left is almost gone.

We'll be lucky if we make it
through the night.

Timing by

Golgi, Linwelin, Malikay and Ricana

Proofreading by

Golgi and Linwelin.

- Listen.
- What?

You've been making a lot of decisions
without consulting me.

I'm sorry, we're a little under
the g*n here. Things move fast.

I understand that, but with Elizabeth...

incapacitated. I hate to say it, but...

- You're in charge. I know, I'm sorry.
- Just keep me in the loop.


- Okay, I'll give you the Coles notes.
- The what?

The Cliff notes?

- Why didn't you just say that?
- Look, never mind. Look.

as we were leaving Lantia we got grazed
by the replicator's satellite beam.

It impacted the side of the tower,
and from what we can tell,

it wreaked havoc
on a number of power conduits.

So? Re-route the power then.

Yeah, it's not so easy.

Look, the ZPM room
is at the base of the tower,

which means the conduits in and around
where the beam hit are primary conduits,

they can't be routed around.

- So parts of the City don't have power?
- No, no. The conduits weren't severed,

they were damaged. Look,
it's complicated, but imagine them as...

- Leaky pipes, okay?
- Okay.

You pump water through them, they leak.

You dumb this down any more,
you're going to get hit.


Look, the City realizes
that, for whatever reason,

power's not making it
to the outer piers,

so, instead of repairing the leaks,

which it can't do,
it increases the ZPM's output

so that even though the pipes
are leaky and we lose power,

enough energy makes it
to the end of the line.

- And that's bad?
- No, that's good.

Well, otherwise, we'd lose the shields.
We'd lose atmosphere. we'd all be dead.

There are a number
of systems on right now

that don't need to be,
and they're screaming for power.

We're gonna lose juice, potentially
fatal, no matter what we do,

but if we can get those
nonessential systems shut down,

then the ZPM will need to pump
less power through the leaky pipes,

and we'll be able to put off
imminent death for another hour or so.

So, then where are we at?

Well, the teams are making good time.

We've got about 60% of the nonessential
systems shut down, so--

What? What's happening?

The City's outer buildings
are decompressing

and shutting down
their artificial gravity.

Why would the City do such a thing?

It'll collapse the shield.
It's trying to save power.

We've got guys out there.

Matthews, fall back
to the tower immediately.

I don't think we're done, Sir.

The City's shield's collapsing. Move.

You heard the man. Go, go!

They're not going to make it.

- Stop it. Stop it from doing this.
- The City doesn't think it can maintain

the shield unless we make it smaller.

If we delay its collapse,
it could fail completely.

I don't care. Override it.

It's not letting me.

We're almost there.

We're losing those guys!

You think I don't realize that?

The gravity just shut down!

Tell the other teams to hurry.

I don't want them out there
any longer than they need to be.

Hey, are you getting the same
data rate inconsistencies

off these flash drives?


Oh, sorry.

Oh, boy.

- It's this damn weightlessness.
- Maybe you should gate back to Earth.

I can get somebody else
to help me bring the station on-line.

No. I'll be fine, as soon as I can...

figure out
how to get the gravity back on.

What were you saying
about the flash drives?

Yeah, it's just that every time
I update the software, the drives--

the Pegasus Gate just activated.

This is colonel Abe Ellis,
commander of the Apollo.

Midway Station, please respond.

Colonel Ellis, this is
colonel Samantha Carter.

I am on the Midway Station.

How did the mission go?

As far as we can tell,

Atlantis successfully evaded
the replicator's beam

and was able to enter hyperspace.

From what you can tell?

Well, they're not at
the predetermined rendezvous point.


They should have beaten you there.

Actually, hey, how are you dialing us?

M12-578 doesn't have a Gate.
It's off the grid.

I jumped to the nearest Gate
to see if they've checked in with you.

Well, I'm sorry to say
that they haven't.

That's probably not good.

No, probably not.

I'll head back, dial you again
in an hour, sooner if I hear from them.

- Sounds good.
- Apollo out.

Hey, you should be in bed.

- How's she doing?
- Her brain... is... swelling,


more than her head can handle.

If it doesn't stop, they're gonna have
to perform a decompressive craniectomy.

Basically, they cut out
a piece of her skull,

and the brain is allowed to...

expand outside of her head.

Any word on how she's doing?

She's still in the OR. No real news yet.

Listen, I think we should collapse
the shield right to the tower.

That will leave us
completely exposed to space.

Yes, it will, but our power is spread
so thin right now,

I don't have any extra juice
to come up with the solutions

to the 100 or so problems that could
lead to our premature demise today.

Check with Zelenka. Make sure all
the science teams are accounted for.

Already done, we're ready.

All right.

- Do what you need to do.
- Okay, here we go.

The calcium channel blockers
aren't having much effect.

- What's her intracranial pressure?
- 35.

I can't let her get to 40.


Let's prep for a decompressive

Pressure down to 29.

Hopefully, we'll get it under 25.


All right, two bits of good news.

One, I've been able
to calculate our exact location.

- Does that mean we can use the Gate?
- Sadly, no.

To activate the Gate,
we require that we stay

within a fairly small area of space.

We're moving too fast to use it.

Can we use the sub-lights to slow down?

It would be great if they were working,
but sub-light and navigation are out.

You decided to put this
in the good news category?

Well, at least we're not
lost anymore, right?

Number two, there is nothing wrong
with our hyperdrives.

Then why did we fall out of hyperspace

The damaged power conduits.

We had plenty of gas in the t*nk,
so to speak,

can't get it to the engine. Stalled out.

So if we repair the conduits,
can we jump back into hyperspace?

That's the idea. We wouldn't be able
to repair them completely, not without

landing and shutting down and such,
but we can definitely patch them up.

Look, Zelenka and his team are working
as fast as they possibly can,

but we're still leaking a lot of power.

- Even with all our reductions?
- I'm afraid so, yes.


this is the minimum amount of power

the City requires to execute
a jump into hyperspace.

If we don't fix the power conduits
inside of an hour,

we'll drop below that level.

After that, we're stuck.

We'll have maybe 30 hours
before the shields fail,

and we all die in the vacuum of space.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

They got all the glass out.

- Good.
- You need me somewhere?

Right here getting better.

All right, well, I'm good to go.


She okay?

She's alive, but...

she's in bad shape.

She's got six broken ribs,

one of which punctured a lung.

Amazingly, she doesn't have
any spinal damage, but...

her head got knocked around pretty good.

She's suffering from cerebral oedema,

which may have caused
substantial brain damage.

What does all that mean?

Well, it's too early
to know for sure, but...

If she survives,

and I got to stress the "if"...

She'll never be
the same Elizabeth again.

I'm sorry.

I've got to get some things
and get back in there.

We're understaffed.
Most of our team's on the Apollo.

- How's it going on this end?
- Actually, you know, remarkably well.

- Really?
- Yes, yes, yes.

Cannibalizing parts and crystals
from secondary conduits

and interfacing them
with the primary ones is...

Is going very smoothly.
Yes, if we keep our current pace,

we should be done
well before we drop below

the necessary power requirements to jump
into hyperspace and meet the Apollo.

Well, that's fantastic.

Yes. Yeah, I thought you'd be happy.

Happy? There's actually a chance we
might make it through this thing. I'm

- ecstatic. I'm gonna do a little--
- Colonel Sheppard, Dr. Mckay,

please report
to the control room immediately!

That lasted what, like, a second?

You're going to want to look at this.

- What is that?
- An asteroid belt?

Are the sub-lights still off-line?


We're gonna need to expand the shields.

We don't have enough power.

How long till we get there,
how long till we get through it?

About 10 minutes until we get there.

After that,
maybe 2 minutes to get through.

2 minutes to get through
an asteroid field?

We're not passing all the way through.
We're just going to skim the edge.

- You can't gimme 2 minutes of shields?
- Don't take it personaly.

I'd like them up as much as you would,
but we can't afford the power.

Zelenka needs 45 minutes to complete
the repairs to the power conduits.

If we raise the shields
even for one minute,

it'll eat up all his time.
We can't do it.

How big are they?

We're in the middle
of a pretty big solar system right now,

and the asteroid belt's probably made up
of remnants of early failed planets, so,

you know...

Building-size and larger.

I could get in the Chair, fire drones,
and clear a path to travel through.

Good idea, but the Chair room's
outside of the shield right now,

and we'd never get to it.
Look we could...

No, that's not going to work.
We could...

How many people on the base
have the ancient gene?

20 or so. Look, no, no.
No, no, no, that is a bad idea--

- You have a better idea?
- Yes.

I can. I just-- I need some time.
If you...

Contact everyone on the base
who has the ancient gene,

tell them to meet me
up at the jumper bay.

Well, do it.

Which means we can't raise the shields
because we don't have enough power.

If we don't clear a path for the City,

it'll get ripped apart. So,

we're going to take
every last jumper we have,

and we're going to clear a path
through the belt

by firing our drones.

Excuse me. I've really only flown
a jumper twice,

and I've never actually fired
a live drone,

- so--
- You've done it in simulations, right?

- Well, yeah, but--
- It's basically the same thing.

If McKay can do it, you can do it.

- Yes, about that, actually, I--
- Look,

I know it's dangerous.

I know a lot of you haven't logged a lot
of hours in these things, but right now,

it's the only viable option
we have, or...

Or die.

Let's get moving.

All right, I've loaded
a flight formation for all of you.

Stay in your designated positions,
take out anything that's in your path.

You've got a full load of drones,
so a*mo shouldn't be a problem.

Looks like the old video game,

Whatever works for you.

I was terrible at Asteroids.

I think I actually scored zero once.

Then there's only
one way to go, and that's up.

All right, everyone.

Let's go.

Open the jumper bay doors.

Come on, guys, stay in formation.

We can't afford any gaps.

Yeah, there you go. See?

Not so hard.

Jumpers, you should be in range

in three...


- One.
- Fire at will.

Nice sh**ting, people.

Too many of them coming in too fast.
We're not going to get them all.

Double up, fire four a-piece.

I can't control four drones
at the same time.

Just concentrate.

- Dammit!
- Don't worry about it.

You were right. We can't get everything
on the first pass.

Have they destroyed enough asteroids
to clear a path?

We're about to find out.

- Well, now what?
- Well, on my mark,

you, Bolton, and Levine are gonna break
formation and head back to the City.

Take out anything that we missed.

Oh, that sounds important.
maybe someone else should--


- You've a big one on your left.
- I see it.

Impact in 10 seconds.

What was that?

Smaller pieces getting through.

Some of them evidently not so small.

Right now damage is confined
to the outer edge of the City.

Let's hope it stays that way.

All right, we're through.

Now we're gonna double back,
pick up any stragglers.

That's it.

We made it.

I can't believe that actually worked.
That was amazing.

You did good.

Zelenka and his team should
have the conduits repaired now, so...

- Think we're finally out of the woods.
- Colonel Sheppard, Dr. Mckay,

please report
to the control room immediately.

Come on!

What the hell happened?

- The hyperdrive is offline.
- I thought it was good to go.

It was, but a few large pieces
of rock impacted the City,

and one control array was damaged.

- We can't jump until we fix it.
- I told you I was no good at Asteroids.

The damaged conduits
are on the outer edge of the City,

which, sadly, is outside
of the protection of the shield.

We can use the transporters
to get us very close,

but it will still require a space walk.

- That shouldn't be too bad.
- It'll be a breeze,

with the exception
of the micro-asteroids.

- The what?
- We just came through an asteroid belt.

The big stuff's behind us,
but there's a bunch of

little b*llet-sized rocks out there.

Tiny rock b*ll*ts. Great.

- I'm sure you'll be fine.
- Then why aren't you going?

You've worked out
the details of the repair.

It will be a waste of time
getting me up to speed.

Speaking of time, how much do we have?

Well, once you're suited up...
15 minutes?

That's it?

Hey, if the patch-job
we did on the conduits

hadn't slowed down the power loss,

we'd have hit the deadline already.

You can do this.


Mckay! I've been trying to reach you.

Well, trying to save the City
and whatnot. Look, how's Elizabeth?

I want to talk to you. She's really bad.
In fact, she's so far gone,

I don't think there's anything
we can do to heal her.

Oh, my God. Are you sure?

I've exhausted every medical
possibility, and none of it's worked.

- She... She's going to die?
- Well, I do

have one more idea,
but I need your help.

Me? What do you need me for?

See those?

What are they?

Remember when Dr. Weir
was att*cked by that Replicator,

- and he infected her--
- Nanites.

Carson was able to render them inert
using an electro-magnetic pulse.

But they're still in her system.

You're a genius.

Well, you know,
trying to save a life and whatnot.

You wanna what?

Reactivate Weir's nanites.

That is a terrible,

terrible idea.

What? I'd reprogram them.

- No.
- John, we are losing her here.

Keller's team has done everything.

If I can reprogram the nanites
to help repair her body

- without triying to take over her br--
- That's a big "if", isn't it?

I'm fairly confident I can reprogram
them to do only what we want.

"Fairly confident"?

What if they come back online

and start communicating
with the other Replicators?

The last thing we need right now
is a bunch of robot warships showing up.

Are you listening?
Look, I said I can reprogram them

to be completely harmless.

I am not having this conversation
until you're sure.

I want to save Elizabeth
as much as anyone,

but she wouldn't want us
risking the City, not even for her.

That was the right call, by the way.

Yeah, let's hope so.

Any word from the Apollo?

No, not yet.

What you working on?

I'm actually trying to figure out a way
to find or contact Atlantis.

Well... They've obviously
veered off course, right?

Like, when was the last time
Atlantis' hyperdrives were used?

Like, a million years ago?

Who knows what that kind
of inactivity could have done to them.

I think it's more likely that they
jumped out of hyperspace too soon.

They were only flying with one ZPM.

Maybe McKay under-estimated
the power requirements.


Either way, I know how to find them.

- Really?
- Yeah,

we do an AGB, an all gates bulletin.

It's like an all points bulletin,
only with Stargates.

- Oh, come on.
- No, no, really.

We'll create a program, we'll dial all
the Gates in the Pegasus Galaxy at once,

and try to establish
radio contact with Atlantis.

But the Atlantis Gate is off the grid.

Right, but if they're close
to another Gate--

Then they would have
contacted us by now.


So... what have you come up with then?

- Well, nothing yet, but--
- Well, at least I am trying.

I'm generating ideas here. I just...


I'm actually surprised.

The damage in this area
seems to be quite minimal.

I beg to differ.

Oh, my...

Let me guess...

The array is over there.

I'm afraid so.


What the hell was that?



All right.

Looks like we're going to have to jump.

- But I can't jump 100 feet.
- We're in space, remember?

It's not that far a distance.

Look, I'm gonna hook you up
with this tether.


Then I'm gonna demagnetize your boots.

- Then I'm gonna throw you.
- Wait, what?

Then I'm gonna demag my boots

before the tether catches.

Your inertia should pull both of us
over the hole and onto the hallway.

- It'll be a cinch.
- But what if you miss?

You're just gonna have to trust me, Doc.

Trust me as far
as I can throw you, actually.

- Very funny.
- All right, let's do this.

That was... was unbelievable.

Let's get to work.

All right.

How's it going?


Have you found a way
to reactivate the nanites safely?

Short story, yes. Long story, no.

- What?
- I'm 100% certain

that I can reactivate the nanites
and have them help

put Elizabeth back together.

- Okay...
- The problem is, that they would do it

by replacing her damaged cells
with replicated nanites,

which mean the moment
I tell them to turn inert again--

those cells would stop functioning,
and she'd die.


Good news, I've been able to
program in a way they wouldn't harm her,

I'm sure of that.

Plus, I've shut down their ability
to contact the Replicators via subspace,

so both she and we would be safe,


she'd be part Replicator
for the rest of her life.

Yeah, Sheppard's not gonna go for that.

There's a slight possibility
I might be able

to make them help repair
her organic cells,

and then shut down
when they're done, but...

I'm gonna need more time.

Okay, well, I'll leave you to it then.
Good luck.


I'm sorry.
It's taking longer than I expected.

These gloves are making the work
so much slower.

Don't worry about it.

We've still got four minutes
before the energy dips too low

- and we can't make the jump.
- So, no pressure then.

Listen, they...

They say you can't hear me,

but I just... I just wanted to...

I just wanted to thank you.

Thanks for letting me...

stay here a couple of years ago.

Because I don't know
if I would still be...

Thank you, Dr. Weir.

- What did I do?
- Nothing, it wasn't you,

but you need to leave.

Hang another bag of Manitol.

You've been hit by a micro-asteroid.
Does it hurt?

- It doesn't.
- You're in shock.

- There's a hole in my suit.
- It's okay.

I've dialed up controls to create
positive pressure. I'm calling a Jumper.

- I've got to get you to the OR.
- We can't leave yet.

- I have to finish the repairs.
- Tell me what to do.

It's too complicated.

I'm almost finished.

Please, help me turn around.

- Dr. Mckay?
- What is it, Keller?

Elizabeth is crashing. If we're gonna do
this thing, we need to do it now.

- I need more time.
- We don't have more time.

I can't keep her blood pressure up,

and if her ICP continues to climb,
there's no bringing her back.

Okay, I'm transferring
the program to you now.

I'm on my way.

You know, the easiest thing to do if
they did fall out of hyperspace early

is to fly back over the path
between M12-578 and Atlantis.

Well, that'd take over a million years.
That's why we have hyperspace.

We could use the Apollo's
long-range sensors.

Those long-range sensors,
they don't work in hyperspace.

But we could
make a little jump, look around,

make another little jump,
look around... until we find them.

Yeah, that's good.

So using those sensors,

and conservatively,

we'd have to make...

180,000 little jumps.

It'd take a few years.

Unless they seriously augment
the long-range sensors.

Oh, who's going to do that?

It's not like they have
an Asgard on board.

Feel like taking a little trip
to the Pegasus Galaxy?

Just some final adjustments.

You're doing a great job, Radek.
I've called a Jumper.


I'm done.

Control room, this is Sheppard.

As soon as we get inside the shield,
activate the hyperspace jump.

- I'm sorry, John, but we can't.
- Why not?

- Zelenka just finished repairs.
- Yes, I know,

but we've just dropped below the line.

We don't have enough power.

- Is he going to be okay?
- I think so.

- It didn't hit any major arteries.
- Lucky.

I wouldn't say that. He's still
stuck here just like the rest of us.

So it's true.

Finally fixed the hyperdrive,

now we don't have enough juice
to go anywhere.

We've only got 28 hours
before the shields fail.

- So, what's the plan?
- I don't know, I got to find McKay.

- He's in there.
- What?


I heard we didn't get the array
fixed in time.

- What were you doing in there?
- Look,

she was dying, okay?

Look, her heart was weak,
her nervous system was fried.

What did you do?

- I reactivated the nanites.
- Damn it, McKay!

Look, you were busy!
It was life or death. If I didn't act--

Yes, she would have died, I know!

I know what you're thinking, but helping
Elizabeth is not putting us at risk.

You just reactivated
the replicator nanites.

They're harmless.

I am 100% certain they're not gonna try
to take her over, or contact the others!

No, no, you can't know that for sure.

Yes. Yes, I can.

Shut it down.

But... That would k*ll her.

What would she want?
Do you think she'd want this?

Yes. She'd sure as hell
do the same for you.

Then you obviously didn't know her well.

Maybe not, but you know what,
give it time, you can ask her herself--


It's too dangerous.
Shut it down right now.

No. No, I'm not going to.


Bring an EMP generator to the OR.

Would you please just listen to me?

Dr. Keller!

What's going on?

The quarantine is unnecessary.

Well, you'll excuse me if I wait
for a second opinion.

Okay, this is stupid.

- What is?
- Us fighting.

Look, I know you're not happy with me,
and you may have some cause.

Anyway, it's not gonna matter
if we don't figure a way outta this.

Look, we have to work together, so...

So, so I'm... I'm sorry.

Apology accepted.

All right.

- Well, someone should talk to her.
- Well, Teyla's in there.

All right.

They shouldn't have done this.

None of us wanted to lose you,

And what happens if the nanites are
able to contact the other Replicators?

Rodney does not believe
that is possible.

No, it's reckless.

In my opinion...

It is well worth the risk.

You have no idea
what I went through the last time.

Believe me...

This is a very bad idea.

What the hell are you doing up here?

Well, there's not much point sitting in
the infirmary waiting to die, is there?

All right, where do we stand?

We can forget about
subspace communications.

The main control array was
almost completely damaged by the beam.

I do, however, have another idea.

Let's hear it.

The reason why we cannot use
the power we have left

to execute a short jump into hyperspace
is that the City will not let us.

It's a safety protocol,
but I might be able to bypass it.

What does that give us?

Not much.

We wouldn't be able
to get to the Apollo,

or be able to get
to the nearest Stargate, but

we might be able to find
a habitable planet within range.

I have my team running
sensor sweeps now.

He's conveniently leaving out
the reason why

those safety protocols
are in place in the first place.

Yes, with insufficient power, there is
a chance that the City could be ripped

apart as we try
to enter the hyperspace window.

What kind of chance?


Well, I got to tell you, Radek,
I'm not loving that idea.

Experimental Jumper.

Remember I was zapped
by a machine a few months ago, I got...

Well, even smarter than I normally am?

The one that almost k*lled you? Yeah.

Before I was reset, I was very close

to giving one of our Jumpers
a hyperdrive.

- Can you finish it?
- Yeah.

Yes, I probably can.

All right, great. We'll make a jump
to the Apollo, tell them where we are.

- No.
- Why no?

Jumper's hyperdrive'd be limited.
We wouldn't be able to jump that far.

How far then?

What do you think, like, two?

Yeah. Two and change maybe?

Conservatively, maybe 2000 light years.

This is a list of addresses
that are within range.

Right, we'll make trips and
ferry the crew to one of the planets.

Again, no.

- Why not?
- Well, the drive's never been tested.

Yeah, we'd be lucky if we get two jumps.

We'll make a return trip somewhere.

Yeah, ideally, somewhere
with a few ZPMs to spare.

We come back,
we get Atlantis fully powered.

Yeah, that'd be great.


What's that?


There's a planet out there with ZPMs?


Yeah, we know they have a few ZPMs.

And who would that be?


That would be the Replicator homeworld.

You feel up to a heist?