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02x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 01/18/23 08:35
by bunniefuu
You have no idea what I've done for you.

I was the one who spread the plague.

- How did you get that EU summit job?
- Boris died.

The side effects of the intolerance drug
could have ruined us.

I dealt with that, too.

I want everyone to respect you.
The way I love you, Viktoria.

My finale will make you immortal.

You're going to save Europe.
It's in motion.


- Does that mean we're done?
- Oliver confessed the whole thing.

There's a connection between him
and Copenhagen IT. So yeah, we're done.

Great working with you. I read
the report on your sister's death.


- Saga...
- Don't!

- I can't just pick up where we left off.
- What do you mean?

I don't love you anymore.

What part of "get some sleep"
didn't you get?

Julian and Ramon were in lye.
We weren't meant to find them - why?

- Help me find something.
- What am I looking for?

These are the times
Mikkel Höst used his access card.

This is the emergency call
from when Laura Möllberg was shot.

We know Oliver shot Laura Möllberg,
so he couldn't have been at Medisonus.

We're not done. There must be
at least another person involved.

I'm sorry you and Mette didn't work out.

- But it's got nothing to do with Jens.
- It started when he entered the picture.

Move on, straighten out
your relationships.

I don't have any relationships, Lillian.
He's taken everything away from me.

What do we do? Can we help you?

I can handle this one myself, Lillian.

Hans. I found more evidence
there's more than one person involved.

The night the kids were gassed. We know
when Linus Svensson called his brother,

and what time we found the dead kids.

At some point during that time span,
Mikkel Höst used his card.

We don't know when the kids died,

but it's unlikely that Oliver
would make it to Medisonus.

- Good. Is Martin on his way?
- Did you call him?

- No...
- Then he's probably not on his way.

- I thought you'd call him.
- No. That's your job.

- Did something happen with you guys?
- Yes.

OK. But I can still call him?

Yes. He's good police.

I'll be there right away.

- Martin?
- You spoke to Hans?

Yes, I know you're going to Malmö.
This'll take two minutes.

That didn't stay solved for very long.

We always thought there'd be
more than one guy behind this.

- You OK?
- Yes, yes...

- You look a little spent.
- I'm back at the hotel.

Things didn't pan out with me and Mette.

I'm sorry to hear that. Let me know
if there's anything I can do for you.

- Welcome back.
- Thanks. What did you find?

- What didn't we find? Mikkel Höst...
- Is Oliver ruled out?

He couldn't have used the card
at the times it was used.

- Where do we start?
- Let me show you.

Saga, I need to talk to you.

Let me talk to you. You have to
let me talk to you and explain.


Not here. Come.

I should have left
your sister alone. Sorry.

Yes, you should have.

Nikolaj, Mette, and I lived with this
for a few weeks. You grew up with it.

You grew up seeing your sister
living like that. Then you lost her.

I mean... You should talk about
these things with someone - a friend.

- So you think I should talk to you?
- Yes.

Jennifer... moved in with me
because our parents lost custody of her.

Because your mother was sick.

I committed a crime...

...and then pinned it on our parents.

- You committed a crime?
- I had to get Jennifer out.

Your mother was sick,
hurting her. Wasn't that enough?

Münchausen by proxy is unusual. I wasn't
very credible, so I committed a crime.

But you got her out. And saved her.

- She k*lled herself.
- But that's not your fault.

You see, all of this... This friendship,
that's what I don't want to lose.

I understand your motivation.

Although I disapprove of what you did,
you don't mean any harm.

We've got nothing on Mikkel Höst.
But there are connections to Medisonus.

Only one person can get a card
and knows the CCTV system.

Gertrud? Oliver's wife?

Then why would she k*ll him?

She was furious, humiliated...
He was in love with his sister.

So why not let Oliver k*ll her,
get rid of the competition?

We can't rule out Gertrud.
She has the access and knowledge.

What about Viktoria? She's the CEO,
has access, knowledge...

She was surprised
at Oliver's confession.

- Maybe she was acting?
- She didn't know she was being filmed.

Who else would benefit
from Viktoria's and Medisonus' success?

What do we know about Gertrud?

Gertrud Kofoed, born 1968.

Physician and MD
at University of Southern Denmark.

Head of research
at Limmel in the early 90s,

then at Boehringer-lngelheim
in the US, where she met Oliver.

Moved back to Denmark in 2002,
and has been at Medisonus since 2004.

- Does she own stock in Medisonus?
- No.

But she was married to Oliver,
so indirectly, yeah.

- What do we do?
- Look into them before we pick them up.

The fewer who know the case
is open again, the better.

- Are you deaf or something?
- I just wanted to congratulate you.

- Thanks. Bye.
- You opened up the case again?

Seriously, what the hell...
Get out. Get out of here.

John, go through the file on Medisonus.
Start with staff lists.

- Already done.
- Do it over.

Try to find a connection to Oliver.
Pernille, focus on Gertrud and Viktoria.

Get rid of the bit about
fossil fuels being unsustainable.

OK. What did you have in mind?

Something that won't insult
the intelligence of the audience.

And I don't want to spend
15 minutes on Agenda 21.

- Suggestions?
- No. You're the speechwriter.

- Get it to me by lunch.
- Sure, no problem.


- Want some breakfast?
- No, thank you.

We need to run damage control
on this thing with Oliver.

But he wasn't involved with Medisonus.
He just owned some stock.

PR should keep that
out of the papers, too.

- What should they write?
- Unpleasant things.

Steer clear of the company
and focus on the personal.

The cameras, the filming...
the incestuous, sexual obsession.

I'm going to distance myself from him.
I won't even attend his funeral.

It's going to get dirty.
I think you should go away for a while.


- Sure you don't want some breakfast?
- Yes. I'm going to work.

- Can you get me some more sh*ts?
- Yes, of course.

- The speech is at 3 p.m.
- I know.

I'll be back well before then.

- Pernille.
- Hi, this is Rasmus.

Did we check the Bodil Dahl
and Oliver connection?

- I can't help you.
- How well did they know each other?

- Bye, Rasmus.
- But...

Rasmus called. I think he's
conducting his own investigation.

- Talk to Hans about that.
- About what?

Rasmus may be investigating on his own.
He called about Bodil and Oliver.

g*dd*mn it...

Saga Norén, Malmö County Police.
Yes? I'll be there right away.

The medical examiner found something
in the bodies found in lye. Coming?

No, that's your thing.
I'll go down with you.

Mette doesn't want to live
with me anymore.

- Why not?
- Because of what happened to August.

And I couldn't live at home for a year.
It was all too much.

- She doesn't love me anymore.
- She said so?

Isn't it strange?
After ten years and five kids,

I don't notice
that she stopped loving me.

Yes, it's strange. Especially since you
have some prior experience with divorce.

- It's Jens's fault.
- I thought you were done with him.

No, he's back. In here.

Rasmus Larsson, Malmö Police.
You got a few minutes?

I'm actually running late
for my next meeting. What's it about?

It's about some text messages
in relation to Claus Damgaard's death.

- Yes?
- Were you with Oliver that night?

Yes. We discussed a book
I was going to write about Viktoria.

OK... Did Oliver know Claus?

- No, I don't think so.
- So how did he get his number?

- You gave it to him?
- No, why would I?

I don't know. I'm asking you.

I know why the bodies were found in lye.

- They tried to hide something?
- No. Destroy something.

I had two virologists
come in and confirm it.

Neither one of them
has ever seen anything like it.

What am I looking at?

Traces of an extremely contagious virus.

My colleagues found that the virus
permeates the cell membrane,

and gets into the red blood cells,

where it reacts with
the hemoglobin and mutates.

In its new form,
it att*cks the cytoskeleton.

- That causes the cell to grow.
- Then what?

The inner organs are affected,
triggering a rapidly accelerating cough.

In itself it's harmless,
but then you start bleeding.

First out of your orifices:
Ears, nose, mouth.

But eventually you die
from internal bleeding.

That's how Julian and Ramon died?

Yes. They both had
the mutated cells in their blood.

And here's the beauty - or the horror,
depending on who you are.

Ramon and Julian
were biological weapons.

Before the virus mutates,
it's neither dangerous nor contagious.

The host body isn't affected at all.

- When does it become contagious?
- As soon as you start bleeding.

The new cells form an aerosol
in contact with the air.

The virus is airborne immediately.

- It's deadly?
- Extremely. 100 percent mortality rate.

- Who could do something like this?
- A specialist in cellular medicine.

Someone with access to a top-notch lab.

A head of research
at a pharmaceutical company?

That fits the bill.

Hi. Rasmus Larsson, Malmö Police.
I'm looking for a Gertrud Kofoed.

- Is she expecting you?
- No, she's not.

There she is now.
You have a visitor. Swedish police.

Hello. Could you call me a cab?
I need to get into town ASAP.

It's impossible, everyone's coming in
from the airport for the EU summit.

- But I'll give it a try.
- I can take you. We'll talk on the way.

Sure. All right.

- Rasmus Larsson.
- Gertrud Kofoed.

I'm not sure I want to know
what else Oliver did.

Right now we're looking
into his associations.

Do you know a Bodil Dahl?

She is, or was,
a friend of my husband's.

- Why do you ask?
- What can you tell me about her?

Not much. I actually tried
to avoid her as much as possible.

Why was that?

There was something...
calculating about her.

I don't know...
Oliver could be quite fond of her.

I bet he could.

I got the feeling it was mutual.

There's her research,
but little about her.

- And no record?
- Never hurt a fly.

- Huh?
- Nothing.

Lillian says Gertrud isn't
at home or at Medisonus.

The receptionist saw her leave
with an unnamed Swedish cop.

- Did she see his car?
- Dunno.

- Find out. Where's Martin?
- He stepped out.

- He knows we think it's Gertrud?
- No, he won't answer his phone.

Martin Rohde here. Leave a message.

- Do you have the sh*ts for me?
- Yes. Sorry, traffic was crazy.

Thank you.

I'll leave the other ones here.

- You look amazing.
- Yes, I really do.

Under the circumstances.

- Should we get going?
- We're not in that big of a hurry.

We might as well get going.
The traffic being what it is and all.

You don't want to keep
the ministers waiting.

Thank you. For all your help.

You've really been there for me.
And I'm not the easiest to be around.

I really appreciate it.

John, get me her family, friends,
vacation home, self storage - all of it!

- Hans! We put out a BOLO?
- All done. Where's Martin?

- We don't know.
- Excuse me.


What the f*ck, Rasmus.

I know. But I know who it is:
Bodil Dahl. I know who helped Oliver!

Are you deaf? Get out!
How come no one knows where she is?

She was Oliver's wife after all,
someone's got to know!

Gertrud? I know where she is.
She's at the Hilton in Copenhagen.

- How do you know?
- Well, I... drove her there.

Saga, Pernille.

- Bye, then.
- Take care.

I'll see you later.

Hi. Gertrud Kofoed. You should have
something for me. Room 1233.

There you go.

Yes, we're going in now.
When do you get here? OK. Bye.

They can't get in without accreditation.
They need to talk to FRIM about that.

Go ahead.

- Where have you been?
- Taking care of something important.

- Find anything out?
- Gertrud and Viktoria have rooms here.

Gertrud's room is empty.
Doubtful if she stayed there.

- In here we found this.
- Viktoria takes morphine sh*ts.

Staff says they were both in here
before Viktoria left.

For the EU climate summit.

She intends for Viktoria
to spread the virus there.

Come in.

Sorry to bother you. All the ministers
are relaxing in the sky bar right now.

If you want to see them
before the meeting.

Yes, maybe I should.

- I can't get Caroline Brandstrup.
- All units know.

- Viktoria can't get near that podium.
- I get Viktoria's voicemail.

- Try her assistant, Dharma.
- She doesn't answer but I'll try again.

- You know anyone here?
- Yes, I've met Gitte... What's her name?

- The Danish Minister of the Environment.
- Gitte Christensen.

Let's see if we can find her.

There she is. Gitte, I thought you'd
want to say hi to Viktoria Nordgren.

Hi. Great seeing you again.

- I'm looking forward to your speech.
- Excuse me.

They need to take that up with FRIM.

Steven? The Spanish interpreter forgot
his accreditation. Can you get him in?

- Caroline Brandstrup.
- Saga Norén, Malmö County Police.

- Is Viktoria Nordgren there?
- Not yet.

- Where's the interpreter?
- C entrance.

- What?
- I was talking to my colleague.

Don't. Listen. Viktoria carries a virus.
She must be quarantined.

- What?
- Can you not hear me? I hear you.

- Yes, I hear you...
- Do as I say. Listen.

Viktoria has a virus.
She must be quarantined.

- How do we do that?
- I don't know, just do it.

And stay away, especially if she
starts bleeding. Yes, bleeding.

And turn off the ventilation.
If she starts bleeding, it's airborne.

Turn off the ventilation system.
Just do it - in the entire building.

Find her, isolate her, turn off
the ventilation, evacuate the building.

I can't just stop the entire meeting.

- What would you do if there was a fire?
- Evacuate...

So pretend there's a fire.
Evacuate the building.

Locate Viktoria. We're on our way.

Dharma? Has Viktoria Nordgren arrived?

- Yes, I took her to the sky bar.
- Come on.

Clear the building.
The ministers first.

We were advised of a threat
we need to take seriously. OK, great.

- You see her?
- No.

Gitte. I left Viktoria with her.

- Gitte, hi. Sorry, just a sec.
- What's going on?

Probably nothing,
but you talked to Viktoria Nordgren?

- Yes.
- You know where she is?

She said she'd go down
to her room to rest up.



- Found her?
- In her room, we think.

- Think?
- She said she would be.

- Is the ventilation off?
- Yes.

So we confine her to her room.

Viktoria Nordgren? Martin Rohde,
Copenhagen Police. Open up.


- She's not in here.
- She must be nearby.

How's the evacuation going?
And the ministers? Good.

- I'll go right.
- OK.

Copenhagen Police, Pernille Lindegaard.
Don't move. Martin, Saga, I found her.

- Where is she?
- Don't move!

We suspect you've been infected
with a deadly virus. It's airborne.

As soon as you start bleeding.

- What the hell are you?
- Stop!

- Pernille, where are you?
- Sorry, you won't get out.

Up against the wall.
Up against the wall!

We're in the restroom,
right by where we split up.

Keep her there, we're on our way.

Turn around. Give me your left hand.

Left hand!

- OK. I'm coming out.
- Wait. What's it like in there?

- What do you mean?
- Are the windows shut?

- What's going on?
- Quiet! There are no windows in here.

- You can't just cuff me...
- Check the vents.

- What's the virus?
- Be quiet, I say!

- But the ventilation is off.
- Check it anyway, and get out ASAP.

- Let me go now!
- You're carrying a deadly virus!

There's nothing we can do.

Pernille, come out ASAP.


Pernille, do you read me?

- What's going on?
- Come out! That's an order.

I'm coming out now.

She's bleeding.

Viktoria started bleeding?

She's bleeding from her mouth.

We'll save Pernille if we get her out
before bleeding starts.

We can't save her.
The air in there is contaminated.

Hurry the f*ck up!

How was I infected?

- Your morphine sh*ts.
- Gertrud?

Can't you uncuff me?

I'm not going to leave.

Please, turn me loose.

- Sit. There's nothing you can do.
- I had to ask her to check the vents.

Yes, you had to.

Me, I'm prepared for this...

Maybe I didn't picture it
happening in a public restroom...

...but I've known
I'm going to die for a while now.

For you, it's completely different.

Viktoria is dead.

Internal bleeding reduces
oxygen uptake, which in turn...

I don't need to know that, Saga.

I just thought you'd want to know
internal bleeding needn't be painful.

Well, it was for Viktoria.

How much time have I got?

You didn't inject it like Viktoria,
so a little longer.

Anything you want to say to anyone?

I don't think my father
thought he'd outlive me.

And no, I've got nothing to say.

I'm scared.


We're positive
I'm not getting out of here?


- Did we find Gertrud?
- Her car was found at Kastrup.

Every goddamned country
has her description. Nothing.

The EU climate summit is over. Many of
the EU environmental ministers are dead.

We were the ones who k*lled them.


Because we cannot wait any longer.
Time is running out.

We can't let politicians sit
in meeting after meeting,

year after year,
without seeing any results.

We know we're headed straight for
an environmental and climate disaster.

And still those with the power
to effect change, do nothing.

No country wants to be the first
to uphold their climate commitments.

They keep putting off
all the important climate issues.

That's why we got rid
of the old politicians.

To give room to new people,
new ministers.

Don't repeat the same old mistakes.
We are watching you.

- I wasn't done.
- We're not going to use it.

Your sister-in-law and a Danish cop
are the only two dead.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

We told you joining up
with Oliver was a bad idea.

We still got something out of it.

Environmental issues were highlighted.

They're all writing about
how he wanted to f*ck his sister.

Before that.

The plague, the kids in the videos,
the poisoned food.

The chemical plant. I made sure
all he did was for the environment.

And he got me test subjects.

What good did it do? You failed.

Police confirmed tonight
that Jens Hansen,

the so-called "Truth t*rror1st,"
has died in prison.

Last year, Jens Hansen committed
heinous crimes in the Öresund region,

and was sentenced to life in prison
on several m*rder counts.

The police did not want to comment
further on the cause of death.

- Hans.
- You heard Jens died?

- Lillian called me an hour ago.
- Do we know how he died?

su1c1de, they think.
Probably some kind of overdose.

- He hasn't been examined yet.
- OK. Thanks.

When you told me you'd read
about Jennifer's su1c1de,

it hurt more than when Jakob left,
and I've analyzed why, and concluded...

...that you're my only friend.

What is it, Saga?

I told you seeing Jens was a bad idea.

I told you that.

Yes. You did tell me that.

Are you sure I did it?

You know I am.

- Oh, you're here?
- Yes. What are you doing?

Writing a memo
to Internal Affairs about Rasmus.

- He's probably writing one about you.
- Yes.

Oliver didn't know
about the EU summit attack.

- Oh?
- That was Gertrud's plan.

That's why she k*lled Oliver.
Gertrud needed Viktoria alive.

That could very well be.

Who did what exactly, we'll hopefully
know once we get Gertrud.

Go home now.

There's one more thing.

I know how Jens died.

Martin, come with us.