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02x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 01/18/23 08:33
by bunniefuu
- They claim it and leave a symbol.
- A pathos-driven eco-terrorism of sorts?

Can you trace Mother Of Three?

Not yet, but they discussed
a "birthday" and a "graduation."

This was delivered just before
the cooling system collapsed.

Romstock started its production
exactly three years ago today.

So the question is,
what's the graduation?

A witness saw a white car parked
near where Damgaard was m*rder*d.

- I want you to do my sister's memoirs.
- How is she?

The doctors give her six months.
Knowing her, that's 18 months.

Rasmus Larsson, Malmö Police.

- Where have you been all day?
- My lunch contained nuts. I'm allergic.

One day you just felt so great
you decided to see your son's m*rder*r?

- He's serving a life sentence!
- He has to know what he did.

- He knows what he did.
- In here! But not in here.

The sh**t was dead ahead of you.
What did he look like?

I saw the sh**t in my dream.
Call the police!

Laura! f*ck!

Niklas Svensson is a lab technician
at Medisonus in Copenhagen.

We specialize in third-world
vaccines and maladies.

Payment for clinical trial.
See where it's from?


Isn't that the one? Dispatch.

...vehicle used
in the Claus Damgaard m*rder.

We're in pursuit.


Wait! Hey, wait!
We need to question her.

- She's unconscious.
- Can you wake her up?

- No...
- Have you tried?

Well, no...

Hey, hey, hey! Easy, now.

We need to question her. Can't you
give her something to wake her up?

No, I'm sorry.

- We didn't see anything.
- No. It all happened so fast.

- OK. They didn't see the driver.
- Nor if it was a man or a woman?

- No.
- How many?

They don't know.
Techs will have a look at the car.

Why didn't he just k*ll her?

He kidnapped Julian Madsen
and Ramon, too.

But first he tried to k*ll her,
and now abduct her.

Shouldn't you be talking
to our head of security?

- Peter didn't call you?
- Should he?

Yes, he found a forged access card.

- Then we'd like to talk to him now.
- Sure...

- Can you get Peter?
- Yes.

We want to ask you
about something else.

- Why is that?
- It's about a clinical trial from 2002.

OK. Stay here and I'll find out.

- Can I borrow that?
- OK.


Do you know the name of the product?

No. But this payment
was made in September 2002.

Payable to Karin Miller.

All right. We have no record
of a clinical trial from that time.

- None at all?
- No.

Because in the summer of 2001...

...we began phase-3 trials for Numloxen,
and that's on the market now.

It wasn't until spring of 2003 that we
started phase-1 trials of Fedlunil.

Lennart Blomgren
was responsible for both.

- Who's he?
- He was head of research before me.

- He retired in 2004.
- Do you have his contact details?

No, sorry. But I bet you won't have
a problem finding them yourselves.

Come with me, please.

Mikkel Höst has used his card
several times in the last few months.

Very often after normal work hours.

- And he was never employed here?
- Never.

- Do you recognize this man?
- No.

No. Sorry.

- You have CCTV?
- Yes. In several places.

So if you can determine
when and where the card was used

you should see the person on camera.

He managed to avoid the cameras.

- So he knew their location?
- Seems so.

Why didn't you call us straight away?

I wanted to rule out corporate espionage
before I called you.

- And have you? Ruled out espionage?
- Not yet, no.

- When did he last use it?
- Two days ago.


We don't use this area anymore.

It stood out to me
seeing the card was used here.

- How do you get an access card?
- Through HR.

Can anyone change the information?

Not without access
to a specific program.

- Who has access to it?
- Me and two colleagues.

- Then we'll need to question you.
- Of course.

What's this been used for?

Animal testing
in a controlled environment.

Mikkel Höst dodges the cameras.

He knows the building,
even the old parts.

He may have been briefed
by Niklas Svensson.

Could Mikkel Höst be
Mother Of Three?

Could be.

Could Mikkel Höst be
the one at Katarina's place?

The neighbor saw him.

I don't know.
This could be anyone.

- Could you describe him?
- I already did.

- Not to us.
- Listen, I didn't see that much.

I heard a noise.

I looked through the peephole
and saw the girl and that man.

She sprayed something in his eyes,
they ran and then I called the police.

- Sprayed something in his eyes?
- I don't know...

It must've been strong.
He was screaming.

- How tall was he?
- He was lying down. Average height?

Any distinctive features,
like a beard or a tattoo?

There's no mention of any spray.
Why didn't you say that?

I did say that.

No, it just says he had dark hair,
jeans, and a blue jacket.

- Black. It was a black jacket.
- No, it says blue here.

- It's wrong. It was a black jacket.
- Are you positive?

Listen, my brain works just fine,
and I'm not color blind.

Right. OK.

It could be Rasmus.
The man in the hallway could be Rasmus.

- Our Rasmus? Why do you think that?
- He has a black jacket.

He was supposed to ID the woman
who had distributed the poisoned goods.

It was Katarina Lövgren. Remember
that day he came back with red eyes?

- Allergies, he said.
- Yes. Hazelnuts.

The little shit...

Reports from Copenhagen
end up on your desk, right?

Did you file Katarina Lövgren's
neighbor's statement?

No. Rasmus took Katarina,
I took Mathilde. Why?

Can you get me
the original report from Copenhagen?

Get it, and email it to me.

- I got Danish for everyone.
- Nice!

- Are we celebrating?
- No, I never celebrate with pastries.

- It's so rare that we're all here.
- Just a tiny piece for me.

All these pastries
with the coffee make you fat.

I know a great diet for that.

You just do this one exercise
10-15 times a day.

- What exercise is that?
- "No, thank you."

That's inaccurate. A diet is
what you eat, not what you don't eat.

- It was a joke, not a debate argument.
- Yes, I got that.

So maybe you should try
cracking a smile?

Martin says it shows when I laugh
at jokes I don't find amusing.

The Danish report says the jacket was
black and he was sprayed in his eyes.

In the Swedish report
that we have on file,

it says the jacket's blue
and nothing about a spray.

You're saying he doctored the report?

Rasmus has a black jacket
and his eyes were red.

And he's not allergic
to hazelnuts, as he claims.

- How do you know?
- Martin brought Danish.

They contained hazelnuts.
Nothing happened.

You gave him pastry with hazelnuts
without warning him?

- Yes.
- Jesus, Saga. He could have died!

- No. He's not allergic.
- You were positive about that?

Had he been allergic,
he would have asked about it.

- Or he was counting on his colleagues...
- Hans. He's not allergic.

He doctored evidence
and tipped our hand to them.

We could have taken them otherwise.

I'd like a word with you. Now.

Hello. Welcome.

- Peter. Your guest is waiting outside.
- Thanks.

Hi. Sorry I'm late.
You've been waiting long?

No, I just got here. Good to see you.

Right. Laura Möllberg, any news on her?

She's still unconscious.
They'll call as soon as she comes to.


- Shouldn't we wait for Rasmus?
- No.

John! Medisonus.

A leading Nordic pharmaceutical
company based in Denmark

with offices
in another twelve countries.

Some 6,000 employees.
1.8 billion dollars in sales last year.

CEO and majority shareholder
since 1999 is Viktoria Nordgren.

She practically inherited
the company from her father.

A forged access card
was used there two days ago.

That person has access
to toxins, viruses, bacteria.

It's been about the environment
or global injustice so far.

How do the boat victims fit in?

They don't, but three of them
were in a Medisonus clinical trial.

But there's no record of any trials
in Denmark or Sweden at the time.

It could be a coincidence.

It's unlikely, given the connection
to Marcus Stenberg.

- What's up?
- Rasmus has been reassigned.

He's no longer part
of this investigation.

- Why not? What happened?
- He doctored a report.

He lied to his superiors,
and thus obstructed the investigation.

Rasmus was the man
in Katarina Lövgren's building.

- Did you know about this?
- Yeah.

- What did he doctor?
- A report from Copenhagen.

Can we move on? We're looking
for someone who knows Medisonus well.

- What are you doing?
- We just lost member of the team.

- Yes. Hans explained why.
- Seriously...

John, we need Medisonus' staff lists
from ten years ago.

- Huh?
- Medisonus' staff lists.

- Go back ten years.
- OK... Ten years? That far back?

That's when Karin Miller
received payment.

What about Lennart Blomgren?
Head of research.

I've got him right here. He's dead.
He drowned while winter swimming.

The year after he retired.
But his widow still lives in Malmö.

- Nikolaj is coming home tonight.
- OK. Congratulations.

Why don't you and Jakob
come over for dinner?

- Why should Jakob come with?
- Because he's your boyfriend.

Yes. So we have to do
everything together, then?

Do you do anything together?
You just work.

- We have sex.
- Right, of course.

Bring Jakob so I can get to know him.

Why? I don't want to get to know Mette
just because you're with her.

But I can come to dinner.

It was to get to know Jakob.
It was just a suggestion.

- And they never found him?
- No.

The current was strong by the ice hole.
He was declared dead the year after.

Did he leave any notebooks
or calendars behind, from 2002 onwards?

No. But I don't know if he had any.

You don't know
if your husband had a calendar?

Did he have an office? A computer?

No, he went into his office to work.
At home, he was off from work.

You recall if he mentioned
a clinical trial in 2002?

- Who recalls conversations from 2002?
- I do.

Can you look again to see
if there's anything from Medisonus?

- Sure. Now?
- Yes.

And give us a call.

She has no pictures of him.

- Do you have pictures at home?
- No.

- Maybe she's like you.
- She didn't seem to be like me.

- Hi, there.
- Hello!

You're calling early today.
Everything OK?

The police came.

I need more information
on Helga Blomgren.

- How much more?
- As much as possible.

- What about Medisonus' staff lists?
- When we get them...

Saga... Viktoria Nordgren.

I understand you've been to my company.
I'm here so I may be briefed.

- On what?
- On what's going on.

Why are you so interested
in Medisonus?

We can't disclose information
about an ongoing...

- I can't help you otherwise.
- We haven't asked for your help.

We want the same thing.

I want any involved employees caught
before they can hurt the company.

But you see, we want them caught
before they hurt any more people.

I know Niklas Svensson was
an employee of ours.

That the plague bacteria and hydrogen
cyanide may have come from us.

- Most likely.
- But you're not positive?

- No. I said, "most likely."
- Exactly.

Until you're not sure,
please use the word "possibly,"

or even less certain wording
as to their origin.

If you need anything else,
please see me directly.

We'll make sure to do that.

- Can we question her?
- Not yet.

They don't know what's in her system.
They'll try to wake her tomorrow.

- Anything on the white car?
- No. Completely clean.

Bon appétit.

- Hi.
- Where have you been?

- Buying a present for Nikolaj.
- Is that supposed to be a Stegosaurus?

- I think he'll like it.
- Oh.

When I was Nikolaj's age
I was in the hospital, too.

- Something with the appendix.
- Oh?

It wasn't like these days. My parents
couldn't spend the night there.

I was looking forward to coming home.

What about you? Where you
in the hospital when you were younger?

Why do you ask?

I was just thinking about Nikolaj.

- Were you hospitalized?
- Yes.

- What was wrong?
- Why do you want to know?


How are you?

Are you in pain?

Gertrud told me the police came
to Medisonus today.

- What did they want?
- What do you think?

Gertrud said it was
about the golden toads...

So you already knew what they wanted!

- Let her in on your way out. It's Bodil.
- This late?

It's not late!
Stop treating me like a child!

Hi. She's a bit tired tonight,
so maybe don't keep going too long.

Hi. How are you?
Oliver said you were a bit tired.

Oliver talks too much.

You partake? It's medicinal.

No, thanks. I'm OK.

I hear you're not sleeping well.

Do you, now?

The guards say you're having dreams.
What are your dreams about?

- I'm not interested.
- This is another case.

- I'm not interested.
- Feeling too much like a cop?

You should've died on the bridge,
but you're alive.

You're alive
with all of this on your conscience.

This... was August.

When he was a boy. Do you remember
your son when he was that little?

Let me tell you something.
I'd do it again.

I don't believe you.

Don't kid yourself.

When Saga stopped me
from sh**ting you on the bridge...

I've been so angry at her
but... today I'm grateful.

That I didn't see you die on the bridge,
but instead get to see you like this.

They're here!

- Hey, champ. Welcome home.
- Hi.

Hi, Nikolaj. We have presents for you.

- Get in there.
- Come on.

- Welcome home.
- Thanks. And the little ones?

They're asleep. It's late.
I've tucked them in.

- Can we talk about your brother?
- OK...

The first time we met, you said
you wanted to leave him out of it.

- He shouldn't know or read anything.
- That's right.


I know Oliver a little bit,
and I know how fond he is of you.

Yes, he is.

- But it's not mutual?
- I didn't say that.

- But he can't be a part of this?
- My book, my story, my company.

Why would I want him pawing at all that?

Right, the company.
You're the head of Medisonus.

But you're the younger sister.

Oliver is older, qualified,
and he has business experience.

Why is it that Medisonus
was passed on to you?

The official reason was,
he wasn't interested.

Unofficially, he wasn't up to it.

- May I write that?
- Sure. It's the truth.

Oliver has maximized the returns on his
talents, he holds a 19-percent stake

but he doesn't have what it takes
to run a company like Medisonus.

- Why not?
- He's weak.

And to be honest, weakness is not
exactly a character trait I appreciate.


You have a sister. What's that like?

Caroline found out
about me and her husband.

Oh. Well, I didn't say anything.

No, I know that.

Sure you don't want some?
I mean, you're Danish.

You're the ones who should be smoking
while us Swedes are appalled.


I need to go lie down for a bit.

- You want me to leave?
- Not at all. I just need some rest.

Hi, darling. Are you home?

- Yes. I'm in here.
- Hey.

- Did you eat?
- Yes.

I left a plate for you in the fridge.
I thought you'd be late.

It is late. Will you come join me?

- Yes. I just need reply to an email.
- OK.

I shot a hen on a farm,
in one of those cages.

Why did you sh**t a hen in a cage?

There were no waterfowl around.

No, but k*lling my own food
was on my bucket list.

- You're what-now list?
- My bucket list.

- What's that?
- A list of things to do before I die.

You have that? Can I see it?

It's all in here.

- What's on it?
- Why do you want to know?

It shows who you are.
Or who you want to be.

I've gone parachuting, swimming
with dolphins, taken my pilot's license.

Seen the Taj Mahal,
slept with a gigolo...

I've eaten Fugu... and k*lled a hen.

What does that say about me?

That you had fun.

And I had this done.
Pull it down a little.

It's so pretty.

What else is on the list?

More than I have time for.

Such as?

I've never changed a tire on a car.

I'm sure that could be arranged.

Go to Nepal, sing together with Sting...

Sleep with a woman.

- So you're sitting here...
- Yes.

A phase-1 clinical trial
usually involves 5-10 people.

There were seven on that motor boat.

- But there were no trials then.
- Then why were they paid?

Their finance department
may be able to help us.

Leave it for tomorrow.
These murders are nine years old.

Shouldn't we focus
on the graduation instead?

Our only leads are
Medisonus and Mother Of Three.

Did you ever feel Karin was in the way?

In the way? What do you mean?

That nothing was really yours?
Everything was shared.

No, I never felt that way.

- You're thinking about Jakob.
- No, I'm thinking about myself.

Sure. I mean,
your relationship with Jakob.

- It's difficult.
- Yes. Relationships are tricky.

No, it's not a relationship issue.
It's that he lives with me.

A lot of people would say
that's a relationship issue.

Oh. Thanks.

Saga, Hans...

A name on Medisonus' staff list
came up in our case.

- A name?
- Who?

Are they asleep?

The big ones are reading.
But they're all in their own beds.

That's good.

- I went to see Jens again today.
- OK.

But this was the last time.
He will never say he's sorry.

But today... he realized what he did.

He couldn't fight it anymore.

So I got to him.

Not as much as he got to me but...

Hi, Saga. You're what?

She's outside.

What's going on?

Peter Thaulov is not
on Medisonus' payroll.

He handles security
for Medisonus and other firms.

- One is Copenhagen IT Consulting.
- Madsen's firm.

He works for FRIM Security,
a major Nordic player.

FRIM coordinates security with us
for the EU summit. Where is he?

- His wife says he's at Medisonus.
- Meet you there.

Peter Thaulov? Yes, here he is.

He came in at 8.30 this morning
and left at 2 p.m.

A Caroline Brandstrup asked for him.

- Caroline Brandstrup?
- Yes.

- And he hasn't been back?
- No.

- Tell him to call me.
- I will.

Caroline Brandstrup organizes
the EU summit in Copenhagen.

Hello. I was here earlier
to meet one of your guests.

- Right. Mr. Duksa?
- Yes. Can I borrow an elevator card?

- Is he expecting you?
- Yes. You can call up.

- That's probably not necessary.
- OK. Thanks.

Peter Thaulov, born 1975. Married,
no children. Syrian-Danish origin.

Studied engineering at BTU.
Has been with FRIM since 1999.

And as you know,
handles security at Medisonus.

He's perfectly placed.
Free access to everything.

What else do we know?

Affiliated with Friends of the Earth
1990-1996. No activism after that.

FRIM handles security at Bella Center,
where all big EU meetings are scheduled.

Ask FRIM if Peter Thaulov has been
assigned duties at Bella Center.

We need to have him
arrested in his absence.

- Then we can issue a BOLO.
- Call Lillian.

Caroline Brandstrup?
Saga Norén, Malmö County Police.

- We need to discuss Peter Thaulov.
- Peter? Why?

Official police business.
Did you see him today?

We went over a few details
at Bella Center regarding the summit.

What are his duties?

He's responsible
for media accreditation.

You know where he was going after that?

No. I dropped him off
at Radisson Blu Royal Hotel.

- In Copenhagen?
- Yes.

- Saga Norén, Malmö County Police.
- Martin Rohde.

- Were you here this afternoon?
- Yes.

Do you recognize this person?

- He's here right now.
- He's here now?

- Hey.
- What do we know?

The group is planning a final attack.
All the delegates are staying here.

- And the man he's visiting?
- Rasa Duksa.

He's with the Lithuanian
environmental ministry. He came today.

- What's their relation?
- We don't know.

Rasa Duksa pushed for the closure
of the Ignalina nuclear plant.

So he does have a past
as an eco-activist.

- OK. We go in.
- Thanks.

Police! Get down!


You're at the hotel
where all the delegates are staying.

Yes, because...

Because Rasa is a delegate, OK?

I mean, you just found me naked
in a hotel room with another man.

- What's this?
- Dates and times. Fill it out.

- How much does my wife need to know?
- You have bigger problems.

No. I don't want to hurt my wife.

Most women are hurt more if they're left
for another woman, rather than a man.

What are you talking about?
I'm not leaving my wife.

What do you know about Mother Of Three?

Mother Of Three? Nothing.
Who is Mother Of Three?

OK. Let's start over then. Tell me about
your first meeting with Niklas Svensson.

- I didn't know him.
- You worked at the same place.

Yes, but I didn't know him.

- But you've met him?
- I'm sure I have.

So tell me about the first time.

Duksa corroborates his story.
Met in Thailand a year ago...

Been meeting in secret ever since...
Knows nothing about anything else.

- Did he say why he arrived earlier?
- To meet Thaulov, he says.

Techs are going through the hotel room
and Thaulov's house.

We'll get their report in the morning.
Good night.

- Are you going home?
- Yes.

- Can I come with?
- I can take you to a Metro station.

What? Why? It's just nearby.

When I was staying at a hotel, yes.

I've moved in with Mette now,
so it's not on the way.

- You moved in with Mette?
- Yes. That's what I want.

OK. Congratulations to Mette.

I thought you were asleep.

- Are you tired?
- Yes.

Are you too tired?

You're back.

Yes, I am back.


What time is it?

- It's 4.53 a.m.
- You're going into work this early?

No, I just got back.
I'm about to leave again.

I've been thinking about us.
We put up a wall in the other room.

That way we'll get another room
that will be just mine.

- You want your own room?
- Yes. That you can't enter.

A room in the apartment
that I can't enter?

- Yes.
- Do I get my own room, too?

But you're not as bothered by me
as I am by you.

But we're living together.

Or, we could live apart.
It's more common than you'd think.

What the hell are you thinking?
That's not how it works.

- Did something happen?
- No. Nothing's happened.

We've got a relationship problem.
I'm trying to solve it.

Why don't you think about
which option you'd prefer?

See you later.

Hey... Daddy's here.

Daddy's here. It's OK, honey.

Good morning.

- Morning...
- Good morning.

- What's this?
- This is from Thaulov's house.

This is Medisonus,
that's the hotel room over there.

John is going through the computers.

- Did you find anything?
- Not yet.

- What about all this?
- It also needs to be categorized.


And this?

- A Medisonus access card.
- He had one on him yesterday.

Saga! You asked me
to check out Helga Blomgren.

- I don't have time right now.
- I think you do.

She travels abroad quite a bit.

- Not unusual.
- She has her mail forwarded.

- Same address every time.
- So she owns property in Thailand.

She doesn't own it.
A certain Leif Brännmark does.

Lennart Blomgren.
And he's not dead at all.

Hello, Oliver. Come in and sit down.

The book's off.
I'm calling the whole thing off.

- It's too big a strain on Viktoria.
- Why? What happened?

She's ill.
She needs to preserve energy.

And she's still running the company.

We can meet
for shorter periods at a time.

No. Last night was the last time.
You're not to bother her anymore.

OK, with all due respect, Oliver...
Shouldn't Viktoria decide for herself?

You stay away from her!
You hear me?

I can't just not show up.

You two are to have
no interaction henceforth.

If you do, I have to assume
you're willfully trying to hurt her.

Would you be a doll
and check this for me?

It's issued to a Mikkel Höst.

- Mikkel Höst? Are you sure?
- Yes.

Even shorter hair.

- Shorter still?
- Yes, that's right.

Yes, that's it.