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03x24 - Zero Hour

Posted: 01/18/23 08:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on enterprise.

I've located ensign sato.
She's onboard
one of the reptilian vessels.

The 3rd launch code.

We have complete access.

The guardians
will not let us fail.

The power readings from
the w*apon are increasing.

They're preparing to launch.

Open a vortex.
Set a course for earth.

Captain wants to
take a team aboard
to destroy it.

I need 3 volunteers.

She's undergone
a severe neural trauma.

She's been inside the w*apon.

I have to know
what she saw.

Have her taken aboard
degra's ship right away.

The aquatics
joined us only because

You promised to
neutralize the spheres.

We have a plan
to disable sphere 41.

If we're right,
it should disrupt
the entire network.

Reptilians will
preside over a stronger,
unified xindi empire

If humankind is eradicated.

If they had made us
the dominant species
before the wars,

Our homeworld
would still exist.

And our avian brothers
would still fill the skies.

We should be grateful
that the guardians

Have finally come
to their senses.

Once earth is destroyed,
the reptilians

Will take their
rightful place at the head

Of a new xindi empire.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from
there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

They're nearly 3 hours
ahead of us,

But this vessel is faster.

We're closing the gap.

It may be faster
but it's not well-armed.

How many ships
are escorting the w*apon?

I can't tell.

The only way
we're going to be able to

Destroy this thing
is from the inside.

Any luck?

All of degra's schematics
are encrypted.

We're going to
need hoshi to help us.

She's in no condition
to come up here.

I wish I had a choice,

Sir, she's barely conscious.

Can you transfer that
to a padd?

Something portable?

The favorable timelines
continue to diminish.

They should be increasing.

The w*apon has
almost reached its target.

But the earth ship
is on course
for our primary sphere.

Accelerate the transformation
around that sphere.

They must not be
allowed to intervene.


We've realigned
the main power grid.

It should increase
the deflector pulse
3-fold, maybe 4.

But it's gonna fry
just about every system

Be prepared to
initiate the pulse
within 2 hours.

I don't think you heard
what I just said.

We try this and the ship
is gonna come apart
at the seams.

2 Hours, mr. Tucker.

The captain told the xindi

We'd try to knock
these things out.

He didn't say anything
about demolishing enterprise
in the process.

Has it occurred to you
what'll happen
if captain archer fails?

If earth is destroyed?

Every day.

Good. Then you've already
come to the conclusion

That without humanity

There's no one to combat
these sphere-builders.

Their expanse
will continue to grow,

Encompassing one system
after another,

Including vulcan.

Your world is no longer
the only one in jeopardy.

2 Hours.

I think we've got a problem.

What is it?

Sphere 41.

Are you certain
these are the coordinates?


There shouldn't be anything
on sensors,

Not with
the cloaking barrier.

But there it is,
and it's getting bigger.

Have you analyzed it?

Could be spatial anomalies,

But they're clustered
much tighter
than we've ever seen them.

They're transforming the space
surrounding that sphere

Not unlike the disturbance
where we found
the trans-dimensional being.

They're obviously
expecting us.

If we're going to
disable the network,

We'll need to get within
a kilometer of the surface.

If the ship were to enter
that disturbance,

The entire crew would be
dead within minutes.

I could synthesize
a neuroleptic compound

That would keep us conscious
for approximately 12 minutes.

I'm afraid
there's nothing I can do
to prevent epidermal decay.

12 Minutes
won't be enough.

Perhaps I can extend it
but not by much.

I encourage you and mr. Tucker
to consider alternatives.

There must be
something you can do
to abbreviate your plan.

Any luck?


I'm not feeling very well.

Do you think
you can get phlox
to come down here?

We're on degra's ship,

Phlox isn't here.

I'm not sure
what I'm supposed
to be doing.

The schematics
for the w*apon.

Degra encrypted them
before he was k*lled.

You've been trying
to decipher them.

I gave them the 3rd code.

They wouldn't have
been able to arm the w*apon

If I hadn't given them
the 3rd code.

You were drugged, hoshi.
You had no choice.

I did.
I should have fought harder.

You need to finish
what you're doing.

You're almost there.

We're going to
board the w*apon,

Try to overload
the power systems.

But we can't do that
until we can read
these schematics.

I tried to jump
but I wasn't fast enough.

You need to finish this.

You got the 3 codes
so why don't you just k*ll me?

Didn't you say
you were going to k*ll me?

You've got to pull
yourself together

Just for
a little while longer.

You need to
complete the decryption.

Everything hinges on it.

Do you understand?

I understand.

When we exit the vortex,
how close will we be?

2 million kilometers
from earth.

2 Million?

If we had all 5 codes,
we could begin

That firing sequence

But with 3,
we'll need additional time.

We'd be vulnerable
if we dropped

Into normal space
any closer to the target.

Do whatever it takes
to fire the w*apon
as quickly as possible.

You wanted to see me, sir?

I think I found a way to boost
the deflector pulse

Without tearing
the ship apart.

But it's gonna mean

All impulse power
to the array.


As soon as we
reach the sphere.


Sorry, travis.

You're gonna have to get us
to the manifold
on thrusters only.

That's tying my hands,

Especially with
a ticking clock.

You can do it.

Look over these schematics.

Familiarize yourself
with the surface features
of the sphere.

We won't be able
to transport directly

Onto the control platform.

It's too heavily shielded.
We'll have to beam in and out

No deeper than this
peripheral framework.

What if you need
to board the w*apon

Before your crewman
completes her decryptions?

I'm taking her with me.

Sir, she's hardly
in any shape...

She's been there, malcolm.

That's where she deciphered
the 3rd launch code.

She was drugged.
There's no reason to believe

That she'll remember

She's coming with me.

I want you and your team
to beam in right before we do.

Secure the closest route
to the platform.

If you succeed
in creating the overload,

What makes you think
you'll be able to
get out in time?

I'll give everyone
a chance to get to
the outer framework.

You'll be in charge
of helping hoshi.

And you, sir?

I have no plans of dying
on that w*apon, malcolm.

I'm going to see
what else she's come up with.

This is a very
important day, jonathan.

I don't have time for this.

It'll only take a minute.

You see the fellow
in the blue jacket,

Near the left end
of the dais?

That's you,
a little more than
7 years from now.

You and the others
are about to make history.

Do you remember
I told you about
a "federation"?

What about it?

I work with some people
who are going to be...

Pretty angry at me
for telling you this...

But you're going to
be an integral part
of forming that federation.

You're down there,
right now

With vulcans, andorians,
and tellarites

Getting ready to
sign the charter.

The membership
is going to grow.

Dozens, eventually
hundreds of species.

A united federation
of planets.

I have a team preparing
to board the w*apon.

I've got other things
to think about right now.

Let reed or one of the others
go to the control platform.

What're you talking about?

It's too great a risk.

If you're k*lled,
none of this will happen.

At least, not the way
it is supposed to happen.

Then it'll happen
some other way.

Who's to say
whether it'll be
better or worse?

It's essential
you be a part of this.

Where are we? What planet?


Seems to me
it's just as "essential"

That earth be around
for this, too.

Lieutenant reed can
work with sato.

They're not crucial
to the future of mankind,
you are.

My mission is to save earth,
not your federation.

You can't ignore
your place in history.

My place is on
that control platform.

Now get me the hell back
to degra's ship.

And if it's not too much
of an inconvenience,

I'd appreciate it
if you'd contact
my first wife's 3rd husband,


Uh, tell him that
he's welcome to keep

The aldebaran drum set
I loaned him.

Oh, they have
a child named indaura

A sweet little girl,
she must be, uh,
8 or 9 by now.

Well, I would like
to leave her
my botanical library.

She always had a flair
for plants.

pause recording.

Everything is ready here.

Commander tucker has completed
his modifications
to the deflector.

I apologize
if I interrupted you.

Oh, no, no, don't be silly.

I was simply
dictating a letter
to my colleague, dr. Lucas.

He offered to
make sure my affairs

Were in order
in the event that, uh...

Well, you know.

I've always
found it distracting
to think of death,

Especially when entering
a dangerous situation.

Hmm. Hope for the best,
prepare for the worst.

I don't know about vulcans,
but denobulans
take great pleasure

In bequeathing
their belongings
to far-flung relatives.

We're not dead yet.

Bridge to t'pol.

Go ahead.

We're approaching
the coordinates.

Take us out of warp.

Hope for the best, doctor.

It's grown.

It's 100,000
kilometers deeper

Than when we first
detected it.

I've enhanced
the neuroleptic compound
as much as I can.

I strongly advise

We remain in the disturbance
no longer than 15 minutes.

Are you ready
to release the compound?

Then proceed.

Stand by to charge
the deflector.

Set a course, ensign.

Captain's starlog,

We've begun to
formulate a plan,
thanks to hoshi,

Who's made some progress
in decrypting the schematics.

What have you guys
figured out?

We have got to
disable the reactor
at a specific point

During the inversion sequence,

But we don't
know the sequence.

If it's not done
in the right order,

The internal safeguards
will kick in

And it'll be impossible
to create an overload.

I found the sequence,
but decrypting it
is another story.

Your friend degra
didn't make this easy.

I wish I could tell you
to take your time.

The first time you came
to visit me in brazil...

It didn't stop
raining for a week.

I had a bug then, too.

A tropical bacteria,
not a reptilian parasite.

I was sick as a dog
but I wanted to make
a good impression.

When we get back home,

I'll see to it
you get some "r" and "r"
in norway or canada.

Some place where there's not
a tropical bug in sight.

Or reptiles.

Or reptiles.

Keep at it.

I'll get these to the bridge.

We've gotten close enough
to isolate their signatures.

The insectoid ship
is no longer with them.

Why would they
leave the vortex?

We have no idea.

All we know is
that the w*apon
is being escorted

By a single
reptilian vessel.


At least we'll only have
one ship to contend with.

Here we go.


15 Minutes and counting.

Any sign of the sphere?

It's too soon.

Hold your course.

Degra's vessel is less than
20 minutes behind us.

Lieutenant, we're about
to drop into normal space.

Stand by to initiate
the firing sequence.

We're ready.

Are you detecting
any earth vessels
near the coordinates?

No vessels
but there is one
small orbital station...


Let me see earth.


It's a shame. All that water.

The aquatics would
feel at home here.

I've got it.

How far?

20,000 Kilometers.

13 Minutes left.

As soon as we
make visual contact,
go to thrusters.

Set a heading
to latitude 15 degrees north.


Standing by.

They're 800,000 kilometers

Get your team ready to go.

Aye, sir.

Dolim's changing course.

They're heading
for a space station.

Are we in visual range?

Yosemite 3?

A military installation?

A research post.

Usually 30 to 40 civilians

Hail them
on this frequency.

The w*apon's emitting
disruption waves.

I can't get
anything through.

15 Degrees north.

Drop to 2,000 meters.

Track starboard, 82 mark 0.


Doc, there's something weird
happening to my skin.

Me, too!

It was expected.

Try not to scratch it.
11 Minutes remaining.

The guardians said
that once earth is gone,

We're to destroy
all human colonies.

I see no reason not to begin
with this station.

Target. Fire when ready.

They're heading
back toward the w*apon.

10 Degrees port.

Slow to 30 kph.

I'm transferring
the target point
to the deflector array.

Got it.


Fish in a barrel.

Less than 10 minutes to go.

What the hell's going on?

Power just fell 10 percent.

I'm picking up explosions
on e-deck.

Bridge to engineering.

I'm losing the beam.

There are
9 alien life-signs aboard.

They appear to be
trans-dimensional beings.

How is that possible?

This disturbance
we're in,

It's obviously been altered
enough to sustain them.

Who's on degra's ship?

8 Primates, 3 arboreals,
and 7 humans.

Have their weapons
been upgraded?

No, sir.

Prepare to intercept.

They're arming
their torpedoes.


How's hoshi doing?

She's holding up.

She and the macos are
at the transporter device.

Remember, no heroics.

Just get us in and then
keep them off your ass.

There's another vessel
approaching at high warp.

They're asking for you.

You're not using
your head, pinkskin.

That ship you're on
is no match for the reptilian.

I'm busy, shran.
What are you doing here?

You should be
impressed we managed

To track you
through the vortex.

I anticipated that
you'd need some help.

Corporal kelly to the bridge.

Go ahead.

Our weapons are passing
right through them.

You gotta stop this.
If I don't get full power back

This is gonna take 3,
4 minutes longer
than we thought.

We can't afford
3 or 4 minutes.

Corporal kelly,
listen to me very closely.

Modulate your weapons to
a rotating frequency
of 32.6 teracycles.


Our trans-dimensional friend,
the one we found in the pod,

I had quite a few hours
to study his physiology.

Let's hope my memory
serves me well.

I'll be right in
front of you gentlemen.
Keep a low profile.

We're matching speed.

You said there
were no human vessels
in the vicinity.

They're not human.

Destroy them both.

That 3rd torpedo
almost got you.

Be careful!

Prepare to come about to port.
Stay below me.

We'll need to get
within a kilometer
of the w*apon.

Just stay below me.

Let's fight back
this time, shall we?

Bring the forward cannons


And tell archer
we're not even anymore.

He owes me!

It's coming back.

Tell them to keep doing
what they're doing.

Walker to the bridge.

Go ahead.

We've secured engineering,

But I don't think
we've seen the last of them.

It's time for you to work
your magic, mr. Tucker.

Within 5 minutes,
everyone in this ship
is going to start dying.

No pressure.

Ok, bring up
the inversion sequence.

Start with the 3rd one
from the left.

Got it.

The 2nd from the right.


I'm all right!

The first one
on the left is next.

sensors show the humans

Are no longer aboard
degra's vessel.

These ships are
drawing us away
from the w*apon.

Get us back!

What's going on?

Ignore it, commander.

You've got less
than 2 minutes.

Got it. 2 To go.


Reed to archer.

Go ahead.

I'm pretty certain that was
the last of them, sir.

Good work.
Now get back here.



All right!

Take us to full impulse.
Get us out of here.

Wait a minute,
I'm almost there!

You don't have a minute,

Then give me 10 seconds.
I'm telling you, I've got it.

That's it! Time's up!

It sure is.

Now, mr. Mayweather!

The network is
being destroyed.

Looks like we're getting
out of this soup
faster than we thought.

Without the sphere,
their transformed space

Must be collapsing in
on itself.

Which one, hoshi?

Number 4, the 4th one
from the left.

Are you sure?

Yes, yes. Number 5
is the last one

After you
disable the reactor.

But if we knock
the reactor out,
won't that be enough?

We didn't come here
to disable this w*apon.

We're here to destroy it.

Give me the charges.

I'll take care of it, sir.

I want the 4 of you to
get to the outer-framework.

Beam back to degra's ship.

As chief
tactical officer, sir...

This isn't open for debate,

Don't worry,
I'll be right behind you.

What have you done?

One reptilian
transported to the w*apon.

Let's make sure
he has nowhere
to go back to.

They have no shielding
on their starboard engines.

Target all weapons.

Can you get a lock on him?

Not yet.

Your captain is too deep
within the w*apon.

Acting captain's starlog,
february 14, 2152.

We're holding position
at the coordinates where...

We were told to meet
degra's vessel.

So far, there's been
no word from them.

sensors are detecting
no evidence of the spheres.

None of them?


And all the spatial anomalies

Within our scanning range
have vanished.

What about
the thermobaric cloud barrier?

I can only detect
a small section
from our present location,

But it appears
to be dissipating.

Looks like we kept
our end of the bargain.

It would appear
that the expanse
is returning to normal space.

We should've heard
something by now.

What if they failed?
Earth could be...

Be patient.

And my skin's healing
faster than yours.

I guess you vulcans
aren't so tough after all.

Dr. Phlox says
we should all be back
to normal within 2 to 3 days.

I'm only kidding.

You look nice like this,

Kind of like
an old oil painting.

I am not old.

I will only be 66 years old
on my next birthday.

I can't believe
you told me that.

You accused me
of looking old.

That's not what I mean.

I've been trying to
get you to tell me your age

Since we left spacedock.

Why now?

To vulcans,
certain information
is considered intimate.



Bridge to t'pol.

Go ahead.

A vortex just opened.
It's degra's ship.

This is enterprise.
Please repeat.

did you stop the w*apon?


Set an intercept course.

It's done.


Captain archer
destroyed the w*apon.

Where is he? Is he ok?

Captain didn't make it,

What do you mean,
he didn't make it?

The w*apon exploded

Before he could
transport to degra's ship.

Come in.

Thank you.

The aquatic vessel
should have you home
in less than a day.

I was pleased to hear
that the council
has agreed to reconvene.

It was difficult
for the insectoids
to ignore recent events.

And the reptilians?

They will join us

They have no choice
but to accept

That the guardians' promises
were empty.

Your captain's sacrifice
will not be forgotten.

Safe journey.

Thank you.

It's all right.
It's all right.

It won't be much longer,
I promise.

Is something wrong?

Oh, I think they sense
that we are traveling
in an unusual manner

In the, uh, belly of the
beast, so to speak.

There are no windows here.

How would they know
we're inside
the aquatic vessel?

I don't have
the slightest idea.

But I doubt I'll get
much peace and quiet
around here

Until we are flying
under our own power.

It'll only be
a few more hours.


Is there something
I can do for you?

My skin hasn't
fully healed yet.

Oh, you're doing fine.

Vulcans are
obviously more sensitive

To the effects of
mysterious realms.

I guess we're not
so tough after all.

Excuse me?

Is there anything
I'll need to treat this?

Only time.

How is morale?

It isn't easy for a crew
to lose its captain.

I suppose we'll all
need time to heal.

Will he be all right?

Not for a while.

He lost his best friend.

But it's just
a matter of time.

He'll be fine again.

Did you hear that?

The doctor says
you'll be fine.

It's just a matter of time.


800,000 Kilometers.

Set a course, ensign.

You should be
in your quarters.

With all due respect
to phlox,

I wouldn't miss this
for the world.

Mind if we take a look?

Prettiest sight I ever saw.

It's all in one piece.

The captain would be proud.

Open a channel to
starfleet headquarters.



They are not responding.

You'd think they'd be waiting
with bated breath.

Try another frequency.

I'm not picking up
the orbital platforms.

The reptilians destroyed
yosemite station.

It's not just yosemite.

There's nothing coming
from any of them.

I've rotated through
all the frequencies.

Contact the lunar 1 colony.

I already tried.

Prepare a shuttlepod.
I want you
and ensign mayweather

To get down to san francisco.

Find out what's wrong.

Looks pretty normal to me.

Then why the hell
doesn't anyone
want to talk to us?

Land at the pad behind
the command center.

Finally! We've got
3 vessels approaching.

It's about time.

This is commander
charles tucker of
the starship enterprise.

You guys gave us quite a...

What the hell?
