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03x20 - The Forgotten

Posted: 01/18/23 08:04
by bunniefuu
(Male narrator)
previously on enterprise.

we don't have a complete
casualty list yet.

But so far,
the news isn't good.

5 People are confirmed dead,
dozens wounded.

If you destroy earth,
you won't just be
eliminating my species,

You'll be
eliminating your own.

Do you have any idea
why they released you?

I think I may
have gotten through
to one of them.


We were told the reptilians
attempted to
build a bio-w*apon.

Who told you this?

We've also
learned that they were

Building this
bio-w*apon in the past

On earth.


When I was
exposed to trellium,

It affected me in a way
that I wasn't prepared for.

I discovered I was
able to access certain


I wanted more.

I devised a way to inject it
into my bloodstream.

You must have known
it was dangerous.

Trellium exposure
is deadly to vulcans.

elizabeth! Get out of there!



we're in bad shape.
I can't deny that.

But we're still
in one piece.

Enterprise is a tough ship.

She took more than anyone
could ask her to,
and then some.

And so have all of you.

I wanted to say thank you.

I only wish I could thank
the 18 crewmen who were lost.

Like you, they understood
how important our mission is,

And they accepted the risks.

We came into the expanse
not knowing what we'd find,

With no one to
rely on but ourselves.

But we're going to succeed,

To accomplish our mission

For everyone on
earth who's relying on us

And for the 18.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

We managed to get into
sections 6 and 7 on c-deck.

We found taylor and kamata.

That accounts for everyone.

What's our status on weapons?

Mr. Reed has both

Forward phase-cannons
back online

In addition to
the aft torpedo launchers.

Hull plating is up to 80%.

That'll have to do.

We could wait,

Hang back until
we've had a chance
to make more repairs.

Degra's message was clear.

We're to meet him
10 hours from now.

And I don't
intend to be late.

Maybe that's what
he's counting on.

Lure us into an ambush
while we're still
licking our wounds.

I've made my decision.

We have a lot of work to do.

I suggest we get to it.

Aye, sir.


Crewman taylor
was one of yours,
wasn't she?

She was an eps
control specialist.

Damn good one.

I'd like you to write
a letter to her family.


She worked on rostov's team.

I can ask him.

I asked you.

I'm barely holding
the ship together.

I don't have time to sit down
and write a letter.

It doesn't have to be long.

Her family deserves to know
what happened to her.


You're busy.
I'll come back.

have a seat.

I'll have to use
a hand scanner.

The imaging chamber
is still off-line.

Commander tucker
reassigned the repair team
that was working here.

He said the armory
was a higher priority.

We'll see how low
a priority I am

The next time he
burns his fingers
on a plasma conduit.


You've experienced
no further
withdrawal symptoms?


I'm only
detecting trace amounts
of trellium in your system.

Hardly worth mentioning.
That's good news.

What is it?

These emotions

Have grown more
difficult to control.

My usual techniques
for suppressing them
haven't been effective.

On earth,
there's a cautionary tale
about the dangers

Of releasing
a magical creature
called a genie from a bottle.

Once it's out,
it's extremely
difficult to put back in.

Are you saying these emotions
may never subside?

You used trellium
for 3 months.

It caused significant damage
to your neural pathways.

You may have to learn
to live with these emotions.

We're approaching
the coordinates,

Right on schedule.


No ships out there, sir.


Scanning all frequencies.
Nothing so far.

Maybe they're running late.


tactical alert!

It's a spatial anomaly.

We've entered a dense field.



Tucker to the bridge.

This is not
the best time for this!

Stand by, trip.

Reports of
injuries on b-deck.

No one's out there, sir.

Get us out of here.

Aye, sir.




We're receiving
a transmission. It's degra.

He's telling us
to follow him.

Stay with him, travis.

Aye, sir.


They're hailing us.

I see you found my message.

We have a great
deal to discuss,
and I don't have much time.

Come aboard my ship.

If we'd left you
with the reptilians,
they would have k*lled you.

Degra arranged
for the aquatics
to return you to your ship.

Then you also
called off the attack
on enterprise?

The reptilians
weren't very pleased
about that either.

You've taken a big risk.

If you're telling the truth,

The future of my people
is at stake.

Everything I've
told you is true.

Forgive me,
but the council will need
more than your word.

Perhaps you can demonstrate
your ability to time travel.

That might be
a bit... Difficult.

But if you
come aboard my ship,

I can give you
all the proof you want.

Very well.

But there are some things
I want to know first.

Such as?

When will your
w*apon be launched?

The precise date hasn't been
determined yet.

Weeks? Days?

That's up to the council.

I'm trying to help you,

But I need to know
my world isn't being
destroyed while I'm doing it.

The w*apon won't be launched
for several days.

Show us your proof,

And we'll do
what we can to stop it.

What did you get?

Pepperoni pizza.


Don't worry, you can
pick the pepperoni off.

Damage reports?


The captain wants me
to write a letter
to crewman taylor's family.

I'm sure they'll
appreciate that.

Their daughter's dead.

Do you really think
they'll care
what I have to say?

When was
the last time you slept?

I don't know,
not since the attack.

That was 2 days ago.

All right then, 2 days.

Go to your quarters.
Get some sleep.

Believe me, I'd love to.

I could order you.

I don't have time.

We're full of holes.
The only thing

Keeping us flying
is a stolen warp coil,

And now I've got to
write this letter.


What the hell?

[Men yelling]


Tucker to engineering!

Shut down
the auxiliary coolant lines

Between sections, uh,
12 and 14 on e-deck!

(Man over intercom)
aye, sir.

Tucker to sickbay.

Medical emergency
on e-deck, section 12.

on my way, commander.


Reactor pressure's holding.

Good thing
I wasn't taking a nap.


Friend of yours?

A colleague... Of sorts.

They're the ones
we found on earth
in the past.

And this is the result
of your finding them?

They were about to
release a bio-w*apon

That would have
decimated the population.

Reptilians felt
a toxin would be

More effective
on your species.

Damron and his team

Disappeared after the council
rejected his proposal.

they decided to go ahead

Without your
council's approval.

But fortunately,
you were able to stop them.

By traveling
back through time.

I already told you,
we had help,
just like they did.

This proves nothing.

How do we know
he didn't capture them
in the present?

You need more evidence.




They had this with them.

We destroyed the toxin,

But my doctor kept
a sample of it in stasis.

This appears to be
xindi technology.

But I'd like to
have our engineers
confirm it.

Have them come aboard,
perform whatever
test they'd like.

This proves nothing
except the reptilians
disobeyed the council

Which comes as
no great surprise.

But you also claim that

We've been misled by
trans-dimensional aliens.

Where is your
evidence of that?

Come with me.

There's a microfracture
in the magnesium jacket.

That's why it ruptured.

I ran a pressure test.

Tell it to the man
lying in sickbay!

Test them again,
all of them.

Aye, sir.


I'm a little busy, doc.

So it seems.

I understand
you haven't slept
since the attack.

T'pol tattling on me now?

She's worried about you.

Well, I appreciate that,

But I'm trying
to hold this ship

Together with spit
and baling wire.

Has it occurred to you
we'll be far worse off

If you collapse
from exhaustion?

Your concern is duly noted,
doc, but I got to
get back to work.

I don't believe so.

Come again?

I'm relieving you of duty.

You will go to your quarters

And not return to your post
before 0500 tomorrow.

6 Hours?

Please don't make me
involve security.

(Archer over intercom)
archer to dr. Phlox.

Yes, captain.

I need you in sickbay.

I'll be right there.

Well, commander?

I can give you 2 hours.

I believe the number was 6.

If I'm gone
longer than 3,

There may not be a ship here
when I get back.

4, Not a minute less.


And remind me
never to buy a car from you.

Captain's waiting for you.

I'm aware of that.

Well, good night, then.

we found him adrift.

Do you recognize his species?

We've met one of them.

What caused his death?

Some kind of
cellular degeneration.

It started the moment
he was taken off his ship.

Perhaps your atmosphere
was toxic to him.

I believe our universe
was toxic to him.

His species evolved
in a different dimension,

Under a different
set of physical laws.

He simply
couldn't exist here.

That's why his
species built the spheres

To make our space more
compatible for themselves.

We believe he
was a test subject

Sent here to see if
they were succeeding.

If they are,
you're saying the expanse

Will no longer be
compatible for us.

Or any of us.

We're destined to
form an alliance
to stop them.

But if you destroy earth,
that'll never happen.

You'll be
condemning your own race
to extinction.


Trouble sleeping, sir?


You were k*lled.

This whole
section decompressed.

Did you find
a sealed compartment?


Then how...

You're dead and I'm dreaming.

The letter, how's it going?

I got as far as,
"I regret to inform you."

That's a little dry, sir.

You're not real.
You don't have
to call me "sir."

So what's the problem?

The letter
doesn't have to be long,
the captain told you that.

You can't think of anything.

I wish it was that simple.

I served on enterprise
for 3 years.

You pulled me
off the saratoga
to be on your team.

Captain brody was
pretty angry at you.

I forgot about that.

You told me I'd make a fine
chief engineer someday.

You will.

You would have.

Then tell my parents that.

Tell them about
the practical jokes
rostov used to play on me.

Or that one time
I found the glitch
in the injector assembly

That everyone else missed.

Tell them how hard I worked.

Tell them
how much you liked me.

Why can't you look at me?

Just... Remember me.

Is that asking so much?





These tests only
confirm the equipment
belonged to the reptilians.

There's also evidence of
chronometric distortion,
time travel.

The readings could
have been fabricated.

You're determined
not to trust him.

No more than you seem to be
determined to
believe whatever he says.

Now I admit archer's
evidence is intriguing,

But we barely
know this human.

Our contact from the future
has helped us many times.

She brought this
council together.

And you've never wondered
whether she might have
an agenda of her own?

I'm not a fool, degra.

All I'm saying is that
it'll take a little more

Than a few
chronometric distortions

To turn
the council against her.

Captain archer is
expecting me.

More evidence?

He claims to
know a great deal
about the spheres.


I know you've had doubts
about building the w*apon.

Don't let them
cloud your judgment.

We've been
working to reconstruct
our database.

The pounding your ships
gave us didn't help much.

Try it now.

I'm going to reset
the optical subprocessors.

That might clear it up.

When we slipped through
your detection grid,

We got a look at the w*apon
you're building.

An impressive
piece of engineering.

Hell, it would take at least

1,000 Starships
like enterprise
to blow up an entire planet.

You know, I'd
like to see the telemetry

From the probe you
launched against earth.

Increase the data resolution.


I assume you were
watching the attack,

Calculating the blast yields.

Boy, you must have been
pretty damn excited.

I mean, that beam
cut one hell of a swath
through florida.

That's the name of
one of the places
you destroyed.



Did you actually
see the cities burning,

The houses,
the people being vaporized?

I had a sister there.


How are the repairs coming?

Just need
a few more minutes, captain.

Why don't you join me
in my ready room
until they're finished?

Let's stick to
the job at hand.

Aye, sir.

The captain is trying
to gain degra's trust.

It's one of
the warp plasma conduits.

It must have ruptured
when our
sensors were off-line.

Perhaps my crew can help.

We'll handle it.

We'll need to shut down
the main plasma feeds.

The flow regulators
are damaged.

There are manual
cut-offs here and here,

But we can only access it
from outside.

That's very
close to the fire.

We don't have a choice.

If we don't get
control of it fast,
it'll spread to the reactor.

Get going.

I could use a hand.

That'd be me, sir.

[Computer beeping]

Open that panel,
and I'll talk you
through the cut-off sequence.

Where's the other valve?

Over there.


I need to open the emergency
bypass ports first.

You can't close your valve

Until I release the pressure
from the secondary lines.

commander! I have a problem.

I think the heat's
warped the metal.

The panel won't open.

use your plasma torch.

I'll be there in a minute.

I'm releasing the interlocks
on the first port.

This is going to
take a while.

careful you don't cut through
the bypass relays, malcolm.

the manifold pressure
is increasing.

We have
less than 6 minutes

Before the fire reaches
the reactor shielding.

Archer to trip.

You've got less
than 6 minutes.


You ok, malcolm?

I'm almost there.

Captain, the temperature
in lieutenant reed's suit
is over 44 degrees.

He's too close
to the fire.

His ev suit
can't compensate.

get back to the airlock.


I'm almost finished, captain.

that's an order.

Get inside, malcolm.
I can wrap it up.

I'm opening
the primary bypass port.

2 More to go
and we're in business.

46 Degrees.


I'm sorry, sir,
you're breaking up.

Get inside, malcolm.
I can finish.

There's no time!
Do what you have to do

So I can shut this down.

A few more seconds.

I'm purging the last port.

The forward valve is closed.

Ok, malcolm,
clockwise 90 degrees.

Nice work, malcolm.


Tucker to dr. Phlox.
Meet us in the airlock.

We need to bring
his body temperature down.

Let's get him to sickbay.

I hope he'll be all right.

What's one more
dead human to you?


He had no problem
k*lling 7 million of us.

7 Million and 1 is
more than you can stomach?

That's enough.

I guess even xindi
have their limits.

I said that's enough!

Aye, sir.

we've determined
there are 59 of them.

78, At our last count.


We've had more time
to study them than you have.

I apologize for mr. Tucker.

I never
expected to meet anyone

Who'd suffered
because of what I'd done.

At the time,

I thought the attack was
necessary to save my people.

I know.

Believe it or not,
we've had this
conversation before.

That's right.

Our escape
from prison together.

The reptilians are correct
about one thing, captain.

You have
an impressive facility
for deception.

Erasing your memory probably
wasn't the best way
to earn your trust.

Probably not.

They are all connected
by a subspace energy grid.

Unfortunately, our data
on the spheres' interiors

Is extremely limited.

Maybe I can help.


How did you get this?

The first sphere
we came across was damaged.

There was a breach
in the outer shell.

We've never been
able to gain access to one.

These scans
are remarkably detailed
for a military vessel.

Enterprise was designed
to be a ship of exploration.

If we're successful,
it will be again.

computer, begin recording.

Dear mr. And mrs. Taylor,

I regret to inform you that

Your daughter was k*lled
in the line of duty.

She was a fine engineer

And she died
performing her duties.

Computer, stop recording.
Delete that.

[Computer beeps]


Computer, start again.

Dear mr. And mrs. Taylor,
as jane's commanding officer,

It's with deepest regret
that I inform you
of her death.

She was a diligent engineer,

Very hard-working...

tactical alert.
All hands to stations.


We've detected a ship.

They've just passed
through the cloaking barrier.



Did you invite anyone else?

We masked our warp trail.

I don't know
how they found us.

Where is degra?

He's involved in
sensitive negotiations.

With the humans?

I suppose the council
authorized these negotiations.

No one authorized
the development
of a bio-w*apon,

But that didn't
deter your colleagues
from creating one.

Undock from
the human vessel immediately.

He intends to
seize the human vessel.

He'll destroy both our ships
if we don't comply.

Stand by.

I said, stand by!

We don't stand
a chance against them,

Not in the shape we're in.

What kind of
weapons do you have?

You expect me to attack
a reptilian warship?

If we work together,
we might be able
to disable them.

they're charging weapons.

Are you familiar with
the design of that ship?

I did some work
on their power systems.

You know where
they're vulnerable,

Where to target our weapons.

Their ship is
heavily armored.

At least we'd stand a chance.

Those reptilians are xindi.

You're asking me to
attack my own people.

Proceed to our
starboard docking port.

I want your word that my crew
won't be punished.

You'll be dealt with
as the council sees fit.

He's nearly
reached the reptilians.

He's knocked out
their shield generators.


Evasive maneuvers.
Keep firing.

Target their weapons.

Their weapons are down.

Degra was spot-on, knew
exactly where to hit them.

Open a channel to degra.

Sir! He's charging weapons.

The reptilian ship
has been destroyed.

Captain, degra's hailing us.

They would have
contacted the council
and exposed our alliance.

I had no choice.

Crewman rostov said
I'd find you here.

Repair crews are
starting tomorrow.

I thought I'd try
and get them some power.

These assemblies are
all fused together.

I've spent
the last hour

Trying to isolate
the damaged relays.

You might find this useful.

Portable power cells.

Courtesy of our
new xindi friends?

Damn neighborly of them.

Is there anything I
can help you with?

Not unless you can
resurrect the dead.

Crewman taylor
had a real knack
for this kind of thing.

But taylor's
not here, is she?

And neither is crewman kamata
or ensign marcel,

Or a dozen others.
So forgive me

If I don't want
the damn power cells!

We found taylor over there,
outside her quarters.

She was probably trying
to get to her station.

If she'd made it
a few more meters,

I wouldn't be trying to write
this damn letter.

'Cause every time I start,
I hear myself saying

What a fine
young woman she was,

How smart
and full of potential.

And I realize
I'm not thinking
about taylor at all.

I'm thinking about elizabeth.

There's so many people dead.

I tried not to see
her any differently
than the other 7 million.

So I've spent
the last 9 months

Trying to pretend
she was just another victim.

But she's my sister, t'pol.

My baby sister.

I envy you vulcans.

You think that
the loss of a colleague

Or a friend
doesn't affect us?

It does.

But if we give in
to those emotions,

They overwhelm us.

You're the ones to be envied.



You need to
speak to the council.

With the evidence
you've shown me,
they'll have no choice

But to take us seriously.

Even the reptilians?

I'm more concerned
about the aquatics.

They can be
somewhat enigmatic.

But if we can sway them,
we'll have
a majority on our side.

These are the coordinates
of the council chamber.

This is nearly
a dozen light-years away.

It'll take us
weeks to get there.

There's a shorter route,
a subspace corridor.

It's located in a nebula
less than half
a light-year from here.

That will show your helmsman
how to get through it.

I'll meet you
at the far end in 3 days.

Will it be soon enough
to stop the w*apon?

I'll do everything
I can to delay it.

Use caution
when you enter the nebula.

A hostile species
is known to prey
on ships that approach it.

Thanks for the warning.

See you in 3 days.

3 Days.

Computer, begin recording.

[Computer beeps]

Mr. And mrs. Taylor,

By the time you get this,

Starfleet will have already
told you about jane.

Since I worked
so closely with her,

I wanted to add my
personal condolences.

I have to confess,
I've been putting off
writing this for a while.

I convinced myself
that my duties

On enterprise
took precedence.

But the truth is

I didn't want
to face the fact
that someone so young,

With so much promise

Could just be gone.

But I'm facing it now.

And I find myself thinking
how important she was to me.

She was a great engineer

And she was my friend.

She won't be forgotten.

Goodbye, elizabeth.