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03x14 - Stratagem

Posted: 01/18/23 07:57
by bunniefuu

[Alarm beeping]

Who are you?

They're targeting
our engines!

What do you want with me?

you're the weapons expert.

See if you can get those
shields back online.


If we don't
raise the shields,

The only thing
that's gonna be
left of this ship

Is a cloud of vapor!

[Alarm continues beeping]


These could be
shield emitters.

They're not gonna last
for long.

Open a channel
to those ships.


They're xindi!

I'll order them
to hold their fire.

It's been a long time
since any xindi
took orders from you.

[Ships firing]

We're carrying 500 liters
of warp plasma

In the starboard tanks.

We'll have to vent it.

Turn these down on my mark.

They're gonna destroy us!



What happened?

The plasma got into
their intake manifolds.

Their engines are overheating.

I want to know who you are.

Why you've abducted me.

You really don't remember.


I was afraid
this might happen.

It's me, archer.

What species are you?

You've been through a lot
in the last 2 days.

Just let me figure out...

What species?

I'm human.

You're from the earth vessel.

you have to listen to me.

I'm not your enemy anymore.

You've spent the last 2 days
in an interrogation chamber.

Whatever the insectoids
did to you in there

Must have
affected your memory.

My name is jonathan archer.

The two of us
just escaped from
an insectoid prison colony.


We've shared a cell
for almost 3 years.

That's not possible.

Roll up your sleeve.

The conflict between
our people is over.

We both lost.

I promise I'll explain

But right now we have to
get out of here,

Before our friends out there
repair their engines.

What are you doin'?

There's a system
about a week from here.

It's isolated.

I doubt they'll
look for us there.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

You expect me to believe
my own people
would hold me prisoner?

You think that's amusing?

It's been a while
since you referred to those

Overgrown grasshoppers
as your "own people."

Why don't I remember you?

Probably because
of the bloodworms.


They're used
during interrogations.

Their secretions
act as a truth serum.

Makes the prisoners
more cooperative.

But there's a side effect.

Sometimes they can
suppress memories.

The same thing happened
when they questioned me.

I forgot everything that
happened since flight school.

It'll start to
come back to you.

Give it a few days.

You claim that I've been
a prisoner for 3 years.

3 Years.

It that's true,

Why would they
question me now?

They wanted information
about the w*apon.

What kind of information?

This is gonna
take some time.

What's the last thing
you remember?

I was on my vessel,

Approaching a planet
in the calindra system.

The w*apon test.

It failed because
your prototype was sabotaged.

How would you know that?

Because I'm responsible
for it.

Your kemocite shipment
was tampered with.


He wasn't too happy
when I told him

What you were planning
to do with his kemocite.

He'll be ex*cuted for this.

He was.

In the end, it didn't make
much of a difference.

We didn't stop your program,
we only slowed it down.

A few weeks later,
the w*apon was launched.

It destroyed my planet.

We were successful?

I don't know if you'd call it
a success.

After earth was destroyed,

The old xindi rivalries
surfaced again.

The insectoids
started attacking

Other xindi colonies.

They k*lled
thousands of your people.

The reptilians and aquatics
would never allow that.

There wasn't
a lot they could do.

While you were busy
constructing the w*apon,

The insectoids

Were secretly building
hundreds of new ships.

They used earth
as a diversion.

Their real goal
was to dominate

The other xindi species.

Are you all right?

It's just a bloodworm.

It'll work its way out.

Can you remove it?

Hold still.

I think you need this
more than I do.

Suit yourself.

I don't understand
how a xindi and a human

Could put aside
their differences so quickly.

Trust me,
it didn't happen overnight.

You gave me this
the first day

We were locked up together.

The guards thought
it would be entertaining

To put us in the same cell.

They even placed wagers

On who would survive
the longest.

I was in pretty bad shape
at the time,

So you were
the odds-on favorite.

Your people k*lled everyone
I ever cared about.

I was gonna make sure

You never walked out
of that cell.

For weeks,
we tried to k*ll each other.

I was lying in the infirmary

When I finally asked myself,
what was the point?

My world was gone,
but so was yours.

So I made a proposal.

The two of us
would work together

To get out of that place.

It took us longer than
either one of us thought,

But here we are.

I don't recognize
this type of ship.

It's a malosian cargo shuttle.


They're traders.

They bring supplies
to the prison

A few times a month.

No weapons,

But she's sturdy enough
to get us where we're going.

Perhaps we should set
a course to your vessel.

Is it still in the expanse?

Not exactly.

When we were getting close
to finding your w*apon,

The insectoids sent
their ships after us.

They boarded enterprise
and took me prisoner.

Then they planted
spatial charges

Around our warp reactor.

My crew was still aboard
when they detonated them.

The insectoids were always
an aggressive species,

But I never thought them
capable of this.

They destroyed everything
the council worked for.

The council?

It was formed when
our planet was destroyed.

It was created to find
a new homeworld

For all xindi.

After years of searching
we found a few

Suitable locations,
but as usual,

Couldn't agree
on a final choice.

Our plan for reunification
was put aside

When we learned
of the threat from earth.

I was ordered to begin
designing the w*apon.

I devoted years to it.

I made so many sacrifices.

So did my wife.

Do I know

What happened to my family?

You told me
you'd heard from naara

Before you were
sent to prison.

She and the children
were safe.

We have a ship now.

We can look for them.

They were on a colony
near a red giant.

[Computer beeping]

There's nothing in range.

Do you remember
the coordinates?

I doubt if there's
anything left.

It would've been one of
the first colonies
to have been att*cked.

There may have been survivors.

It's too dangerous.

The patrol ships
are still looking for us.

We should find
a refuge in case...


Reactor coolant.

The conduit must have
ruptured in the attack.

[Degra coughing]

Take it.

What about you?

You're the one with a family.

You want to see them again?

Try to seal the rupture.

I'll see if I can close off
the coolant tanks.





He should remain unconscious
for at least 2 hours.

The son of a bitch
designed the w*apon.

Keep an eye on him.


What have we got?

There are 7 red giants
in this region

But they're spread over
approximately 40 light-years.

Can we scan them
for a weapons facility?

not at this distance.

This red giant
might be a red herring.

He only told you his family
was living near

One of these stars.

We don't know that
the w*apon's there.

Degra's a senior official.

We know he's designing
the w*apon.

There's a chance he'd keep
his family close by.

For a moment I thought
he was going to give you
the coordinates.

Too bad he didn't go for
the andorian ale.

That would've
loosened him up.

You appear to have
gained his trust.

Perhaps you should try
a more direct approach.

What do you mean?

Ask him where the w*apon
is being constructed.

It's too risky.

If he suspects something,

We'll end up right back
where we started.

He'll tell me.

I just need
a little more time.

captain's starlog,
december 12, 2153.

We've returned to the site
where the xindi

Were testing
the prototype w*apon.

An analysis of the debris
may tell us more about it.

[Sensors beeping]

I'm picking up a ship
at the edge of the system.

It's xindi.

Why didn't we see it before?

It may have been
traveling through

One of the subspace
vortices they use.

Its hull signature
matches the xindi ships

That were here 2 days ago.

Captain, I'm reading
3 bio-signs on board.

Have they seen us yet?

I don't believe so.

Set course for
the inner moon.

stand by to deploy
the sensor drones.


[Alarm beeping]
what's that?

Weapons fire.

From where?

There's a ship closing.

It's the human vessel.

You said there was
no one in the system!

They must have been hiding
in the debris.

Contact the council!

They've disabled
our subspace transceiver!

They're making a run for it.

See what you can do
about their engines.

They're not going
anywhere, sir.

Hail them.

Stand down and prepare
to be boarded.



They were attempting
to erase the computer core

When we boarded the ship.

There's very little
data left.

What about
navigational logs?

They've been deleted.

I may have
something here, sir.

I think these are fragments
from a personal file.

There are parts of a letter
from someone named


Does it mention the w*apon?


There's a reference
to a planet

He visited recently.

Azati prime.

Let me know
what else you find.

I'd love to spend
an afternoon

Taking this engine apart.

Not your typical
nacelle configuration?


Look how everything's tied in
through their main deflector.

Learn everything you can.

[Engines humming]

I want to know where
you're building the w*apon.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

The hell you don't.

Your name is degra.

I was at the xindi colony

When you picked up
your shipment of kemocite.

Your people are planning
another attack.

I'm not gonna
let that happen.

By capturing us,
you've accomplished nothing.

Where's the w*apon?

Archer to the bridge, report.

There's a surge in
the plasma network.

what's causing it?

Radiation from
the debris field.

It's starting to
affect our systems.

Sir, I recommend
putting a safe distance

Between us and the test site.

all right.

Take the ship out of the field
but keep us close by.


If you won't tell me
what I need to know,

Perhaps one of your men will.

When my superiors
learn we're missing,

They'll find your ship
and destroy it.

We could try a truth serum,

But it could take weeks
to synthesize

The correct formula.

I've been studyin'
xindi neurophysiology.

It may be possible to erase

His most recent
memory engrams.

That way,
degra will never know

That he came aboard
or that he met any of us.

But this is
a xindi-reptilian.

Would it work on a primate?

Their neural pathways
are virtually identical.

I'll need to perform
a few tests,

But, uh, I don't expect
it will be a problem.

How selective could
this memory wipe be?

I've built flight simulators
for starfleet training.

This wouldn't be
that different.

It's not simply a matter
of constructing a shuttle.

It has to be designed.

What species built it?

What language will
the control interface use?

Hoshi can help with that.

I've recovered a letter
degra wrote to his wife

A few months ago.

Her name's naara.

They have 2 children.

It may be necessary
to communicate with you

While you're inside
the simulator.

The macos use
subdermal transceivers.

They're relatively
easy to implant.

Let's get started.

T'pol, I could use your help
with some of the details.


If he buys into this,
degra's gonna want to know

Everything that's happened
in the last 3 years.

I can't make up
the whole story on the spot.

nice work.

Thank you.

Dermal art used to be
very common on denobula.

Fortunately, my parents
insisted I study it.

I've also stimulated
his hair follicles.

I'm not sure about the grey.

This is only supposed to be
3 years from now.

Ah, but you're
forgetting about

The stress of imprisonment.
And t*rture!

It could very well
have an effect
on hair pigmentation.

You're sure these are safe?

Oh, yes.

I've treated patients with

Regulan bloodworms for years.

There should be
no side effects

Aside from
a thoroughly cleansed

Lymphatic system.

Please try not to injure it.

They're difficult to replace.

I'll do my best.


[Alarm beeping]

What is it?

Spatial anomalies.

We're passing
through a field of them.

Hold on!

T'pol to cargo bay 2.

increase hydraulics
to level 6.

Is the hull
lined with trellium?

Obviously not.

Increase to level 7.

on my mark, initiate
a sharp jolt to starboard.

How sharp do you want it?


You heard the lady.

Let the captain know.

This is gonna be
a rough one, sir.

[Rumbling continues]

We're losing
structural integrity!

I'm taking us out of warp.


We'll never make it through
this field in one piece.

Can we go around?

We don't have enough fuel.

We should send
a distress call.

One of your ships might be
close enough to hear it.

What if the insectoids
pick it up?

We don't have
a lot of choices.

There's a comm channel
used by high-ranking
primate officials.

I doubt
the insectoids know it.

What's the frequency?

It would be easier for me
to enter it directly.


I've got it.

Stand by to respond.

bridge to command center.

Go ahead.

I'm picking up
a distortion in subspace.

I believe it's a xindi ship.

How long until they arrive?

About 6 hours.

Their sensors are
pretty sophisticated.

They might see us
long before then.

Lieutenant, take us back
into the debris field.

the radiation could
overload our systems again.

I'm aware of the risks.

Carry out my orders.



One of the inmates told me
all about maarek 3.

He used it
as a staging area

When he was
smuggling dilithium.

What did he say it was like?



With beaches that go on
for thousands of kilometers.

First thing I'm gonna do

Is find a cold lake

And take the longest bath
of my life.

it sounded a lot like earth,
the way he described it.

The captain's certainly
drinking a lot.

The doctor gave him
an anti-intoxicant.

this colony of yours,
you never told me about it.

It was bleak, desolate.

The planet was
barely habitable.

Why'd you live there?

It wasn't by choice.

Naara was desperate to leave.

She didn't think
a military habitat

Was the right environment
for the children.

Do you have a family,

It's been a long time
since anyone
called me "captain."

It's jonathan, remember?

I never really had
an opportunity to start one.

I was away from home a lot.

You should make the time.

I've learned that our work,
in the end,

Means very little.

Our real legacy
is the children.

I would do anything
to protect mine.

After I was
told of the threat

From humanity,

I left my
theoretical studies

And agreed to design
the prototype w*apon.

When it arrived
in your star system,

I watched
the incoming telemetry

With the other members
of the council.

7 Million lives

Were extinguished
in front of my eyes.

I asked myself,

How many of those
were children?

I suppose
I've told you this before.

Actually, you haven't.

3 Years!

My children may not even
recognize me after so much.

[Sensors beeping]

We're being hailed.

[Static buzzing]

Whoever it is,
they must be pretty far away.

I'll try to clear it up.

are you receiving
this transmission?

This is thalen, responding
to your distress call.

Please acknowledge.

It's one of my colleagues.

Can you hear me? It's degra!

Degra? It's good
to hear your voice.

I'd... I'd heard from
my sources

That you' d been captured
by the insectoids.

There were reports
that you'd been ex*cuted.

they haven't k*lled me yet.
I need your help.

My friend and I have escaped
from an insectoid prison.

Their patrols
are looking for us.

Uh, I'm losing your signal.
Please repeat.

Better make it fast!

Thalen, where are you?

I'm on azati prime.
It... It... It's safe here.

Is my family still there?
Are they safe?

[Static buzzing]


Naara is here,
and the children.

I'll... I'll tell them
to expect you.

[Static buzzing]

At least you know
they're all right.

There were more than
1,000 primates and arboreals

At that colony.

I don't understand
why it wasn't destroyed.

we should still change course.

Do you know the coordinates?

What's wrong?

You must forgive me.

To me, it's been only a day
since we were enemies.

Giving you the coordinates
to a classified installation

Is difficult.

Be my guest.

They're coming in.

1127.4 by 4052

By 3901.1.

A red giant.

Open a comm line
to the captain.

You encrypted
the navigation controls.


captain, the coordinates match

The location of
one of the red giants.

Do you mind if I ask how long
it will take to get there?

not long.

approximately 3 weeks
at maximum warp.

A considerable detour
if the w*apon isn't there.

What will your people think
when you show up with me?

Humans probably aren't
their favorite species.

I'll tell them everything
you did to help me.

I'm a senior official.

There won't be any problems.

I appreciate that.

It's a diverse community.

Far more pleasant
than most military...

[Simulator rumbling]


The port hydraulics
are acting up.

Shut them down.

They're not responding.

t'pol to cargo bay 2. Report.

The radiation
from the debris

Is overloading
the hydraulic system.

Can you stabilize
the simulator?

I'm working on it.

More anomalies?

I'm not sure.

Captain, we're having
some problems.

Stand by.

T'pol to the bridge.

Take us out of
the debris field.


bridge to the command center.

We're clear of
the debris field.


What was the problem?

Subspace turbulence.


I'm curious, jonathan.

If we've been friends
for as long as you say,

I must have told you
the names of my children.

you still don't believe me,
do you?

There's something
in his hand.


it's been years
since you've said anything.

Captain, he has a w*apon.

I just need you to tell me
what their names are.

We're coming in.

this isn't necessary.

Piral and jaina.

Piral and jaina.

Which one is older?

It's not in here, sir.

[Both grunting]


You'll never find the w*apon.

Take him to the brig.


We were told
humans were ruthless.

But I didn't know you were
also skilled at deception.

When did you realize?

I had my suspicions
from the beginning,

But it was the comm signal

From my colleague
on azati prime

That confirmed them.

We know your ship
has been there.


There's an insectoid deuterium
facility on azati prime.

That's the last place

My people would have
gone to hide from them.

If it weren't for
that one mistake,

Your plan
might have succeeded.

You gave us the coordinates
of a red giant.

I gave you

What you thought

You wanted.

I guess I'll just
have to wipe

Your memory clean again.

Go back into the simulator

And start this
whole thing over.

I doubt there's time
for that.

We both know my people
are searching for me.

I think you didn't
figure it out

Until after the malfunction.

I'd be willing to bet
those coordinates are real.

Then I suggest
you proceed there
at maximum warp!

Why would he encrypt
the coordinates

If they weren't accurate?

Perhaps he thought
it would make them

Appear more convincing.

He's got to be lyin', sir.

Something must have happened
during the radiation surge

That tipped him off.

We can't afford
to lose 3 weeks

If the w*apon isn't there.

Have you learned
anything more

About how they open
the subspace vortices?

They use some kind of
phase deflector pulses.

Once they're in,

Their ships can travel
half a dozen light-years

In a couple of minutes.

I want to see all the data
you've collected.

Archer to the bridge.
We're ready.

Tactical alert.


Open it.


You two, come with me.
I said move!

We'll fracture the hull
if this goes on any longer.

hull breaches on
decks "d" and "e."

Emergency bulkheads!

You're the engineer?


You're going to help us.

We adapted your technology,

Used our main deflector
to open a subspace vortex.

That's impossible.

The vortex is
starting to collapse.

I need you to stabilize it.

If you don't do what he says,
this ship will break apart.


Tell him to do
what he's told.

Do nothing to help them!

The pylons are buckling!

we're losing hull integrity.

[Alarm beeping]



It wasn't me, captain.

I'll be damned.

Travis inverted
the warp field.

It dropped us back
into normal space.

t'pol to captain archer.

Go ahead.

Please report to the bridge.

Take him back to the brig.


we've reached
the coordinates.

Ensign, magnify.

I'm picking up
several xindi vessels.

I'm also reading
significant quantities
of kemocite.

What's our status?

Minimal damage.

The hull plating is
coming back online.

Arm all weapons.

Lay in a course for those
kemocite signatures.

Full impulse.

Get him out of here.

You'll never get close
to the w*apon!

Our defense perimeter
will destroy you!

Show him.

Thanks for your help.

Take him to sickbay.


I think you overdid
the turbulence

Just a little, ensign.

I'll try to do better
next time, sir.

How's it coming?

We've made it appear as if
a plasma conduit ruptured,

Rendering them unconscious.

I'm injecting them
with trace amounts
of the plasma.

It won't be harmful.

This accident won't explain

How their computer core
was deleted.

As long as they don't know
we were here,

We can leave them
with a mystery.


Go ahead.

the xindi vessel is less than
an hour away, sir.

captain's starlog,

Hopefully the journey
to azati prime

Will be the final leg
in our search

For the xindi w*apon.