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03x12 - Chosen Realm

Posted: 01/18/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
It's identical
to the other two.

Even the smallest features
are exactly the same.

Like they came off
an assembly line.

I'd love to see the factory
that made these.

Well, that's
the last sensor sweep.

Should give t'pol
plenty to chew on for a while.

Power fluctuations.

[Instrumentation bleeping]

I think we're getting
the hang of this.

We're coming up
on the outer edge
of the cloaking barrier.

They're emerging.

Heading back to their ship.


I want to know
what kind of armaments
they're carrying.

We may have found
what we're looking for.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

this new data
should help us

Map the anomalies
more accurately.

I should also be
able to calculate

The exact number of spheres
in the expanse.

Any new theories
on their purpose?

Not yet.

bridge to captain archer.

Archer here.

We've picked up a vessel
approaching at impulse.

They're transmitting
a distress signal.

[Radar beeping]

They're trapped
in a cluster of anomalies.

They have taken
engine damage.

Let's see them.

23 Bio-signs.

Hail them.

This is
captain jonathan archer
of the starship enterprise.

Can we assist you?

enterprise, we've suffered
heavy damage.

Our engines are inoperative.

Our life-support system
is failing.

Please assist us.

What kind of weapons
do they have?


Can you get us
through the anomalies?

I believe I can plot
a safe course.

Full impulse.

Their life-support system
has failed.

Take full
security precautions.

Make sure
none of them are armed.

you'll be fine.
Excuse me for a moment.

Thank you, doctor.

How are they?

I'm unable to perform
detailed bio-scans.


They have an aversion
to any kind of
invasive medical care

For religious reasons.

However, I have
managed to ascertain

That aside from
some minor injuries

And one slight case
of malnutrition,

They appear to be fine.

They are no strangers
to anomalies.

That looks like an old scar.

I found similar injuries
on 4 others.

Apparently, they've been
in the vicinity

Of the sphere
for several months.

Which one's the captain?

He prefers
the term pri'nam,

A religious designation.

I'm captain archer.

Welcome aboard.

My name is d'jamat.

I can't express
how grateful we are.

You saved our lives.

I understand
you've been in this region
for quite some time.

Yes, we're on a pilgrimage
to the 12th sphere.

It's taken us a year
to make the journey.

Your ship is in
pretty rough shape.

My engineer's
taking a look at it.

Well, it is an old vessel,
but sturdy.

we are better at prayer
than we are at space travel.

Maybe there is
some information

About the spheres
we can share.

If you are feeling up to it,

I'd like you to
have dinner with me

And my science officer

I'd be honored to accept
your hospitality, captain.

Our home world is
called triannon.

It's 6.3 light-years from here
in the muratas star cluster.

Have you heard of it?

It doesn't ring a bell.

We're new to the expanse.

The expanse?

You mean the chosen realm.

I think we're talking
about the same thing.

We're here to
learn everything we can

About a species
you may have run into.

The xindi.

I'm not familiar with them.

We place very little emphasis

On meeting other life-forms.

Space travel for us
is merely a means

To bring us closer
to the spheres.

You've studied them
for some time?

We're not here
to study the spheres.

We're here to venerate them.

We believe that
it is through prayer
and meditation

That the makers
become manifest.

The makers?

The creator of the spheres.

I've felt their presence here.

You are referring
to spatial anomalies.

The maker's breath,
it reshapes reality

Allows ordinary men

A glimpse of the divine.

That "breath"
nearly destroyed your ship.

Well, we became careless.

It is easy to do when you are
in the presence of a sphere.

They are
certainly impressive.

We have found
3 of them so far.

Oh, you are fortunate
to have such a fast ship.

I regret that
I'll die having seen

Only one of the many
thousands of spheres.

we've determined that

There are 59 spheres
in the expanse.

I think your estimates
are a bit low.

That's doubtful.

With the makers,
there is no doubt.

Doubt is the basis
of all scientific progress.

Scientific progress
has led many people astray.

Perhaps this is a subject
we should discuss
some other time.

I agree, captain.

You'll be glad to know
my engineer believes

That he can repair
the damage to your vessel.

He thinks it shouldn't take
more than a couple of days.

That is good news.

I certainly hope that

We'll have the opportunity
to repay your kindness.

May I help you?

I'd like to speak with you.

What is it?

Are you feeling ill?

I wanted to ask you
about a certain procedure.

I'm sorry.

It's very difficult
for me to talk about.

Why don't you, uh,
have a seat, hmm?

I was about to make
some janaran tea.

Would you like some?

Yes. Thank you.

Is everyone in place?


They're just waiting
for your signal.

You sound hesitant.

I am sorry, pri'nam,

But are you certain
this is the right thing
to do?

Do you think this ship
just came to us
by coincidence?

This encounter
was clearly ordained
by the makers.

But these people
risked their lives
to save us.

They desecrated a sphere.

What we are about to do
is not just

For our salvation,
but for theirs as well.

I know it can be difficult.

We have been away from home
for a long time.

But we have been
given the means

To end the bloodshed
once and for all.

Don't lose your faith now,

Never, pri'nam.

They believe
that godlike beings
they call the makers

Created the spheres
1,000 years ago.

We have determined
that the spheres are
nearly 1,000 years old.

Well, they also believe
that the makers
are using the spheres

To reshape the expanse,

Creating a paradise
for when they return.

Mythology often
has a basis in fact.

[Doorbell beeps]

Come in.

Am I disturbing you?

Not at all.

Excuse me.

I said before that
I hoped to be able
to repay your kindness.

That isn't necessary.

It is already underway.

Captain archer,

You, your crew, this vessel,

Are all about to embark
on a glorious mission.

At this moment,
a number of my people

Have taken positions
around your vessel.

Their bodies
have been equipped

With powerful,
organic expl*sives.

With a single command,
I can order

Any one of them
to sacrifice their lives.

[Speaking alien language]

[Speaking alien language]


There's been
an expl*si*n on c-deck.

We've got a hull breach.

Seal off the area.
Get security teams...


2 Of my men are positioned
next to your warp reactor.

Unless you turn
this ship over to me,
I'll destroy it.

He has severe burns.

The other two
are suffering from

The effects of
rapid decompression.

They need immediate
medical attention.

My orders are to
escort everyone
to their quarters.

I will not leave without
treating these people.

Watch him.

they say they'll
destroy enterprise.

I have to believe them.

I can't believe you're going
along with this?

Remember what's at stake,
why we're out here.

Right now we
don't have a choice.

Don't take any
action against them.

Is that clear?

Aye, captain.

This isn't over.

Make yourself at home.

You made the right decision.

I promise you,
your people won't be harmed.

You just m*rder*d
one of my people.

I had to erase any doubts
you might have
about our resolve.

What do you
want with my ship?

When I'm satisfied
the situation is secure,

I'll answer your questions.

I also lost a crewman
in that expl*si*n, captain.

I'll say a prayer
for them both.

Save your breath.

Were you given the coordinates
for triannon?

Set a course.
Your highest warp factor.

Prepare to fire
2 of your torpedoes.

Target my ship's reactor.

you heard me.

Release the docking clamps.

I promised you an explanation.

I owe you that.

Where are you
taking this ship?

To my homeworld.

We'll be there in 3 days.

For the last century,

A violent group of heretics
have tried to undermine
our way of life.

With your ship,
I can deliver
a final decisive att*ck.

I can end this conflict

A w*r.

That was
the "glorious mission"
you were talking about?

I'm trying to save my people.

Why do I have
the feeling these heretics
would say the same thing?

They might very well.

But it doesn't change
what they are.

Enemies of the truth.

Your truth.

There's only one.

How many people
do you intend to k*ll
with my ship?


Your species is obsessed
with numbers.

A characteristic
of your misguided belief

That the secrets
of the universe

Can be revealed
through science.

This may sound barbaric
to you

But it doesn't matter
how many heretics die.

When the makers return,

Only the faithful
will survive.

will be swept away.

Not only triannons

But every race
within the chosen realm.

Doctrines like that make it

Real easy to wipe out
everyone who doesn't
agree with you.

You are wrong.
It is not easy.

If it were,
I wouldn't be dreading
what I have to do next.

I've been
reviewing your records.

You've committed
terrible acts of desecration.

Not only have
you flown within

The cloaking
barrier of 3 spheres,

You've landed on one
and entered another.

For crimes of this magnitude,
my faith obligates me

To destroy your ship
and put your crew to death.


I cannot ignore the fact

That you put yourselves
at risk to save us

And that I like you, captain.

I believe you are
an honorable man.

So I am going against
what my faith dictates.

I am going to temper
the punishment.

As commander of this ship,

You may choose one member
of your crew to
give up their life.

You're out of your mind.

If you won't choose,
I'll choose for you.

I take no pleasure
in this, captain, believe me.

I need time
to think about this.

You have 6 hours.

I urge you to use this time
to search within yourself

And put these lies
out of your mind.

All of this data
that you've collected

Must be erased
from existence.

[Computers beeping]

6 Hours, captain.


[Door opens]

An update on
the repairs to your ship.

D'jamat felt
you should be kept apprised.

That's very
considerate of him.

Wait a minute.

Your name's yarrick,
isn't it?

It is.

I understand your wife
paid a visit to sickbay.

She had a long talk
with my doctor.

She's pregnant.


I guess you also know
that she wants to
end the pregnancy.

That's between her and me.

My doctor got
the impression that

She doesn't
exactly agree

With d'jamat's interpretation
of your faith.

As a matter of fact,
phlox said

She's grown to hate
everything about it.

That's not true.

He also got the impression

That you're not happy
with the way things
are going, either.

D'jamat is my
spiritual leader.

I will follow him
to my death.

From what I've seen,
I'm pretty sure

You're going to
have that opportunity.

You went to their doctor?

You put us at risk.
He told his captain.

Does d'jamat know?

I don't think so.

Did you have the procedure?

No. The doctor
said he needed time
to review our physiology.

He's under guard now.
It's too late.

It's just as well.

Have you changed your mind?

I'm not certain
it's the right thing to do.

I won't watch
my son or daughter
fight in d'jamat's w*r.

We have the ship now.

We'll end the w*r
once and for all.

You don't believe that
any more than I do.

[Doorbell beeps]


Ah, I'm glad you've come.

I was just looking
at your captain's logs.

I had no idea
we were such kindred spirits.

What makes you think that?

I know why you're here,
in the expanse.

It turns out
we're both fighting
to save our people.

I'm trying to stop my world
from being destroyed.

You're trying to
wipe out everyone

Who doesn't
share your beliefs.

Our situations
aren't as different
as you think.

I draw the line
at murdering innocent people.

And not t*rture?

In your log,
there is an incident
with a prisoner,

An interrogation
that made use of an airlock.

I needed information
critical to my mission.

He wasn't hurt.

I sympathize
with you, captain.

I've had to make
hard choices as well.

When I was young, I fought
with the holy regiments.

I was commanding a mission.

We'd infiltrated
a village known to be
a heretic stronghold.

We were instructed
to stay concealed

And relay intelligence
about enemy movements.

But one of
the villagers discovered us.

It was a small boy

No more than 6 years old.

We knew if we let him go,
he would alert the village.

And if we tried to hold him,

He might give us away.

There was only
one action to take.

So I took it.

You're proud of that.

In the service of the makers,

All actions are blessed ones.

There are no makers.

At least not
how you perceive them.

The spheres are machines

Built for a reason
you and I don't understand.

I was once like you.

But then I felt the breath.

I prayed for you, captain.

I'd hoped that the makers
would open your eyes
to the truth.

But it seems that
they've turned away.

You had a choice to make.

I've made it.

And which crew member
have you selected?

I've chosen myself.

You wanted to k*ll someone.

k*ll me.

I urge you to reconsider.

I won't make someone else
pay for something that
happened under my command.

But what about your mission?

When I'm through
with your ship,

Your crew will
need their captain.

T'pol is a fine commander.

We're more alike
than you think, captain.

I would make the same choice.

I respect your decision.

Then maybe
you'll grant a request.

What is it?

My people have certain
customs regarding death.

There's a device onboard.

We use it to dispose
of hazardous materials.

But on rare occasions,
when the situation arises,

We've also used it
for executions.

It's considered humane.

Where is this device?

The molecules
have been disassembled.

Quick and painless.

I can't change your mind?

No more than
I can change yours.

Very well.



Ask phlox to keep
an eye on porthos.

Take care of enterprise.

This won't end here.

You have my sympathies.

You should inform your crew.

They deserve to know.

You've been quiet.

I'm just thinking
about what's ahead, pri'nam.

I know you too well.

Tell me what's wrong.

We've just begun this mission
and already 3 people are dead.

And that bothers you.

Shouldn't it?

These people
are not our enemy.

They are non-believers.

That makes them our enemy.


Do you believe
the makers speak through me?


Then when you question me,
you question the makers.

And there's a word for that.



When you begin to sympathize
with the enemy,

You risk becoming the enemy.

Can I help you?


I know.

Medical scans are
against your beliefs.

I don't think
the makers will mind.


[Doorbell beeps]


Lyaal is missing.
He's not at his station.



We'll use the ship's
internal sensors
to find him.

I need to locate
one of my men.

We're dropping out of warp.

Main power is
being disrupted.

From where?

I can't identify
the location.

I'm telling you,
I didn't do anything.

Ask your flunky over here.

He's been looking
over my shoulder
the whole time.

It's true.
He never left my sight.

This did not happen
by accident.

There's something wrong

With the e.p.s. Manifolds
on deck "d",

Section j-15.

Yarrick, go with him.

It's on the left.

you passed it.

You don't want to do that.

You can't win.
They'll destroy the ship.

Not if you help me.


You know this is wrong,

Everything he's doing.

We can put a stop
to it, all of it.

I won't betray my faith.

Your faith betrayed you.

Is this really
what the makers want?

To k*ll people
by the thousands
in their name?

Is that the faith
you were raised in?

Then do what is right.

If you don't help me,

You'll be condemning
your wife and child to death

Because that's how
this is going to end.

As long as
people like d'jamat

Dictate what's true
and what isn't,

All you'll ever have is w*r.

Have you located lyaal?

Internal sensors
aren't functioning.

Systems are down
all over the ship.

[Radar beeping]

What is it?

There's a convoy
of ships approaching.

Let me see them.

These people you're fighting,

What makes them heretics?

We believe the makers created
the chosen realm in 9 days.

They believe it took 10.


For that, you've been at w*r
for over a century?

Found it.

What is it?

The environmental controls
need to be rerouted
to sickbay.

That can only be done
from the bridge.

I'm gonna show you
how to do it.


Dr. Phlox has synthesized
an airborne agent.

It neutralizes
one of the enzymes

Used in
the organic expl*sives,

Renders it inert.

They're hailing us.

surrender now.

I have 4 ships.

If you had 10 ships,
you wouldn't survive
against this vessel.

Run your scans,
you'll see that
I'm telling the truth.

and you'll be treated fairly.

You consider us heretics.

We know what you
do to them, d'jamat.

Target the lead vessel.

Do what I say.


Prepare to fire torpedoes.


One of the ships
has lost engines.

Target their main reactor.

[Both grunting]


Don't worry, it's harmless.

Unless it's agitated.



We have to get
to the armory.

We're retaking the ship.

We need the macos.


It's begun.

What's the status
of the engines?

We've located the problem.

It's under repair.

The warp reactor
should be functioning
in a few hours.

They're retreating.

Stay with them.

Do what I say.

bring us within
f*ring distance.

Prepare to lock weapons.


There's no antidote
for the venom.



There'll be
an extra helping
of snow beetles

For you tonight,
young lady.

their engines are at maximum.

We're still gaining.

good. We'll eliminate them
one by one.



hold your fire.

Don't move.


They're coming into range.

Lock weapons.

[g*ns f*ring]

[g*n malfunction]

[Both grunting]

They're sending
a transmission.

They want to surrender.

Continue f*ring.

Weapons aren't functioning.

archer to the bridge.

We've rerouted
command functions
to engineering.

I've taken weapons off-line.

Find him.

We've also neutralized
your organic expl*sives.

you're lying.

Go ahead,
try to blow yourself up.

I'll wait.

Stand down
before anyone else gets hurt.

You know I won't do that.


They're coming about.


They're f*ring again, captain.

I suggest you bring
your weapons back online.

Are you willing to sacrifice
the lives of your crew?


Captain, it's reed.
We have the bridge.

This would be a lot easier
if I had weapons back.

stand by.

Hail them.

This is captain archer.

D'jamat is no longer
in control of this vessel.

Please respond.

We've retaken the ship.

I'm in command again.

Why should I believe you?

I'm powering down my weapons.

See for yourself.

They're moving off.

We just entered
orbit around triannon.

Let's go.

You've done
a terrible thing, captain.

You've interfered
with something
that was ordained.

After centuries of fighting,

I was going to
bring an end to the w*r.

We would have had peace.


One of my crewmen is dead,
6 others are wounded,
my ship is damaged...

None of that is important.

All that matters
is the sacred truth.

You want truth?

I'll show you some truth.

From what we've been
able to learn,
this happened 8 months ago.

Both sides have
been decimated.

There are no
major cities left.

Millions are dead.

Your faith was
going to bring peace.

Here it is.