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03x07 - The Shipment

Posted: 01/18/23 07:48
by bunniefuu

(Male narrator)
previously, on
star trek enterprise:

I know you're
on an urgent mission.

Who are you?

Don't be frightened.

What do you want?

You're searching
for something.

I can help.

he was horrified that
7 million of us were k*lled.

He says he's willing
to use his abilities

To help us find the xindi.

What's this?

It helps me extend
the range of my telepathy.

he gave me
these coordinates.

What are they for?

A xindi colony.

He said they're building
part of the w*apon there.

we're preparing to
test the w*apon

On an uninhabited planet

In the calindra system.

But we're going to need
another shipment of kemocite,

At least
100 kilograms.

I'll contact gralik.

If the test
is successful,

How long before we can
deploy the w*apon?

A matter of weeks.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

There are no
defensive systems?

No active sensor sweeps
or artificial satellites

No vessels anywhere
in the vicinity.

We've seen how different
xindi technology is.

They could have defenses
we can't detect.

It's also possible
that what we were told

About this colony
isn't accurate.

We're putting a lot of faith
in hoshi's telepathic friend.


What about these
energy readings?

They could be coming
from a weapons complex.

They could also be
electrical storms,

Deposits of
diamagnetic ore...

Or a glitch in
our sensors, I know.

But if there's any chance
that something on that planet
could lead us

To the xindi w*apon,
we have to investigate it.

After we enter the system,
we'll stay on the far
side of that moon.

It should keep
us out of view.

Tell major hayes
he'll be joining us on
a reconnaissance mission.

We launch in 2 hours.

Archer to enterprise.

(T'pol on intercom)
go ahead.

I've found a landing site

12 Kilometers north
of the energy readings.

Any sign they've
detected us?

Scans are still negative.

Your signal's breaking up.

I've set a steep
approach vector,

And we've ionized the hull.

It'll help disperse
any scanning beams.


If anyone sees us,
they'll think we're a meteor.

how much farther?

800 meters.

Just over that rise.


That's definitely the source
of the energy readings.

they're xindi.



One of the other species
we saw in the database.

we've picked up readings
across the spectrum:

Positron emissions,
antiproton bursts.

Whatever they're doing
in there,
it's using a lot of power.

Corporal hawkins
is standing by
with an as*ault team.

Tell him
to keep standing by.

I'm not ready to send
in the troops just yet.

We've checked out
the perimeter of the complex.

I think we can get inside
without being detected.

We'll maintain
communications silence

Inside the complex.

I'll contact you at 0400.

Archer out.

I'm not picking up
any security devices.

What about people?

Approximately 80
inside the complex,

But not within
100 meters.


Some kind of
radiolytic compound.

It doesn't match
anything in our database.

There's several hundred
kilograms in this room.


there were impurities in
the last 3 production cycles.

(Sloth #2)
we found a ruptured seal

In the tertiary
processing chamber.

It's been repaired.

We'll have to increase
the production rate

By at least 60%.
Assign 2 additional teams.

Degra isn't being realistic.

This facility wasn't designed
to manufacture

Such large quantities.

Your job is to
synthesize kemocite.

I suggest you get back to it.

Have these
canisters retested.

Salvage what you can,
then destroy the rest.

We have it, captain.

I need an analysis
as soon as possible.



This place obviously has
something to do

With the w*apon.

It seems to me the sooner
we put it out of commission
the better.

2 spatial charges.

That's all it would take
to destroy the complex
from orbit.

That might set them back
for a while

But we can't lose sight
of our main objective.

I want to know
where they're shipping
this kemocite.

It could lead
us to the w*apon.

[Insects chirping]

I have some questions
for you.

who are you?

What do you want from me?

Sit down!

There's nobody
else here, sir.

Apparently he lives alone.

Stand watch outside.

What's your name?

Gralik durr.

My name's
jonathan archer.

I'm from earth.

Is that supposed to explain

Why you forced your way
into my home?

Tell me about kemocite.

It's a multi-phasic isotope.

Used for what?

There are
numerous applications.

It depends on
the level of refinement.

You're working
with someone named degra.

Who is he?

That's none of your concern.

What's he using it for?

Kemocite can be used
for any number of purposes.

I don't make a habit
of asking our clients
what they plan to do with it.

Maybe you should.

Because this batch
is being used

To create a w*apon
to exterminate my people!


I want to know where
the w*apon is being built

And when it's
going to be ready.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I'm not leaving here until
I get the answers I need.

I managed to identify
a sub-quantum imprint.

It matches the signature
of the xindi probe.

There's no doubt
about it, captain.

This isotope was used
in the w*apon

That att*cked earth.

have you learned anything
from the interrogation?

Not yet,
but this should help.

something else, captain.

I ran a scan on that
r*fle we picked up.

There it was again,
the same quantum imprint.

I'd like permission
to take it apart.

Go ahead.

We'll contact you
in a couple of hours.


Congratulations, sir.

3 Months ago,
we entered the expanse

With no idea
who these xindi were,

Or how to find them.

And now we're
about to destroy

One of their
weapons facilities.

I thought we were here
to try and stop a w*r,

Not start one.

They struck first.

Because they were told
we're going to attack them.

They think they're acting
in self-defense.

By destroying this complex,

We'll be confirming
their worst fears

About humanity.

Let's not forget
the 7 million people

That were k*lled.

Have major hayes lay down
blast suppressors.

When this facility goes,

I don't want to take the rest
of the settlement with it.

What about gralik,

He'll tell them
about enterprise.

I'll deal with gralik
when the time comes.

I don't intend to let
anyone know we were here.

I can't imagine what
the captain wants this for.

He was quite insistent.

We ran the quantum
analysis 3 times.

Doesn't he trust us?

He said he needed it
to help prove a point.

How long are you
going to keep me here?

That's up to captain archer.

Well, you can tell him
that I'll be in my study.

I'm afraid you're going to
have to stay right here.

I have work to do.

And I'm under orders.

Please sit down.

I've already told you
everything I know.

Ah, captain archer,

I was beginning to think
you'd forgotten about me.

You said you weren't involved
in building weapons.

That's correct.

Explain this.

I don't know what this is.

It's a fragment of a probe

That m*rder*d
7 million people.


The dead pilot was xindi.

The alloy is xindi.

And it's imprinted with
the quantum signature

Of the compound
you produce here!

We know you're constructing
a larger version of the w*apon

Big enough
to destroy a planet.

I want to know
where it's being built!

You burst into my home,

Show me some
twisted piece of metal

And tell me it proves
I'm a mass m*rder*r?

I've never seen
your species before.

I've never heard
of a planet called earth,

And whether
you believe me or not,
I had nothing to do

With k*lling millions
of its inhabitants.

I'm flattered you requested
my assistance, commander,

But, uh, weaponry isn't
exactly my area of expertise.

Well, my scans of this thing
showed organic components

And I figured
anything biological

Is more
your turf than mine.

[Trip sighs]

What do you think?


They appear to be generating
synaptic impulses.

Is it alive?

Wouldn't make
a very good pet,

but definitely organic.


And it seems to have
reproductive capabilities.

The kemocite is
extremely refined.

Did it come
from this facility?

It did.

We supply many species
with kemocite,

Not just xindi.

It has
countless applications.

When degra
requested shipments,

So highly refined,
we celebrated,

Realizing the wealth
it would bring to our colony.

We never considered

Why he wanted
such pure kemocite.

Perhaps our greed blinded us
from the possibility

That it would be used
in constructing a w*apon.

Is degra a reptilian?

He's a xindi-primate.

I met one,
at a mining complex.

They're similar to you,

Degra and his people
have always been fair,


That may have been
why I believed him

When he said the shipment
was for research.

Perhaps they've become
as untrustworthy

As the reptilians.

We've run into
a few of them, too.

It's hard to imagine
5 sentient species

Evolving on the same planet.


I suppose there are now.

No, thanks.

Do you mind?

No, go ahead.


There was a 6th species,

The avians.

They've been
gone since the w*r.



As far as I'm told,
none of them fled

Before our homeworld
was destroyed.

We found some debris.

How did it happen?

The w*r went on
for nearly 100 years.

The sides changed,

Alliances were forged,
and then broken.

By the time it ended,

I doubt any of the 6 species
remembered what started it.

But everyone remembered
what ended it.

As well as being
unstable politically,

Our planet was even more
unstable geologically.

In a final desperate act,

The insectoids and reptilians
detonated massive explosions

Beneath the 8 largest
seismic fissures.

I'd like to think
they didn't realize

How devastating
the result would be.

My grandfather lived there.

He told me of places where

The sky was sometimes
filled with avians.

Now they're gone.

The other 5 species
did survive.

From what I can tell,
they don't all live

On remote colonies
like this one.

The descendants
of those that escaped

Are scattered
across the expanse.

Many live peaceful lives,
but obviously, not all.


I'll be right back.


It's ok.

The suppressors
are in place.

The blast wave should be

Mostly confined
to the facility.

Sir, I noticed a lot
of activity down there.

It seemed like
something is going on.



captain, we've detected a ship
approaching the planet.

The hull configuration
matches the xindi vessel

That att*cked us.


Recognize anyone?

The reptilians seem rather
upset about something.

You got something?

I've been running scans

Of the w*apon's
organic component.

Its neural pathways
appear to help

Modulate the r*fle's
power output.

It's the most
sophisticated example

Of biomechanical engineering
I've ever seen.

You said you had
good news, doc.

Ah, yes.

I've been attempting
to break down

This creature's
immune system.

You're trying
to make it sick?

However, it's proving
to be quite resilient.

I've tried an array
of viruses and pathogens

But it's immune
to all of them.

I began exposing it

To various
radioactive spectra,

A sustained burst
of delta radiation.

If we rig up
portable e.m. Emitters,

We could knock out
reptilian weapons

Before any of them
get a chance
to pull the trigger.

In theory.

Unfortunately, the amount
of radiation required

Would be extremely hazardous
to any humans in the area.

It's still a place to start.

Great work, doc.
Keep at it.

Oh, and, uh, commander,

I'd avoid exposing
any of the xindi technology

To omicron radiation.

It seems to thrive on it,
as you can see.

I'll keep that in mind.

They're ahead of schedule.
We weren't expecting them

For another 3 days.

You might not have
much time left

To accomplish your mission.

What makes you say that?

We've been processing kemocite
for them for nearly 6 months.

They're here
for their final shipment.

I'm the primary technician

At this facility.

They'll want to talk to me
before accepting delivery,

To confirm that all of
their technical requirements

Have been met.

I may be able to obtain
some information for you

About this w*apon.

That could be dangerous.

I'm willing
to take that risk.

How do I know
you won't expose us.

Tell them about enterprise?

I'm proud of my craft,

I've practiced
it for many years.

I won't let my work
be corrupted in this way.

7 Million people.

If I'd chosen my clients
more carefully,

That tragedy
might not have happened.

I don't intend
to let it happen again.



captain, there are 2 xindi
bio-signs heading this way.

(Sloth #2)
gralik, are you there?


[Doorbell buzzes]

Degra's probably
wondering where I am.

His companions don't like
to be kept waiting.

[Knocking on door]

[Reed whispering]

They've gone.

They'll return, probably
with armed reptilians.

Just because
you didn't show up for work?

There are fewer than
100 people on this planet.

It doesn't go unnoticed
when one of them is missing.

Degra won't leave
until he sees

The results of
the final isotopic analysis.

You should reconsider
my offer.

that's good, right there.

are you sure this is wise?

That's 4 inches
of solid duranium.

If this thing can blast
a hole through it,

Then we're in even
worse trouble
than we thought.

Still, it might be
prudent to find

A more suitable
environment to test it.

We don't have time to look
for some deserted asteroid,
if that's what you mean.

If I may, commander tucker
and I have learned all we can

From examining
the workings of the device.

A practical test is
the next logical step.

I've rigged up 4 of malcolm's
force field emitters.

They'll contain
any blast debris.

What about radiation,
or particle disbursement?

You know nothing
about this device.

That's the point.

Those xindi took out
half of our security force

When they came aboard.

If we don't make progress
understanding their weapons,

We won't stand
a chance in hell

Of beating them
when the time comes.

Let me know
when you're ready.

Give us an hour.

More delays?

We did surprise them
by arriving early.

That's no excuse.

They should have
been ready by now.

Such lethargic creatures.

You could learn
something from them.

Patience, for example.


Where's gralik?

We can't find him.

In a complex this size,
how difficult could it be?

We've searched

No one's seen him.

He often takes walks
outside the settlement.


Without his analysis,
I can't proceed.

We've organized
search teams.

We don't have time
for you to go

through the forest.

We'll find him ourselves.

[Machine beeping]

What is it?

Someone's closing
on our position, sir.

400 Meters.


I'm not certain.

350 Meters.

Stay with him.

Still closing, sir.

They're bloody fast,
whoever they are.

Take cover!

[Static buzzing]

It's a seeker. The reptilians
built them for reconnaissance.

They were used to great effect
during the w*r.

It seems as though

You may have been
exposed after all.

Let's hope they didn't
get a very good look at us.

There are some
caves not far ahead.

They should
provide us with cover

In case we encounter
any more of those.

Ready, doc?



What's wrong?
It won't fire.

I don't understand.

Perhaps it has
a safety device.

[Machine beeping]

What's that?

It's coming
from the w*apon.


Looks like some
kind of countdown.

The energy
levels are increasing.

It's overloading.

I can't shut it down.

Damn thing's booby-trapped.

If you remove the power cell.

It'll just grow back.




Quick thinking, commander.

You were right.

We probably should have
found a nice, empty asteroid

To test it on.


The xindi ship
is still in orbit.

We haven't detected
any other vessels.


captain, if the xindi
have detected your presence,

I strongly urge you
to return to the ship.

I appreciate your concern.

But we still have
a few loose ends
to tie up down here.

Archer out.


No, sir. We just might
have stopped those bloodhounds

Before they transmitted
our position.

Let's hope so.

No sign
of the reptilians.

I doubt they'll find us.

That's topaline ore.

It should disrupt
their scanners.

Even their seekers
won't locate us here.

What do you intend
to do now, captain?

Destroy our facility?

Do you plan to wait
until I'm back inside

Or will you simply
dispose of me here

In the forest?

I've been considering
another option.

I'd certainly
like to hear it.

The people on this colony
had nothing to do

With the attack
on my planet.

I'll be damned if I'm going to
make them pay for it.

You offered to help us.
Are you still willing?

If you're prepared
to trust me.

Then we'll give
them their kemocite

But it won't be exactly
what they ordered.

Make sure
he gets home safely.

Yes, sir.

It would be better
if I went alone.

Good luck.

And you.

permission to speak freely.

Go ahead.

I'm not sure
it was wise to let him go.

He could lead
the reptilians back here.

Are you speaking
freely as well, major?

Just offering
a tactical assessment, sir.


He said he'd help us.

I believe him.


It's the captain.

Go ahead, sir.

tell the armory to hold off
on those spatial charges.

There's been
a change of plans.

Is everything all right?

I'll let you know
in a couple of hours.

Right now,
I have an assignment
for you and hoshi.

They are looking for you.

Have you started
loading the shipment?

Not yet.


I want to run
another refinement test.

We've completed 3

The impurities were less
than 6 parts per million.

We have to be
absolutely certain

That we've met
their specifications.

You know how important
this is to all of us.

We should get started.

You two perform
the isotopic analysis.

I'll run
the sub-molecular scans.

We've got it.

We've modified
the radiolytic signature.

If you can get it
on board their ship
I'll be able to track it.


Where were you?

My personal activities
aren't your concern.

And do your
personal activities

Involve destroying
one of our seekers?

I was hunting tree scarabs.

Your drone
was frightening them.

Who was with you?

I prefer to spend my time
in the forest alone.

Our scans detected
other bio-signs.

I was alone.

If you saw the drone,
you knew we were here.

Why didn't you return?

You're 2 days early.

What are you doing?

Running some final tests.

What kind of tests?

We were told
the shipment was ready.

42 Years.

That's how long I've been
running this facility.

And never once have I allowed
a single gram of kemocite

To leave the premises

Unless it was
perfectly calibrated.

I take pride in my work,

But if you're so eager
to get underway

Then go ahead,
take your shipment!

But if it doesn't
meet your requirements,

Don't expect me to produce

Another 100 kilograms

Because we do have
other clients besides you.

Finish quickly.

There are 2 of them,
loading containers.

Stand by, captain.


They're heading back.

You're clear, sir.

reed to enterprise.

Go ahead.

The captain's inside
the xindi shuttle.


Captain, 3 xindi have just
come out of the complex.


Lieutenant reed, report.

we've run into
a small problem. Stand by.

We appreciate your efforts.

Perhaps you'll need
our services in the future.


I'll miss the pleasure
of your company.

We should go, degra.

We're behind
schedule already.

We've invested
a great deal in this project.

And you've been
well paid for it.

Yes, you've been
more than generous,

But I'd appreciate
if you could tell me

What this shipment
is being used for.

I don't think
it's an unreasonable request.

It doesn't concern you.

It concerns all of us.

We've learned there's
a threat to our people.

What kind of threat?

A ruthless alien species.

If we don't act,
they'll destroy us.

I'm glad
we could contribute.

Take pride
in what you've done here.

archer to enterprise.

Go ahead.

What's the status
of that xindi ship?

It broke orbit
5 minutes ago, captain.

Are you picking up
the tracking signal?

Loud and clear.

Keep an eye on it.

We'll be back as
soon as we can.


Thank you.

Is something wrong?

I may have just
betrayed my people

To a ruthless alien species.

I promise you, you haven't.

Please trust me.

To trust.

degra's going to discover

That you sabotaged
his kemocite.

it should delay
their progress considerably.

They'll come back here.

Don't worry.

I can deal with
degra and his friends.

You should just be concerned
with finding this w*apon.

Their ship

Entered an energy portal
after it left orbit.

We've lost
our tracking signal.

The portal's range
is only a few light-years.

Keep searching.

I better get
back to enterprise.

If everything
you've told me is true

About the attack
on your world,

I hope you remember

That all xindi
are not your enemy.

I will.