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03x05 - Impulse

Posted: 01/18/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
She's coming to.

let me go!

Let me go!

I'll k*ll you!

We're not
going to hurt you!

You liar. No!

Get away from me! No!


♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪


The damage is more severe
than I expected.

Can you reverse it?
I'm not certain.

[T'pol grunting]

What's he doing?

It's all right.
He's trying to help you.

He's trying to k*ll me!

Like you k*lled the others!

Get away! No!



I talked with chef at dinner.

He's a little worried
about the crew.

are skipping meals.

He figures
they're either too busy

Or the stress of this mission
is starting to get to them.

I haven't had
much of an appetite myself.

Movie night's
been on hold

Since we entered
the expanse.

Maybe we should
start it up again.

There'll be
plenty of time for movies

After we've dealt
with the xindi.

No one hates the xindi
more than I do, captain.

But I'm telling you,

This crew needs
a little r & r.

Unless you want phlox
to start medicating people,

We gotta...

We gotta find a way
to boost morale.

What did you have in mind?

I was thinking
about a comedy.

One of the classic
hope and crosby pictures.

Good choice.


We've been reviewing

Some of these
xindi starcharts.

Trip thought
they might be able
to help us figure out

If there are any more
spatial anomalies
in the region.

I would have
helped you do that.

It's late.

I didn't want to
get you out of bed.

our resident insomniac

Was looking
for something to do.

[Machine beeping]

You have plans
tuesday night?

Not at the moment.

Mess hall,
1900 hours.

Movie night?

Back by popular demand.

(Hoshi on intercom)
bridge to captain archer.

Go ahead.

I'm picking up an automated
distress call, sir.

It's vulcan.

Have you tried hailing them?

several times.

I'm on my way.

Where are they?

3.2 light-years
bearing 0-1-6 mark 12.

I recognize
the transponder frequency.

It's the seleya.

They entered the expanse
9 months ago.

Keep hailing them.
Set a course.

The asteroids are moving
in a chaotic fashion.

Their paths are unpredictable.

May be the result
of some spatial anomalies.

Where's the vulcan ship?

2,000 kilometers dead ahead.

I can guess

Why they were interested
in this field.

The asteroids are loaded
with trellium ore.

It looks a little too crowded
in there for enterprise.

Wake up mr. Reed.

Tell him to meet us
in the launch bay.

Aye, sir.

Try to get your hands on
some of that ore.


[Machines beeping]

Starboard bow,
340 meters.

I see it.

No damage. Though we may need
a fresh coat of paint.

How much farther?

1,200 Kilometers.

I could take the helm
if you like.

Maybe on the way back.

So what else do you know
about the seleya?

A great deal.

I served on it
for over a year.

It was
my last assignment

Before joining
the consulate on earth.

I was the deputy
science officer
under captain voris.

Any idea what they
were doing in the expanse?

They were attempting to chart
the thermobaric perimeter.

After several days,

They reported
that they'd become caught

In some kind of
subspace eddy.

And were being pulled
into the expanse.

It was their
final transmission.

The vankaara
was sent to find them.

You already know
what happened to that crew.

Let's hope the seleya
fared a little better.

[Machine beeps]

Directly ahead, 200 meters.

Hang on!

Good isotope density.

We should get at least
half a kilo out of this one.


Let's try for
something bigger this time.

How about, uh,
this one?


I've got a lock.


[Static buzzing]

There's an overload
in the resequencer.

Shut it down.

I can't.


Oh, this thing's useless!

The coils are fused.

What if I could put
a shuttlepod down
on one of the big ones?

They're pretty unpredictable.

You sure
you could land safely?

I can try.

This'll be a new one
for the maintenance crew.

Main power's off-line.

Their hull's
taken quite a beating.

Life support?

Minimal. Decks 12 and 13
have decompressed.

I'm reading
multiple bio-signs.

[Instrument beeps]

This is captain archer
of the starship enterprise.

Please respond.

[Instrument beeps]

Seleya, come in.

The starboard docking port
is still intact.




they were lining this bulkhead
with trellium.

They didn't get very far.

I'm reading
bio-signs on this deck.

I can't isolate them.

Take starboard.

vulcan blood.

[Metallic thudding]

One bio-sign.

[Door buzzes]

[Door clicks]

[Both grunting]

[Both grunt]

You all right?


I'm fine.

His synaptic pathways
have been severely damaged.

Let's get him in the pod.

[Metal clanks]


Keep back.

Archer to reed.

go ahead, sir.

Have you come across anyone?

Not yet.

watch yourself.

Something's happened to them.
They've become violent.

Aye, sir.







[Reed choking]


lieutenant, you ok?


What happened to them?

7 More.
That direction. 30 Meters.


Let's get out of here.

[g*n clicking]

What are you doing?

Stun isn't working.

We should set
our weapons to k*ll.

They're vulcan officers,
and we're on
a rescue mission.

With respect, ma'am,
they don't seem
to want our help!

You heard me.

Keep your weapons
on stun.

Yes, sir.

captain. Over here.

What are they doing?

We're from
the starfleet ship enterprise.

Do you understand me?


Is there another way
to the airlock?


[Door creaking]

that way.


Go on.



[Door clanging]

Archer to enterprise.

Enterprise, respond!

If their comm system's intact,

We may be able to
contact enterprise
from the bridge.

Where is it?

7 Decks above us.

7? How many vulcans
are on board?

Assuming the entire crew
is still alive, 147.

If I'm not mistaken,
the launch bay's
on this level.

Maybe we can use
one of their shuttles.

The bay's depressurized,

Probably from
an asteroid impact.

we have to
get back to our pod.

That'll be difficult.

All 4 bulkheads
leading to the airlock
have been sealed.

[Door thudding]

We should keep moving.
How's your arm?

It's fine, sir.

He's losing
a lot of blood, captain.

We've got to
treat this wound.

How far to their sickbay?

It's 2 decks up.

Let's go.

Are you all right?

Since we've come aboard,

I've been
experiencing anxiety.

Whatever's happened
to this crew

May be starting
to affect me.

We'll get you out of here
as soon as we can.

this one's more isolated.

And I'm reading large deposits
near the surface.

Can you set us down?

There isn't a flat spot
much bigger than my quarters.

Ah, you're the pilot.
It's your call.

Let's go.

I'm matching
the rotational velocity.

Looking good.

200 Meters.

You're drifting
to the left.

Got it.

[Machine beeping]

I hope you won't write
that landing up in your log.

Are you kidding?

I'm gonna recommend
they give you a medal.

let's try to make this quick.

[Vulcan grunts]


Any idea
what's causing this?

I'm not a doctor.

But you are
my science officer.

I need to know
I can depend on you.

I'll do my best.

His name is solin.

When I served here
he was the chief engineer.

I knew him.

[Solin gasps]

Can you understand me?

Subcommander t'pol.

We served together.


Don't you recognize me?

[Solin groaning]

We're here to help you,

But we need to know
what happened to your crew.


Solin, look at me.

Something has
made you very ill.

You've lost control.

Tell me what happened.

Tell me!


This is going to
happen to me.

You don't know that.

It's already started!

I can feel my control
slipping away.

We're getting you
off this ship.

It's too late.

We're going to take the scans
you made back to phlox

And figure out
what's going on here.

But first,

We have to
get to the shuttle.

How do you open
those bulkheads?

The bulkheads.

There's an auxiliary
control room

On the engineering deck.



Are you all right?


We have to keep moving.

I don't need your help.

[Door opens]

2 more bio-signs
50 meters beyond that hatch.

It's the only way
to the engineering deck.

we'll go deal with them.
Stay with her, hawkins.

aye, sir.


No offense, but you look
like you could use some.

Thank you.

I apologize for the way
I reacted before.

You were right,
this is a rescue mission.

May I ask you
a question?

How is it possible
that this crew
could turn so violent

When vulcans aren't supposed
to have emotions?

A common misconception.

We have emotions.

We simply keep them
suppressed, under control.

Something has obviously caused
them to lose that control.

Why would they want
to k*ll us?

There was a time
in the past

When we were
an extremely violent race.

We nearly
destroyed ourselves.

Paranoia and homicidal rage
were common.

5 meters.

[Archer grunts]

[All grunting]


Any more
where they came from?


Not at the moment.

Archer to hawkins.

Go ahead, sir.

we're all clear.

We're on our way.

I heard about the accident
you and t'pol had in the lab.

Aw, it was minor.


Nothing to
write home about.

But you're sure this stuff
is safe to bring on board?

Don't worry.

It only tends to blow up
in its liquid state.


[Instrument beeping]

to commander tucker.

Go ahead.

Sir, we just picked up
a spatial anomaly
at your coordinates.

we saw it.

It's altered
the course of the asteroid.

you're heading into
a denser part of the field.

Grab a seat, commander.

Don't worry about me,

Just get us
the hell out of here!


The starboard
thruster's failing!

There's debris in
the intake manifold.

Can you purge it?

[Machine beeping]

We're clear,

But we've only got
one thruster left.

Can you get us home?

I think so.

Shuttlepod 2
to enterprise.

go ahead, commander.

We're on our way back,
but we've taken damage.

alert the launch bay crew

To get ready for
a rough docking.



secure the door.

the transceiver's
been damaged.

Any chance
of repairing it?

[Breathing heavily]


Any chance
of repairing it?

an auxiliary transmitter.

If I can get access to it,

We may be able
to contact enterprise.

Sir, I've encrypted
the locking codes.

But if they're determined
to get in...

looks like the impulse
assembly took a beating.

Open up the engine housings
and run a diagnostic.

bridge to commander tucker.

tucker here.

we're receiving
a transmission

From the captain.
It sounds urgent.

Route it down here.

Go ahead, captain.

Trip, we're going
to need some help

Getting off this ship.

How fast
can you be here?

Pod 2 took some damage
in the asteroid field, sir.

We're looking at

A couple of hours
before we can launch again.

what's the problem?

It's the vulcan crew.

Something's wrong
with them.

we're going to transmit
some bio-data.

Tell phlox to
start analyzing it.

See if there's anything we
can do to help these people.

acknowledged. Anything else?

Just get
that shuttle flying.

Aye, sir.

Archer out.

You heard the captain.
Get a repair team down here.

The bulkhead controls
were severed on deck 9.

I've rerouted them
through the auxiliary grid.

Mr. Reed, are you finished
with those actuator circuits?

They've all been realigned.


You ok?

What did you do?

I... I realigned the circuits,
just like you asked me.



These aren't
sequenced correctly!

You overloaded
the locking mechanism!

Then we'll have to
try something else.

It's pointless.
The circuits are damaged!

[T'pol panting]

I should have
been watching him!

You didn't want me to see.

Now I know what you were doing
in the command center.

What are you talking about?

The xindi starcharts.

You were analyzing them
behind my back,

Undermining my work.

No one's trying
to sabotage your work.

We should all just focus on
getting off this ship safely.

There might be
another way, sir.

If we overload
the power grid,

It would disrupt the systems
all over the ship

the bulkhead mechanisms.

The warp reactor
is unstable as it is.

Disrupting main power

Could shut down
the antimatter containment.

You'd cause
a reactor breach.

I don't think
we have much of a choice.

You want to k*ll all of us.

You don't trust vulcans.

You never have.

Sir, that p*stol's
set to k*ll.

Give me the w*apon.

Don't think
I've forgotten.

You blamed us
for holding you back,

For undermining
your father's work.

Now you decided
to take revenge.

I'll fire!

Listen to me.
This is a rescue mission.

We're here to
save these people.

You're lying.

You want to k*ll them.

If that's true,

Then why would I keep
our weapons on stun?

It's not logical.

[Banging on door]

[T'pol grunts]

[Banging continues]

it doesn't make sense.

T'pol and I have been working
with trellium for weeks.

She hasn't shown
any symptoms.

I don't imagine
she would have.

Despite your best efforts,

You weren't able
to synthesize it

In any
significant quantities.

The crew of the seleya,

Had the misfortune
of wandering into
an asteroid field

Filled with the compound.

Trellium-d is
a potent neurotoxin

To the vulcan
nervous system.

It disrupts
the synaptic pathways

That allow them
to control emotions.

Unfortunately, the rate
of decay is accelerating.

is it too late?

I can treat her,

But I need to begin
synaptic regeneration

As soon as possible.

What about
the vulcan crew?

[Static buzzing]

Phlox, do you read me?

I'm afraid there's nothing
we can do for the others.

They've been exposed
for too long.

The neurological damage
is irreversible.

They're dying, captain.

He's lying!
He wants them all to die.

Doctor, there are
over 140 people on this ship.

I'm sorry,
but they've been...

[Static buzzing]


phlox, do you hear me?

They've shut
the comm system down.

Captain, they're flooding
the compartment

With hexafluorine.

[T'pol gasps]

[All coughing]

shut it off.

I can't. They've bypassed
the environmental controls.

They won't let you
destroy this ship.

After you initiate
the overload,

How long do we have?

about 15 minutes,
maybe less.


You heard
what the doctor said.

They can't be saved,
but you can.


Help me get her
out of here.

[Hawkins grunts]



Just about there.

Come on.





[Static crackling]

[All grunt]

we don't have much time!

no! No!


you can't stay here!

another 20 meters.


How were you
at the long jump?

Watch her.



[Archer and reed exclaim]

Come on.

You can make it.

Get away from me.

It's ok. I'll help you.

You touch me
and I'll k*ll you!


[g*ns continue firing]



I said go!

[Vulcan exclaims]

give me a hand!


[Metal clanks]



What's wrong?

I can't release
the docking clamps.

Full power to thrusters.

We're being hailed.

Are you all right,

The docking clamps
are jammed.

We could use a hand.

stand by.

you're clear, sir.

The ship's about to blow.
Get the hell out of here!


Archer to shuttlepod 2.

Are you still in one piece?

we're fine, sir.

see you back on enterprise.


we got over 60 kilos.

It should be enough
to line the forward hull.

May be a while
before phlox finds a way

To inoculate t'pol.

Take this
to cargo bay one,

Store it in
a bio-hazard locker.

Aye, sir.

How'd it go?

You got her out
in time, captain.

Her synaptic pathways
are mending nicely.

But it will be
a few days

Before she fully regains
control of her emotions.

I'd like to talk with her.

[Injection hisses]


phlox was able to help you.

You're going to be ok.

The seleya?

It was destroyed.

I'm sorry,
but I didn't have a choice.

they were beyond help.

Their fate was sealed
long before we arrived.

Please don't be long.

Was commander tucker

Yes and no.

He collected
a good supply of trellium.

But it turns out

It was trellium
that poisoned the vulcan crew

And you.

It's essential
you protect this ship.

Leave me on
the next habitable planet.

I'm not
going to do that.

You can't allow
your concern

For a single crewman
to affect your mission.

This expanse destroyed
everyone aboard the seleya.

Don't let it happen
to enterprise.

We'll find a way
through this

But I won't
leave anyone behind,

Not if I can help it.

I can't try to
save humanity

Without holding on to
what makes me human.

[Video chattering]

something tells me
we haven't seen the last

Of the detective
in the bow tie.

No, he died
in a house fire.

Ah, did he? Hmm?

The autopsy
was inconclusive.

I wouldn't be surprised
if the body belonged
to the delivery man.

With the strange limp.

You never did see
him leave the house.

What about the gardener?
He was there, too.

Too tall.

Even the primitive forensics
of the mid-20th century

Would have
determined that.


Perhaps we should watch
and find out.

Part of the fun
of a mystery

Is trying to solve it
before it ends,

Using logic.

You of all people
should appreciate that.

Then use logic
more quietly.

[Video continues chattering]

[Instrument beeping]

all hands report to stations.
Tactical alert.

[All chattering]

[T'pol grunting]

[T'pol groaning]

t'pol! T'pol!


It's all right.
You're... You're on enterprise.

You're safe.