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03x03 - Extinction

Posted: 01/18/23 07:44
by bunniefuu




[Alien screaming]

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

[Doorbell beeps]

Come in.

Thanks for seeing me so late.

You sure I'm not
bothering you?

Not at all.

Georgia peaches.

I picked up a crate
when we were back on earth.

Chef's been keeping them
in stasis for me.

They're as fresh as
the day they were picked.

Thank you.

Aren't you going to try one?

I don't usually
eat this late.

Come on. One bite?


This doesn't make up
for the 2 sessions
you cancelled.

Maybe you haven't noticed,

But I've been
a little busy lately.

It's not like I didn't
want to come back.

After our last session,
I slept like a baby.

First time in months.

[Trip sighing]

So, should I just...


Your shoes as well.


There are many neural nodes
in the soles of the feet.

Hold on. You never said
anything about feet.

Is that a problem?

Well, for one thing
I haven't had a shower
since this morning

And I know how sensitive
that vulcan nose
of yours can be,

And I'm a little ticklish.

Maybe more than a little.

I'll stop at the first sign
of discomfort.




Your hands are ice-cold.

Long deep breaths.

[Breathing deeply]

You sure this is safe? I mean,

Has anyone ever tried it
on a human before?

Not to my knowledge.

The risk of paralysis
is minimal.


[Inhales deeply]

Oh, that's the spot.

[Intercom beeps]


it's the captain.
I'd like you to join me

In the command center
right away.

[Door opening]

Sorry if I woke you.

I wasn't asleep.

Look at this.


Another species of xindi?

According to phlox,
they probably evolved...

From some form
of arboreal primate.

I managed to piece together
some of their starcharts.

It took me half the night
to figure out how
they map coordinates,

But I've been able
to reconstruct

The ship's course
over the past few months.

This is the last planet
they visited

Before they were att*cked
by the marauders.

Does it say what
they were doing there?

No. But it's only a day away.

We don't know if these xindi
were involved...

With the ones
who att*cked earth.

We don't know they weren't.

Tell travis to set a course.

the ecosystem is prolific.

There are several
million chromophyllic
plant species alone.

What about xindi?

I'm not detecting
any humanoid life,

But it'll take several hours

To search all
of the landmasses.


Captain, I'm picking up
a metallic signature

At the northern end
of those equatorial islands.

It looks like
a landing craft.

Any bio-scans?

None within
a 30-kilometer radius.

Another 13 kilometers.

There's a break
in the canopy.

It should be wide enough.

I see it.


Judging by the oxidation,
this happened
about 2 weeks ago.

Right about the time
the xindi were here.

It's definitely
one of theirs.

I recognize it
from the database.

Search the area.

See what else you can find.

Some of their data banks
may still be intact.

captain! A body.


It isn't xindi,

At least not one
of the three species
we're familiar with.

Maybe it was one
of the other two.

What about him?


The readings are the same.

This whole area's
been scorched.


Are you all right?


I never much cared
for the tropics.

Keep looking.




[Reed chittering]





T'pol to enterprise.

Go ahead.

send a security team
to the surface.

We're being altered
by some kind of...

[Alien archer speaking
alien language]



[Speaking alien language]

Stay back.

[Speaking alien language]


[Both groaning]






[Speaking alien language]

[Speaking alien language]

[Speaking alien language]

[Speaking alien language]

[Speaking alien language]


[Speaking alien language]

Untie me.

Let me go.


[Speaking alien language]


Thank you.




We have to get back
to enterprise.


[Speaking alien language]

May I have that?


The device.
May I have it?

[Speaking alien language]

[Speaking alien language]



This may help us
understand each other.

You're going to have to talk.


You need to talk.

that's a vulcan bio-sign.
I'm certain of it.

But these aren't human.

Definitely not.

Then where's
the rest of our team?

The only reason I don't have
a search party down there
right now

Is because you needed time
to analyze the data.

Now unless you can give me
a damn good reason
to wait around...

When t'pol called the ship,
she said something
was happening to them.

She said they were
being altered.

It's possible she
was speaking literally.

Something on the planet
may have transformed them,

Uh, physiologically.

You're saying
these alien bio-signs
could be our people?

From what we've seen
of the expanse,

It's a possibility
we have to consider.

The laws of biochemistry
on this world
maybe just as unpredictable

As the laws of physics.

Whoever they are,
they're not staying put.

They're heading due east
of the landing site.

Prep shuttlepod 2.

Aye, sir.

I'd like more time
to study these readings.

We'll use ev suits
with bio-hazard protocols.

Have the decon chamber ready
when we get back.


Yes, it's your ship.

You're the captain.

We don't have time for this.

We have to find urquat!

It's all that matters now.


We have to keep looking.

It's somewhere close.

(Alien hoshi)
why are you talking to her?

She's trying to delay us.

Our people are there.

They can help us,

Tell us what happened,
why we can't remember.

captain, that device,

I can use it
to call enterprise.

You have a doctor on board.

He can prove to you
what I'm saying is true.

Don't trust her.
She's not one of us.

We don't know what she is.



You said we need
to find urquat.

We should keep searching.

It can't be far.







[Both grunting]



No, thank you.

I'm not hungry.


They're about 3 kilometers
east of us.

We don't have
too many options
for a landing site.

Hope you boys are up
for a little walk.


[Shuttlepod engine whirring]

It's a shuttlepod
from enterprise.

They won't hurt you.
Let me talk to them.


Keep your weapons on stun.

Circle around.








Don't you recognize him?


Take lieutenant reed
back to sickbay.

What about you?

I'm staying with them.





[Door opening]

He didn't even recognize me.

Don't be offended.

In his current condition,
I doubt he'd recognize
any of us.

Any idea what caused this?

A mutagenic virus.

His blood was swarming
with them.

It was apparently designed
to rewrite the d.n.a
of its host

To transform
any humanoid it infects
into another species.

Why did it have
so little effect on t'pol?

Vulcan k-cells.

They seem to neutralize
the pathogen.

I've been synthesizing
an anti-virus
using t'pol's genetic profile,

But I need an active sample
of her d.n.a. To complete it.

We need to get her back
to the ship
as soon as possible.

I'm doing my best.

bridge to commander tucker.

Go ahead.

2 Ships just
dropped out of warp, sir.

They're on
an intercept course.


They're hailing us.

open a channel.

Your ship is
in restricted space.

It wasn't very well marked.

Our scans indicate
that one of the people
on your ship has been infected

With a dangerous virus.

We're aware of that.

Is there anything
you can tell us about...

Your vessel is
under quarantine.

Prepare to be boarded.

No one's comin' aboard
unless I say so.

The infected organism
must be eradicated
before the virus can spread.

That infected organism
is a member of my crew.

Does he still look
like one of your crew?

Does he recognize you,
or even speak
your language anymore?

We've been
studying the mutagen
for 60 years.

The only course of action
is to neutralize the outbreak.

There isn't any outbreak.

Lieutenant reed is
in medical isolation.

We won't allow your vessel
to leave orbit

With the contagion aboard.

Look, we've only been dealing
with this virus for one day.

So forgive me if I don't
take your word for it
that the only option

Is to neutralize
our tactical officer.

You want to come over
to discuss the situation,

But if you try
to force your way
onto this ship,

You're gonna have
one hell of a fight
on your hands.


How long was I asleep?

Only for a few minutes.

I saw it.

In my dream, I was there.


Our city.

There are no cities
on this planet.

You're wrong.

It's below the surface.

Tell me.

What was it like?

It was filled
with thousands
of loque'eque


For us.

Your home is a planet
called earth.

The people there
are waiting for you.

You're on a mission
to save them.

Urquat's my home.

When we get there,
you'll understand.

Wait and see.

We've rested long enough.

the decon chamber is sealed.

I assure you,
there's no danger.

You wouldn't be so confident

If you knew how easily
this virus can spread.

It infected tens of millions
of people on my world.

They all had to be destroyed.


The virus would
have transformed

Our entire population
within weeks.

Where did it come from?

It was engineered
by the inhabitants
of this planet,

A race called the loque'eque.

Something decimated
their species
centuries ago

And they lost
the ability to reproduce.

So they created this virus
to transform other species
into their own.

It was the only way
to save themselves
from extinction.


But why didn't they
program the virus
to stop replicating

Once their population
was replenished?

We've been trying
to answer that question
for a long time.

Why's he so eager to get back
to a place called urquat?

The mutagen
encodes the victims
with an overpowering instinct

To return to their
home city, urquat.

That's why we can't allow
even a single
infected organism

To leave this planet.

They could spread
the contagion
to other systems

And anyone who became infected
would be drawn back here.

We can't risk
another epidemic.

[Device beeping]


we've detected
3 more infected organisms

On the surface.

Prepare a containment team.

More of your crewmen?

One of them
has an immunity
to the virus.

If I could have access
to some of your research,
we could work together.

We'll find these people
and examine them.

If there's anything to report,
we'll let you know.

I'd prefer to have
dr. Phlox examine them.

What you prefer
doesn't matter.

I'm under orders
to contain this outbreak.

If you attempt to interfere,

I'm authorized to use
any force necessary.

Take me back to the airlock.

If I don't complete
the anti-virus

Within the next 2 hours,
it'll be too late.

There won't be enough

Of their original genome left
to re-sequence.

We can't launch a shuttlepod.
They'd detect it.


Do you think
t'pol's contagious?

Most likely.

That rules out
the transporter.

She'd infect the entire crew.

Whatever you do, commander,
do it quickly.
I need that d.n.a. Sample.

Be right back.

[Crew members chattering]

bridge to commander tucker.

Go ahead.

One of those ships
just launched a shuttle, sir.

It's heading
toward the surface.

Keep an eye on 'em.

It isn't far now.


The passage was here
in my dream.

(Alien archer)
help me.



You said they'd be
waiting for us.

I saw it

So clearly.

There was a fountain there.

And gardens

Up there


And there were people,

Thousands of people.

Come back to enterprise.

We'll help you find out
what happened to your city.

No! No! We're not leaving.
This is our home.



Look around.

These ruins are ancient.

No one has lived here
for a very long time.

What about this?

This body isn't ancient.

Someone k*lled them. Why?

Who would do this?

Your people?


Then who?

I don't know,
but if we go to enterprise
we can try to find out.

I don't belong on enterprise!

I belong here.

Someone's coming.

More of your humans?

I don't think so.

We're not safe here.

Come, we must go.

Come, we must go.

We found them.

take the vulcan woman.

Then destroy the others.


Who are they?

I don't know.



(Alien archer)
you destroyed my city!
k*lled my people!

[T'pol grunting]

[Alien hoshi grunting]


We have to get
to the surface.


[Breathing heavily]


This way.





[g*ns clicking]

Lower your w*apon
and move away.

You won't be harmed.

I said, move away!





you all right?

You said you'd never
use the transporter again.

Believe me,
I wish I'd had a choice.

There are more of them
in orbit.

We'd better get back
to the shuttlepod

Before they realize
anything's wrong.

Captain, you can't stay here.

You'll be safe on enterprise.

It's commander tucker.

Put him through.

Go ahead, sir.

we're docking, travis.

Tell phlox to stand by
in decon.

Go to warp 4
as soon as we're in.



They're in pursuit.

2,000 Kilometers and closing.

Try to stay ahead of 'em.

Stand by weapons.

They're hailing us.

Don't respond.
Hold your course.

900 Kilometers.

They're charging weapons!


[expl*sive rumbling]

Full power
to aft hull plating!

Hull plating's down to 40%.

We're being hailed again.

Drop out of warp.

Look, we both want
the same thing.

A cure for this virus, right?

Our doctor thinks
he's found one,

But he needs
a little more time.

I won't warn you again,

We're going to
contain this outbreak
whether you cooperate or not.

Why are you firing
at my ship?

There are 3
infected people on board.

We won't allow you
to leave this system.

This is captain archer
and ensign sato.

They're the people
you nearly incinerated
on that planet.

As you can see,
they're responding quite well

To the anti-virus
I synthesized.

That's not possible.

Run scans.
See for yourself.

Like I said, he just needed
a little more time.

I'm sure we'd be happy
to share the anti-virus
with you,

But that'll be impossible
if you destroy our ship.

captain's starlog,

We've given phlox's serum
to the captain
of the containment vessel.

With any luck,
they'll be able to use it
to prevent future outbreaks.

As for malcolm, hoshi, and me,

It may be a few days
before we feel
fully human again.

This should help
with the headaches.

Have you got anything
for my stomach?

Chef's food isn't
sitting too well.

Till your digestive tract
is fully restored,

You may want
to avoid the mess hall.

What do you suggest I eat?

You're welcome
to some of the moth larvae

I feed to my pyrithian bat.


How are you feeling,

Not bad, sir.
How about yourself?

Getting there.

Hoshi and t'pol are going
to take the day off.

You might want
to do the same.

Thank you, captain.
I could use a little rest.

you wanted to see me?

This is the last
of the mutagenic virus.

I assume you want me
to destroy it.


you experienced firsthand
what this pathogen can do.

Those containment patrols
aren't going to stop

Until they've wiped out
every trace of it.

Now that they have
your anti-virus,

They'll most likely figure out
a way to succeed.

Considering the alternatives,
that would be best.

This was created
as a final effort

To preserve a civilization,
a people.

That species we became,

They cease to exist the moment
this virus is gone.


We came out here
to stop the xindi

From destroying humanity.

I'll be damned
if I'll have a hand

In destroying another race
in the process.

Put it on ice, doc,
in stasis, whatever.
