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03x01 - The Xindi

Posted: 01/18/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
(Male narrator)
last time on enterprise:


There's been
an attack on earth.

We've been recalled.

The probe was
sent by the xindi.

They learned that
their world would be

Destroyed by
humans in 400 years.

is there going to be
some kind of service?

my sister wasn't
big on memorials.

She was no more important
than any of them.

She was more
important to you.

There's nothing wrong
with admitting that.

are you suggesting
this is a xindi?

I'd sure as hell
like to find out.

You're to return to vulcan.

I believe that
should be my decision.

we received a distress call.

Every crewman onboard
had been
anatomically inverted.

Their bodies splayed open,
and they were still alive.

I want to remain
aboard enterprise.

I've decided to
resign my commission.

you think
you'll be comfortable

With military on board?

I don't have a problem
with non-starfleet personnel.

I'm gonna need all
the muscle I can get

When we cross
into the expanse.

I can't wait to get
in there, captain.

Find the people
who did this.

And tell me
we won't be
tip-toeing around.

None of that
non-interference crap

T'pol's always
shoving down our throats.

We'll do what
we have to, trip.

It could simply
be a coincidence.

You're being naive.

Their planet is
50 light years away.

It is not a coincidence.

How do you know your contacts
gave you
accurate information?


They have no way of knowing
that we launched the probe.


How many humans are aboard?

When will it be ready?

The next series of tests
is being prepared.

We will accomplish nothing
if all you do is run tests.

We must be patient.

We must follow the plan
that we all agreed to.


Learn everything you can
about this human vessel.


♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

How long till we get there?

Another 3 hours.

Did the freighter captain
say who we are
supposed to contact?

The foreman of
the north mine.

He's expecting us.

What makes this
captain so certain

One of the miners is xindi?

He's not.

He just said he thinks
there was a xindi
aboard a transport

He took there
a few years ago.

And it is safe
to enter orbit?

There are no
security considerations?

He didn't mention any.

With all due respect, sir,
we should
approach with caution.

The freighter captain
was of
questionable character.

Where are we, malcolm?


This room,
what did it used to be?

A storage bay, sir.

Conduit housings,
I believe.

But it got retrofitted.

Starfleet went to
a lot of trouble

To turn it into our
new command center.

Why is that, malcolm?

Because of our mission, sir.

To find the xindi, right?


So this
state-of-the-art equipment
was put in here

To help us gather
all the pieces of the puzzle,

Figure out who's
trying to destroy earth.


6 Weeks.

We've been in this expanse
for 6 weeks.

What data have we gathered?

What pieces of the puzzle
have we started
to put together?

Not a single one.

We don't have the luxury
of being safe

Or cautious anymore.

And if the only
lead we can find

Comes from
a "freighter captain
of questionable character",

Then that's good enough
for me. Understood?



Is this seat taken?


I'm hoshi sato.

We've familiarized ourselves
with all
the bridge officers, ensign.

I'm major hayes.
This is sergeant kemper.

Corporals romero and chang.

Military as*ault command.

Captain archer wanted
the best.

Looks like you've all gotten
your space legs.

Some of us are still visiting
dr. Phlox every morning.

Wonders of modern medicine.

What do you think
of our doctor, sergeant?

I imagine you
don't run into

Many denobulans in duluth,

Actually, I'm stationed
outside of atlanta.

No denobulans, but we have
our fair share
of alien visitors.

You must have gone deep
into our records.

I haven't lived in duluth
since junior high school.

You may have left duluth,

But you've got
plenty of duluth
left in your inflections.

[All laughing]

Excuse me?

Ensign sato's a linguist,

Give her enough time,

She could probably tell you
what street you grew up on.

Do you have any idea
where we're headed, ensign?

I'm sure captain archer
will let us know
when he has reason to.

Let's hope it's soon.

The quicker you
folks find these xindi,

The quicker we
can get to work.

We have a briefing
in a few minutes.

If you'll excuse us.

Just bay 2?

Yes, sir.

Cargo bays 1 and 3
seem unaffected.

When did it start?

About 10 minutes ago.

Ensign mcfarlane
got pretty banged up,
but he's gonna be ok.

You sure it's not a problem
with the grav-plating?

Trust me, captain,
it's not the grav-plating.

Careful, sir.
Stay close to the door.

Just give it a minute.


You're right.
It's not the grav-plating.

Any volatile material
in those containers?

I would've known by now.

Seal it off.

Let's hope this
little anomaly

Doesn't last any longer
than the others did.



Come, look at this.

The pigmentation
is far more colorful
than I would have suspected.

What are we looking at?

Oh, uh, xindi epithelial cells
harvested from the corpse

They found inside
the crashed probe.

It looks more like scales.


When I finish constructing
my physiometric profile,

I wouldn't be
surprised to find

He has, uh, reptilian

You wanted to see me?

Do you have any siblings?


Commander tucker
had one sister.

She was k*lled
in the attack.

I'm aware of that.

He's having difficulty
dealing with the loss.

It's to be expected.

More specifically,
it's affecting his sleep.

I've been
giving him sedatives,

But I'd like to see
him start tapering off.

I'm not sure I understand.

I believe the commander
would be a fine candidate

For vulcan neuro-pressure.

I doubt the commander
would have the patience

To sit in one place
long enough to
get through the first posture.

I'm certain with
your delicate guidance...

"Delicate" is not a word
I associate with mr. Tucker.

The instruction
of neuro-pressure
is a very intimate act.

And he's suffered
a very intimate loss.

He needs your help.

Have him come to my quarters.

There's, um,
one little problem.

Assuming that you'd agree
to my request,

I suggested all of this
to commander tucker
earlier today.

He was
less than enthusiastic.

I don't understand.

Perhaps if I could get him to
go to your quarters, you
might be able to convince him

Of the lasting benefits
of vulcan neuro-pressure.

we should have
worn ev suits.

The doctor said it was safe
for short periods.

Huh! Safe?
You call this safe?

I've been in...


Try not to breathe.

Yes, sir.

[Metallic rattling]

I'm captain archer
of the starship enterprise.

We've come to see...

This way.


I'm jonathan archer.
This is lieutenant reed.

I've been told
you might be able
to make it worth my while

If I were to arrange
a certain introduction.

Depends what you mean
by worth your while.

I've always had a fondness
for platinum,

Specifically in
its liquefied state.

I'm afraid we don't carry
precious metals on board.



I'm sure
there's something else
we could offer you.


I don't make
a habit of allowing people
to interrupt my workers!

Xindi or otherwise!

What about
the antimatter relays?

Their linings are coated
with a platinum-cobalt alloy.

Trip could
probably strip them down
and separate the metals.

How much platinum
are we talking about?

Well, I'm a reasonable man.

I'm sure you could part
with, say, half a liter.

I'd need to see this man.

Scan him,
confirm that he's xindi.


That won't be necessary.

Why would you do this?

Unfortunate accident.

I expect to see
you back tomorrow.

Good day.

[Clears throat]

[Birds chirping]


Lizzie, you've got
to get out of there!

Please! Get out of there!





A blood sample
would have sufficed,

Some saliva.

Is it xindi?

Yes and no.

I need something
a little more concrete,

The genetic profile
is nearly identical

To tissue samples taken
from the corpse
found on earth.

Their base-pair
sequencing is far closer
than say, um,

Humans and chimpanzees.

Nearly identical,
but not quite.

Like humans and neanderthals?

A reasonable analogy.

After analyzing the remains
of the xindi corpse,

I was able to
provide the computer

With enough data to
create this rendering.

this humanoid is reptilian.

That finger is not.

It's covered with skin,
not unlike yours or mine.

But it's xindi, all the same.

I wish I could be
more helpful, captain.


How's it coming?

We'll end up stripping
more than 200 relays

To get half a liter
of liquefied platinum,

But you'll have it
by this afternoon.

Let me know when it's ready.

You ok?

I'm fine.

I've got to have
something stronger

To help me
sleep tonight, doc.

Very well.

Come by at around 2200 hours.

I'll see what I can do.


You're aware this
stuff is volatile
above 30 degrees celsius?

I'm familiar
with the properties
of liquid platinum.

I've insulated
the outer container.

It should keep
everything pretty stable.

There's a little more
than a half liter in here.

What exactly do you want
with our xindi friend?

He's not very attractive,

Especially after
his recent surgery.

I have something
to discuss with him.

And what might that be?

I brought you
what you asked for.

Now let me see the xindi.


His work group
should be awake
in about an hour's time.

It took 6 of my men
half the night
to extract this platinum.

I think you could wake him
an hour early.


Is trellium-d
the only thing you mine here?

The only thing.

I'm not familiar with it.

What's it used for?


Mostly for
interstellar vessels.

What insulation
does your ship use, captain?

Our outer hull is
lined with duranium.

I imagine you must have
a very large crew.

And why would
you imagine that?


Take your time.

[Door opens]

Do I have you to
thank for this?

The foreman said
it was an accident.

Did he?

What do you want?

You're xindi?

9-Fingered xindi.
What do you want?

Where's your homeworld?

You came all the way
to this hideous planet,

Bribed the foreman to see me,
for what,
directions to my planet?

I find that hard to believe.

We have important business
with your people.

But you don't know
where to find them?

If you want information,

You're going to
have to help me
escape from this place.

What do you mean, escape?

Do these look
like volunteers?

We're captives, slaves.

A simple set of coordinates,
that's all I want.

I'm prepared to pay you.

The only payment
I'm interested in
is my freedom.

If you can't
provide me with that,
stop wasting my time!


I don't know
what you're doing

In this place
and I don't care.

But we didn't come here
to stage a prison break.

Why don't you give
us the coordinates and
we'll all stop wasting time?

Not until you get
me off this planet.

You know,
I'm not sure why,

But I'm just itching to kick
the hell out of you.

trip, take it easy.


Archer here.


There are 3 warships
approaching at warp.

Their hull alloys match
the mining
towers on the surface.

How long before
they get here?

2 Hours, sir.

go to tactical alert.

We're heading back
to the shuttlepod.


Shuttlepod? You have
a starship in orbit?

You've made it
so easy for them.

they have to go out

And find ships to replenish
their labor force.

You flew right
into their trap!

Archer to enterprise.

[Static buzzing]

Enterprise, respond.

You might consider waiting
for your
colleagues to rescue you,

But it sounds like
they're about to
become quite busy.

If you have a shuttlepod
on the surface,
I can get you to it.

But you'll have to
take me with you.

There's an audio
message coming in
from the mine foreman.


This is enterprise.

I'm afraid your captain
and his associate

Are going to be
slightly delayed.

We have 3
cargo vessels approaching

And we've had to
begin deionizing
our landing decks.

How long a delay?

No more than an hour.

We've detected
your cargo ships.

They're heavily armed.

Trellium-d is
a highly valued substance.

I'm certain you've noticed

That this is not
one of the friendlier
regions of space.

Can I talk to captain archer?

Not at the moment.

He requested to
speak to a miner
who resides on level 22.

I spoke with him
a few minutes ago.

The deionizing
process prevents us

From communicating
with the lower levels.

I'll have him contact you
as soon as he returns.

Keep trying to
reach the captain.

doesn't smell right.

I want you to
come up with a plan

To recover
the captain and commander

Have it in place
in one hour.

Get major hayes to help you.


sewage takes on
a whole new meaning

When it comes
from a dozen
different species.

31, To be exact.

Help me with this.

There's a lever
below your knees.

Pull it up.

Plasma duct 13
hasn't been used
since I've been here.

Why is there a hatch here?

there's one every 8 levels.

What are you doing?

the emergency baffle up there.

It's a steel plate
that locks into place

During maintenance cycles.

Follow me.

a little close to the mine.

But I suppose
it'll be all right.

Have you heard
from the captain?

Not yet.

The foreman isn't responding
to our hails.

The ships?

Less than an hour away.

Are you ready?

They're armed to
the teeth down there,

But it is doable.

We only have one
bone of contention.

The major here
thinks my security team

Is far too
valuable to bring down

And put in the line of fire.

He wants to take his men.

It's a simple
matter of priorities.

If those warships get here
before we return
from the surface,

You could find yourselves
dealing with
a boarding party.

You'd be in better
hands with a security force

Who knows enterprise
inside and out.

I plan to have my men
back on board

With the captain and trip
long before
those ships arrive.

With all due respect, sir,
we can't be certain of that.

The decision is yours,

But I agree with major hayes.

Your team may not
be back in time.

Select 6 of your men
and meet me in
launch bay 1.

I'll be
commanding the mission.

Very good, sir.

Coming from
a military family,

I've seen men like
hayes all my life.


That had nothing to do with
who knows
enterprise inside and out.

It had to do with
who the major thinks

Is more capable
of carrying out this rescue.

They're gone,
all 3 of them.

That's impossible.

We've searched
the entire cell perimeter.

Post guards at
their landing craft.

If they get back
to their starship,

I'll lose nearly
100 new workers.


If this leads to the surface,

Why didn't you use it before?

the residue in the atmosphere

Is at least
30 times more toxic
than it is down here.

This is the first time
I've had the luxury
of a ship waiting for me.


The lower levels
are hyper-saturated
with ionized particles.

So you'll have to get
within 100 meters
to pick up their bio-signs.

We've got less
than half an hour
to do it.

duct 13.

They've opened 2
emergency baffles.

They're nearly
to the surface.

We should destroy
their landing pod.

No, too valuable.

How long would it
take to redirect

The plasma flow
into that conduit?

I'll see to it.


You've risked your lives
to learn where
my homeworld is

Because you say you have
business with my people?

Which species?

Have you ever even
met a xindi before today?


And he didn't look
very much like you.

Not all of them do.

There are 5 distinct species
of xindi

And 5 distinct opinions
on which one is dominant.


What was that?


That sounded
an awful lot like

Those emergency
baffles we opened.

Why would they open the rest?

It'll just help us get...



I thought you said
this duct isn't used anymore.

It isn't.

They've obviously
rerouted the plasma.

How far up
to the next maintenance hatch?

How far?

I don't know.

I think the safest bet
is to head back
down to the last one.

I think you're right.

That's where the plasma
is coming from.

We should go up.

Suit yourself.

It's too late.
We'll be k*lled.

Shut up. Just shut up.


We're gonna have to
pick up the pace, gentlemen.



Wait a minute.

Get out of my way.

What the hell?

you stupid son of a bitch.

I ought to open this hatch
and throw you down into...

They forced me
to come with them.

They said they'd
k*ll me if I didn't.

Just now, this one,
he tried to throw
me into the plasma.

He said they
didn't need me anymore.

Thank you. Thank you.

If you hadn't
been waiting here,
I don't know what...


Pick him up.


I'd have preferred having
you join your crew members

As new additions
to my workforce.

But you've turned
out to be more trouble
than you're worth.

Select a detail,
take them to the surface.

sh**t all 3 of them.





You ok?

Yes, sir.





Nice shot.



It took a little doing, sir,

But we got through
the outer hatch.

Where do you
think you're going?

You promised
to take me away from here.

That was before
your little performance back

Please, you have to help me!

You had your chance.

The coordinates
of my homeworld,

If you want them,
you'll have to take me with

You're lying.

No, I promise you.

Reed to mayweather.

go ahead.

We've got them.

Lock onto my
location and set down.




[g*ns firing]

[g*n fires]



Both shuttlepods
have left the surface.

Is everybody aboard?

Everybody plus one.

The warships?

Still at warp 4.

approximately 7 minutes.

Tell the pods to
dock simultaneously.

Prepare to go
to maximum warp.

captain's starlog,

The 3 alien warships
followed enterprise
for nearly an hour,

But couldn't keep up with us.

I guess they'll
have to look elsewhere

For new additions
to their labor force.

Come in.

I'm terribly sorry, captain,
but there was
nothing I could do.

I realize how important
it would've been
to have a xindi to help us.

He wasn't a particularly
helpful xindi, doctor.

You'd be surprised.

It was extremely
difficult and painful
for him to speak,

But he managed to
dictate this to me
before he died.

He said you'd
know what it meant.

I'll be damned.

They're the coordinates.

I must have
been in the shower
for 2 hours.

I still have
that crap in my hair
and under my nails.

We cleared bio-scan.

That's all that matters.

The 2 new guys who got hurt,
are they ok?

The doctor's got them back
in their quarters already.

You got to admit,
their team did

A pretty
impressive job down there.

Nothing your guys
couldn't have done
just as well.

I'm not so sure about that.

See you in the morning.

All right.

Ah, how are you feeling,


You said you'd give me
something to sleep.

Very well.

[Clears throat]

If, uh, you wouldn't mind,
I promised t'pol

I'd take these bio-scans
to her quarters,

But I still have
quite a bit of work
to do here.

No problem, doc. Thanks.


Sickbay to t'pol.

Yes, doctor.

Commander tucker's on his way
to your quarters.

He believes I just
gave him a sedative,

But it was only a placebo.

He's had
a rather difficult day.

I believe you have your work
cut out for you.


Sorry to drop by so late,

But, uh, phlox said you
were expecting this.

Thank you.
Please, sit down.

I don't think I'd
be very good company
right now.

Anyway I still have
a few more showers to take

Before I get all
this trellium-d off me.

Would you like
a cup of tea?

but it might keep me up.

The doctor just
gave me a sedative.

You're having
trouble sleeping as well?

I never would have pegged you
for an insomniac.

I believe the expanse
has been
disrupting my rem patterns.

Probably nothing
a good
hypospray couldn't cure.

Vulcan science teaches us
to prompt our bodies

To create their
own medicines.

So, why are you still
having trouble sleeping?

The neural nodes that need
to be stimulated are
difficult to reach.



Perhaps you could help me.

I don't really
know if I can...

Three centimeters on either
side of the fifth vertebrae.

You can apply
considerable pressure.

I'm not sure
which of these is...

Right there.

Right here?

A little closer together.



If I push any harder,
I'll knock you over.

Just like that.

Please continue.


That was far more effective
than a hypospray.

Glad to be of assistance.

It would be only fair for me
to return the favor.

Please, disrobe.

I'm, uh...

I'm really flattered,

And don't think
under different circumstances

I... I wouldn't jump
at the chance...

Are you implying
I'm making sexual advances?

No, no, no, no,
not at all.

I... I was just...

You see,
the doctor gave
me this sedative,

And I think it's
starting to work.

The doctor injected
you with a placebo.

He sent you
because he wanted me
to persuade you to try

Vulcan neuro-pressure.

As I predicted,
it was a pointless exercise.

Why didn't he just ask me?

He did. You refused.

So this whole thing
was just a setup?

The doctor knows
how intransigent you can be.


Unwilling to compromise.

I know what it means,

But it just so happens
it's not true.

I'm as willing to compromise
as anyone else.

Then take off your shirt.


sir, we're
approaching the coordinates.

Tactical alert.
Stand by weapons.


Any indications
that we're being scanned?

No, sir.

No vessels,
no signs of technology.

How many inhabited planets?

I'm not
detecting any planets,
inhabited or otherwise.

That son of
a bitch lied to us.

Phlox said the xindi
used his dying breath

To give us these coordinates.

Why would he lie?

Sir, I'm picking up
a debris field.

A ship?

It's a lot bigger than that.

Put it up.

It's nearly 80 million
kilometers long.

It was a planet.

Move us in closer.

How long ago did this happen?

Judging by
the field dispersion,
approximately 120 years.

I'm pretty sure
there was
a population here, captain.

I'm picking up refined metals
and traces of alloys.

Some of them match the hull
of the xindi probe.

They're building a w*apon,

Planning to annihilate earth
because they think

We're going to
destroy their world
in 400 years.

How is that possible
if their world
doesn't exist anymore,

Hasn't existed for decades?

We know the probe
that att*cked earth

Was built
somewhere in this expanse,

And it was built recently.

It's logical
to assume the new w*apon

Is being developed
at the same location.

But, if it's not here...

Prepare to go to warp 4.

What course, sir?

Deeper into the expanse.

sensors are showing

Increasing numbers
of spatial distortions.

You heard me, travis.

They scanned the debris
and left nearly 3 hours ago.

they're heading?

Toward the orassin
distortion fields.

Then it's
unlikely they'll survive.


If they are
the first wave of an invasion,

It would be best
for us to remain hidden.

Let them keep searching.

