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02x06 - Missing

Posted: 01/17/23 19:17
by bunniefuu




I need…

to report a missing person.

Jere Skog.

Twenty-two years old.

I'm not f*cking telling you. Find him!

Find him!

Good morning.


What's all this?


Nurmi found Koskimäki's old notes.

Koskimäki was investigating
these missing young people.

-And how is all this connected?
-Routa is after the wrong people.

Jimi Aho wasn't on the Meelika.

He's one of the missing people.

We have another perp
who kills young drug dealers.

Are you seriously saying that Routa
has k*lled many people in revenge,

including Koskimäki and his daughter,

-but they're the wrong ones?
-You got it.

We need to expand the investigation and
assign people to investigate these cases.

All resources will be assigned
to finding Routa. Period.

Be the sensible one
and catch the m*rder*r.

I'm going home to get changed.

You might want to do the same.

Hi, Marjatta.

-Good morning.

Emil doesn't want to go to school.

-Turn the speakerphone on.

Hi, honey.

-Sorry, I had to go to work.
-Can I come to your work?

I'm sorry, you can't.
You have to go to school.

Did you call Matti?

Yes, I did.

-Did you apologize to him?

It went well.

Good. Great job, sweetheart.

-I don't want to go to school.
-Why not?

It's so embarrassing.

We agreed you'd go to Joonas's
straight from school for a sleepover.

Yeah. Do I have to?

Well, yes,
since we specifically planned it.

-Okay. Fine.
-Alright then.

Have a great day, sweetie.

Bye now.


Come out.

Put your hands up.

You left this here.

I'm so sorry about what happened to you.


How have you been?


I've been clean ever since I found out
I was expecting.

Who's this little guy?

He's Leo.

He'll be turning one soon.

Hi, Leo.

At first I thought I'd never tell you.

But then I thought

I'd let you see your son once.

Leo, sweetie. Look.

That assh*le is your daddy.

I want you to leave now.


Take a good look.


Can you come over?

Is this Henna?



Can you come here?


Or actually, I can't.


-really bad--
-Hey, you should call your mother.


No. You said I could call you any time.

Are you drunk?

I'm not dr…

Listen. You're an adult.
Call me when you're sober.

No, I--

I'm going to make this quick.

I know the identity of the person
who forged an e-mail under my name

and mixed me up in the corruption scandal.

This information, as well as the person,
will be handed to officials.

Unfortunately, that person is
from within the Pro-Change Movement.

At this stage, it's difficult to tell
what the motivation was.

nobody gets coddled in the Movement.

The person in question will be kicked out.

I'd also like to emphasize

that it's only one individual behind this,

not the whole Movement.

Henri Kuusinen.

No, I'm f*cking Santa Claus.
What's going on?

We're taking you to the precinct.


-What bullshit is this? Sara!
-Calm down!

Just come with us to get this sorted out.

-Let's do it right here, right now.
-Not gonna happen.

-You decide if it's in handcuffs.
-You f*cking mental midget.

I'm not going anywhere. Got it?

-Calm down.
-Let go of me!

You can't grab me like that!

-Calm down.
-Let me go!

-Stay put!
-You have no right to do this!

This is a false arrest! You have no right!
I have the right to see your badges.

Everyone's badges. What's the name
of the police officer? Lindström!

I know you. What's your first name?

-Get up.
-Start streaming.

I have the right to see your badges.

This is f*cking bullshit!

Is there rule of law in Finland? Well?

The people of Finland will see
an innocent man get arrested.

Damn it!

What the hell was that about?

Take a look at these.

It's the browsing history
on Henri's computer.

"Easy hacking."

So Henri learned how to send
an e-mail as someone else?

Police searched his computer

and found a draft of my e-mail.

-Henri wanted to make sure

that if he got caught,
I'd be found guilty.

I don't quite understand.

Henri had made a deal
with Kaartamo Nordic.

They get the tunnel project
and Henri gets Uppoluoto casino stocks.

How long have you known about this?

I got suspicious
when he visited me in the hospital.

I just don't understand
why he wanted to leak this

and basically started
his own corruption scandal.

It makes absolutely no sense.

-He should've remained silent.
-I think he got greedy.

You know he's always been gunning
for my position.

I bet a lot of people are.

Maybe he thought this would be a handy way
of getting it.

Nonetheless, you could've handled
the situation a little better.

There's more.

Members of our party.

Henri's confidants.
They'll be kicked out next.

Are you out of your f*cking mind?
This is a total purge.

-Call it whatever you want.
-You can't do that!

We'll dig up so much dirt on them
that they stay out.

The tunnel project must not fail.

Finland's future depends on it.
The tunnel is the answer

to climate change, globalization
and business, and we'll see it through.


Another missing person's report.









-I'm at the precinct. Where are you?
-At the hospital.

What happened?

Henna is in the ICU.


She mixed Subutex and alcohol.


The doctor just told me

there's no permanent damage.

She'll be transferred to a general ward.



Um, do you want me to come over?

You don't have to.


Hang in there.



How are you?

I'm okay.

Did you try to k*ll yourself?


So it was an accident?

I don't know.

You know what happens when you mix--

Yes, I do. I'm not stupid.

No, you're not.

That's why I wasn't sure.

Even though everything can be awful
at times,  it won't last forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

Not even the longest, darkest tunnel.

I should get some sleep. You can go.

I just wish things could be easier
for you.

All parents wish an easier life
for their children than their own.

Do you want to come home for a while?

Henna, what happened?

I can't tell you.

Your number called the precinct.

Is that Jere?


You've gotta find him.

The deal was to destroy Tulisuo.

You screwed up.

Tulisuo has to be taken out for good
so she doesn't rise up to haunt me

-during the presidential campaign.
-Oh, you want to be president.



Good luck with that. I'm out.

-Only with my permission.
-I quit now.


I'll send this video everywhere.

Punch him!

-Give it to him!
-Beat the f*cking n*gg*r up!

That cute smiling baldie is you.

Friggin' n*gg*r!

I was a different person back then.

So I have to do what you want,
or you'll destroy my career?


Give me something I can use
to take out Tulisuo,

and you'll save yourself.

So I have to do what you want,
or you'll destroy my career?


Give me something I can use
to take out Tulisuo,

and you'll save yourself.

The police will conduct preliminary
investigations on Kuusinen's activities.

Finnish Customs have seized
a large quantity of dr*gs.

A large amount of Subutex was found
in an abandoned car

on a ferry that arrived in Helsinki
from Tallinn.

The street value
is close to one million euros.

Police have not yet released information
concerning the driver or drivers…

It was my fault.

What was?

Henna called me, but I didn't help her.


I promised her she can call me anytime
if she needs help.

She called, but I didn't listen to her.

She could've died.

It wasn't your fault.

I have a son.

His name is Leo. He's almost one.

I found out about him today.

Laura's the mother.

-The junkie?
-She's not a junkie.

Did she want something? Money or…

-What's going to happen now?

Are you going to see him?


Why not?

I don't want to.

And Laura doesn't want me to see him.

I don't want to be anybody's father.


I can give you a ride home.

I think I need to walk.


-Hi there.

What brings you here?


-You guys on duty?

-You hear about that Tallinn ferry case?

An abandoned car loaded with Subutex
was found on the ferry.

-Didn't anyone try to drive it off?

The driver wasn't caught on camera
in Tallinn.

The Estonian owner of the car
hasn't been reached yet.

Do you know her?

-Isn't that the…

A user who also sells.


-Any prior arrests?

Why not?

We decided with your peeps
to keep an eye on her.

With whom?

That was Kulju's opinion.





How do they make hamburgers without meat?

-Hi, Mom.

-I left my cell phone at home.

That's okay.

Yeah. I just wanted to let you know

that today was a really good day.

Good to hear that.

We're gonna hit the sack soon.


That's all.

I'm glad you called.


Don't forget to brush your teeth.

-Good night.



Henna almost died.

Turn your phone off.

Put it down. Over there.

Do you have a g*n?

Show me.


You said Jimi wasn't on that ship and that
I'm retaliating against the wrong people.

Yes, and I'm standing by it.

-Why should I believe you?
-Why would I lie?

Because you all do.

I'm not like the others.

Jimi had a work shift that day.

-Yeah, but he didn't get on the ship.
-Then where'd he go?

I don't know.

What do you know?

I know that Jimi had a tattoo
on his chest.

But the boy whose body
Jukka Aho identified didn't have one.

Is someone else in Jimi's grave?

I think so.


You're saying Jimi wasn't on the ship

or in the grave.

Then where is he?

I don't know.

-May I take my coat off?

Is it okay if I sit down?

-Yeah, put the chair over there.

So you're Jimi's biological mother?

Blood mother.

Secret mother.


I thought about him all the time.

I pictured him learning to talk,
learning to walk.

Nobody knew I had a son.

Why did you lose your job?

The doctor didn't renew
my blaster's license.

I was too "unstable,"

even though I hadn't had issues
in years.

That tunnel project would have meant
work for years.

-So you decided to look for Jimi.
-I always believed we'd meet…

one day.

That I'd have something to give.

I was afraid he wouldn't want to meet me.

But you did, right?


He told me
his family didn't take care of him.

He was taken into custody.

You thought he could just be
tossed into the grave...

to protect business and hide everything.

Like he was trash to throw out.

-Nobody thought that.

defended him.

Not you.

Not the state. No one.

Why Kerttu?

For f*ck's sake!

The cop's daughter.
Is that what you're interested in?

Nobody cared when Jimi died.

But when a cop and his daughter
get k*lled, it's all over the news.

If you did your job,
I wouldn't have had to k*ll anybody.

None of them were guilty.

-That's what you say.
-That's what I know.

You know what I think?

That you're lying.

You're trying to suggest that Jimi's alive

-so that I won't sh**t you.

I believe Jimi's dead,
but someone else k*lled him.

Put the g*n down so that there won't be
any more unnecessary victims.

I promise I'll find your son's k*ller.

Is that how you were trained?


Nice chitchat first

to build trust.

You ask nicely for the g*n.

Did you really think that'd work?

What are you looking at?

This is Nurmi. Back-up needed
at Karppi's apartment in Merihaka.

Suspect, Mari Routa,
is holding Karppi hostage there.




It's me.

I'm tracking Karppi.

Routa's taking her somewhere.

Sounds like a metal staircase.

This metro station is under construction.

Why did you bring me here?

We can't go anywhere from here.

-What metro station is under construction?
-It's nearby.

Routa's taking her into the tunnels.

Let's go.

g*dd*mn it!

Okay. Come back.

I lost the signal.

The tunnel network is so extensive
that it makes no sense to look for them.

Let's go up.


Let's head up!

Do you have children?

Yes, two.

What if someone k*lled them

and he didn't get punished?
What would you do?

I trust that in this country,
the police would take care of it.

What would your husband do?


My husband is dead.

How did he die?

He got run over by a car.

Do you hate the driver?


Your children do.

They hate the person
who k*lled their father.

When he gets out of prison,
your children will track him down.

He's not in prison.

How come?

Because we don't know who did it.
He didn't stop.

It was an accident.

How do you know that if he didn't stop?


The dispatcher hasn't picked up
the signal yet.

They're still in the tunnel.

We just have to wait.

Keep me posted.

Take those stairs.


We got the signal back.

It's here.

We found Karppi!

What are you doing?

-What are you doing?

Show me.

Show it to me.

Throw it away.


Get on your knees.

Get on your knees!

A thousand voices in my head
are saying: "Don't do it."

But I was so close to Jimi.

For the first time ever.

You don't have to k*ll me.

Do you still not know
how damn futile everything is?

They didn't k*ll Jimi.
I promise I'll find the k*ller.

Put the g*n down, Mari.

Don't sh**t me.