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01x07 - La Mort et Compagnie

Posted: 01/17/23 18:36
by bunniefuu
The first day of the rest of our life.

The tangram is a Chinese puzzle
that has the particularity

to be playable with two players.

In the book you gave me,
the one on friendship,

it is written that it is important to
spend time with your friends.

Now that we are friends

it is important for us to
spend some time together.

- Well then, can you explain a bit?
- Yes.

This is a square divided into seven pieces,

from which you have to recreate other
shapes according to a template.

All the pieces have to be
used every time,

all of them.

The first one who manages
to recreate the template wins.

I will let you choose the first one.

Something easy, because...

I’m no tangram champion...

Ah, the kittens here, they’re cute.

- The cat, lying. Yes.
- This one.



I won.

- I'm still at the ears.
-Now this one.


We have to mix them up.

I won.


- Congratulations, you completed the head.
- Er, yes.

- This one.
- I think I’m missing pieces.

No, seven pieces.
I won.

I won.

I won.

I let you-

It is William.

He just heard some news.

His brother died.

He has to go to the medico-legal institute
to identify the body.

- Do you want to come with me?
- Yes, of course.

It’s him. It’s Paul.

My big brother.

How did it happen?

Heart failure, by circulatory collapse,

this is what was just explained to me.

What's unbelievable is that it
happened during a medical conference.

During the lunch break, several doctors
intervened immediately, they...

- Your brother was a doctor as well?
- What?

Yes, yes, yes, he worked in research.

The people at the medico-legal
institute asked me to

bring them clothing, I forgot to-

No, leave it William.
I- I’ll do it.

If I may.

I’ve got this.

His favorite tie.

Paul had let himself be carried along
by my passion for trains.

Locomotives brought us closer
at a time when

communicating with me was difficult,

very difficult.

I haven’t always been the person
standing in front of you.

Paul’s childhood has been
considerably marked by

that younger brother’s presence
who wouldn’t speak,

who had inexplicable temper tantrums.

Yet, he was the one who
had enough patience

to try and reach out to me.

He’s no longer here.

I would like to see the body.

Yes, of course.

- I’ll wait for you outside.
- Alright.

Are we going to see the body?



A circulatory collapse.

These clothes are for Paul Thomas.

- Yes.
- But he is dead.

It’s for the funeral.

Mucous membranes
as well as lips paleness.

Some blue-ish trails on his skin,
symptomatic of vasoconstriction.

The circulatory collapse diagnosis
seems appropriate to me.

Poor William.

To lose someone like this.

So abruptly.

The vocabulary used to talk about
someone who passed away

is strange.

"To lose someone",

“he is no longer there”,
“he is gone”.

As if every effort was done

to not say the real word:

he is dead.

It’s strange, the ceremony should’ve
started fifteen minutes ago.

Seventeen minutes ago, to be precise.

They are late, very late.

One cannot be late.

- William?
- Yes?

They are here.

- Where?
- Here.

- Hello, Mr. Thomas.
- Hello.

I’m sorry, but I’m forced to

- postpone the ceremony.

Please accept our humblest apologies,
we’ll get back in touch with you

as soon as possible.
Have a nice day.

Excuse me, excuse me.

What do you mean postpone?

I’m sorry, but I...

I can’t…

- I have to call the police first.
- Ah, good thing I’m the police!

I’m not sure how to tell you this,
it’s a bit tricky.

Do tell me.

The body disappeared.

I got to the last step,
the makeup phase,

so I went to get the color chart,

and when I came back
Paul Thomas wasn’t here anymore.

The body had disappeared?

Yes, disappeared, vanished.
I don’t understand.

And, did you see anything?

Er, no, almost nothing,
well I heard a thing,

like a loud noise from
something falling down.

so I went to check, er, what it was,

and on my way back,
I saw a door moving.

And… that’s all.

Do you have CCTV here?

It’s a funeral home, Ma'am.

Of course.


nobody touches anything.

This room is a crime scene.

Paul’s body? Stolen.

- How awful!
- Mind you,

if you think about it,

they were about to burn
your brother‘s body

to put it in a very small box, so

it doesn’t change things much.

- Totally inappropriate, Max.
- Really?

- So-sorry.
- It’s no big deal, nevermind, Max.

But why would someone do that?

To what end?

I can only think of one reason that would
push someone to make a body disappear.

It’s to hide a crime.

Sorry, excuse me,
I was eavesdropping.

Paul’s body really disappeared, did it?

- Mr?
- Charles Thénier.

He was working with my brother.

- Hold on, it’s true or not?
- Yes.

For now, we’re trying to
understand what’s happening.

These bastards, I knew it.

What are you saying?

I think Paul Thomas was poisoned.

When I realized there hadn’t even
been an autopsy, I requested one.

I had to get a foot in the door,
or set the alarm bells ringing,

but I received
an email from the courthouse

saying I would get what I wanted.

They were supposed to do a detailed
autopsy today, right before cremation…

the day Paul’s body disappears?

Oh, hold on.

First, what makes you think
Paul Thomas was m*rder*d?

Paul was working on a counter-study

intended to prove the dangerous
nature of an additive

supposed to give its immaculate whiteness
back to certain food products,

the “E ”.

The kind of crap that’s in kids’ candies.

- Yes, I see.
- Yes, well, Paul’s study is final:

it’s poison, literally.

A real health scandal,
it’s comparable to…

I don’t know, asbestos.

It’s enough to make a group like AFT totter,
as powerful as they are.

AFT? What is it?

AFT is the company that developed and
that's selling the additive.

And you think that Paul Thomas got
bumped off because of this?

You know, it doesn’t sound like much but

it really makes a lot of money.

It was developed by an
unscrupulous researcher who

pretends it’s as harmless
as powdered sugar.

Paul’s study would’ve ruined his career.

Do you have that researcher’s name?

Yes, it’s Professor Decourt.

He was at the medical conference where
Paul had his circulatory collapse.


Exactly Nico, the body disappeared
during the embalming,

a few hours before an autopsy could
try to find any sign of poisoning.

The guy was working on a study
that was gonna blow up

in the face of a
big food-processing company, AFT.

The AFT Lab?

That’s a major
food-processing industry company.

It’s a big industrial group!

Hold on Raph,
these people don’t k*ll,

they lobby, they sue…

Maybe, but there’s a
certain professor Decourt whose

career was gonna take a lot of damage
because of Paul Thomas’ study.

He’s a suspect?

Listen, I don’t know but we
should go to talk to him, I think.

Oh yeah, this woman arrived
earlier at the precinct,

- she wanted to speak to you.
- Thanks, thanks.

Hello Mrs. Coste.

Not here, let’s go.

But Raph, there’s a debriefing though,
and you called them in-

Yeah, I know, start without me,
it won’t take long.

No, no, Raph…

I’ll deal with it.

I know that you matter
a lot in my daughter’s life.

I tried to get in touch with Astrid but

she shut the door straight away.

If only I could talk to her,
even for a few minutes.

Indeed, today I can
say that Astrid is my friend.

But that’s precisely
why I can’t help you.

Listen, I gave you her email address,
I can’t do anything else.

And if Astrid shut a door,
I can hardly see myself opening it again

against her will, do you understand?

Yes, of course.

I don’t want to force her hand either,
I'm not going to

wait outside her place,
or catch her off guards on the street, but...

could you help me bump into her by chance,

at an a more appropriate moment?

Maybe you should give her some time.

I’m not judging you and,

I’m sure you had good reasons
to leave like this but

you have to understand,

it’s hard to take in for her.

I only want to talk to her.

It’s been so long
since I last talked to her.

You’re the greatest thing that
happened to my life, Astrid.

I love you.

And I’ll love you until my last breath.


I'm sorry.


Is that a joke? Where’s Coste?

Uh, she’ll be here any minute, Commissioner.


until Commander Coste
graces us with her presence,

we'll come back to yesterday's
armored car robbery in Garches…

So, when do you plan on

talking to Raph,
about your feelings for her?

And when are you minding
your own business Arthur?

I am minding my own business.

- You’re my bro, you’re-
- I’m not your bro.

I’m your superior.

Well, I maintain that you
shouldn’t keep that to yourself,


You never know,
she might have the same-

OK, I’ll talk to her.

At the end of the investigation,
I’ll talk to her, now get off my back.

Now, that’s my bro!

Ah, Commander!
Nice of you to drop by to say hi!


So, we’re here to talk about

the theft of Paul Thomas’ body.

Yes, I started collecting the
first evidence, Commissioner.

Paul Thomas’s body disappeared this morning
from the funeral home it was kept in.

I think it was taken in order to
prevent its autopsy

which was going to reveal the
criminal origin of his death.

Commander Coste identified a first lead:

Paul Thomas was a researcher
and he was working

on a study which was probably going to
provoke a real health scandal.

A study that was
going to get the researcher

who developed
the product in deep shit.

A certain Professor Decourt.

We sent a team at his place,
and at his lab.

He’s nowhere to be found so far.

It’s my understanding that you're
relatively close to the deceased.

Uh… close, close,
uh yes, well I-

I know his brother, William Thomas.

Well, “I know” him,
it’s a very strong word, I…

I bumped into him a couple of times,
just a vague acquaintance, nothing more.

Just a vague acquaintance.

I know you too, vaguely.

I know you very well Coste.

You want this case, but picture for
just a second that your friend

is one way or another involved in
the disappearance of his brother’s body.


That’s why I think it's better to put
the case in Captain Perran’s hands.

Naturally Nicolas, you can team up
with whoever you want and

since Commander Coste has already
collected the first evidence...

- Understood.
- Perfect.

Captain, the team is yours.

I want your report on my desk
first thing tomorrow.

- Guys, you know what to do with the armored car?
- Yes.

- Great.
- Thank you, Commissioner.

So, Astrid is at the Doc,
trying to find stuff on AFT.

Arthur, could you take stock of the forensic report
of Paul Thomas’ body with Fournier?

- He was in the MLI.
- Sure.

Oh, I mean...

It’s only a suggestion, Nico please.

No, I couldn’t have put it better,
you read my mind.

If only!

Arthur, off to Fournier.

At the end of the investigation, Nico,
at the end of the investigation!

We’re carrying out a search
at Paul Thomas’ place.

Coste! With me!

- Yeah, oh, calm down!
- The search!

Hey, what was that with Arthur?
Care to explain?


I don’t know.

It's Arthur...

No, you’re being weird Nico.

There’s something you
don’t wanna tell me or what?

No, no no, nothing in particular.

I’m calling the locksmith to know
when he’ll be there.

No, no need, cancel him.

William gave me his brother’s key.


It's open.

Ah shit.

Who’s that guy?

Professor Decourt.

Creator of the deadly additive E .

What was he doing at Paul Thomas’?

And our main suspect becomes our victim.

He was stabbed in the abdomen.
Well, he lost a lot of blood but

I don’t think he died
right away, poor fellow.

Out of the five stages of blood drying,
coagulation, gelation, rim dessication,

center and final desiccation,

this one is between
stage one and stage two.

In other words, the death occurred
to hours ago,

namely last night.

Uh, the forensic report will
confirm this

but it seems right to me, yeah.

You are welcome.

That's what I thought, I know that tie!

- The tie to dress the dead.
- Yes, that’s right Astrid!

William had given it to me
for his brother’s funeral.

It’s unusual, a tie like this, look.

Maybe Decourt is linked to the
disappearance of Paul Thomas’ body,

which would explain why he had his tie.

You’re right.

Plus, he was m*rder*d at Paul Thomas’.

Unfortunately, I can’t help you.

As I said to your colleagues earlier,

Professor Decourt didn’t come
into work this morning.

I can try to call him again if you want, but…

Mr. Legagneur, I’m sorry,
Professor Decourt is dead.


- But it’s impossible.
- Yes, It is.

It’s a homicide.


Did you know the nature of the relationship
between Paul Thomas and Professor Decourt?

I don’t want to speak ill of
someone who just died, but

Mr. Thomas was a bit of a… fanatic.

How so?

The kind to be more of
an activist than a researcher.

Laboratories like ours, for men like Paul Thomas,
they're the devil.

- At the conference…
- Yes?

There was an argument.

Paul Thomas threatened to beat up Decourt.

There were about ten witnesses.
He acted like a mad dog.

If Paul Thomas weren’t dead,
I’d say he’s

our main suspect in
Professor Decourt’s m*rder.

- It is quite relevant.
- Commander.

- Thanks.
- These are the first conclusions

of forensics.

The fingerprints found on the victim,
particularly on the contusion spots

match Paul Thomas’.

This element combined with the presence of

the locomotive tie near the body,

there is a body of consistent evidence
implying that William’s brother

could be the perpetrator of
Professor Decourt’s m*rder.

So it’d mean the m*rder was
committed three days ago,

- before Paul Thomas’ m*rder?
- Impossible.

The forensic report confirmed my first
conclusions on the crime scene.

Professor Decourt did die last night.

That’s what I’m saying.
Paul Thomas isn’t a suspect.

That is not what forensic science says.

There is evidence that he
was at the crime scene, though.

He couldn't have been at the crime scene,
he was dead.

You saw that body
just like me hours earlier.

“Once you eliminate the impossible,

whatever remains,
no matter how improbable,

must be the truth.”
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.


Hold on, Sherlock Holmes is
literature Astrid, damn it.

Is it normal that you're
talking like this to each other?

It is absolutely normal.

Commander Coste and I are now friends,

which results in a relaxing
of the use of language.

- Yeah.
- Right, well,

I touched it,

I felt it, the rigor mortis.

He was cold, he was dead.
You can't be dead

and then not be dead anymore.
It doesn’t exist, the undead don’t exist.

Don’t be so sure,
our Judeo-Christian culture

is partly based on stories of the undead.

Lazarus of Bethany, to whom Jesus said
after his death ‘Arise and walk’,

there's that.

Not to mention Jesus’ own resurrection.

That’s nice.
I’ll mention it to the DA.

So, we investigate Paul Thomas’
and Professor Decourt’s deaths.

At least we know that one is dead for sure,

Fournier cut his guts open.

Well, we won’t get anything else tonight

and things always look better in the morning.
How about we get back to it in the morning?

Have a good evening.

That’s an absurd story.

The undead don’t exist.

There is proof.

There is always proof.

You have your talking group, right?

- The social aptitude group.
- Yes.

Social aptitude.
Well, give William a kiss.

Give William a kiss?

Yes, for me.

It’s a figure of speech.

You tell him I think about him and
that I send him a kiss, quite simply.


Come on, I’ll drop you off.


don’t turn around,
I think we’re being followed.

Get in the car, quick.

- Followed by whom?
- Get in the car, come on!

Someone is here.

"When there’s no more room in hell,
the dead will walk upon the Earth.”

- It’s Lavardin.
- From the funeral home.


- You’ve been drinking, Lavardin?
- I have, I’ve been drinking, yes.

I did so I would’ve the
strength to come here

to tell you the truth,
‘cause this morning,

I lied to you.

- I will take the bus, I am going to be late.
- Yes, yeah. Go on, go on.

I cannot be late.

I can’t believe it.
I can’t believe it!

Let’s go.

Here. It’s gross,

but very efficient.

I’m sorry, Commander,

but I lost my grip earlier.

I have to tell you, I love my job.

Lots of people think
it’s creepy, degrading,

but I love it.

years I've been

making sure the dead look decent.

I inject them a mixture of mine,

elaborated over years of trial and error,

and then it looks like they’re
asleep when you look at them.

That’s great.

Er, I didn’t want to come earlier, 'cause...

since I lied…

and I drink a bit,
the director doesn’t like it.

So if I had told him,

he would’ve thought I was drunk,

and then I would’ve been fired.

What did you see, Lavardin?

What I saw?


Since the door was still moving,

I thought the guy who did this, well, er...

the guy who stole the-my client,

he was still there, so I went to check.

And I saw him.

He was-

he was standing up,
and he was walking,

- unsteadily.
- But who?

- Who was standing up?
- Paul Thomas!

The deceased, the guy I had
embalmed a few seconds before.

He was there, and he was
standing and looking at me

with his glassy eyes.

I was petrified,
he got closer like this,

and his hand as cold as death
was touching me.

And then I,

well I passed out,
I don’t remember a thing.

I lost an aunt.

I loved her very much.

I was devastated.

I still don’t understand

why she was taken away from me.

I think you’re very brave, William.

Everyone has their own way of taking
the death of a loved one in.

My brother was someone very dear to me,

I haven’t really realized yet.

There are stages of grief:

I’m still on the first one,
there, that’s all.

When my father died, I was terrified.

The fear of the unknown largely got
the upper hand on the sadness.

I did not know how to react.

I did not cry.

A lot of people were
shocked because of it.

But it was a misunderstanding.

"In our society, any man who doesn’t
cry at his mother’s funeral

is liable to be sentenced to death.”

It’s by Albert Camus.

That’s right.

Just like in The Outsider,

our reactions can sometimes create
a misunderstanding with the neurotypicals.

Thank you.

I can feel your support,

each in your own way.

I’m very grateful for you all, really.


I’m done!
I won! I won!

I won, I won, I won!

Alright, alright.
Very humble after a win, I see!

Oh, don’t be jealous.

Come on, try it!


Astrid’s mother came to see me.

She did?
What did she want?

For me to help her get back
in touch with her daughter.

You’re gonna do that for her?
That’s awesome!

No, I told her to get lost.

Why did you do that?

Because Astrid already
closed the door to her

so I didn’t wanna go against her.

You should try to find out why she left.

She probably has a good reason.


She probably has a good reason.


Whoa, that’s really good!

Uh, hold on,

your cup is empty, look,
mine is whole.

We have the exact same
pieces though, right?

It’s probably an optical illusion.


Yeah, an optical illusion.

Just like someone who’d look dead

but who wouldn’t be.

I was starving.

I’m alive, William.

I don’t know why,
but I’m sure I’m alive.

You know, I have no recollection
of what happened.

My last memory is the conference.

All of my colleagues
rushing towards me,

and then,


Until I woke up in a funeral thingy.

I think someone k*lled me, little brother.

And why did you hide, huh?

Why didn’t you go
straight to the police?

The first thing I did when
I woke up was to rush home

to get all the elements of
my study on the additive E .

I arrived home,

the door was open.


And then,
I found Professor Decourt,

on the floor, agonizing.

He was losing a lot of blood,
so I used my tie to apply pressure,

but he worsened.

I tried CPR, but there was
nothing more I could do for him.

You’re afraid to be
charged for his m*rder?

In the meantime,
my study disappeared.

I have all the elements
at the lab to start it all over.

But if I get arrested now,
it’s all screwed, you get that?

What do you plan on doing?

I need your help.


- Everything you want, yes.
- I feel like you’re gonna like this.

Just before he fainted,
Decourt whispered a sequence to me:

C A .

- He didn’t tell you anything else?
- Unfortunately no,

but I’m sure he wanted to
tell me more about this.

C -

You've been here long?

I do not know, I just arrived.

It- it is Paul.

Yes. Yes, it’s Paul,
it’s my brother.

It- it is Paul Thomas.

It’s Paul Thomas,
it’s my brother, yes.

Astrid, don’t say a thing about
what you saw to Raphaëlle, ok?

Can you do me that favor, please?

It is impossible, Raphaëlle is
my friend, I cannot lie to her,

it is written in the book she gave me.
He is alive.

Yes. Yes, he’s alive.

This morning he was dead
but tonight he’s alive.

Listen, if you'd never come back,

you’d have never seen anything.

We can say you never saw anything.


He is not here anymore.

No, he’s not here anymore,
but why are you here?

Commander Coste had a message for you.

I was afraid of betraying her
if I did not honor her request.

What message?

She gives you a kiss.

It means that she is thinking about you,
not that she is kissing you.

Yes, that’s a figure of speech.

don’t say anything,

nothing, thanks.



Yes, Lavardin told me
he saw him standing up

in front of him, like a…

like an undead person.

And you believed him.

- No.
- Ah.

- Well, not right away.
- Ah.

I mean, everyone knows Lavardin
is a bit fond of alcohol.

But later in the evening,
when I came home,

I played tangram with Théo.

And on a template,

we both recreated an
identical shape, individually.

But the results were different. It’s as if
I had one more piece than him,

though we had exactly the same ones.

- It is the cup shape.
- Yes, that’s the one.

This is what we call the Tangram Paradox.

The two cups both look
the same size but actually,

the one that is whole is slightly smaller
than the one that is empty.

- This is an optical illusion.
- An optical illusion.

That’s exactly what my son told me.

And that’s at this point,
at this point that I got it:

Paul Thomas might still be alive.

But it doesn’t mean he’s no longer dead,
it means he never was.

Let me explain.

Paul Thomas never died, Astrid.

He was put in some kind of…

of very intense lethargy.

In such a way that at
the medico-legal institute

we fell prey to an optical illusion.


Lavardin told me me yesterday
that he had injected

a mixture of his own to Paul Thomas,
during the embalming process.

And I think that, without knowing it,
he injected the antidote.

So, I called him,

he gave me the recipe,
and let me tell you,

he was relieved to hear there’s a
rational explanation to all this.

So you think that,

from the antidote,

we could maybe find the poison
that left him in his lethargy.

And that’s why I came here, Astrid.

So that you’d come with me to the MLI,
we’re gonna talk about this with Fournier.

- You coming?
- Yes.

Formalin, formaldehyde,
strychnine, ethanol… cognac!

Well, I wanna know if
there’s an antidote in that list.

Well, cognac is an
antidote to moroseness,

but only if it’s aged in an oak cask.

A guy rose up from the dead,

and I think that what woke him up
is one of those things.

There is a poison that could match
with your zombie story but…

I don’t see the antidote on your list.

- And what are you thinking of?
- Tetrodotoxin, it’s lethal.

It’s also used in some primitive rites
to bring someone on the brink of death,

but well, its antidote is atropine,
and it’s not on the list.

Atropine is an alkaloid,

just like strychnine.

Strychnine appears on the list, here.

Yeah, it’s true.

Yeah, it could work, yeah.

And the…

- Strychnine.
- No, the other one.

- Tetrodotoxin.
- Yes, that one.

- Yes.
-What is it, a designer drug?

No no, it’s at its natural state
in some living species,

the best known one is the fugu.

The famous toxic fish the Japanese love so much.
You know with the-

that inflates like this when it’s scared.

- Yeah Nico
- Yeah.

In your deposition records,

could you find what was served at
the conference lunch for me?



Well then!

William, could you meet me at the
Criminal Documentation in minutes?
Thanks Mr. Tanaka. Aligatô.


to sum up, Paul Thomas probably escaped
poisoning by altered sushi,

and he was awaken by his mortician.

It’s so tempting to think that he
might’ve been poisoned by Decourt,

and that he k*lled him
as revenge when he woke up.

In fact, they could both be
the culprit and the victim

in the same investigation.

Mutual homicide.
Well, that’d be a first.

Uh, Arthur,

Apu Tanaka gave me the names of
three great Japanese chefs

who cook fugu clandestinely.

- Very well, I’m on it.
- Great, thanks.

I’ll swim upstream.

Since it’s a fish, the

Ok, above all, we have to find Paul Thomas
now that we think he’s alive.

I questioned his brother,
he swore he hasn’t seen him.

Are you sure he’s trustworthy?



Isn’t that right?

- Yes.
- Ok.

I have to tell you the truth.

I heard the sequence your brother
gave you yesterday evening.

That sequence

is the key to my brother’s innocence,
I’m sure of it.

I must decipher it before
the police finds Paul.

I also asked Berezine to help me,

she’s trying to trace out Professor Decourt’s
last activity on the Internet.

- Astrid?
- Yes?

I must help him, do you get it?
Do you get-

- Sorry, sorry.
- Yes.

He’s my brother.

Paul has always been there for me.

He never turned his back on me,

even through the hardest moments,
I have to return the favor.


if you called me here to turn him in...

know that I won’t do it.

I did not ask you to come here

to tell you to turn your brother in.

I asked you to come here

because I think that I found
the solution to the enigma.

I think I found out what
the sequence corresponds to.

C A .

This must correspond to the reference
of the location of a grave.

C A .

A: aisle , row ,

and , this must be
the burial plot number.


Dad is buried here.

I lied to Commander Coste.

I lied to Raphaëlle.

I lied to a friend,

I told her that I was going to work
at the Criminal Documentation.

She is eating with
her son calmly, without

any suspicion
that I am betraying her.


To be honest, I wasn’t
expecting you to call me back.

Can I know what
made you change your mind?

My son knows how to
find the right words.

Can I ask you a question about
something that’s none of my business?

I’m the one who came to you,
of course it's your business.

What do you want to know?

You want to know why I left?

The medical examination is thorough enough
to obtain a diagnosis,

your daughter Astrid is autistic.

But how...

Do we know where it comes from?
What, is it hereditary?

Because there’s not any other
autistic person in our families.

In most of infantile psychoses,

the mother’s behavior with her child
often is a significant factor.

Mrs. Nielsen,

have you been distant with your child?

It's terrible,
trying to guilt-trip you like this.

Today, we all know what this shrink
told you is a pack of lies.

I’m going to tell you something
I’ve never told anyone.

I had a brother,

he was autistic.

A little brother?
A big brother?

An older one but,

barely by a year.

My parents were totally powerless.

He was a child who suffered,
he self-harmed,

he wasn’t able to interact
with his environment.

My mother was




I think he scared her.

And you?

Did Astrid scare you?

Not at all,
I was scared of myself,

scared of what I could do to her,

scared to do to her what
my mother did to my brother.

What did she do to your brother?

I think you know what she did.

I think that for my mother,
it was a gesture of love.

She couldn’t bear to
see him suffer any longer.

The justice didn’t take it
the same way.

Me neither.

I was seven.

I never spoke to her ever again.

So, uh...

You left Astrid’s life
in order to protect her…


- to protect her from yourself, is that it?
- At first.

And once I was gone,
the harm had been done.

I only want to ask her
for her forgiveness.

Do you know how to play tangram?

, it is here.

Julie Querengal.

- What are you doing William?
- I’m trying.

There is a death notice.

Julie Querengal was
Professor Decourt’s sister.

What would Raphaëlle do
in this situation?

She would ask permission to
the relevant department.

The family, justice, the cemetery owner.

- What would Raphaëlle do in this situation?
- Ah.

She would probably search her pockets
for something that could act as a lever,

like a key for example,
she would insert it here,

here in the interstice to lever it up.

I would probably do something, like “Aah”

because the situation would
put me in a stressful position.

As commander Coste is surly,
she would break the key

and then she would say
a swear word, like “shit”,

- or “f*ck”, or “f*cking shit”, or-
- Astrid!

- Can’t you try?
- What?

Try! Open it, open it!

- Open it?
- If someone’s coming, I’m uh…

Thanks for the flowers,
thanks, it’s very uh…

I can’t play pretend!

I will choose…

the key of the cellars’ entrance,

it is robust enough, and even if it breaks,
I only use my cellar moderately.

Moreover, all of my neighbors
have a spare key.

Aaaah, it is empty,

It is empty, William, it is empty.

It is empty.

Isn’t there a false bottom?
It’s not the right number?

It is the right number but I was wrong,

one cannot be wrong but I was wrong.

We reached an impasse, William.

- Astrid?
- Yes?

A message from Berezine.

Maybe there’s still hope.

I have to close it.

From now on,
we cannot act alone anymore.

We have to tell the truth
to Commander Coste.

To Raphaëlle?

Yes, we have to
tell to truth to Raphaëlle.

I followed the lead on the fugu.

And what did you find?

Well first,
it didn’t go through the caterer.

The day of the conference,
lunch was served on individual food trays.

Anyone could’ve put an
altered sushi on Paul Thomas’.

- Shit! We’re back to square one?
- No,

not exactly,
don’t worry, Commander.

You put your best element on the case.

The three chefs Mr. Tanaka
gave you the names of

all have the same supplier.

At first, the guy denied selling fugu,

but I checked his communications and

I found a link with an importer
specialized in exotic aquarium fishes.

I think if we go there,
we might find something interesting.

Let’s go.

Hello, Commander Coste.

Ok, no worries Commander,
I’ll take a team,

I think I can handle things.

Looks like you have
a lot on your plate.

What is this mess?

It is Paul Thomas,
it is not a mess.

Until further notice,
you’re our suspect Mr. Thomas.

I understand.

Know that if I decided to turn myself in,

it’s because I fully trust my brother.

And since my brother
fully trusts you…

How long have you known, Astrid?

More or less seventeen hours.

- This is so...
- Please, don’t overwhelm her.

I think Astrid was conditioned by
the principles of some sort of friendship.

William covering his brother,
I can understand.

But you?

Do you realize the risks you took?

- No but that’s crazy-
- Raph.


We’ll have the results of
your blood tests soon.

If we find traces of
tetrodotoxin in your blood

it’ll be proof that
someone tried to k*ll you.

But it won’t make you
any less of a suspect.

You could still have
m*rder*d Professor Decourt.

I didn’t k*ll Professor Decourt.

But you’re right on one thing.

His death is in
direct correlation with mine.

Decourt is a smart guy.

He must have perfectly understood
that I'd been m*rder*d.

I think things went
way too far for Decourt,

and he considered he
couldn’t keep silent anymore.

When Decourt went to my place,
it was to look for my study,

but I think it was to expose it.

Problem is, his k*ller
had arrived before he did.

Do you have any proof
of what you’re saying?


What do you mean, maybe?

I asked my fiancée for help,
Berezine_ .

She found something.

She knows stuff about the hidden
face of the Internet, you know, the darknet.

So yes, yes,
when we say darknet, right away:

assassins, the bad reputation,
all kinds of trafficking,

but the darknet is also something else.

It’s a huge space of freedom,

far from “GAFA” surveillance,
from governments.

You can find Arab Spring revolutionaries,

Vladimir Putin detractors, others,
I don’t know-

Sorry, William,
William uh...

your girlfriend,
is she linked to all this?

Berezine_ is a hacker.

She contributes to the development
of this space of freedom.

She knows the darknet
like the back of her hand.

But I don’t want this
to get her into trouble.

No, no, she won’t get in trouble,
you have my word.

Tell us what she found.

Do you have a good
internet connection here?

If the Commissioner arrives,
we’re in big trouble.

Oh, chill Nico,
the Commissioner isn't here.

And he has the best
connection in the precinct.

Berezine gave me the address
of an encrypted website,

to which Professor Decourt logged into
less than an hour before his death.

the access is password protected.

We also need a connection identifier.

I think we have that Paul.

It must be the sequence number

Professor Decourt gave you
right before he died.

C A .

Now the question is
how do we get the password,

his date of birth, his wife’s name,
something random, it’s hard to say.

Try Querengal.

Sophie Querengal.

Counter study on E ,
an extremely dangerous additive.
That’s it, we’re in.

We’re in,

only I don’t think we’re alone.

You think Berezine is trying to log in?

Maybe, I don’t know,
I’ll ask her right away.

How was this fugu fishing?

We found a pond full of them.

And I brought you back this.

The guy didn’t want any trouble,
so he gave us a list mailing list

with all the names of
his special fishes clientele.

Well, it’s not much,
but that’s a start, right?

As expected,

all the pseudonyms or
the names on this list

are Japanese-sounding names.

All but one,

Auguste .

Wait, wait wait…


Auguste, Auguste, Auguste...

There he is!

Auguste Legagneur, he’s a biologist

and he works at the same department
as Professor Decourt.

The name stayed with me because Auguste,

for a forty-year-old man, it’s unusual.

- Wait.
- Hold on, I’m calling my guy.

Yes, Mr. Nagoya?

It’s Lieutenant Enguien again.

Tell me, I’m calling you about
one of your clients, Auguste ?

Do you know his
name by any chance?

No, he never gave his name.

He only ordered once,
two weeks ago,

insisting that the fish be alive,
that’s all.

Very well, great, thank you
so much Mr. Nagoya.

"Saxitoxin, tarichatoxin and tetrodotoxin,

issues of this new category
of biological substance.”

It’s the title of young
Auguste Legagneur’s doctoral thesis.

- Seriously, doesn’t this look like a lead?
- Raphaëlle.

- William, is there a problem?
- Berezine isn’t answering.

Her answers always are very immediate,
something is wrong.

Here’s what we’re gonna do:

Raph, take William, make sure
everything is okay with Berezine.

I’m going to arrest Legagneur.
Come on, let’s go!


Ah no, no, Astrid you go to
your tangram tournament.

That is, given the circumstances,
I thought maybe it would be-

Ah no, no, it’s super important,
you have to go.

I mean, listen,

go and if we ever need you I’ll-

I’ll give you a call,
I promise, alright?

It’s a tangram tournament,
Commander Coste.

- Raphaëlle!
- Yes?

We have a problem.

I don’t know where Berezine_ lives.

It’s alright, give me her name,
I’ll find her address.

I don’t know that either.

Hold on, you’re telling me
you never see her?

It might surprise you: no.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

We only speak through text messages.

Never mind,
you have her IP address?

- Of course.
- There, give it to me,

with this our guys here will
find her in a second.



We’re not total imbeciles
in the police, right?

I never said that.

Watch out Astrid!

f*cking shit…

Ok, Nico.

Meet us here then.

I sent you the address.


Ok, William, don’t panic,

but Legagneur isn’t at his place,
nor at his lab,

It stinks.

We have to move.


- I think I’m about to make a big mistake.
- What?

I’m scared.

We promised we’d never meet in person,
and now I’m going to-

No, William now isn’t the time,
Berezine_ might be in danger.

Berezine_ ’s room please.

- Berezine_ ’s room-
- Calm down. Camille Wilcox.

- Ah Camille, she’s room .
- .

What a coincidence,
she never has any visitors

- and then her uncle, now you.
- Shit!

Ah, her uncle…

Yes, he arrived
about minutes ago.

Drop that, Legagneur!

Hello William.

What did you find on Decourt’s website?

Damning evidence of
this gentleman's guilt.

He was both
Decourt’s right-hand man

and a permanent member of the agency
that gives the marketing authorizations.

I see.

You received colossal amounts

to turn a blind eye on the
danger of the product.

It’s completely false.

Yeah, it’s over, my friend.

We have proof.

Your custody will only be a formality.

- I’ve got this, that's ok with you?
- It’s your investigation.


Captain, it looks like the
investigation is over, right?

Closed, sealed, solved, right?
Do you mind?

I’ll take care of it.

Come on, you’re going with me.

That’s enough,
what’s that little game about?

I’m gonna end up being paranoid.

I have to talk to you
about something Raph.

When you’re solemn like this,
you freak me out, what’s up?

Listen, it’s not easy, but…

we’ve known each other for a while,

we’ve known each other for years,

and… well,

you mean a lot to me, and…

- Raph, I-
- Oh no.

No, you’re gonna talk
about Astrid again.

Nico, I already told you,
I reassured you!

I can be friends with her
and friends with you.

You’re irreplaceable.
You’re super precious.

You’re even more than that.
Do you know what you are to me?

You’re like a brother.

Ah, William’s here.

- We’ll talk later, all good?
- Yeah, no, no.

It’s ok, you know,
I told you the main thing.


Are you alright, William?

She’s so beautiful.

We're going to meet up next week.

You’re wonderful William, I love you.


It is rare to meet a skilled opponent.

It is a pleasure to play with you.

My name is Mathilde Nielsen.


I’m your mother.

I had understood that.

I have no need of having
a mother I never had.

I prefer for you to remain Mathilde Nielsen,
the woman I just met,

and who is a
tenacious tangram opponent.

Will you start over
from the beginning?


I'll let you pick the next shape, then.

I just wanted to tell you that

I mostly enjoyed the
moments spent by your side.


Why are you telling me this?

Because I suppose that,
given the circumstances,

we are no longer friends, are we?

Why would we no longer be friends, Astrid?

I lied to you, I betrayed you,
I jeopardized our collaboration.

One cannot lie, one cannot betray.

That being said,
I am not the only one who lied.

Excuse me?

Earlier you told me that you
were having lunch with Théo.

Yet when I came back to the precinct

you were eating a sandwich.

And how could
Mathilde Nielsen have known

that I would be
at the tangram tournament?

You’re calling
your mother “Mathilde Nielsen”!

- Yes, why not.
- That is her name.

You did not answer my question.

Ok, ok...

You know Astrid, sometimes

friends can lie a bit to one another, yes.

As long as it’s done
out of kindness, it’s fine.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

- Yes!
- Ah.



Then I take note that we
both lied out of kindness.

And that it does not jeopardize
neither our collaboration

nor our friendship at all.

- Not at all.
- Raphaëlle.