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01x05 - Fulcanelli

Posted: 01/17/23 18:34
by bunniefuu
There's someone over here!

- Hurry!
- Come here!

He's over there.
He's here.

Who is it?

Shit! Call an ambulance!

- Okay
- You alright?

Here, help me.


He's cold.

- What is this?
- Who is it?

I don't know.
I don't know who that is.

What the hell is that?
It looks like a s*ab wound.

That's one hell of a view, right?

But the first night,
I turned the shower on

and the water was freezing.

So I went down to the front desk
and I went off.

€ for a night,
they can't mess with me,

you know me.

Perfectly, yes.

Here, Raph.

- Croissants
- Thank you.

You should try calling Dad.

And why shouldn't he call me?

You always make things harder.

Listen, I'm sorry. I have to go.

There's been a m*rder in the th.

Oh, I'll never understand
why you like this.

Seeing all of those dead guys all day long.

I'm going.


Happy birthday, little sister!


- Actually, it's not today, it's tomorrow.
- Ah.

And I'm doing a thing here.

You know?
I sent you a message.

- Will you be there?
- Tomorrow? My day is packed.

But, uh, I promise I'll try.


Your gift!

It's always a headache
with you, but...

I think this...

you'll like.


You won't believe what she said.

She said,
"What do you want for your birthday?"

And then she started
pulling out her checkbook.

She wanted to
write me a check. I left!

I didn't say anything.
I left.

Sometimes, I can't believe we're sisters!

It's crazy, we're nothing alike!

She's Miss Perfect
and I'm the ugly duckling.

Do you get it?

No, not really.

Damn, better not be
claustrophobic in here.

Will you be alright, Astrid?
You ok?

We are meters
below ground, but

this place is ventilated by air shafts
dug evenly in the rock.

We are accompanied by
someone competent

who is skilled with direction.

There is no rational reason
for things not to be alright.

Well, what I mean is

when it's your first time in the catacombs-

The word "catacombs" is not appropriate.

It would be more correct to say

these are old underground quarries.

The limestone extracted
was used to build Paris.

Be careful,
it can be slippery here.

- Ah.
- Ok.

Is it-
I mean-

What are you doing?

I want to protect my shoes.


Yes? What are those?


- To protect your shoes.
- Oh, no, I don't need that.

I'm not afraid of some mud.

- Ah.
- So, where is it?

Over there?

Oh, shit!

There you go.

Do you have parties
like that often?

Uh, no...

Did you find ID?

Just this.

What is it?

Oh, that's not new.

Gabriel Henry.

He's , at most.

It's a family thing, in my opinion.

World w*r II, give or take.

What else?

s*ab wound,
straight through the heart.


Excuse me.

You there!

- Did you know him?
- No, no we didn't know him, ma'am.

For the thousandth time,
we don't know each other.

This kind of thing, we just show up.
Plans go around,

we party, and we leave.

It's that simple.

Can you tell
your colleague that we're tired,

I got hit in the face by a rock,
we'd like to go home.

Ok, well, you'll just bear with it

and you'll stay polite.

Because there's been a m*rder, ok?

So for now, you're all witnesses
so you're all suspects.

that could have been me.


Why no, Astrid?

There is a body
of consistent evidence

showing that this young man was
not part of their gathering.

It is not the roof
that fell on him.

It is him who fell
through the roof.


We'll see what the lab says but
if we have to depend on

the military card to identify the body,
we're screwed.

And we're not even sure
Gabriel Henry is from his family.

Gabriel Henry.

It really sounds familiar.

I am certain I have seen this name
somewhere not long ago.

Ok, so you go to the Doc.

And I'll see if I can find out where
the victim was before the cave-in.

There are km of quarry network
with a random design.

You can get blueprints
with the same scale,

find the spot of the cave-in,

and compare it with the streets map.

Taking into account a certain margin
of error, it could work.

I have something easier.


The quarry guys are here.

The quarry guys.

I am going to the
Criminal Documentation, goodbye.

Commander Coste.

- Criminal police.
- Hello.

Forensics are taking samples,
you can go in after.

What kind of cave-in is it?

- Subsidence, landslide, general collapse?
- No idea.

Is there a circle on the roof?


Ok, it's a subsidence.

We keep telling
these kids it's dangerous,

I knew one day there'd be a disaster.

We think the victim was dead
before the cave-in,

and that the body
was close to the surface

but I don't know where.

Can you help me find the spot?

Well, it's already done.

I was just going there.

We're gonna do a surface inspection,
wanna come?

Absolutely, yes.

I'll get my gear
and we'll go.

Have you been living here long?

I told you, about years.

And you’ve been away
these past few days?

What's going on, exactly?

The Criminal police
deals with cave-ins now?

There's something here!

- meters below ground.
- Excuse me.

A by meters hole.


Looks like the soil
was turned over here.

I did some gardening
during the weekend, but...

nothing special.

What's this about a hole?

It's not a hole, Mr. Jousse.

It's a grave.

A guy was stabbed and thrown in it.
Know anything about that?

Mrs. Coste?

Hello, Mrs. Nielsen.

You know Astrid?
It's wonderful!

Is that the young lady
you were with the other day,

when I met you?

Look, Mrs. Nielsen, maybe I overstepped
when I contacted you.

It's alright.

I mean Astrid, I don't know if

she's ready to meet you.
It's complicated.

- But, what did she tell you?
- Listen, it's...

Oh! What a bastard!

Yes, I'll call you back.

I'll call you back, yes.

A friend, she was dumped.

Oh, she's a mess,
I can't tell you.

Indeed, I would rather not.

Interpersonal conversations
are really not my strong suit.

I would prefer if
we talked about the investigation.

Let's talk about the investigation.

I remembered where I saw Gabriel Henry,
the name on the dog tags.

It was indeed in a file
at the Criminal Documentation.

- Awesome! Do you have the file?
- Absolutely not, I destroyed it.

Destroyed? Uh,why-
What do you mean, destroyed?

The file was pulped a month ago.

As you know, the Criminal Documentation
keeps files for years,

after which those with
historical value are kept in the archives,

and the others are destroyed.

The one on Gabriel Henry

was destroyed.


Shit! Shit!

You are right, shit!

But do not worry,

I read it before I destroyed it.

It was an investigation
on a worrying disappearance,

opened in March of

and considered a cold case
in November of .

We never knew
what happened to Gabriel Henry.


this Gabriel Henry has
nothing to do with our victim.

Ok, he had his dog tags but

he could have
bought them in a flea market.

I think you should take a look at this.

Gabriel Henry,
reported missing in .

There were loads of
articles at the time.

His disappearance
captivated the masses, look.

Oh, wait, what the hell is that?

That means the -year-old guy
we found this morning

is actually...

How old, Astrid?

Almost .

. Believe that?


On one hand, there's undamaged elements and

on the other,
parts in advanced decomposition.

I'm a bit lost, I'll admit.

It is probably because
there was a process of

progressive desiccation
and saponification of fats,

that resulted from
the hydrolysis of fats

by the internal lipases
and bacterial enzymes.

Ah, it would be adipocere?

Makes sense.

You'd need a body high in fats,
an alkaline pH,

in a place with no oxygen.
It's uncommon,

very uncommon.

But, yes, it could be.

Yeah, ok, I would have
figured it out eventually.

Can someone explain?

It is a natural process that prevents
the decomposition of a body.


That guy's a mummy?

- Exactly.
- No, uh huh.

He's not wrapped.

So, it confirms what we thought, right?

The dog tags aren't
his grandfather's, but his.

So his death dates back to

the year he disappeared.

. March th.

We need to let the Jousses go,

they have nothing to do with it,
they've been

here for years and this guy, what?
Almost years

that he's been in their garden?

There's something else.

We found this in his food bolus.


Must have been a very important ring
if he swallowed it before he died.

You know what I think?

This is not just a ring.

It's a motive.

Spiritus Fulcanelli.

- Oh yeah, it's written there.
- Yes.

And the signs on it,
it looks like a coded message.

Ah yes.
Do you think you can decode it, Astrid?

Can I make a wish?


- Why can't I come tomorrow?
- Because you're , honey.

And when you're , you don't go to bars,
even for your mom's birthday.

And, uh, did you invite Astrid?

Huh, no.
It's gonna be crowded, noisy...

And it wasn't planned.

You know her,

improvisation isn't her thing.

I'll get it.

- Oh. Hi, Astrid!
- Good evening, Théo.

- Astrid?
- Yes.

A gift, a cake, candles,
it is your birthday.

- No, it's mine.
- Ah.

I tried contacting you on your phone
several times,

but it went to voicemail.

Uh, yes, I must be
out of battery, sorry.

So, can we eat cake?

Yes, come Astrid.

Have a piece of cake, come on.

Don't worry,
her birthday is tomorrow.

She's doing a party after work.

A party?

Uh, by the way
you're invited if you'd like.

It's : pm at Michel's.

Michel's is a bar next to mom's work.

Well, yes, come Astrid, come!

- I'd like that.
- Me? Coming to a party?

Yes, of course.
We will certainly have fun.


- You don't mind?
- On the contrary, I am very happy.

Let's do that.
Tomorrow, : at Michel's.

The bar where the mirror
is on the ceiling.

- Yes, that's the one. Uh, Astrid?
- Yes?

You came here
to tell me something, right?

Of course.


The signs on the ring,

I think I know where they are from.

They are alchemy symbols.

- Alchemy?
- Yes.


that's when we turn gold into lead.

No, it's the opposite.
Lead into gold.


Read the article.

Where the post-it is.

What if they were already among us.

No, impossible,
the commissioner won't like

this kind of evidence, Astrid, no.

Commander Coste,
it is important I promise.

Read the article, there, where
the yellow post-it is.

It says that Fulcanelli

was one of the last great alchemists.

He is the author of a work of reference

and would have unraveled
the mystery of elements.

And until today, his true identity

is still unknown.
Hypothesis were made

Camille Flammarion, Eugène Canseliet,

- or even-
- Gabriel Henry!

Gabriel Henry, yes.

- You are on the gift.
- Yes, sorry.

- Careful.
- I recognize him!

- Lead into gold!
- Yeah!


Listen to this.

reported missing in ,
Gabriel Henry suddenly

became rich at barely .

Rumor has it he had
made the Great Work,

the philosopher stone,

allowing for metal transmutation
and granting eternal life.

- Eternal life?
- Yes.

- All that, huh?
- This magazine seems awesome...

The article is from a...


Wow, okay!
One hell of a source, Raph.

- Wait, I believe this stuff.
- Arthur...

What if they were already among us?


Some scientists claim octopuses
are extraterrestrial in origin.

-Ah, there you go!
- Yeah, alright.

That's enough, guys, yeah?

This isn't about taking alchemy seriously.

But keeping in mind that Gabriel Henry
did take it seriously.

And he wasn't the only one.

The symbols on the ring are alchemical

and our Hibernatus
preferred swallowing it

rather than letting his k*ller
gets their hands on it.

Ok, huh...
Come on, Astrid.

I'd love some eternal life, Commander.
I'm sorry, Astrid.

That must be so boring.


I found the address you asked for.

- The guy was in the directory.
- Ah.

Thank you, Arthur, you're a peach.


You received bad news.

It's my sister.

- She's not coming to my birthday party.
- Ah, yes.

- Your birthday.
- I have complicated...

relationships with
my family in general.

It is a problem I do not have.

Oh, sorry, Astrid.
It was very insensitive of me, I'm sorry.

Do not be sorry.

I am glad I do not have to deal with

complicated situations
generated by familial relationships.

I think you're doing alright with, uh...
interpersonal conversations.

Commander Coste?

Would you mind
coming to my office, please?

Yes, Commissioner.



When he's being that polite,
it's not good.

Sit down, Coste.

Yes, so I know what you're thinking.

- I assure you-
- It's not our problem anymore.

What do you mean?

Drop it, Coste.
years means it's a cold case.

- There's a department for this.
- No.

- No, no, we can't give up now. Impossible.
- Yes, we can.

We will give up.

And you already did a lot.

You solved the mysterious
disappearance of Gabriel Henry,

a case that had been
abandoned in .

Well done.

Thanks to you
his body was finally identified.

Apparently he has a son who's still alive.


you go see him,

tell him of this sad news,

- and we'll move on.
- Ok.

So, I tell him that

his dad was m*rder*d and we're not

doing anything to find the k*ller.
Yes, that's...

- sad news, yes.
- I've had enough of you, Coste.

That's an order, understood?

Very well, Commissioner.


Can I?

Yes, please.
Thank you.

Astrid? Astrid!

Mr. Henry?

Thomas Henry?

Uh, yes?

I can't believe it.

My mother has always
believed Dad was m*rder*d.

He would have been , right?

And your mother,
is she still alive?

She died last year.

She never made
a new life for herself.

My childhood was
destroyed by this tragedy.

She lived with anxiety,

with the hope of him coming back

that was lessening each year.

I have a lot of press clippings
of that time, if you'd like.

Actually, I have files of them.

My mom hung on to anything.

I appreciate it but we already went
on the National Library website.

So maybe you saw a rumor
claiming he had made a fortune.

You should know that if that was true,
he took the secret with him.

After he disappeared,
we lived in complete misery.

Thank you, Astrid.

Does this signet ring
mean anything to you?

Not at all.

Is it a ring you found on his finger?

- No, in his food bolus.
- Not exactly.

But we think it
does belong to him, yes.

Are you sure your mother
never talked about this jewelry?

No, never.

We're gonna make
a small detour, Astrid.

A detour that was not planned.


We're going to see the guy
who lived in the Jousses' house

at the time Gabriel Henry disappeared.

And would you believe, it's his cousin.

It's a small world, huh?

That's the address
Arthur gave me earlier.

I can't wait to ask him why
his cousin's body was under his lawn.

Don't you?


It's not possible.

The commissioner asked you
to drop the case.

An order is an order.
Especially coming from a superior.

If you go outside
of procedure,

all reports you write will not be valid.

Yes, you're right.

Oh, yes, let's drop the case.

And the first thing to do,

is getting the ring from the Doc.

No, that is not possible.


I would like to finish decoding it
before returning it to you.

Ah, no, Astrid, no.

We were asked to drop the case, we drop it.
That's an order.

You said it yourself.

So let's say that as long as the commissioner
doesn't give us a written instruction,

formally specifying that we stop,

we are acting within the procedure.


And I can keep the ring.


- To decode it.
- Yes, let's do that.


The detour, how long will it be?

Mr. Laroche will be glad
to have some visitors.

He has a daughter
who comes by often,

but apart from her...

Mr. Laroche?

He is dead.

- Maybe I wasn't clear.
- Yes, I know,

I kept going without your approval.

Can I know why the hell you were there?

You could thank me, you know.

- Thank you?
- I saved you a lot of time.

Are you sure it's connected
to the catacombs m*rder?

Of course this new m*rder is
connected to the one in the catacombs.

Ok, I want your full report
on my desk first thing tomorrow.

Very well.

The view doesn't
show anything good.

You will not find fingerprints.

The person was wearing latex gloves.

- The white residue?
- Yes, it is talc residue.

In recent files from less than years ago,

I noted a surge in
the use of these kinds of ties.

I think they come from a superstore.

But it needs to be confirmed.

There is a body of consistent evidence
showing that the victim was brutalized.

With his advanced age,
his heart must have given out.

Can you tell me when he died?

- An hour ago, maybe less.
- An hour?


We could have passed
his attacker when we came in.

Maybe he's still there!
Ma'am, excuse me.

Uh, do you have CCTV here?

Uh, yes. There's a camera downstairs
facing the main entrance.

I can take you to the
security office if you'd like.

Astrid, I'll be back in minutes!


No fingerprints.

Pages are missing.

, , .

The gift.

The gift.

Yes, so...



This is evidence.



The victim was att*cked,

he died because his heart stopped,
about one hour ago,

he was bound with self-locking ties

found in a superstore.
Oh, I forgot...

You won't find fingerprints.

Have a good day.

Were there...

Were there people
who resented your father?

No, I mean...

Not that I'm aware.

To tell you the truth,
he was cut off from the world.

Most of his friends are dead.

As for his family...

He cut ties ages ago.

How long is ages?

That was before I was born.

There's a whole side of the family that

my father erased from his life.

But, well...

This sort of disagreement
happens in every family, right?

Tell me about it.

Did you know about the
mysterious disappearance of his cousin?

In the early s?

- Gabriel Henry.
- Yes.

Of course.

It's part of the family legend.

That's precisely this side
that my father didn't see anymore.

- And you never asked him why?
- I tried.

But every time he shut me down.

He didn't like talking about
his cousin's disappearance.

But I don't know why.

No wonder he
didn't like talking about it.

I'll bet he k*lled him before he
buried him in his garden.

That is all very Hamlet.

The ghost coming back
to say he was m*rder*d.

Ok first, it's not
a ghost, it's a mummy.

And we didn't say
anything to the media.

Gabriel Henry's name
came out of nowhere.

Somebody knows something.

And you told him.

His son, Thomas Henry.

If you're right about
Etienne Laroche,

don't you think he'd be the first to
want to avenge the death of his father?

It crossed my mind, of course.

He grew up with the trauma
of his father's disappearance,

his mother never recovered,

except he has
one hell of an alibi.

He was with me and Astrid when
the old guy got beat up.

He has an alibi but he could have
sent someone in his stead.

Arthur, try digging
into his relations.

Maybe other family members
are still alive.

On it.
What's this?

Well see, it's...


Where are you going?

You deal with Gabriel's family,

I'll deal with Fulcanelli's.

And don't forget,
everybody at Michel's tonight.

I hate celebrating my birthday,
I'm counting on you.

- You bet!
- Be there.


You don't usually come
to Wednesday meetings.

I mean,

we love you being here,

but I mean...

You never improvise.

I have an issue.

A serious issue.

Well, if we can do anything to help...

It is about Commander Coste.

Today is her birthday.

She is celebrating,

at a bar, tonight.

She invited me.

What did you tell her?

Yes, obviously.

One cannot say no
to this sort of event.

Yes, but

the prospect of
being alone with strangers in

a place you're not familiar with...

How can she do this to you?


I think we can find that
Raphaëlle's gesture was kind.


Oh, man...

- I don't get it.
- And the gift.

I need a gift.

I spent the night on this issue.

Too expensive is inappropriate,
not enough is contemptuous.

I don't know what to do.

The birthday is in
and a half hours.

What can I do?

I read somewhere that

to give a gift, you need to
put yourself in the other's shoes.

Putting yourself in the other's shoes...

Nothing is more difficult.

If the matter of

getting into the other's shoes
is too complex,

we could try asking

what does
the other mean to me?

Do you know what I mean?


- You're sure it's good?
- Yes.

Grab some coffee too,
it'll warm you up.


Could I entrust you with this?

Yes, yes.
What is it?

Actually, I want you to
help me find that out.

The symbols, here,

I think it is an algorithm.

Ah! Alright.

Thank you.


You're good at giving gifts.


Nice pseudonym.

The editorial office told me
I would find you here.

I read your article on Fulcanelli.

You're interested in alchemy, Miss?

Be careful.
Alchemy's goal

is enlightenment

but it has caused many
to lose everything.

Including their souls.

Gabriel Henry.

You mentioned him in your paper.

He's the one I'm interested in.


Yes, yes, Gabriel...

It has been so long.

But I still miss him.

You knew each other?

This library, Miss,

is, in Paris, without a doubt

one of the richest collections
of books about esoteric matters.

It belonged to my father.

In ,

he was approached

by Gabriel who, he said,

wanted to do research

on alchemy.

And why was he
interested in alchemy?

Because of a ring.

A signet ring?

With symbols on it?

Fulcanelli's ring.

Thank you.

Gabriel had, in my opinion,
come to the right place.

I gave him all sorts of books

to help him try solving the mystery.

And apparently, he succeeded,

since they say he got rich.

Oh, please.

Keep your stories
for the magazine, ok?



We are creators of myths.

Dream knitters.

Um, what I'm interested in...

is the truth

behind the myth.

There was, at the beginning,

a more grounded story.

My friend Gabriel Henry and
his cousin Etienne Laroche

were inseparable.

After the w*r, they were hired

to work on

the expansion of the rails
for the Parisian subway.

And one day, while digging,

they accidentally burst open
the cellar of an old house.

They had stumbled upon

an abandoned cache.

And what was in the cache?

Gold bars.

Three bars of kg each.

And a ring.

The two cousins shared the loot.

bars to Etienne,

because his pickaxe had
struck the decisive blow.

To Gabriel, the third bar,

and the ring.

And that seemed fair to you?

At first, Gabriel probably felt like
he had been wronged.

And then,

he started taking
an interest in the ring.

And he was convinced

that it could lead him

to an even bigger treasure.

This is all nonsense.

You believe it?

Well, Gabriel

did believe it very strongly.

If you wanna know what I think,
the cousin, Etienne Laroche

must have believed this story about the ring
and the treasure very strongly too.

For all we know, Etienne k*lled
his cousin to get the ring.

He buried him in his garden,

with the ring inside.
That would be insane, huh?

That's what we call irony.

Oh, come on!

You're not gonna talk about
work all night, right?

Come on.
Come here.

Raph's buying!

Oh, hold on, now!

- I'm a commander, not a commissioner!
- Soon!

Soon, come on!

Oh, you came?

- How's it going?
- Great.

- How are you?
- Oh, good thing you're here.

I was telling them about the year you
were seeing guys at the same time.

Oh no, no one wants
to hear about that, Anouk.

- They do!
- Shut up!

- I want to hear!
- No!

- You really want to hear that?
- Yes!

- Ok, I'll tell you!
- Great!

- Astrid's here.
- Hold on.

A lady with a headset.

I'm so happy to see you!

I was saying I was
really happy to see you.

I am late.

I am very late.
One cannot be late.

No problem.
It's important that you're here.

That's what matters.

You know,
I was worried earlier.

What happened at the retirement home?

I do not know, I am sorry.

I touched Etienne Laroche's notebook.

Even if I had put gloves on,
I am not a judiciary police officer.

It is still a violation of procedure.

- I am sorry.
- No, Astrid, I didn't mean that.

- Why did you leave all of a sudden?
- Ah.

This is for me?

It is the birthday gift.

That's a jewel, a brooch.

It's not a coffee machine,
that's for sure.

A jewel?
A jewel.


A thimble.

A thimble, for sewing.


Yes, it's great.

- Thank you, Astrid.
- Raph.

- Yes?
- Hey, Astrid.

Good evening.

I really appreciate it, Astrid.
I'll be right back, ok?

Your glass, Commander Coste...

What’s going on?

- Look.
- Be right back.

What the hell is this?

It's going viral on the internet.

It was uploaded this morning at : ,
right after debrief.

We look like idiots with
our bucks shoes.

Maybe we should have
bought her a sharpener.

- Who's the idiot who did that?
- Delmare, from the precinct.


He's already been punished.

Oh shit.

Doesn't matter, it's done.

Maybe that's the reason why
Laroche was k*lled. f*ck!

- I gotta take care of Astrid.
- Yeah, go.

Excuse me.


- Have you seen Astrid?
- Yes, she left.

With the headset, right?

Sorry, excuse me.

Astrid! Astrid!


Your headset.
Get your headset off.

Listen, I'm sorry.

They're not mean.

They can be stupid sometimes
but they're not mean.

Come back, it's my birthday,
it won't be the same without you.

If it was your birthday,
I'd stay with you.

- Today is my birthday.
- Oh.

- No way! Are you kidding?
- No.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you did not ask.

I mean...

We're born on the same day, that's crazy!

There are people in France
born on the same day and year as us.

in the world,

it's a completely relative coincidence,
I assure you.

I should not have come.
I knew this would happen.

I should not have come.

- I should not have come.
- Astrid.

Why did you come then, huh?

Because one cannot say
no to a birthday.

I wanted to respect the procedure.

f*ck procedure!

You should have told me
you didn't want to come.

You shouldn't be
embarrassed about that.

That's what you do
when you're friends.

You tell each other things directly.

Are you sure?

You need to get straight to the point.

No, I mean...

Are you sure we are friends?

I think so, yes.

I would like that, anyway.


Good evening, Commander Coste.

It is raining,
I need to get my umbrella.

Happy birthday.

Thank you, Astrid.


Act in society.

The world. Friends. Me.


Do you know what day it is?

It is your birthday, Astrid.

years old.

That's something.

The Earth has moved around the Sun
times since I was born.

Celebrating this sort of thing
does not make sense.

- I do not like gifts.
- You do. You just don't like

opening them in front of
the one who gave it to you.

In case you don't like it,

you wouldn't know
how to react.

I do not like the noise
the paper makes.

Puzzles old and new,

by Pr. Hoffman.

It lists the most well-known puzzles,

according to a classification system that
is the reference on this subject.

It's an original edition.


How did you guess?

Sit, listen to this.

- I'd rather stand.
- Ok.

Arthur did research on
Thomas Henry's relations.

He has an aunt,

Gabriel Henry's sister.

Wait, if Hibernatus has an aunt,
she's what, more than years old?

No, she was pretty young
when her brother disappeared.

Her name's Catherine Lebert.

And guess where she's working?

Well, I'll be damned.

That's the auxiliary nurse who
walked us to Laroche's room.


Oh, that's too much.



They took my bag.

- Astrid?
- My bag.


Everything's alright, Astrid.

Uniforms found your bag.

I don't know what you put inside,
but it's heavy as hell.

Can you check if
anything's missing?

- In case the first one does not work.
- Right.

All good?


Something is missing.


The evidence.

The evid-

The ring?

- It is not a ring.
- Sorry?

It is not a ring,
it is a key.

Yesterday I found out that it looked like

an old mechanical puzzle
with an interlocking system.

Thanks to a secret mechanism,

it breaks open to reveal a key.

I think the symbols on it

are a code that indicate
the location of what it opens.


Ring, uh...

puzzle, key,

corkscrew, I don't know...

It's evidence, why the hell
was it in your bag?

I was on my way to have it analyzed

by a jeweler who works
for the department.

He assured me it was authentic.

- It is from the th century.
- Authentic or not,

it disappeared.


I am sorry, Commander Coste.



the only person we mentioned it to

was Thomas Henry,
Gabriel's son.

He saw a picture of the ring but
it was not him.

It was a woman on the bike.

A woman...

A woman...


Catherine, the auxiliary nurse,
Thomas' aunt.

I'll bet anything
these two are accomplices.

One wants to avenge her brother
and the other his father.

Ok, the only way to find them

is to decode the ring before they do.

Do your remember the symbols?
The symbols on the ring?

- Astrid?
- Yes?

- This man is asking for you.
- Thank you.

- Hello, William.
- Yes, hello William.

The symbols.

You were absolutely correct, Astrid.

The sequence you
gave me is an algorithm.

An algorithm?

Like, uh...

Like in IT?

- On a th century ring?
- Let's say

more of a mechanical sequence and

with mechanical sequence comes machines,
decryption machines,

like Enigma which encrypted
German messages during the w*r.

I am sure that the other page
ripped from Laroche's notebook

had the instructions to read it,

- to decode it.
- You have a lead, then?

I considered Llull's machine.

Llull's machine?

It is a device created by
a monk in the Middle Ages.

But the sequence does not work.

But, look.

- Sorry.
- Yes, sorry.

I don't understand this symbol.

- Here, this one.
- It looks like a crescent.

- Right?
- But of course.

Well done, Commander Coste.

Henry II's crescent.

The cipher machine...

- Can you come with me to the suburbs?
- Yes.



We have to go to
the Renaissance Museum

to see the cipher machine,
Henry II's cipher machine.

- Ok.
- Ok.

Yes, the Renaissance Museum,
let's go!

- Let's go, Astrid! Come on!
- No, I-

- I do not have my bag.
- Astrid!

I cannot leave without my things.

Hey, you're sure we'll find
Henry II's cipher machine here?

Absolutely sure.

I have never been to the Museum,

but I know it is exhibited.

I studied this machine a lot.

It doesn't really have to do
with criminology though.

No, but it is like a puzzle.

It was believed for a long time
that the cipher machine

was an astrological device.

it was found that it was
an encryption device.

But until today, no one has ever
really managed to solve the mystery.

I admit it has taken me
a few nights.

I really wanted to apologize for...

for getting angry earlier.

There is no need to feel bad.

I never should have taken the ring
out of the Documentation.

One cannot take evidence
out of the Documention. Ever.


is that not what real friends do?

They don't hesitate to
tell each other things.


- Straight to the point.
- Straight to the point, exactly.

Excuse me?

- Hello.
- Hello.

We're looking for
Henry II's cipher machine.

As part of an investigation.

Oh, that's funny
because someone just

asked me the same thing.

I'll show you.

Just dropping these off, then I'm all yours.

It is in the Armory Room
with the swords, there.

Let's go.

Mrs. Lebert?

Mrs. Lebert, don't move!


Astrid, stay here!



Here you are.

It's remarkable, isn't it?

- Yes. It is Henry II's cipher machine.
- Exactly.

Would you like me to
open the display case, Miss?


It's an exception, I don't do it
for just anyone, I have to admit.



Don't move.

Don't move, ok?

Give me the ring.

Give me that ring!

- Now!
- Ok.


Come on.

Let me recap.

You got hired in the retirement home

to get close to Etienne Laroche

and k*ll him, is that right?

To get close, yes.

Not to k*ll him.

But when I heard about
this mummy on the internet and

I recognized Gabriel,

I knew it was all true.

Etienne had k*lled my brother,
this bastard.

All I wanted was for him to
confess to his crime.

I didn't want to k*ll him,
it was an accident.

That's when he
told you about the ring?

I thought he was
messing with me.

We talked about that ring often in the family,

but I always thought
it was a legend.

It was after,

when my nephew
told me about your visit,

that I knew he
was telling the truth.

He had k*lled my brother
to get the ring back.

And I was supposed to get it back

to balance things out.

, , , , , .

, , , , , .


Oh, this is it.

This is it.

The ring.

Fulcanelli's treasure.

The cipher machine worked.

I found the treasure.

It is here.

And how did you get to
Henry II's cipher machine?

Was it written on

the pages you ripped
from Etienne's notebook?

Ironic, isn't it?

It is.

He spent his life studying the ring.

He had every book on the subject.

He even found
how to decipher it.

He was missing the essential part.

He was missing the ring.


Commander Coste, the treasure.


- Yes.
- One moment.

- Yes, Astrid?
- Yes.

The cipher machine worked.

The ring led me
straight to Fulcanelli's treasure.

Look, here, it is the treasure.


- Careful.
- Yes.

- Thank you, Astrid.
- You are welcome.

- Wait for me in the hallway.
- Here.

Yes, here.

- I'm waiting here, sir.
- Yes.

You heard that, I assume.

Want me to tell you
what happens next?

If you do that, you'll have
my full cooperation.

I give you my word.


Well, there is it.

Fulcanelli's famous treasure.

A piece of paper.

A piece of paper,
I don't understand.

See, there's a formula, there.


the one who found it

was right to hide it so well.

It must have guaranteed their fortune.

- The philosopher's stone.
- Not at all.

Do you want-

Do you want me to tell you why
your family has been tearing itself apart,

all this time?

Over the recipe
of phosphorus, Mrs. Lebert.


You know, this...

this insignificant thing

at the tip of every match you light.

Yes, that's right.


it was invaluable in
the th century, but today...

Was it worth all of this...

Well, there you go.

The treasure is knowledge.

It is not gold.

I find it wonderful.



Astrid, can I ask you a question?

A question that might not
have an answer, but...

If there is no answer,
it is not a question.

It is a statement.

Why did you give me a...

a thimble?

It is you.

It's me?

What do you mean?

The thimble.

It is you.

Yes, uh...

To sew,

you have to use a needle.

But you can get hurt.

So you can choose not to sew,

or you can accept the fact
that you could get hurt.


- you can choose to-
- Put on a thimble

to protect yourself.


You are my thimble.

Mathilde NIELSEN

message was put in the trash can.

chances out of billion, that's not bad!
