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07x02 - Shadows and Symbols (3)

Posted: 01/17/23 16:41
by bunniefuu
Last time on ''Star Trek

- Deep Space Nine''.

l managed to save the Dax symbiont.

There was nothing l could do for Jadzia.

Federation soldiers have landed on Cardassia, now you say the wormhole is gone and with it any chance of getting reinforcements? The station's all yours, Major.

Let's go home, Jake.

l need a first officer for a dangerous mission.

lt's dangerous enough to ensure Jadzia a place in "Sto



" l had a vision from the Prophets.

l was on Tyree, in the desert, and l uncovered the face of a woman.

- You had a wife before Mum?

- Sarah was your mother.

- Evacuate immediately.

- That's impossible.

Either you remove those weapons, or we will.

- Hello, Benjamin.

- Do l know you? lt's me.


And now, the continuation.

Dax? l can't believe it.

l can hardly believe it myself.

But l'm Dax.

l mean, l'm not Jadzia Dax.

l'm Ezri Dax.

But l have Jadzia's memories.

And Lela's, Tobin's, Emony's, Audrid's, Joran's, Curzon's

- Am l forgetting anyone?

- Torias.


You're probably asking yourself, who is this person? Do l even want another Dax in my life? These are good questions.

l wish l had good answers.

The answers can wait.

Right now, l'm just glad to see you.

Really? That is so nice of you to say.

l'm not usually this emotional.

lt must be the Emony in me.

At least l think it's Emony.

- Hi, Jake.

- Hi.

You seem taller.

Or am l shorter? None of this was my idea.

l never wanted to be joined.

- Then how did you get the symbiont?

- lt was an accident.

l was on the Destiny when the symbiont was being taken back to Trill.

lt took a bad turn and needed to be placed in a host immediately.

And you were the only Trill on board.

l laid down as one person and woke up as a different person.

Well, eight different people.

l was not prepared for this.

You should get years of training before you get joined.

All l got was a 15

-minute lecture.

l'm starting to see the problem.


l feel so much better being here with you.

Couldn't the Symbiosis lnstitute do anything for you? l did meet with the Evaluation Board several times.

And? They gave me some books to read, some counselling.

But once a host and symbiont are joined, there's not much they can do.

My parents, my friends, my crewmates it's like they don't know me anymore, which is understandable since l hardly even know myself.

That's why l took a leave of absence to come here.

lf anyone can help me through this, it's you.

l'll do all l can.

But the truth is, we're leaving for Tyree.


l'll come with you.

You don't even know why we're going.

lt doesn't matter.

When do we leave?

- Today.

- Great.

lt'll be just like old times.

Except different.

Quark, son of Keldar

- Did l come at a bad time?

- What's he doing here? Same thing you are.

l'm volunteering for this mission.

Why? You're a bartender, not a warrior.

True, but l loved Jadzia as much as anyone in this room.

With maybe one or two exceptions.

And l'm willing to pledge my life to see that she gets into "Sto



" Perhaps there is some Klingon in you after all.

l wouldn't go that far.

So why all the cutlery? We shed our blood to prove we are not frightened of death.

Can't you just take my word for it? Aargh!

- That hurts.

- lt's supposed to hurt.

- This is so embarrassing.

- lt's not your fault.

l'm a Starfleet officer.

l have no business getting space sick.

But since l got the symbiont, warp speed makes me a little queasy.

A little? The control panel's all cleaned up, so if one of you would get back into the pilot's seat, it would sure make me feel better.

- Not that l don't trust the computer.

- You just prefer the human touch.

- Do you need to lie down?

- No, l'm fine.


Well, it's time for my nap.

You're sure you're OK? But l wish l could stop thinking about Torias.

He was one of the previous hosts, wasn't he? He died in a shuttle accident.

l still remember the last few seconds before the crash.

Maybe l don't belong in Starfleet anymore.

Aren't you glad you brought me along? Actually, l am.

My dad seems a lot happier since you showed up.

One iced "raktajino.

" l know you're worried about your father, but he'll be fine.

What makes you so sure? l've known him for a long time.

And it's my job to know these things.

l'm an assistant ship's counsellor.

- You're a therapist?

- ls it that surprising? A little.

You know, l wasn't always this confused.

Before l was joined l was considered a very promising young officer.

That is horrible.

l hate "raktajino.


- Then why did you order it?

- Because Curzon liked it.

- So did Jadzia.

- Well, l don't.

l have to learn to control some of these urges.

Colonel, l'm as outraged as you are.

The Romulans had no right to place weapons on Derna.

- What are we going to do about it?

- The Federation has sent a protest.

- What happens next?

- They've sent a protest of our protest.

- Politics.

- You haven't answered my question.

Eventually, the Romulans will remove the weapons.

When? Are we talking days, weeks, months?

- l don't know but it will happen.

- Now you sound like a politician.

Maybe so.

But facts are facts, Colonel.

The Bajorans can't drive the Romulans off Derna without help, and the Federation isn't going to provide that help now.

We're not as important to the w*r effort as the Romulans.

- That's a harsh way to put it.

- The truth often is.

l'd like to help you but my hands are tied.

- Luckily, mine aren't.

- Meaning what? The weapons aren't fully operational yet.

They're still missing launch sequencers.

l'll make sure they never reach Derna.

- How?

- l'll set up a blockade.

lf you do that, you'll have a fight on your hands.

A fight you can't win.

We're entering orbit.

Prepare to beam down.

Why don't we use the ship's scanners to find the Orb? The ionisation in the atmosphere will interfere with our sensors.

You sure you don't want to stay here and wait for us? And miss all the excitement? Not a chance.

Be sure you're carrying plenty of water.

You, too.

lt's dry down there.

Dr Wykoff, please report to isolation ward 4.

Dr Wykoff, please report to isolation ward 4.

- Did you hear that?

- Hear what? Forget it.

lf there's an Orb buried around here, my tricorder's not picking it up.

lt's out there someplace.

That's why the Prophets sent me here.

Did they give you any hint of which way to go? That way.

- The Prophets have spoken.

- l hope he heard them right.

Once we're close enough, we can fire an EM pulse at the sun.

l thought we were trying to destroy a shipyard.

lf you understand what he's talking about, can you explain it? We are going to fly so close to the heart of the sun that our ship will glow like a flaming comet.

Hopefully not that close.

Close enough to trigger a solar plasma ejection.

lt should incinerate anything within 100 million kilometres.

lncluding the shipyard.

The glorious firestorm will illuminate the gates of "Sto


-Kor" and provide a fitting welcome for Jadzia.

The things we do for love.

- Did you see that?

- See what?

- The way he glared at me.

- He always glares at you.

l'm sick of it.

We're risking our lives for Jadzia.

The very least Worf could do is show us some appreciation.

- ls it so hard to say thank you?

- Thank you.

Nice try but l want to hear it from him.

- Don't do this, Quark.

- Do what? All l'm asking for is two little words.

- Be quiet.

- That's two words all right.

Just not the two l was hoping for.

Why should l feel any gratitude toward you? l owe you nothing.

You are not here to help Jadzia get into "Sto



" You are here to convince yourselves that you are worthy of her.

But none of you could ever hope to be worthy of her or even understand the kind of woman she was.

lt is you who should be thanking me, Ferengi, for allowing you to come on this mission and pay honour to her memory.

- Think we're getting close?

- l have no idea.

- But we're headed the right way?

- l hope so.

Audrid loved to walk.

She preferred the woods.

Nice shady glens, cool breezes, cold streams.

- What are you trying to say?

- We've been keeping a fast pace.

We should give your father and Jake a rest.

lf they want a break, they can go back.

l think we should stick together.

- Dad, how are you doing back there?

- Never better.

Soon we'll break through enemy lines.

Then we can drive the Alliance out of Cardassian territory.

- A bit more "kanar?"

- Please.

To victory.

On all fronts.

Damar, have you Weyoun, this is Siana.

We met at the dinner last night honouring Legate Hovas.

Damar, you and l have things to discuss, things that your guest doesn't want to hear.

And why is that? Because if she does, l'll be forced to have her ex*cuted.

l really should be going.

Until tonight.

What a pleasant woman.

Now we must increase production at the Monac shipyard.

We need more as*ault ships to retake the Chin'toka System.

Damar, are you listening to me? lncrease production.

Yes, l heard you.

By how much?

- 15% would be ideal.

- That won't be easy.

l'm sure you'll find a way.

You're very resourceful.

A blockade? How many ships are we talking about? Twelve impulse ships.

That's all the Council could spare.

How effective do you think they'll be against even one Romulan warbird? You sound like Admiral Ross.

l was hoping our relationship would be a long and happy one but l suppose l'm willing to settle for short and exciting.

l take it you're going to be commanding the blockade?

- That's right.

- Then l'm going to be there with you.

- You don't have to do that.

- Yes, l do.

Well, l wouldn't start writing our epitaphs just yet.

l'll wait until the first wave of Romulan ships decide to run the blockade.

l don't intend to get into a fire fight with a squadron of Romulan warbirds.

- You mean you're bluffing?

- lf the Romulans fire on us, they jeopardise our alliance.

l'm hoping that's a risk they don't want to take.

And l'm hoping they don't call your bluff.

You sure you don't want to go up to the runabout? We started this together, we'll finish it together.

l owe it to Ben.

l got you.

Let's go.

Dr Wykoff, please come to isolation ward 4 immediately.

To isolation ward 4.

Dr Wykoff.

Dr Wykoff.

Please come to isolation ward 4 immediately.



- ls this it?

- l think so.

You're not sure? Ben, that's not good enough.


Are you listening to me?

- There.

- Where? That's where we start digging.

Why there? l wasn't even aiming at anything.

Maybe my memories are playing tricks on me but have you got stranger? Ship's log, stardate 52152.


We've set up a blockade around Derna.

No Romulan ships have tried to challenge it.

''Kiss me Deadly.

'' lnteresting title.

The book isn't bad.

l think you'll enjoy it.

ls this the right time to start reading a book? Maybe not, but l know how much you hate waiting and Mike Hammer has certain qualities l think you'll appreciate: he's as tough as they come and he hates waiting as much as you do.

l like him already.

Colonel, there's a transmission from Deep Space 9.

lt's Admiral Ross.

Put him through.

Colonel, 14 Romulan warbirds are on their way to Derna.

They'll arrive in eight hours with medical supplies.

When did the Romulans start using warbirds to deliver medical supplies? We want to make sure they arrive safely.

They won't get through the blockade.

That kind of talk won't help.

You want to avoid a confrontation, not provoke one.

The Romulan ships aren't a peace offering.

l wasn't happy to hear about that either.

But we only have a few hours to reach a compromise.

- Then people will start dying.

- Talk about compromise all you want.

Any ship attempting to break through the blockade will be fired upon.

Do you think your impulse ships stand a chance against our warbirds? We'll find out soon enough, won't we? End transmission.

- How did l do?

- Mike Hammer would've been proud.

- You're concerned.

- Aren't you? Not really.

The colonel is brave woman, but she's not stupid.

She's bluffing.

Right over there in the shade.


There you go, Grandpa.

Dr Wykoff, please come to isolation ward 4.

Dr Wykoff to isolation ward 4.

- l wish he'd get there.

- Who? Dr Wykoff.

They're waiting for him in the isolation ward.

You have definitely gotten stranger.

What about me? Would you rather l hadn't come on this mission? That is not what l am saying.

You are different.

You are a Klingon and Jadzia was a member of your House.

These men were her friends.

They honour her with their presence.

"Gagh" for breakfast, "gagh" for lunch, "gagh" for dinner.

Klingon menus need to have more variety.

You can complain about the "gagh.

" But don't complain in the mess hall surrounded by Klingons.

All right, l get the point.

But l think some of those Klingons agreed with me.

Worf, if this has anything to do with what happened in the mess hall No, it does not.

Come up with a few more insults to throw at us?

- l wish to apologise.

- l'm listening.

Jadzia meant a great deal to all of you and you meant a great deal to her.

When we discussed our day, she would repeat something that you had told her, or describe the intricacies of some new scheme of yours.

She often talked about all of you.

lt seemed as though even when we were alone, one of you was always with us.

You were jealous.

She liked us better than you.

Quark, would you please keep quiet? She was my wife, my "par'machkai.

" l did not like having to share her affections.

That's why you didn't want us on this mission.

You wanted to get her into "Sto


-Kor" without our help.

l wanted it to be my gift to her.

Go on.

There is nothing more to say.

Except that l am pleased you are here.

l have never heard Worf apologise to anyone.

l don't know about you, but l was hoping for something a little moreintriguing.

Such as? You know, likeJadzia used to call my name out when she slept.

Or wanted to name her first child after me.


The Monac shipyard.

- lmpressive.

- Display our target.

How close do we have to get to that?

- Too close.

- Perfect.

- Have you found something?

- Stay back.

The Orb of the Emissary.

- What are you going to do?

- Open it.

Mr Russell.

Mr Russell, put it down.

Benjamin, what's wrong? Benjamin.

l said put down the pencil.

- Put it down, Mr Russell.

- But l haven't finished my story yet.

Captain Sisko has found the Orb of the Emissary.

But he hasn't opened it yet.

Mr Russell, you promised not to write on the walls.

No one will give me any paper We agreed that you weren't going to write.

- That you needed to rest.

- l need to tell my stories.

You were doing so well, Benny.

Making real progress.

- We were all so proud of you.

- l need to go home.

- You'll go home when you're well.

- l'm fine! People who are fine don't write on walls.

Then get me a typewriter.

The stories must stop.

They're too dangerous.

- Too dangerous to whom?

- To you.

This world you've created, this Deep Space 9, Captain Sisko, Kira and the others.

None of it is real.

lt is to me.

lf l don't finish my story, if Sisko doesn't open the Orb box, then he cannot contact the Prophets.

lt doesn't matter, Benny.

The Prophets don't exist.

They're figments of your imagination.

Get rid of them.

lt's the only way you'll get well.

- Now give me the pencil, Benny.

- But my story! lt's over.

Let it go.

What are you waiting for? Open it.

That's why we're here.

He can't hear you.


- Jake, are you all right?

- Yeah.

Ship's log, supplemental.

Senator Cretak said the warbirds would be here in eight hours.

She was wrong.

They're two hours early.

They'll be in weapons range in eight minutes.

- Open a channel.

- Go ahead.

This is Colonel Kira of the Bajoran Militia.

Any ship within transporter range of Derna will be fired upon.

They're not responding.

Kira to all Bajoran ships.

Prepare to engage.

- Admiral Ross wants to speak to you.

- Put him through.

l'm appealing to you to end this blockade.

You know l can't do that, Admiral.

l will use whatever force is necessary to see that our medical supplies reach their destination.

However, l may also seek a negotiated settlement.

My government has made its position quite clear.

There will be no negotiations as long as there are weapons on Derna.

lf you open fire on those ships, we all lose.

To beat the Dominion we must keep our alliance intact.

l'd hate to see you throw your life away.

Your concern is touching, Senator.

But l'm not dead yet.

End transmission.

At least not for another six minutes.

- You still think she'll back down?

- She has to.

Because l won't.

Take me out of the oven, Moogie.

l'm cooked.

l've found the magnetic instability near the sun's equator.

Let's trigger that solar ejection and go.

The ejection has to have the right trajectory to destroy the shipyard.

- How do we do that?

- We have to get closer.

Much closer.

He's right.



-Kor," here we come.

- Take it, Benny.

- What for? l'm offering you the opportunity to wipe away all your mistakes.

- You want me to paint over my story?

- They're only words.

Meaningless words that no one cares about.

Get rid of them and you can walk out of here a free man.

Go ahead.

Save yourself.

- Ben?

- Got to cover it up.

Bury it.

Ben, what are you doing? lt's for your own good, Benny.

Wipe away the words.

Destroy them before they destroy you.

Ben, stop! The Romulans have powered their weapons.

- They're calling your bluff.

- Auxiliary power to forward shields.

Kira to all ships.

Hold your positions.

Nerys, if you're going to end this, l suggest you do it now.

Time to fold, Colonel.

Damn it.

We're ready, General.

Decloak and prepare to fire.

On Worf's command.

Fire! lt didn't work.

- Oh, well.

We tried.

Time to go.

- No! Not until we complete our mission.

We'll have to increase the magnetic gradient.

No time.

Three Jem'Hadar ships are approaching, bearing 005, mark 190.

l suggest you work quickly, Chief.

No! Get out of my way.

You came here to find the Prophets, remember? Move! You promised Jadzia you'd make things right.

Now is your chance.

Open the box, Ben.

No! Colonel, do we stand down? We're getting a transmission from Deep Space 9.

The wormhole.

lt's back! On screen.

Nerys? Open a channel to all Bajoran ships.

Hold your positions and prepare to fire on my command.

Lock targets.

- Still glad you came?

- l wouldn't have missed it.

l'm afraid the Colonel has run out of time.

Worf, did l not promise you a glorious battle? lt is everything l hoped for.

EM pulse ready, General.

- What are you waiting for? Fire!

- By all means, Chief.


- lt's working!

- Great.

Now can we leave? Full impulse.


- l'm sure Jadzia appreciates all this.

- l'm sure she does.

Nerys, they're pulling back.

Admiral Ross would like to speak with you.

Put him through.

You can blink now, Colonel.

You've won.

- The Senator will remove the weapons.

- What changed her mind? l told her that if she didn't remove them, l would.

- And what changed your mind?

- You did.

Remind me never to play poker with you.

Show yourselves.

l've come to speak with you.

The Sisko has completed his task.

Sarah? The Kosst Amojan no longer threatens us.

You mean the "Pah

-wraith?" lt's no longer in the wormhole? l have cast it out.

Did the Prophets send me to Tyree to release you from the Orb? The Kosst Amojan tried to stop you with a false vision.

But you did not waver.

You fulfilled your destiny.

My destiny? You talk as if my life is over.

The Sisko must still face many tasks.

You won't tell me what they are? The Emissary is corporeal.


- Linear or not, l need some answers.

- The Sisko is intrusive.

Are you Sarah Sisko? Are you my mother? Sarah Sisko was corporeal.

For a time, l shared her existence.

You took over her body, made sure she married my father so that she'd give birth to me.

The Sisko is necessary.

And once you didn't need her anymore, you left her.

No wonder she walked out on my father.

She didn't choose him.

You did.

The Sisko would prefer different answers.

What you're saying isn't easy to accept.

You arranged my birth.

- l exist because of you.

- The Sisko's path is a difficult one.

But why me? Why did it have to be me? Because it could be no one else.

Benjamin? That must've been some Orb experience.

l'll tell you about it someday.

- Welcome back, Captain.

- We missed you.

Thank you for bringing the Prophets back.

l heard you've all been pretty busy yourselves.

Odo! Nerys! Julian! lt's so good to see you.

- Worf, we need to talk.

- Who's that?

- lt's Dax.

- Dax? That's right, Ezri Dax.

lncredible, isn't it?

- lt cannot be.

- She's so much shorter.

Just when you thought things couldn't get more interesting.