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03x20 - First Strike

Posted: 01/17/23 16:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis :

They’re not people. They’re machines.

They even built themselves
a version of Atlantis.

Probes of your minds
uncovered the truth.

You came to live there from your
original home...

... a planet called Earth.
Our intention is to destroy it.

They see humans as the favored siblings
who receive all the parents’love.

They’ve been seeking revenge since.

Atlantis is under attack
from Replicators.

I’Il be damned if I’m gonna
let a bunch of Replicators...

... take our home away from us.

They emit a directional energy beam that
disrupts the connection between nanites.

The Replictators fall apart
when you fire on them.

Well, we beat them this time.
Maybe we scared them off.


Dr. Weir ?

Dr. Keller,
how is my head of medicine ?

Acting head of medicine actually...

... and that’s what l wanted
to talk to you about.

What’s up ?

l need to be replaced.

Excuse me ?

Look, after Carson...

Someone had to step up
and take over.

And l’m glad to help,
don’t get me wrong...

... but l’m not qualified to run
a department of this size.

You need someone better.

Everyone down there says
you’re doing great.

Well, A, l’m not sure that’s true...

... and B, it’s been pretty smooth sailing
over the last few weeks.

l think l’ve been lucky.

The l. O.A. are reviewing candidates...

... but they’re not that great
at making quick decisions.

Yeah. So a week ? Two weeks ?

l just haven’t been sleeping very well.

This whole being in control thing
kind of makes me anxious.

Carson felt the same way
his first few months.

l appreciate you trying to lie to me.

Look, l feel very comfortable
with my life in your hands...

... and at the end of the day, that means
you’re doing a pretty good job.

Dealing with the pressure,
it does get easier with time.

Right. How much time exactly ?

Like it’Il get easier the next two weeks
and then you’Il replace me...

... so l can go back to being
a regular doctor ?

l’Il keep you posted.


Can l please have
someone else do these ?

- Performance evaluations ?
- Yes.

No. Year-end employee
reviews are important.

They’re how people
get promotions and raises.

Look, asking me to do performance
evaluations is ridiculous.

l am the first to admit l don’t
know these people, nor do l care.

If you’d like, l can take you to the labs
and point at the people who annoy me...

... but that’s about as useful as l get.

- All done.
- Of course.

That was quick.

John, wait a minute.
You’ve just given everyone...

... excellent and above-averages.

- Can l do that ?
- No.

l know this isn’t the most
glamorous part of your job...

... but you are in leadership positions.

And, unfortunately, that comes
with administrative responsibilities.

Everybody works for me
is excellent and above average.

Do you want me to lie ? Because
l don’t think leaders should lie.

- Dr. Weir ?
- Yes, Chuck.

The Apollo just came out
of hyperspace.

They’re ahead of schedule.

Probably just trying to show off,
you know, being a new ship and all.

Col. Ellis, you’ve made excellent time
on your first voyage here.

Thank you. I’m beaming down now.

Very well, we’Il--

Set up in the conference room.

- Doctor.
- Colonel.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.

Colonel Sheppard. Dr. McKay.

This is gonna make things easier.
l’Il need to brief you immediately.

What’s going on ?

Well, l’d prefer to talk in private.

Ever since the human-form Replicators
made a play for the city...

... we’ve had the Daedalus make
regular reconnaissance fly-bys...

- ... of their home planet.
- Yes, we know.

Two months ago
it took these pictures.

l’m sorry. What am l supposed
to be looking at here ?

- Nothing.
- Excuse me ?

This image was taken
about three weeks ago...

... in the very same location.

They’re building ships. A lot of them.

- Why weren’t we made aware of this ?
- l’m making you aware of it now.

If they’re coming for us,
we should bolster the shield.

- We should--
- They’re not gonna get here.

l’m here to inform you
that in precisely 12 hours...

... the Apollo, in consort
with your team...

... will launch a surgical strike
on the Replicator planet.

- So you’re gonna blow up their ships ?
- That’s right.

- Just like that ?
- Just like that.

How do you plan on doing that ?

A set of Mark-IX tactical nukes...

... housed in a weapons platform
code-named » Horizon. »

How many nukes do you have ?

The Horizon carries six warheads
and four decoys.

l’m gonna need you to do
a final inspection before we head out.

- Wait. Six ?
- That’s right.

That’s not enough.

The Replicators
are self-replicating robots...

- ... which means that they can...
- l’m aware of that, thank you.

They’re not like the Milky Way

Their ships aren’t built
from nano cells.

They’re constructed of real material
that can be destroyed.

- Six will be more than enough for now.
-« ou » ?For now« ou » ??

Isn’t this a bit like
poking a sleeping dragon ?

Why don’t we just wait until
Area 51 finishes the P.W.A.R. Ws ?

Which one’s that again ?

anti-Replicator weapons.

The Asgard were capable
of creating a satellite...

... that could wipe out
an entire Replicator planet.

We’ve had some trouble
making our own, but--

Would l have preferred taking out
an entire planet at once ? Absolutely.

But this image is giving the l. O.A.
a lot of sleepless nights.

The Replicators know
the location of Earth...

... and with these new ships,
have the means to get there.

We can’t just sit on our hands
while the guys at Area 51...

... try to come up with a solution.

This mission’s primary objective
is to eliminate key military targets.

We’Il come back and finish
once the new w*apon is running.

Doctor, l’Il need you to start your
inspections as soon as possible.

- Yeah, sure. l just--
- Dr. McKay is ready to beam.

Well, not right--


We’re finished here.

Thank you.

- Can you believe this ?
- No.

Almost seems too good to be true.

What ?

Well, if those nukes do what Ellis
says they do...

Since we won back the city,
we haven’t heard...

... so much as a peep
from the Replicators.

Well, obviously
they haven’t gone away.

No, but maybe they’ve decided that
we are more trouble than we’re worth.

The threat of our A.R. weapons
is enough to keep them at bay.

You don’t build that many ships
to make a run at Atlantis.

They’re headed for Earth.


May l have a word ?


This mission is a mistake.

It most certainly is not.

It is an ineffectual first strike.

You gotta know how dangerous
that could be for us.

All due respect, doctor,
it won’t be ineffectual.

Besides, the l. O.A.
doesn’t think we can wait.

l think we should stall them.
Try to open a round of negotiations.

They’re not a race of people.

They’re a w*apon.
Try to keep that in mind.

w*apon or not, they’re sentient.
Negotiating with them...

... could buy us enough time to get
the P.W.A.R.W. up and running.

Usually, l’d be more than happy
to go 12 rounds here...

... about who’s right and who’s wrong,
but it wouldn’t matter.

l have my orders. You don’t have
the authority to tell me to stand down.

So again, with all due respect...

... ma’am, l have a mission to execute.

Well, the specs check out...

... and we’ve loaded
the target information.

- They’re ready.
- Yup. It’s good to go.

This is a bad idea, isn’t it ?

We could tell them
they’re not ready.

There’s a fault in the guidance system
or something.

l thought about that.

They’re gonna have guys here
to contradict us pretty quickly.

We’re here alone.
We could make them not ready.

They’re building an armada, Radek.

l saw them.
They showed me the pictures.

l’d feel stupid if we’d
break this thing...

... only to have the Replicators show up
and destroy the city.

Yeah, that would be bad.

l’Il tell the colonel we’re good to go.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Colonel Ellis has asked me
to join the mission.

l know.

l’m just gonna stay behind in a cloaked
Jumper after they launch the warheads...

- ... do some battle damage assessment.
- l know that too.

He told me that you called
Woolsey and General O’Neill...

- ... to try to get this called off.
- Yes, l did.

They didn’t bite ?

They did not.

Look, l know you think
we’re doing the wrong thing here but...


Good luck.

All right. The Horizon is online...

... the warheads are armed
and we are ready for final sequencing...

... as soon as we drop out
of hyperspace.

Start now. Open the b*mb bay doors.

We’re still in hyperspace.

We’re coming out of our jump
uncomfortably close to the planet.

l don’t wanna waste any time.
Just get it done.

Well, you’re the boss.

Ready to launch on your command.

You’re sure about this, right ?

Like this is the right thing to do ?

Not the best time
for that kind of talk, doctor.

Right. Sorry.

Coming out of hyperspace
in five, four...

... three, two, one.

Launch the Horizon.

We have detonation confirmation
on all six warheads.

Sheppard, you have a go for launch.

Copy that.

I’m clear. Jump away.

Very well. Pick you up in an hour.

Get us out of here.

There is so much
radiation interference...

... it’s hard to get
an accurate yield calculation.

There’s more than enough data.
It’s not like we’re taking out a person.

We’re taking out massive chunks
of a city.

Someone just please tell me
if we hit our targets or not.

If this data is right...

... then all of your primaries and most of
your secondaries have been incinerated.


- Welcome back.
- Thanks.

- l hear congratulations are in order.
- You heard right.

How was the mission ?
Was it a success ?

We did get all the ships.

l wish l could have
been there to see it.

Space battles are a lot more exciting
on TV than they are in real life.

Dr. Weir.

You’re going to wanna see this.

We’ve got a contact,
just came out of hyperspace.

- Is it broadcasting IFF ?
- No, ma’am.

- Wraith ?
- It’s very small. l doubt it.

Raise the shield.

It’s taking up
a geo-synchronous orbit.

What is it ?

Maybe we should have the Apollo
check it out.

Tell the colonel
he needs to get back to his ship.

- Right ahead of us, sir.
- Shields ?

Affirmative. Shields are up.

Okay, I’ve got a visual.

It looks like a satellite of some sort.

- It’s a stargate.
- A stargate ?

That’s right.

- l thought you said it was a satellite ?
- It’s both.

It’s a satellite, but in the middle
there’s a stargate.

- What could be the purpose of that ?
- No idea.

- It just activated.
- The gate ?

Get us away from it.

Sir, the satellite is turning again.

It’s hitting the planet.

It’s a sustained beam.

That is bad
for a dozen different reasons.

It’s protected by a shield.

Give me some options, mcKay.

The shield’s taking its power
from the beam.

There was a slight drop in output
when you fired.

- Could I get a nuke past its shield ?
- No. Probably not.

l’Il get in the chair,
give it everything we’ve got.

l said slight, as in. 002. l doubt any
amount of firepower will collapse it...

- ... while that beam is active.
- Then what do we do ?

We stand down and let me think.

Give me five minutes. l’Il brief you.

- McKay, it’s sh**ting at us.
- And the shields are holding.

We’ve got plenty of time.
Just give me five minutes.

- What have you got ?
- We’re in trouble.

Took you five minutes to figure
that out ? You’re slipping, buddy.

The satellite is basically
a stripped-down ship.

There’s an engine, a shield
and navigational systems.

There’s a small power source
to take it to its target...

... and power it until the gate’s dialed.

Once a wormhole has been established,
whoever’s on the dialing side...

... fires a beam into it
and it comes out on our side.

Allowing them to fire on us
and power the satellite.

That’s very clever.

As long as they keep
the beam powered from home...

... the w*apon remains operational.

Oh, and one fun,
added side-bonus, is that...

... because their stargate is so close to
our planet, we can’t dial our stargate.

We’re stuck.

Maybe that’s a good thing.

The beam will turn off at the end
of the gate’s 38-minute cycle.

We dial our gate at that precise
moment, we can neutralize theirs.

And if it’s not pulling power
from the beam anymore...

... then we can collapse its shield
and destroy it.

Problem is l don’t think
it’s gonna shut down in 38 minutes.

l thought it was physically impossible
for an artificial wormhole...

- ... to stay open any longer.
- There is one exception to that rule.

The SGC has encountered att*cks
of this kind on their own stargate.

We’ve discovered that
if you pump enough energy into it...

... a stargate can be active indefinitely.

That would require an insane
amount of power, wouldn’t it ?

Like a black hole
or an unlimited number of ZPMs.

So we can assume
the Replicators are behind this ?

- Well, l hope so.
- You hope so ?

Otherwise we’ve discovered
another powerful enemy.

If it is a normal stargate,
can we contact the dialing planet ?

l’Il need to boost the signal considerably
to get through the interference, but yes.

See what you can do, please.

Why would you wanna contact them ?

To negotiate.

It’s a waste of energy.
We need to figure out how to destroy it.

l’d love to go 12 rounds here
about who’s right and who’s wrong...

... but at the end of the day,
l’m responsible for the city...

... and you don’t have the authority
to tell me to stand down.

So with all due respect,
l think l’Il place my call.

All right. l think l’ve got it.

They’re responding
to the transmission.

- Oberoth.
- Dr. Weir.

l must say, l’m surprised to see you.

Each of us exists within the collective
and can be replicated many times.

You need to disable
your w*apon immediately.

- That is not possible.
- We had no choice but to attack.

You were building warships,
they needed to be neutralized.

And now so do you.

That as*ault was just
the tip of the spear.

We were hoping it would bring you
to your senses.

If you don’t stop this aggression, we
will be forced to launch an all-out attack.

Really ? Why have you waited ?

The annihilation of your people
is not our goal.

We would like for peace
to exist between us.

But we will not stand by
while you build...

... weapons that can be
used to destroy us.

We feel the same way about you.

Perhaps l should remind you...

... every time we’ve met in battle
our side has been victorious.

Élizabeth, they’re attempting
to upload a virus.

- l’ve been able to stop it for now--
- Shut it down.

- Well, that went well.
- Yeah...

... he’s always been
one of my favorites.

What if the gate doesn’t shut down
at the end of its 38-minute cycle ?

If they’re able to maintain the beam’s
intensity, which l’m sure they will--

And how long until our shield fails ?

Twenty-nine hours.

Well, it was worth a shot.

All right. We’re gonna
need another plan.

Yeah. Okay.

Stop dialing. It’s not working.


You two give us a minute.

What can l do for you, John ?

We need to head back
to the Replicator planet.

We do, do we ?

If this satellite w*apon
is powered by its home world...

... maybe we can neutralize it
at the source.

The Apollo is in no condition
to get into battle right now.

That beam took a lot out
of our shield.

- We gotta do something.
- We did do something.

l’m sorry, but l can’t help to think that
we’re somehow responsible for this.

Why, because Weir said so ?

No, sir.

John, listen to me. l--

l’ve been over your record.
l know you have your detractors.

But personally,
l think you’ve done a hell of a job here.

Thank you, sir.

You should be running Atlantis,
not Dr. Weir.

Well, then l’d be the man
and who would l have to rage against ?


Because of us, Earth won’t have to deal
with an armada of Replicator ships...

... so whatever happens here,
we did the right thing today.

l’m sorry.
It’s just they didn’t even consult me.

l imagine they felt the need
for secrecy was great.

l have the highest level of clearance
humanly possible, Teyla. No.

They’re trying to undermine me.

Some of the military doesn’t like that a
civilian, let alone a woman, is in charge.

Surely General O’Neill
doesn’t feel that way.

And the l. O.A., they’ve backed you.
They believe in you.

Yes, when things are going well, but as
soon as we run into a major problem...

... the military steps in
and assumes absolute control.

Certainly you don’t wish
to coordinate military att*cks ?

No, that’s not what l’m saying.

Our current situation
could have easily been avoided.

l told them as much. But they put
no weight behind my opinions...

... regarding the safety
and protection of the city.

Yes, the l. O.A. is happy to have me
as lead administrator...

... but when it comes
to the big decisions...

If we get out of this,
l think l may have to step down.

Give it some time.
You need to step back and--

I’ve got something.

We were throwing some ideas
back and forth.

Well, he was throwing them forth.

While he was droning on about some
idea, it suddenly occurred to me.

This city has encountered
problems like this before so--

l don’t need the history of your idea,
doctor. l’Il let that be a surprise...

... when l read your autobiography.
Just tell me the plan.

- We submerge it.
- l’m sorry ?

We submerge the city.

l thought you said
we couldn’t submerge the city.

That was two years ago
before the Ancients came...

... and activated new systems. See--

The how is complicated,
but l think it’s possible.

- It’s not a permanent solution--
- It’Il buy us enough time...

- ... until we come up with one.
- Exactly.

- How much time ?
- Some. As much as a week.

l don’t understand. Why ?

The history part
would have made that clearer.

Had you been more patient,
l would have--


Ten thousand years ago,
when the Ancients were under siege...

... they sank the city to dissipate
the Wraith’s energy blasts in the water.

This way, the shield was able to hold
longer than it could on the surface.

So now we submerge the city.

The water attenuates the satellite’s beam
intensity, buys us more shield time.

We cannot predict how much
the beam will be attenuated.

It might not buy us any time at all.

There’s no way to know,
but it’s no reason not to try.

- Get it done.
- l don’t think that’s your call.

Worst-case scenario,
we lose some power from the ZPM ?

Worst-case is that we read the numbers
wrong, use up a ton of power...

... and the city doesn’t submerge.
Look, as much as l hate to say it...

... Zelenka is not infallible.

Still, l agree, it’s worth the risk.

The city has an a*t*matic submersion
sub-routine in the system.

l’Il need to tweak it a bit to work
with one ZPM...

... and disable some safety protocols.
Give me an hour.

- It’s been an hour.
- We’re ready.

- You’ve got to do the--
- Oh, just...

We are ready.


Get me city-wide.

Attention all personnel.

We are about to attempt
to submerge the city.

From what l understand,
it could get a little bumpy...

... so this is your last chance
to secure equipment...

... and get to the designated
safe areas.

We’ve come full circle, eh ?

Yeah. Feels that way.

Okay, take us down.

Aye, aye, captain.

Shall we ?

That’s it. We’re down.

The beam still looks pretty serious.

l know. Just give me a second to--

- Crap.
- Told you.

Thank you, Radek. Very helpful.

- What is it ?
- The beam is breaking through...

- ... more efficiently than we thought.
- The water has no effect ?

It’s having an effect,
just not near what we want it to.

That plan took us three hours to execute
and bought us an additional 10 hours.



Okay. What’s the plan ?

That was the plan.

l need to learn some science.

What for ?

l’m not all that useful
in situations like these.

If we get into a fight or need to break
out of somewhere or k*ll someone...

... l’m your man.

But a laser
attacking the city’s shield...

... l don’t know where to chip in.

That’s why we’re a team,
like the Fantastic Four.

It’s a comic book where superheroes
fight crime and stuff.

See, l’d be Mr. Fantastic,
Ronon would be the Thing...

... McKay would be the Human Torch
and you’d be the Invisible Woman.

l am not invisible.

No, no.
And McKay’s not a human torch.

Well, how come
you get to be Mr. Fantastic ?

Because he was the leader
and l’m the--

l’m just saying that they were
a cool team and we’re a cool team...

... and they use their strengths to,
you know...

l’m gonna go check on McKay.

- Shouldn’t you be bickering ?
- We got nothing to bicker about.

He’s run out of bad ideas. Finally.

If we survive this,
l’m putting in for a transfer.

We both know that you’ve done
your best work under me.

Under you ?
l’m my own department head.

We both know
that department is a joke.

Why don’t you guys just make out
and get it over with ?

l mean, we have, what ?
Under one day to figure out...

... how not to get destroyed
by this satellite thing...

... and you guys are arguing about
who works for who.

Every possible scenario
ends in failure.

There is nowhere on the face
of this planet that thing cannot get us.

- You don’t think...
- No.

Old girl too banged up ?

The Replicators fixed all the damage.

- We just don’t have the power.
- But ideally.

- May be the only way.
- What ?

The drilling platform. Your guys
have it operational down there, right ?

It’s close, but we couldn’t
bring it with us.

Bring it where ?

- We don’t need to, we just need a boost.
- You might be on to something.

Hey. What’s your idea ? Hey.

Well, luckily, the umbilical
is already in place.

Yes, I know. Are you capable of
outputting the power we need or not ?

We started drilling into the crust. l can
get you 90 percent of the way there.

- There goes that plan.
- Can’t the ZPM make up the difference ?

No, the ZPM’s a little busy
powering the shield at max.

- What if it didn’t have to ?
- What ?

What if we could take
the strain off the shield momentarily ?

We’d need about a minute.
Why ? What do you have in mind ?

Lantia’s moon has some
sizable satellites itself.

Asteroid-like chunks left over from a
second moon that no longer exists.

l’d like you to beam up Lorne and get a
flight of F-302s close enough...

... to nudge one our way.

You wanna bring
an asteroid towards us ?

- Is that wise ?
- Well, today it is.

All right, guys. We need to get
close enough to clamp on to it.

We get enough of us drilled in,
we can fly it like a ship.

A really slow ship that’s probably gonna
be a real pain in the ass to steer...

... but a ship nonetheless.

Okay, let’s take this big gal
for a stroll.

Flights three and four,
begin your burn, full thrust.

Son of a bitch.

We might be able
to pull this off after all.

Flights one and two, begin your burn.

It’s working ?

It’s slow, but they’re bringing
it towards the planet.

They should get here
before our cut-off time.

So we can actually do this ?

l think so, yes.

Okay. Time to tell people.

Patch me into the PA, please.

May l have your attention ?

As you all know, we have found
ourselves in a spot of trouble.

The reality is that no matter
where we try to hide on this planet...

... the Replicator satellite
will be able to track us.

Therefore Dr. McKay
and Colonel Sheppard have...

... come up with a rather ingenious way
for us to escape...

... the satellite’s range altogether.

In the next few hours, we will fire
the city’s stardrive and head into space.

Atlantis is leaving this planet.

- May l come in ?
- Of course.

All non-essential personnel
have been beamed to the Apollo.

Good, good.

Has Dr. McKay located
your new home yet ?

Yes. M12-578.

It’s the closest non-populated,
habitable planet with a large ocean.

He’s nervous about trying to land
on solid ground.

l can understand that.

Listen, l know
you don’t like me very much--

- Colonel, that’s not--
- It’s okay.

To be honest, l’m not that crazy
about you either.


But if l’ve crossed the line here
or there in regards to your command...

... l apologize.
l’m used to making the calls.

But l don’t want you to think
l don’t respect you. l do, doctor.

Thank you. l appreciate that.

l wish the rest of the military
felt the same way.

Well, l can’t speak to that.

l do know General O’Neill
is awfully fond of you.

Well, l’d better be heading out.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

We’re gonna need it.

Zelenka is doing a final pass
over all the coding we’ve done...

... but so far it’s looking good.

The underwater drilling platform’s power
output’s dialed up as high as it’Il go.

The crew down there
has been beamed up to the Apollo.

- We’re gonna wreck that thing.
- What, the drilling platform ?

Oh, hell yes, but 30 percent
of our total power requirements...

... are gonna be consumed
in the first 10 seconds of flight.

The station will provide us with that
power up until we snap the umbilical.

Then we’Il switch over to the ZPM.

Now, if we can interrupt
the satellite’s beam...

... which is greatly
taxing our power levels...

... we should be able to squeeze out just
enough power to actually do this thing.

How’s Lorne doing ?

He’s making good time. He should be
here in the next 20 minutes.

Well, l guess it’s show time.

- You sure you can do this ?
- Fly the city ?

What else could l be talking about ?

l flew a V-22 Osprey once.

- Was it as big as a city ?
- You had to use your hands and feet.

This one you just have to
sit down and think :

« Fly. »

Okay. Why don’t you just get in the
chair and start your pre-flight ?

l’m gonna head up
to the control room...

... and Zelenka will monitor power output
from the ZPM room.

And good luck.

You too.

Dr. McKay, can you read me ?

Five by five.
Lorne, are you in position ?

We’re getting close.
Are you about ready ?

Zelenka, l need a go or no-go.

We’re go. Non-essential systems
are shut down. We’re in the green.

- You ready, Sheppard ?
- As l’Il ever be.

Okay, major, make sure she’s moving
as slow as possible.

You sure we shouldn’t just lob
this at the satellite ?

They’d navigate back into position.
This is our best bet.

Copy that.

Package is away and on course.

We’re heading back to the Apollo.

Good luck.

Okay, calculating travel time
based on current speed.

That’s it. We’re good.

Here goes nothing.

Asteroid is entering the beam.

We’re on the surface.
Fire the stardrive.

We’re not flying high enough.
It’s stalling out.

It’s not working.

- What are you doing wrong ?
- Sure, blame me.

- We don’t have enough power.
- Oh, sure, blame me.

It’s not working.
What other reasons could there be ?

l have no more power to give you.

- Shut it off.
- What ?

Lower the shield.

We’re about to go into space.
If you plan on breathing...

- ... we need the shield.
- Turn it back on at 18,000 feet.

We just need the boost
to get started, no ?

That might work.

Okay, I did it. Give it all you got.

That’s it.

We’re flying.

That’s it, time’s up.
Raising the shield.

l’m taking us into hyperspace.

We did it.

McKay ? Élizabeth ?

I need a medical team
to the control room stat.

multiple injuries.

Keller, what happened ?

Apparently, the beam grazed the tower
and blew out-- Adams.

That guy just has a cut.
Put pressure on it and move on.

- There’s a lot of people worse off.
- Élizabeth. Is she gonna be okay ?

She took quite a fall
and her pupils are sluggish.

l’m gonna have to get her under
a scanner. l’Il know more in a bit.

Oh, God. Are you all right ?

- l’ve had worse.
- No one’s helping you ?

l told them l didn’t need help.
Other people need it more.

- Get this man to the infirmary.
- Yes, sir.

Are you guys all right ?

- All things considered.
- What happened ?

Beam grazed the side of the tower
before the shield was closed.

- Damage ?
- Minimal, l think.

l was able to get the shield up quickly.
It took the brunt of the blow.

Oh, what now ?

What is happening ?

We just dropped out of hyperspace.

Have we already reached M12-578 ?

No. There’s no way.
It should have taken another few hours.

- The hyperdrive shut down.
- Why ?

- l don’t know.
- Get it back up.

l just said l don’t know what’s wrong.
l don’t know what happened.

- Where are we ?
- In the middle of nowhere.

There’s no planets,
no moons, no stargates.

How much power do we have ?

- This can’t be right.
- How much ?

At current consumption,
we’ve got 24 hours of power left.

After that, there’s no shield.
No shield, no atmosphere.

- No atmosphere, we--
- Can we use the stargate ?

It needs to be calibrated
to a specific location.

We are lost. We dropped out
of hyperspace way too soon.

l have no idea where we are.