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03x18 - Submersion

Posted: 01/17/23 16:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Stargate Atlantis.

You have some Wraith DNA.

My father told people
that it was a gift.

I could help my people by warning them
of the Wraith's approach.

No matter how many Wraith
ships they destroyed, more kept coming.

You seem to think Teyla might be able to
tap into this Wraith psychic network?

If she can, we hope to gather all the intel
we ever needed about them.

I would not even consider asking
you to do this,

if I didn't think it could potentially
provide us with some vital information.

And Dr. Beckett will remain on hand
at all times to monitor your physiology.

I'm on a ship...

You are all so pathetic.

- Shotgun, is it?
- Oh, come on.

I don't know why I have to do this.


- Nobody said anything.
- You don't have to, do you?

Look, it's not my fault. Things are hard
to find on the bottom of the ocean.

Rodney, you said you knew where it was.

I said I knew its last known location.
It is a mobile drilling station, remember?

Obviously that's gonna take a few hours.

If we don't find it soon,
this is gonna be your last known location.

Oh, zing!

Okay, kids,
do I have to pull this thing over?

It's hard enough being
in this damned thing for hours

without listening to you guys.

Actually, Dr. McKay has managed
to narrow the search field

to a remarkably small area.

Finally. The voice of reason.

- Thank you, Doctor...
- Graydon.

Yes, yes, of course.
Well, welcome to the team.

I've been here almost eight months.

Really? Oh.

It's been that long, has it?
Time certainly flies.

Of course, not sitting in a Jumper
and looking for a needle in a haystack.

- You know what? Shut up.
- You know what? You shut up!

Hey! I don't hear Grayson complaining!

- It's Graydon, with a "D".
- What? You sure?

It's my name.

No, no, 'cause I could have sworn
that the guy I wanted

for your department was called Grayson,
'cause I remember thinking d*ck Grayson,

Bruce Wayne's ward.

Well, it's Graydon.

Perhaps that means I hired the wrong guy.

Well, still glad you came?

Oh, sorry.

I was preoccupied thinking about
the geothermal drilling platform.

Shouldn't take us much longer.

We just passed the thermal layer
and I'm getting some readings

a couple of hundred feet ahead.

If we did manage to find an alternate
and potentially limitless power supply,

that would make even this insufferably
long search seem worthwhile.

Okay, kids, we're here.

Well, hopefully it won't take too much
longer to power up the station.

That wasn't so hard.

Now all I've got to do is dock this thing

and we can find out
what this place is all about.

All systems are online
and functioning at full capacity.

You mean
we're generating power already?

Well, no. No, no,
but we probably could if we wanted to.

No, slow down.

The Ancients abandoned this project
for a reason.

Let's try to find out
what that reason might be

before we start drilling
into the planet's crust.

Yes, well, fair enough.

Have we not been down
this hallway before?

Every corridor looks the same.

Don't worry.
I have an uncanny sense of direction.

I think she's right.
We've been down this way before.

That's impossible.
We took a left, and a left, and then a right.

Hey, look, all I'm saying is...

- What?
- I am sensing a Wraith presence nearby.

Are you sure?
We're pretty deep underwater.

I cannot be certain, but I believe it
is onboard the drilling platform.

This is Sheppard.

Everyone drop what you're doing.

Get back
to the control room immediately.

We did a complete life signs scan.

It was the first thing we did
when we stepped aboard this station.

Look, I promise you,
there is nobody here but us.

I know, Rodney,
but I am sensing it even closer now.

Well, maybe it's the pressure.
It's been known to do things to the mind.

Just humor me and check again.

There. All of these life signs
have been accounted for.


Wraith don't show up on life signs
detectors if they're hibernating.

- I know what I am sensing.
- There is no Wraith here! I'm telling you!

- Has your sense ever been wrong?
- Never.

- And I cannot shake this feeling.
- I trust her.

- As opposed to irrefutable fact?
- Your machines don't know everything.

- I never said that they did.
- There is a way for me to be sure.

If I can reach out with my mind
and establish a link...

Whoa. That's a little reckless,
don't you think?

If there is no Wraith, then
there will be no mind for me to link with,

and therefore no risk.

- But if there is a Wraith nearby...
- We need to know.

- I'm ready.
- You sure?

The briefest contact will determine
whether or not I'm right.

That's all we need,
so don't stick around any longer.

WEIR: And we will bring you out of it
at the first sign of trouble.

- Just to be sure...
- It's already set to stun.



I was mistaken.

There's nothing there.

- Well, that's good.
- I'm sorry.

No reason to be sorry.

Perhaps it was the effect of the pressure
at this depth.

Well, if you've ever seen The Abyss,
pressure can make you nuts.

- Not that I think you're nuts.
- It's all right, John.

- I'm relieved.
- So am I.

- Well, we have a lot of exploring to do.
- "We"?

Until Rodney delivers
the preliminary status report,

I'm all yours.

Put me to work, Colonel.

All right, let's make up some time.
Break into teams.

Ronon, you're with Teyla.
Elizabeth, you're with me.

Or I'm with you,
however you wanna put it.

Either way or either way.

That was weird.

WEIR: Well, we are at the very bottom
of the ocean.

Maybe you're right. Teyla's just
experiencing the effects of the pressure.

Hopefully not as bad as that guy
in The Abyss.

This place is big, huh?

- What's wrong?
- Nothing. Why?

You just haven't said a word.

- Have I not?
- No.

Has my silence made you uncomfortable?


Your friendship is very important to me.

I would hate to do anything
that made you uncomfortable.

Okay. Well, good.

Rodney. What's going on?

What do you mean, what's going on?

- We just lost the lights.
- What?

- You're right.
Yes, we can see that.

We just lost power to 40% of the station.
Sensors are currently off-line.

Zelenka, what are you doing?

What do you mean, what am I doing?

- Have you lost power where you are?
- No.

- Have you?
- No.

We have. I wanna know what's going on.

McKAY: You know, this station has been
lying idle down here for a few millennia.

We're bound to blow a few fuses.

Look, I'll have power back online
in a minute. Just hang tight.

Ronon? Teyla? Report your position.

Ronon? Teyla? Come in.

Ronon. Teyla.

Rodney, we've lost contact with Ronon
and Teyla. You know their position?

McKAY: No, negative. Internal sensors
are out, but I have determined the location

where the power went down.

It's an auxiliary control area.
Search grid six.

It's the deck that Ronon and Teyla
were exploring.

We'll meet you there.

- Okay. Davidson.
- It's Dickenson, sir.

Yeah, well, I was in the ballpark.
Just give me a break here.

Look, get back to the Jumper.
See if you can use its sensors

to determine the location of our people
within the drilling platform.

- Sir.
- Graydon, you go with him.

There you are.

- Weapons fire.
- Nine mil. This way.

Oh, yes. Let's race towards the g*nf*re.

Ronon? Teyla? Come in.

- WEIR: Are you all right?
- No.

- Did you see who att*cked you?
- Yeah, it was Teyla.

What? Why?

Okay, until we know what's going on,
I'd like everyone in one place.

This is Zelenka.

Someone has just activated
emergency force fields

throughout the station.

Can you make it back
to the control room?

- Yes, I think so.
- Do it.

That doesn't make any sense.
What's she doing?

You and Elizabeth go back
to the control room.

Ronon and I are gonna check up on Teyla.

- WEIR: Be careful.
- No kidding.

Drop it.


What the hell's going on?

I do not know.

WEIR: Rodney, what's the status?

As far from the quo as it gets.

Look, Teyla didn't just shut down
several key systems.

She scrambled
the existing operating codes.

- This is going to take a while.
- Can we contact Atlantis?

The station's communication system
is just gone. I can't even patch it.

She's blown the control crystals and
shut down half the power to the station,

and set up a series
of emergency force fields.

To what purpose?

- This is Sheppard. We've got Teyla.
- And?

And nothing.

She has no memory of anything
that happened in the last hour.

- We're on our way to crew quarters.
- I'll meet you there.

Okay, let's forget about restoring
the station to its former glory.

Concentrate your efforts on internal
sensors and disabling the force fields

that are cutting us off from the Jumper.

Elizabeth, I'm so sorry.

Don't worry about that.
How are you feeling now?

I'm fine,
but to hear of the damage I caused,

and yet to have no memory
of my actions...

Just tell us what you do remember.

I was attempting to seek out the Wraith
presence with my mind, and then...

There is a Wraith?

The most powerful mind
I have ever encountered.

- I tried to shut her out...
- Her?

Yes. I believe this Wraith is a Queen.

I hate Queens.

In that brief moment,
I sensed great power,

the experiences
of many centuries, hunger

and then nothing.

My next memory is
of Colonel Sheppard and Ronon

aiming their weapons towards me.

So there is a Wraith aboard
the drilling platform.

If that were the case,
why'd she use Teyla to do all that damage,

and why didn't the life signs detector
pick up a signal?

It doesn't matter.
If she's here, I'll find her.

- We'll find her.
- I would like to help.

I'm sorry, Teyla, but until
we can determine exactly what...

Yes, of course. I understand.

McKAY: Dickenson. Any progress
on disabling those force fields?

I'm getting indications that some of them
are going up and down.

- We could really use the Jumper's sensors.
- I'm doing my best, sir.

One of these days I'm just going
to call him Dr. McCoy.

I'd love to be there for that.

- Well, the next time he calls me Grayson...
- Actually, I know a Grayson.

- There really is a Grayson?
- Yeah. He's a damned good scientist, too.

I'm surprised McKay didn't hire him.

Did you do that?

I don't know.
But I'm happy to take credit for it.

- Check it out.
- Yeah.

I don't understand.

What could the Wraith possibly want
with an Ancient drilling platform?

For that matter,
how did they even get here?

I don't know. Maybe on a ship nearby.

- Underwater?
- Look, who knows?

Teyla's spidey-sense works for miles.

Look, are the external sensors up
and running?

Uh, yes, they're operational, but
they're designed to scan the ocean floor.

Doesn't matter.

Coleman, take a look at
the drilling platform's external sensors.

See what you turn up.

- What am I looking for?
- Anything.

How are you feeling?

I have never been more ashamed.

- Oh, you can't blame yourself.
- I should have been more careful.

A Wraith Queen's mind
is extremely powerful, Teyla.

You know that better than I do.

Still, if my actions while under her
control result in people getting hurt...

If you hadn't done what you did,
who knows what could have happened?

At least now we know
what we're dealing with.

If anything, I should thank you.
I certainly don't blame you.

- I would like to help them find her.
- Teyla...

- There is no risk.
- I don't know that.

Unless you suspect
I am still under her control even now.

Would I be alone with you if I did?

Then you think
I am somehow vulnerable to her.

I think it is best to keep you away
from her for the moment, yes.

Look, I don't fully understand
this capability

you have of linking with a Wraith mind,
but if it's even remotely possible that...

She was only able to control me
because I opened my mind to her.

If I choose to do so again, I will be ready.

- Teyla, I know you wanna help.
- I do.

The best way for you to do that is allow
Ronon and Colonel Sheppard to find her.

As you wish.

It's about time.
I was beginning to think you'd gotten lost.

Listen, did you manage to...

Oh, no! Oh! Colonel Sheppard!

If you can hear me, please...

Help me!

Who am I talking to?

What's your location?


Do you have any men unaccounted for?

Two guys I just sent back to the Jumper.

I think they're in trouble.
Can you get those force fields down?

We're working on it.

The Wraith presence is even stronger
than before.

She is aboard this station.
You must warn them.

Colonel Sheppard.

Teyla's certain the Wraith
is aboard the station.


Ronon, I'm heading back to the Jumper.
Meet me there.

I'm on my way.

Sheppard! Help me! Please!



McKAY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Almost there.

I can only do one at a time.

The Jumper's sensors should be able
to locate them.


Graydon's dead.

Fed upon.

- What about Dickenson?
- No sign of him yet.

Let's see if we can find him using the...

Sheppard? Sheppard, come in.

You are Sheppard.
The one who can fly this ship.

You will return me to the surface.


Sheppard, this is McKay. What've you got?

Sheppard, can you hear me?

Is something wrong?

You will fly me to the stargate
and return me to my people.

Sheppard, this is McKay. Please respond.
Sheppard, come in!

I'm here.

We had to throw
the emergency force fields up.

The section you were in was flooding.

I noticed!

See, you were thrown
by the force of the water

clear of the force field bulkhead.


- I missed.
- I noticed that too!

McKAY: Everyone else is accounted for.
Any sign of Dickenson?

Stand by, McKay.

Look, I don't know what just happened,
but we are now cut off from the Jumper.

I won't miss now.

- Wait!
- What for?

Well, we lost the Jumper.
We lost communications with Atlantis.

Maybe she can help us
get out of this place.

Welcome back.

I trust you're comfortable.

That groggy sensation you're feeling are
the sedatives we're pumping you full of.

Just a precaution.

As for the other precautions...

Now, you're gonna tell us everything
we want to know.

In exchange for?

This is not a negotiation.

- I disagree.
- Let me get this over with.

How did you get aboard this station?

Are there any more of you?

You are all about to die.


You care to elaborate on that at all?

We should be able to keep the force fields
up until Atlantis sends a rescue Jumper,

but station communications
are still down, so...

I should have listened to Teyla.
This wouldn't have happened.

Don't worry about it, Rodney.
It's not your fault.

I'm the one who sent those men back
to the Jumper.

Well, the sensors indicated that
there was nobody here, so...

I don't think there was, sir.

I think the Wraith arrived here

- After we did the initial scans.
- What?

You asked me to do a search
with the remote sensors.

I found something.

We didn't notice it on the way down
because it's radiating very little EM.

Guys? Head back here.
I think I have a few answers.

- A Wraith cruiser.
- It seems completely buried in silt.

Which means it's been here
a very, very, very long time.

Yes, give or take a "very."

That doesn't explain how she got here.

- Maybe she swam over.
- No, no. The pressure at that depth is...

Is deadly to humans,
but she's not human, remember?

Yes, it's difficult to imagine, but
with a Wraith's ability to heal itself...

- And there are no other Wraith on board?
- No way to know for sure.

Our prisoner isn't talking,
other than, "You're all about to die."

Which may or may not be an empty threat.

- Then you have no way of knowing?
- Well, she said it with a lot of confidence.

- There is a way to find out.
- We've already been down that road.

And what is to stop her exerting control
over you again?

She's heavily sedated.

And this time I know exactly
what I'm dealing with.


I was caught off guard the first time.
That will not happen again.

It does not matter.

Well, we think it does.

Your fate is sealed.

If you have any reason to suspect that I
am not myself, do not hesitate to use that.

I won't.

I see her leading the first wave of ships
that att*cked Atlantis during the w*r.

Queen of a great alliance.

Her ship was damaged during the battle.

It crashed into the ocean.

She fed upon her own crew to survive.

Too deep to ever swim to the surface...

Waking between centuries...

Waiting for rescue that never came,

until finally she was alone.

She sensed our presence
during our descent.

She sensed me,

and saw us as her one chance of freedom
from her prison.

The water was crushing,

but she was determined.

Finally, after all these millennia, a ship!

But she did not possess the gene to fly it.

She used Dickenson to call for me.

- Teyla?
- You are all about to die.

That does not sound like Teyla.

You are all about to die.
You are all about to die.

- Teyla, snap out of it!
- Wait!

She has activated the self-destruct device
of the Wraith cruiser.

It is set to detonate within two hours.

So not an empty threat.

- McKAY: How's Teyla?
- She's resting.

I think it took a lot more out of her
than she's willing to admit.

What's the news?

Okay, well, it looks like the Ancients
chose this section of the ocean floor

because the planet's crust
is remarkably thin right below us,

allowing them to drill directly
into the magma

and maximize
the geothermal power output.


Which means there's a great deal
of potential energy

directly beneath the station.

That's the news?
That this place works as advertised?

No. No, the news is that
if they were to detonate,

say, the self-destruct of a Wraith cruiser
on just such a wafer-thin crust...

Oh, my God.

All that thermal energy directly
beneath us will be released all at once.

So bad news.

McKAY: Yeah, the initial expl*si*n will be
magnified a thousand times.

- We're talking catastrophic.
- So it won't just be us that's affected?

No. Atlantis will be affected as well.
It's well within the blast radius.

- And we have no way to warn them?
- They'd never even see it coming.

So we disarm the self-destruct.

That's brilliant,
but we still need to get there.

And how do we do that
without the Jumper?

We're way behind schedule.

They're gonna send a rescue Jumper
any minute now.

Even if they've left already...
I mean, the moment we were overdue...

No, they won't make it in time.

How far is the cruiser?

- Less than a kilometer.
- She swam that far.

What is she?

- A formidable enemy.
- I have an idea.

I found these in the database
when we first got here.

They were used primarily to make repairs
to the exterior of the station.

Very cool!

Yeah. You should be able to traverse
the distance between here and the cruiser.

- You mean, we.
- Yes, of course, we.

- This must be how she got in.
- Probably.

All right. Let's get suited up.


You're breathing too hard.

Oh, forgive me for being aware of exactly
how much pressure is being exerted

on this suit right now.

Just think of it as a walk on the beach.

A beach that's about to explode.

That's supposed to make me feel better?

No, it's supposed to make you walk faster.
We're on the clock here.

This is Weir. How close are you?

Almost there,
but we're running out of time.

We may need Teyla
to do her Kreskin act again.

I'd rather not have to.

I think it could be much
too dangerous for her.

So is exploding magma.

I am walking as fast as I can.

How do we disarm the self-destruct?

You won't survive the blast
any more than we will.

I can get the information we need.

If you were strong enough,
you would have done so already.

I can feel how weak you are.

We shall see who is stronger.

Hey, that took too long.

Yeah, well, I probably won't be able to
disarm the self-destruct in time anyway,

so we're really not in a rush.

Why don't we find it first,
and then you can be negative?

The ship is remarkably preserved.

You'd think after 10,000 years,
she'd want to redecorate.

I'm serious. The hull damage is minimal.
They probably just lost their main drive.

You're saying this thing is salvageable?

I'll have to assess damage
to primary systems,

but it's not completely out of the question.

Of course, you'd probably just go
and blow it up or slam it into a hive ship

or something,
and all that work would be for nothing.

- Tick, tick, tick.
- This way.


You are weakening.

Teyla, I think you should stop.

My concentration slipped
for just a moment.

And in that moment, I could have
crushed you with a single thought.

Perhaps next time, I will.

There isn't gonna be a next time.

Elizabeth, I am fine.

WEIR: No, you're not.
I can see what this is doing to you.

Let's just give McKay a chance.

There it is.


Well, I'm pretty sure this is the device,

and I'm pretty sure it says
we have less than half an hour.

So turn it off.

- What does that mean?
- It's not accepting commands of any kind.

There must be some kind of a command
code that needs to be entered first.

Can you figure it out?

Yes, well, command codes
are usually quite simple,

like the number one or the letter A,
like, in Wraith, which would be...

Can you figure out the code or not?

No! Not if I stood here
and tried for a million years,

and we have just under a million years
less than that.

Elizabeth, you there?

- Any luck?
- Negative.

If we don't get a command code
in less than 30 minutes, we're dead.

This is the only way.
WEIR: I told you, Rodney has another idea.

That may or may not succeed.
There is only one way to be certain.

- She said she would k*ll you next time.
- I will not let that happen.

No. We're gonna give them more time.

Ronon, there's been an emergency
in the control room.

Dr. Weir needs your help.

- What about her?
- I'll watch the prisoner. Hurry.

Watch yourself.

Are you fool enough to try again?

I have very little to lose.

You're trying to hide something from me.

WEIR: There's been a development.

You've been able to disarm
the self-destruct device?

No, but Rodney thinks
if we can tie in a naquadah generator,

he can still get the Wraith cruiser to fly.

After all these years?

Yeah. The damage is superficial.
The problem was the engines.

McKay's already restored power and
I think I can fly the ship to a safe distance.

That's a su1c1de mission.

Well, if I can ditch the ship
on the mainland,

maybe I can get far enough away
from the expl*si*n.

I got to go now.

Wait. Let me try again.

If I can get her to give up her
command code, you won't have to risk it.

You're in no condition to do that.


Well, you're a hell of a swimmer,
I'll give you that.

You have restored power?

It'll fly.

You shall be rewarded with a quick death.

She's not dying according to plan here!

I thought you'd forgotten about me.

Of course not! I just had to wait for her
to disable the device.

Hey, just be thankful
she didn't feed on you

before she entered the command code.

Oh, that's why you didn't wanna be bait.

No, no, no, no, you had to be bait
because she was expecting you

to be the one trying to fly the ship.

- She is dead, right?
- Let's get out of here.

How are you feeling?

Oh, much better, now that I no longer feel
the constant presence of a Wraith.

That was no ordinary Wraith.
It took a lot of b*ll*ts to take her down.

I wish I was there.

He's right, you know.
I mean, deceiving a Wraith Queen...

That's no small feat.

Well, when there are so many lives at
stake, it's easy to summon the strength.

McKAY: Well, Zelenka's finally got
communications back up.

Turns out Atlantis had sent
another Jumper.

- Should be here within the hour.
- That's good news!

Yeah, no kidding.
I can't wait to see the sun.

What? No, no, no. We haven't finished
what we came here for.

Look, the Wraith's gone.
We've got a ton of research to do.

Yes, we do.

In fact, I'm pretty sure we should be able
to come up with a way

to get auxiliary power online
in a couple of days.

- Is he serious?
- Yeah. He is.

Well, I for one intend to spend
the next little while resting.

- Same here.
- Yeah. Same here.