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03x17 - Sunday

Posted: 01/17/23 16:16
by bunniefuu
- I could never just say that to him!
- Why not? You like him,don't you?

- That is not the point.
- I think that is exactly the point, actually.

- The ways of my people are different. I would never...
- He's not gonna make the first move.

- We shall see.
- Look. You know him better than I do.

- I would hope so! - But, I wouldn't be surprised if
he was oblivious to the whole situation.

- It bears no further discussion.
- Alright!

- I'm just saying, if you want me to have somebody drop some hints...
- Can you remember the last time so many people had the day off?

Yeah, it's all Heightmeyer's doing. Yeah, she insisted
that the brass ordered some sort of mandatory rest day.

I guess downtime here, doesn't really
happen organically.

Hey, and don't think I haven't realised
you've changed the subject.

My people have a day of rest every four nights.

- Mmmm, not that is civilized.
- Yes.

- Hey, wanna grab a late lunch?
- I would like that.

I forgot my Bantos Rods at the gym.

- Can I meet you there?
- Sure!

- Hi
- Hi

- What are you doing here?
- I work here.

- But it's a day off.
- Well, shouldn't you be enjoying your leisure time then?

I got a little behind on my research this week. Just wanted
to drop off some results for the next Earth transmission.

Great! Good.

I was thinking about grabbing some food. Care to join?

- I can't...
- You're not capable of having lunch?

- Yes, I'm capable.
- Are you planning on eating today?

- Of course.
- Great! Eat with me!

Look, it's nothing personal, but I make it a point to not
have relationships with people who work for me.

I don't work for you.

- I'm your boss.
- Well, you're my bosses boss, actually.

- Still, but however indirectly... - Yeah, but with that
thinking, everyone on this entire planet works for you.

- You're not gonna be friends with any of them?
- Friends is one thing.

Oh you think... wait a second, I see what's
happening here. You think I'm asking you out on a date!

No, no, no, no, no, no, this isn't a date, this is lunch!

This is the mandatory refuelling of our bodies.

This is putting food in your mouth and chewing it and having something
more engaging than a wall sitting across from you. That's all it is.

I'm mean, come on, you gotta admit,
I am much more appealing than a wall, no?

Well, you don't have to admit it, but it would
be a massive blow to my ego if you thought otherwise.

You are more appealing than a wall.

Great! Now what say we go and grab some grub.

- Oh, I still have an hour of work to do and...
- An hour then! I'll see you in the mess hall.

- Elizabeth, you're early. Just give me a moment.
- How set on lunch were you today?


- Well, something's come up. - Elizabeth, surely whatever
work it is you feel you must get done, can wait!

I was invited to lunch by Mike Branton.

- Oh really?
- You and I, we have plans and...

My friend, Dr Houston just radioed me. She wants me
to teach her some Bantos fighting this afternoon, so...

Do not worry, I will have
something to occupy my time.

- Ok. Are you sure?
- Yes!


Oh! Don't you look lovely!

- Thank you, Carson. - It's the first time I've seen
you out of your base uniform in quite some time now.

- No, I don't know about that.
- Off somwhere special?

- No, just getting some lunch. - Rodney and I are going
fishing on the mainland, this afternoon

- I know, I've cleared the use for the Jumper. - Care to
join us? Who knows what sort of wonderful fish we'll find.

That's very kind, but some other time, maybe.

- Ah! Do you have a hot date?
- What? Who told you that?

No-one, I was joking. I was right, who is it?

- None of my business. Have a lovely afternoon, Elizabeth!
- Thank you.

- You smell good, too!
- Shutup!!

- You believe that.
- Yes!

- Truly and in your heart, you believe that.
- I do.

- What - I just don't know that
I can ever respect you again.

- Come on! - You think, When Harry Met Sally,
is better than, Annie Hall. You're a crazy person.

It is!

When Harry Met Sally, is essentially a remake. A cheap imitation.
A bad coversong version of Annie Hall. You realise that, right?

- I disagree!
- I know you do, but that's what makes you crazy.

- Well, I gues this will never work out then.
- This?



...does that mean that you don't
believe that men and women can be friends?

- I never said that.
- You didn't have to say it.

Any lady that likes When Harry Met Sally, that much,
thinks that men and women can't be friends.

Fine! Maybe I do.

- So, where does that leave me?
- I guess that leaves you, at lunch.

- Come on.
- Where?

If lunch is all I get, I'm gonna
get as much for my buck as possible.

- It really is beautiful here, isn't it?
- Yep.

All done?

All done.

- I guess lunch is over.
- I guess it is.

Should have brought dessert. It would have lasted longer.

- I should really get back, anyway.
- What are you doing tomorrow?

- Like... - I like you and I'm extremely charming.
I'd like to see you spin those into negatives.

- I just don't think...
- Probably best, you don't think.

Would you stop interrupting me?
You have a tendency to do that.

- I do not! - Yes you do and I hate
it when people interrupt me.

Well, if I hadn't interrupted you,
we would never have had lunch.

Life needs a little interrupting
every now and again.

Alright, I don't completely disagree...

Was that way out of line?

- I can't do this.
- Just because we work together?

- This would split my focus.
- Give it a chance! See if it...

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this
in the first place. I thought maybe I...

Dr Weir, please report to the control room immediately.

What's going on?

There's been an expl*si*n at the base
of the tower near the gym.

Early reports have at least three dead and there's a
bout a dozen or so that are severely injured.

expl*si*n? Was there some sort of equipment malfunction?

We're still going over the data logs
but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a malfunction.

So it could have been a b*mb.

- Oh, hey, there you are.
Been looking all over for you. - Oh?

- What, you forget?
- Ah... no!

- You forgot! - You were going to teach Ronon
and myself how to play golf.

- That's the plan!
- I'm afraid I have made other plans.

- What other plans?!
- Having lunch with Elizabeth.

- Well, you've still got time.
- Yes, true!

However, I'm afraid I have been
quite delinquent in filing my mission reports.

I'd hoped to get caught up before I met with Elizabeth.

- Ok.
- If you'd like I could cancel...

No, no! She could use a little time
out of the office. Some other time.

Some other time.

You know, uh, John, I've got mission reports too.
- Nice try. It's gonna be fun. - Fun...

Nice shot.
Thank you, Jim. It was pretty nice, though, huh?

So that's the sport?
You just hit a little ball as far as you can?

First, it's a game and no
it's a little more complicated than that.

See, there are eighteen holes all
made of varying lengths and dimensions.

The first goal is to hit the ball through a series of water and sand
hazards til you land on the green. Then you putt the ball into the hole.

So this is a water hazard.
- Well, we don't have a course yet.

All we have for now is adriving range where you...
... just hit a little ball.

Pretty much, yeah.
What's so hard about that?

Well, I make it look easy but
I've been playing since I was six.

So, although it seems simple,
developing a sweet swing like mine takes years...

Like that? - That was OK.
- OK?! You can't even see where it landed!

Well, it's not a distance game, it's an accuracy one.
Well, pick a spot. I'll hit it there.

First off, your grip, it's all wrong.

Oh, yes, of course. There y'are.
- Hey, Doc. I want to come see you. I've been having this weird pain right...

Hold on, sorry. Let me stop you right there.
This is the first day I've had off in over a month.

Doctor Cole is in the Infirmary and
will be more than glad to help you out.

OK, fair enough... Right... - What's up, Carson?
- Fishing... - What?

Rodney and I are heading to the mainland to catch a fish that
seems to be just like a trout. Care to join us? Sport of kings.

I thought horse racing was the sport of kings?
- For the boring kings, maybe.

Carson, you're Scottish. This is your game, wouldn't you rather be on
the driving range? Ach, it was never my thing. Come on, last chance.

I think we're gonna pass. Alright, but don't be jealous
when I return with a record-breaking space trout. Thank you!

We'll try to contain ourselves.
- Oh, aye!

Time for a real sport. Come on.

Grab the other guy's flag, huh, that's it?
- That's it.

No penalties and stuff? What? - Well, if the other
guy pulls your hair or tries to bite you...

Bite back... - Right...
- You ready? - Ready as I'll ever be.

That's one for me.
Two out of three.

Round two... one-handed.

After every round, the level of difficulty's increased.

It's to simulate battle. After every encounter
there's the possibility of injury. Round two, one-handed.

Why don't you let me get better at round one
before we move onto the harder part?

OK! Round two.

Oh. That's two for me. - Three out of five.
- You know, I could do this all day.

Haven't even broken a sweat yet...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah... - Round three.

Oh, come on! Oh, you are making this stuff up!
This is not a traditional Satedan sport...

...this is an excuse to make me look
dumb and kick my ass.

If you wanna quit...

Um, sorry. - This game sucks!
- Well, you need to focus.

I don't know if that's gonna be possible yet.
Here, help me up. I've got an idea.

Hurts, doesn't it?

That? - Yeah, you've gotta hit it, ungh...
straight on, hard as you can... OK.

You know, this is what I'm talkin' about. This is how you spend
a day off. Kick back, eat some junk food, listen to some tunes.

You like this music? - What, you don't?
- It's fine.

I'm gonna stick to golf. Your game's
a little too much like my day job.

So how long have you been here now? A year?
- Year and a half.

Year and a half? You ever hang out with
anyone else besides me and Teyla?

I'm not saying we're sick of you or anything.
I dunno are you datin' anyone?

You mean like a woman?
- Or a man. - No. I'm not ready yet.

Not ready yet? Did you leave somebody behind on Sateda?

Wife?... - Close enough...


What about you? - What about me?
- When are you getting married?

Already done that. Not very good at
it. Besides, there really isn't anyone here that...

.. you know.
- I always thought you and Teyla would, uh... you know.

- Yeah. Why not?

Right, lads, go, go. Move it.
Alright, let's get these two to the OR right away.

What happened here? - Some sort of expl*si*n.
At least three dead. Maybe a dozen or so severely injured.


- She gonna be OK, Doc?

She's lost a great deal of blood.
We're gonna need to get her to the Infirmary stat.

Is she gonna be alright?
- Let's go. Let's move!

What the hell happened here, Radek?
- There was an expl*si*n. - I get that, but why?

Well, I'm not sure yet. I wasn't allowed on the scene until
the emergency crews cleared the floor. What took you so long?

The transporters are down and there's a lot of stairs. - McKay is
in his lab. He thinks he might have a lead. - What kind of lead?

He didn't say. The good news is, though, the structure is
intact, so there's no danger of the tower falling down.

There is, however, something very odd.

What? - Well, the few eye witness reports that
we have say that Doctor Houston just... blew up.

What the hell does that mean?
- It's not even possible.

Yeah, normally I would agree with you but from what we can tell, she
was standing right in the middle of the hall here and just exploded.

So, what, a su1c1de b*mb?

Well, see, no. That's what I thought too originally, but I've scanned the area
with my equipment and there isn't even the slightest trace of expl*sive residue.

We have no idea what we're
dealing with here.

You know, I think I am a pretty easy guy to work for.

I am usually too busy doing all the really important stuff to
micro-manage all the little things I need you people to be doing.

Now, because of that, you have a fair amount of freedom. That
does not, however, mean you can do whatever the hell you please.

There are rules; there are protocols in place not
only to protect this city but your sorry little existences.

Look, if I could just say...
- Oh, no you cannot. You cannot interrupt me.

OK? I was having a perfectly wonderful dream before
I got this call, so you can just stand there and listen.

You were sent on a routine
cataloguing of one of the abandoned Ancient labs,

and you activate some alien device
without having the first clue what it was?!

We thought it was...
- Yes, well you thought wrong.

Yeah, but just the other week you did
the exact same thing, so I don't...

Well I am me. If I make a mistake, I can fix it. You are you,
and when you make mistakes, you don't have to fix them. I do.

The second we realised
it was emitting radiation, we turned it off.

So what?! What, you want a medal? Look, my four year old niece
could figure out to turn something off if it was emitting radiation

That does not make you smart,
that just makes you a little less stupid.

Rodney, be nice. - So, are they gonna live?
More importantly, can I go back to bed?

Well, according to their body scan and blood tests,
they'll be alright, yes...

although you should check back in the next 24 hours
and we'll run some more tests, just to be certain.

Well, you were lucky, because we are in a place where something as
simple as flipping a switch can domino out into thousands of people dying.

You Need to be more careful.

OK, just... take tomorrow off, alright? - We already
have tomorrow off. It's the mandatory rest day. It is?


Oh, great!

Katie? Hello, Katie?

- There you are.

What are you doing here?
- Hey, it's your day off. What are you doing here?

Well, I'm nursing these little baby ferns we found on M4L-279. At this nascent
stage they're very fragile and if I leave them for too long, they'll die.

Ah, so what? They're ferns. Oh, which is to say,
you know, you need time off just like everyone else does.

I know. It's just, they produce this special
enzyme that we think might cure leukaemia.

What, these guys? Really?
- Yeah.

So what are you doing with your day off?
I thought you had plans.

Oh, I do, with Beckett. That's, um...
that's kind of why I'm here.


Yeah. I need an excuse to break those plans.
Why's that?

Well, because we're going fishing.
And to be honest, I cannot...

...think of a more torturous way of spending
a day than, you know, up to my...

...hips in water trying to get worms on hooks and...

...having all the time in the world to listen to
Carson's many views on what I'm sure...

...are a vast number of impossibly boring subjects.

I mean, it is unappealing in every way.

Then why did you say yes in the first place?

Oh, because he said, D'you wanna go fishing
next month? It sounded so far away,...

I figured something'd come up, I'd be able to
get out of it, but here we are a month later and...

...nothing's come up!
Exactly! So I figured if I told him...

...we finally had an afternoon where
I could take you out to lunch or something,...

...then he'd have no choice but to let me out of it.

I can't. I need to babysit the ferns.
Right. Well.

If I had a nickel for every time a girl used that line!

You know what?
Let me bring lunch to you. We can eat here.

Rodney, you wanna babysit ferns with me?
Hey, in the battle between ferns versus fish,...

...ferns continuously win a decisive victory.
- That would be lovely.

Great! OK, I'll be right back.


Would you look at that! Great minds think alike.
I thought I'd pick us up some snacks as well.

Yes. Umm, about that.
- Rodney.

Look, here's the thing. You know I would love
to go with you. - No, I don't.

Ah, I would, I do. I just, um...
I ran into Katie Brown...

...and she started to lay the guilt on,
you know, how I never get... see her and how the one day I get off,
I'm jetsetting off to the coast to sport fish with...

my best buddy. I mean, she and I see so little of each
other, I'm not sure we even count as a couple.

Anyways, look, long story short...
Too late.

...I told Katie I would spend the day with her.

Alright. You know, if it was anybody else...
- No, no. I understand.

Yeah, next week, I'm one hundred percent there.

You promise?

- OK. - Yeah, and it's still early,
so I'm sure you'll find someone else to go with you.

Oh, you can bet on that. Well, tell Katie I said hullo.

Mmm, will do.
Enjoy. I will.


Oh, this is lovely.
- It is, yes.

I've gotta say, after all the Cadman craziness
last year, I figured there was no chance for us.

Oh, why's that?

Well, you had another consciousness
in your body one that...

took over during our first date and made you kiss me.

It was... awkward.

And so you ignored me for a few months.
- I did not!

Yes, you did. I mean, it's OK, I guess.

I can't imagine going through something
like that, and I'm pretty sure...

...I wouldn't wanna be reminded of it either.
- Yes, well, it was a little weird there for a bit.

For the last little while, you've really
made an effort to make time for me,...

...and it has been lovely.

It's funny, you know?
I mean, much as I hate to admit it,...

seeing my little sister so
happy with her family, I just...

Well, it kind of made me realise that, uh...


I'd like to get married.

You would?!

Oh, no, not to you.

Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no. No-no-no, not not to you...
No, I...

Look, I was just... No, that was not a proposal
I was just... I was just talking, you know? - Right.

I just don't want you to get the wrong... It's not that
I wouldn't be interested in-in-in getting married to

someone, I mean, someone like you, I mean someone
just like you ? you even, maybe one day ? I just, uh...

I know, I know. It's OK.

I like you a lot. I mean, I do.
I know you do, and I like you a lot too.

I know.

And to be honest, I find that just baffling.

Come on, now... - No-no-no-no-no, it's other people too
they find it baffling too.

I guess they just don't know you like I know you.
Yeah, but, you see, that's what scares me.

I mean, at some point, you're gonna know me the way they
know me and then... Rodney, I think I know you pretty well.

There's not a lot of subtext with you.

I am really sorry that I ignored you all that time.

I bet you are.

What was that?
I don't know. Look, I've gotta go.

So, what, a su1c1de b*mb?

Well, see, no. I thought so too originally, but I've
scanned the area with my equipment now

there isn't even the slightest
trace of expl*sive residue.

We have no idea what we're dealing with here.
- Zelenka, do you read?

Yes, McKay, I'm here with Sheppard
and Ronon. What have you got?

You're all gonna wanna see this.

Alright, I am digesting this as I go,
so forgive the rough edges.

What've you got? - Last night,
Doctor Houston and her partner Doctor Watson

were cataloguing a new Ancient lab we uncovered.

They inadvertently activated this machine.

It started to emit a very odd type of radiation,
but they were able to turn it off right away.

Now, Doctor Beckett examined them that
night and gave them a clean bill of health,... with no immediate apparent danger, we...

...decided to figure out what the
device was, well, whenever we had time.

That was a mistake. - What is it?
- Well, the science of it is...

Well, it's spectacularly complicated,
but it appears to be a w*apon.

One created by the Ancients to battle the
Wraith and one that was abandoned...

...fairly early on as it affected everyone
in proximity, including...

...Ancients and humans.
Affected them how?

Ah. Well, long story short, it creates expl*sive tumours.

expl*sive tumours? - What?
- Are you kidding me?

Yeah, I wish. Look, it's actually quite ingenious.
The device emits millions...

...of irradiated particles that have been genetically
programmed to enter into our systems and...

...gather behind the lungs. Now, as they go,
they collect trace elements...

...from our body that they need to complete
an expl*sive compound which,...

...once in place, the tumour
reaches critical mass and explodes.

So, wait, this guy Watson...
- ... has almost definitely been exposed, yes.

Look, we need to find him before that tumour
ignites, which could be any minute now.

Well, it's not good but it's not awful.
We need to start right away. What's his name?

Um, James. James Watson.

Next week, I am one hundred percent there.
- You promise? - Absolutely.

OK. - And besides, it's still early.
I'm sure you'll find someone else to go with you.

Oh, you can bet on that. Well, tell Katie I said hullo.

Yeah, will do.
Enjoy. I will.

Son of a bitch! Stop that!
Stop what? Winning?

You haven't won yet.
- Carson! You've come to join the chess club.

Uh, not quite. - You've come to watch?
- Well, uh, no. Actually, Radek,...

...I'm looking for someone to come fishing
with me. Rodney bailed at the last minute.

Surprise, surprise.
I know. Any interest?

I would, but we're playing for trades today, you know?
And no-one can really beat me so...

I've already won Doctor Mallozzi's
anim? DVD collection...

...and I got a coupon for a free
Swedish massage from Doctor Ambrose.

- Ouch! - Perhaps we can go fishing next week?
- OK, alright. Well,...

uh, best of luck to you.
- Oh, I don't need luck.

- Son of a bitch!

You paint!
Hey, Doc.

Yeah, I paint.
And you're good, too.

My mom was an art teacher. It's what we did on weekends.

Stopped for a while didn't really have time for it
during basic training, first couple of years on duty but

I'm picking it up again.
Hard not to with views like that, huh?


Um, I don't suppose there's any chance you'd like to
come fishing with me on the mainland, is there?

If you'd got to me earlier, maybe, but...

...I kinda wanna finish this up.

Och, it looks done to me.
- That is why I am the painter and you a doctor.

Very good point. Enjoy the rest of your day, Major.
- You can count on it.

Oh, hey there, sir. - Hullo, I was just...
- You know what's crazy?

I was just thinking about you.
Has that ever happened to you?

You know, you're thinking about
something and then, boom! There it is!

It's not like I'm psychic or anything but, who knows?
- Well, actually, I... - You know what?

I am sorry. You were trying to say
something and I interrupted you.

Enjoy your day off, Doctor Biro.
- Absolutely.


Slow day?
- Carson. What the hell are you doing here? It's supposed to be your day off.

Well, my fishing trip is officially a bust,
so I figured I'd come in here and actually catch up...

...on some paperwork for the first time in over a year.
- That's a shame. - Aye, it is.

You alright?
A migraine. It's a bad one, actually.

I took some stuff, but I can't take any more,
with me being on call and everything.

You should have radioed me.
- Are you kidding? There's no way in hell I was gonna..

.. let you miss that fishing trip.
It's all you've been talking about for two weeks!

Well, I'm not going now, so off you go.
I'll cover your shift.

You sure? - Aye. There's nothing happening here anyway.
You go take a horse pill and rest.

Oh, you're a life saver.
- I know.

Thanks, Carson. Thanks.
- You're welcome.

If you're gonna play volleyball,
you're going to need proper gym shoes.

I know.

I've put an order in for a pair, but it takes forever to get
things from Earth that aren't vital to the success of the missions.

Well you, young lady,
are vital to the success of the missions,

- so don't play sport in sandals, ok?
- Ok, Doc.

Alright. We're all done here.
We'll fix you up some crutches and uh...

Max, call up every available nurse and Doctor, immediately. You and
you, grab two field kits and a couple of stretchers and follow me.

This is Beckett.
What happened and where do you need me?

- What happened here?
- Some sort of expl*si*n. At least three dead, maybe a dozen or so severely injured.




I'm here. You've been in an expl*si*n.
Teyla, and a piece of debris has impacted your side.

We're heading you to the infirmary to take it out and
patch you up. Easy Peasy, I could do this one in my sleep.

Alright, all set? Thankyou!

I can't believe you got the artery cleaned up.

Well they typically don't make you
head surgeon if you're all thumbs.

You have another patient waiting for you.
He got his leg cut up pretty bad in the blast.

- Alright, we're all done here. Let's get her down to
the recovery level and we'll get him in here.

- Ok.
- Long story short, it creates expl*sive tumours.

- expl*sive tumours?Are you kidding me?
- I wish I was.

- Wait this guys Watts...
- has almost definitely been exposed.

Yes. Look, we need to find him before that tumour ignites,
which could be any minute now.

Well it's not good, but it's not awful.
We need to start right away. What's his name?

- James. James Watson.
- Watson?

Poor lad was in here last night.
Looks like he's had a run of bad luck.

Doctor Watson! Doctor James Watson!
Report your whereabouts immediately.

Oh, aren't you popular.
Go see what that's about please.

He's in the O.R right now?

I need you to get Beckett on his radio.

It's Doctor McKay.

- What is it Rodney, I'm a little busy right now.
- Carson!

The man you are working on right now
has been infected with an expl*sive tumour!

We think it's what k*lled Houston
and caused the expl*si*n.

- What are you talking about, that's not...
- It is possible, Carson! Look,

you need to get you and your team out of there!
Sheppard has an ordinance disposal crew on the way.

- Well he's too fragile to move right now.
- He doesn't have to move.

You do!

Alright, listen up!

I need everyone to clear the floor, right now!
I'm enacting a protocol 7 for this entire level.

Move it people! Right, he stays, you go. - What about you?
- I'm staying put. - Well then, so am I.

- Look, I don't have time to fight about this right now.
- You don't. You can't do this on your own.

Thank you. Alright, lets get the scanner, please.
We have a tumour to remove.

He's used his authorization code to seal off the level.

- We can't get to him. - Carson, you cannot
seriously be considering operating on this guy!

Exactly how much time do we think I have?

There is no way to know for sure. Look, Houston was infected
at the same time that Watson was. Her tumour's already exploded.

No time to waste then. Making first incision.

Ok, look! This is all very brave and all, but...

- What if the expl*si*n causes structural damage. What if the tower comes down with everyone in it.
- Exactly!

Sending him to the other side of the city and just
leaving him there is tantamount to m*rder, Colonel.

- The man is already dead!!
- Like hell he is.

- Carson, I can't order you to stand down...
- That's right, you can't.

Have your men standing by. I'll open access to the floor
once I've extracted the tumour. Beckett out.

- How long has he been at it.
- Ten minutes. We've got emergency crews standing by.

- Either way we're covered.
- Can't you bypass his access code?

- Yeah, but it'll take half an hour. Look, if he's not done removing it by then, then...
- This is crazy!

Colonel Sheppard?

I've extracted the tumour
and I'm opening up the O.R level.

He's on his way. Sit tight.

- Dammit! Tell him I'll meet him halfway.
- Just stay put, Doc!

The sooner I get this thing out of my sight, the better.

Can you finish closing him up please.

I'll be right back.

Easy.. Easy..

Thank you.

We just made the handoff.



You ok?

Hmmm. Uh, not really.

- Do you need some help?
- No. I'm almost done.

He didn't have a lot of stuff here.

- Are you sending it all back home to his family.
- Yeah. I mean,

We will. We don't know yet.

We're going to send uh,

the body back to Earth and um,

I'm gonna tell his mother.

- I should have just gone fishing with him.
- Don't.

No, if I'd gone fishing,

- If I'd checked the machine, if I hadn't assigned two junior guys to catalogue the lab...
- Rodney.

- What's done is done.
- I know...

and uh,

that's what's k*lling me.

Where do you think you're going?

- I would like to go to the memorial.
- I don't think you should be going anywhere.

I'm fine.

Alright, I'll get a wheelchair.

No. I would like to stand.
It's a testament to him.

How are you doing?

Me.. Fine, but I didn't get out of
major surgery two days ago.

That is not what I meant.

Well it hasn't hit me yet.

I'm not looking forward to it when it does.

I feel a great sadness. He...

I feel a great sadness.

Here, I got ya.

We've said goodbye to a lot of friends today.

Our mission is a dangerous one.

We lose people.

A fact we're all painfully aware of.

But Carson was...

...I can't remember anyone coming to
me with a complaint against him...


He was a kind soul.

He was...

he was a healer.

And he will be very deeply missed.

George Fabricius said

"Death comes to us all!"

But great achievements?

They build a monument which shall
endure until the sun grows cold.

Every single life Carson saved

is a monument to him

and that gives me great comfort.

How'd it go back on Earth.

It was um, it was awful.

- Your family was amazing, though.
- Aye, they are. Good turn out?

- Oh,packed the church.
- Oh, that's good to hear.

- It's not going to be the same around here without you.
- Oh, you're telling me.

You know,

the universe is a big place.

- Who knows, maybe we'll bump into each other again.
- Aye, who knows.

You were the closest thing to a best friend I ever had.

I'm really, really sorry.

- I should have just...
- Hey! This isn't your fault.

- You're just telling me what I want to hear.
- Well, that's what best friends do sometimes.

And in this time it also happens to be true.

Take care of yourself Rodney.

Bye Carson.