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03x11 - The Return: Part 2

Posted: 01/17/23 16:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis:

WEIR: Where are we going?
- Atlantis.

Our intention is to destroy it.

- Why?
- Retribution.


It's an Ancient warship.

The city is now under my control.

They needed to know how much time
we needed to vacate the city.

I said 48 hours.

The Pegasus Replicators are heading
back to Atlantis.

Atlantis is under attack from

Request immediate evacuation.

They're coming.

O'Neill and Woolsey may be alive.
I know the city like the back of my hand.

Just give me 60 Marines
and some of Colonel Carter's new, um...

- Anti-Replicator weapons.
- Those things.

I'm sorry, colonel,
I have standing orders.

The Daedalus will be there
in a little under four days.

We need one of us added
to the authorized list.

- There's only one guy who can do that.
- I gotta say...

I've never met a woman
this into "World of Warcraft."

Colonel Sheppard, stand down.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a bunch...

of Replicators
take our home away.




And if I'm a Replicator?

- Then I've just exposed my position.
- Again.

I'm sorry. I'm not very good at this.

- Here.
- Thank God. I'm starving.

Was this all you could find?

No, actually, there was a lovely buffet.

How did the recon go?

Well, the stargate OPs
is crawling with them.

There's no way we're gonna
get across to the Jumper bay.

Are they looking for us?

I plum forgot to ask.

As long as the life-signs detectors
aren't working in these damaged areas...

we should be able to hold out
until they rescue us.

Uh, Richard, there's not
going to be a rescue.

- What?
- Landry has standing orders...

to nuke the city if there's any sign
of a foothold situation.

What kind of a standing order is that?


What's happening?
Activate the shield.

I can't.

That's confirmation.

- The gate's shield is lowered.
- I hope this little plan of ours works.

Yeah, you and me both.

Authentication code
alpha-six delta-charlie-niner.

General O'Neill, Woolsey, do you copy?

- Sheppard, is that you?
- Yes, sir.

I need to know if you're
near stargate operations.

- No, we're not.
SHEPPARD: That's good.

Can't talk now, sir. Get back to you
in a couple of hours. Sheppard out.

- Drop the package.
McKAY: Package is away.

Hold on.

Follow me.

That went well.

That sounded like an expl*si*n.

Because it was.

Is Sheppard attacking the city?

He better be.

Why can't he get back to us
for two hours?

I don't know.

It's coming up
on 2300 hours, sir.

- I can see that, chief.
- Yes, sir.

I have to assume Sheppard heard my
message and chose to ignore it.

There's no way
to be 100 percent certain...

He heard me, all right. They're already in
Pegasus doing goodness knows what.

Which leaves me no choice
but to lock out their IDCs...

and invalidate their personal
authentication codes.

- If they're successful in...
- We have no way of knowing...

whether they've been successful
or if they've been compromised.

I have my standing orders
and I'm gonna follow them.

Now, when you're done locking
out those IDCs...

have Dr. Lee report to my office.

Yes, sir.

It was good to be back,
however briefly.

- I feel like I'm gonna be ill.
- Don't be.

Just take some deep breaths, Carson.

Should we not have informed
General O'Neill of our plan?

He knows we're here. We'll contact
him again as soon as we get closer.

That's gonna be easier said than done.

Those hits we took, it's impossible
to convert the shield to a cloak.

- By impossible you mean...
- Not possible. What do you think I mean?

Yeah, well, hopefully we took out
the sensors when we blew the tower.

Well, you said they could rebuild
remarkably fast.

How long before they restore
critical systems?

A couple of hours.

Then there's the painting
and redecorating.

If we time this right,
this could work to our advantage.


Got him.

Right where we left him.

- That's him.
- Who else would it be?

True. Power levels
are barely registering.

No wonder the Replicators
didn't find him.

I'll swing around and pick him up.

Watch yourselves,
I'm closing the bulkhead.

Will we not be vulnerable
to the same virus...

with which Niam infected Elizabeth?

BECKETT: He's been floating in space
for over a month.

Existing in such a
harsh environment...

solar radiation has severely
diminished his power levels.

We're fairly certain he's almost
completely incapacitated.

- Is he dead?
McKAY: As in mostly dead.

Besides, we don't have a choice.

He's the key to our whole plan.

All right, but if he even twitches...

DEX: Don't worry.
WEIR: Thank you.

Got him.

Closing the rear hatch.

Take the seat.

The compartment's repressurized.



Okay, this is good.

Power levels are minimal
but not too minimal.

I'm fairly sure he doesn't have the juice
to regain consciousness.


I was fairly sure.

Just load the program.

TALUS: Repairs are underway
in stargate operations.

But we have lost all main sensors.

CETUS: We're trying to route all
the telemetry through these terminals.

They were not designed
to take on many systems.

We have several observers
around the city.

If the gateship returns,
we'll detect it visually.

They communicated briefly
with someone within the city.

We'll send search parties
here and here.

All Ancients were k*lled.

Their commander attempted to
conceal that fact as I probed her mind.

There may have been
a small number of humans.

We would have detected them.

They may be hiding
where the sensors are inoperable.

If we want to capture the ones
who att*cked us...

we must first capture those
they came for.

Well, done yet?

- I think we're good to go.
SHEPPARD: I'll take us back.

- Why don't we do this from here?
- Do what from here?

WEIR: Render the Replicators helpless,

- Remember the plan?
- Of course. It's my plan.

Actually, using Niam
was Elizabeth's plan.

WEIR: Thank you.
McKAY: It's mostly my plan.

It's my freezing program.

You said they'd be frozen seven hours.

- Why not do it now?
McKAY: I've gotta keep Niam...

at nominal power levels,
otherwise we risk him waking.

Low power means short range, short
range means we need to get closer.

- How much closer?
- Much.

- With no cloak?
- No cloak.

Good to be back home, huh?

Hmph. There's no place like it.

I realize I was duped, general...

but they were incredible.

- It was like a scene out of The Sting...
- That's not why I brought you in here.

This was something they had planned
for a long time.

Forget about it.
I'd like to know your opinion...

on the best way to disable
the gate bridge between galaxies.

We just finished building that.

I'm aware of that.

Okay. Well, um, I suppose if one
were to detonate a Mark IX...

at the midway station,
that would pretty much do it.

I thought so. I'd like you to supervise
the preparation of a Mark IX...

- to keep our options open.
- Uh...

You could dismantle it. Of course...

- it would take a bit more time.
- Which we may not have.

Wow, that is such a shame.


why are you still in my office?

Oh, right.

All right, we're about a mile out.

Okay, I'll start broadcasting
the virus now...

but we're gonna need
to get closer than that.

- Drones.
- McKay.

- We're still not close enough.
- Hang on.

That sounded like another expl*si*n.

Yes. Yes, it did.

What does that mean?

Something exploded?

Is it Sheppard attacking the Replicators,
or the Replicators attacking Sheppard?

We'll find out.

How did they even get here?
Through the gate?

I've been sitting next to you
through the whole thing.

Why do you think I have
more information?

Look, I told you I wasn't good at this.

He said he'd be back
in a couple of hours.

That gives him a good...

11 seconds.

[ expl*si*n ]

What was that?

If we keep this up, there won't be
much of a city left to save.

I'll try to run the drones into your
least favorite buildings. McKay!

- It should be working.
- It's not working.

If I give him more power,
he'll wake up and k*ll us all.

Sheppard can't keep
this up forever.

Shields have been damaged.

I've had enough. I got a different idea.

WOOLSEY: They're overdue.
- Not yet.

- It's been well over 11 seconds.
- Yes.

But you've been ignoring
the dramatic element of...


General O'Neill, are you there, sir?

- See.
- Oh, thank God.

Yes, we're here.

- You're late.
SHEPPARD: Sorry, sir.

We had to go into space
and pick up some frozen goods.

Whatever. Where are you now?

We're not exactly inside the city yet.

We're headed toward
an underwater Jumper bay.

Well, what we think may be
an underwater jumper bay.

- Is that Dr. Weir I hear?
WEIR: Yes, general.

It's good to hear your voice too.

I didn't say it was good, Elizabeth.

Please don't be offended
as I express my surprise...

that Landry would send you
on a mission like this.

Well, sir, General Landry
didn't sanction this mission.

So am I to assume you're not
surrounded by heavily armed...

SG teams and young,
strapping marines.

You've got Colonel Sheppard,

Teyla, McKay, myself,
and Dr. Beckett.

Oh, Dr. Beckett, is it?

Well, I'm comforted.

What's that supposed to mean?

Okay. I'm ready to open the lock.

We've got a plan, sir. A good one.

Yes, colonel, I'm sure you do.

But in the unlikely event
you don't fail miserably...

you're fired.

Yes, sir. I look forward to that.

They have a plan.

I heard.

BECKETT: Careful.
- Thanks, doc.

Okay, closing the outer door.

Yes. Now I just have to pressurize
the compartment and we are...




It's not letting me do it.

Water's not draining out.

Yeah. An excellent observation.
Thank you.

It is, however, draining in.

Oh, not again.

Guess we took some damage.

I want to point out
this was not my idea.

You said get us close to the city.
This is close.

- And yet no cigar.

Just open up the outer doors.
I'll figure something else out.


- Oh, dear.
- What?

I don't think I'm gonna be able to
open the outer door.

Why not?

I think it might be jammed.

- Might?
- Okay, is.

Well, that's unfortunate.

Yeah, I'd have to agree with you
on that.

This part of the plan
isn't going so well.

There must be a manual override

In the bay's control room.

- Yes.
- Okay, I'll swim to it.

- Which is sealed from the other side.
- Of course it is.

Perhaps General O'Neill can reach it.

Give me half an hour to get Niam to
the right power levels so we can do this.

We've got more than one fracture.
We don't have that kind of time.

General O'Neill,
we're gonna need a favor.

Okay, there should be a hatch...

leading down to the next level.
Do you see it?

Yeah, sure do. I see it.

The control room should be
almost directly below.

Okay, slight problem here.

What's that?

Well, the level below
is completely flooded too.

Ah. I, uh, couldn't convince you
to take a swim today, could I?

All right, if you hear something...

don't call out to it.

sh**t it.

- Understood.
O'NEILL: Anything that's not me...

is a Replicator.

So don't hesitate.

You won't be gone long, will you?

Uh, kind of depends
on the temperature of the water.

Not long.


what do I do
once I get down there?

There's a manual override
in the center of the console.

It'll be obvious once you get in there.

All right.

Good luck.

Thank you.


All right. Here I go.

Did you do it?


- McKay.
McKAY [ OVER RADIO ]: Did you do it?

You and I have very different ideas
of what obvious is.

I've never seen it before.

There are dozens of controls there...

I wouldn't even know
how to describe.

It's an emergency control,
it should be the most prominent.

Oh, God.

God, you can hold your breath long.
You almost gave me a heart attack.

Me too.

McKAY: General. It sounded like you had
the right control. Why did you stop?

It's a dead-man switch.
I have to hold it in place.

I had no idea.


Oh, God.

He's doing it. He's almost got it.


McKAY [ OVER RADIO ]: Tell him, like,
30 more seconds and we're...

I can do this.


Woolsey, come in.

Something's wrong.

McKay, you stay here
and reprogram Niam.

We're gonna meet General O'Neill and
Woolsey. All right? Wait for your okay.

Whoa! Yeah.

Don't move.


Where are the others?

What others?

TEYLA: They've been captured?
- Yeah. Looks like.

WEIR: Which means their minds will be
probed for information any minute now.

McKay, fire up that virus.

I am working as fast as I can.

The Replicators have O'Neill
and Woolsey.

Unfortunately, that information
can't make me work any faster.

This way.

What were you doing...

- in the flooded sections of the city?
- The backstroke.

I think.

What are you planning?

Well, I was planning to retire...

but, man, is that overrated.

I mean, it's not like I'm a workaholic
or anything, but, you know...

I like to stay active...

with the community.

It's a health maintenance
sort of thing. You know?

I don't like where this is going.

What are they doing?


What you doing?

Probing your mind.

Kind of roomy, ain't it?

Your ability to resist is quite
remarkable, General O'Neill.

It's not the first time I've had a hand
in my head, as it were.

If you do not give me
what I'm looking for...

- I am sure Richard Woolsey will.
O'NEILL: I'll tell you what.

You look around...

and I'll tell you if you're getting
warmer or colder, all right?


There it is.


Hot, I guess.

- Aah!
- Unh!


That was the worst thing
I've ever experienced.


It gets worse.

Okay, if I...

That should...

Yeah. Okay. Yes.

Stand by. I've got his power levels
as high as I'm comfortable with.

I'm gonna try to get him to...

You've been warned about tampering
with our base code, doctor.

You won't get a second chance.

McKay. Come in, McKay.

Fall back to the Jumper.
We're gonna need a new plan.

WEIR: He just came to life.
- They got to O'Neill and Woolsey.

- O'Neill would've never gave us away.
- Their minds were probed.

They know we're here and how.

Which was how they were able to
reactivate Niam, which screws plan A.

Could you activate
the freeze program another way?

I need to load the program
into a Replicator.

All right, that plan's out the window.
We need another one.

These weapons blow them apart, right?

I say we just start k*lling them.

Normally I would share your enthusiasm.

But these only work for so long before
they identify the frequency they use...

to disrupt the bonds
that hold the Replicators together.

- What'd he say?
- They build up an immunity.

Exactly. The freezing plan
would have worked...

because they'd be unable
to communicate.

The more we sh**t,
the greater the likelihood...

- these weapons become ineffective.
- So, what are our options?

- I just gave you one.
- We'll call that plan B.

Anyone for a plan C?

- C4. How much do we have?
- A bunch. Why?

- Well, it's desperate.
- Well, so are we.

We'll need to split into groups.

I was gonna suggest that.
What are you thinking?

We far outnumber them
if we conduct a search.

We'll locate them more effectively
once repairs are complete.

The damage was severe.

We had to dismantle our ship
to provide the raw materials.

Once repaired,
Atlantis will be all the ship we need.


O'NEILL: Well, it's about time.
- Thank God.

All right. Get them out of here.
I'll stand guard.


Thanks for the rescue.

- Oh, hey, no problem.

You should be saying,
thanks for the rescue.

Oh, uh, right. Thanks.

I should have you out of there
in no time. This won't take long at all.


Oh, my. They've changed the codes.

But you can crack it, right?
You need to get us out of here.

Of course I can. Just give me,
like, one or two seconds.

So I guess that frozen-Replicator plan
didn't pan out.

Yeah. Not so much.

How's that plan B
working for you? Good?

Actually, it's more like plan C.

C as in C4, if you catch my drift.


Let's say, we're concerned the Daedalus
won't be able to carry out your orders.


Destroy Atlantis with nuclear weapons?

I thought we were past that.

- Why go back to that?
- It's the only way.

Can you do that?

If we plant charges in all shield emitters
before the Daedalus arrives...

when the Replicators
activate the shield...

The C4 detonates, the Daedalus
beams a warhead into the city.

And we all get vaporized.

That sounds more like a plan F,
doesn't it?

As in we are totally...

If we fight our way to the bay,
we'll fly the Jumper to a safe distance.

If we can get
the underwater bay door open.

- You can't open this door.
- I'm working on it.

Yes, I see that.

We got company. Sorry, sir,
we have to come back for you.

We can't leave them here.
They know too much.

What'd you tell them?

- I mean, they guessed most of it...
- What, you filled in the rest?

I thought I'd have time to get them
out of here. Forget what I said.

Sheppard, get out of here
while you still can. That's an order.

I'm sorry it has to be this way.

Hey, I get it. Go.


We're back to being vaporized.

What is it, chief?

We're receiving a subspace data burst
via midway and the alpha site.

Daedalus is holding station at their
failsafe point and awaiting your order.

Reply to Colonel Caldwell
that General O'Neill's order stands.

Atlantis is to be destroyed
at all costs.

Yes, sir.


And done.

- Good. We are well ahead of schedule.
- Perfect.

Let's find someplace out of the way
and wait for this thing to be over.

- Come on. One more to go.
WEIR: Almost done.

We haven't run
into a single Replicator.

I know. It's weird.

Woolsey and O'Neill
said that there were hundreds of them.

- Where are they?
- Let's go.

McKAY: Okay, that should do it.
SHEPPARD: One more to go.

- Then it's all over but the crying.
- Hopefully them, not us.

[ THUD ]

What the hell?

No wonder they weren't coming after us.
They've been busy repairing the city.


What is that?

They brought their ZPMs
to power the star drive.

- So that sound is...
- The city about to take off.

It's time to start crying.

They have to activate
the shield to take off.

- We got most of the emitters.
- Most ain't gonna cut it.

- For this to work, it's all or nothing.
- What do they want to fly around for?

Probably gonna fly home,
back to their homeworld.

Or take on the Daedalus.

- How are we gonna stop them?
- What?

Drones. They fired drones at us.

That means the chair
is active and powered.

You're gonna fire drones?
We're nowhere near the chair.

Yeah, but Teyla and Beckett are.

You want me to do what?

- Just do what I say.
BECKETT: All right.

I'll give it a try, but
no apologies

if I happen to destroy the
entire bloody city.

The star drive, Carson,
concentrate on the star drive.

- All right.
SHEPPARD: Teyla...

- you may have to fight your way in.
- I'm ready.

SHEPPARD: Use your A.R.G. sparingly.
They may build up an immunity.

We may have to go to plan B.

Okay. Which one's that again?

Never mind. Just go.


- Thank you, dear.
- Hurry.

They've taken out the guards
in the chair room.

What are they doing?


- They've hit the star drive.
- A team is on their way...

- to the chair room.
- Make sure they understand.

We need them alive.



Okay, lads. Easy.



And I was so sure
we were gonna survive this one.

Me too.


Bring the prisoners from the other cell.


Everyone okay?

So far.

I'll be fine.

Why aren't we dead yet?

Probably saving us for a little
recreational mind probing.

Did everyone get the...?

- We completed our task.
- So did we, in the nick of time.

- You?
- Yeah, just under the wire.

Did you think you'd be able
to stop us?

Of course we did.

- Why else would we be here?
O'NEILL: Colonel.

Am I gonna have to fire you?

No, sir. You'll have that to look
forward to when we get back.

I'm afraid your plan has been discovered,
Colonel Sheppard. It is over.

He put his hand in my forehead.

How can you resist that?

Well, I like to close my eyes
and think of England.

TALUS: Mr. Woolsey informed us
of everything we need to know.

All of your C4 has been removed
from the emitters.

I'm afraid they won't be destroyed
when the Daedalus arrives.

Which should be in any moment.

Your plan has failed.

Talus, the Daedalus...

- is approaching the planet.
- As expected.

Activate the shield.

C4. How much do we have?

- A bunch, why?
- Well, it's desperate.

Well, so are we.

We'll need to split into groups.

Gonna suggest that.
What are you thinking?

If we're gonna destroy these guys using
disrupters, we have to hit them at once.

We'll get a dozen or so sh*ts
before they figure out the frequency.

You gonna get them all
to stand in one place?

Clever, yes, or we could figure out...

a way to send one massive blast
through the city.

Look, follow me.

Atlantis has 10 of these emitters
with which it creates the city's shields.

So if we can interface the crystals
from the disrupter weapons...

with those in the shield emitters...

we should trigger a massive
anti-Replicator wave through the city.

That's where splitting into teams
comes in.

Exactly. I need to show you how
to do this, so listen carefully.

Slide out the crystal tray.
Take the crystal from the w*apon.

Place it in the third slot. Third symbol
from the left activates the crystal tray.

Clear on that? Great.

They're bound to find one group
working on the shields.

Thought of that.
That's what the C4 is for.

- We blow them up?
- No, we feed them misinformation.

All right. Once you guys
made all your alterations...

avoid using your shiny new toys,
even if that means getting caught, okay?

If we plant charges in the emitters
before the Daedalus arrives...

when the Replicators
activate the shield...

The C4 detonates, the Daedalus
beams a warhead into the city.

And we all get vaporized.

That sounds more like a plan F,
doesn't it?

General O'Neill didn't buy it,
but I think Woolsey did.

I did win a Sears Drama Festival
award when I was a kid.

Could've made it a career
if I wanted to.

Wish you would've.

- Aah!
- Unh!

We need to get to the shield
emitter stations.

Remove the C4 expl*sive
you find there.

Way to resist.

I said I wasn't good at this.

Talus, the Daedalus...

- is approaching the planet.
- As expected.

Activate the shield.

Ha! It worked. I can't believe it.

- Rodney, amazing.
- Well, it was a group effort.

Good old plan D, works every time.
You guys stay here a sec.

Excuse me, but what just happened?

We turned the shield
into a giant w*apon.

- I knew that.
- You knew?

I've seen Carter crack enough codes
to know that McKay was faking.

He was? I bought it completely.

I believe that was the point.

Wait a minute. You used me?

You're alive and you're welcome.

Hey. We're clear.

We've gotta get to the control room
and contact the Daedalus.

You see, Richard.

You were good for something.


Sir, I have an incoming message
from Atlantis.

Atlantis. Is it Replicators?

No, sir. It has Colonel Sheppard's
authentication code.

Open a channel.

- Colonel, I'd like to believe this is you.
SHEPPARD: Well, it is.

Authentication code
alpha-delta charlie-niner-six.

That code is no longer valid, colonel.

Hey, Caldwell.
General Jack O'Neill here.

That valid enough for you?

You may have been compromised, sir.

We're lowering
the city's shield, Steven.

Send a team to come check us out
if you need to. We'll explain everything.

Get a team of Marines
ready to beam down.

This should be
an interesting explanation.

Getting all settled in?

Easily. Although their decorating?

A little bit Spartan for my liking.
But the Replicators did do a fine job...

on rebuilding stargate operations
back to its original state.

How about yourself?
Do you check out okay?

Apparently, I don't have any little
tiny robots floating in my bloodstream...

which is always nice to hear.

Hm. That it is.

So, what now?

Oh, a Jumper ride home to the SGC,
followed by a hot shower...

- followed by a hot toddy...
- I was thinking a little more selfishly.

What are the chances of my team
staying here in Atlantis?


- Elizabeth, if it were up to me...
- It is up to you.


You can stay.


You're gonna have to get
the stamp from the I.O.A.

But since you saved
Woolsey's ass...

and you did a fair job on mine...

I don't think that'll be a problem.

Well, I think I speak for all of us
when I say thank you very much.

Hey, you came back to rescue me.

Hm. Yes, we did.

Of course, next time,
consider bringing Carter with you.

Welcome home.