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03x10 - The Return: Part 1

Posted: 01/17/23 16:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis:

We are the last of those
you refer to as Ancients.

There's a lot of Wraith,
we could use help fighting them.

We will eliminate the Wraith
at a time of our choosing.

- They don't seem very Ancient-y to me.
- Ancient-y?

WEIR: Hopefully, this is just
a stumbled beginning of a...

McKAY: They're not people.
DEX: McKay!

They're machines. Replicators.

McKAY: So I'm in Atlantis and I need
to get to Earth. What do I do?

Since we no longer have
access to a ZPM...

...due to unforeseeable circumstances... only option would be
to call the Daedalus...

...and spend the next three weeks
waiting to get back home.

Until now.

I give you the McKay/Carter
Intergalactic Gate Bridge.

Thirty-four gates from the Milky Way
and Pegasus gate systems...

...have been strategically placed
in the void between our two galaxies.

Simply enter on either side...
For example, Atlantis.

- -And boom.

A macro that I have written
specially for the occasion...

...will command each gate in the chain
to store you in its buffer...

...and forward you along to the next
and the next until you arrive here.

Once at the Midway Space Station,
you exit the Pegasus gate system...

...and enter the Milky Way gate system
where a similar macro...

...designed by yours truly,
will forward you along to the SGC.

Total travel time,
a little over 30 minutes.

Cue applause.

Thank you. Enough.

Midway Space Station
isn't completed yet, so...

...we'll test the system today
using a Puddle Jumper.

- Now, given the his...
CALDWELL: Show and telI's over.

The test is about to begin.
Let's get back to our stations.


All systems seem to be...



Oh, there's an odd echo
in the proximity sensors.

Won't affect the test, but...

Yeah, we're ready to go.

SHEPPARD: Gate is dialed.
Forwarding macro's been uploaded.

All right, John. You have a go.

All right, then. Here goes.

We have a contact.

Colonel Sheppard, right on time.
What's your status?

It felt a little weird,
but everything seems to be in one piece.

Ready to proceed to next phase.

Uploading macro...

...and initiating dialing sequence.

No, no, no. This is weird.

- Shall I tell him to stand down?
- No. It's nothing to do with the test.

It's just our sensors
aren't working properly.

Daedalus ready to proceed.

Do I clear him?

Yeah, yeah. I'm sure he's fine.

He's good to go. Good to go.
Yes, go ahead.

Colonel Sheppard, you have a go.

Jumper is away.

He's late.

When traveling three million light-years,
I'm not sure there's such a thing as late.

Right. Yes.

You're just mad you didn't get to fly
the maiden voyage yourself.

General, I am quite fond
of both maidens and voyages.

- Put the two together and you...
- You're not a test pilot anymore, Jack.

That's what the president said.

Incoming wormhole.

It's about time.

Sorry, sir.

Colonel Sheppard, welcome to Earth.

- Thank you, sir. Good to be back.
LANDRY: You know where to park.

We'll debrief, go over the flight data
when you're ready.

Yes, sir.

Colonel, we're receiving a data burst.

Jumper 3 has arrived
at Stargate Command.

- Mission accomplished.
- It worked.

- I'm already on to the next problem.
- Which is?

Well, the sensors are having
a hard time determining what it is...

...probably due to the Doppler effect.
- What is?

I'm detecting a foreign object
traveling at. 999 the speed of light.

And it's coming this way.

We have a contact, sir.

- Col. Sheppard's back from Earth.
- Welcome back.

Thank you, colonel.

I've got a takeout pizza
for everyone back in Atlantis.

With your permission, I'd like to upload
and dial out before it's cold.

Negative. We're putting that leg
of the trip on hold for now.

Seems like we're expecting company.

Believe it or not, moving that fast
while an incredible feat of technology...

...isn't very useful.

Certainly in comparison
to travel through hyperspace.

Now, moving as fast as it is,
this ship... Assuming it is a ship.

- -Would take at least a million years
to reach the Milky Way.

That close to the speed of light,
you take relativity into account.

Exactly. The people onboard...
Assuming that they are people.

- -Would only experience maybe 12 years.
A few stasis chambers, they're laughing.

Not laughing, they're unconscious,
but, metaphorically...

So assuming it's a ship,
and assuming they're people...

- What do we do?
- We try and make contact. Obviously.

How do we do that?

Pull up, honk the horn,
get them to roll down their window.

I'm talking about matching their speed.
This ship isn't designed to do it.

We can't. Even if we succeeded we'd be
subject to the same time dilation effects.

We'd be out of contact with Earth
and Atlantis for years.

Can't we overtake them
with our hyperdrive?

Yes, but they would blow past
as we dropped back into normal space...

...because our sublight engines
are incapable of accelerating... anywhere near the speed of light.
- So we max out the sublight engines.

Get as close as we can get.

Yes, that might work. We should at least
be able to stay in range long enough... get sensor readings. Yeah.

Do it. I'll let Atlantis know
you're gonna be late.

Did you really get pizza for everyone?

Because it would be a shame for that
to go waste if we're going to...

Yeah, okay.
So solve this first, and then...

Sir, we've got everything we're gonna
get out of the sublight engines.

They're going to fly by us
in three, two, one.


- What?
- If these readings are correct...

...and to be fair, they may not be...
- Rodney.

It's an Ancient warship.

It's possibly Aurora-class.

Who's flying it?

I would imagine Ancients.

There hasn't been any of them around
for over 10,000 years.

Relativity. Look. Remember, for them,
only a handful of years have passed.

- Don't those ships have hyperdrives?
- Maybe it was damaged in battle.

It happens with us all the time.
Maybe it conked out on the way...

...and they had to continue
close to light speed.

They got light-years away from Pegasus
without leaving years ago.

You know their subspace drive specs

...but an Aurora-class ship has
the power to do what you're suggesting?

- Well, maybe they have a ZPM.
- That would be worth finding out.

We need to send them a message
before they get out of range.

Like: We are humans from Earth,
currently occupying Atlantis.

Why don't we just ask them
to slow down?

Colonel Caldwell,
the unidentified vessel is slowing down.

Maybe they heard me.

No, they saw us.

And they're not just slowing down.
They slammed on the brakes at 27 g's.

So now what?

Unknown vessel, I am Captain Helia
of the Lantian warship Tria.

Our ship has suffered damage.

We scanned your vessel and determined
that it is capable of hyperspace travel.

We've begun deceleration maneuvers.

Will you render assistance
in a form of hyperspace transport?

Well, yes. Yes, of course, we will.

- I don't think she can hear you.
- Open a channel.

This is Colonel Steven Caldwell
of the Earth ship Daedalus.

It would be an honor to assist you
in any way we possibly can.

We're going to meet Ancients.
Flesh and blood Ancients...

...who know everything.
I don't know what to ask first.

It's gonna be hours
before we match velocities for transport.

That should give you time
to write that list.

Right. Right.

They were battle-scarred
and already on their way to Earth...

...when their hyperdrive gave out.

They decided it's best to
continue forward than go back.

- And how many survivors?
- Just over a hundred.

Word has spread amongst my people.
They believe this return was foretold.

It marks the turning in the tide
in the w*r against the Wraith.

I don't know about that.

Dr. Weir? The Daedalus is ready
to beam down our people...

...and the Ancient delegation.
- Thank you.

Dr. Weir, Ronon, Teyla, this is Helia,
captain of the Ancient ship Tria.

- It's an honor to meet you.
- Thank you.

From what I'm told, you've done
a remarkable job preserving our city.

We did what we could
with what we had.

I need to speak
to the leader of your people.

I'm in charge
of the Atlantis expedition.

You misunderstand me, Dr. Weir.

I need to talk to the one who can speak
for all the people of Earth.

That can certainly be arranged.
But may I ask why?

What is that?
How come I've never seen that?

- Excuse me. What's going on?
- Thank you for all you've done, Dr. Weir.

But your guardianship of this city
is no longer necessary.

The city is now under my control.

HELIA: We were in a battle
with Wraith cruisers.

They proved too much for us.

So we started back to Atlantis...

...only to be told the final evacuation
was already in progress.

I decided to push on to Earth
and join the evacuees.

And even when our hyperdrive failed,
we decided to continue on.

I can't begin to imagine what you...

...and your crew must be going through
right now.

We owe you and your people
a debt of gratitude...

...but we've just returned home.

Home to a place we thought
we'd never set eyes on again.

And we need some time.


You do know that we've shed
our own fair share of blood...

...defending the city from the Wraith.

By your own admission... are responsible
for waking the Wraith.

- Right.
- And by your own admission... are responsible for the emergence
of the Wraith as a species.

The fact is,
if it weren't for our expedition...

...there would be no Atlantis.

No one's saying
the city doesn't belong to you...

...or that you don't belong here.

- What we're saying is that...
- What we're asking...

What we're asking... that we be allowed to stay here.

WOOLSEY: There is so much
that we can learn from you.

And in return, we can offer supplies,

...the kind of support you'll need
to restore Atlantis to its former glory.

The day will come when your people
will once again have a place here.

But that is not this day.

You should be in there.

I don't know what I could say
to make any difference.

You're right. They want us out of here.

But why? There are maybe
a hundred or so of them.

They could use us.
They might need us.

What if you were forced
from your home by w*r...

...only to return to find
someone on your couch...

...eating your Cheetos,
watching your TV?

- I'd be fine with that.
- No, you wouldn't.

- How go the talks, sir?
- No talks.

Listening is what we did.

It was essentially
a transitional meeting.

They needed to know how much time
we needed to vacate the city.

I said 48 hours, unless you need more.

No. That should be enough.

That's it? We're going to take this
lying down? We rescued them.

- And they're grateful.
- They're not showing it.

From their point of view, Dr. McKay,
they're being generous.

Keep in mind, when they left Atlantis,
we were a hunter-gatherer species.

If we hadn't hunted and gathered them
between galaxies they'd still be stuck.

- We should've left them there.
- I know you feel you're losing the city.

This isn't about losing a city, Richard.
This is about losing an opportunity... talk with and learn
from living, breathing Ancients.

They are willing, over time... let us back in the city.
Just not right now.

That way, we get all of the benefit
of Atlantis...

...with very little of the risks
or expense.

It's not like we don't have
our galaxy to worry about.

Colonel, I'd like you to supervise
the withdrawal.

- Yes, sir.
- Go ahead.

Can I talk to you for a moment?

I didn't want to say this in front
of McKay. I know he'd want the job.

What job?

The Ancients are willing to leave
someone behind as a liaison, kind of a...

...ambassador, if you will.
- I would be more than happy...

It's not going to be you.

Tell me someone
who's more qualified for that job.

I can't.

But the I. O.A. Wants Woolsey.

- Woolsey?
- Yeah.

To paraphrase the Ancients,
they think you won't be able... let go.

So they're going to just shut us out,
after everything we've done here?

I know.


You've done a hell of a job here...

...and I am sorry it's ending this way.

I suppose I can take comfort
in the fact that...

...out of all the ways this expedition
could have ended...

...this is definitely not the worst.

Thank you.

Hey, you guys all packed up?

- I really don't have that much stuff.
- Right.

Most of my belongings are already
with my people.

How's that going, by the way?

Are the Ancients allowing the Athosians
to stay on the mainland?

They have found a suitable planet
for us to relocate to.

- One with our own stargate.
- How'd that go down?

It was not the homecoming
of the Ancestors my people envisioned.

You guys want any of this stuff?

Johnny Cash poster,
skateboard, sudoku books?

You know you guys are welcome
to come back with us, right?

My place is with my people.

I can't leave this galaxy
until every last Wraith is dead.

Well, I just had to say it out loud.

You should know that we'd be honored
if you decided to stay with us, John.

Yeah, well, I think the Air Force
has got other plans for me.

We also just had to say it out loud.



This sucks.


I'm not good at goodbyes.

Our paths will cross again,
John Sheppard. Of that, I am sure.

Well, before our paths uncross...

...could you give me a hand
with these?

- I'll throw in pizza and some beer and...
- Popcorn?

And popcorn for the... Oh, my God.


I was offered a position
at Masaryk University...

...before I came here.

I imagine I could work there
if I wanted to.

What about you, Carson?

They offered me a surgery position
at Stargate Command.

- You?
- I don't know. Area 51, I guess.

Tool around with the database
we're able to bring with us.

In a way, I look forward to focusing
on a single problem for a while.

Being pulled off of research to put out
fires can be, you know, frustrating.

I suppose. I don't know how many
times I'm gonna be asked... save the day at the eleventh hour
at Area 51.

- Oh, I'm sure it'll come up.
- Not as often as I'd like.

Well, I must admit...'s been a pleasure
working with you both.

In fact, of all the people...

You are not tearing up on me,
are you?

- Oh, he is. He's tearing up.
- I know.

Now you've ruined it.

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- I was just about to say something.

It's not like we won't see each other
at the gate.

No. Of course not.

- I don't know what I was thinking.
- What was it?

- What?
- What you were gonna say.

Just say it. Now I'm curious.

I was going to say:

"Goodbye, Rodney."


- Colonel.
- Doctor.

- Come in.
- We are way ahead of schedule.

Ready to head out at 0800.
Daedalus will take most of the gear.

People will make their way
through the stargate...

...thanks to the Ancients'new ZPM.
- Good.

I guess.

- You're taking this rather well.
- Actually...

...I'm pissed.

For one thing, I'm only a quarter
of the way through w*r and Peace.

I can't imagine what I can possibly do
for a living now.

Every government is going
to offer you a job.

Yeah, but not like this.

Yeah, you're right.

It's all downhill from here.
You've peaked.

"Life isn't fair.
It's just fairer than death."

- Oscar Wilde?
- Princess Bride. Good movie.


You gonna be ready
to head out at 0800?

Yeah, yeah, I should be. You?

Just one or two hundred things to do.

I'll see you at the gate.

Grounding station on the south pier
got shot up. Wasn't our fault.

- You'll need to look at that.
- We'll find our way.

- No, I'm sure you will, you should also...
WEIR: Rodney.

Right. Yes, well, I gotta go.

You have been good friends
to all the people of this galaxy.


Take care.




Keep your damn weight off your foot,
you'll be fine.

Tell me you didn't engage the Ori,

We didn't engage the Ori, sir.

Babbis was inspecting
some curious fauna...

...when he discovered
the ground wasn't stable.

He fell 20 feet into a babbling brook.

Wallace was trying to help him
when he lost his footing...

...and broke his ankle.
LANDRY: I see.

Never thought I'd miss Rodney McKay
being a member of my team.

Well, chemistry doesn't happen

We'll debrief as soon
as Wallace is out of the infirmary.

- Yes, sir.
- Off-world activation.


Hold on.
You may get a kick out of this.

This should be General O'Neill and
his scheduled check-in from Atlantis.

- He went back, sir?
- Woolsey needed a little backup.

Apparently, the Ancients find him
a bit trying.

Imagine that.

- General.
- General.

- Is that Sheppard there with you?
- Yes, sir.

Talks proceed at an acceptable pace
but the real news...

... is that the Pegasus Replicators
are heading back to Atlantis... make another run at the city.
- They are?

No one here seems to be that worried.

- Why not?
- They're Ancients.

Apparently, these Replicators
have a law in their base code...

... that makes it impossible
to harm their creators.

And they're expecting to find us.

According to Helia, they'll run into
some kind of nasty surprise.

Pass it on to Dr. McKay that if you
and he hadn't rescued the Ancients...

...and returned Atlantis to their care...
- Might have lost the city anyway.

Right. Well, we should get back
to our talks.

And talks and talks. O'Neill out.

Sir, I'd be happy to talk to you more
about these Replicator guys.

Sounds like they've got everything
under control.

Yes, sir...

Guess they do.

McKAY [ON SPEAKERS]: I hate it here.
- How is that possible?

It's true.

They gave you all you wanted,
your own lab.

- It's too big.
- Well, hand-picked assistants.

Yeah, sycophants, every one of them.

Even your choice of projects.

Well, that's not true.

Well, other than going back
to Atlantis.


You know, the truth is, l...

- What?
- Okay, I don't...

I don't want to use the term lonely,
but there are certain people who I miss.


You, I'm talking to on the phone
and having dinner with tomorrow...

... so not so much...

...but other people,
who I may never see again.

Even ?lizabeth.
She hasn't returned my calls.

I know what you mean.

At least you get to go
off-world with a team of your own.

Oh, yeah, the best and brightest.

All right. See you tomorrow night.

Yeah, wouldn't miss it.
Hey, you know, l...





- Carson.
- Hello, ?lizabeth.

Well, this is a surprise.

You didn't return my messages
so I thought I'd just stop by.

- Yeah, sorry about that. Come in.
- Thank you.

Oh, excuse the mess.
I wasn't really expecting company.

Oh, please. I'm from a family of seven.
Our home was never this clean.

- You look good.
- Well, thanks for lying.

How is the SGC treating you?

It's only been six weeks,
so I'm still settling in, but it's good.

- Interesting work. Kind people.
- Good. That's good.

- How about you?
- Oh, you know, keeping busy.

- Oh, yeah, doing what?
- I've been doing a bit of writing.

- Working on my memoirs.
- Your memoirs?

- About your time in Atlantis?
- Yeah, somewhat.

And on what planet
did you expect to publish it?

I suppose it's for posterity
as much as anything else.

And for me. Just trying to get it straight
in my own head.

- It all went by so fast, you know?
- Aye, that it did.


...we're all a bit worried about you.

You're worried about me? Why?

Well, you don't return phone calls.

The few times you've run into people,
they say you've seemed distant.

I'm just...

- I'm just trying to move on.
- By writing your memoirs?

?lizabeth, why haven't you taken
another position?

The SGC has asked me to consult
with I. O.A. And Homeworld Security...

...and with Ancients.
- You don't need to be here for that.

You could take another position
and consult them from a secure line.

I guess I'm just not ready yet.

Look, Rodney's flying in tomorrow.

John and I are taking him for dinner.
You should come.

Tomorrow. Oh, gosh. Tomorrow, l...

I'll pick you up at 7.

That seems like a pretty big ship.

You're sure only sending one Jumper up
to fend it off is the right thing to do?

It is impossible for them to harm us.

I could use some enemies like that.

ANCIENT [ON RADIO]: We've established
communications, commander.

This is Commander Helia.

The city you're approaching
is once again under Lantian control.

Stand down and return to your planet
immediately or you will be...


You said they couldn't harm you.

Raise the shield.


- You should call her.
- Who, Cadman?

- You guys did make a cute couple.
- It didn't work out.

It may have something to do
with our first kiss being through Rodney.

We made a solemn vow
never to speak of that again.

I remember no such thing.

You know what? It's getting late.

- Since when do you sleep?
- Since I got back.

I've had a lot of catching up to do.

It's been lovely seeing all of you again.
Thank you for getting me out.

We should thank you.
You're taking us to dinner.






I didn't bring my bloody cell phone.
What's happening?

We got this data burst
about 20 minutes ago.

O'NEILL: Atlantis is under attack
from Replicators.

Somehow, they've figured out
how to overwrite their programming.

The Ancients were taken off guard
and have lost most of the city already.


- Request immediate evacuation.
- They're coming.

They never made it to the gate.

I was informed they had a law
written into their base code...

...that made it impossible for them
to harm the Ancients.

How the hell did this happen?

It is remotely possible that in trying
to rewrite Niam's base code l...

We may have opened the door for them
to make other changes.

You did this?

At the time, we thought it was
the only possible way to save the city.

It doesn't matter.
They may have changed it on their own.

The question is,
how do we fix it?

That's why I called you in.

I have my orders.

The Daedalus is already on the way.
Now, what I need from you is...

What's the best way to get a nuke
past the shield?

- Well, I have no idea.
- I didn't call you in, doctor.

You're going to use nuclear weapons
on Atlantis?

- It's the gateway to Earth.
- And we have an iris.

Yes, we do, but thanks
to your Intergalactic Gate Bridge...

...all they have to do
is rewrite your macro...

...and they can come out
anywhere in the Milky Way.

- But those macros are very complicated.
- They are very complicated, Dr. McKay.

They just rewrote
their own damn base code.

I think they can handle it.

General O'Neill and Woolsey
may still be alive.

I know the city very well.

Give me 60 Marines
and some of Colonel Carter's new...

- Anti-Replicator weapons.
- Yeah, those things.

I'm sorry, colonel.
I have standing orders.

They happen to be
General O'NeilI's standing orders.

The Daedalus will be there
in a little under four days.

Now, how do I get a nuke
past their shield?

Now, those Replicator thingamajiggies
you're talking about...

Let's just call them A.R. G's.

McKAY: They're energy weapons,
disrupting links between nanites.

Replicators fall apart when fired upon.

You know, hypothetically...

...Teyla and Ronon would be
more than willing to help. If we asked.

We would need to gate into Atlantis.

All they need to keep us out
is to activate the gate shield.

I did write a back door
to the shield program...

...when Kolya stormed the city.

So I mean, it could, hypothetically,
let us get into the gate room.

Landry was worried about Replicators
rewriting the bridge macro... gate them somewhere
in the Milky Way.

Does that mean you could change
the macro?

Take us somewhere else in Pegasus?

Somewhere like, just talking here,
the Athosian settlement...

...where Teyla and Ronon are?

- We'd need a Jumper.
- And some of those A.R. G's.

And someone to make sure
Landry doesn't close the iris.

- Hypothetically.
- Of course.

The Jumper is in its storage area,
under guard.

We need to be added
to the authorized personnel list.

Only one guy who can do that.

- You?
- No. Why do you think I'd say me?

- Seemed like you were leading up to it.
- No, sadly.

Dr. Lee's been heading
the Jumper research project.

They refuse to send it
to Area 51 for me.

I should be able to add one
of our key cards to the list...

...but I have to do that from his office.

- So?
- Well, he's in his office... you need to distract him.
- Me? How?

Well, here's what I'm thinking...

I got to say, I have never met a woman
this into World of Warcraft.

- It's a silent passion of mine.
- As it is with all of us.

I'm level-75 mage...

...specializing in engineering
and jewelling.

- You?
- Oh, wow, level 75?

Me, I'm only 50.

Well, I had the beta
of the expansion pack... I sort of had a leg-up
on most people.

What's your race?


You know I'm trying to increase
my enchanter skills...

...but, I don't know.
It's not going very well.

- Oh, I disagree, Bill.
- What?

- Rodney.
- I don't mean... I'm sorry.

- I don't mean to be so forward.
- No, no, go, be forward.

Well, oh, l... Look.

I'm not quite sure
how exactly I should put this...

A true mage speaks his mind.
Or her mind, in your case.

Wow, will you look at the time?
Where does it go?

- What?
- We're late. We should...

- We'll see you, Bill.
- Bye, Bill.


What are you doing here?

General Landry wanted to talk to me
about reassignment.

Oh, right. Sorry about that.

Are you already going on missions
without me or...?

You should really stay off
of that ankle, son.

WALLACE: Yeah, well, when General
Landry says now, he means now.

Sorry about this too.

Can't afford to have him
telling Landry he ran into us.

Let's move.

- You set?
- Go for it.


What the hell?

General Landry to the control room

They're going to get
through my hack quickly.

It's all right. I don't need much time.

- What's going on?
- Gate started dialing on its own.

- It doesn't do that.
- I know that, sir.

LANDRY: Close the iris.
- I can't, sir.

Find a way, Walter.
Colonel Sheppard, stand down.

That is a direct order.

Do you want to find out
where they're going?

Don't bother. I already know.

My turtles.

WEIR: What?
- I just bought some wee baby turtles...

...and no one knows to feed them.

Well, turtles are pretty hardy.
I'm sure they'll be fine.

And they make good soup.

I figured I'm back for good, so I might
as well get a pet. I'm allergic to cats.

I'm at work too long to be fair to a dog,
so I went with turtles.

I've probably k*lled them.

- Anytime now, McKay.
- Trust me, I am going as fast as I can.

Poor little buggers.

Milky Way gate just activated.

- Did you do that?
McKAY: No.

Colonel Sheppard, I'm going to assume
that you're still at the midway Station...

... waiting for Dr. McKay to rewrite
his macro.

I understand what you're doing, colonel.
Hell, I'll even call it brave.

But if you don't turn
that ship around immediately...

... and come back to the SGC, I'll see
to it that your career in the military is...


That way, I won't know
what he was going to say.

Okay. Okay, I've got it.

All right.
Last chance to change our minds.

All right. Let's do it.

LADON: I knew you would never come to
me, so I thought I would come to you.

Our relationship has been...


...but we need to put all that
behind us now.

We do?

Your friends have returned home
and you've been asked to leave Atlantis.

So the question is:

What will you do next?

We are helping my people
rebuild this settlement.

Yes, but the settlement seems finished.

Besides, is carpentry and clearing brush
really the best use of your skills?

Get to the point.

Come work with me.

I understand your reluctance.

In the past, the Genii have hardly been
a beacon of hope in the galaxy.

- In the past "
- We are growing stronger every day.

We have a number of operations planned
that could cr*pple the Wraith.

What do you have in mind?

I am, of course, reluctant
to go into specific details here.

But suffice it to say
the plans are dangerous...

...and in need of your unique abilities.

We're not interested.

Well, that's too bad.

Although not entirely surprising.

Give it some time, Ronon.

I wonder how much joy you'll find
as a Tava bean farmer.

- I'm not going to work for the Genii.
- We would not be working for them.

- Merely with them.
- Forget it.

Since Atlantis was returned
to the Ancestors...

...the Genii are the most powerful
and organized group of humans...

...fighting the Wraith.

The Ancestors will do something.

True but they neither need
nor have they requested our help.

The Genii have.

I know that you are anxious
to return to the fight...

...but my people are farmers.

- Maybe this isn't the place for me, then.
SHEPPARD: That smells great.

- Hope you saved some for us.
- John?

- It is wonderful to see you. All of you.
WEIR: And you.

We missed that. Whatever that is.

Something's wrong.

They emit a directional energy beam...

...that disrupts connection
between nanites.

Not what I asked.

- Yes, they work good.
DEX: Good.

So you need us because we know
our way around the city?

I need you because you're part
of our team.

There may be hundreds of Replicators
on Atlantis by now.

We've got a plan. A good one.

I wouldn't ask you to come with
if I didn't think we could do it.

O'Neill and Woolsey were on Atlantis
when the Replicators att*cked.

There's a chance they're still alive.

I'll be damned if I let a bunch of
Replicators take our home away from us.

So you with us?

Okay, I think I've loaded up the GDO.
It'll lower the shield when we dial.

- Go for it.
- All right.

Dialing Atlantis.


What's happening? Activate the shield.

- I can't.
- That's confirmation.

- Gate shield has been lowered.
- Hope this little plan of ours works.

Yeah, you and me both.