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03x04 - Sateda

Posted: 01/17/23 15:51
by bunniefuu
Something wrong?

I have a bad feeling.

I always feel like that.

Like something horrible is about to happen.

How do you live?

I get used to it. Thing is,
when someone else also has that feeling,

mine gets worse.

You recognize this place?

I don't remember.

You must have visited many planets
when you were running from the Wraith.

I didn't count.

I don't know how you tell them apart.

See? There you go.

Nothing to worry about.

Seems like a perfectly nice village to me,
just like dozens of others we've visited.

It appears to be the type of encampment
my people trade with all the time.

I see no evidence of threatening behavior or danger.

I also see nothing we might
be interested in trading for.

Hi. How you doing?


- Wraithbringer!
- Wraithbringer!

That can't be good.

You don't have to be afraid!

- Where are they going?
- We need to get out of here now.

I take it he was talking to you?

That did not just happen!

Warning fire only!


- Oh, my God, it hurts! I can't feel my leg!
- Pain or numbness?


What the hell did you do to these people?

Don't listen to him.

How could he not recognize the Gate address?

Do you know the symbols of every address
of every planet we've been to?

Yes, as a matter of fact!

Go! Get to the Gate!

Go on! We'll be right behind you.

Oh, damn it!

Oh, crap.


Medical team to the Gate room!


Hey, where are the others?

They're right behind me.


I guess it could be worse.


I know you must be thinking this is your fault...

I have already tried to console him.

We were bound to run across a planet
you'd been to sooner or later.

It was night last time.


Stay away.

It's a man, father.

He's near death.

You think we would not remember you?

We offered you food and shelter.

Thank you.

Maybe you did not remember our village.

We were forced to rebuild after the Wraith came.

Linor! No!

They were not merely culling us
as they had in the past.

They were looking for you.

- I'm sorry...
- Sorry?

I doubt that.

You will not bring death and destruction on us again.


I can't say the Wraith won't be back here again,

but I can promise you they're not
coming back here because of him.


Not once we've sacrificed the
Wraithbringer to his masters.

He prefers "Ronon".

Probably also prefers not to be
sacrificed to the Wraith.

He is a victim of the Wraith,

like all of us.

His planet was destroyed. He was captured and
made a runner, but he is not one anymore.

They cannot track him as they once did.

They did not feed on us all last time.

They promised that if he ever came back,
and we captured him,

we would be forever free from culling in the future.

They "promised"?

They are Wraith!

I promise you that k*lling Ronon will not
change what happened.

And it will not protect you in the future.

I said nothing of k*lling.

Isn't that what "sacrifice" means?

I know not what his masters will do
to him once we turn him over.

You're giving him to the Wraith?

They left this behind...

So that we could call them.

He has already activated it.

They're going to k*ll all of us...

you included.

So many colors...

all the pretty horses.

What's he talking about?

I gave him some morphine for the pain.

I need to know how many villagers.

How far is the Gate from the village?

Have you seen a guy around?

He looks like you, but he's got messy hair.

I think I lost him somewhere,
and... and a pretty girl, and a caveman.

I may have given him a wee bit too much,
but he was making it impossible for me to treat him.

Snap out of it, McKay.

It's important.

Come on. What kind of weapons
did they have?

I'd say something that sh**t
arrows is a good guess.

Excuse me?

Why am I lying here?

You have an arrow, Rodney, in your gluteus maximus.

Well, that sounds painful.

Gluteus maximus...



Oh, my God.

That's my ass, isn't it?


Call me if he makes any sense.

Get him back here,

the leader of your village.


Because I need to talk to him.

It's too late for you.

The Wraith will be here soon.

sh**t me with one of those darts,

and I promise he'll be dead before I go down.

Let him go.

Hey, buddy, you want to fill me in on this plan?

- Let him go now.
- Get Keturah!

I'm here.

Unhand him now!

I will not free you.

These men will k*ll your friends first.

I don't think that'll be necessary.

Why don't we all put our weapons down and

- talk about this nicely?
- Let them go.

It's me the Wraith want.

They had nothing to do with what happened here.



They won't sh**t me.

They must know the Wraith
still want me alive.

I was a little more worried about
them sh**ting us.

Please, Keturah.

Let him go now!

What the hell are you doing?

Back off, Sheppard.

Drop the knife now!


I didn't mean to bring the Wraith here,

- but it was my fault.
- That isn't true.

You know it is.

I should never have come here.

I should never have stayed.

I'm sorry about what happened to your village,

but if you think turning me over to
the Wraith will keep you safe,


Do it.

I'll do whatever I have to
to make up for what happened,

but don't punish them for my mistake.

They're good people.

You let them go,

or I'll be dead before the Wraith get here.
I promise.

Then see what the Wraith do to you.

We're not leaving.

Not without you.

You let them go.

We have no issue with the other two.

Let them go.

Resist and you will be k*lled.

Incoming wormhole.

It's Colonel Sheppard's IDC, Ma'am.

Lower the shield.

Someone get us some vests and g*ns.

- Colonel, Teyla...
- Major.

We were just about to come get you guys.

- Where, where's Ronon?
- Still back there.

McKay get through okay?

Yeah, he's going to be fine.
What happened?

Ronon bargained for our freedom.

By sticking a knife to his own throat.
We're going back.

Dial the Gate.

It took us 15 minutes to get to the Gate.

The place could be crawling with Wraith by now.

Let's go get him.

We couldn't have been gone for more than a half-hour.

It doesn't take long.

All right, everybody, fan out!

As we suspected, the deal did not go as planned.

There's a few dozen bodies here at most.

The rest were culled.

We found these.

We'll find him.

I once fed from the humans of your homeworld.

That is where I will watch you


All right, boys, let's go!
Move, move, move!

He's alive.

Don't get me wrong. I hope he is.
But how can you be certain?

They made sport out of trying to k*ll him in the past.

He was the one that got away.

I believe they will try again.

Ronon will not go down easily.

But they must know how dangerous he can be.

It's not like they're going to give him a fair chance.

Well, obviously, we don't have much time.

How do we find him?

If the Wraith placed a tracking device in him
the way they did last time...

Can you pick up a signal?

Oh, of course. If it sounds like
it might be impossible, you look at me.

We still have the tracking device we took out of him.

Might be able to tune the long-range sensors to pick up
any similarly generated transmissions.


But we are still assuming that the Wraith
actually put another one in him.

I'll take whatever odds I can get.



I'm here.

You know...

you really don't appreciate the simple things in life.


I don't envy you.

It must be a real pain in the ass.

How long did you work on that?

Longer than I care to admit.
How's it coming?

Well, I think I'm almost there.

- Is this thing active?
- Don't worry,

I limited the power so it won't transmit
our location to the Wraith.

I just needed enough juice to determine the...

subspace frequency it broadcasts on,

and now...

I need to re-calibrate the city's long-range sensors
to pick up on it.

But these sensors only cover
a small corner of the galaxy.

Unless they're calibrated to pick up
a signal being transmitted using subspace.

How about I leave the bad jokes to you,
and you leave the brilliant science stuff to me?

So, what are we looking at?

These dots represent transmitters broadcasting
from various locations in the Pegasus galaxy.

So there are...

seven runners out there right now?

We don't know for sure that they're runners,

but I'll bet anything...

that one's Ronon.

Why? How do you know?

That's Sateda.

It's Ronon's home planet.

That's a good enough place to start.

We have no choice.

We've been unable to dial in to Sateda's Stargate.

The Wraith likely disabled it.

Which means, if the Wraith are hunting Ronon,

there's a very good chance
that there's a hive in orbit.

I shouldn't have to remind you the Daedalus
has not done well in its last few
engagements with Wraith hive ships.

We drop out of hyperspace, we beam
him onboard, we get out of there.

You know damn well we can't come out of hyperspace
and get close enough to a planet to beam
someone off the surface. We'll be detected.


you know I want to help,

but I will not put my crew and the only ship
that we have in this galaxy at risk for one man.

- One man who isn't a member of the U.S. Military...
- I didn't say that!

He's a member of my team...

and he deserves the same respect
as anyone on this expedition.

We don't leave our people out there, Colonel.

Not if there's any chance.

Don't preach to me about not
leaving people behind, Dr. Weir.

I'm just saying it's a very bad risk-reward situation.


Then just get us close.

We'll take a cloaked Jumper the rest of the way.

I'll go with them,

remove the tracking device before we get back on board.

We'll be out of there before the
Wraith even know what happened.

I won't bail you out if you get in trouble.

You say that as if we're always getting in trouble.

- I'm out of a*mo!
- There's a depot two blocks down. Go!

You're gonna have to do better than that.

Sateda will not bow to invaders.

The time has come for us to put our
bravery on the line and defend our nation,

our planet.

- What are you doing?
- All we have built these past two centuries...

- Since the last culling...
- I'm listening to the chieftan's speech.

Why aren't you packing?

I traded every last thing we had
to get you on Kell's personal staff.

He's a criminal.

- He's using people's fear for his own gain.
- He's a commander,

and his staff gets to go through the Gate.

The hospital's gonna need me.

There's not gonna be any need for hospitals, Melena!

That's just a bunch of words

meant to make the people who don't get to leave

think there's a chance for them.

We shot down two ships that came through the Gate.


small ships.

Do you really think that's all they're gonna send?

Of course not.

Ships as big as our city have att*cked other planets.

No one that stays here is gonna survive.

Then why are you staying?

I have no choice.

Yes, you do.

You believe in this fight!

You know that they'll eventually
find us no matter where we go.

Our only hope is to show them
that we're not worth the effort,

to go feed on some other planet
that won't fight back as hard as we will.


You can't run forever.


Am I disturbing you?


What's up?

I just wanted to thank you.

For what?

For going after Ronon this way.

Did you think we wouldn't?

He is an outsider.

Not to me.

I have often felt like an outsider among your people.

Well, maybe at first, but...

well, you know I've always trusted you.


You and Dr. Weir have been very accepting,

but this has shown me how far you would go,

even for someone who is not from your world.

Look, Teyla...

I'm not really good at...

Actually, I'm...

I'm terrible at expressing...

I don't know what you'd call it...


Yeah, sure, okay.

The point is, I don't really have good...

Social skills.

Well, that is why I enjoyed flying choppers
in the most remote part of my world

before all this craziness happened, but...

you should know,

I don't have...



I have friends.




Carson, even Rodney,
are the closest thing I have to a...

A family?

I'd do anything...

for any one of you.

If I had to give up my life
the way Ronon was going to,

I would.

Thank you.

For everything you...

meant to say.

Son of a...
you're k*lling me!

I'm not even touching you. Seriously, Rodney,
I've never treated a bigger baby in my life.

Just... are we done?


It looks fine,


Why did you come?

What do you mean?

On this mission.

You're injured.

You can't even sit down.

People wouldn't think any less of you.

What, you think that's all I care about,
what people think of me?

- Well, actually...
- Hey, I am a very caring person.

Okay, maybe it's not always obvious to everyone, but...

You care about what happens to Ronon?

Yes, of course I do.

What makes you think i wouldn't?

Oh, I don't know,
the fact that you refer to him as "the caveman"

- behind his back.
- That is a nickname.

Buddies have nicknames for each other.


Oh, you're buddies now, are you?

Yeah, more than that. He saved my life.
He's like a brother to me.


a brother who got every gene you didn't,

and vice-versa.

You are just jealous of our relationship.

Am I?

In the year or so he's been with us,

have you ever had a conversation with the man?

We have an unspoken bond.

I mean, there are things that go deeper than words,
my friend, deeper than words, but you..

wouldn't know anything about that because
you never look past the surface of anyone, do you?

Melena! Melena!




Where's your squad?

They're all dead.

Kell used us to ensure his own escape.

But there's still a chance. I can get us out of here.

I can get us to the Gate, and even if we can't,
I know where to hide.


What about her?

Her parents are both dead.

Come here.

Come on.

Ronon, wait!

What about all these people?

They're all dead.

I can't...

I can't, Ronon.
I can't go.

You're a coward.

Don't look so surprised.

Are you okay?

Come on.

You can thank us later.

McKay and Beckett are waiting
for us in a Jumper on the roof.

- Get out of here.
- Oh, hey...

- I know you've been through a lot, but...
- I'm not going anywhere.

What is going on down there?

You have at least 25 Wraith closing in
on your position from ground level.

It seems Ronon doesn't want to leave.

Well, too bad!
You tell that ungrateful example of unevolved humanity

that we came all this way to rescue him,
so he'd better get off his...

McKay says he's very hurt you won't come with us.

I can't.

Keturah and his people...

they had a deal.

They traded me for their freedom.

Are you doing this for them?

Those people, the ones on the planet
who turned you over to the Wraith?

It was my fault they were culled.


the Wraith didn't honor the deal.

Keturah and his village, they're all dead.


can we go?


Why not?

Because I'm gonna k*ll the
Wraith responsible for all this.

I don't suppose he happens to be one of the
ones out there that's about to come in here.


He's probably still up on the hive.

We can't take on a hive ship now.

You won't have to.

Why aren't you moving?

Ronon wants to take care of a few things first.

Oh, really?

Like what?

Come on.

Let's go k*ll some Wraith.

Just stay out of my way.


thought you might want this.

You're welcome.

What the hell is going on down there?

Ronon thinks he can get the head Wraith responsible
for all this to come down and fight him if we

k*ll all these Wraith first.

That is the stupidest plan I have ever heard.

I don't know,

k*lling a bunch of Wraith
always seems like a good idea to me.

They outnumber you 25 to three.

It's actually, 22 to three.


And Ronon appears to be quite angry.

Well, that evens it out.

You do realize that there is a hive ship in orbit
capable of blowing us all off the face of this planet.

Where do you think you're going?

I'm going to help them.

What are you, crazy?
You're a Doctor!

What does that have to do with it?

What are you doing?

I'm going.

You can barely walk.

I can walk fine.
I just can't sit.

- And you're a terrible shot.
- Oh, what and you're Rambo now?

Oh, man...

There's more than one bloody g*n. We can both go.

Well, someone has to stay with the Jumper...

That's it.

We got 'em all.


Yeah, it's just you guys left.

Well, that was quick.

Well, I got six.

Teyla got...


I got nine, Teyla got eight, Ronon got the rest.

If you want to watch me die up close,

you're just going to have to come
down here and do it yourself.

You want me?

Come get me!

I'll be waiting.

You k*ll him before I do,

I k*ll you.

What if he kills you first?

Then you k*ll him.

Got it.

I could sh**t him right now.

I wouldn't.

You really think Ronon would k*ll me?

I think he wouldn't forgive you.

I think he'd get over it.

The hive has got to be watching.

We sh**t that Wraith,

they blast us all from space.

If he doesn't like it, he can sue me.

I win.


Everyone okay?

We are okay.

Which one of you k*lled the Wraith?

That would be me.

My idea.



Don't tell me you're not happy that he's dead.

I had him in my sights but...

Ronon said he'd k*ll me if I shot him.

It was all Beckett's idea.

Thanks, Doc.

What, him you thank?

I could have k*lled him at any time,

but Teyla wouldn't let me.

Thank you.

All of you.

Oh, don't mention it.

It's nothing, really.

I only k*lled 11,

12 Wraith.

How about I get that tracking device out of you and
de-activated before that hive ship gets a bead on us?

I take it this time you won't mind
if I give you a sedative?

Or not.

Who's flying the ship?
