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03x01 - No Man's Land

Posted: 01/17/23 15:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis...

You're gonna need a name.
How does "Mike" sound?

The retrovirus works. So much is clear.
Just look at the guy.

I'm returning to what I am.

Not only has our dear lieutenant rejoined the Wraith,

but he's taken with him the
knowledge that Atlantis still exists.

We have detected a hive ship heading towards Atlantis.
I think we can assume it's Michael.

Your retrovirus will allow us to feed off enemy Wraith.

- Receiving transmission.
- What is, exactly?

Everything you've ever wanted to know about
Wraith technology but were afraid to ask.

Once we get in range, we can beam the
canister into the CO2 chamber and boom!

One hive ship de-Wraithified.

There's been a... change in plans.

Two hive ships bearing down on our position, Sir.
One of them is the friendly.

The Queen wants you to witness
the fruits of your labour.

Within the hive ship's schematics
was a worm-like computer virus.

What did they get?

The location of every world on our database.

With some 302s we might be able to
take out the hyperdrive, save us some time.

Do it!

Shields are at sixty percent!

I've got incoming.

Daggers Three and Four,
try to keep these Darts off our six.

Roger that.

Half the bogies are pursuing Daggers Three and Four.

We've got the other half hot on our tail.

Taking fire. I've lost the generator.

Stand by to break left on my mark...


Fox four.

We're in the clear. Continue to target.

Shields are under twenty percent.

Colonel Sheppard, get your flight back to the ship.
We need to jump out of here as soon as possible.

Two minutes. I can shut down their hyperdrives.

Unless you can shut down their weapons,
it's not gonna do us much good.


Dagger Two, I could use some cover on
my attack run to the target hyperdrive.

Roger that, Leader. I'm on my way.

The remaining Darts are returning to the hives.

Can you go to max thrust?


Head back to the Daedalus.

Roger that.

The hives are opening hyperspace windows.

Why the hell'd they do that?

Three of our 302s are returning to Daedalus, Sir.


His fighter isn't one of them.

The only contacts I have on screen are... wreckage.

What about his locator beacon?

Nothing, Sir.

He's just gone.



This is new.

Colonel Caldwell.

What's the status of the repairs?


We lost a few key personnel in the attack.

Yes, we did.

I'm sorry.

So am I. But this isn't the time to mourn them.

I just briefed General Landry. We're to check in
in an hour and advise him of our response to this.

I've got a broken ship and serious casualties. I don't
know what sort of response you have in mind but...

I want you to redeploy immediately.

Excuse me?

As long as they're still in striking distance,
we have to at least try.

You know we can't intercept them in hyperspace.


Well, obviously they've upgraded their FTL drives,

using the information they were able to steal
from our database the Aurora mission reports...


However, the ships are organic in nature.

They will need to make brief pauses to recover
from the effects of hyperspace radiation.

Where and when?

It will take some time to calculate.


Look, Doctor Weir, I wanna go after
these bastards as much as you do,

but the Daedalus is in no position to fight right now.

Our shields are severely depleted and several decks
are inaccessible. Even if we could catch up with them,

I don't know how long we'd last.

Which is why I'm committing the Orion as well.

It was recalled the moment
the Wraith computer virus was revealed.

And it's in no better shape than Daedalus!

It will fly,

and by the time you reach the hive ships,
it should also be able to fight.

And if it isn't?

Currently, Stargate Command has no vessels capable
of engaging the hive ships before they reach Earth.

They cannot be allowed to get that far, Steven.

You know what you're asking me to do?

I do.

There's still repairs that need to be made.

Do what you have to do.

They couldn't have.

Even if they somehow deduced the location of Earth, they
still wouldn't be able to get there not unless they...

They downloaded something
along with the hive ship plans.

Something like spyware. Something like
when I stupidly downloaded porn...

Music! When I downloaded music!

It has to be...

I did this. I'm responsible for the
destruction of my own planet!

If anyone was going to do it, it'd be you.

Thank you! Thank you so much for that!

Stop worrying about it now. Just focus.

Focus on what? What is there to focus on?
I'm stuck in a cocoon!

- On getting out of here.
- Oh, right, of course!

Why didn't I think of that?! Of course. Here goes...

no, still can't move.

I'm pretty sure they're struggle-proof there, big guy.

OK. Can't sit here forever.

YES ... NO.

Hit 'em while they're in hyperspace.
They'll never know what happened.

Is that even possible?

There is no reason to believe that
their hyperspace field is any different than ours

and we can't launch 302s from
the Daedalus while in hyperspace.

I'm simply talking about manoeuvring
within the field, not passing through it.

What do you think?


What?... Yes.

He's not listening.

I gotta pay more attention to those guys.

Yes, Michael?

You should have told me...

that we were going to betray the Atlanteans.

Are you feeling sympathy for them?


But I don't understand
why I wasn't told. I told you of their plan

because I believed it was a viable way...

You're only alive because
you still may prove to be useful.

But I fear,


that the lingering stench of what
they have transformed you into

will never fade.

In approximately one hour,

the Wraith will drop out of hyperspace...


It's just outside of the Pegasus galaxy.

There, they will pause for fifteen hours.

If Daedalus and Orion
break orbit on our current schedule,

they should be able to reach
those coordinates in just under fourteen hours,

best possible speed.

A narrow window.

It's the only window, Sir.


Now, the International Oversight Advisory
want you to brief them on this matter.

When would you like me to dial in again?

You misunderstand me.

I mean in person, and I mean right now.

- The President himself assigned...
- I can't just leave, not now.

I'm afraid that's not up to you.

- There is far too much going on here...
- Doctor.

You've done all you're going to do for now.

I need you to step through that Gate.

They're waiting for you in my briefing room.

Doctor Weir?

I see.


We are awaiting

several teams to return from their missions.

Once that happens, I'd like to suspend
all Gate travel until this whole thing is over.

Of course.

And I'll need you to dial in
once the Daedalus is ready to leave.

I know what to do, Elizabeth.

Of course you do.

- I will see you when you return.
- Thank you.

Welcome back to Earth.

Thank you, General.

It's wonderful to be here.

I can see that!

You know I considered disobeying your order?

There wouldn't have been
too much you could do about it.

You made the right decision in coming.

We're in the middle of a crisis,

- General. This is absolutely...
- Don't bite my head off, Elizabeth!

The recall order didn't come from me.

Who it came from doesn't matter.

What if I told you it came from the President?

I wouldn't believe you.

And you'd be right.

But in a couple of weeks,

there could be aliens on our doorstep
determined to feed on the human race.

The President had no choice

but to accede to the IOA's demand
that you be brought back to explain yourself.

So what do they really want?

To point fingers, and cover their asses.

I am honestly not sure how I will respond to that, Sir.

They're bureaucrats, Elizabeth.

You'll have 'em for breakfast!

There is work I must attend to.

Stand aside!

Then, am I to sit quietly in my quarters?

Now, you see, they're actually quite comfortable.

Surprisingly warm; take all the pressure off the spine.

I suppose it's as good a place as any
to witness the end of humanity as we know it.

- You're wasting your energy talking.
- OK.

Let's say a magic fairy comes down and
grants you one wish and we break out.

Then what, huh?

We're still in a hive,

we're still travelling through hyperspace,
probably in the massive void between our two galaxies

where there aren't even planets, let alone Stargates.

What then, huh?

We fly home on the wings of imagination,
is that what we do, Ronon?

You can sit here and die if you like,
but I'm not giving up.

- Oh, fine! I will.
- Fine!

OK. Time to do some damage.

Ronon, Rodney, can you hear me?


I know this is a long shot,
but if you can hear me, please respond.

If you're near a radio, I need you to come in.
I need to know your location.


Colonel Sheppard.

Is that you?

Who's this?

You know me as Michael.

Sorry. Got the wrong number.

Ronon and Doctor McKay are still alive.

What are you gonna do with them?

If you want them to live,

listen to me.

I don't know how you got aboard,

but if your friends are in pursuit,

you need to disable these ships
in order for them to reach us.

If you really wanna help, why don't you just do that?

They would know.

Aren't you...


Please believe me when
I say I was as deceived as you were.

Oh, I don't know. I was pretty deceived.

It seems, Colonel, that because of what you did to me,

the Wraith no longer see me as one of their own.

That's why you wanna help,

because you don't feel welcome.

- We don't have time to discuss this.
- Sure we do.

I've got, uh, a good three hours of air left.

Where are you?

Wouldn't you like to know?

I need to know what level you're on

so I can guide you from there.

You mean trust you?

Are you in a position not to?


I've got you right where I want you.

I doubt I'll be allowed to live much longer,

and yet I very much want to continue living.

If you want to survive as I do,
then I suggest you tell me where you are.

I'm outside the hive in a 302,
about to blast your ship.

D'you still wanna help?

Target the ventral hyperdrive
generators, will be most effective.

Yeah. That's what I was thinkin'.

Then I suggest you act now, before you are discovered.

The leader of the hive presented a scenario which
made it seem we were under a time constraint.

To speed up the problem-solving,

- we distributed the file.
- And played right into their hands.


In fairness, Doctor Weir kept us informed
of every action they took along the way.

And we supported her recommendations, I know.

But clearly we were not in possession of all the facts.

Obviously neither were we, Ambassador.

So what measures have you taken to
prevent the Wraith from reaching Earth?

I was coordinating a strike against
the hive ships when you recalled me.

With what?

- With everything we've got.
- Is that wise?

General Landry has informed me that in light of
fleet resources committed to fighting the Ori,

the weapons platform in Antarctica,
powered by a pair of Mark Two generators,

would be Earth's only defence.

Now, I believe it would be far better to stop
them while they're still within reach of Atlantis.

Wouldn't it have been more prudent

to send the ZPM back to Earth on the Daedalus,

ensuring successful operation of the
Antarctic weapons platform when the Wraith arrive?

The Daedalus suffered severe damage
during the first battle.

A long journey at full power was out of the question

and there is no way of knowing how much
faster the Wraith ships have become.

You would risk the lives of everyone aboard
those ships in order to undo your mistake?

Daedalus is in orbit above Atlantis,

performing emergency repairs.
There is still time to beam the ZPM aboard.

But either plan will require Daedalus
to break orbit within the next hour.

Then, if you'll excuse us, we need
some time to discuss our options.

I have instructed Atlantis to contact the SGC
when both Daedalus and Orion are ready to leave.

If you would like to overturn my standing
orders at that time, go right ahead

but you will have to fire me first.

Wonder what they'll do to us?

Feed on us, probably. I mean, that's...
that's what they do.

It's not gonna come to that.


Earth'll probably mount some kind of defence

in which case I imagine death would be instantaneous.

Unless we're trapped on a
deck and on fire or something,

then we'd be burned alive.

Well, burned alive or suffocate.

I wonder what'd be worse being,

life-sucked by the Wraith or...

burned alive.
I honestly couldn't consider two worse options.

Stop talking.

OK, you know what? Make me!

What are you doing?

Where did you get that?

I was trying to get
my hand free so I could get to it.

Would it have k*lled you to tell me?!

Maybe I would have if you'd
shut up for more than a minute.

What?! Don't just stand there cut me loose!

Only if you put an end to all this
"We're gonna die, there's no hope" talk.

Well, now there is hope!

- Ready?
- No!

A little help, please?!

Oh! Oh, it's freezing out here!

- Would you prefer to go back in?
- No!

So now what?


How do we get out of here?

Well, I don't...

- What?
- You said no more death talk.


Look, fine, we're out of the cocoons. So what?

still stuck on the ship and there's no way off without

- well, any survivable way.
- You'll think of something.

- It's not a question of thinking...
- You'll think of something.

Fine. Can we at least go somewhere else?

Can you get this off me?

It's down my back, down my back.

So, what do they wanna do?

They're still arguing about it.

- Of course they are!
- Incoming wormhole.

This is Atlantis. We have a
scheduled check-in with Doctor Weir.

Stand by, Atlantis.

They haven't reached a decision.

And they don't want to, Mr Woolsey,

because if they agree or disagree with me,
then they have to take some sort of responsibility.

No, they'd rather have someone to blame.
I give this order,

either way they have a scapegoat
if something goes wrong. It's all part of the game.



Yes, Elizabeth?

Tell Colonel Caldwell to proceed
with the mission as planned.

And Godspeed.

I will tell him.

Hermiod, what's our status?

Shields are at full strength.

I have rerouted all non-essential power
in order to ensure power levels for a longer period.

I want all operable m*ssile tubes
loaded with Mark Three tactical warheads.

That'd be every one of our nukes, Sir.

I'm well aware of that. Secondly, I want to disable
all firing safeties to enable the launch of every one
of our missiles the moment we exit hyperspace.

- I'm not even sure that's possible.
- Make it possible, please.

Yes, Sir.

Major Lorne, we're approaching our T-Zero.

Zelenka says she'll fly, Sir, but
as of right now that's about all she can do.

You'll have thirteen hours en route
to get your weapons and shields online,

but we need to leave right now
to make this window. Are you go or no go?

We're go, Sir.

Very well. On my mark. Three, two, one, mark.

Are you sure McKay and Ronon are
nowhere near the area I'm about to light up?

I'm certain.

Good luck.

Thanks! It'll be a walk in the park...

a very scary park...

filled with monsters who are trying to k*ll me.

- I don't understand.
- Never mind.

Operation "This Will Most Likely End Badly" is a go.

Target is distroyed.

Disable the second hive as quickly as possible.

Their fighters will already be headed your way.

OK, how about some of this help you were talking about?

- I told you to target the hyperdrive.
- I already knew that!

- There is nothing I can do.
- Like hell there isn't! Call off the Darts.

- They won't listen to me
- This is not helpful, Michael!

Doctor Weir.

- What can I do for you, Mr Woolsey?
- The ambassadors have finished convening.

Oh, good timing...

Uh, yes. They'd like to continue debriefing you now.

Yeah, I bet they would.

Exuse me?


I'm not gonna sit there and
have them rake me over the coals

about every decision I've made these past two years
that they don't agree with in hindsight.

Doctor Weir, you know
I have the greatest respect for you,

but as far as the IOA is concerned,
you're not exactly the employee of the month right now.

If the Wraith make it to Earth,
then keeping my job will be the least of my concerns.

And if your plan succeeds?

Then I expect to keep my job, yes,

because I did what they apparently
are incapable of doing, I made a decision.

And the fact is, at this point, there really is nothing
we can do but wait and see what happens.

But give them my best!

We have been walking around here for the better
part of a day and I haven't seen one exit sign.

Look, sooner or later
I'm gonna have to eat something.

I think I have a plan.

- You? Really?
- You know all about these ships, right?

May be Why?

If I can get you to a control panel,
how much damage could you do?

What do you mean?

- Could you overload the engines and blow up the ship?
- How is that an escape plan?!

- I never said it was an escape plan.
- Well, how is that a plan?

You're the one who says there's no way out of this.
If we're already dead, I say we take them with us.

- I suppose I'd rather die as a hero than as a meal.
- So you can do it?

- Yeah, probably.
- Now you're talkin'.

You should not be here.

She asked me to question the prisoner.

If you prefer to discuss it with her...

Release him.

I will take him from here.

You had me worried there.

You slowed them down...

at least for a little while.

We need to get to a transport ship
and hope your friends find us.

Not 'til we free Ronon and McKay.

We're headed toward them now.

You know... that's what I call help.

Exiting hyperspace in ten seconds.

Launch the moment the target is acquired.
Don't wait for my order.




Missiles are away.

- Dart activity?
- Quite a number of them, Sir.

They're moving to intercept our missiles.

Now would be a good time, Orion.

What the hell?

One of your ships has launched an attack.

The first strike has done serious damage on this hive.


The other hive is undamaged.

Your vessel's continuing to engage...

Are we gonna go through the whole play by play,
or are we gonna get out of here?

This way.

- The ship's engaged in battle.
- With who?

- Doesn't matter.
- Well, it matters to us!

- Why?
- Because if it's our guys,

then our chances of survival just
went back above zero, albeit a fraction.

If it's our guys, all the more reason to damage
this ship and help them win the battle. Now, move it.

One m*ssile got through, Sir.

One of the Wraith ships suffered serious damage,
but the other one is...

Sir, the Orion has arrived.

- The other hive is moving to intercept.
- Did they launch their weapons?

Negative, Sir.

Open a secure channel.

Major Lorne, now would be a good time to open fire.

Yes, Sir, I was just thinkin' the same thing.
I gave the order but nothing happened. Zelenka!

I'm trying, do prdele!

We're having a little difficulty
transferring power from shields to weapons.

There's a hive bearing down on your position.

Yes, Sir, I see that.

- Stand by. Doc, you're k*lling us here.
- OK. I have it. I have it. I have it.

Firing drones!

Sir, the remaining hive is shifting
their attack to the Orion.

Move to intercept.

Orion has no shields.

We're not gonna make it there in time, Sir.

Where are they?

I'm sorry.

They must have been taken for feeding.

No, look. These were cut from the inside. They escaped.

They could be anywhere on the ship.

Well, that's a start.


What could their objective possibly be?

If I know Ronon, they're somewhere where
they can do as much damage as they can.

McKay would know where,
and how to do that, so...

There's a control station this way.

- One more shot, Zelenka, that's all I'm asking!
- I just cannot give you what I don't have!

There's too much damage!

- We need to abandon ship!
- Hey! Doc! Listen to me!

We sacrificed our
shield capability for our first salvo!

This ship is going to blow any moment, Major!

Colonel Caldwell. I'm afraid we've done
everything we can on our end.

Request immediate beam-out to Daedalus.

Get em over here!

Their operating system is a mess.

Thank goodness I remembered DOS.

- Trust me, that was hilarious.
- Have you done it yet?

OK, this ship has been seriously damaged.
It's hard for me to find something to overload.

Let Mikey try it.

He's helping us.

Where did you come from?!

I managed to latch onto the hull of
the hive before we went into hyperspace.

- Nice move.
- Saw it in a movie once.

We've gotta get to the Daedalus.

The Daedalus? The Daedalus is here?

First we need to get to the transport.

Now, why should I trust you?

Because I'm trusting you.

Because I said so.

- I don't like this.
- You got a better idea?

Yeah. We take this ship on our own
and leave him here.

He's the reason I'm alive right now.

Besides, I don't think that's even possible.

It took me days to crack the Wraith Dart interface,
and this ship is a whole lot bigger.

- I don't like it.
- Yeah, I get it. You hate the Wraith.

Him in particular.

Is there anything you can do to boost a radio signal?
I wanna reach the Daedalus as soon as possible.

- I can try.
- Hang on

They'll most likely open fire on us
the second we leave the bay.

Oh, great! The day just gets better and better.

- Sorry, Sir. We did our best.
- Nothing to apologise for, Major.

Bring all rail g*ns to bear on the main Dart bays.
Hold fire until I give the order.

Channel every ounce of power
to the forward shield until then.

I have a contact, Sir.

A single Wraith ship, possibly a transport.

It just left the hive and is on a course for us.

It's broadcasting a comm on our frequencies.

- What the hell do they want?
- Maybe they want to surrender.

Not likely. Let's hear it.

This is Colonel John Sheppard. Authentication code
Alpha Seven Tango Three. Please respond.

Open a channel.

Colonel Sheppard. We'd written you off.

Don't get all emotional on me now!

Look, I've got McKay, Ronon and Michael
aboard a Wraith transport.


Yes, Sir. And he's got a plan
I think you're gonna like.

But it probably won't be long before
they start sh**ting at us.

Hive just opened fire on the transport, Sir.

Beam them directly to the Bridge.


Colonel, you said something about a plan?

I've disabled their jamming code,
but it's only a matter of time before they realise.

All you have to do is send over a nuke.

We deployed all our warheads in the first attack.

The hive is launching Darts, Sir.

Open up those bays, all batteries!

Cap that off!


The plan worked, Sir.

The concentrated fire on the bays
created a number of secondary explosions.

They've stopped firing.

Nice work, Colonel.

Fortunately a draw's a win for our side. Ship's status?

Shields completely depleted,
and we're venting atmosphere.

Seal off all affected decks.

Yes, Sir, but that last blast took out our life
support and the back-ups aren't responding.

As of right now, we're shallow breathing.


Meaning that in a little under nine hours,
we're all gonna suffocate.

As long as we don't have
to worry about shields and weapons,

we may be able to cannibalise parts
from some of our other systems

in order to create at the very
least a CO2 filtration system.

By the time we've got something like that up and
running, the CO2 levels will overwhelm

any makeshift scrubbers we'd be able to concoct.

- But it's worth a try.
- Yes.

Yeah, but regardless,

we need more electricians and welders
than are technically certified on this ship's roster.

Anyone, and I mean anyone
who took Shop needs to report to us.

- There are teams assembling on every deck.
- Good. Good.

Ah, now we're talking.

How many more of these do we have?

Twenty in total.

How many people on board?

In and around the two hundred mark.

Oh, so I guess buddy-breathing our way
through this one's out of the question.

I'm afraid so, Sir, yes.

OK, fine they're reserved for people working
on getting life support systems operational.

We need those people as clear-headed as possible.

And, by those people...

Yes, I will be one of them.

How many levels are inaccessible?


OK, we need to find out if there's
any pockets of breathable atmosphere in there.

We may be able to squeeze another hour or so
from the regions that have been sealed off.

We can't exactly transfer the O2 where we need it.

Yes, but we could be...

be able to access key panels
that have been closed off to us.

Let's get Sheppard in a 302
he can eyeball it from the outside.

I'll take this.

These sections are completely open to space, Rodney.

There aren't even pockets you could beam into.

What about an EVA?

The spacesuits were stored in those sections.

Alright. I'm headin' back.

Copy that.

Have you tried routing
the power through the inertial...

Yes. Yes. Yes. We have tried everything.

Subspace communications?

We are floating between two galaxies, Radek.

Atlantis has no ship to send.

Even if we were somehow able to repair
the array and get a message back to Earth

it would still take them weeks to get a rescue here.

I wasn't thinking of rescue.

I was thinking simply of telling them
that we've stopped the Wraith

and perhaps letting someone know
the sacrifice that we've done.

Well, a noble sentiment,

but I would prefer to dedicate
my last breath of air to getting more air.

Wait a second.

The only breathable air within
light years is on the Wraith ship.

There's also Wraith aboard that Wraith ship, Doctor.

So we take 'em. Beam an as*ault team in.

You will be far outnumbered.

Well, we're dead here. I'll take my chances.

I admire your courage, Colonel,

but you would be dead there as surely as here.

Unless we send over the gas.

Yes, yes, yes! That could work!

The retrovirus gas would make them virtually harmless.

- Do we still have it on board?
- Yes, we do.

- And now that Michael's disabled their jamming codes...
- We finish the plan we started!

We beam over the gas and wait.

If we wait long enough,
they won't even wanna put up a fight.

Because they'll be humans with no memories!

I can't believe we might actually survive this!

We're almost out of breathable air now, and the
retrovirus takes a minimum ten hours to run its course.

Well, we'll take the crew in and out of the 302s.

If this works, can you fly the hive ship?

I could.

What d'you say, Colonel?

Weaps, get us within beaming range of the hive.

Yes, Sir.


No. No contact yet.

Our tests of the Mark Two generator
and the Chair in Antarctica are promising.

- Promising. That doesn't sound very promising.
- We're fairly confident the Ancient w*apon will...

take care of the hive ships but doing so
will probably require the last of our drones,

and there goes our secret w*apon.

I'd really rather not have to do that.

How'd it go with the IOA?

Oh, you know. I mean...

does anyone ever come out
of an IOA deposition saying, "That went well"?!

No. I don't suppose they do.

It was what it was.

At least most of the time you're a galaxy away.

That Woolsey guy is here almost every other week.

I think they're gonna ask me to step down.

Well, if they're just gonna ask, you can always say no.

I messed this one up, General.

Yeah. You did.

- And I lost some of the best people I ever...
- But you proceeded with the blessing of the IOA

and Stargate Command, as I recall.

Somehow that doesn't seem to help much.

Success is not final.

Failure is not fatal.

It's the courage to continue that counts.

And I think you've got that in spades.


Yeah. Except for that last part about you.

That was all me.

Get some sleep, Elizabeth.

Yes, Sir.

Our CO2 levels are getting dangerous, Sir.

The gas has barely had a chance to run its course.

We don't have much of a choice.

We've gotta go now.

Some of them are dead.

Looks like they k*lled each other.

What's happened?

Alright. It's alright.

Find a holding area,
start marshalling the survivors there.

The Queen's Chamber should be that way.


You alright?

It's OK. You're gonna be alright now.

It didn't work on her.

Beckett wondered if the females would be immune.

Yeah. Something you might have mentioned
before she almost k*lled me, Rodney.

I only thought of it now.

Colonel Sheppard.
So far we haven't run into a single Wraith, Sir.


Sheppard to Daedalus.

Go ahead.

You can start sending people over, Sir.

They're all human and the air is good.

I think we're out of the woods.