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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 01/17/23 07:49
by bunniefuu
This programme contains some strong language and some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting We've got four bodies No, three.

We lost one We're snowed in and understaffed Our equipment's so dated, I had to borrow a car Many have said it's like being in a nightmare SCREAMING That's fitting The m*rder*r is most likely amongst us One of us He thinks that fear will protect him But it won't The other day, I saw two African girls and they were building a snowman.

LAUGHTER Really? Where was this? What the hell are you doing? The black girls.

Keep them hidden.

Do you understand? It's one thing that cops with limited resources can't get anywhere but another if the Reykjav­k cavalry can't I'll finish it, as soon as I can get there Siggi.

Don't come closer MURMUR OF CONVERSATION Where is he?

- What happened?

- He's not here Where is he? Get in the car, I'll drive you home VEHICLE APPROACHES Just order it Here we go Well

- Hey

- Hey Let's get going.

Where are you keeping him? In the back

- Hello, I'm Thr

- Hello, I'm sgeir Questioning of Sigurur Gumundsson The time is 6:10 on February 10th Present are Trausti Einarsson from Reykjav­k PD and Andri “lafsson, local police chief So, Sigurur We found a dismembered corpse on your boat Anything you wish to say about that? We believe that DNA will show that it's Geirmundur Jnsson Sigurur, why did you k*ll him and then chop off his head and limbs?

- Sigurur?

- Stop this! Hello? We should get the doctor Stop it, Andri, he's just putting on a show

- He needs a doctor

- Andri, I need a word with you sgeir, keep an eye on him You don't believe those theatrics?

- He's about to confess

- If he's not mentally stable his confession is worthless!

- That's not for you to decide, Andri

- I'm making it my decision

- Really, you think you can do that?

- Yes This is no longer your investigation You're far too connected to everything.

You're unfit to lead

- What's your problem?

- Come here, I need to talk to you What do you think would've happened if we'd sat around waiting for you? We're lucky the suspect's still alive, judging by what's happened around here

- You were asked to wait for us

- You couldn't get here How many would be dead if I was still in Reykjav­k? This needs to be investigated from other angles Why are you standing in the way of me getting a confession? Trausti

- He needs to see a doctor

- No, he doesn't Thr! Take a coffee break Out! This is my office, not a bloody canteen Close the door INDISTINCT VOICES ON MONITOR Do you think he did it? I don't know What do you think? I've known Sigurur since we were kids And I find this very hard to believe Poor man must'va had a nervous breakdown He can't be held accountable for sawing one person apart and burning another You think we buy this bullshit? The best you can do is tell the truth g*dd*mn it! Do something right for a change! Tell the truth! Tell the truth! Sit here with him for a while Guys, we need to search Sigurur's house.

Come on Just so you know this questioning isn't over and I'm going to finish it.

Not you.

Thr, make sure they don't enter that room PHONE RINGS Andri, it's from the ferry.

They keep ringing They need to know when they can leave We can keep them for another 24 hours.


- Whose is this?

- It's Andri's

- It was stuck up on the mountain

- I see

- It's in remarkably good condition

- Thanks We can't leave until the warrant expires Aren't you worried that the girls will start talking? I know they're still in town Hello

- Are you Sigurur's wife?

- Yes Hi, my name's Trausti.

We need to search the house Wow, you really are a beautiful boy.

What's his name?

- Tanni

- Tanni.

What a beautiful dog What about Thursday evening? The night Geirmundur was k*lled I'm pretty sure he was here then as well Why do you think he was sailing away with the body, then? He'd been very tense recently.

Any idea why? He just lost his father

- Of course he's been tense

- But before that? He yelled at the mayor right before he was k*lled.

Spat at him There must've been some issues between them They were old friends Old friends argue.

Nothing strange about that Did you know Geirmundur? Trausti Do you have something? It's blood Can you confirm the body is that of Geirmundur Jnsson? What was left of him, yes You must be pleased, Trausti Solving the case right after you show up But the chainsaw's linked only to Geirmundur Jnsson's m*rder What about the mayor's m*rder? We have reason to believe these oases are linked somehow All right, that's it for now Thank you Clear this up Let's get a picture together Thanks Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself? You have nothing to link Sigurur with the m*rder of Hrafn Thanks for everything you've done Seriously Aren't you tired? You should go home and rest Thanks OK.

Trausti's been in town for five minutes and you're already behaving like an ogre Right Why haven't you left? The roads are open You can leave with your boyfriend.

Take our kids with you I don't have time for this We've been trying to wrap our heads around it all.

Everyone's shocked It's a human tragedy The town's filled with people from the ferry

- How are you reacting to that?

- We've been bringing in food Everyone's been fed.

It's the least we can do Trying to make it as comfortable for everyone as possible All right, thanks for that TV: On the fifth day of this tragedy, a man has been arrested

- There you are

- Thanks A chainsaw, thought to have been used in the crime, was found in his home TV REPORT CONTINUES Thanks It's weird seeing the town on TV.

Looks completely different A complete sh*thole We're famous though because we live in "Murdertown" The body is thought to be of Geirmundur Jnsson Geirmundur?

- Did you know him?

- Was it Geirmundur who was k*lled? Yeah.

Where have you been? DOORBELL RINGS

- Hello

- Come in

- Eir­kur, give Hjrtur some coffee

- No, I'm fine He just has to pour it into the cup.

I'll see if Andri's awake I'll get you a cup SHE KNOCKS ON DOOR Andri dear, Hjrtur's here to see you I'm coming No, just black, please

- Awful what happened to Hrafn

- Yes

- Morning

- Hi I'll leave you to it Andri, you want this? I don't really want it What can I do for you? Could we take a walk? Sure, let's go I can't believe it was him that I photographed It was just a chunk of meat It didn't look like a person any more At least not anyone I knew Do you know why he left to begin with? No I met him in Spain Nothing planned.

I was working there and I'd heard of him, so we met up Smoked a joint together and complained about people here He'd just found out that he was sick Something serious.

Kidney cancer or something Maybe he just wanted to come home before he died I gather it was Hrafn who told him to get lost in 2008 Do you know why? No, but he couldn't stand Hrafn.

Hated him Why? He was the local police chief No, I don't known.

Something more than that Something personal If he weren't dead then I'd say he was definitely the one who k*lled Hrafn MUSIC IN BACKGROUND Guys, I know you've all been swamped with work, a lot of pressure So everyone gets a bonus at the end of the week WOMAN: Nice.

I need to go to the fish factory

- Ah, hello

- Hello There you are Leaving already? Ah, nice to see you I wanted to offer my condolences You managed to avoid all the questions on the news last night Not much to say before things calm down a bit We expect you'll want a fjord with fewer floating bodies in it But be sure of one thing We are getting this port in our town and we'll do anything to make it happen Whatever it takes And we're relying on your support Have a nice trip You can choose.

Whatever you want

- I want a pizza

- Then we need to make it ourselves How are you doing, champ? I know this is difficult.

But we all need to keep our chin up You need to stay strong

- For the boy

- Yes.

Of course How were we supposed to think of searching the boat? Maybe we should've thought of it Because we didn't have anything better to do? Why would he have done it? I know we have the body parts and the chainsaw, but l can't think of a motive and I see no connection with Hrafn's m*rder This isn't our only case You've never really talked to Joy and her sister I'm sure Trausti won't care if we look into the prostitution ring No ENGINE STARTS He wouldn't even think of it MURMUR OF CONVERSATION Are you ready to tell us the truth? We were smuggled across the border into Mali.

Then Algeria.


We crossed into Spain at night in little boats.

How many of you were there? A lot.

From Spain, we went different ways.

She managed to keep her sister with her the whole time She's really courageous We were taken to France on false papers.


There she met that Lithuanian creep.

Jonas or whatever his name was B¡rur, let her speak Did you meet anyone else on the ferry? There were two other men.

- They locked her in a cabin

- B¡rur! I saw one of them yesterday through the window.

- Here?

- Yes? Would you be able to identify him? I think he was a captain of the ferry.

That's not enough to arrest him, is it? B¡rur Tell me about the one who tried to ruin the snowman He was like them Like black It looks very clean Doesn't it? You probably thought you'd cleaned it really well Really scrubbed everything off it.

But no Tiny little blood drops, microscopic really, here and there And we know it's from Geirmundur This is the saw This is the saw that cut off his arms, his legs And his head What was it like? When did he stop screaming? Holy shit There must've been blood everywhere You must've been covered in it And when you went through the bone, wasn't there an awful sound? And the smell, like something burning.

Well, something was burning Flesh and bone burning from the friction of the saw blade HE IMITATES THE CHAINSAW You can still smell it? I want to ask you about Hrafn You've known him all your life.

When did you start hating him? You must've watched him for a while watch the bastard burn Did he plead with you, through the screams? That f*cking arrogant prick It must've been nice.

Him asking you, pleading with you And you had all the power.

Controlled everything Did you watch him fry? See the eyeballs pop inside his skull?

- Hi.

- Can I help you? Er, you met my husband the other night.

You didn't like his snowman.

OK, look.

I don't know nothing about this.

Then why the concern for the girls' safety? Because I can add two and two together.

And I had seen the girls on the ferry before.

People who bring girls like that to a place like this,

- they are not people to take a risk with.

- You already have.

Look, Ayanike.

You're a good man, you were trying to do the right thing.

Just tell us what you know.

It's not only the captain.

It's also the engineer.

I don't know his name but I know the captain's very afraid of him.

PHONE BUZZES Andri They're really putting the pressure on Siggi in the interrogation room And I think you should get down here right now Don't you want them to know how much they've underestimated you? We're on our way.

Come on, let's go

- Thank you, thank you very much.

- Thank you.

Why don't you just let it out? Get a pen and paper Now, then.

It's finished He confessed, Andri To both murders I've got it in writing He has an alibi for the night that Hrafn was m*rder*d Yes, from his wife.

She tried to get him off the first one as well Andri, he confessed.

It's over Thr will finish the paper work and put a copy on your desk It's up to you if you read it Hello, everyone Most of you have probably heard the suspect confessed to both murders earlier today To the m*rder of Geirmundur Jnsson and the m*rder of Mayor Hrafn Eysteinsson

- Trausti, you don't

- No questions at this point I have a few words for the people of this town I realise that the past couple of days have been difficult that the team from the Reykjav­k police department were completely at the mercy of the weather But those words offer little consolation Being trapped in the fjord at such a difficult time with no help He didn't want to see me I can't understand why he didn't want to see me I want to thank my colleagues for ail their help Especially Andri “lafsson, the local police chief Without their contribution? this would never have been resolved so quickly Thank you People have the right to know what's happening Trausti, Trausti.

When will it go to court? You have to talk to the media HELICOPTER MOTOR REVS Sigurur Let me tell you if you keep co

-operating, it will be noted, I promise No, no, no! g*dd*mn it Many residents witnessed this tragic event here today A chill is in the air after the events of the past few days Jesus Sources within the police claim that little evidence supports Sigurur's guilt in the murders And that the Reykjav­k PD's investigation had first and foremost been about wrapping up the case quickly People are asking whether the evidence would've held up in court Two coffees, on the tab You must be gloating I'm sorry he k*lled himself I'm sorry for your sake, you knew him.

And I sympathise with his wife But he k*lled himself because he was f*cking guilty

- That's not why he k*lled himself

- Andri, he confessed There's nothing to link him with Hrafn's m*rder

- Absolutely nothing

- He confessed You never mention the padlock in your report.

Did you ask him about it?

- Why does that matter now?

- It matters You don't mention that Geirmundur was stabbed in the heart You just mention the chainsaw, like that was used to k*ll him We were waiting for the autopsy report Oh, OK.

So your theory is that he was stabbed after he was chopped up Thanks for the pep talk Does the truth not matter to you? Are we really getting into this now? This report feels like it was done by some amateur Wait a minute Who have you made yourself out to be in this place? Don't tell me you're pretending to be a hero who just wanted a quiet life? That's not the truth, is it? You're escaping the truth Isn't that right, Your Holiness? It's your fault that girt's still missing And it's your fault her parents will never find peace And the only thing you could do was to flee here to the middle of nowhere You got off easy Don't you forget that What girl was he talking about? Andri, what's he on about? He's talking about real police work Someone like you would never understand Listen, they keep ringing from the ferry Should we let them leave? I can't see any reason to keep them DOOR HANDLE RATTLES Andri! SHE KNOCKS ON DOOR Andri! Andri! DOOR RATTLES Sorry I'm not here for some damn apology It's freezing in here What happened with that girl in Reykjav­k? HE SIGHS You know how those cases can be The longer they drag on the more likely it is the person is dead There was this boy Around 20 I was convinced he knew something He wouldn't talk to us Did you beat him up? I did many things I shouldn't have What about the girl? She was never found SHE SIGHS Trausti was my partner.

I thought I could trust him All of a sudden, he did everything by the book wrote a report about me and what I'd done That's how he got his cushy job If I had witnessed something similar l don't know what I would do

- There's a reason we have rules

- I bent the rules to try to save her But you didn't save her You made a mistake, Andri Yes You're right

- I'll never be able to forgive myself

- We all make mistakes These last few days working doing real detective work, that's the real me The investigation isn't over.

No matter what Trausti says And the trafficking has to be connected to all this OK.

How about we go and arrest the captain? Do we have anything on him? We'll think of something TOILET FLUSHES HE SIGHS At least we caught the k*ller Did we? Well, then Now he'll keep quiet forever Coffee? No, thanks KNOCK ON DOOR DOG BARKS I just wanted to offer my condolences Mr Carlsen.

I'm very busy now, your boss said I could go.

- You're under arrest?

- What? I'm arresting you for allowing a Lithuanian sex trafficker to escape, obstructing the course of justice and wasting police time.

I'm sure we can think of some more.

Go get your coat.

This is wrong.