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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/17/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
A headless corpse drifts from underneath the ferry And who's on board? Hjrtur Stef¡nsson He went to prison and that's supposed to be enough That's not enough! Easy! These are the photos She looks a lot like Dagn½ in this photo I should have died in there with her I miss her every single day

- They've arrested Hjrtur Stef¡nsson

- At least that's something

- Shouldn't you let Reykjav­k know?

- And tell them what? That I've lost the body and the suspect is dead?

- Another broken window?

- Another? What's going on around here? The world's port, here in our little town

- How much trouble can they stir up?

- That's why you're here A member of parliament China is the future and this port can be our China Could another town land the deal? Wherever it ends up, it will be a huge benefit for the Treasury So for 25 years, the landowners can't sell to anyone else? One man can ruin it for the rest of us I'll take it upon myself to be that man We have to find the body parts.

They must be out there somewhere g*dd*mn it We've been looking in the wrong places

- So he wasn't on board?

- And neither was the k*ller We're running the prints through the database But they're pretty messed up, so it might take a while But it's clear that it didn't happen on board Shouldn't we release the ferry then? No, not yet.

We still have to question those waiting to board It's best that the m*rder*r doesn't know about this If we identify the body, we'll be a step ahead Right, OK But, listen, Andri, just try motto lose the arm as well And for Christ's sake, stay away from the media Bye No, no, no! What are you doing? Wait I'm not keeping my sandwich in there anymore

- It's going into the freezer

- I don't care.

That's disgusting We'll have to get a new fridge

- We can't keep the arm in the fridge

- Have you found that report from '08? Do you need it? Hjrtur isn't a suspect I want to see it.

Just put it on my desk So we can exclude everyone off the ferry? This is it You can go You'll get your camera back, but not the SD card There are photos regarding an active investigation on that card I'm not here to talk about your bloody port

- Want to come inside?

- I need to show you something.

Come What? Listen It's the ice.

It's condensing When it gets warmer, it'll fall, forming an avalanche I'll call them tomorrow What if it's too late? What do you want me to do? The roads snowed in I'll call tomorrow You really need to fix your car I don't know what you mean

- Evening

- Evening Were you working last Thursday afternoon? Yeah Do you remember a man who bought a sandwich and two bloody marys? Yeah, he's here somewhere Over there, that one Thanks

- Evening

- Fririk Evening to you Did you drink a bloody mary last Thursday afternoon? Thursday? A bloody mary? Oh, yes Some guy at the bar bought me a drink He was celebrating something, celebrating moving back home, I think

- An Icelander?

- Yes.

Can't remember his name, though Moving back here? Don't know.

Moving to Iceland, at least Why? Why are you asking about him? It has to do with a case we're working on The m*rder case? What's he got to do with it? Was it him that was k*lled? And you can't remember his name? Jesus Christ What was his name again? Did he say something that might be important to the case? Like what?

- If he was in trouble, or?

- No

- Enemies?

- No He just was celebrating moving back home Moving back home from Spain.

Yes, that's what he said Could you describe him to a sketch artist? Well, I I could try I'll help you any way I can Thank you, Fririk Let us know if you remember anything else

- You have a sketch artist in mind?

- sgeir sgeir? Can he draw? Andri Have you released Hjrtur? Yeah No, just because of this thing with the Lithuanian We were hoping it could be resolved quickly Yes.

But we want to catch the culprit, right?

- Want some coffee?

- No So, how's it going?

- Have you heard?

- No

- They released Hjrtur

- Oh? When? Just now I'm not surprised He's always been difficult, but he's no m*rder*r I need to tidy up, clear everything away Hj¡lmar will help me.

I won't be long Why don't you just come home? I didn't know that.

She's awful! Evening We saved you some dinner Dad was telling me about grandma.

That she was a real witch

- I never called her a witch

- All right then, a dragon lady A huge, fire

-breathing dragon lady Thanks Did Hjrtur confess? No We released him We have proof that it didn't happen on the ferry, which exonerates Hjrtur And to tell you the truth, I feel sorry for him You've never spoken to him, have you? What would I say? That I forgive him? I don't know I just know that he lost a lot in that fire as well And he went to jail for it You want me to show compassion? I thought we weren't to speak of this Or is it just me that poisons everything? Of course, it's not just you Enjoy your supper I'm teaching her to play Olsen


- Is there any coffee?

- Yeah, just made a pot

- Nice looking snowman

- Oh, yeah They'd never made a snowman before Who are you calling? He only dialled two Icelandic numbers Can't you see who's registered for the numbers? Unlikely that they're registered The Lithuanian's dead.

Bloody idiot

- And they've released Hjrtur

- And the girls? He didn't say anything about them.

Maybe the police found them He got a call from Jonas's phone but didn't answer I've been thinking about what you said That I never stop talking about her I was upset It's unbearable to think that she died for no reason It would be easier if there was a reason You're still looking for someone to blame

- These phones

- Yes How do they work? Can you use them right away? You just buy credit, no contract Have you sold many of them recently? Yeah, a few Can I ask you something? Yeah Did Hjrtur take those Twitter photos? Why do you think so? You've released him, so he can't be the k*ller But should I be afraid of him? No But the phones? You remember who you sold them to?

- Yeah.

The old guy in the wheelchair

- Rgnvaldur And Guni, from the hotel Anyone else?

- Not that I recall

- Thanks

- Good morning, Andri

- Good morning I need to talk to you Listen It seems like everyone but me is ready to forgive and forget But I haven't been able to I don't know what it's like to lose a child, Eir­kur I don't think hatred and rage is the best way to work through it No You're not the first to say so To be honest, we're a bit understaffed And Kolbrºn's constantly demanding more Dishes, bowls, cutlery, mattresses, duvets, pillows Like this? The hair was thinner.

Not bald, just thinner

- Dark hair?

- Well Getting grey, but yes, it would've been dark Tell me, Andri, your boss He was thought to be pretty good when he was in Reykjav­k What's he doing here? You need good cops outside the city as well Yeah, that's true.

Sorry What about the ears? The guy's ears? Sorry about the mess.

We're expanding and need to finish before spring No problem

- Take a seat

- That's OK, I'll make it quick You bought a prepaid phone in the store the other day No, why would I have done that?

- Are you sure?

- Yes, I'm positive I have a perfectly good phone Strange.

The shop assistant was sure it was you No, it wasn't me OK, thanks

- You know the way out?

- Yeah, I do And he was a bit thinner Wait a minute, I think I know the guy That's the man It just dawned on me.

Don't you recognise him? I've been reading the report on the fire Your assessment for the insurance company is based on this report? Yeah Can I have a look at it? Have you ever been in a fire like that? No In there Hjrtur? Maybe it has something to do with the youngest child It was always harder to let her go She was always my little baby And she was sensitive Yet she was also rebellious She dressed provocatively Came home drunk She continued to challenge me by getting a boyfriend who owned a motorcycle Just to annoy her good old dad But she wasn't strong She was fragile I don't know what we did wrong I didn't do it I know Geirmundur Jnsson.

That's him He was here a few years back.

Got a drink

-driving ban and a drug charge He was a perv as well

- I can't find it

- It must be there somewhere

- I've been through everything

- Just keep looking So how long has it been since you last saw him?

- Maybe four, five years, I don't know

- Six, seven, possibly He was the type of guy that comes and goes.

And leaves a bad smell We need to know if someone saw him around town We need to find out why he came back And why he was k*lled Why can't I find that bloody report?

- Hello?

- Hi, it's Ragna

- Hi

- So how's your mother?

- Has she recovered from the flu?

- She's better AH right.

Send her my love Will do Do you need something? OK, your partner, Trausti, is unreachable And when he answers, he just gives me lip Yes, I know You have an obligation to inform the public I'm just a desk jockey it's not acceptable for a superior to treat the press this way Especially with a case like this

- No

- You need us sometimes as well I don't know what to say You haven't forgotten that you owe me one? We found out who the dead guy is.

We better keep it from the press var, we've Identified the body

- Good job

- We just need DNA confirmation

- Are you planting a b*mb?

- Kiddi's fixing the car for you I see The starter should work now.

Try it See? Thanks for that, Kiddi

- Hrafn

- Hello, Andri Mar­a, would you mind bringing in some coffee? I'm fine, though

- I understand you've let Hjrtur go

- Yeah But we've identified the victim, Geirmundur Jnsson sgeir said that he was quite a troublemaker when you had my job Yeah There's some basic info in the database but we can't find his file in the archive sgeir used to handle all that If you can't find the file, it's his fault But you used to deal with him? Yes, you could say that Thanks, Mar­a Would you mind closing the door behind you? Listen, Andri We don't get many criminals passing through here but I always felt we were a bit exposed by the ferry stopping here The entire time I was chief of police Geirmundur Jnsson was the most dubious of them all A troublemaker The Lithuanian couldn't have k*lled him I find it strange that this troublemaker should appear a day before the Lithuanian mafia and its human trafficking Did you know about that? No, I didn't know anything about that To be honest, it's very inconvenient not being able to find the file He could easily have got mixed up in anything dr*gs, human trafficking What do I know? He just vanished one day, a Hong time ago And I haven't seen or heard from him since Someone has to go up there with expl*sives or else there'll be an avalanche.

I can do it myself The snowpack's so weak, it's just a question of time before someone dies Why do you always have to be so dramatic? We can't move heaven and earth because an old man panics about a possible avalanche You and Hrafn You're of the same ilk For the sake of your conscience, I hope I'm wrong this time It's good to hear that you worry about me Kids, come inside! What was Hrafn like as police chief? He was all right We've always seen eye to eye And we're both local, we know each other Do you trust him? What are you fishing for?

- One cappuccino

- Thanks You must be under a lot of pressure Yeah, I guess you could say that And everything snowed in.

I'd go nuts if it happened to me We're waiting too, in the newsroom It's terrible we're not there Yeah, tell me about it So, Thr, tell me something What's for dinner? I can't find anything to eat There's plenty in the fridge You want me to cook? Stop it.

I've been at the sports centre all day I'll make you a sandwich A sandwich? It reflects well on you to have a wife that gets things clone I'm sorry I'm sorry about dinner It wouldn't look good if t didn't participate It would reflect better on me if I didn't have such an ugly and wrinkled wife Hrafn dearest you're no Adonis The investigation's going well, despite difficult conditions We've been able to identify the deceased Is he connected to the Lithuanian who you arrested earlier? It's too early to say Jonas Malakauskas, who escaped custody and froze to death.

- Isn't that correct?

- Yes, that's correct If he froze to death, hours must have passed between his escape and discovery of the body It seems like your team has dropped the ball Or you weren't listening earlier, Ragna Like I said, we only have three officers on the scene Just three.

And yet they've identified the body So I think the investigation is moving along nicely Do you know why Geirmundur Jnsson returned from Spain? Let's leave it there No further info was received from the police I'll have to go down there and talk to Rgnvaldur about that phone It's probably nothing, but I should follow all leads

- You'll handle everything here?

- I guess so Thanks, darling This Geirmundur Jnsson has nothing to do with the ferry Which means we have nothing to do with the m*rder They'll be forced to let us go We're not leaving until we know where the cargo is We're obliged to gather the people together so we can depart We must be ready when the pack ice disperses If you make that call, I'll make a call of my own Did you buy a phone at the petrol station recently? Yes, I did Would you like to come in? Are you always on your own in the house? I have a license for those firearms Are you sure it's a good idea to leave your husband alone with her? You'll stay for a while, won't you? It's been so long since I last had a visit

- Gumundur!

- Dad!

- Don't do it, Dad!

- I know perfectly well what I'm doing

- Please, just let it go!

- Gumundur! The dynamite will explode and the snow will flow in that direction But what if you're wrong? I'm not wrong That was an expl*si*n It worked Guys Guys, run! Dad, run! Dad!