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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/17/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
This programme contains very strong language and some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting We found a body You think he was k*lled and chopped up on the ferry? Hello? Oh, my dear Lord

- Did that man bring you here?

- Yes.

Why did he tie you up? Practice.

- I thought you were in Denmark

- I got homesick Hjrtur? Hjrtur! He's never left this house We never speak of him, but that doesn't mean he's not a part of our lives Has Hjrtur ever been violent towards you or anyone you know? No one will make it from Reykjav­k yet WIND HOWLS GRUNTING Don't! What's happening here? Have you seen the kids? According to my father


-law, Hjrtur is the monster who k*lled his daughter g*dd*mn it! Mum and Dad, look down the street.

I'll go up that way Kids! WIND HOWLS

- We have to find him!

- No! WIND HOWLS I want to go home! Maggi! Perla! Maggi! Perla! Thrhildur! Maggi!

- Found them?

- No

- Where's Agnes?

- She went up the street We'll keep looking Kids! Thrhildur! Mum! We're over here! Mum! Agnes! Andri! Daddy! My darlings Get in the car I'll take him ALL PANT AND SHIVER My poor babies

- Why did you run off into the storm?

- Perla was mean to me She said I don't have a dad Perla dear, everyone has a daddy

- Say sorry to Maggi

- Sorry OK, darlings.

Everyone friends again? Let's get going WIND WHISTLES This is the weirdest situation I've been in What do you think happened? I don't known The m*rder*r must've stolen the body I thought you had the m*rder*r in custody Everything's gone haywire because of the weather I've been giving away fish to the tourists And now they're asking for lobster! I need to know whether I'll be compensated for this Leifur, you need to discuss this with someone else MOBILE VIBRATES

- Hi

- Hi.

Did you find the girls? Yeah, we found them

- They're asleep

- I've found nothing here It's like the body evaporated

- And no security cameras.

I suppose?

- No, doesn't appear so Wait There's another broken window

- Another one? Where?

- Around the back

- That's strange

- Yeah What's going on round here? SEA BIRDS CALL WIND WHISTLES

- More coffee?

- Yes, please.

- Your husband makes good coffee.

- Does he? Oh, yeah, I've got many skills Does making coffee require skills? I have to go.

If there's anything you need, you just talk to him, OK?

- OK.

- Have a nice day.

- See you later

- Uh


- Do you smoke?

- No, I don't.


- So, what's for lunch?

- Stew.

Is that all you can cook? Give me some money and I can see what I can buy in the store.

All right.

I will call the office.

Since we're stuck here, they have to pay us some more expenses.

But don't go mad.

- Where's the police car?

- I don't know

- The weather's not getting any better

- No What happened here? Where's sgeir? sgeir? LOCKS CLANK

- What happened?

- I I He att*cked me

- I couldn't let him piss on the floor

- When was this? Last night, where were you? He took the car and everything

- You OK?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm fine HE PANTS

- Do you think he has the body?

- We can't rule it out

- He won't have got far

- No

- Haven't you been able to get there?

- No, we haven't And the road across the mountain is still impassable The weather forecast doesn't look good.

But we're on standby That was Trausti Einarsson, chief of the Reykjav­k Bureau of Investigation Morning.

What a mess! SIGHING Well, now, Sigurur

- Problems keep piling up

- Yeah You know what he's like.

He never listens to me BOTTLES TINKLE He's your father And he's the one holding back the future of this town You need to fix this

- He's not been through here

- No

- He must still be in town

- Shit.

There's the car! He's dead Broken neck What a royal mess! Where the hell did he think he was going? The boot's empty He probably didn't steal the body, then HE GROANS HE EXHALES Shouldn't you call the Reykjav­k police? And tell them what? That I've lost the body and the suspect's dead? We need to find the other body parts.

They must be out there somewhere

- So, you're all right?

- Yes.

- Yeah, OK? HUM OF CONVERSATION So, how's it going? I've started dreaming about bin liners People are bored and want to know when they can leave If only I had the answer to that question Nobody cares that we're here volunteering And now Leifur's complaining about the lobster I'll deal with your dad You're doing a good job here Maybe you can help us keep morale up Yeah LOW CHATTER sgeir, it doesn't matter Just make sure everything goes according to plan OK, thanks sgeir says the local rescue squad is there Still no chance for Forensics to get across the mountain The body was dismembered and dropped into the ocean Some of it might have drifted ashore Let's get people to comb the beach You sand the Lithuanian might've known someone at the hotel That was just a hunch Shouldn't we focus on that? That he possibly knew someone in town?

- Even though he's dead we can't

- Hinrika, stop Let's focus on one thing at a time I can ask B¡rur to do a couple of rounds out on the fjord He can take his diver friend Ask them to be discreet.

We shouldn't be investigating I know Here.



- Hello?

- Hello, darling Hi, babe I need to ask you to go out on the boat to look for something

- Look for what?

- Body parts What do you mean? Look for what? We can't go far out because of the pack ice No, just along the coast Isn't that Fririk?

- Hi, Fririk

- Hello, my friend

- Fririk, this is Agnes my girlfriend

- Hi.

Fririk Davisson Have a seat It's so nice to see you Likewise This weather's driving me nuts I was just going to stay the night and then go back home Then there's a m*rder, no less Annam What would you like to drink?

- Just a caff¨ latte

- And one for me as well OK.

A couple of lattes for them.

And a small beer for me Nice speech at the meeting yesterday Generally, this town is light years ahead compared to the one I spoke to last week So there's a competing town? Other towns could land the deal? The main issue is that it gets built in this general area Whatever the outcome, it's a huge benefit for the government What's this deal about? What's on the table? She's also a lawyer It's just a simple 25

-year option deal.

Nothing complicated So for 25 years, the landowners can't sell to anyone else? That's just This town is in the middle of the new east

-west shipping route In

-between two of the largest economies in the world That sounds pretty sexy to me If I owned land here, I wouldn't hesitate to sell But wait you're urging everyone in the area to sign the same deal.

Right? But they're building just one port I'm afraid you didn't hear me.

This town has quite an advantage Thanks It was an expensive camera with a blue strap on.

We need the report in English We need the report in English.

- It's of no use to us in Icelandic.

- Why is that? DOOR OPENS WIND HOWLS Isn't that the police chief? Excuse me, can you help us? Our camera has been stolen.

Yes, well, we're a little bit busy, but sgeir will help you.

Andri? Would you mind if Hinrika does it? I really need to speak with you No problem I decided to take a better look at that Twitter account It's got a weird name: 'Armitage Trail' Definitely an alias But it's the name of the novelist who wrote Scarface You know, the movie with Al Pacino Yeah The guy who wrote the book was named Armitage Trail And? Who do we know with a scar on his face? Other than me, of course I see KNOCK AT DOOR Hi, Freyja

- We need to talk to Hjrtur

- Please, come in Hjrtur! KNOCKING Hjrtur! RATTLING GRUNTING THEY SHOU Don't resist! Easy! Do I need to handcuff you? HE SIGHS Damn it These are the photos Hi, Jhanna THEY CHATTER THEY SHOU HE YELLS What the f*ck, man? Hey! Hey, you! f*cking loser! Hey! f*ck you, man! LAUGHTER, CHATTER What's your problem? What the f*ck do you want?

- Will you stop that immediately? TODDLER CRIES

- Hj¡lmar, Hj¡lmar!

- Come on, come on.

Calm down, Hj¡lmar All right, everything's all right!

- We need to keep everyone calm

- We're trying our best But, Hrafn, is it true that the Lithuanian is dead? I haven't heard anything about that It's not very comforting if people feel that the police aren't up to it They just arrested Hjrtur Stef¡nsson Well, at least that's something Some news reporter's been trying to reach you all morning She just called again I said you were busy with a m*rder investigation She just laughed I'd be very pleased if you could keep stalling the media OK.

sgeir good job! With the Scarface thing

- I know you just googled it, but still

- Well, OK! Everything's almost ready out here DOOR CLOSES DOOR SLAMS CHAIR SCRAPES Where's the body? What do you mean? HE SCOFFS Have you lost the body? HE CHUCKLES Answer my question Or else? I didn't touch it I just took those photos Why? I don't know It's just There's something fascinating about it Why did you want photos of the body? How did you get in?

- I broke a window

- Which window? The one by the entrance

- The main entrance?

- Yeah.

The one in front How did you exit? The same way I entered What about the other photos? PHONE RINGS Police The ones of my family? Those are my daughters My children! Andri I think you need to take this.

It's Trausti Should I transfer it to your office? Do you understand that this has become personal? REPLACES RECIEVER PHONE RINGS Take him back to his cell PHONE RINGS

- Andri

- You're a smart guy, Andri The smartest I known So I need a good explanation

- I'm talking about Twitter

- Yeah, we just arrested someone Arrested who? The guy who took the photos.

He's being held as a suspect Oh? This is news to me Tell me, how come I'm not hearing about this Twitter thing from you but from some c**t reporter who's driving me nuts?

- When did you see the post?

- Last night Andri, let's be honest I know that you've never liked me, but this this is as unprofessional as it gets What about that Lithuanian you arrested? HE SIGHS Well He's dead BOLTS CLANK Well, them.

I guess I can go and pack my bags ANDRI SLAMS PHONE

- Are you sure?

- Yeah DOOR SLAMS HE SIGHS SHE EXHALES HE GROANS We need to finish questioning him

- Come on, let's finish questioning him

- We can't Reykjav­k wants us to wait for them to arrive And you're just going to follow orders? Don't be such a rebel, Hinrika I don't know this Trausti but it obviously bothers you that he's seen us mess up What's more important, your pride or solving the case? Ouch! Hey, boy Well, is this a social call? Or have you been sent here by your friends? I'll be harbour master when the port's been built That's an important position You realise that in the unlikely event that ever happens all the important positions will go to the Chinese? No, that's not true Not true?

- No

- Come and give me a hand with this

- Hi

- Hello, sweetie Listen, they've arrested Hjrtur I just saw Andri drag him into his car

- That's good

- Why did they arrest him? Why shouldn't they? Hjrtur would never hurt anyone How do you know that? I've told you not to talk to him Grandpa, he comes to the store.

Should I just not to talk to him? I'm not a baby any more I'm just saying that he's always very nice to me when I see him I see.

But why is he being arrested again?

- Can you tell me that, girl?

- Grandpa, stop it That looks delicious Right, girls? Ah, mm! HE PANTS Potatoes? There you are All the years that I've lived in this town the peace has been interrupted twice And both times, that damn boy He's not someone you want your daughter to know He's poison.

And of course he's been arrested Who's been arrested? They arrested Hjrtur.

I don't know what for What do you think? A headless corpse just drifted in with the ferry And who's on board the ferry? Hjrtur Stef¡nsson It's not a complex equation.

Jhanna dear You're studying maths at school, right?

- Dad!

- I know, I sound like a bitter old man The boy served his time, that should be enough It wasn't enough! Can we stop talking about this? She's not coming back This kind of talk is nothing but poison Poison? Are you blaming me for this? SHE SOBS There, there

- I didn't mean anything by it

- I know He didn't mean to get so cross SHE SIGHS All these dead animals Are you trying to show the beauty in death? Death isn't beautiful I don't know HE SIGHS Maybe I'm just trying to find purpose Death religion, all that bullshit We all die I'm always imagining that final moment The last breath The end of it all Unlike those animals we know how fragile life can be She looks a lot like Dagn½ in this photo This isn't Dagn½ Of course it isn't I'm not an idiot I miss her Every single day GIGGLING Every single f*cking day I've tried to wrap my head around it all that Dagn½ expl*si*n, GLASS SMASHES died But I can't And if I see If I see Jhanna, then I don't know, maybe it sounds absurd but when I see her then I feel like Dagn½ survived the fire Like I did I should've died with her I did everything I could to try and save her

- Hjrtur! Help me!

- Dagn½! HE SNIFFS You weren't here when it happened You remember it I remember you thought someone dragged you out Someone did drag me out Isn't it possible that you just crawled out by yourself? Without remembering? No Someone dragged me out HE SLICES HEAD THUDS ON GROUND Is that the best argument you've got? That you have a duty towards those men? Look at you, scared shitless I couldn't wait for you to be old enough to go hunting But you cried the whole time, "Daddy, please don't k*ll the reindeer" You can be such an arsehole Well, you came You can go back to Hrafn and tell him the answer is still no The land will not be sold, while I'm alive WIND HOWLS HINGES CREAK CLANKING WINDOW CLACKS What do you think? Unlikely that he k*lled anyone Or stole the body DOOR OPENS Yeah.

But he's still! a suspect That questioning never happened We were told not to talk to him He'll have to stay there until Trausti arrives sgeir Could you find the report about the fire back in '08? The fish factory fire?

- Yeah

- Why? I just want to look at it CHURCH SERVICE PLAYS ON RADIO Sorry I lost my temper That's all right, Dad You should maybe apologise to Johanna I was thinking oi giving her my guitar THEY CHUCKLE Isn't that a little too much? Your mother's feeling better, it seems She takes of fence easily.

She's always been like that If someone was better at something than she was then she'd just stop.

She's funny that way

- What's so funny?

- I was telling your mum about my sister Yeah, she's a funny character Well, I'm going to get some coffee How do you like him? He seems like a nice young man But he's no Andri

- I just want you to be happy, my dear

- I am happy They are, too Girls won't it be nice to move to Reykjav­k? Yes MOBILE VIBRATES Andri

- We finally got Bjrn Weissmann's file

- The guy from Switzerland? Does it say he's had a kidney operation? No, nothing about that here it's obvious our guy had a kidney operation.

Are you sure? I think so it could've been an illegal surgical operation

- OK, just keep looking

- All right then BIRDS CALL Here! I'll grab it There's something in it Come and help him out I can't stop thinking about what was waiting for the sisters here Not to mention what they've already been through Yeah, that's true Terrible thought You were right, we need to look into this trafficking It's very strange that he didn't have a phone

- The Lithuanian?

- Yeah Maybe he tossed it when we were chasing him Maybe it's buried under a ton of snow out there Good point.

Maybe we should look for it? MOBILE RINGS

- Hi.

- 'Hi.

' Jhanna saw you arrest Hjrtur Do you have something on him? No.

We have other things to discuss with him How are the girls? They're fine Their biggest worry is that they'll have to go to school tomorrow Hmm Well, OK I just wanted to hear from you

- I'll talk to you later

- Yeah

- Bye


Wait, please It's B¡rur.

They found something B¡rur, what's happening? WIND WHISTLES The police are not commenting on the photos but say that the investigation is progressing nicely SHE GROWLS What's this one doing on the roof? THEY GROWL AND CHATTER Over there I didn't touch it.

I just had to open it to see what was inside Thanks, honey.

See you at home later

- Grab a torch

- OK Bloody hell

- There are cigarettes in the jacket

- Jesus Christ "Fumar mata"? These were bought in Spain Money Icelandic money, 1,500

- g*dd*mn it

- What? We've been looking in all the wrong places What do you mean? He bought refreshments at the hotel three days ago

- What?

- So he wasn't on board the ferry And neither was the k*ller