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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/17/23 07:46
by bunniefuu
MOTORBIKE ENGINE REVS This programme contains some strong language, some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting and some scenes of a sexual nature.


You really are DOOR CRASHES Shush! I'll be right back Dagn½! Dagn½! Dagn½! Hjrtur! Dagn½! Hjrtur! Dagn½! HE COUGHS SEA BIRDS CALL It ate a lot of grass.

Wasn't it huge? It's my favourite dinosaur Tynosaurus Rex? Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Not Tynosaurus Rex

- As if it matters

- Yes, it does matter how it's said OK.

Easy So, is Tyrannosaurus Rex your favourite? No, I couldn't care less

- Thrhildur

- Yes The machine downstairs seems to be stuck.

Can I use yours? Yes, just put it on the floor.

I'll take it up later

- Andri dear, aren't you hungry?

- No, I'm fine

- We need to hurry to school

- There's plenty of time

- Hurry up

- No, there isn't Daddy's going to be late.

Hurry up

- When's Mum coming?

- I don't know Thrhildur? Listen, when's the flight arriving? She's driving All the way from Reykjav­k? Why? Eir­kur, do you want a lift with us? Thrhildur, could you help me zip up my coat? Perla, hurry, put your coat on.

Have you put your shoes on?

- Weren't you going to tell him?

- Yes

- Perla, we're going to be late

- OK, let's hurry

- Eir­kur, I'll carry that

- All right Perla dear, your schoolbag! Bye

- Be careful on the slippery roads

- We will The weather doesn't look too promising We should be able to get the plastic up in time, though FOGHORN Hjortur, take these with you.

TANNOY CHIMES 'Ladies and gentlemen, the ferry will be docking in 20 minutes.

'Please, get ready to go to your cars.

'Remember to have all your luggage with you.

'We hope you have a pleasant stay in Iceland.

' Wait in the car, girls

- Do you need help with that?

- No, I'm fine

- Thanks for all your help with this

- There

- Sure you'll be OK by yourself?

- Yes, no problem See if he's measured it 25 x 2 Then I won't have to cut it all into shape It's going to look really nice You'll be able to move in with the girls very soon

- Eir­kur, I'll see you later

- Andri

- There's something I need to tell you

- OK Yes, Agnes called

- Has she decided not to come?

- What? No, no.

That's not it No, apparently he's coming with her, Sigvaldi He wants to meet us She thinks it's getting serious, so she wants us to meet him

- Go away!

- Move over!

- Perla, you move!

- You're hurting me Perla, move over!

- Perla, move over!

- No.


- Stop!

- No, you move over

- Stop it!

- Stop it, both of you

- She's teasing me

- Move! ENGINE STUTTERS, THEN STARTS Girls your mum She's bringing her friend with her, Sigvaldi.

Do you know him? Yes, you have to promise you'll be nice to him Do you promise?

- Gumundur, over here!

- Now what? We've hooked some damn thing onto the line What? What? What the hell's that?

- Shall I pull it on board?

- I guess we'll have to reel it in Yes, I know Yes, but it's illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant Yes, I understand No, he's not here, but I can What? All right, then.

Will do.

Bye Did you have to give her a ticket? sgeir, it is illegal to park by a fire hydrant.

She knows that PHONE RINGS Could you get that? Police.


- Bye

- See you

- Hey, Laufey

- Hi

- Hi

- Hi, sweetie

- Hi.

How are you?

- I'm good

- Do you know when Agnes is coming?

- No Mum's inviting me and Jhanna for dinner tonight A little family get


- Are you going to be there?

- I guess so That's good.

See you then Good afternoon Afternoon

- Here

- OK.


- Yes, I can grab onto here

- Can you grab the rope, guys? Here FOGHORN OK! HE RETCHES sgeir, are you all right? FOGHORN FOGHORN

- Anything happening?

- No, no, just the standard stuff

- How many passengers on board?

- Around 100 Hope they're not expecting hiking in the sunshine It'll be good for the hotels and bars if they get trapped Is it true that Agnes is coming over for the weekend? Yes They should get across the mountain before the road closes Yeah MOBILE PHONE VIBRATES Andri Hi, it's Hinrika Listen You need to come and meet us down by the marina What's going on? Seriously? I'll be right there Everything all right? Listen Old Gumundur caught this on the line out on the fjord What? Where were they? He thinks it must've come from the ferry

- Here, grab hold of it

- Yeah Here No head and no limbs Not been in the water for long It would be mere swollen and the shrimps would've got to it Unless it was kept in a freezer Do you think he was m*rder*d on the ferry? Chopped up there? PHONE RINGS Sigurur It's Andri.

Listen, don't let anyone off the ferry All the passengers must be kept on board

- I can't say for how long

- I see.

What for? We found a body in the water.

I'll fill you in later 'All passengers, please go to your cars, 'and remember to have all your luggage with you.

' I'm here.

See you in 10

-20 minutes.

- Do you have any plastic in the car?

- I've got some tarp Wrap it and bring it to the fish factory Put it in the freezer till the forensics team from Reykjav­k gets here Leifur definitely won't be happy with that That's his problem It's the only freezing unit in town that's big enough I'll go and talk to him This really is disgusting it must be linked to the ferry, otherwise it's a hell of a coincidence I'm on my way there now to get a list of crew and passengers

- Then We'll need to search the ship

- I'll get my men on it Listen, we'll be on the next flight.

We should be there this afternoon Don't let anyone off the ferry before we get there OK.

- We'll fix this

- OK A world

-class port.

Right here in our little town Think of all the opportunities, guys You'd have to be a real grouch not to be impressed by this Oh, you'll always find one or two Someone might ask, "Why would the Chinese build a port in Iceland?"

- We're on the other side of the world

- Check out the sea route The arctic route China.


And where are we? In the middle TOWN HALL

- How much of a fuss can they make?

- Who? The landowners? That's why you're here, a member of parliament Yes.

I see I guess that's the job, to point out the opportunities Seems like someones been m*rder*d.

A body's been found Andri Do you know who the deceased is? We have a body that can't be identified Terrible But you're going to investigate the ferry, right? Yes, that's why I'm here But, as the mayor, is there anything I can do? Yes, you can keep the passengers calm I can't let anyone off the ferry, and those people will have to wait to board

- I can't say when that'll happen

- I'll handle it.

Siggi will help Andri, just do what needs to be done Bloody Danes! Like we're some sort of dumping ground for dead bodies! DISTANT CAR HORNS LOUD CAR HORNS There's a delay.

Find out what's going on here.

Stay still Hinrika's having some sort of issue with Leifur at the fish factory

- I'll handle it when I finish here

- OK Excuse us.

- Captain?

- Yes.

We need to talk.

ls there a place we can talk? Come with me It's this way We will need a list of all passengers and crew Yes But we can't wait for long Well, Captain, I'm afraid you'll have to stay as long as you have to stay.

I don't have the authority to make a decision like that.

Yeah, but I do.

Now, we need to search the vessel.

Why, what for? Captain, it seems more than likely that someone has been m*rder*d and then dismembered aboard your ferry.

It's possible the arms and legs, or maybe even the head, are still here.

That's insane.

Not on my ship.

Could you please give him your crew and passenger list? But you will not search the ship

- What do you mean?

- You're going to need a court order A Danish court order This ferry is registered in Denmark Captain, do you have something to hide? You must have a court order, no matter what It will have an effect on everything that follows OK.

I'll get a Danish court order In the meantime, could you check and see if any of your crew are missing?

- OK.

- Give him the list.

I don't need a damn court order to talk to people You can e

-mail it to us, but I'll also be around on the ship for a while.

- But you don't search the ship?

- No, I'll just be asking people.


The old guy's got some f*cking attitude about handing over the lists Will you let us off the boat? You still here? I thought you were in Denmark I got homesick Hjrtur? How's Agnes doing? We'll let you off the boat as soon as we can We need to get these people on board It's not easy finding accommodation for everyone Do we have to feed them? This isn't going to work, Andri There's no other way, under the circumstances You can't keep a corpse in the same place you keep food What's the health inspector going to say? Can't we just keep him outside in this weather? No I'm going to seek compensation for this Who's going to pay? The police department? Shall I talk to you? Or the one in Reykjav­k? Leifur, how the hell should I know? We've got a dead body on our hands.

Can we talk about this later? Do you think he came off the ferry? Well, we can't rule it out This man was k*lled recently.

No more than a couple of days ago sgeir thinks that the captain's hiding something What do you think? These s*ab wounds were made by a medium

-sized knife A kitchen knife maybe He was stabbed seven times Here, the k*ller stabbed straight through the heart It all seems to have been done in some sort of panic You mean that the k*ller didn't premeditate anything? Then he would've sawn through the neck The veins, the muscles, the bones Not easy to do And bloody Andri Look He seems to have had some kind of operation He has a scar over his kidney Shouldn't we wait for the forensics team from Reykjav­k to arrive? Shouldn't we focus on the ferry and the passengers? It's bloody freezing in here Listen Talk to Leifur, tell him to lock everything up We don't want people wandering around here Ugh! Andri, the weather forecast doesn't look too good The mountain roads snowed in ENGINE STARTS How much further do we have to go? Shouldn't be more than 30

-40 minutes But in this weather, God only knows Are you afraid, Agnes? Keep your hands on the wheel.

And your eyes on the road This road can be dangerous.

We need to get past it before it's impassable We can stop and call the emergency services Sigvaldi, don't you know where you are? You can forget about getting mobile phone coverage up here Ah! Oh, Jesus No, we didn't take a car with us.

And, uh, what are you doing here in Iceland?

- I'm visiting friends.

- Visit friends.

LOUD CHATTER I think they're not opening the f*cking ship! Is it police? Is it police?! Find out what's going on here.

KIDS CHATTER Why don't you have a dad? Everyone has a dad I do have a dad.

He called me yesterday

- Did he buy you these clothes?

- No No! You're not allowed to wear such ugly clothes to school You could go to jail for it Our dad's the chief of police If you come to school again in such ugly clothes he'll come to your house and arrest your mum He'll put your mum into prison! Girls, stop it! Come along, Maggi Kids, will you be quiet? Everyone! Kids, quiet! Quiet! As you may know, the weather's got really bad We've called all your parents to come and pick you up

- So school's cancelled?

- Yes, Gunni, it's cancelled Listen! We couldn't reach all your parents, but we'll keep trying So for now, I'm asking you to be ready Put on your hats and mittens, and wait until you're picked up, OK?

- Shall we send the big kids home?

- Yes Years 8, 9 and 10, you can walk home by yourselves How are you, Maggi? Everything all right, honey?

- Yes

- Eh? Yes You mustn't let the kids tease you like that.

Just come and see me

- Do you have a hat?

- Yes, here in my pocket OK, sweetie Everyone's waiting for the police to do something People are feeling uneasy.

There could be a m*rder*r on board We're on our way We talked to some passengers, not all I'll make it my priority to crosscheck the passenger and crew lists with the Interpol database Andri, we're on our way

- We'll be on a plane within the hour

- All right, then I need to pick up the kids from school We can't have him meddling in everything over there Hurry up!

- Andri, my dear!

- Oh, was everybody sent home?

- Where are the girls?

- Their grandma picked them up

- I couldn't answer when Laufey called

- Andri Will we have to make some arrangements here? What? It's not every day that you find a dismembered corpse I can't help but ask.

How can something like that happen here? Anyway, they're on foot.

You'll catch them if you hurry They were going to walk Maggi home I thought you'd be finished by now Come on KNOCKING Hi, thanks so much for the help.

I've just been so busy No problem, Mar­a.

I'll see you, Maggi Bye, bye.

And thank you CAR HORN Sorry.

I had no idea I was meant to pick them up sooner Don't worry, it's not a problem It did me good Daddy, everyone's talking about the dead guy

- What are you talking about?

- The m*rder*r Do you think you'll get him before he kills someone else? Sweetheart, don't worry about such things What about you? Are you going to be all right? Who's telling you all this? Did daddy call? Did daddy call? No, darling He called yesterday and said that he'd call again Stop it now Don't talk such nonsense.

Aren't you warm?

- Yes

- Let's take this sweater off

- You must be absolutely freezing

- It's bloody freezing Oh, hush! That's no way to talk BOTH: Mama! Hi, my darlings! My God, how I've missed you We've missed you too Hi.



- Andri

- Nice to meet you God, we almost didn't make it over the mountain No, it wasn't that bad Girls, this is Sigvaldi

- Hi.

- BOTH: Hi.

- Sigvaldi, this is my mum

- Oh, yes.


- Hello, Mother

- Staying for dinner, Andri? No, I I have to I have to get going Andri Come on, my dears.

Let's take those shoes off Right, then Andri! Andri! Andri! Shouldn't we try to make this as easy as possible for the girls? Yes.

But a m*rder's just been committed in town.

Maybe you heard? You're not running away because it's uncomfortable? If I catch the k*ller before dinnertime tomorrow maybe we can get together for a cosy evening Mum told me that you hadn't heard about Sigvaldi coming until this morning Why didn't you tell me yourself? I'm sorry You're still wearing your ring? ENGINE STUTTERS ENGINE STUTTERS ENGINE STARTS You have to turn around That's it for today.

We have to close the mountain road It's completely impassable TANNOY: 'May I have your attention, please? 'Air Iceland regrets to announce that all flights 'have been cancelled today, due to weather.

' 'Passengers, please contact the information desk.

' Guys, we can forget about it

- What are they saying?

- They're just shaking their heads The weather's completely crazy out there It's impossible to fly tonight, and even if we could the mountain road's impassable and closed Guys, put the shit in the car.

We're not going anywhere g*dd*mn f*cking f*ck, man! We'll try again in the morning VIBRATING

- Andri

- They can't make it from Reykjav­k

- No, that's no surprise

- And we've got another prob/em The captain's shut down the heating on the ferry Bloody hell Some passengers have gathered on the ramp and refuse to go back

- I'll be right there

- Yeah, OK.

See you there

- I'm off

- Ole Andri! Andri.

Don't let anybody off the ferry, no matter what that damn Dane says We have over 30 people at the school.

We don't have room for more And there might be a m*rder*r on board I have an order to keep everyone on the ferry till Forensics arrive from Reykjav­k Aren't they trapped because of the weather? We'll handle it, Hrafn.

Where's sgeir? He stayed at the station to continue going through the lists

- Hey.


- What's going on? LOUD CHATTER Yes, I know.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

You have to give us a few more minutes.

- We've been locked out for long now!

- OK? I know you have.

- We're going to talk to the captain.

- We need to use the bathroom.

What the hell is going on? These people are not my problem.

- Turn on the heating.

- I don't have the resources.

What I'm paid to do is bring people here and take them back to Denmark.

Turn on the heating and let them back in.

If I do that, I'll use all my fuel.

And then I'll really be stuck here.

Mr Carlton, whatever your problem is, whatever you're trying to hide, I will find out.

You do that.

But I'm not turning on the heating.


- What's going on?

- Wait a minute OK.

OK, give me 30 minutes.

30 minutes, OK.

Let them back in, turn on the heating, give me 30 minutes, and then you can let them off.

Will you call the mayor? See if we can find room for people at the sports hall Those who have housing, go there.

We need to manage the rest We need to calm them down a bit

- What's going on?

- OK, OK, please, please.


Listen up, we are going to open the doors, but not yet.

- Not yet?

- No.



sgeir, wait a minute Please, you have to be patient, OK? Hinrika, can you deal with this?

- sgeir, speak up, I can't hear you

- I think I've found the guy Jonas Malakauskas, a Lithuanian Two charges of human trafficking, once in Latvia and once in Denmark Both cases were dropped CAR HORNS AND LOUD ALARM He also has a r*pe charge in Lithuania but the victim withdrew the charges Lucky son of a bitch The last ease happened five years ago Then it's like he just fell off the radar They seem to think he's involved with organised crime in Europe He boarded the ferry in Denmark CAR HORNS I have the license plate number, but they don't tell you what car it is

- Damn it.


- Yes, I see it Text me the guy's picture and license number, and come here All right, I'll do that I asked him to wait half an hour There's no way to deal with these people Hey! We need to check everyone's passport We're looking for a Lithuanian, Jonas Malakauskas What the hell are you doing? We all have to pitch in now.

There's still room at the school What? Has everyone gone crazy around here? It was becoming a public crisis issue.

We can't keep the people in there VIBRATING Thanks It's total chaos Yeah Well done Hey! Hey, stop, stop! CAR HORNS OK.


Shit! Sit tight! Hey, hey! Stop! HE SHOUTS STOP! Stop! SCREAMING I'm going after him.

You stay here SCREAMING I hope you're happy.

You just let a m*rder*r loose in town Shit! SCREAMING Goodnight, my darling Get in, sweetie.

There we go Goodnight I can't sleep, I'm scared Can I sleep with you? All right, then What are you soared of? The m*rder*r.

Maybe he'll come while we are asleep No, Perla.

The house is locked He can get in, if he wants to Look, daddy said we'd be fine and we didn't have to be afraid He's probably left town or something No one can get away Not even the m*rder*r We're all trapped