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03x11 - Line Up

Posted: 01/17/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups the police, who investigate crime, and the Crown Prosecutors who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Second time in a fortnight? It weren't my fault.

It never is.

Now, what did I say? One more broken curfew, no mobile phone for a week.


What if I'm in trouble and I gotta call you? I'll give you a quid for the phone box.

You are lucky it's just your mobile.

Next time, it'll be the laptop, too.

Go on, Morden.

Timed it.

Three seconds.

What are you doing, mate? Stop that.


What kind of sick person sends something like that to a kid? Have you got any idea who sent this, Danny? No.

Could it have been a wrong number? Well, it's possible, yeah.

You've never received anything like this before? From your mates, maybe? My mates aren't like that.

Well, we're going to keep hold of this anyway.

And we may need to speak to Danny again.

But you did the right thing bringing it in.

Thank you very much.

Come on, then.

I'll show you out.

Who films something like that? I don't know.

You think she could be acting? Not a chance.

They r*pe a girl, sh**t her dead, and then have the gall to film the whole thing on their mobiles.

And distribute it.

The boy who received the video message Danny Heywood.


Do you think he knows more than he's letting on? He seemed to be telling the truth, guv.

The message said, "Shhhhh.

" Yeah, "Pass it on but don't let anyone know where you got it.

" Or it's a threat to whoever should have got it "Keep quiet, 'cause you're on Candid Camera.

" We've checked all the data on Danny Heywood's phone.

The video message is the only communication from that number.

But we do have a date.

The video was recorded three weeks ago.

So we've got "when," now we need "who.

" This is the best I can do for now, but I've got the tech-heads onto it.

So there's two different blokes and the cameraman who swaps with one of them.

They've all got their hoods on this is the only one showing any face.

Could be anyone.

What about the location? There's nothing to identify it.

Because it was shot in close-up, all we get to see is a bare mattress.

Could be a crack house or a squat.

See if we can't get a decent picture of the victim.

Her body's got to be somewhere.

Cheers, mate, thanks a lot for that.

Hackney just received a call from a concerned banker and I'm not practicing my rhyming skill, he really is a banker anyway, apparently he likes his porn rough, not snuff.

How did he get to see it? It was uploaded to a DIY porn site last night.

So everyone can see it.

And download.

And according to this fella, the best film in each category wins a hundred quid.

What sort of category was it in? r*pe fantasy and we're not here about a r*pe "fantasy" We're investigating a m*rder.

You think I get time to watch every film that's downloaded? So anything could be on there? That's the point.

If it's popular, it stays up.

This clip's been downloaded in the past 14 hours.

Reckon it's a winner.

Then you won't mind telling us Where you plan to send the prize money.

That would be strictly confidential.

You're gonna tell us who uploaded it, or you're gonna be arrested for obstruction.

Anyone can upload to the site.

Doesn't mean they've got owt to do with me.

Wyatt name and address, please.

Prize money gets sent via Paypal.

All I've got's a user name and email address.

Thank you very much.

Well, he didn't cover his tracks very well.

Email address belongs to Christian Preston, 42 Meredith Walk, SE3.

Cheers, Ange.

There's one more thing.

His profile on the porn site says that he's eighteen, but he lied.

So how old is he? I've told him, you go downloading stuff off the Net, you'll get a knock at the door.

Well, it's not what he took, Mrs.

Preston, it's what he put up there.

I don't understand.

Do you want to see the film your son's been distributing? He was hoping to win a hundred quid for it.

What are you talking about? He uploaded a video.

It was a girl being m*rder*d.

He's 13 years old.

You better tell these policemen where you got that video.

What video? You tell the truth, Chris! Or so help me, God.

It's doing the rounds at school, innit? Do you know who the girl is? No.

Do you know who made it? No.

I swear.

But it's practically gone viral.

We've got uniform at the school, interviewing all the kids, checking their mobiles, and asking if any of them know who she is.

That could take weeks.

How you gettin' on with that close-up, Ange? The only good shot we could get.

We've cleaned it up as much as we can.

- She's just a kid.

- I've printed you a copy, and you'll want this, too it's from her T-shirt.


" We don't think it's a range of clothing, so we're looking for something more specific.

Some group or association? Yeah.


It's a club.

Kidbrooke Athletics Club.


What happened to her? She was m*rder*d.

Do you know her? Yeah.

Anna Russo.

She was on the track team.

When was the last time you saw her? I don't know maybe three, four weeks ago.

She hasn't shown up for training since.

You weren't worried? You know what teenagers are like.

I can count on one hand the kids that turn up for training week in, week out.

Was Anna one of 'em? I was gonna call her last week, only I got so much on.

Most girls are here for the eye candy, But not Anna.

She just loved running.

Do you have an address for her? That's the one.

"Good to meet you, Mrs.


We've got a video of your daughter being shot in the head.

" Do you want me to do it? No.

Anna Russo? Yes? How could you let someone do that to you? Mr.


We thought your daughter had been k*lled.

You think I let them? You didn't fight back! Mr.

Russo, please.

Why don't we go and have a breather? Yeah? We'll take a break.

- Come on.

- Yeah.

Listen, Anna, I just want to let you know that you're not in any trouble with us.

Okay? Okay.

I just need you to tell me what happened.

Did you consent to sex with these lads? It's okay.

You're doing great.

How did you meet them? I was hanging out in the park me and my mate Jadie.

Then these boys come over, said they were going to this party.

Jadie wanted us to go with.

Where was this party? There wasn't one.

Just this flat.

Other side of Thamesmead.

Do you remember where it was? I've never been that way before.

When we got inside, It was empty, all dirty.

There were no lights.

What happened next? Jadie went off with, this Mark something.

I was chatting to this one boy.

And suddenly, they were all there round me.

This isn't what she needs right now.

No, it isn't, Mr.

Russo, but it's what we have to do if we want to catch the boys who who did this to your daughter.

And what happens when you catch 'em? Well, if we get enough evidence, we can put them to trial What do you mean, if? It's all on film what more do you need? Have you got any idea how old they were? Older than us.

Were they drinking, using dr*gs? Drinking and smoking weed.

Were you drinking and smoking? Can my dad see me? Can he hear me? No.

I had a drink before.

One drink.

I didn't even want it.

Did you smoke weed? No.

I don't do dr*gs.

She's into sport.

It's very important you're completely honest with me, Anna.

I am being honest with you.

I don't want to upset you, I just need to get all the facts And I'm telling you the facts, but you don't believe me.

I do.

I promise you I do.

I just want to make sure I know everything there is to know so it can't be used against you later in court.

Court? I can't do this.


I don't want to press charges.

I changed my mind.

I ain't doing it.

Seeing as this no longer a m*rder investigation, shouldn't we just hand it over to Sapphire? They're sending a SOIT to work with Anna, But we're keeping the case.

Sam, you take the lead on this one.

She has just walked out on me, guv.

So? Make sure she doesn't walk out on you again.

The last thing this girl needs is some other copper tramping through this.

You started the investigation, you see it through.

All right.

That g*n could still be real.


So there's quite a chance that whoever made this video might take it a stage further next time.

So why don't you talk to this friend of hers Jadie? Yep.

See if the recognizes any of the lads.

Look, I don't know what you want me to say.

I wasn't even there when it happened.

So where were you? I went back to this boy's house.

What boy? Mark Riley.

Six foot, blue eyes he's gorgeous.

This Mark Riley he's friends with the other boys, is he? No, he was there to see me.

Anna seemed to think that you went off with one of the lads from the same g*ng.

Well, she got it wrong.

Although you did see the lads.

I mean, you could give us a description.

I saw then in the dark for like one minute.

All I was looking at was Mark.

Well, we'd like you to come to the station, give us a full statement, once your mum gets here.

Thank you.

She knows more than she let us know.


We've gotta pick up this Mark Riley.

Even if he gives us names and addresses, we still need Anna to ID them as the same lads that att*cked her.

If we want a conviction, she's gotta finish her statement.

If I talk, if this goes to court then everyone will know.

They'll think I wanted it.

Why would they think that? This is not your fault.

You really don't get it, do you? That ain't the way kids round here see it.

You hear the boys bragging about it some girl that went off with one of them and their mates, some girl that went with four boys.

Then everyone thinks they're fair game.

It's not normal and it's not right.

But it's the way it is.

I don't want to be that girl.

If no one stands up to them, how's that ever gonna change? They've gotta be stopped, Anna, before they do it again.

I just want to forget about it.

You can't.

You can't forget about something like that.

I can.

I can.

Anna look at me.


You sat in that room and you told me what they did to you.

Now, I know that that took real guts.

I'm a copper, I know.

I see victims day in, day out.

But you're not like them, you're really not.

You're a fighter.

Finish your statement, and I swear to God I will do everything in my power to put those lads where they belong.

Anna's statement is detailed, but she has not got a clue who any of these lads are.

And Jadie and her boyfriend are apparently suffering from amnesia.

The extent of their descriptions are "white teens, short hair.

" Which one of them? All of them.

You need to hear this.

Look, there's a girl , she's been att*cked.

You've gotta help her! Can you come quick? What do you mean, att*cked? Is the girl hurt? I think I think she's been r*ped.

They've got a g*n! You've gotta get her out of there! Where's the girl now? Caller, where is she? 55B Rabans Park Road.

I shouldn't have left her.

We're sending someone right now.

Can you tell me your name, caller? Caller? Caller? Came in the night of the attack.

Phone box on the south side of Thamesmead.

Control sent a dispatch car, but the place was empty by the time they got there.

They thought it was a hoax.

"D" for Danny.

Danny, did you make a 999 call from a phone box in Rabans Park Road? No.

Sure about that, Danny? Sounds a lot like me.

Wasn't me.

So you don't know anything about a girl getting att*cked in a flat two minutes' walk from that phone box? No.

It's the same incident that was filmed and sent to your mobile phone.

Half the school got sent that.

Do you know Anna Russo? We're mates.

You're mates.

Were you at the empty flats on Rabans Park Road on the 19th of last month I've never been there.

Really? This was found at the scene.

It's not mine.

No? Not what your mum said.

She reckons it's just like the one she got you for Christmas, the one you lost the night Anna Russo was att*cked.

Danny we've already tested it.

We're just waiting for the results now, but I'm betting your DNA is crawling all over it.

We also retrieved several used condoms from the scene, Danny.

Are any of them gonna have your DNA on 'em? No.

I really like Anna.

I was gonna ask her out.

I wouldn't hurt her.

But you do know who did, don't you? I can't.

You can't? Loyalty's one thing, Danny, but what your mates did to that girl is sick.

Look, you don't know what they're like.

They had a g*n.

You don't think they wouldn't use it? Listen, let me tell you something If you witnessed what they did, And you don't do anything about it, you're guilty too.

It's called "joint enterprise.

" You understand that, don't you, Danny? You could go to prison.

I tried to help her.

- Yeah, you want to help? - Start talking.

Otherwise, you're every bit as guilty as they are.

We need names, Danny.



He was one of them.

This clothes stunk like weed.

He was the one with the g*n.

He was in control the whole time telling the others what to do.


Why would you lie to us, Anna? We know Danny was there.

He's backing you up.

He reckons he saw the whole thing.

Why didn't you tell us about him?! I knew you'd want to talk to Danny.

If anyone round our way grasses, they're dead.

So? Why would you want to protect him? He tried to stop them.


He tried to help me.

He left the scene! He walked away! I liked him.

I thought he liked me too.

Listen, Anna is is not your job to protect him.

He's a witness.

We'll make sure he's safe.

So what happens now to the boys I picked out? Well, we bring them back in, and we charge them with r*pe.

Yes! Dumb b*tches! Hey! Why do police dogs lick their balls? To get the taste of pig out their mouth! Reece Leighwood, Garrod Evans, Callum Morden, you're under arrest under suspicion for the r*pe of Anna Russo.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

Come on.

So what do you think? We've got the film footage, we've got a positive ID on all three from Anna Russo, and we've got Danny Heywood.

The "no comment" interviews are to be expected, so that's no problem, and a third-party eyewitness gives us a fighting chance.

What about DNA? Nothing from the victim, but we've got it from the scene.

And all three lads left used condoms at the flat, so So? Charge them.

There's a whole generation of boys out there who don't seem to understand the nature of consent.

Because they haven't been taught it.

I take it they're all backing each other up? What they lack in integrity and intelligence they make up for in loyalty.

They're collectively "no comment.

" Are you ready? Alesha's leading.

She wanted to.

Of all the judges, take a guess.

Not Robert "She Asked For It" Reynolds? Yep.

Tabloids pulled him up on a case last month.

Let's hope he's overzealous to make up for it.

Don't count on it.

I'm happy to switch.

I'll trade you an aggravated burglary.

Why would you do that? Just thought I'd spare you the hassle.

These sort of cases are never much fun.

You're a crap liar.

We have grave concerns if granted bail these boys may attempt to interfere with witnesses, particularly the victim herself, who lives in the same borough.

A witness and location ban will take care of that.

This was a violent group r*pe during which the defendants were armed with a g*n.

A toy g*n, which they used for a harmless prank, my Lord.

I understand the police were unable to find this g*n, to ascertain if it is real or not.

That's correct.

My client is a 15-year-old boy.

He's never been in any trouble with the police, g*ng-related or otherwise.

He and the young lady in question engaged in consensual sexual intercourse, and she was quite happy for this to be filmed.

Anna Russo is and if these boys were a few months older there would be no debate it would be statutory r*pe.

Anything to add, gentlemen? My client used no force whatsoever.

There's absolutely no proof this is anything other than normal teenage sex.

There's nothing normal about a 14-year-old having sex with three older teenagers.

It's normal to teenagers today.

They even have their own slang terms for group sex.

"pulling train," "line-up" need I go on? You need not, Mr.


There is no sign of any struggle on the video nor any utterance of the word "no" prior to sexual intercourse.

I think in light of these factors, it really is a case of "he says, she says.

" Bail is granted.

I will, however, be imposing a curfew between 7 P.


and 7 A.


, as well as witness and location bans.

The man's not fit to try parking fines.

We are talking about the judge who virtually stated in open court that he didn't believe in date r*pe.

Or r*pe within marriage.

Reynolds needs to retire.

And the public wonder how it's possible reporting rates have gone up and conviction rates have gone down It's not just Reynolds, although he's certainly responsible for his fair share of dismissals.

Let's make sure this isn't one of those.

Reece Leighwood was the main instigator, wasn't he? Who's running his defence? Renay Everett.

She's seen the video how she can still defend him is beyond me.

Good luck.

Application to exclude the mobile phone footage.

You can't.

I can have a bloody good try.

Come on, Alesha, you'd do the same in my position.

I wouldn't be in your position.

One more r*pe case and I've done my quota, my boss will let me turn them down.

But till then, I am stuck with defending Reece Leighwood.

What are your grounds? Well, Judge Reynolds summed it up.

No sign of r*pe on the footage.

Just consenting teenager sex, followed by my client pulling a practical joke with a toy g*n.

If you really believe that, you'd want the video in.

You know that juries always see what they want to see.

You're scared they'll see the truth That your client and his friends saw the whole thing as a bit of fun.

The jury will see Anna Russo's alive, and assume the r*pe's every bit as fake as the m*rder.

It's not about what's on the video, is it? You're worried about the additional charges.

The only reason Miss Everett wants the video excluded is so we drop the weapons and indecent image charges, which are categorically proven by the mobile phone footage.

My Lord, that's nonsense.

The video will prejudice my client's ability to get a fair trial.

The schoolboy prank he plays with a toy g*n could be misread as sinister, while the sex is quite clearly consensual.

Your client personally sent that video to six different boys.

That is making and distributing indecent images of a child.

Legally, my client is a child.

He made a video of himself having sex and he sent it to a mate.

That's bragging it's not distributing child porn.

Do you have any idea how offensive that term is to victims of child abuse? I have to agree with Miss Everett.

Her client had no sinister motive in sending out the video.

I've made my decision.

The video footage is excluded.

Without the mobile footage, we have to drop the making and distribution of child abuse images and the weapons charge.

The police never found the g*n? Those boys probably chucked in the Thames the second they heard Anna had made a statement.

Just as well they weren't bright enough to clear the scene of their DNA.

If the jury saw that video, they'd convict, without question.

You still have the ID parade, DNA, the girl's evidence, and the eyewitness.

That's a lot more than we usually go to court with.

If you really want to piss Renay off, there is one other way.

You could adduce bad character evidence.

Other victims? Those boys filmed and distributed that attack.

There's no way it's the first time they've done this.

The police checked.

None of the boys had any previous arrests for similar offenses.

Of course they didn't.

Just means they haven't been caught.

Anna is the exception.

You need to find the rule.

How would I know? They're your mates.

Not anymore.

You hung around them long enough, Danny.

Look, you don't understand what it's like.

If you're not in a g*ng, you're a target.

I don't believe this was the first time, there must've been others.

Come on, Danny.

Ann was your friend.

You saw what she went through.

How many other girls are out there too scared to report what Reece and the others did to them? Danny? Well there was this one girl, but they said she was up for it.

That's what they're saying about Anna, too.

Reece sent out text invites, told the whole estate she wanted a line-up.

Were you there? No, but I saw it on his mobile.

They filmed it.

The girl didn't move.

She just lay there, just like Anna.

Do you know her name? I didn't even know they filmed it.

Reece said if I told anyone he'd send it to my mum.

You didn't tell her? I couldn't.

She'd want to know, Monique.

I thought I thought Reece liked me.

But after we'd done it all his mates come in and he said they could have a go, too.

I couldn't fight them off.

I didn't know how to stop them.

It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be a lot easier to win this case with your help, you know? We need you in that witness box.

So I could tell everyone I just lay there and let them do it? How I never even tried to fight back? What happened isn't your fault, Anna.

What they did was terribly wrong.

I should have done something.

You did do something.

You think if it happens to you you'll either leg it as fast as you can or fight for your life, but that isn't what happens.

There were three of them.

You couldn't fight.

You couldn't run.

You froze in order to protect yourself.

That is a normal physical response.

It's a survival instinct.

And it worked, because you're here, and you're alive.

But you are not on your own anymore.

You've got all of us right beside you.

So now it's time to fight.

Danny tried to tell them to let me go but Reece just shut the door.

What happened next? Reece made me lie down on the mattress.

He started It's okay, Anna.

Take your time.

I told him I just wanted to find my friend Jadie and go home, but he wouldn't listen.

Then he got on top of me.

I looked up and they were all watching and laughing.

Then Reece told one of his mates to film it on his mobile so he could show everyone.

How did that make you feel? Frightened embarrassed I just wanted my dad to come and save me.

What happened next, Anna? He started pulling at my clothes.

Then what? He r*ped me.

Thank you, Anna.

No further questions.

When you had sexual intercourse with these boys, was any force used? I don't I couldn't move.

Let me rephrase.

By "force," I mean did my client or any of the boys thr*aten you, with a knife, say? They had the g*n.

Did you see the g*n prior to having sex with these boys? No.

But they still had it, didn't they? But my client never actually threatened you with the g*n in order to force you to have sex with him.

You just gave that up willingly? My Lord, is that a question or a statement? Let's treat it like a question, shall we? Go ahead, Miss Russo.

There was three of them.

I couldn't stop them, could I? I couldn't move.

But they didn't handcuff you or tie you up? No.

Let me have the DNA report, please.

Three used condoms were found in the vicinity of the alleged offense.

This DNA report refers to a condom containing my client's semen on the inside and your DNA present on the outside.

Well, that proves he done it.

DNA don't lie.


You can't seriously expect us to believe that in a dark room this young boy managed to put on a condom without his so-called victim running off? You don't understand what it was like! You're making me sound like a sket.

A "sket"? Is that a prost*tute? Or a girl who has sex with lots of boys? Why doesn't the judge do something? How can that woman be allowed to treat Anna like she's lying? That's the defense barrister's job, to discredit the witness.

It's my job to build a wall, and then the defense try and knock it down.

I hope your wall's strong enough.

Because Anna isn't just a witness, is she? She's the victim.

I know it seems wrong, but that's the system.

r*pe victims are just witnesses in their own trial.

I just hope she doesn't regret it.

Anna is a fighter.

She's a lot stronger than you give her credit for.

But she's gonna need you to be strong for her too, because defense? They've only just started with her.

"I asked Reece where my mate Jadie was "and he said she was with Mark "and there was 'cotching, ' and did I want to join them? So I said yes.

" Those are your words, are they not? Yes.

What do you think my client meant by "cotching"? Chillin', hanging out.

It is, I'm told, derived by patois from the French word coucher, meaning "to lie down" or "to have sex.

" Might cotching therefore mean to have sex? No.

I don't know.

I just wanted to find my mate.

So I could tell her I was going home.

So you didn't say you wanted to cotch with my client, to lie down with my client, to have sex with my client? You're twisting it! My Lord, are you going to allow my learned friend to engage in this guessing game regarding the meaning of teenage slang words? My client is 14 years old she cannot be expected to fully understand the origination of slang words.

Miss Phillips has a point.

Rein it in, Miss Everett.

I put it to you that after the video was found by the police, and you were questioned in the presence of your parents, you made up a lie to stop yourself getting into trouble.

That's not true.

But you were terrified your dad would find out what you'd really been up to, and so you made up this ridiculous story to cover your tracks.

I ain't lying! Are we seriously expected to believe you went to this empty flat at night with three hormonal teenage boys and had no plans to have sex with them? I didn't know what they were gonna do.

You had plenty of opportunity to say the word "no.

" I couldn't speak.

I couldn't.

You mean you didn't.

At no time did you say the word "no.

" Nor did you tell my client to stop.

In fact, you gave no indication whatsoever that you were anything but consenting.

I ain't listening to this.

Anna! Anna! It's all right.

It's okay.

You still think she won't regret this? I used to think I could be like Jessica Ennis Break records, win medals I used to lay in bed at night, Imagining how proud my dad would be.

Your dreams aren't over because of what they did.

Aren't they? I know how hard it is to keep going, to see it through but you have to cross that finish line.

Just when you think your heart's gonna burst and your legs are gonna collapse from under you, somehow we find the strength to carry on.

They didn't believe her, did they? You don't know that.

Does your mum know you're here? I can't stop thinking about how upset she was.

All you need to worry about is your own evidence.

Anna's given hers already.

They're gonna walk.

I know it.

No one knows, Danny.

Tell me the truth.

Please! Tell me what you think.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to consent.

Juries want to hear about strangers with knives, not schoolboys with condoms.

Ain't there nothin' you can do? They've gotta go down for what they did to Anna.

Unless one of them changes thr r plea to guilty and that isn't gonna happen it could go either way.

So if one of them said they was guilty, they'd all go down? Most likely, yes.

Are you sure? What aren't you telling me, Danny? I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen.

Reece said, "She ain't screamin', is she? She ain't strugglin'.

She's enjoying it.

" But she wasn't enjoying it, was she? He told me they do it all the time get a girl, share her around.

That ain't right.

It's meant to be one-on-one, isn't it, with a girl you really like.

Did you tell them that? I told Reece.

I said they were hurting her, I said they had to let her go.

What did he say? He laughed.

Called me a p*ssy for caring about her feelings.

I tried to leave, but he had the g*n.

He said that one was blank, the rest are real.

You must have been very frightened.

What did he do with the g*n? He pointed it at me.

Said I had to do what he wanted or he'd sh**t me for real.

And what did he want you to do, Danny? I need you to tell the court what Reece wanted you to do.

He said everyone in the room had to do it So there weren't no witnesses, so we was all the same.

So you were all equally guilty and, therefore, wouldn't grass on each other? That's right.

So we can be very clear, Reece instructed you to have sexual intercourse with Anna? I told him I couldn't, but he put the g*n in my back.

What did you do? She just lay there, her face turned away.

She never even looked at me once.

You gotta understand, I liked her, I really liked her.

What did you do, Danny? I did what he said I r*ped Anna, too.

I'm so sorry I'm so sorry.

In the case of Callum Morden, on the charge of r*pe, how do you find the defendant? Guilty.

In the case of Garrod Evans, on the charge of r*pe, how do you find the defendant? Guilty.

In the case of Reece Leighwood, on the charge of r*pe, how do you find the defendant? Guilty.

Reece Leighwood, Garrod Evans and Callum Morden, you have been found guilty of r*pe.

Because of your age, I have no choice but to ask for pre-sentence reports.

But be in no doubt, your offense is a grave one you will go to prison.

Is that one or two, mate? Reece Leighwood got six years.

The other two got four.

What about Danny? Reynolds knocked off a year for the guilty plea, two for the g*n in the back, gave him twelve months.

You happy with that? The dr*gs mule up for sentencing before us got 15 years for smuggling a few bags of cocaine.

They get one-to-six for group-raping a 14-year-old.

That's a hefty sentence, coming from Reynolds.

You did well.

At least Anna Russo can try and put it all behind her now.
