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03x07 - Survivor's Guilt

Posted: 01/17/23 06:48
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups.

The police, who investigate crime, and the Crown Prosecutors, who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day.

You don't drink now, then? Not for 2,198 days, no.

Mark Ellis.

Everyone on the estate knows who he is and what he does.

Mark Ellis, I'm arresting you on possession of class A dr*gs with intent to supply you little bitch, sayin'? Do you find the defendant, Mark Ellis, guilty or not guilty? Guilty.

Get me an ambulance, come on! Ronnie.

We need to Bag that for me, please.

There were five sh*ts fired from the car window.

Two hit the wall over there, the third and fourth hit DS Devlin as he pushed Kaden Blake out of the line of fire.

The fifth landed in PC Walker's arm.

He shouldn't be here.

No, I know.

Thanks, Joy.

Come on, let's get you out of here.

Mark Ellis must have ordered the hit on the boy.

We we need to speak to Ellis.

You need to go back to the station, get processed and go home.

Take some leave.

Sam Casey's heading up the investigation.

I was here.

I was on the scene.

You're personally involved.

The best thing you can do is give your statement.

It happened right in front of me.

I couldn't get to him, I couldn't do anything.

I walked past the pub on the way here.

I could smell it, taste it.

I pass that pub every day and in my mind I open the door and order a drink, but then I turn around, and he's there, by my side, my mate, and I know, as long as me and him just keep doing our job, I'll never open that door for real.

Only he's not there any more.

Matt's dead.

Go easy on him, Sam? You and DS Devlin were escorting Kaden Blake back to the secure children's home in Kent? Yes.

So, you collected the kid from the cells and? No, Matty collected the boy.

I went to make a phone call to my daughter.

She'd just had the baby.

So when you joined DS Devlin outside, did you see the vehicle the sh*ts were fired from? I should've gone to the cells.

The vehicle, DS Brooks? Black, dark grey, maybe, 4x4.

Did you see the sh**t? Give us a description? I should've been by his side.

I'll drive you home.

No thanks.

You're on leave.

I don't do leave.

Look, I don't need your help.

Look, mate, I know it's hard to back off but -You don't know anything.

I know there's no way on earth you can be impartial.

Go home.

You've got five minutes, Ron.

This is more than my job's worth.

I appreciate it, Dave.

Who did you order to fire the g*n? What g*n? The g*n that k*lled Detective Sergeant Devlin.

Why would I want that policeman in the ground? It was the boy you were after.

But DS Devlin got in the way.

If I man wanted that boy dead, him would've never walked into court.

Tell me who fired the g*n and you may make probation some time in the next 20 years.

I conquer 'dis t'ing here, so I man gets stripes.

You know how many people are crying over Matt Devlin? Whereas you, you're in here.

And there isn't one single person on this planet gives a toss about that, is there? Time's up, Ron.

Your lot want him for questioning.

Are you trying to sabotage this case? You've probably cost that screw his job.

And any evidence we get from Ellis will be tainted because you went steaming round there like Robocop.

Do you think I'm just gonna sit at home all day? You're on leave.

End of.

Are we clear? Are we clear? A black Jeep driving away from the scene clipped a yellow Golf.

Driver described as an IC3 male, early 20s.

We'll get the witness in for a photofit.

We've got an abandoned Jeep impounded.

There's yellow paint on the front bumper and a g*n was found on wasteland nearby.

Who's the car registered to? Dennis Thomas, 25 years old, IC3 male.

Previous for possession and assaulting a police officer.

Where can we find him? Uniform visited his flat ten minutes ago.

His girlfriend said he was at work.

Thank you.

I'm coming with you.

This Dennis Thomas might be one of Ellis's g*ng.

Or a hitman.

That is not how Ellis operates.

I can work it out for myself, mate.

Do you know how many members there are in Ellis's g*ng? No.

How long it'll take to go through the records? Weeks.

I've got it all in here.


Back in Stockport, my partner got stabbed by some absolute lunatic.

I thought I was gonna lose him.

I know how you must be feeling but this is not the way.

Well, it's the only way I know.

I've been stopped and searched more times than my Aunt Kwaneshwa's been to KFC! I got stopped and searched just the other day.

I was walking down my ends, y'know, and I spotted two white police officers across the street.

They clocked me.

And they came over to my side of the street, cos normally, people cross away from me.

So I started helping 'em out, y'know, started answering questions I hadn't been asked yet.

"This weed right here? No, officer, no, no, strictly recreational purposes.

Officer, this g*n? I don't know where it came from.

You're gonna have to take me in.

You know what? You've got a record for v*olence against the police.

I shoved some cop on a student demo six years ago.

Yeah, you've also been cautioned for possession.

I had a spliff's worth of weed in my pocket.

A g*n used in the sh**ting of two police officers was found dumped near your car, Dennis.

Your gags are looking a little close to home right now.

Do you see where I'm going? Listen, I might joke about this stuff.

Truth is, I ain't never seen a real g*n in my life.

What do I look like to you? Some sort of gangster? But you do own a black Jeep, yeah? Not any more, I don't.

What? Was it was stolen? Nah, I downsized when I won Best New Comedy Act.

So what did you do with the Jeep? It's still registered to you, isn't it? I haven't posted off the documents yet.

I sold it to my aunt last week.

Which one? The one with the chicken wings? The one with the attitude.

I couldn't find a space outside my flat so I parked it in the next street.

When I went to get in my car, it had gone.

You didn't report it stolen? I left it on a yellow line, thought you lot had towed it.

You didn't check? I ain't got the money to get it back till I get paid next week.

Took me an hour on the tube to get here this morning.

Anyone else drive your car, Mrs Clarkson? Like who? Friend, family member, maybe.

I dunno, kids or partner? No husband.

My son's dead.

Thanks for letting me know about the car but I've got work to do.

Excuse me, Mrs Clarkson, I don't think you really understand.

You see, we think your car was used in a drive-by sh**ting.

Two police officers were shot.

I get it now.

Get what? How hard would you have looked if it was me that reported it stolen? One of them died, Mrs Clarkson.

My car was stolen.

It's nothing to do with me.

According to her manager, Paulette Clarkson worked 8:00 till 6:00 yesterday.

She swapped shifts with one of the other workers.

Any reason? Yeah.

She wanted to be home when her son got in from uni.

She told us her son was dead.

Jamal's studying sociology, wants to be a social worker.

He's doing well most of the time.

What about the rest of the time? Well, he's your average first year.

Sometimes he turns an essay in late or misses a lecture if he's been partying.

So nothing out the ordinary then? What about g*ns? No way.

Jamal's heading for a 2:1, not a prison cell.

If you wait here I'll go and get him.

If you wanted to go and see your grandkid, I can manage without you.

Boy or a girl? Boy.

I've got a lad, myself.

I've got an extension on that essay.

It'll be in by Monday.

It's not the essay, Jamal.

These police officers want a word.

I didn't do nothing.


Then you've got nothing to run from.


What are we waiting for? What do you mean? Well, I need to be in there.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

Ronnie, if anyone sees you go in there, this case is finished.

You're not even supposed to be here.

What are you talking about? I need Look, mate, I can handle it.

Just go and get a cup of tea or something.


Matt Delvin? Don't know him.


He was a police officer.

Maybe he was on the take.

Why would you come out with that? That's what you people do, make a little extra on the side.

DS Devlin was a hero.

Police ain't heroes in my book.

Are Matt's family coming over? His sister's on her way.

How are you doing? I've had my life, haven't I? Been married too many times, got my girls.

Matty never got to do any of that, did he? Let me tell you how this is gonna play, Jamal.

You're gonna drop this front and you're gonna start start talking.

The only place you're heading right now is jail.

Get in my face again, I'll lick you down like Like what? Like that other copper? What, you proud of that? Are you proud of what you did? You k*lled a copper.

A good copper.

Everyone else round here wants your arse in jail.

You get a bonus in your pay package cos you take a black kid off the road? Yeah, that's right If he leaves bleeding, I get two weeks in Barbados.

Sit down! Jamal, the best thing you can do is talk to me.

I'm your last hope.

You want me to say sorry? The only thing I'm sorry about is I didn't k*ll more of you.

I know you people.

I know all about you.

Some rich white kid in Chelsea gets stabbed and it's front of papers.

You all run round with your task force till it's case closed.

My big brother gets shot in Hackney and nothing.

No-one does nothing.

He's lying dead in a stairwell and no-one gives a shit! No-one but me.

So you k*lled DS Devlin just to even things up? Yeah, that's right.

So now we're quits.

Reckon I'll take that brief now.

You've got to charge him.

No! I need to get him a brief.

Do we know anything about his brother's sh**ting? Does it matter? It might.

He's just confessed to sh**ting Matt.

He was driving the black Jeep.

What more do you need? Ronnie's right, whatever happened to Jamal Clarkson's brother has got nothing to do with this.


Once he's got his brief, he's getting charged.

I agree but if he's got a legitimate grudge against the police, we need to know about it.

We want him sent down for life, don't we? So let's do this right.

Get an extension to hold Jamal for another nine.

Find out about his brother then we'll talk charges.

Ronnie, Matt's sister's here.

Whenever I heard about it in the news, 'police officer shot in the line of duty' I'd say a little prayer, you know? Why would anyone do this to him, Ronnie? Why would God take my brother? The guv'll be back in 15 minutes.

You need to go.

You gonna tell me what you got, then, or what? Seven years ago Hackney police investigated the m*rder of 18-year-old Kieron Clarkson.


You got the file? Yeah, I've got the report, if I can find it.

It's case closed.

Someone was arrested and charged, yeah? No.

Not according to this.

There were plenty of interviews, suspects even, but no arrests.

So how come case was closed? Beats me.

And who's the DI that signed it off? There ain't one.

Well, that's not right, is it? Someone closed this case for a reason.

Let's get to Hendon, have a look at the paper file.

This is all I've got.

Where's the rest of it? Lost, probably.

This is the archive.

How can you lose half a file? Seven years, whole archive's been moved three times.

Then there was that flood.

This is normal? Half a file just going AWOL? I'll put out an 'all ports' for it.

Here we go.

A neighbour reported g*nshots.

Police arrived at 1.

48am and found Kieron Clarkson dead in the stairwell outside the caller's flat.

The w*apon was a Kimar Model 85 self-loading p*stol found a couple of feet from the body.

Death certificate is missing.

Let's see what the postmortem report says.

It's empty.

What? What is it? According to this, Jamal's brother wasn't m*rder*d.

He committed su1c1de.

Of course the report says Kieron committed su1c1de.

Why waste resources investigating the m*rder of some poor black kid? Matt Devlin's m*rder has nothing to do with race.

I bet the white kids get their brief before your officers extract a confession.

Your client refused a brief until after he confessed.

He's just a kid.

He's 18.

He's an adult.

When you were 18, you could hold your own in a room with a m*rder detective? When I was 18, I wasn't out sh**ting police officers.

Let's get real, Doug.

This isn't about a seven-year-old su1c1de.

It's about your client murdering a police officer.

I'd have thought you'd be more sympathetic, Miss Phillips.

Why would you think that? You know what it's like for people like us.

Legal advocates? You can try and build a smokescreen but the fact remains.

Your client shot Matt Devlin for one reason only.

Because he's a police officer.

WAS a police officer.


Because his brother was m*rder*d and loads of other police officers fobbed him and his mother off.

This is not the sort of case you want to put before a jury, Alesha.

The man your client shot was no r*cist, Doug.

Jamal didn't care who he shot as long as it was a cop.

And that's just the sort of case we like to put before a jury.

General Registry found the rest of Kieron Clarkson's case papers.

There's no death certificate or PM report but the same witness was interviewed three times.

He was under 18 so referred to as Witness A.

Well, let's hope that Witness A remembers seeing Kieron Clarkson put a b*llet in his own head.

Does the file give the witness's real name? Yeah.

You are not gonna believe who it is.

That I man was s'posed to have ordered a hit on the pretty boy cop? Why you wanna know about Kieron Clarkson for? Because you were questioned over his death three times.

Little late, aren't you, now? The guv's gonna kick off if she sees you here.

You told the investigating officer you saw the sh**ting.

What's so funny? Seven years now? And you lot still not worked it out? Worked what out? I saw Kieron Clarkson get shot.

Little hard not to see when you're the sh**t.

You? It's a hell of a coincidence.

Devlin gets shot at Mark Ellis's trial and Ellis turns out to be the one that shot Jamal's brother.

I don't believe in coincidence.

Jamal's brief won't let him talk unless he's there, making sure it's a no comment interview.

Who said anything about calling his brief? Ronnie I'm not supposed to be here, am I? How many times? We've got to do this by the book.

No, we have got to find out the truth.

That is not going to happen in an interview room under caution.

It's too late.

And why's that? The guv.

She wanted him charged.


Ronnie! Why did you go to the Old Bailey? Why couldn't you have just shot some copper walking the beat on your own estate? You didn't go there to sh**t a copper at all, did you? So why did you go? There's only you and me here.

It's not being taped.

I want to know.

Come on, tell me, why? Cos my brother's k*ller was up in court, innit? Mark Ellis.

My brother wouldn't k*ll himself.

He wouldn't.

After he died, Ellis was mouthing off.

Telling anyone who'd listen he'd shot Kieron.

You lot, you knew it too but you let Ellis walk.

So this is about revenge on Ellis? Why now? Why now? It was my last chance to make sure he paid for what he done to Kieron.

I drove round the back of the court.

I thought I could get him.

I thought I could get him there but I saw that sweatbox pulling away and I knew I was too late.

I was eleven when Kieron died.

What was I supposed to do? Sit there and watch my mum crying? So you couldn't get to Ellis, so you then shot a copper? How was that gonna help your mum? They were walking round like they ain't got a care in the world.

When my brother is rotting in the ground! It should've been me.

When someone you love dies, the hardest thing's being left behind.

You'd do anything to bring them back, or take their place.

Get him in the van.

You deliberately went against my orders.

Either you get out of here quick or I'll put you in one of these cells.

Is that understood? Hello, gorgeous.


I miss him too.

Want some food? Come on.

There you go.

Mark Ellis is doing life as it is.

He probably thinks a few more years won't k*ll him.

You think he's playing with us? You think he has any morals? He's hardly a fan of the police so why not have a bit of fun at their expense? Anyway, the postmortem report states that Kieron Clarkson's death was su1c1de, not that it matters either way when it comes to our case.

It matters.

An 18-year-old lad, and a bungled investigation into the death of his brother.

It's the sort of emotive mitigation that could get Jamal Clarkson five years for manslaughter instead of life for m*rder.

I'm going to run an abuse argument.

On what grounds? Abuse of process.

DS Ronnie Brooks was sent on leave, wasn't he? So what was he doing interviewing key witnesses, including my client, who he questioned alone, off tape.

I understand DS Brooks was on compassionate leave at the time of this 'interview'? Which is why it's an abuse of process.

He had no right being in the police station, let alone interrogating my client.

My Lord, I do not condone DS Brooks's actions but they in no way impede the defendant's ability to have a fair trial.

I'm sorry, Mr Greer, I have to concur with Mr Thorne.

Trial goes ahead.

However, I take a dim view of DS Brooks's behaviour during the investigation and have no problem with you raising this in evidence.

Thank you, My Lord.

I will also be adducing evidence in relation to the defendant's brother, if that meets with your agreement.

I'll hear your argument at trial.

With the wrong jury and a sympathetic judge, Jamal Clarkson could be out in time to celebrate his 21st.

We could make an application to exclude all evidence of Kieron Clarkson's death as irrelevant.

Or we can prove beyond doubt that he committed su1c1de, and prove the police did nothing wrong.

Start with whoever wielded that felt-tip pen.

Seven years ago? Are you serious? I could barely remember seven months ago with the workload I had back then.

Not that it was appreciated.

The Home Office pathology department seem to think you have the files, Miss Bernard.

It's possible, I suppose.

I'll take a look and get back to you.

When? When I have time.

I'm being called as an expert witness in Leeds tomorrow, Newcastle next week.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

These files will be evidence in a m*rder trial.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

It's not my problem any more.

Hand those files over or we charge you with theft of government property.

Is that clear enough? These notes are pretty detailed.

Cause of death was a single g*nsh*t wound to the skull.

g*nsh*t residue pattern noted.

Is it consistent with su1c1de? I said her notes were detailed.

I didn't say they were complete.

Why aren't I surprised? There's nothing about the position of entrance or exit wounds.

You need to study the bevelling of the bone to know which direction the b*llet was travelling in.

Wouldn't there be postmortem photos? I'm not seeing any.

So they're missing or they weren't taken in the first place? Maybe she used the pictures for a lecture or research.

It happens all the time.

So we're no closer to knowing if it's su1c1de than we were before we got the file? There is one way.

Get me the skull of Kieron Clarkson, I'll tell you for sure.

You don't have to be here.

Yes, I do.

The day I brought him into the world I swore to God I'd always be there for him, every step of the way.

My, God.

No, no.

The funeral home was owned by Damian Haleford.

It isn't any more? Haleford was convicted five years ago for flogging corpses to foreign medical schools.

The investigating officer thought they'd identified all the missing bodies.

Except one.

None of this has got anything to do with Matt's death.

Tell me you're gonna put his k*ller behind bars? I honestly don't know.

I thought it was cut and dry but I had no idea that Ronnie had been involved in the investigation.

No, well, he wasn't supposed to be.

Please, tell me there's nothing else to worry about.

Forensics determined the b*ll*ts retrieved from DS Devlin's body were fired from a .

38 calibre g*n.

We found the g*n that fired those b*ll*ts dumped near the abandoned car.

Did you speak to the defendant? Yes, I brought him in for questioning.

And did he have anything to say about DS Devlin's death? Yes.

He confessed to k*lling him.

No further questions, My Lord.

Did you question Jamal about where he got the g*n? Yes.

And whose car he was driving? Yes.

And there was something else, about a holiday to Barbados? Your client was extremely volatile.

I was trying to make him see sense.

So you got angry? No.

I was in control.

Were you in control when you told him that the police service would give you a free holiday to Barbados if you beat up a black suspect? I was I was kidding.

Who assisted you with the investigation? A number of officers.

Was DS Ronnie Brooks one of them? He was on leave.

Yet he accompanied you and contributed to questioning a number of witnesses, did he not? Could you answer the question please? Yes, he did.

So you let an officer you hardly knew, who was grieving his partner's death, interview the man suspected of k*lling his partner? Yes, but I couldn't stop him.

This sounds very familiar.

This is what happened to Jamal's brother when he was m*rder*d.

Hackney Police made the case disappear by calling it a su1c1de.

They kept it invisible by not only losing his files, but Kieron's actual body.

My client pulled the trigger, and that is why you may find him guilty of manslaughter, but not m*rder.

My Lord, is this a speech or a question? You can leave the summing up to me, Mr Greer.

I'm not a r*cist! I know you're not.

Yeah, but he made me look like one! Is this gonna screw up the case? It's not you who's screwing up this case.

God knows what Ronnie was thinking of.

Will Jamal Clarkson still go down for this? Can you tell us about the last time you saw Kieron Clarkson? He must a' been seen chatting with my bredren's girl, y'know? So me and my g*ng said we'd go and look for him, see? And what happened? Turn him back and started running for him life, y'see? I man shot him in the back o' him head piece.

Did the police question you in relation to this sh**ting? Yeah.

Told 'em it weren't me.

And they believed you? Look like they did, yeah.

You're serving life for conspiracy to m*rder, is that right? That's wha' you all say, yeah.

So you have no reason to lie? You have no reason to tell the truth either, have you? In fact, you've changed your story quite considerably, have you not? On your first interview, you told Hackney Police that you didn't see anything.

After the postmortem, you changed your story and told them you were walking up the stairwell when you heard a g*nsh*t from the floor above.

You got there a second or so later to find Kieron Clarkson dead on the ground, g*n beside him and no-one else on the scene.

I told 'em what they wanted me to say, innit? And now, you've changed your story yet again.

And why not? It'll make no difference to your sentence if you k*lled Kieron Clarkson or not, will it? Though I imagine being responsible for a g*ng k*lling will make a considerable difference to your status inside.

Well, you can't disrespect my aim now, see? More cred to you for having shot and k*lled a man than having gone down for a bungled attempted m*rder, I presume? No further questions, My Lord.

I can't remember details of a postmortem I performed seven years ago.

Please show the witness Exhibit nine.

Thank you.

You recognise this, Dr Bernard? Yes.

It's a case summary from a postmortem.

It has my initials so I must have conducted it.

If I may? It contains the basic details of a case? The detailed reports would be kept inside.

Only this one is empty.

Does that mean you didn't do the detailed report? Absolutely not.

I wouldn't complete the summary until after I completed the report.

And you know it was a su1c1de because you ticked the little box.

That's right.

I perform thousands of postmortems and always follow the exact same procedure.

And what happens after you tick that little su1c1de box? The case is closed.

So hypothetically, if a police officer was frustrated with a case going nowhere, you could help him out by making that little tick? That's absurd.

But possible.

You have in front of you Exhibit 11.

Do you recognise it? Yes.

It's my notes from the postmortem on Kieron Clarkson.

Earlier Mark Ellis gave evidence he shot Kieron Clarkson in the back of the head.

Do your notes confirm this? Actually quite the opposite.

The pattern of g*nsh*t residue indicates the b*llet entered the skull here.

So, in your opinion, Mark Ellis must have been lying when he claimed he shot Kieron Clarkson in the back of the head? Yes.

In order for me to tick the su1c1de box there must have been other forensic markers indicating this was not a m*rder.

I may have misunderstood the pathologist I spoke to but I think Gail Bernard's taking liberties with the truth.

After what I did for you today I was expecting champagne! You must have sunk a bottle if you think what you did is worth celebrating! You lied in the witness box! I embellished.

You misled the jury.

You deliberately missed out the most crucial bit of information.

g*nsh*t residue isn't enough to determine a b*llet's entrance and exit point.

You think a jury will know that? This isn't a game, Dr Bernard.

The defence will smell the same rat.

Have you any idea of the damage it could do to this trial? I didn't even want to give evidence.

I told you I don't remember anything about this case.

I did it to help you.

You did it to help yourself.

If the whole world saw how slapdash you were in the Clarkson case, then your lucrative little business as an expert witness might dry up.

Your "embellishment" means that your entire evidence could be ruled inadmissible.

How am I supposed to give evidence about a case I don't remember? I was overworked and exhausted most of the time I was in that job.

Hang on, are you saying you ticked that box by mistake? The truth is, I honestly don't know.

Because of you, Kieron Clarkson's family will never know how that boy died.

Doug Greer's called Dr Bernard back to the witness box first thing.

The jury hears she lied and we're up the creek without a paddle.

Well, is he going to call Jamal? Of course.

Greer wants the jury to hear first hand how Jamal's the victim and the police are the villains.

Greer said that Jamal never went there intending to k*ll anyone.

But Jamal told me that he went there planning to k*ll Ellis.

If the jury hears him say why he went there, and what he was going to do, and what he did, then surely they will see that as m*rder and not manslaughter.

Greer won't let Jamal repeat that in the witness box.

Well someone's got to make that kid grow a conscience.

Couldn't you make him open up in cross? I hope so, Ronnie, because unless he talks, the jury will acquit him of m*rder.

When my daughter was about ten, my then wife ordered her a doll for her birthday.

But the doll didn't turn up.

We just assumed it got lost in the post.

Just in case, I went round a few neighbours' houses, just to ask if anyone had taken a package in.

Anyway, I got round to Mrs Riley's house and there was her granddaughter playing with the exact same doll.

Mrs Riley reckoned she'd bought it in the market.

Is there a point to this? About a week later, I got a phone call from my daughter's school.

My Sarah had been fighting with Tina Riley.

You see, Sarah had heard me, after a few too many drinks, screaming blue m*rder at Tina Riley's nan.

Hatred is not inherited, Mrs Clarkson.

It's learned.

I didn't talk Jamal into doing this, if that's what you think.

I think I understand how angry you must feel.

I can see it in your eyes.

I can only imagine how Jamal felt looking into those eyes of yours for seven long years.

You have every right to feel betrayed.

I mean, your son's case was riddled with mistakes.

And I don't know if those mistakes were racism or just human error, but I do know that it hurt you very badly.

The police officer that died, his name was Matt Devlin.

He was like my son.

If your son was m*rder*d, I swear to God I will go after the person that covered it up myself.

But I'm begging you, Mrs Clarkson.

Mrs Clarkson, please, talk to Jamal, make him face what he's done to everyone that loved Matt.

Especially his sister.

She needs justice for her brother every bit as much as you and Jamal need to know the truth about Kieron.

It wasn't supposed to go like this.

Kieron died.

He died and no-one cared.

They let his k*ller walk.

And you wanted his k*ller brought to justice, didn't you? I wanted him to pay for what he did to me, to my mum.

I went looking for him, for Ellis.

Only he was gone.

There was all police.

I just wanted I just thought Thought you'd k*ll one of them instead? I thought it'd make me feel better.

If my client is changing his plea, I request an adjournment.

No! I don't need any more little chats with you.

I thought I'd feel better.

But it still hurts just the same.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I took your brother away from you.

I'm so sorry.

m*rder of DS Matthew Devlin, and are sentenced to life in prison.

In light of your guilty plea, and the remorse you have shown