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02x08 - En garde à vue

Posted: 01/16/23 19:54
by bunniefuu
Commissioner Alain Korg, RIB.

Commissioner, I am listening.

The building has been evacuated but
we don't know much about it yet.

The video system was destroyed
in the shelving area.

It seems that they have taken
refuge in this area.

They've taken some employees hostage
but we don't know how many.

Damn it! But what do they want, it's not a
bank, there's nothing to steal in there.

We don't know, we haven't received
any claims for the moment,

we're trying to establish the link.

f*ck, Crime is there, too?

Yeah, they came here on their own.

They work with the Doc a lot.
They offered to help.

Right. Coste's friend, Nielsen.

Is she one of the hostages?

We can't know that at the moment.

In any case, she's not among the
employees who were evacuated.

But maybe she was not in the building.

And Coste?

- Where is Coste?
- I left her a message, she'll be here soon.

All right.
Okay, I need a coffee, get me a coffee.

- Sir?
- Yeah?

We're going to try and make contact
with the hostage-taker.

If you want to supervise the negotiator.

No, I'm not supervising anything.
I'll take the lead.

I'll call them directly. We'll see
who we're dealing with.

Make the call.


Ok, listen, the Documentation
is surrounded so

it would be better for you and
us if we could talk. Figure it out.

I couldn't agree more, Mathias.

Raph?! Cut off the speaker.

Cut it off!

Raph! What the hell are you
doing in there?!

Do you realize how
serious the situation is?

You are at the heart of an investigation
of the BIA which aim is to know who

took the initiative to let an armed woman

inside the Criminal Documentation.

Some great parity in the
French police force!


I'm the one who let her in.

Rest assured,

I indeed have an inkling about
how serious the situation is.

Give me the serenity to accept
the things I cannot change.

The courage to change the things I can.

And the wisdom to know the difference.

What happened next?

I don't know, I wasn't there.

Mr. Wurlitzer? The judge,
on the line for you.

I'll go with you.

Excuse me.


Let's cut the bullshit. Play along, okay?

Of all the cops who work for the BIA,
you couldn't have hoped for better.

Wurlitzer is a straight sh**t.
But he doesn't like to be f*cked with.

- But that's nonsense, Commissioner!
- No, it's far from being nonsense.

I opposed your custody, believe me.

But with your background,
it was a real mess.

- What about my background?
- You know very well what I mean.

Except that you went way too far.

Hostage-taking in a police department,

the intervention of the RIB, journalists
on a loop on the news channels.

What do you think: that

we'll get away with saying that
it's an unfortunate coincidence?

I know that it could cost me my
job and even more.

Well, all the more reason to keep
a low profile.

All right? And you cooperate.

I don't want to lose a good cop like you.

That's a long way to go for a compliment,
but I'll take it.

Excuse me. Let's get back to it.

Let's go back to when you first
came into this case.

Well, I was very late, as usual.

No, but I was late, for real.

Mathilde, a coffee, please.
Good morning Ma'am.

Excuse me. Good morning.

Come on, Astrid, what's going on?
Weren't we supposed to meet at the Doc?

Yes, we did. But you were late. You
are always late. One should not be late.

Yes, yes.

And in the meantime, Mrs. Martenot,
Marissa Martenot,

Commander Coste there,

Mrs. Martenot brought to my attention
a very interesting case.

A case of what?

- A case of miscarriage of justice.
- A case of miscarriage of justice.

Can you make it a double, please?

I was wrongly accused of having
m*rder*d someone.

And what was your
relationship to the victim?

He was my sponsor.

I was in the program at the time.

Alcoholics Anonymous?

They found evidence I was at
the m*rder scene.

And were you at the m*rder scene?

Yeah, but I swear he was already
dead when I got there.

Only, when the cops found me the
next day, I had his blood on me and

I was very drunk.

Wait, wait. The next day?

Well, when you found the body,
why didn't you call the cops?

It's because I found him dead that I
was drinking that night. I lost it.

Then I didn't dare call the cops, I was
sure they wouldn't believe me.

Your word doesn't mean much
when you're an alcoholic.

And what was your motive?

My daughter Béatrice was 16 at the time

and social services threatened to take

her away from me if I
didn't go to treatment.

Except I was in such a state when
they found me...


I guess the cops thought that your
sponsor wanted to turn you in

and to shut him up, you k*lled him.

A sponsor can't do that.

A long time ago, I've... I often used to go
to AA meetings with someone close to me

and I know how it goes.

A sponsor can't turn in their sponsee.

It's against the rules of the association.

Well, obviously the cops who
arrested me didn't know about it.

Neither did the DA who charged me,
let alone the jury who convicted me.

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong but I cannot
figure out what it is.

The file is too incomplete,
the picture is blurry.

And because the picture is blurry,
I cannot see what is wrong.

I have to cross-check with the other
reports at the Criminal Documentation.

But my colleague, the little man,
will never let us in with a civilian.

But I will need Mrs. Martenot
to make these cross-checks.

We'll have to find a solution.

It is-It is there.

- Are you sure about this, Astrid?
- Yes.

How did you find out about this
passage, Astrid?

A friend who worked in maintenance shared
this information with me.


Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

I've been working here,

for 3 years.

William. This is me.

I have no rational reason to be afraid.

I know who you are.

You are William Thomas.

You are in charge of maintenance.

- Yes. Right.
- Yes.

And I thank you.

Thank you. For what?

You are always very careful to
put everything back where it belongs

on my desk. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Astrid Nielsen.

Nice to meet you.

Shall I walk you to your office?

- This way?
- It seems to be shorter.

It is that way.

It's that way.

If we run into anyone and they ask you
questions, you're an intern, alright?

Report of the hearing in the Duchemin case.

The public prosecutor would like a
copy. Within the hour.

Why does it always have to be
within the hour?

- I've received a WEA.
- A what?

A Wireless Emergency Alert.

Ah. Your hobby.


Reading alerts in real-time is my thing.

Deep down,

I always told myself I was cut out for it.

I'm also part of the big Poulaga house.

The big house what?

“Woman on day parole since yesterday
did not go to work,

did not return in time to her cell,
considered an escapee from prison”.

Well, what do you know!

Well, so what?

This woman, I'm sure I saw her less than
2 hours ago in front of the Doc

with Miss Nielsen.

It was 2 hours ago, she's already far away.

Are you sure?

I'll go and ask Astrid. I want to
know for sure.


Even my daughter thinks I'm guilty.

She's totally cut me off.

I only have her. If I want to fight today,
it's for her. Do you know what I mean?

We can take the armbands off,
we're safe here.

To put the pieces of your case together,

I first have to develop a search strategy.

Then I locate the document by
using keywords.

This is a very important step that
requires a lot of concentration.

Thank you for explaining to Marissa,
Astrid. Thank you.

I say that mostly because it
is a very important step

that requires a lot of concentration.

- We'll be quiet.
- Yes. Thank you.

How are you?

You said, "we'll be quiet".

Do you want a glass of water?

- I'd love one.
- Come on, then.

- A lot of concentration.
- We'll leave you to it.


Thank you.

Miss Nielsen?

I was wondering

who you were with this morning in front
of the Criminal Documentation.

You are wearing the
same shirt as yesterday.

Yes, a problem with the washer.

Shit! What the hell is he doing
here? No way!

Shit, shit.

Shit, shit! Shit! Gilles!
Listen to me! Gilles!

Shit! Calm down, Gilles!

Hey, hey, hey!

There's no need to panic, OK?
I'll explain everything.

You won't explain anything!

You're hiding a fugitive.

- A fugitive?
- Absolutely! A prison escapee.

Give me your g*n, Commander Coste.

Marissa, no.


Gilles? You need to call your
wife back urgently.

Can I talk to you alone for a minute?

Mathias, can you get these things off me?
This is ridiculous now.

I don't know if first names are
appropriate, Commander Coste.

I see.

As long as our relationship
brings you closer to

my father, everything is fine.

But if it puts your career at risk,
you're gone.

I think I've always been very clear about
the nature of this relationship.

You're a bastard.

What I'm trying to figure out is,

what was going on in your head?

Aiding a fugitive.

You won't be on traffic duty.
You're facing discharge!

Can you imagine the situation
you put me in?

- Sir.
- Mr. Wurlitzer.

We have just discussed this

and at this point, you are about to become
one of the protagonists of this story.

I think it would be easier
for this investigation

if you let us talk to the defendant alone.

Wait, what's this about?

I'm still in charge of this case.

No, you were in charge of
Mrs. Martenot's escape.

But this investigation
is a BIA investigation.

An independent investigation in
which you are involved:

you were in charge at the time
of the events.

I'm going to leave too, Sir.

I think that's the best position to take.

Yes, of course.



Why don't we start over?

Marissa Martenot took us to a place
with no windows.

That's why we ended
up in the Doc's shelvings.

Move. Take their phones.

The phone! Sir, your phone.

- That's his, actually.
- And you, your phone!

- I don't have it, I left it upstairs!
- OK, let's go.



If I understand correctly, now I
am obliged to believe you?

From now on, you're the only witness.


There is also Astrid Nielsen.

Yes. And I will hear
from her in due time.

Please continue.

They want to negotiate.

That's a good sign.

- You should pick up.
- Yes!

We'll explain everything, it's
all gonna be alright, ok?


I don't know.

I didn't plan for things to go this way.

You need to pick up!

Commander Coste, you need to pick up!

Ok, listen. The Documentation is
surrounded so for all

our sakes we should discuss,
find a solution.

I agree, Mathias.


What the hell are you doing here?

I was at the Doc when
the hostage situation began.

Raph, tell me
you have nothing to do with this.

It's more complicated than that.

Listen carefully, the hostage taker
doesn't want money.

She just wants us to study her case.


You mean it's one woman and you did
nothing to try and turn things around?

I'm telling you she doesn't want money.

She wants us to study her case.

And it can all go down smoothly.

Raph, tell me you being at the
Doc is a coincidence.

I think she deserves to be heard.

If she spent 5 years in prison wrongfully,

we owe her at least that, don't we?
- She took a police department hostage!

- It deserves an appropriate response.
- I know but..

It wasn't planned. It went sideways.

Look, one woman with a g*n,
we can handle that very easily.

What? What are you saying?

One woman with a g*n can do as
much damage as one man with a g*n.

How can you say that?

Tell me, knowing you, I'm sure you
don't want to announce any

death tonight on the news.

So, you're gonna give me some time, ok?

I'll give you 2 hours
to find a peaceful solution.

After that, we need to start the as*ault.


Find me a way to get in there.

You cannot come in.

I have a g*n.

I'm pointing it at you, I don't think it's
up to you to decide whether I go in or not.

When I work in this room, I work alone.

To be able to think, I need to be alone.

Otherwise, I cannot think.

Don't try anything in there.

Trust her.

And why would I trust her?

Because she's the only one who can
prove you're innocent.

Because you already have taken
our phones.

And apart from this door, this room
has no other exit.

You can check.

Apart from working on your case,
I can do nothing else.

Go ahead.

Thank you Mrs. Martenot.

I'm sure they're going
to order the as*ault.

Commander Coste has 1 hour left.

I think we found a way in.

It's not without risk but
it's a good approach.

What's the probability of it going
without any problems?

Hard to say, we don't have a clear
view of what's going on in there.

But according to our thermal imaging,
I'd say 75%.

How long to prepare the as*ault?

10 minutes.

Can I ask you a question?

That energy,

why didn't you use it to defend yourself?


if you want me to help you, you need
to talk to me.

You need to trust me.

Who was it?

The person you knew who went to meetings,
who was it?

My big brother.

He'd made bad life choices,

hung out with the wrong people.

I thought I could help him, and then…

Béatrice had a brother too.

A little brother.

You lost a child?

That's when I started drinking.

He was 6.

He was my little sunshine.

And 2 years later,

when I was put in detention for the
m*rder of my sponsor,

it was the final blow.

I let myself go.

My life was screwed anyway, so why fight?

For Béatrice.

How old is she now?


I've just learned she's pregnant.

I found it.

You can come in.

- No, careful!
- What?

You can't both stay in there while
I stay outside.


Your shoes. You need to take off
your shoes. There.

The day he was m*rder*d, your
sponsor David Ixcet

was hosting an AA meeting.

I managed to identify everyone
who was there.

It was very hard.

The anonymity the organization guarantees
did not make it easy. There.

Some participants have not been
identified by the investigators.

The only one who knows their true
identity is the man who was k*lled.

Your AA sponsor David Ixcet.

And of course,

Marissa was the perfect suspect.


I wasn't at that meeting.

It was something that incriminated me.

Yet it is proof of your innocence.

Start the as*ault.

What… Sir! Coste still has 15 minutes
left to find a solution without v*olence.

So we have the element of surprise.

The elements Astrid found are strong.

Now we need to continue the
investigation in the field.

The best way to prove your innocence
is to find the real culprit.

I just pointed a g*n at
state officials though.

The State is always considerate with
victims of miscarriage of justice.

And I'll testify in your favor.

In the meantime,

give me your g*n.


Trust me.

There we go.

No visual on the suspect.

No touching. No touching.

We'll have to take a break,
Commander Coste.

We'll get back to it later.


Shit, shit, shit!

You work with Commander Coste

on criminal police investigations-

But you belong to the Criminal
Documentation first and foremost.

- Is that right?
- Absolutely.

I take care of the documentary resources
at the Criminal Documentation.

Who knew about this secret way

into the Criminal Documentation?

Apparently the squads of the Research
and Intervention Brigade

knew about it.

What is the nature of your collaboration
with Commander Coste, exactly?

I look at things differently.


The most important moment

is when I lay out the different
elements of the case.

In a criminal investigation,

each step is precisely
detailed in the reports.

Each testimony is recorded.

Each element leaves a trail.
There is always a trail.

Only, my thinking process
is essentially visual.

I need to see the investigation.

I need to see the elements in
order for them to fit together.


I watch.

I think.

I look for a body of consistent evidence
with the other cases, I know the cases.

And I wait.

Sometimes, an element stands out.


Presence of silica, sodium carbonate
on the crime scene.

What does that tell you?

The AA meetings that David Ixcet, the
victim, was hosting,

were taking place in an abandoned factory.

An old factory that made iron.

Hence the silica and carbonate.


It is an element that
incriminated Mrs. Martenot.

Silica and sodium carbonate were collected
on the soles of Mrs. Martenot's shoes.

Silica and sodium carbonate were collected
at the crime scene.

She was a suspect.

The investigators deduced that
Mrs. Martenot left them there.

But it is just a question of point of view.

Do you know
the 9 dots problem, Mr. Wurlitzer?

Of course. It's a mind game.

To solve it,
you need to go outside the box.

Exactly. You need to go outside the box.

You need to change your point of view.

Marissa Martenot had silica and
carbonate sodium on the soles of her shoes,

but maybe not because she left them
at the crime scene.

Maybe because she picked them up there.

What makes you think that?

The fact that Mrs. Martenot did not go
to the AA meeting that day.

But why accuse her, and not someone else?

Marissa Martenot is the last person
David Ixcet called before he died.

The investigators assumed

her sponsor had called her to know
the reasons for her absence.

He figured out she was drunk.

And fearing being denounced and
losing custody of her daughter,

Mrs. Martenot went over there to
shut him up definitively.

It is an evocative expression meaning
k*ll him.

Yes. That could work.



that is not what the silica
and sodium carbonate say.

Could you tell me where the
bathroom is please?

Sure. Over there, on the left.

I'm sorry Commander, I have orders.
I'll have to take you into holding.

Don't worry. I know it's not your fault.

What the hell? Damn, Arthur!

There's water damage
and the cells are unusable.

So we have to put you here.

It's not very comfortable and there's
no water source

but it's flooded!

Thank you, Arthur.

Be careful that the Commissioner
doesn't see you though!

- Not a chance. It was his idea.
- Huh?


Astrid, it's me.

- Raphaëlle?
- Yes.

- Raphaëlle?
- Yes. You okay?

Yes, I am okay.

I do not have my shoelaces.

I do not have my watch.
I do not have my backpack.

- I know, Astrid. I'm sorry.
- Me too, I am sorry.

But Mr. Wurlitzer, from the BIA

is a very rigorous and precise man.

It will be okay, do not
worry for me, Raphaëlle.

Astrid, listen to me,
we don't have much time.

I need to know
what you think of Marissa.


What you think of her file.


I think Marissa Martenot

is innocent of the crime
she's accused of.

I agree with you.
But why did she run away, then?

The only explanation

is that she wasn't there
to prove her innocence.

She's looking for something else.

Maybe she is looking for
the real m*rder*r's identity.

Something's been bothering me
since the beginning.

Why didn't she stand up more?

That's what distorted the investigation.

Did she tell you anything else?


Yes, she told me she had
lost a child 2 years before.

You're thinking about something?

Mr. Wurlitzer.

My rights have not been respected.
I know my rights.

I offered you a lawyer's assistance.

You're the one who declined.


It is not about that.

I wish to make a call.

I have the right to a phone call.

- Of course.
- Yes.

Of course.

I really am sorry. Matter of procedure.
I have to type the number.

Can you write it?

I know the procedure.


William Thomas.

06, 32, 67…

What is it?


I do not have my watch.

What time is it, please?

- 7:45 pm.
- Ah.

He is in the middle of a meeting
at the social aptitude group.

He will not pick up.

I have to find another number.

I know.

01, 08, 42, 43, 50.

I am square, he is circle.

I do not have any color.

I am square, he is circle.
I need to follow the arrows.

Tanaka's shop, good evening.

Hello, Tetsuo Tanaka.

I am in a delicate situation.

Could you help me, please?

Anything you need, Astrid.



Could you go right away to
the social aptitude group meeting

situated 11 Fossés Street,
in Paris' 18th arrondissement

and ask William Thomas,
putting everything else aside, to send

from the Criminal Documentation
to Captain Perran,

the file classified GRM-753
which he will find

at the Criminal Documentation,
3rd basement,

in between the shelves C28 and C96.

The front door is locked but
William will know what to do.


Goodbye. One must say goodbye.


Wait, you're sure
he got all the information?

Yes, absolutely.

It is Tetsuo Tanaka.

- Hello.
- Hello.

You are William Thomas?

Yes, it's me.

I am Tetsuo Tanaka.

I have a message from Astrid Nielsen.

She needs your help.

Of course,

whatever she needs.

I've been waiting
for this moment for a long time.

Oh, it can't be true.
We've been digitizing for months.

Page by page, and all this work
is about to disappear in a blink.

That's not possible!

the paper copies are still here.

Does one not say that
the stone lasts 10000 years,

he paper, 1000 years,
and the IT media, 10 years.

How can a youngster like you
be so retrograde?

It's the future, Astrid.

I will always prefer the physical media.

I like opening files, I know files.

That being said,

after having talked with
someone from the department,

I think this person could help us.

- Someone from the department?
- Yes.

But I already called IT 3 times.

- William?
- Yes?

I would need your help,

putting everything else aside.

- Of course, I'm coming down.
- Yes, careful.

It's the janitor, Astrid.

Yes, it is William Thomas,
he is a janitor.

Nice to meet you.

William Thomas, if you will.

- There.
- Sorry, excuse me.

Go on.

- There.
- There.

That was it.

You're good, kid.

Thank you.

I'll go back to my neon lights.

- Sorry, excuse me.
- You are welcome.


is he your son?

A few days later, Mr. Gaillard
introduced me to my current employer.

So, I don't know if
I'll ever be able to pay Astrid back,

but today, I'm happy to return the favor.

You know,

Astrid is important to me, too.


Come on, it's this way.

All clear.


Fascinating place, right?

It's just that for the first time,

I have the impression of getting a glimpse
of what's going on in her head.

- I almost feel indecent.
- Of course.

I hope one day, she'll be
the one showing me the place.

Of course.

Last one.

Come on.

From William and Tetsuo Tanaka

Ms. Nielsen, you asked to see a doctor?

Yes, it is
one of my rights during custody.

According to the article 63-1
from the Criminal Procedure Code.


I got your message.

The doctor has arrived.

Thank you.

- I gave your boyfriend hell.
- My boyfriend?

Your ex?

Not even, apparently,
we never were together.

The more you know.

What an assh*le.

I can't eat that.


My favorites?

- Of course.
- Thanks Nico.

- So you gave the DA hell?
- Yeah.

And I got the right authorizations.

I went to the jail last night
to interrogate Marissa's bunkmate.

- And?
- And her name's Violetta Flores.

- No kidding?
- No kidding.

The girl we arrested the first time
we had ever worked with Astrid.

She told her
about the outstanding capacities

of a so-called Astrid Nielsen
at the Criminal Documentation.

So she didn't come to see her randomly,

she chose her.
- Yeah.

And the investigation?

At a standstill.

Mathias just did a press conference.

He tried to
make the journalist turn tables.

He wasn't putting on airs and graces.


It's time to get him.

- Yes?
- Yes, Sir.

- Carl Bachert speaking.
- Commissioner.

Yes, Commander Coste and
the swore in agent Nielsen

would like to speak with you.

They already had
their chance, didn't they?

I have to be
at the Ministry in 15 minutes

to give some explanations,
I can come by afterwards.

Allow me to insist, Sir.
I think it's important.

They want to confess.

What's this nonsense about a confession?

It's the denouement, Sir.

I was talking to the Commissioner,
Commander Coste.

Unless I'm wrong,
you're still a suspect for complicity

to a hostage taking?
- Sir,

the ball is in your court.

Either you keep on going
your way and pose

as an incompetent in front of journalists,

either you give the crime unit free rein

and we deliver you Marissa Martenot
on a sliver platter.

Okay, I get it.

- So, you're with them now?
- I'm with the common sense.

And with my team, yeah.

Can I know who all these people are?

Those are the puzzle pieces

that helped us
shine some light onto this case.

We were only missing one piece.

To understand why Marissa had done this.

That, we already knew:
to prove her innocence.


If it was that,

why would she have run away
once we were getting close?


Marissa came to the Doc
for another matter entirely.

She came because of her son.

When I first started
studying the Martenot case,

I saw a classification
for a car accident.

I moved it aside because it was not
pertinent to my research strategy,

but when Commander Coste told me
that Ms. Martenot's son had died,

I understood it was the key.

7 years ago,

Marissa Martenot's son was hit by a car.

A hit and run.

Never found the driver.

The kid, left for dead,

died before getting to a hospital.

That's why she was here.

To know who was driving that night.

What does that have to do
with the m*rder she's accused of?

Everything, absolutely everything.

Because of the silica and sodium carbonate

left on the crime scene by the culprit

and transferred on
Mrs. Martenot's shoe soles.

Our teams verified all the
samples that were done at the time.

All of them are correct.

It confirms Miss Nielsen's theory.

Thank you, Mr. Frédéric.

The real culprit of the m*rder,
which Mrs. Martenot was accused of,

was present at the AA meeting
on the afternoon of the crime.

I managed to identify every participants

present at the reunion, unlike
the investigators at that time.

Thus, we had a list.

And if we managed to make the link

between one of the names
on that list, and the accident,

we had more than a lead.

We had a body of consistent evidence.

A body of consistent evidence.

The vehicle which ran the child down
had violently hit a low wall.

Perhaps the driver had been injured.

I therefore thought that
I could ask Paul's help.

Wait. Who's Paul?

Paul Thomas. There.

Paul Thomas.

- I'm a doctor.
- You asked to see a doctor?

Consulting a few colleagues,
I found a record in traumatology

opened by an emergency service

the day after the accident.

A record under the name of
a certain André Moug.

- Who's on the list.
- Yes.

André Moug consulted an emergency service
for a head trauma

the day after the accident
that k*lled Marissa's son.

2 years later,
he participated to an AA meeting

held by Marissa's sponsor.

He related the accident
to ease his own conscience.

And the sponsor understood
that he was the driver

that ran Marissa's son down?

- There.
- There.

The call to Marissa
on the day of the m*rder

was to tell her that.

He understood, I don't know how,
that he'd been unmasked.

And when Marissa arrived,

he had k*lled the sponsor.

If I may,

it's at that moment, I believe

that we step into play.

- Listen, why not-
- Friends!


Astrid needs our help.

We split all the names
on that list between us

to learn as much as possible about him.

Every one of us
put themselves in danger.

A true challenge.

What can I say.

Helping Astrid gave them wings.

Thank you.

I went to see Géraldine Crimot.

I met with Fabrice Denis.

Kévin Anvitch.

That is Tetsuo Tanaka.

And I had to meet André Moug.

But I didn't see him.

He's a commercial CEO

and spends
most of his time on the road.

He arrives today at 11 am.

Marissa will try to intercept him,
so we need to be there before her.

Which leaves us less than an hour.


And you uncovered all this
while being in custody.


It's the difference
between you and us, Sir.

Some aren't team players.

And us,

we're the other way around.

His tie is crooked.


Have a good day.

And you?

- What part did you play into this?
- Me?


I just came as a friend.

Hope that's not an issue.

Move forward!

Calm down.

Forward, I say!

Please, calm down!

Jump, son of a bitch! You jump!


Raph, your vest!

Jump, I'm telling you.

- Jump, son of a bitch!
- I didn't do anything.

Jump, I'm telling you!

You're wrong, I swear.
You're wrong.




Drop your w*apon!

Drop the w*apon, don't make it worse.

You don't know!

You know nothing!

It won't bring your son back, Marissa.

It was an accident.

I didn't mean to.

I swear!

I promise, he'll be punished
for what he did.

Drop the w*apon!

- It's too late!
- No.

No, you didn't commit any crime, Marissa.

I've been waiting for this for 7 years.
You can't take that away from me.


Raph, what are you doing?


Drop your g*n, Nico.

Drop your g*n.

You can still change what can be changed.

And think about Béatrice, your daughter.

She needs you.

Come on.



Raph, move!

On the ground! On the ground!

I didn't mean to.

Don't move! Don't move!

I didn't mean to.


Are you okay?

Are you okay, my Raph?

Since when do you call me “my Raph”?

Who cares? I freaked out!

Are you okay?

Ok, you can take her.
I'm staying with you.

So, if I'm getting this right,

you took full responsibility
for a crime you didn't commit.

All that to quench your revenge?

That's what
kept me alive all those years.

And I couldn't sh**t him.

This doesn't make any sense.

On the contrary.

It has a meaning.

It's the voice of reason.

Come on, take her away.

I'm glad to know you're not
in a life-threatening condition.

No more than I, Sir.

Though you made quite a mess.

You'll be held accountable.

You're lucky it ends well,
but your responsibility will be engaged.

We're not done.

Yes, Commander.

You'll have to learn to respect rules.

Come in.



I did not know that the convention is
to bring flowers in such circumstances.

I can go downstairs
to buy some, if you wish.


No, no.

Flowers suck, you can't eat them.

If you go downstairs,

you could get me a bottle
of wine and a box of chocolates?

No, but I'm not kidding!

I'm kidding.


I was kidding
when I said I wasn't kidding.

I know.

- You understood?
- Yes.

You're making progress.

You know, I owe you a lot, Astrid.

Without you, I don't know. I don't-

One should not cut people off when
they talk, but I cannot let you go on.

I bear the sole responsibility.

And without you, I- - Ok, ok.

We're not going to
count points, that's ridiculous.

Let's just say

that a compass
is nothing without its thimble.


A thimble

is nothing without its compass.

It is funny. It is very funny

because, except us,

no one else can understand.

Maybe that's
what friendship is, Astrid.

Let's have a drink to
celebrate your return, Commander.

It's a little too early for champagne, no?

Thank you.

I'm really glad to see you, Commander.

Ah, that's a talking coffee.
Thank you, Arthur.


Are you okay?

I am.

And you?

- Yeah. Happy to see you.
- Me too.

Be right back.

Happy to see you, Coste.

Me too.

Come on in.

Have a seat.

No, I'll be okay. Thanks.

Very well.

An investigation just opened,
asking for the revision

of Marissa Martenot's trial.

But the decision
has already been cancelled.

The hold-up will
give her cause for concern,

but given the circumstances,
the prosecution was lenient.

She'll sleep in her own bed tonight.

Well, I won't have screwed
my career up for nothing.

About that, I got Wurlitzer.

He gave his conclusions to the prosecution
and the direction of National Police.

And his investigation
totally cleared your name.

Welcome back, Coste.

Thank you.

And what about Captain Perran?

Normally, it's out of his hands.

The disciplinary procedure triggered

by Captain Perran's outburst

was filed directly at
management to short-circuit the BIA.

But Wurlitzer insisted on
getting the file back

by threatening
to exercise a procedural error.

I don't know what you all did to him,

but you won him over.

It's Astrid, especially.
He was impressed.

Unfortunately, I don't
just have good news, Commander.

And it's about Miss Nielsen.

The prosecution looked into
her special status

and found some discrepancies.


Like impinging on prerogatives
reserved only for police officers,

like interrogating a suspect for example.

Will there be a trial?

No. Nothing of that sort.

They're willing to
wipe the slate clean for Astrid,

but on one condition.

Astrid can't be a part of the investigations
of the criminal police anymore.


- Son of a bitch.
- I'm sorry, Coste.

This is where I feel best.
At the Criminal Documentation.

There, I do my research.