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02x01 - L'étourneau

Posted: 01/16/23 19:49
by bunniefuu

Merger Agreement


So… This is the start of a new story.

Yes, congrats.

I've never had the chance to be part
of a merger like this in my career.

It's as emotional as a wedding.

That doesn't make sense. How
could a bird break a window like that?

Hello, Astrid.

Hello, Raphaëlle.

So, you've already met
Mr. Gaillard's successor?

They have not been appointed yet.

We do not know who it will be yet.

You are late. One cannot be late.

In your message you said
“I'll pick you up in 5 minutes”.

That was...

17 minutes ago.

I'm sorry. And I know you have issues
with unexpected things.

It is not really unexpected.

How so?

I have always classified events
in my life in several categories.

There are expected events,
like when I go

to work at the Criminal Documentation
for example.

And there are the unexpected ones.

Those are divided into
several categories themselves.

- Really?
- Yes.

Which ones?

There are predictable unexpected events.

If I go to the post office for example,
there could be a waiting line.

Ok. And unpredictable unexpected events?

If the post office is closed, for
exceptional reasons.

Computer failure for example.

So when I'm late, that's a
predictable unexpected event?

Exactly. If you were on time,

that would be an
unpredictable unexpected event.

- Hey, that's a joke!
- Yes.

I made a joke, Raphaëlle.

It's very funny.

The 12 people who were in the room
are being taken care of.

They're all in shock.

That's understandable. A sn*per
shot in the middle of Paris?

Our victim is a business lawyer.
He just signed a merger

between two major industrial groups.
The stakes are very high.

Yeah, the b*llet hit him straight
in the heart.

Great sh**t.

We deployed our team in the
whole neighborhood.

We're looking for the
location where the sn*per

took his shot in the surrounding buildings.

Obviously, something's wrong
with the b*llet's trajectory.

It is because there were two.


It is not the b*llet that broke the
window that k*lled the victim.

There were two sh*ts.

There would be two
b*llet holes in that case.

There is a body of consistent evidence
indicating that the two sh*ts

were fired from inside the room, and
that it is and that it is on the way out

that the b*llet exploded the window.

The victim was k*lled by
someone who was in this room.

Astrid, you know I
don't doubt your talents

but there are 12 witnesses.

No, there are 12 suspects.

Ok, let's say. We have 12 suspects.
You're saying

among those 12, not one saw the sh**t?

Far-fetched much?

Or maybe they were all accomplices?

Like m*rder on the Orient Express?

No, Raph, I really don't believe that.

Half the witnesses didn't know
each other before today.

Well, let's check the connections
between all participants.

And especially with the victim.

Oh, what's that?

It's a Sturnus vulgaris unaus,
commonly known as a starling.

I'm interested in birds.

Yes, we found that in
the room and the witnesses,

I mean the suspects, said it
entered when the window exploded.

Are you kidding? The Starling.

Doesn't ring a bell? The Starling?

Astrid, you're thinking the
same thing as me, right?

Commander Coste, I cannot know if
I am thinking the same thing as you.

But statistically, it seems highly
improbable that it is the case.

Not at the same time anyway.

Of course. But I mean, what does a
starling make you think of?

The same thing as you, I would guess.

No, not The Starling.

The Starling, yes.

Yes, The Starling. There.

The Starling.

So, can someone explain?

You're not ready.

February 3rd, 2004. A William
Turner painting, valued at £25 millions

disappears from the Tate Museum in London.
The robbery happens

in broad daylight. There's guards,
visitors, the alarm system doesn't set off.

There are no traces, not one fingerprint,
except this.

The robbery was signed with a stencil
in the shape of a bird.

Since that was all we had, we named the
suspect “The Starling”.

Please, sir.

That was the beginning of a long series
of robberies. All more

spectacular than the last. The second
occurrence was in Moscow...

You didn't come with Astrid?

Yes, look. Official debriefs are too
hard for her. So we decided to…

To do this. There's too much noise, too
many people she doesn't know.

- It's great.
- Yeah.

And if she wants to participate, she sends
me a text. Ah, she's sending a text.

What is she saying?

She wants us to shut up.
She wants to listen to the debrief.

All good?

We're not bothering you, Coste?

If you want to share something with
the group, go ahead, we're listening.

Not at all, sir. It's alright.

What did I just say?

- What you just said? Right now?
- Yes.

Every time, it was the same
signature each time. A starling stencil.

Well done, Commander Coste.

Even today, we don't have any real
leads on the Starling's identity.

What I want to know is why you think
there's a connection

between what happened this morning
and the Starling.

Because you want to make sure this
case is sufficiently covered

by the media, maybe?

No, because I'm
leading this investigation.

See Nicolas, the problem with the new
DA is that they're always very zealous.

To stop unmanageable cops
being out of control.

- Flattery won't lead you anywhere, sir.
- Coste!

Ok. Ballistics confirmed the b*llet
was fired from inside the room.

The 12 people who were in the room with
Boris Joubert all have powder

on their clothes. But none have enough
to have fired the w*apon.

Meaning there was a 13th
person in the room when the m*rder

happened. And no one saw anything,
like with the Starling's stunts.

Except what distinguishes the Starling's
stunts as you say,

is precisely the lack of v*olence.

He usually signs with a stencil.

This time, he signed with a dead bird.


Let's start with interviewing the 12
people who were in the room.

I already asked Arthur and Nicolas
to go over their lives

to find a connection to the victim.


You thought to get the names of the
people who were in the tower at that time?

No? Well, do it.

If you want to interview them all,
we'll need reinforcements.

500 working full-time, a hundred visitors.

I'll update you as we make progress.

Thank you, Commissioner. I'd love
to make an announcement rather quickly.

- Have a nice day, sir.
- Commissioner.


It was great seeing you.

What? It was great seeing you.
It's been what?

15 years since we last saw each other.

Ok, what do you want? You want a rematch,
right here, right now?

Why not?

Because I didn't bring my racket.
Have a nice day, sir.

Have a nice day, Coste.

Did you see the list of people who
could be the Starling?

They were all suspects at one point.
Berton, Riquelinx, Pouilloux, Seguins,

Bourtine, Dalnadja, and
him, Guillaume Delerue.


So he was registered as a visitor of
the tower this morning.

Guillaume Delerue. Neurologist. He
published several books about

the workings of the brain. It was a hit.
He gives lectures all over the world.

And apparently he didn't leave La Défense.

- What?
- I said, apparently he didn't leave La Défense.

No. Meaning?

Meaning he's giving a lecture there in the
afternoon. In the tower across the street.


You run companies of what? 500, 1,000,
100,000 employees.

Yet, your brains play tricks on you all the
time. Because that's how it works.

Our attention span is very limited.
So your brain takes shortcuts

to make quick decisions. But shortcuts,
in management, can also be traps.

Ma'am? Could you help me for a little
demonstration, please?

- No, no.
- Please.

No, no.

Magicians always need a lovely assistant.


- Do you care about your watch?
- I kinda do.

I'll squeeze, so you feel it enough
to make sure I won't steal it.

If I do this with my other hand, you can be
sure it's not playing tricks on you.

What I'm doing is saturating
the attention of this young lady

to prevent her from realizing that I
am indeed stealing her watch.

And that is really important
to understand for leaders.

Attention can only focus on a few points
at the same time.

Criminal police, can
I talk to you in private?

I guess this has to do with
the m*rder that happened

in the tower across from here?

You're well informed.

Well, everyone is well informed. The info
circulated on every channel.

You know about that, right?

Of course.

- My watch. Give me back my watch.
- Of course.

Great, thank you Mr. DA and his big mouth.
How can you work with a guy like that?

He discredits us. Damn.

And Delerue, you
notified him of his custody?

You're kidding? We have nothing.

Yes we do. We just
did a search at his place.

You'll need to explain why we found
this at your place.

On the register and the CCTV,
you enter the building one hour before

the crime. And you leave 20 minutes after.

I told you. I had a meeting
with an editor. Editions Junot,

for a future book. I met with their
secretary, she had me wait a little.

And then she told me
the meeting was cancelled.

I left. That's it.

The editor doesn't have
an office in the building.

And they say they never
had any contact with you.

Wait, the crime happened how?
You're sure I had time to do it?

I'm the one asking questions.

Or it'll be my lawyer.

Tell me how the m*rder happened.

We're missing...

a few elements.

You don't actually know
how it happened, right?

The victim was confined with 12 people.

None are the sh**t
and none saw the sh**t.

- It's brilliant.
- Sorry?

I don't know who did that but they're
a genius in diverting attention.

Diversion of attention is the
center point of my research.

I'm just saying.

Raph, you're seriously asking me to
trust some kind of mentalistic neurologist?

Shhh, shut up!

It's his job. If a magician
did this, he can help us.

Of course if he did it, he
can tell us how it happened!

He won't tell us how
it happened if he did it.

Yes, to trick us! Raph, that guy…

That guy is a manipulator. He's
an expert in manipulation, even.

Shhh, I feel good about this. I feel good
about this, I'm telling you!

You know what? You deal with the DA.

We don't have to tell him. Huh?

We don't tell him.

You're a pain!

Ok? Come on. I'll call Astrid, we'll
pick her up on the way.

- I don't feel good about this.
- Don't worry.

If it goes well, he'll give us a medal.
At worst, he won't know anything.

Sir, we were actually about to call you.

Yeah, we were about to.

You can go through. It is
only for accredited people,

and in these circumstances, you are
accredited. There, under, good. Sorry, sir.

The victim was here, right?

Yes, here.

So… Everyone is here,
listening to Joubert's speech.

And at one point, a noise
makes them turn their heads.

They see the broken window and the bird
on the floor. Someone says

something like: How could a bird break a
window like this one?

And when they turn around, they discover
that the victim was shot in the heart.

Is that correct?

That's what the witness
statements said, yes.

- But that's not what happened.
- Sorry?

He said “that is not what happened”.

First, there's the
starling, thrown on the floor.

Then a first g*nsh*t, then the window
breaking. If the w*apon had a sil*ncer,

the pane that broke at the same time
made more noise, attracting

the attention of the people in the room,
saturating their attention.

- Raphaëlle.
- Shhh, not now.

The brain did the rest. Putting
the elements in the order it deemed

the most logical.

Meanwhile, they didn't
see the victim being shot.

- How so?
- There was an enlightening experience on the subject.

You show a video to a panel, and ask
people to count the number of passes

between two basketball teams.

- Commander Coste.
- During the video, without hiding, an actor disguises themself

as a gorilla and passes through
the video. Most people, focused on

following the ball, don't
even see the gorilla.

- Their attention is saturated.
- Not seeing a guy in a gorilla costume?

Who wouldn't see that?

It depends if your attention is focused
on something else.

In that case, you wouldn't see, like you
didn't see this right now.

Mr. Delerue took off his handcuffs
during his demonstration. You didn't see.

Why didn't you tell me, Astrid?

I kept telling you. You said “shhh”,
like this. Shh, yes.

- She would see the gorilla, that's for sure. Right?
- Yes.

Apparently, we're looking for a magician
or someone very good

in diverting attention.

Like a neurologist whose
research is all about that?

- Come on, Nico.
- Well, yeah.

I don't dismiss Delerue as a suspect, but
we have nothing solid on him.

To catch him or to find another suspect,
we need to start from the beginning.

What do we have on the
victim, privately speaking?

Not much. Single, no kids, no known close
friends, no girlfriend,

only coworkers.

- The guy lived for his work.
- Yeah. What do you have?

I followed his credit card
statements. Mr. Joubert had a hobby.

A very nice hobby.

Candlelit dinner: €300, intimacy with
Mr.: €500, intimacy with Mrs.: €400.

- He used an escort website.
- Yeah, a very official website. Looks like a food delivery website.

- Yeah? Show me.
- Don't. You can't afford it.

It's for the case.

I managed to get access to our victim's
profile on the website.

- He always called on the same girl, Ambre.
- Pretty, Ambre.

- We love Ambre. Very nice. Specialized in GFE.
- GFE?

Girlfriend Experience. Basically
she doesn't act as a typical prost*tute,

but as the client's girlfriend.

- Would be good to interrogate her.
- Totally.

I'll interrogate her. I have
doubts about your objectivity, guys.

Hi. The same, please.

- I'm happy you called me. Raphaëlle, right?
- Yes, well, I'd rather you don't call me that.

As you want. The customer
is always right.

And I'm not a customer.

And I'm not a prost*tute,
that's how this works.

Don't worry. I don't care
what you do to make a living.

- I'm interested in one of your customers, Boris Joubert.
- There you go.


He was m*rder*d.

Wait, who was he to you exactly?

We became close. That's it, it happens.

- Did he tell you about himself, his private life?
- No, never.

He never told me about his
family or.. or even his friends.

But he was gentle, he was considerate.

He was a real gentleman.

I felt safe with him.

- He did incredible things with his hands.
- That's none of my business.

Oh, no. No, I didn't mean that.

I mean.. He made coins appear and disappear
but it wasn't cheesy at all. It was…

- It was crazy stuff.
- Like magic?

Yes, exactly.

Hello, Gilles. Astrid, I got your text.

- So you found something on Joubert?
- Yes.

But before telling you what I found,

I must explain beforehand, that there is a
network of people like me.

- Like you. Autistic people?
- No, criminal documentalist, Raphaëlle.

- It is a completely unofficial network.
- Of course.

Most of the time, we
only talk about classification.

But sometimes, exceptionally, we ask
questions about other things.

No way! And your network… They're
documentalists from all over the country?

No, all over the world.

- Shoes.
- Yes.

Oh, these are all the
cases credited to the Starling.

I studied Boris Joubert's agenda.
He travelled a lot for work.

In February 2004, he's in London.
On February 3rd, 2004, a William

Turner painting was stolen in
broad daylight from the Tate Museum.

- The first robbery of the Starling.
- Yes.

On May 4th, 2010, he's in Moscow. That
is when a robbery happened

at a diamond merchant on the Red Square,
signed by the Starling.

On July 6th, 2014, he's at the
Hôtel de Normandie in Deauville.

That same day, the Starling stole all the
revenue from the horse race in that city.

Raphaëlle, there is a body of consistent
evidence making me think

that Boris Joubert was the Starling.

Joubert wasn't a victim of the Starling
because Joubert was the Starling.

And we needed to take the dead starling
we found on the crime scene

- in the literal sense. The Starling is dead.
- You're sure?

Coste is affirmative and Astrid Nielsen
was able to prove Joubert

was present for every crime of the
Starling. What do we do with Delerue?

We keep him. He was in the
building at the time of the crime.

- Until proven otherwise, he's our main suspect.
- Ok.

- I'm sorry Mr. Gaillard but it's a disaster.
- You told her what to do?

Of course. It's not
rocket science. Honestly,

I'm not sure we're equipped to have
staff like her.

Thank you.

Welcome to the Criminal
Documentation storeroom, Astrid.

5 linear km of official reports,
medico-legal institute registers,

reports from the lab.

But without order, all this is just paper.

Millions of pieces of paper with no value.

Our vocation isn't to keep
pieces of paper, Astrid.

Our vocation is making their content
accessible to the present.

27 years ago, I had just
started my mission here.

There had been a mistake in registering
a file. Dozens of reports were lost.

The Marceau case was
severely penalized by this mistake.

I'll never forget it.

Every step of archiving is essential.
What you have to do upstairs

is part of the process without which all
this wouldn't make sense.

Do you understand?

When I do research at the
Criminal Documentation, careful,

I am faced with 2 major
risks. Noise and silence.

Noise is the irrelevant documents that
show up in response to a question.

For our investigation, there are hundreds
of files in which Boris

Joubert's name is cited as a lawyer,
but that are not linked to his death.

And then there is silence.

It is relevant documents that do not
show up during a literature search.

Information does not appear. You could
think it does not exist.

In that case, you need to find the way that
leads to this information.

I have found the way, Raphaëlle.

- Here.
- When are these files from?

- From the early 90s.
- Joubert was a kid back then.

He was arrested numerous
times for pickpocketing.

There are dozens.

He was already into prestidigitation.

Looks like the future Starling learned his
tricks in the streets.

Being a minor allowed him to
get a suspended sentence only.

And with the elements Astrid found,
I was able to study the file more.

- And what did you find?
- More like who did I find.

When he was 15, Joubert was part of a
rehabilitation program and worked

for Carmine the Magician. Remember him?

Carmine the Magician! I was a fan when
I was a kid! He had a show!

It'd be a good idea to
interrogate him for the case, right?

- Oh, you want to get that autograph you didn't get when you were little.
- Not at all.

He kinda fell into oblivion
since he's not on TV anymore.

But he's still into magic. He's running a
museum devoted to magic in the Marais.

- I just sent you the address.
- Ok, thanks Nico.

- You're welcome.
- Wow, Carmine the Magician.

Did you see that, Astrid?

I love that!

It-It fell.

It-It is fixed.

This, this, this.

This, this is great.

“Spiritualism and its quirks”.

- Oh, a sarcophagus, I love it.
- No touching.


And welcome to my magic den.

Come on in.

Hello, Mr. Carmine.

Commander Coste.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.

What a great idea.


A card trick! I love magic.

You're going to choose a card.

- Any card?
- Any card.

- Don't show it to me. Show it to your colleague.
- Yes.

- It is the king of diamonds.
- No.

- Yes, it is the king of diamonds.
- No-

- No, no, no -
- No Astrid. Don't say it.

It should be specified beforehand.

It's alright. Put it back.

We'll ignore this.
Come on, take a new one.

Show her.

In silence.

Perfect, put it back in the deck,
wherever you please.

- And shuffle it-
- Shuffle it!

It's gonna be hard to find it again.

- Good luck.
- Now, take the wand here.


And you're going to
go over the deck with it.

And please, do a gesture-

- Like this?
- A magic gesture, yes.


Chosen card,

rise up.

It's my card!


See, Astrid, that's magic.

The man is using a string
to manipulate the card.

- Let me have this one?
- You have this one.

No, I apologize. But magic…
It's not like puzzles.

I don't want to know
what's really going on...

You're ruining my childhood here.

What I want to know is why you're here.

Yes, of course.

How did you meet Boris Jaubert?

I used to take in a lot of teens
from rehabilitation programs.

I did everything I could to help them out.

I went to the school of hard knocks,

I have known delinquency.

Jaubert, he was
very different from the others.

Very talented.

Talented for card tricks
or for pick-pocketing?

Oh, please.

He could have become
the greatest illusionist of his time

but he chose a less legal route.


honestly, I wasn't that surprised

to hear that he was the Starling.

And I'm even a little proud to
have tutored such a legend.

Hold up,

how do you know about the Starling?

It's not public knowledge yet.

Yes, it is. Half an hour ago,

the DA held a speech.

Aren't you aware?

What an assh*le this one, I swear.


Magic tricks have
strong effects on Raphaëlle.

But there is something I do not understand.

I can see the manipulation every time.

I do not understand how she does not.

It's not magic.

It's just manipulation.

Ask Harry Potter what magic is.

Ah, this.


among neurodivergents,
magic is a sensitive subject.

Mind you, I knew some for which
it was their special interest.

But most of us are unresponsive,
like Alice and Astrid.

But why?


Those are the trickeries used by
magicians, the prestidigitators,

that fail our brains.

In an impressionist painting,

neurotypicals see a landscape,

autistic people see colored stains.

The other way around,

seeing the whole picture
prevents from seeing the details.

It's our burden but,

it can also be our strength.

You're well placed to know it, Astrid.



I know you're here.

Come out!

I shouldn't have shown you this place.

You can't come here alone,

you could get in trouble, you understand?

The person from the inventory
told me what you did.

Some sort of fit.

I'm going to call your father.
I'm sorry.

The woman from the inventory?

She puts music on

and she talks all the time.

I cannot focus when

there is music
and people are talking all the time.

I feel like everything
is taking place inside my head.


I'll ask to turn the music down.

Let's go back up now.

What do you have here?

This can't get out of here.

What is this?

The Marceau case file?

But it's-

It's impossible,

how did you do it?

I worked my way up through the words.

Come on.

I'm proud to announce

that we uncovered
who was hiding behind the Starling

by linking the latter's
schedule and the victim's.


Guillaume Delerue stays
our primary suspect as of now.

By k*lling the Starling,

he took down one rival

and probably proved
his superiority in their art.

Oh, f*ck.

The investigation is still ongoing,

we'll keep you informed all in good time.

I'm going to k*ll him.

I'm going to k*ll him.


If I got it right, magic tricks

always work almost the same way.

One saturates the spectator's attention

so one information can go unnoticed.

- Yes.
- Yes.

Your point being?

Since I am not responsive to diversions,

I might notice the manipulation.


Astrid, sit there.

- Here.
- Yes.


- So?
- So,

the camera filming the main entrance
is camera number 4.

Try to narrow it down,
we can't watch everything from the start.

You're going too far.

Go backwards.



- Could you put the other picture up?
- Stop.

Zoom in.

You were right Astrid, it's Ambre.

The escort the victim was seeing.

Could you put the other picture up?

Xavier, could you get Delerue please?

If she was the one
greeting him at his meeting,

it could vouch for his version.

It was a trap.

I watched this video over ten times
and I didn't even notice.

That's what Delerue was saying,
our focus was elsewhere.

- The other picture.
- Great job, Astrid.

Ah, Mr. Delerue.

Can you identify this woman?

Of course!

That's the editor's assistant.

The one who told me to wait.


- That's an escort.
- Who got you.

Could you put the other picture up?

- Which picture, Astrid?
- Ah, finally.

The one where we see the forensics team

going in and out of the building.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

5 walked in,

but 6 walked out.

Nice, Astrid.

- Are you sure, Commander Coste?
- Yes, sir.

We're almost certain
this 6th person is Jaubert's m*rder*r.

Would identification be possible?

Absolutely not.

They are all wearing
the regulatory forensics suit.

With that hood,

might as well try to
tell a smurf apart from another smurf.

Because beside Smurfette and Papa Smurf-

There are also Brainy Smurf,
Greedy Smurf... I think we get it, thanks.

And the fact that they went out
using the side door is important.

They didn't go through the metal detectors.

So you're saying the m*rder*r

could have walked out incognito
with the m*rder w*apon on them.

There, you understood well.

How perceptive, sir.

Oh, by the way,

at your next speech,

you won't forget to
mention my peer, Astrid Nielsen

for the achievements she
displayed once more in this case.

Instead of claiming they were yours.

Firstly, I'm not claiming anything,

and secondly, don't cry victory

because you haven't
arrested the m*rder*r yet.

Well, I have a witness to interrogate.
Thank you, sir.




where do you think this is heading,
getting in his face like this?

You think I was disrespectful?

- You could say that, yeah.
- Really?

I'm under the impression he likes me.

Yes, Miss Nielsen, you...

You had something to tell me?

Pray tell, please.



I lined up the balls.


You really thought we wouldn't notice?

You forget to tell us

you were at the crime scene
the first time I interrogated you?

I was scared it would turn against me.

You realize this is worst now?

- I'm going to explain.
- I'd like that, yeah.

2 days before Boris' death, I had a client.


He told me he wanted to
prank one of his friends,

a Guillaume Delerue.

I had to pretend to be a secretary and
when Guillaume would come up,

tell him his meeting had been cancelled.

But you just accepted,
no questions asked?

He offered €1,000€ to do it.

And I had no reason to be suspicious.

It's only afterwards
that I understood that…

That I was maybe an
accomplice to Boris' death.


We have to find this Jean-Louis, now.

Could you describe him?

About 70 years old.

Grey hair.

Not that tall.

Wait, what we're going to do is

we're going to track him down

via the internet connection he used.

Meanwhile, we're gonna
call a technician to do a sketch,

that's alright with you?

But wait, that's him.

It's him on the picture.


Carmine, the Magician?


Are you sure?

Jean-Luigi Carmine Geraldini,

pseudonym Carmine,
born on the 14th/12/1962 in Paris.

Okay, I might have something.

A Figaro article from June 24th, 1992,

titled “the end of an empire
for Carmine the Magician.”

Go on, tell us.

Head management decided

to end Carmine's show,

who delighted our little darlings

every Saturday afternoon
for almost two decades.

Management points out
a lack of interest from the public

and a wish to modernize the channel

but a complaint made against the magician

- could be one of the reasons.
- A complaint?

- For what? Do you know?
- No. Nothing.

If only we knew someone who could
find the original copy of the complaint.

I go or you go?

I go.

I have a hard time identifying
the level of language you use

with the DA in charge of the investigation.

You are familiar,

but not friendly.

Yes but no.

I know him from before, Astrid.

Well, I knew him.

Knew him very well, in fact,

- if you see what I mean.
- Absolutely.

You knew him very well,

and you don't know him that well now.



I used to go out with him.

Go out with him?


he was my lover,

my boyfriend.

We used to sleep together!

Oh, sorry. I had not understood.

It wasn't a guy for me, anyway.

Under his charming attitude
and his pretty face,

he's toxic.

Why have a relationship with him, then?


Because that's all me.

You can be sure that as soon as
there's a toxic man around,

I rush in.


It would suffice to not rush in.

It's a bit more
complicated than that, Astrid.

I do not think so, no.

It would suffice to not rush in.

This is the complaint you had asked for.
Against Carmine.

Filed on the 13th of April '92,

made by one Fabrice Renard.

It has been removed since then,
but there is still a copy.

A complaint for sexual touching on a minor.

Mr Renard,

may I know why you removed
this complaint 30 years ago?

The real question is
why I ever filed a complaint.

I was seeking attention, I guess.

He pressured you, didn't he?

Course not!

Not Carmine the Magician!
Kids' friend!


you're safe here.

There are cops everywhere.

We're in the middle of the station.

- You can talk to me.
- You think that's stopping him?

You don't know what he's capable of.

You saw what happened when
Boris tried to stand in his way.

You know Boris Jaubert?

We were on an internship
for Carmine at the same time.

Carmine never touched the hair
of a child in the audience.

His loving touch, as he would call it,

it was only for us.

Who is us?

Us, the teens from the
rehabilitation programs.

Juvenile delinquents.

Whose words
stood no chance against his.

Which is why they all kept quiet.

But when they said Carmine
was to have a new show,

Boris went crazy.

He had grown up,

he wasn't scared anymore.

What did he do?

He reached out

to me and a few other victims.

He went to see Carmine,

told him if he didn't stop
his new project on his own,

we would expose the truth.

You saw the results.


- Found it.
- There we go.

- Send this to ballistics?
- Yeah.

- Let's hope he's not on his way to Uruguay.
- No,

he doesn't know or he
wouldn't have left this in plain view.

He thinks he's smarter than us.

Mr. Carmine.


It's over. You're trapped.

The neighborhood is locked up,
don't try to escape.

You see me running away?

Let's be serious,
I'm too old for this.


Can I ask you a question?

Let's hear it.

How did you figure it out?


The escort you used.

To perfect my project,
I needed information about Joubert.

The only person who could
give me some was her.

She didn't tell me about this.

It came insidiously, over time.


All my art was

to learn how to read between the lines.

Your art?

It didn't prevent you
from being caught.

You lost.

No, Miss.

I orchestrated a spectacular magic trick

with the entire world as my audience.

You know what the entire world
is gonna remember you by?

That you're just some mediocre guy

who used his fame to abuse kids.

I know how to use the media too,

you can trust me on this.

Stand up, please.

DA's secretary.

Mr Forest is in a hearing.
Can I take a message?


I'll pass it on.


Who was that?

The cop, the one
in charge of the Starling case.

She caught the m*rder*r.

I'll call her back later.


Drinks tonight to celebrate that?

In your dreams.

I am not allowed to be here.

Yes, you're allowed.

I took care of it.

It was the inventory room

before they moved everything upstairs.

It's useless now.

If you want,

you can settle in here.

You'll be at peace here.

To do your work.

I am qualified.

I know Astrid.

I do know.

By the way,

I gave the Marceau
case file to the Justice,

they're going to reopen it.

Thanks to you,

the archive finds its
use again in present times.

Well done Astrid.

Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Gaillard.

Good evening, Astrid.

I'm not bothering you?

Good evening, William.

Absolutely not.

You had informed me about your visit.


a predictable unexpected event.


Do you want tea?

It is appropriate.

You visit me, I make tea.

It is appropriate. Voila.

Don't feel like you have to.

No, but it is appropriate.

Yeah, if you say so.

Listen, I didn't dare to ask you the question
yesterday at the social aptitude group,

especially in front of the others.

How are you?

It is a strange question, William.

Usually asked by neurotypicals.

Yes, yes. I know.

But I'm not asking the question
like everyone else,

like “Hey, how are you”
and then the reply “fffeeeww”.

No, no,

I'm more like,

how are you?


How are you doing?

I know there has been a lot of
changes in your life lately.

You're living without a guardian now,

Mr. Gaillard is not by your side anymore.

Things changed

so naturally,

I'm wondering.

Are you okay?

He is dead.

I am primarily afraid
Mr. Gaillard's death

will generate changes in my daily life
at the Criminal Documentation.

But as of now

I think I can answer.

I am fine.

I am okay.


Yesterday, at the social aptitude group,

I realized something thanks to you.

- Really?
- Really.

I always thought people
like us needed people

like Raphaëlle to
cope with certain situations

but it is way more complex than that.

The world is made up of our differences.

It needs people like us,

who only see the colored stains
and not the landscape,

and it needs people like Raphaëlle,
who only see the landscape

even if it sometimes leads them
to lose their judgments.

It is only when we are together

that we can see
the entirety of the picture.

One cannot work without the other.

- The tea.
- Ah, yes. Thank you.

The tea.