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02x01 - Whisper of the stars

Posted: 01/16/23 16:52
by bunniefuu
-The whisper of the stars.

In very low temperatures,

the air we breathe
turns into tinkling ice crystals.

It's called the whisper of the stars.


The air was so cold and dry
in the frozen storage unit,

it destroyed the victim's airway cells
and he suffocated.

So he was frozen to death.

Was there something done to his eyes?

No. Those are signs of as*ault
with a blunt object.

Could that be from the barrel of a g*n?

It could be.

He was tied up. Probably with cable ties.

Not when he was found.

Was there anything else?

The Finnish flag tattoo.

There's an X under it.

It's not the Finnish flag,
but a naval jack.

They're used on Estonian ships.

An Estonian sailor?



No problem.

Sofia Karppi.

Sakari Nurmi.

Is everything okay?

That's what the doctors say.

You've grown as a person.

Of course. Refined by suffering.

Doesn't it show?

So, you're ready to come back to work?

That's the plan.

How's it going here?

We found a frozen body this morning.


Yeah. In a frozen storage unit.

He was blindfolded. Probably Estonian.



He's here with me.

They found another body in Tallinn,

blindfolded the same way.

We should check it out.

Hi. How long's the flight?

About minutes.

What's that?

-It's the Helsinki-Tallinn Tunnel project.

-You haven't heard about it?

The world's longest railway tunnel
under the sea.

I haven't been keeping up with the news
in Finland.

The Pro-Change Movement
promised to renew politics

and build the tunnel
if they win the election.

Okay. Did they manage to change anything?

At least this project
seems to be pushing through.

Good idea, if you like traveling
under the sea.

Says the man
who likes to dive into nuclear waste.

Anto Ots.

Sofia Karppi.

Hi. Sakari Nurmi.

-Yes, it is.
-You speak Finnish?

A little.

One victim in Tallinn
and another in Helsinki.

Both with the same kind of blindfold.

Why would someone go to so much trouble?

Look over there.

Hey, blind girl, come here.

Don't shout at her, for f*ck's sake.


She can't even stand on the board.

She's a dork.

I'm embarrassed for her.

What the f*ck?


f*cking psycho!

Get out of here.


Check this out.

Holy shit.

-Is this public information?
-Not yet.

The press release goes out in the morning.
Do you get it? It's moving forward.

I need to get changed.

Oh, hi.

I'm sorry,
but I couldn't log into my computer.

Your speech is ready.
Do you want me to read it?


We got million from the EU.

-Why didn't I know about it?
-It's not public information yet.

I'll talk about it
at the city council meeting.

-I don't think it's a good idea.
-I think it is.

Did you ask Henri about it?


Log out when you're done.

Have you read

that the costs of your tunnel
have increased again?

Just like I've been saying all along.

Come on.

You don't have any real reason
to oppose the tunnel.

Don't I?

No, it's just a power struggle.

I think it's a good reason,
maybe even the best.

People are smarter than you think.

We must be talking
about different people.

The world doesn't change
as fast as you'd like.

But it is changing.

Your idea to involve voters
in decision-making is nice,

but that's doomed to fail.

I bet this tunnel project
will fail in two weeks because of cost.

When that happens,
your Pro-Change Movement will go with it.

The EU just granted our project
million euros.



Please make a note in the minutes
that Mayor Sara Tulisuo has arrived.

Item . Ärende nummer tre.

Hi. Where can I find Tapio Koskimäki?

-May I ask who you are?
-Kerttu Rütel.

-Tapio is expecting me.

You're looking for Koskimäki?

-I'm going the same way.

Wait a minute, you're Tapsa's daughter.
The one who lives in Tallinn.

-It's a nice city.

Kalle Sten. I know your dad well.

Kerttu. Hi.

Here you go.

You should wear it the whole time.

-This way.

I'm used to taking the ferry.

But there were people throwing up
and women in high heels were slipping.


Is everything else okay?
Have you had enough work?

Not really, but that's okay.

Okay. I can help you financially--

I don't need money, thanks.

-Oh, sorry…
-Come on in.

Have you met? This is Kerttu.
Sofia Karppi.

Kerttu. Hi.

I better get going.


My daughter came to visit me
for a couple of days.

I thought you wanted to stay
at the homicide unit.

They said it's not possible. Assholes.

There's something
I wanted to discuss with you.

This has been my personal project.
It's about these young people--

I want to talk about
the Estonian victims first.


I've been thinking about the cloth
they were blindfolded with.

I think the perpetrator wants
to say something.

JP and Nurmi can continue from here.

We'll manage one week without you.


I suggested to Sten
that he appoint you as my replacement.


It's just my suggestion.

It's not my decision, but…

-I haven't even applied for the job.
-I know.

But you still have time to apply.

I don't want the job.

You'd be good at it.

Yeah, but I'm not interested.

You haven't thought it through.

We also need women here
to make decisions.

But I don't want the job.

Where is he hiding? Koskimäki!

You can't drink here alone.

Let's go.

Grab him.


Now we'll get wasted, Tapio.

On behalf of the police brass,

I'd like to thank you
for your valuable work here downstairs,

and welcome you upstairs.

Cheers. Skål.

Let's dig into that cake.

They discovered the identity
of the frozen man.


Jaan Laanest. Unmarried.

No children.

He was in the Estonian Navy
and worked as an electrician on ships.

No info on which ship he worked last.
He has an address in Tallinn.


JP said you know a campsite
where Estonian temp workers live.

I do.

Okay. So?

I'll show it to you if you take me home.

-I don't have a car.
-Yes, you do.

That's right.



Where do you see yourself
in ten years?

Doing this, I guess.

The same thing? So you didn't apply
for Koskimäki's position?

-Of course not.
-Why not?

I don't want to look after people.

Emil and I are going
downhill skiing tomorrow.


Downhill skiing?


-Good luck with that.

There's a camper.

Behind the trees.

I don't see anyone.

The door is locked. Should I open it?


There's someone inside.

Police! Open the door!

Damn it.

Is everything alright?


There's no one inside.

That f*cking scared me.

It probably hasn't eaten in days.



A dealer. He must have a stash nearby.

The Narcotics Unit can search the area.

I'll take photos.

Hi, honey.

I'm working. I'll be home soon.

Let's say four.

I'll check it when I get home.
I won't be long. Bye.

Okay. Let's go.


Sorry, did I drop my towel
somewhere up there?

On the ground.



Are you going to swim too?

No, I am not going to swim.

Did you get lost or what?

Gotta have an awful sense of direction
to get lost here.

Or an awfully boring life
if you never get lost.

You don't know what you're missing.
It's easy to get hooked on this.

Maybe I don't want to get hooked.

Come eat with me then.


If you're buying.

I'm Jere.

Henna. Hi.

Give me a sec.

I'll get changed.



The mayor is having a party at City Hall

in honor
of the Helsinki-Tallinn Tunnel project.

Could you drop by?


I have to go to a meeting tonight.

It would be good if someone would visit.

You know how much I enjoy
parties like that.

I know that no one enjoys them,

but it is important to have good,
straight communication with the mayor.

Okay. I'll go show my face.



This is Anto Ots.


Our victim was Margus Mägi.

He worked as an electrician on ships.

Doing the same job as Laanest.

Mägi was working for a Finnish company
called Kaartamo Nordic.

They're building a terminal here,

Mägi worked on the project
as an electrician.

What terminal?

A ship terminal for the construction
of the Helsinki-Tallinn Tunnel.

And there's going to be a terminal
in Helsinki also?

I assume.

Did you say "Kaartamo Nordic"?



-Hey, thanks. Bye.

What if I've forgotten how to ski?

You haven't.

It's like riding a bike.

Once you learn, you never forget.

-Dad should've taught you too.

But I promise I'll learn.
I'll take a course or something.

I can't remember
what his voice sounded like.

Right. He had a beautiful voice.

Yours will be just like it
when you grow up.

Your teacher said you've been
causing trouble. Is that true?

She's too strict.

Class B's teacher is more laid-back.

Have you pushed or fought with someone?

No. Matti always cuts in the line.

It's annoying. I sometimes get angry

-when he shoves me.
-You can't shove people.

Matti shoves me and cuts in line.

And if anybody pushes Joonas,
I'll defend him.

Don't join in if someone starts a fight.
Stay away.

-Step it up, okay?

This is Kerttu on Koskimäki's phone.

This is Detective Nurmi.

Is Koskimäki at home?

No. He's at a party at City Hall.

His phone was too big
for his suit pocket.

Okay. Can you ask him to call me
as soon as he gets home?

Name's Sakari Nurmi.

Miss me already?

Jaan Laanest wasn't working on a ship,

but at the processing plant
where he was found.

He was held prisoner in the basement.

You went there?

The letters KN on his ID strap
stand for "Kaartamo Nordic."

They're doing the ship terminal.
He was an electrician.

-The tunnel project?

The other victim worked
for Kaartamo Nordic in Tallinn.

Two Estonian victims working
on the same project.

One frozen, the other hanged.
Both blindfolded.

Can I play for a while?

Half an hour.

And Subutex.

Koskimäki is somehow involved in this.

How do you know?

I found a blood-stained photo
of Koskimäki in the plant.

I think the perp was trying
to get info from the victim.

Have you told Koskimäki?

He's at a party at City Hall.
He left his phone at home.

Can you come get me now?


I'll be there in minutes. Bye.

-I'm sorry.

You see him?


-That's Henri Kuusinen. I'll talk to him.

I'm Detective Sofia Karppi.
A moment, please?

I'm looking for Chief Inspector
Tapio Koskimäki.

Tapio Koskimäki…

I think he left already.

Where to? Home?

-I don't know. Maybe.

Maybe , minutes ago.

Okay, thanks.

He went home.


Are you stalking me?

Did you think an acting mayor
wouldn't get caught?

Pardon me?

The whole country'll find out
about your deal tomorrow.

-What are you talking about?

It's a serious crime in this country.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

I saw your e-mails.



Are you home?


No lights on in the house.

I can see him lying on the floor.

Watch out.



He's breathing.

This is Detective Sakari Nurmi.

Officer down, shot at his home.
Tapio Koskimäki.

Hit to the chest and his head grazed.

-Breathing but unconscious.
-The b*llet went through.

He's lying on the wound,
so the bleeding isn't that severe.

Niittylahdenkuja .

Okay. Help is on the way.

The perp's gotta be near.



Come out! f*ck.


Don't speak. Help is on the way.

Kerttu is upstairs.

Press here.

Don't let go.


Don't move.
