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01x08 - Therapy

Posted: 01/16/23 16:48
by bunniefuu
Anna Bergdahl's time of death was wrong.

I heard rumors and was hoping
the investigation wouldn't be

-in such a desperate state.
-Could you...

The time of death is October th,

-Sunday morning between two and five.
-That's wrong.

This is exact science,
not fumbling guesswork.

Well, Anna was captured
by the security cameras

in the Helsinki bus terminal on Sunday.

Or was it a zombie?

There's something really strange
going on here.



All traces of Anna end Sunday afternoon

at the Helsinki bus terminal.

That means all scenarios
are possible again?

So Roope Hoikkala is a potential suspect?


He was at the casino all of Sunday.

He can be seen
in the security camera footage.

I've been wanting to show you this. Look.

Andreas Wolf.

Who's that woman?

His girlfriend, Hilde Schultz.

Ready. One, two, three.

That's my girlfriend.

They probably dived together.

My guess is that
she's on the video that Alex saw.

Has she been interviewed?

No. She died almost a month ago.


According to the NBI,
from a sudden health issue.

That's probably why Wolf was so messed up.

-Are there more videos?

this is no longer any of our business.

There's no one home.

I tried to call Usko a couple of times.

I think he has trouble sleeping.

I understand that,
especially now as his daughters...

I had to tell him that he should
take them to his mother.

-Did he say where he was going?

Has something happened in Anna's case...

Anna was k*lled more than hours later

than what we initially thought.

That's why we need to talk
to everyone again.

When did you come home
after your weekend out of town?

I was home a little before
the o'clock news on Sunday.

Did you see anyone in the garden?
Were there lights in the windows?

It was quiet. Jarkko must've been working.

One of his flowers opened that day.

Usko was supposed to be in Hämeenlinna.

Was supposed to?

He was in Hämeenlinna. He wasn't here.

I didn't see Anna, either.

-Do you know if Jarkko is home?
-No, he's at work.

-All right.
-How long will the investigation last?


-What time do you get off?
- : .

Okay. Wait.

Here's a set of keys.
In case I get off work late.


I'll take care of it.



I wouldn't touch it. It's poisonous.

Agave Americana.

That's its way of protecting the water
it has stored.

I was waiting for this to bloom
that whole weekend.

-When did it bloom then?
-A little past a.m. on Sunday.

-I got it on video.
-Were you at home Sunday?

I went home for a nap in the evening.

I left the video camera on.

I came back here a little after eleven.
Just in time.

-I guess this blooms pretty seldom?
-Only once.

It's almost years old,
and it bloomed now.

When it's done blooming in days,
the whole plant dies.

When you got home Sunday,
did you notice anything?


Except that when I woke up,

I think I heard water running
and a rattling sound.

But maybe I was just hearing
the water babbling here in my head.

Was there anything else?
I need to work on my camera.


Hi. How's it going?

-Have you found anything out?

I'll go talk to the guy
Alex went barhopping with.

I was wondering...

Would you like to come over
for dinner tonight?

We have frozen pizza.

Emil asked me to invite you.

That's a nice idea, but I can't today.

-Some other time then.

I actually talked to Emil

about some old comic books
I could give him.

-Should I bring them to him?
-I'm sure he'd like that.

-Can I come today?

Around five or six?



Lennart Siirala? Sakari Nurmi, police.

I need to ask you something.

I'll be there in a minute.

I need to ask you again
about the Tempo party.

I think I've told you everything already.

You and Alex left nightclub Sirius
and went to a bar

-on Iso Roobertinkatu Street. Right?
-Yes, with people from the party.

-With whom?
-I didn't know them.

You said in your statement

that Alex left the bar around midnight.
Is that correct?

-On foot?

I can't say.

-Do you know where he went?
-I guess he went home.

You sure?

Well, we were actually supposed to meet

at the new bar in Hernesaari.
But Alex never showed up.

Did you know Anna Bergdahl
and Alex were having an affair?

Well, I can tell you

that many women
have been interested in Alex.

-So you're not surprised?
-What am I supposed to say?

-Was Alex drunk when he left?
-I don't think so.

But I think I was.
I can hardly remember anything.

Can you remember
if he called anybody when he left?

Yeah, he borrowed my phone.
He had run out of battery.

Can you check who he called?

-I can also take your phone with me.


-Talk to me.
-Find out whose number this is.

- .

When I called you Sunday,
you said you were home.

-Were you?
-Let it be.

Please tell me what you did Sunday.

I have nothing to tell.

Believe me.
I had nothing to do with Anna's death.

-Trust me.
-Trust you?

You realize how ridiculous
that sounds in this situation?

Alex is convinced
the test results are not accurate.

He believes Veikkamo from VTT was bribed.

Maybe there was just a mistake.

In any case we're still interested
in making you an offer.

I talked with Alex.

We're not ready to sell Tempo
at this point.

I suggest you seriously consider
this once more.

Talk to you later.

-I have nothing to say to you.
-This will only take a moment.

-All right, talk.
-The VTT test results are wrong.

Someone forged them or made a mistake.

They're official results.
Delivered via official means.

Not to a hollow
tree in the middle of the night.

-I didn't mean that.
-Listen for a change.

I'd really like to help you,

even though
I'm against this utopian project.

Those are official test results.

We had to publish them.

Propose that the voting
be postponed by a week.

I'll have a new study
conducted by an international...

I'm not going to do that.

-Okay, how much?
-What do you mean, "how much"?

What's the going rate
for "official test results?"

-What are you hinting at?
-I'm being straightforward.

-How much did you pay Veikkamo?
-Holy shit.

You're f*cking unbelievable.

-This is Alex Hoikkala, hi.


I don't think I have anything to say

to you, so bye.

Don't hang up. You'll want to hear this.

-No, I don't.
-I know

you forged the test results.

Someone's paying you. Who is it?

This conversation is over.

You'll get caught, and I'll see to it

you never research anything anywhere!

Who's paying you?
It's Louhivuori, isn't it?


-Hi, it's Linda.

-She's still on the same medication?

She fell a week ago and hurt her side.

She's okay but has had
a little bit of a temperature ever since.

There she is.

-Thank you.


Are you in pain?

I'm alive because God doesn't want me.

Put it away. I never liked chocolate.


-How are you?
-They keep moaning at night.

-The lady smuggles her man in.

They f*ck like wolves. I can't sleep.

I asked for another room,
but they wouldn't give me one.


We moved back from Germany.

-Jussi died.
-Jussi who?

My husband.

You had a husband?

-Leave her alone.
-I was expecting you to show up.

-Laura doesn't owe you anything.
-No, not me.

-You think I'm an idiot?

You're a cop, right?

Yeah, and I can make your life difficult.


But you have a couple
of skeletons in your closet,

so I'd forget about it if I were you.

You should know it's Laura
who sells junk at the parties.

She's been stealing money
from that for a long time.

She got caught, and now she owes money.

I'll make sure she pays it back.

If she doesn't, it's "Bye bye Laura."

-Who does she owe money to?
-You know I can't tell you.

I like my kneecaps.

You should forget about her.

-His name is Peter Stefan.

CEO and medical director
at Villa Tranquila.

Villa what?

Villa Tranquila. Almost like tequila.

He used to work at Eira Hospital.

Alex called his doctor around midnight?
Was he out of Valium?

Peter Stefan is a psychiatrist.

-Okay. Where is this Villa Tranquila?
-In Kauniainen.

I'll text you the address.

From what I googled,

Villa Tranquila is a private madhouse.

The rich can go
and take a little break there.

It's clearly a good business for Stefan.

Last year the clinic made
half a million in profit.

Okay. Thanks.


Anybody here?

-Hello. May I help you?

I'm looking for Peter Stefan.

That's me. And you are?

Sakari Nurmi, Helsinki Police Department.

What is it?

This is a private clinic, right?


Does the name Alex Hoikkala
sound familiar?

Was he here the weekend of October th?

I can't remember.
I should check my files. Why?

I'm investigating a m*rder,

-and Alex is one of the suspects.

If no charges have been pressed,

I can't disclose patient information.

But I can show you Hoikkala's room

-if you want to see it.

Okay. Let me grab the keys.

Did Alex ever mention Anna Bergdahl?

Anna... It sounds familiar.

-Who is she?
-She's the victim.

Okay. Would you like coffee?


-Milk, sugar?

We get a lot of executives and artists.

Turn right.

Here they can receive treatment

outside the public health system.

-What's wrong?
-Oh, nothing.

-This way.
-I guess treatment isn't cheap.

No, but some people
are willing to pay for privacy

and tailored treatment.
Here's Hoikkala's room.

Were these all painted by Alex?

Yes, they were.

-Can you open the door?
-Unfortunately I can't.

What the f*ck?

Are you looking for this?

Open the damn door.
You understand I'm a cop?

We'll take it easy and find out
who's a cop and who isn't.


Open this f*cking door.

You're in such state of mind
that it's useless to continue.

We'll continue once you've calmed down.

Open the f*cking door!

No use shouting.
These doors are soundproof.

What the f*ck did you put in my coffee?

Are you picking up tires
or turning them in?


-Are you Kervinen?

I'm not here to get tires.
-Oh. What then?

I heard you might have hardware here.

-Who told you that?
-An acquaintance.

I want a name.

What does it matter?

I'm sure you'll find the right kind
of tires at another store.

-I'm not looking for tires.
-I only sell to people I know.

I need a handgun.
One that can't be traced.

And I heard you might have one.

-Are you a cop or just f*cking stupid?
-I'm not a cop.

-Far from it.
-Get the hell out!

I've got money.

Okay. I got it.

Dad, how long are we going to stay here?

I wanna go back to school.

How about a couple more days?

Your friends have called you
about homework, right?


Everyone's wondering
why we haven't been to school.

You can just ignore that.

-I don't want to go back to school.
-I do.

I'll stay behind in arts and crafts.

-Who cares?
-Of course I care.


Take cover!

Drop your g*n!

This is Sakari Nurmi.
Please leave a message.


Sakari said he'd come today,
but I can't get hold of him.


I need to go take care of something.

You hear me?

How's it going at the new school?

What's it like?

Have you been there?


I registered you,
but you haven't been there.

-I can't go out.
-What do you mean you can't?

I can't go out because everyone's staring.

-What do you mean?
-They stare at me.

Stop asking stupid questions.

-Did you stay inside the whole day?

Should you see a therapist?

Are you saying I'm crazy?

No. But talking to someone might help.

-I'm definitely not talking to anyone.
-We'll talk tonight.

-What's wrong with Henna?
-I don't know.

How about I put on a movie for you?

-I'll go find out where Nurmi is.


Hi. Is Nurmi home?


-You know where he is?

Can you have him call me
when he comes home.

What's your name?

I'm his colleague, Sofia Karppi.



Okay. Bye.

-Where are you?

I just left work.

-You're in a bar?
-I will be soon.

-You know where Nurmi is?

-When did you see him?
-During the day.

Then he called me
and asked about a doctor.

What doctor?

Alex Hoikkala called a doctor

Saturday night.

Peter Stefan,

the medical director of Villa Tranquila.

Okay. Come get me.
I'm in front of Nurmi's house.

I was going to...

You're coming with me.

No, I'll...

All right.

Welcome back.

Have you calmed down?

Can you undo these?

I can't open them yet
because you're so angry.

Why are you so angry?

Because you tied me to this f*cking bed.

I don't think that's the reason.

I've tied many people to that bed.

Some people are happy. Some relieved.

Some are sad. Some scared.

But you're angry. Why is that?

Are your parents alive?


I couldn't find their numbers
on your phone.

I've come to the conclusion
that they're dead. Are they?

This is what we'll do. You'll talk to me.

Once you've talked to me,
I'll talk to you.

I can tell you about Alex and Anna,
if you like.

-What do you want to know?
-How did your parents die?

They worked for the UN.

We were in Congo. It was .

We were there when the unrest started.

They were k*lled in their bed.

How old were you?


You feel guilty, don't you?

It's natural.

You've received
psychiatric treatment before,

haven't you?

Yes, in the orphanage.

Are you bitter?

-Bitter at your parents.

Now is my turn.

So you know something about Anna and Alex.

Alex told me.

I'll tell you once you've answered

a couple of questions.

That's Peter Stefan.

Is this some bad joke?

My colleague Sakari Nurmi
came here this afternoon.

-He's missing like I told you.
-I know nothing about that.

Alex Hoikkala is your patient, right?

-That's private information.
-I'll get that info anyway.

Hey, Nurmi's car is here!

Wait here.

I'm interested in the orphanage.

Was there v*olence?

Sexual abuse?

Yeah, there was.

The director of the orphanage
used to dress up as Santa Claus

and f*ck us all in the ass.

We were his reindeers.

Since you're not committed
to this conversation,

we should probably talk about this.
I found it in your car.

I'm worried you're going to do
something to yourself.

Put it away.

What's it like to sh**t a person...

Police! Drop the g*n!

You hear me! Drop the g*n!

Put your head down.

That's it.

Are you okay?

Pecuniae an tribirota?


Money or a tricycle?

Did he drug you?

Antero Tuomi, this guy who posed
as Stefan Peter,

has been treated for paranoid
schizophrenia for years.

At some point he started thinking
he's a doctor at the clinic.

He got a chance to test his skills on you.

Will Peltola be all right with him?

Yeah, no problem.

-He's all wrapped up.

He's an innovative guy.

And an accomplished pickpocket.

Clearly a talented guy.

You find it funny?


I'm getting hungry.

Have one.

-Gee, thanks.
-You're welcome.

Alex Hoikkala left the clinic Monday.

Maybe we should leave Alex alone.

Why was he there?

He's bipolar. He's on medication.

Howdy ho?

There's another one
who should be on medication.

How's it going?

Well. He's asleep.

The doctor's pills conked him out.


I got an e-mail from the pathologist.

She can't determine
the exact time of Anna's death.

She thinks Anna's body
was treated with some chemical.

-A chemical?

Henna, get out of there.


I'm at the cemetery.

I guess I can't say no.

I'm sorry,
but sometimes these things happen.

-What did you do on Sunday?
-Am I a suspect now?

We have to ask that from everybody.

-What did you do on Sunday?
-I told you a thousand times.

I took my daughters to my mom's.
We came back Monday.

How many times do I have to tell you that?

I'm sorry that the investigation
is taking so long.

Solve the case then!
Why are you standing there?

Go find the k*ller!

Anna and Alex
were having an affair, right?

What makes you think that?

Why don't you arrest him?


Where you been?

I was worried.

I was at Roope's.


I f*cked him.

I thought it would make me feel better.

Well, did it?


Not at all.

There's breakfast in the refrigerator.

f*ck off.

The number you have dialled
cannot be reached.



I know you're home.

Come out and we'll sort things out.