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02x18 - Michael

Posted: 01/16/23 16:02
by bunniefuu
BECKETT: Elizabeth.

- Yes, Carson?
- He's awake.

BECKETT: Blood pressure's fine.
Pulse, normal.

You're bouncing back quite nicely.

- Bouncing back from what?
- Hello, Michael.

Do you remember me?


I'm Dr. Elizabeth Weir.
This is Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.

You serve under my command.

Do you know where you are?

I don't even know who I am.

Your name is
Lieutenant Michael Kenmore.

You're in a private room
off the infirmary here in Atlantis.

Is that familiar to you?


Yeah, I think.

You're a member of a team
that went off-world.

You were captured by the Wraith.

I see you remember the Wraith.

What did they do to me?

We're not quite sure yet.

We sent a rescue team for you,

but you were wounded
during the mission.

You've been unconscious for days now,
had us worried sick.

- Why can't I remember anything?
- We don't know yet.

Hopefully, we'll learn more
as we conduct further tests.

And in the meantime,
I can assure you

that we will give you the best
possible care to help in your recovery.

Keep a close eye on him.

Until we know more,
we need to proceed with caution.

This may just be
the start of our problems.

What is that?

I'm afraid you have Type I diabetes.

You require a daily injection of insulin
to maintain a normal blood glucose level.

You've managed it quite nicely, actually.

Michael, we believe
you may be suffering

from what's called
generalized dissociative amnesia,

which usually occurs
as a result of significant trauma.

Trauma caused by the Wraith?

We don't know for certain.

Hopefully, over time,
your memory will return.

In the meantime, we'll do our best
to help you fill in the gaps

a wee bit at a time
so as not to completely overwhelm you.

I'm already completely overwhelmed.

How much worse could it get?

I heard he was awake.

Aye, complete amnesia.
Doesn't remember a thing.

May I speak with him?

Of course.

You need to rest.

Hello, Michael.

I am Teyla.

You look familiar.

- Do I know you?
- Yes.

You assisted my team
on a few missions.

No, there's more, though.

- Are we friends?
- Yes.

That's the best news
I've heard all day.

How are you feeling?

Physically fine, but my mind

is completely blank.

They said I'm a lieutenant.

You have only recently arrived in Atlantis,

but you have already
proven yourself

to be one of the finest soldiers
in this city.

Well, if I'm such a fine soldier,
how did I get captured by the Wraith?

Your team came upon a landed
Wraith cruiser and were ambushed.

You sacrificed yourself in order
to give your teammates time to escape.

Quite heroic.

Were you part of the team
that rescued me?


Well, then, that makes you
even more heroic.

He said I was familiar to him.

He asked if we were friends.

- How did you respond?
- I said we were.

After everything he's been through,

I thought
some positive news could not hurt.

I think you're right.

Stabilization is the first critical stage
in his psychological treatment.

He's doing quite well so far,

but it's important we do what we can
to ease his recovery.

What's the next stage?

Integration into the community
followed by relational development.

- How is he doing physically?
- Excellent. Vitals, normal.

All he needs is a bit of physical therapy
to regain muscle tone and coordination.

- Do you think he's ready
to be released? - I do.

I don't think that's such a good idea.

We still don't know
if there are any residual effects

he might be carrying around.

What do you think, Doctor?
Is he ready to join the community?

A change of scenery
could be very beneficial to him.

All right, then. Release him.

These are your quarters.

TEYLA: Does any of this
look familiar to you?


It is a cowboy hat.

You come from a place called Texas.


They're your parents.


Hey, what happened to the blue Jell-O?
My favorite?

All of a sudden it's off the menu.
What gives?

Thank you.

Lieutenant Kenmore.

Well, so they tell me.

- Call me Michael.
- Michael, right. Yes, of course, Michael.

I'm sorry.
I'm probably supposed to know you, but...

Right. Right, the amnesia.
Yes, of course, I heard. I'm Dr. McKay.

- Rodney McKay.
- Doctor.

So, you've been released, I see.

Just now.

I have some bodyguards
following me around everywhere,

and Colonel Sheppard's
probably somewhere close by.

They wanna keep an eye on me
in case I suddenly, you know,

- freak out.
- Yes, freak out. Yes.

Well, but I don't think you're...
I mean, you're not gonna...

You're fine, aren't you?

I think so. I feel fine.

I guess time will tell.

Hopefully the amnesia
won't be permanent.

Wraith materializer schematics?

Yes. Yes. I was

just studying them, you know.

How did I know that?

One of your team's mission objectives

was to infiltrate a Wraith ship

and obtain, you know,


- And our mission was successful?
- Yes. Very successful.

Except for getting captured.

Well, we've all been captured
by the Wraith

at one point or another, haven't we?

It's just... The important thing is that
you were rescued. Safe and sound.

Safe, yes.
The sound part, I'm not so sure of.

Yeah, well, it's...


- I guess I'd better be going.
- Right. You got it.

MICHAEL: See you.

Defend. Defend. Parry. Strike.



It is all about
catching your opponent off balance.

You succeeded.

Now you try.

I can't do that move.

Oh, yes, you can.

- You keep saying I'm a good fighter.
- You are.

Very good.

All right.



Wow, you were right.
I can't believe I just...

Keep your hands off her!

Ronon, we were sparring
as part of his physical therapy. Let him go!


I'm sorry.

Ronon is fairly new here in Atlantis.

He's still making the adjustment
to our way of doing things.

He's clashed a few times
with some of the personnel,

including yourself
and even Colonel Sheppard.

I'll just have to stay clear of him.

Whatever I did to make him angry,

he doesn't look like the kind of person
you want to have as an enemy.

Give him time.

I'm sure you'll work out your differences,
put the past behind you.

The past?

Whatever that is.

It's just so frustrating.

I didn't even remember
the faces of my own parents.

They've been informed
of your condition.

In time, we'll send you home
to be reunited with them,

but for now,
I think it's best if we hold off.

So, what do you think?
Will my memory ever return?

We can't be sure,

but we'll continue with these sessions,
perhaps even try hypnosis.

I just want to get back to normal.

Be like everybody else.




MICHAEL: It was so real.
I know it was a dream,

but when I saw that face
staring back at me...

They did something to me,
didn't they?

The Wraith, during my capture.

They did something to my mind.

Maybe they implanted something
into my brain.

What did they do?

Tell me.

We do not know.

Listen, many people here
have had such dreams.

You are not the only one.


The constant fear of the Wraith attacking,
the way they feed on us?

It creates a tremendous amount of stress.

- You've had the dream, too?
- Yes.

Many times,
and I know how frightening it can be.

- He's only had the one dream?
- TEYLA: Yes.

He believes the Wraith did something
to him during his capture.

Can you do something to help him?

Perhaps I could give him a sedative
to help him sleep.

Or I could increase his dosage.

Although I'd caution against it
at this time.

Why? If it's helping,
what's wrong with giving him more?

Because, Rodney,
I specifically calibrated his regimen

according to
his current physical condition.

Any alteration could adversely affect
his recovery.

I say we remain patient,

wait to see if he has any more dreams.

If it's merely psychological,

then Dr. Heightmeyer
should be able to help him through it.

Why do we not just tell him the truth?

I'm finding it difficult
keeping it from him.

And I'm beginning to question whether
our course of action is the correct one.


The dreams are most likely
due to post-traumatic stress,

not at all uncommon
in situations like yours.

You could see
Dr. Beckett after you leave,

- have him prescribe something for sleep.
- I just...

I can't help thinking there's more to it.

Something's not right with me.

- Do you feel sick?
- No.

I mean, I feel like...

I don't know what it is,
but it's not right.

It's not.

Everyone around here,
I get the feeling like they know something,

something they're not telling me.

See? That. Your expression.
I see that a lot around here.

People being careful with me,

like they're trying to figure out
what to say next.

And you think this means
that they're keeping secrets from you?

Maybe not deliberately, but, yes.

I get the feeling they know something
about me but aren't telling me,

and it's frustrating.

Because if the Wraith did something
to me, I'd really like to know what it is.

- SHEPPARD: Lieutenant.
- Colonel.

- Where you off to?
- My quarters.

Dr. Beckett gave me some pills
to help me get some sleep.

- I thought I'd give them a try.
- No alcohol or heavy machinery.

Excuse me?

Nothing. Sleep well.

Hey, Ronon, I don't know
what happened between us in the past,

but if I ever did anything to hurt
or upset you, I just wanted to say

that I'm sorry.

Ronon, shake the man's hand.

I don't think so.

He's trying to bury the hatchet.
It's not a bad idea, don't you think?

- I gotta go.
- Look, I just wanna know...

Knock it off! Knock it off.


Lieutenant Kenmore,
what are you doing up so late?

The pills Dr. Beckett gave me
aren't working.

I'm gonna go to the infirmary.

After you.


Dr. Beckett.

BECKETT: Delta wave frequencies
are up 2.9 hertz.

- WEIR: Which means?
- He may regain consciousness.


Quick, five milligrams!

Release me!



WRAITH: You will die for this!

Others will come for me!
They will destroy you.

SHEPPARD: Blah, blah, blah.
RONON: They gotta find us first.

You're gonna need a name.
How does Mike sound?



You lied to me!

I'm a Wraith!

You were a Wraith, yes.

- Michael, please.
- Don't call me that. That's not my name!

All right. Take it easy.

If you would let us explain.

Go ahead, explain.

But no more lies!

All right.
This is what we know of the Wraith.

They evolved from a creature
that we call the iratus bug.

That bug began taking on characteristics
of the humans it was feeding on,

and over time
became the Wraith that we know now.

So, Dr. Beckett has developed a drug.

It's a retrovirus

designed to suppress
the iratus bug elements

of the Wraith genetic code,

leaving only the human aspects behind.

It took some time to perfect,

but we finally achieved a viable drug,

which we then decided to test.

The injections?

- The insulin?
- Not insulin.

I'm sorry.

You see,
once the retrovirus was administered

and the transformation began,

another drug was needed to prevent
the Wraith element from returning.

It's actually a combination of dr*gs,

which, unfortunately,
require a daily injection.

So, what are you saying?

That being a Wraith
is some kind of disease?

Something you think you can cure?

What gives you the right to do this to me?

We're at w*r.

The Wraith will stop at nothing
to k*ll every one of us.

And we'll stop at nothing
to make sure that doesn't happen.

You made up everything.

My name,

the photograph of my parents.

It was my decision
to keep the truth from you.


For one, we were concerned
that if you were told,

you may react the way you are now.

The whole point was to erase
any trace of Wraith inside you,

not to keep reminding you of it.

And trust me, you're a hell of a lot
better off now than you were before.

Since we're telling the truth.

- This whole thing was a bad idea.
- No, it wasn't.

The retrovirus works, that much is clear.
Just look at the guy.

If we can figure out how to deploy
this as a biological w*apon,

it's possible
that we can hit entire hive ships

and turn them into humans.

That's still a ways off.

And I've yet to develop
an effective long-term dose

to keep the Wraith elements suppressed
for a lifetime.

But the point is, we are getting closer.

You know, you may be able
to make them look like a human,

talk like a human,

but they'll still be a Wraith.

Nothing you do will ever change that.


I know you are angry.

I am sorry
for what you have been put through.

But in time,
I think you may come to see this as...

Were you part of the team
that captured me?

You told me before

that you and your team rescued me
when I was captured by the Wraith.

But now I'm starting to realize
who did the actual capturing.

And you have the nerve to tell me
you're my friend.

I would like to be your friend.

- I would.
- You expect me to believe that?

You may not understand this now,
but making you human,

- I believe this could make your life better.
- Really?

Because from what I was told,

you made me human
in order to make your lives better.

So tell me, then,

what makes being human
better than being a Wraith?

They are evil.

They k*ll us,

feed on us, show no mercy,
know nothing of compassion.

- Humans are different?
- Yes.

So, what you did to me...

That was done out of compassion?

Your feelings of betrayal
are understandable,

but it's important you talk about them,

hopefully come to resolve them.

With you?

Yes, of course.

I already tried that once.
It didn't work out so well.

But something
was cleared up for me, though.

Now I know what that strange feeling
was, the one that's been

gnawing inside me.

Seems I can't shake
those basic Wraith instincts.



And now that I know the truth,

I feel them even more.

WEIR: Dr. Heightmeyer confirmed

he believes he's still experiencing
Wraith compulsions.

Is there anything more you can do
to help suppress them?

I don't know. It could merely be
a psychological manifestation.

Maybe we should up his dose.

Yeah, I know. You said give it more time,
but now that he knows what's going on,

things might start going
from bad to worse.

- I agree.
- He's due for his next injection now.

I could go ahead, increase the dosage
and monitor him closely.

Let's just hope he agrees to take it.

Well, if he doesn't, we'll have to insist.

Who knows, maybe another big dose
might wipe his memory clean again.

And then what?

We start the lies all over again?

They want you in the infirmary.

Time for your injection.

What are you doing?

What do you want from me?

Just waiting for you
to give me a reason to k*ll you.

Well, I guess I should thank you.

You're the only one around here
who's been honest with me from the start.

Lieutenant Kenmore, the infirmary?

You heard him.

Better get moving,


This is Sergeant Cole. Kenmore's escaped.
Level five, East Tower.

Ronon's also in pursuit.

MICHAEL: Drop your w*apon.

- Just take it easy, Lieutenant.
- Stop calling me that.

Drop your w*apon.

I figured you'd forget to set it to stun.

Sergeant Cole.

He's dead.

WEIR: We can't keep him here.
Even locked up, he's too dangerous.

We can take him to the Alpha site.

We'll sedate first
so he won't know where it is.

And then what?

- Continue with the drug treatments.
- Continue?

Dr. Beckett was about
to start increasing the dosage.

Hopefully, that will be effective

in eliminating
any remaining Wraith impulses.

Why are we even talking about this?

He k*lled one of your people.

Your experiment didn't work.

- We should k*ll him right now.
- We can't k*ll him, Ronon.

We're the ones who put him
in this position...

Now, hold on a minute, Doc.

If we hadn't given him the retrovirus,
he'd still be a Wraith.

- Wouldn't think twice about k*lling him.
- But we did give him the retrovirus.

We made him human.

Now we have the responsibility
to treat him as we would any other...

He's not human!

He's a Wraith.

Carson, what do you think?

Is it worth continuing
with these treatments?


I don't know.

I suppose it's worth seeing
how he fares with the increased dosage.

I agree.

We've come too far with this
just to abandon it now.


Would you please step outside?

What's going to happen to me?

You will be transported to another planet

where we are establishing
an off-world base.

You want to keep me
from learning more about Atlantis.

You're afraid that
if a Wraith ship comes close enough,

I'll communicate with them,

tell them you're here.

I didn't want to k*ll him.

I just wanted to escape.

To get out of this place.

We would like to continue
the drug treatments.

Dr. Beckett believes
that an increased dose

would fully suppress any Wraith urges
you may still be experiencing.

The alternative is death.

BECKETT: All of this up to the Jumper bay:
EEG, defib, cardiograph.

Oh, and cross-check the medications
on the list I gave you.

Make certain
we're good for at least a week.

Got a lot of equipment to take with us.

From what I understand,
the Alpha site

is not exactly set up for
this kind of work.

It's not set up for much of anything yet,
I'm afraid.

Hey, how are you holding up?

Oh, I don't know.
Because of me, a man is dead.

You can't blame yourself for that.

Elizabeth, I'm the one
who developed the retrovirus.

I'm the one who pushed
for this experiment.

Of course I'm to blame!

And I'm the one who approved it.
This was my call, Carson,

so if there's any blame to be laid,
it starts and ends with me, all right?


Time to go.

MAN: Clear.


It is all right. You are safe.

What happened?

You were sedated
for transport to the Alpha site.

Just a precaution.

How are you feeling?


I will see about getting you some food.

They call them "meals ready to eat."

It was all I could gather on short notice.

Dr. McKay quite likes them, actually.

Let me help you.

That's okay.

You're different from the others.

I noticed it the first time I saw you.

You're the only person
willing to understand.

The only one with a truly open mind.


The only one willing to show compassion.


Thank you, Teyla.


I knew I could count on you.

- Colonel.
- What happened?

I don't quite know.

He somehow managed to get free
of his restraints and take Teyla hostage.

He forced the security detail
outside the infirmary

to drop their weapons or he'd k*ll her.

- Where'd they go?
- Up the ridge.

Bravo team's on the way.

Just a precaution.

I know.

You're angry. I lied to you,

but you had no right to do this to me!

I won't let you
experiment on me anymore.

Let's go.

He's changing directions.

The tracks are difficult to follow.

He's good.

But you can follow them, right?
I mean, that's your thing.

Among many other things.

This way.

TEYLA: What are you doing?

I need to leave this planet.

And go where?

I don't know.

These are the SOs guarding the gate.


Damn it!

What is this place?

That way.

We need to figure out
the last address dialed,

if that's even possible.

- We need to get McKay out here.
- No, we don't.

Trust me, he's the only one
who can figure this stuff out.


How much further must we walk?

We'll rest up ahead.

I am sensing something.

There are Wraith nearby.

Yes, there are.

It is not too late. We can still go back.

Dr. Beckett can give you an injection
and take away the pain.


This is how it's supposed to be.

I'm returning to what I was.

What I am.

This is what I was drawn to.

They are aware of us.

They are coming.

I know,

and I will return to them.

Then we shall be enemies again.

We never stopped being enemies.

What will you do with me, feed on me?

Is that why you brought me all this way?

I'd be lying if I said
I didn't feel the urge.

And now that I'm truly able to feed again,

I feel it even more.

Then go ahead.


(g*n FIRING)

Fall back!

He's alive.

WEIR: He completely transformed
back into a Wraith?

Not completely, but well on his way.

His reversion occurred at a much
more accelerated rate than we anticipated.

Unfortunately, his memory
of what we did to him remained intact.

I should've k*lled him
when I had the chance.

He's right. We are totally screwed!

Not only has our dear lieutenant
rejoined the Wraith,

but he has taken with him the knowledge
that Atlantis still exists.

God knows what type of intel
he was able to pick up during his stay.

They will send another wave of hive ships.

Probably already on their way.

And this time, I'm guessing
they're not gonna

fall for the whole
invisibility trick.

We need to come up
with a new defense plan.

We're gonna need more firepower.