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02x13 - Critical Mass

Posted: 01/16/23 15:54
by bunniefuu
Going off-world?


That's the planet with all the kids, right?

They're having trouble with their E.M. Field generator,
and McKay has decided that I am the most
capable person in all of Atlantis to fix it.

Well, don't worry. They're a great group of kids.
You're going to love them.

My sister has a child.

He breaks things.

He throws things.
He smears things onto furniture.

Colonel Sheppard!
Need you up at the control room.

You still here?

We're just leaving.

Well, do say "hi" to the kids for me.


"Say 'hi' to the kids for me."
You'll catch it from me. You are such an idiot.

Two Wraith cruisers.

How far away are they?

A day, maybe day and a half.

I've been tracking them for some time now,

but good news is, it doesn't
look like they're heading this way.

- Just passing through the neighborhood?
- Yeah, it looks that way,

but I just discovered something rather curious...

short but intense energy bursts passing between them.

They're fighting each other?

In my...

expert opinion, yes.

That's good news.

It certainly is.

If there's any change in course at all, let me know.

I just cut short a call with the secretary of state.
I hope this is worth it.

I'm sorry, Sir, but a situation is developing that
you need to be made aware of. It couldn't wait.

Alright, then, make me aware of it.

We've noticed an increase in chatter
amongst the Trust recently.

The Goa'uld have infiltrated
the highest ranks of the organization.

We've discovered that
their access to government agencies

has gone a lot deeper than we realized.

How much deeper?


They know about it?


They've been there.

They planted a b*mb somewhere in the City.

But I don't understand. Why...

Why would the Goa'uld want to blow up Atlantis?

I mean, I'd think they'd be eager to get
their hands on all that ancient technology.

They want the technology, sure,

but they're more concerned about the Wraith
finding their way to this galaxy.

Last thing they need right now
is another enemy to contend with,

especially one so formidable.

Jeez, those poor people.

I mean, as if they don't have enough to contend with
the Wraith. Now they have a Goa'uld in their midst?

The intel we have suggests a lower-level
operative planted the b*mb,

which means we're dealing with a human.

And from what little
we've been able to decipher so far,

the b*mb is set to be detonated
the next time Atlantis dials Earth.

So the Trust have probably set up
a transmitter close to cheyenne mountain

to be detonated at the exact moment
that the wormhole is established.

- Which is today.
- What?

- Oh, the weekly status report.
- In 2 hours and 46 minutes.

Well, we have to warn them.
We have to tell them not to dial Earth.


Even if we had the kind
of power needed to dial Atlantis,

we couldn't, because that would detonate the b*mb.

What about the Daedalus?

It's on a return voyage to the milky way.
We could use them to relay the trans...

Oh, no... I mean, wait.

God, there's no way they're close enough,
even with our long-range transmitters.

You'll find another way to get the message to them.

I will?

Of course you will.

That's what I pay you for.

Elizabeth's including intel about the infighting
amongst the Wraith in today's status report.

Let's hope that trend continues.

The Wraith keep fighting like this,

we might be able to take the weekend off.


What are you doing here?

Well, it's good to see you, too, Rodney.

No, I thought you were leaving on the Daedalus.

Yeah, I was, but something came up.

I asked colonel Sheppard if I could stay
around a little while longer.

Oh, well... that's fine.

You okay with that?

Yeah of course it is,
why wouldn't it be?



I would think, after all this time,
you'd stop being creeped out by her.

Well, she just has a way of getting under my skin.


Dr. Beckett?


Do you have time to accompany me to the mainland?

Is something wrong?

A woman who is very close to me, Charin.

Oh, yes, I remember her. Sweet lady.

She is like a grandmother to me.

I've just received word that she is very ill.

I was wondering if you could look at her.

Of course, love. Say no more.

Okay, this is Atlantis, deep in the Pegasus galaxy,

and this is the Daedalus that left there
about a week ago, on its way to...



since we can't dial the Gate to Atlantis,

we have no way to get a warning to them

except by use of a subspace data burst transmission

relayed from our galaxy to Pegasus,

using the Daedalus as one of the relay points.

I thought you said the Daedalus was
too far away for our transmitter to reach.

It is, which is why we have to get closer.

P4M-399. It's a tiny little planet right on
the very outskirts of our galaxy,

but if we can send a science
team there through the Gate,

they should be close enough

to relay the information to the Daedalus
and then they can...

it's like the twilight bark.

The twilight bark?

101 dalmatians.
Didn't you guys see that movie? My kids love it.

Well, okay, so there's all these dogs,

and one barks here, one barks here, one...
they send the message across the countryside...

Lord of the rings.

Lord of the rings... you know, when they light
all those signal fires on the mountain tops?

You saw that, right? So, okay...

People, people, people, people!

I believe we have work to do.

Right. Sorry.

Gear up.

Colonel Caldwell, we just received a subspace
transmission from an SG team on P4M-399.

It's an urgent message from Stargate
Command we are to relay to Atlantis.

What's the message?

Do not dial Gate to Earth.

A Trust operative has planted a b*mb in Atlantis,

to be detonated upon completion of dialing sequence.

We are to maintain our position until the message
has been delivered for further intel as it develops.

Are we still in range to relay the message to Atlantis?


Who's that? Kavanagh?

Yes, Colonel.

We're way too far out to broadcast
a subspace transmission to Atlantis.

We could turn around, get closer.

We don't have enough time.

Their weekly status report dial-up
is in just under two hours.

We can't possibly get close enough to broadcast
the message in time to stop them dialing.

Colonel Caldwell,

I believe I can make modifications to the hyperdrive

in order to achieve the speed necessary

to reach a distance capable of relaying
the transmission within the allotted time.

The hyperdrive will be operating

at a level that can only be sustained
for a short duration before damage is incurred.

What kind of damage?

It could burn out the drive.

Meaning we'd be stuck between galaxies.

Yeah, I know what it means, doctor.

However, I do believe that we will reach the point
at which we can relay the message to Atlantis

before damage to the hyperdrive is incurred.

Are you sure about that?

Shall I make the modifications, Colonel?

Go ahead. Turn us around.

I don't see how you can possibly milk
any more power out of the hyperdrive.

Dr. Kavanagh?


Stop talking, please.

Thank you.

Are we set to dial?

Almost. Just finishing data compression.

Stand by.

Standing by.

Dr. Novak, what's your status?

Almost in range, Sir.

We're not gonna make it.

Compression's complete. We're good to go.

Alright, then. Dial the Gate.

Yes, ma'am.


We need to disconnect the ZedPM and switch to
backup naquadah generators to prevent any
possible dialing of the Gate to Earth.

I agree. In fact, as of this moment,

all Gate activity shall be suspended.

How many off-world teams do we have out there?

Just Zelenka and his team on M7G-677.

Well, unfortunately, he's going to have
to sit tight until we sort this thing out.

Stuck with all those kids...

is the Daedalus still in range to relay
a data transmission back to SGC?

Yes, they are holding a position that keeps
them in range of both Earth and us.

Okay, good, and send a message saying
we received their warning and aborted the dialing.

Ask them if they can give us a little more
than just, "there's a b*mb in Atlantis."

Maybe the Trust thinks this is the only way
to make sure the Wraith don't get there.

Well, it's drastic, but effective.

What's worse is the Trust operative who planted the
b*mb probably did so under orders from the Goa'uld.


When did the Goa'uld get involved in this?

Several months ago.

They successfully infiltrated
the upper leadership of the Trust,

gaining a stronghold on Earth accessing
government agencies from many countries.

What's a Goa'uld?

It's a slimy, snake-like alien creature, burrows into
people's heads and takes control of their bodies.

That doesn't sound pleasant.

It isn't.

I've read enough SG mission reports to know
I don't want anything to do with them.

I want you to organize some teams
and do a search of the City.

Start with obvious sabotage points,
power distribution centers.

I'll check primary and secondary systems for
any anomalous energy readings that might
indicate the presence of an expl*sive device.

And get Cadman to assist you,
she's a b*mb expert.

She is?

She's one of the best. She'll be a big help.


Ask colonel Caldwell to return to
Atlantis to assist with the investigation.

If the Daedalus returns here, then you're
effectively cutting off our communication with Earth.

Yes, I understand that, but if the person
who planted the b*mb is on board,
we gonna need to question them here,

have them reveal the location of the b*mb
and how to dismantle it.

Alright, let's get moving.

Disconnecting ZedPM power...


Charin, if you don't mind,
I'd like to draw a wee bit of your blood.

If you must.

When you are done,
I have made some tuttleroot soup.

You, cooking?



I have been practicing.


some day,

I will be able to cook as well as you.

I am afraid that day is far into the future, my dear.

You were born for a higher purpose,

to be the leader of our people...

and that's why I want you
to prepare them for the ring ceremony.


I'm dying, Teyla.

Forgive me, but... what exactly is the ring ceremony?

Among our people, it is very rare
for someone to die of natural causes.

Because of the Wraith?

The ring ceremony celebrates such an event.

A ring of stones is laid out,

symbolizing the ring of the ancestors,

the Stargate,

in the center of which the body is placed, and...

I am not ready for this ceremony, Charin.

Not yet.

What do you got for me?

One of our teams just raided a Trust compound,

discovered computers containing
further intel on Atlantis.

It's not much,
the Goa'uld are being very cryptic about this.

Cut to the chase. Do we know what kind of b*mb it is?

Not yet.

Do we know where in the City it was planted?


I'm sorry?

You said "further intel."

Well, we know for sure that there's no
transmitter here on Earth to detonate the b*mb.

I thought you said it was connected
to the dialing of the Gate.

It appears that the actual trigger,

be it the Gate itself or some
other mechanism due to the dialing,

is on their end, not ours.

Colonel Carter just came back from off-world.

She's going to help us figure out
what the trigger might be.

So, what else can we do?


I mean, not until we find out more.

Then by all means, don't let me stop you.

Colonel Caldwell,

we received another message from SGC to relay.

It looks like the detonator is not on Earth,

but it is in Atlantis.

Alright, go ahead and send it.

Also let SGC know of Dr. Weir's request that
we return to help with the investigation.

Yes, Sir.

expl*sives expert?

High temperature and energetic materials technology.

And I can tap dance, too.

Colonel Sheppard, how's it going?

Checking the east pier power distribution centers.

Still nothing.

We're headed to the west pier now.


How about you?

Checking the grounding stations.

Also nothing.

We've got eight other teams out there.

It's a big city. It's going to take a while.


Be advised we got a second message relayed to us...


It's dialing itself.

That's Earth's address.

I thought it couldn't dial Earth without the ZPM.

Well, it can't.

Did I just hear right?

The Gate dialed by itself?

Yes, it tried to dial Earth.

Whoever planted the b*mb must've devised a program

to upload itself
and automatically dial the Gate as backup

in case the first dial-in was halted.

A very good thing you pulled the ZPM.

- Rodney...
- What?

The transmitter...

Oh, no.

What is this?

We just started broadcasting a distress beacon.

The Gate dialed itself in order to draw
attention away from the transmitter.

Turn it off!

I am.

It's too late.

The damage is already done.

The two Wraith cruisers I was monitoring,

they picked up the beacon.
They've altered their course.

They're headed straight for Atlantis.

How long before they get here?

A day, maybe a day and a half,

depending on if they need to make
a hyperspace pause along the way.

We'll need to cloak the City again.

Even cloaked, the Wraith are going to wonder
where the beacon came from.

Well, then we need a ruse.

We'll take a transmitter and dump it along with
some charred rubble on a beach on the mainland,

and they'll think it's jetsam that washed up
when the City exploded during the siege.

Hang on. Back up a second.
Let me get this straight...

you think our b*mb guy did this?

Yes. It'd be easy to figure out
the Wraith were in the area.

We've been tracking them for a while now.

So he gets the Gate to dial
by itself in order to distract us

so he can broadcast a distress beacon
that would be picked up by...

By the Wraith, yes,

I believe so.

Okay, why?

Well, maybe he wants to blow up
the Wraith along with the City.

Two cruisers...

that's insignificant compared to all
the hive ships that are still out there.

Well, we don't have much time,
so whatever the connection is,

let's try to figure it out
before the cruisers get here.


you're in an awful hurry.

I'm returning to the mainland.

We are evacuating my people back to the City.

Oh, yes, the Wraith are on their way. I just heard.

They will be protected under the cloak
until the danger is passed.

Unfortunately, if they don't find that b*mb,
Atlantis may prove even more dangerous.

They will find it.
I am certain.

Before you go,

I need to talk to you about Charin.

I've completed my tests,

and I must say, although she is old,
and her body is indeed failing her,

there are treatments and procedures
I can administer to prolong her life.


Aye, starting with a pacemaker for her heart.

You see, one of the reasons she's feeling so weak is
that her heart is beating in a...

untimely fashion,

not pumping nearly enough blood through her body.

Now, the condition will continue,

but the pacemaker will slow its progress considerably.

It could possibly add years to her life.

I will let her know,

but first I have to get her and my people
to safety before the Wraith arrive.

Of course.

Not sure I like the look on your face, Chief.

Sir, the Daedalus just relayed a message

informing us that Atlantis requested
they return to help with the b*mb investigation.

Well, tell them no for the time being.

I need them to hold position
in case we gather more intel.

Sir, that's the problem.

They already headed back.

They're out of range.

We have no way of communicating
with them or Atlantis.

Then there's nothing else
we can do for them.

No, Sir.

Passenger manifest?


Any names jump out?

A few, actually.

I hate this,

having to suspect one of our own.

Unfortunately, the list of suspects
may not be limited to the Daedalus.

You think the Trust operative might
still be here in Atlantis?

Yeah, with everything that's happened.

Gate dialing by itself,
the distress beacon.

I don't know.

Getting themselves blown up along with the City,
it doesn't seem part of their M.O.

Well, all it takes is one nut to be talked into it.


Who around here do you suspect?

What about lt. Cadman?


Hear me out.

She's an expl*sives expert.

She was all set to leave on the Daedalus,

but asked to stay when "something came up."

She's always around when things happen.

- When the distress beacon started...
- She's one of the most trusted officers in my command,

not to mention the fact that she was
stuck in your head for some time.

Do you always have to keep bringing that up?

I bring it up because you of all people should
know she'd never do something like that.

Well, maybe she was brainwashed?

The Goa'uld are very clever when it
comes to things like manipulating...

Excuse me.

Dr. Weir?


Flight just confirmed that the Daedalus
has landed alongside the east pier.

Thank you.

I want to begin the interrogations immediately.

All crew and civilian passengers
have been confined to their quarters

until I have a chance to talk
to each of them sep...

This investigation falls under Atlantis' jurisdiction,

which means it will be conducted under my command.

Now, I welcome your assistance,
but as far as questioning potential suspects...

Doctor, one of the people aboard my
ship may be an operative of the Trust.

Yes, and the sooner I figure out who that is,
the better for all of us.

Alright, who's first on your list?

You think I did it?

Relax, doctor.

You're just one of many people I'm questioning.


I'm pretty sure mine's the first name
on what is probably a very short list.

Shortly after the siege,
you couldn't wait to leave Atlantis.

A few months later,
I received an urgent request from you

to be allowed to return.

Your second tour lasted three weeks,

and suddenly, you ask to leave again.

Because working conditions
became intolerable for me here.

I have no friends here,
my work is not respected...

and this occurs only days before we discover
a b*mb has been planted in the City.


Of course, so

obviously I did it.

Given the circumstances,
can you not see how such behavior might

- arouse suspicion?
- Your suspicion, sure.

Seeing as how you never cared for me

nor valued the talents I brought to this expedition.

My personal feelings towards you,
no matter what they may be,

have nothing to do with this.


Everything you do is motivated by personal feelings.

You're driven by emotion, not reason.

It's why I've always felt you're
not capable of doing this job.

You don't have the...


to be leading the fight against the Wraith.

If I remember correctly,
you were the one who wanted to,

what was it, run and hide?

And at the time, I was right.

If the Daedalus hadn't arrived at the 11th hour,

this city and everyone in it would have
been wiped out because of your recklessness.

There's no need for the Trust to blow
it up when Dr. Weir's at the helm.

Most of the others have already
been transported to the City.

A medical team will be by shortly
to take you in the next Jumper.

Always running.

Always looking to the sky in fear.

Soon I shall be free of this burden.


Dr. Beckett said he can help you,

give you something to make you feel better,

live longer.

I feel fine, Teyla.

I welcome this.
This is not to be feared.

You are all I have left.

My family, my...

mother, my father...

they are all gone.

If you leave me...

I will truly be alone.

No, your people are your family, Teyla...

and as you look to them,
so they will look to you.

They need your strength...

You understand that I am interviewing
everybody onboard the ship.

Oh, sure, I know.

I mean, whoever planted the b*mb was
probably eager to get away from the City!

Not that I was eager.

I was just doing my job.
I couldn't have cared less when we left...

but I care about my job. I just didn't...

You were saying?

Doctor, you have nothing to be nervous about here.

No, I know.

Unless, of course, I was guilty.
Then I would have someth...


Have you noticed any crew members...

change in behavior the last few weeks?
I don't know,

anybody acting in a suspicious or odd manner?

No... Wait.

I... I mean, no.

For God's sake.

Can I get you some water?

Oh, no. It wouldn't do any good.

I get the hiccups when I'm nervous.
It goes way beyond annoying.

But wait.

The pony-tailed guy.

Dr. Kavanagh?

He was always hanging around,
looking over your shoulder,

poking through computers.
Kind of creepy.

Well, not really creepy as much as...

peculiar, maybe?

I... I don't know the guy.
He could be a great person.

I mean, who am I to judge, you know?

I'll just shut up now.


Excuse me. Yes, Rodney?

Can you come to the control room?
We have discovered something important.

I'm on my way.
If you'll excuse me.

Yes, Sir.


What have you found?

Guess what? Turns out there's no b*mb after all.

There's no actual expl*sive device.

The expl*si*n will come, but from somewhere else.

Now, with the Wraith on the way,
we'll need to cloak the City,

- right?
- Yes.

In order to do that, we need to reconnect the ZedPM
in order to supply the necessary power.

And what about the Stargate?

I've physically disabled the DHD.

It won't be able to dial, so it won't be a problem.

Now, the ZedPM, however, will be.

Now, as you know,

the zero point module controls the
flow of massive amounts of power.

Like a dam.

No. It's not like a dam, it's more like a...

actually, yes, it's like a dam.
If you overload the dam, it breaks,

which is why the Ancients put in place failsafes
to prevent such a thing from happening.

Like a spillway.

Could we just stick with failsafes?

The problem is, our Trust operative figured
out a way to rewrite Atlantis' operating
system and disable the failsafes,

but mask it in such a way that
the City's sensors didn't detect it.

So the dialing of Earth would
cause the ZPM to overload.

Oh, yeah,

and given that dialing another galaxy
requires tremendous amounts of power,
we're talking catastrophic overload.

The expl*si*n would destroy not just the City,
but most likely the entire planet.

Can the failsafes be re-enabled?

Yes, but whoever it was who did this anticipated
the possibility they would be discovered, and they
put in place a code to block access to it.

And I'm gonna guess that cracking
this code isn't going to be easy.

No, not at all.
It is extremely complicated.

But for now, you've already disabled the DHD,
so it's impossible to dial Earth.

Yeah, but unfortunately,

any number of systems can be used in
conjunction with each other to overload the ZedPM.

It'd be a much more gradual
build-up than dialing the Gate,

which would cause an instantaneous power spike,
but equally as effective in its results.

And we can't disconnect the ZPM because we need
the cloak for when the Wraith cruisers arrive.


Which is why our bomber activated
the distress beacon, alerting them,

and that is how the Wraith coming to Atlantis
is connected to detonating the b*mb.

Rewriting Atlantis' operating system and
disabling the failsafes, well, that takes
someone with incredible intelligence.

You mean like Dr. McKay?

And also someone who was very eager to leave
Atlantis shortly before the weekly dial-in to Earth.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong,

but isn't Dr. Zelenka currently
stuck off-world somewhere?

Why isn't he a suspect?

Our list of suspects isn't open for discussion,

but off the record,

Zelenka went against his will,
and I couldn't picture him working for the Trust.

Oh, but you could picture me?

In a heartbeat.

I see...

guilty until proven innocent.

I've been going over
the communication logs from the Daedalus,

and it seems that you sent three unauthorized
and coded messages back to Atlantis shortly
after the dial-in was halted.

I have a few friends here I was concerned
about I wanted to see if they were right.

I thought you said you didn't have any friends here.

Now, the messages were encrypted, but don't worry
I've got people deciphering them right now.

What do you want from me?

I want the access code
so I can re-enable the ZPM failsafes!

Well, if you're waiting for me to tell you,
you'll be waiting a while, seeing
as I have no idea what that code is.

No, I think you do know it,

and since I don't have the time to wait anymore,

I'll just have to decide
the quickest way to get it from you.

Like what?

Are you gonna t*rture me?

Could the cloaking cause the ZPM to overload?

Yes, but I can turn off some of the systems
to keep the power level short of an overload.

Maybe we should start thinking
about evacuating the City.

There's not a lot of options there.

Still, it can't hurt to have a plan ready,

if we can think of one.

Dr. Beckett...

why was Charin moved in here?

So I can keep a closer eye on her,

tend to her if needed.

I told you, she does not wish for any treatment.

You have to understand, Teyla,

that as a doctor,
I can't just stand by here and let her die.

I took an oath to preserve life.

You may keep her here to make her comfortable,

but if the time comes,

as much as it pains both of us,
we must not interfere.


I'm still working on cracking the new failsafe code.
But so far, no luck.

How are things coming with Kavanagh?
Is he still your prime suspect?

Yes, he is.

I'm having some difficulty with him, though.

He's not exactly the most cooperative of people.

Well, there's a shocker.

If he does know the code,

I highly doubt he's going to just give it to us.

Give me 10 minutes with him.

I'll get it out of him.

It might not be a bad idea.

Maybe it is time to take this
interrogation to the next level.

Look, I hate Kavanagh as much as the next guy,

probably even more, but

we really need to be sure about this.

I agree.

If there's the slightest chance that he's innocent...

We don't have time to debate morality.

Unfortunately, sometimes you have to do
unpleasant things to save lives.

What are you doing?

I was going over the system's
command logs for the past few months.


I noticed a gap in one of the data-stream
sequences from several weeks ago.

It's probably nothing,
but I thought it might indicate a...

A deletion point, yes.

Believe it or not, I have had some
experience with these systems, more,

say, than a tap-dancing expl*sives expert.

I was just trying to help, Rodney.

Here's a thought...

failsafe code.

Why don't you help with that?


Yes, Rodney?

The cruisers are getting closer.

I think it's time to reconnect
the ZedPM and cloak the City.

Go ahead.

Switching to ZedPM power...


How are we doing?

I've powered down several of
the secondary systems, but so far,

the ZedPM levels are holding below overload.

I think we'll be okay.

Are you in pain?

Dr. Beckett can give you something to ease it.


Yes, Charin.

The journey begins.

They're here.

Two Wraith cruisers just outside our atmosphere.

So far, they're not behaving in a way
that would indicate they're aware of us.



The City's inertial dampeners just began powering up.


I'm trying to shut it down,
but it's requiring that code.

Get out of there.

It's the star drive.

Look, the City, as you know, is just a giant spaceship

with a star drive capable of faster than-light travel,

which means that it also has inertial dampeners.

Yes, I know that.

One of the precursors to the star drive's power-up
phase is the activation of the dampeners,

which may very well affect our cloak,

but that's not the worst part of it.

It'll overload the ZPM.

Way overload it.

How soon before that happens?

30 minutes at the most,
and this City will be vaporized.

We need to initiate some evacuation plans.

I told you, the Daedalus is our only option.

We can't use the Stargate.
We can't go to the mainland.

I agree... we fit as many people
aboard the ship as we possibly can...

There is nowhere near enough room for everyone.

We're going to have to make room.

No, no, no, you don't understand.

The life support system can't handle that many
people. There's not enough air to go around.

- They'll never make it back to Earth.
- What about another planet?

There's one nearby in this solar system, remember,
the one we found the crashed Wraith cruiser.

That took us 15 hours by Puddle Jumper.

It's a blink of the eye for the Daedalus.

And then we could use the Puddle
Jumpers to ferry the rest of the people.

Quickest thing to do is get the code.

Just let me in with Kavanagh.

I'll get it from him.

ZedPM overload in...

24 minutes.

Do it.

Oh, God.


what are you doing?

We are about to begin the ring ceremony,
according to Charin's wishes.

They're evacuating the City in a matter of minutes.
It could all explode.

We are aware of that,

and many of my people are boarding
the Daedalus as we speak.

I and the others will leave with the final
groups aboard the Puddle Jumpers.

Cutting it a little close, don't you think?

I made a promise to Charin,

and I intend to keep it, no matter the cost.

Beyond the night, a rising sun.

Beyond the night the battle's won,

the battle's won.

Fear and shame now in the past...

pain and sorrow gone at last...

gone at last.

ZedPM overload in 10 minutes.

We should think about getting to the Jumpers.

Dr. Weir, Rodney...

I found something.

Circle renewed, peace will be found

beyond the night on sacred ground


What'd you do to him?


He fainted before I could touch him.

Dr. Weir, we're ready to go.
We'll meet you at the rendezvous site.

What the hell's going on here?

I asked Hermiod to beam you here
so you could give us the access code.


Lt. Cadman discovered a gap in the system command logs

that indicated two deletion points, which she and...

We don't have time for this.

Your identification code was used
to access this City's operating system.

You copied it,

took it back to the Trust,

whose Goa'uld scientists then rewrote
the program to overload the ZPM.

You then brought it back here and uploaded
it into the Atlantis computers.

You think that I'm working for the Trust?

We know you're working for the Trust.

So give us the code.

Oh, my God...

I will never give you that code.

I warn you as a Goa'uld, I now possess
the strength of many men.

Won't be a fair fight, then.

Hold on.




We don't have much time.
We need that access code.

The ZedPM levels are spiking.
We need to go now!

The access code.

River flows, led by the wind

first new breath her journey begins,

her journey begins.

Oh, Carson!

Hermiod's beginning initial
calculations on the extraction.

- Extraction?
- Now?

Hermiod is going to attempt to remove the Goa'uld
from colonel Caldwell using Asgard beaming technology.

Quite remarkable, actually.

And complicated.

I mean, the calculations are impossibly intricate.

You don't want to go beaming out a chunk of his brain.

Lovely, Rodney.

Look who's back.

Mr. Mom.

Have fun with the kids?

Do not even speak to me.

Did you see Zelenka?


Well, you should take a quick look
before he washes his face.

The kids did a real number on him.

I asked Dr. Beckett to give everyone
in the base a full examination.

If colonel Caldwell could have a Goa'uld in him,

any of us could.

That's not a pleasant thought.


no, it isn't.

I crossed a line, John, with Kavanagh.

You did what you had to do.

Good news was, he wasn't hurt.

Here we are, gloating about
the infighting among the Wraith.

How are we any different?