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6x08 - It's Really Complicated

Posted: 12/14/12 19:28
by bunniefuu
Gossip girl here-- your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

I made a deal to sell some oil from the Sudan.

There was an embargo in place, which made it illegal.

Was anyone hurt? - No.

She said Bart walked in with an envelope.

And he's not about to show you what's in the envelope.

He won't, but someone else might--Bruce Caplan.

The Bass business manager? I'm not gonna let you thr*aten our family ever again.

Don't! You are indebted to me, and I'm here to collect.

Chuck, it was all my fault.

He cornered me.

My father? Are you sure that I'm the one person you wanna be with? You have always been the one.

Humphrey, where the hell have you been? I'm writing the Serena chapter.

Well, even if we can't put Bart behind bars, we'll still be together.

We made a pact.

We can't be together.

Gobble, gobble, upper east siders.

That's right.

It's Thanksgiving again.

And I hope you all brought your appetites, because today's the one day a year you're supposed to count your blessings I love the parade.

And not your calories.

I don't care whether you're sick to your stomach or simply on a liquid diet.

This turkey day, I'm going to make sure everyone eats their hearts out.

Dorota, did you remember my noise-canceling headphones and my Bottega eye mask? Flying alone on the holidays is like Chatroulette.

So why go to Paris? We both know today is most favorite day of year.

Ah, yes, it is true.

Thanksgiving does hold a special place in my heart-- and stomach-- but I guess this year a pumpkin macaroon will just have to do.

But every Thanksgiving, you try to visit Miss Eleanor.

And this year, I'm actually going to make it.

Besides, we both know that if I stay in town, I'll just be meddling in other people's affairs, and I promised myself I would not do that this year.

Still no word from Mr .

Chuck since pop-up show? No, and I'm not going to call him either.

Chuck only goes darker when I push him, so I'm gonna give him all the time and space he needs.

He'll snap out of his funk eventually.

And you okay leaving Miss Serena alone with Mr.

Lonely Boy? Well, I don't want her back with that backstabbing Brooklynite, but now that we're best friends again, I have to just hold my tongue and let this ridiculous relationship run its course.

Like stomach flow.

Yes, and until then, I will just play the supportive friend, which we both know I'm much better at from the other side of the Atlantic.

Now vite, vite.

Sweet potato casserole with marshmallows and pecans! Yum! How that's a side dish and not a dessert, I will never know.

Serena, you have to see this new hotel in Turks and Caicos.

Bart and I are gonna practically be sleeping on the beach tonight.

You're not gonna be here for Thanksgiving? Well, after everything we went through with Charles' vendetta, Bart thought we could use a little R&R on Malcolm Beach.

Now I just need to find out where Laryssa stored my Missonis for the winter.

Try Eric's closet.

You know, this might actually be a good thing.

It'll just be the two of us.

or maybe we can invite everyone? We can invite Rufus, and since Bart's not here, we can invite Chuck and then Nate and then Blair.

I don't know.

I mean, it's our first Thanksgiving back together, and--and given our track record with Thanksgivings, it might be kinda risky.

Divorces have been filed, affairs revealed.

Yes, but that was our parents, not us.

Come on.

They're not even gonna be here.


I mean, if it's what you really want, I'm in.

Thank you.

All right, so I'll go invite my dad and grab the world-famous Humphrey stuffing recipe.

Okay, well, I'll stop by Blair's, and then I'll go to the market and try to upgrade for a bigger bird.


Back here in a couple hours? Perfect.

Where's monkey? I found his crying at my door comforting.

I had him from housekeeping take him for a walk.

Why? Because you were too busy reading up on new ways to betray your best friend? Chuck, you know how sorry I am.

Bart's threatening to send me to prison for cooking "The Spectator's" books.

And I don't want to hurt you again, so I've been going over these documents, just trying to figure a way out of this whole mess.

Good luck with that.

Bart Bass is a grand master of manipulation.

He has ruined me.

You'll be child's play.

My advice is to lie back and think of England.

Yeah, thanks for the help.

If I could defeat my father, do you think I'd be here drinking alone, unable to be with the woman I love? Maybe you should do some research into finding yourself a hot tub time machine so you can go back and undo your creative accounting.


I'm so glad you're still here.

So my thanksgiving plans changed.

Let me guess.

Humphrey left you high and dry.

Not to worry.

I still have a free first class companion ticket to Paris for anyone other than Dorota.

What? It is not my fault that Vanya took the kids to Minsk.

No, Dan and I are great.

Actually, we decided to host thanksgiving together, and I need you there.

Miss Blair, Miss Eleanor is expecting you.

You made promise to her and to self.

Please, Blair, We really wanna spend thanksgiving with you, and I'm not gonna take no for answer.


If that's what you really want, Then I, as your friend, will be there to make sure things run the way they should.

Yay! Okay,I already texted Nate.

Can you let Chuck know for me? Miss Blair giving Mr.

Chuck space.

Now that Paris is canceled, everything is changed.


Okay, I'm gonna go to Pellegrini's, and I'll see you soon.

What happened to no meddling this year?! Did you hear her? She is getting domestic with that wool-haired whiner.

Four major holidays stand between thanksgiving and Serena being a June bride.

Measures must be taken-- drastic measures.

Good to see you.

What do you want, Blair? Nothing.

Just to help those less fortunate, like I do every thanksgiving.

Unless, of course, you're no longer interested in Nate.

I am, but I'm not moronic enough to trust you to help me get him.

That's too bad because I think Serena and Dan's thanksgiving would be the perfect opportunity for you to reconnect.

Serena would never invite me.

She's not exactly thankful I screened her sex tape for all of New York society.

You make a point, but Nate will never forgive you unless you undo the damage between S and your father.

Except that I don't want them together.

You said yourself that he's miserable without her.

And besides, she's Serena van der Woodsen.

He's a man.

He's probably gonna go back to her anyway.

So this just at least gives you the chance to date Nate Archibald.


Tell me what to do.

Further instructions will come forth from my avatar--Dorota.



That's good.

Go ahead.


How's Philip? Quit the small talk, Humphrey.

Give me the pages.

That's gonna be tough since I already messengered the only hard copy to Graydon's assistant at home.

What? No one wants to read your vomit draft.

Why didn't you let me give you my notes first? Because you're not my editor.

I am your everything.

Don't you think I know exactly what's going on here? You started this chapter over the summer, skewering Serena, and then you moved in with her and you decided to write a sniveling Valentine in hopes she would fall madly in love with you.

From the beginning, my goal with this book was to tell the truth, and I haven't strayed from that.

So I'm sorry if you're upset, but you're just gonna have to wait for the chapter to go online tonight.

Philip, get me the home address of Graydon Carter's assistant.

I was just thinking about you.

You were? I'm still grocery shopping.

I think I may have overdone it a little.

Who doesn't love leftovers? I'm guessing that means everybody's in.

Yeah, they are.

Oh, my god! Serena! Hey! Let me call you back.




Seeing you is the first thing I've been thankful for in weeks.

I owe you an apology.


Chuck, wake up.

Seriously, Chuck, wake up.

Bruce Caplan is dead.

The guy was a two-bit crook.

Who cares? You should.

I just got off the phone with his secretary.

Apparently, Bruce died only a few days after our last meeting.

He fell off the Bass Enterprises yacht.

Is there a point to this sob story? Your father probably figured out that it was Bruce who tipped us off to the microfilm in the painting.

Do you honestly think that Bart had nothing to do with his death? Even if he did, I promise you he covered his tracks or destroyed the evidence or had Lily do it for him.

Now get out of my room.

Seems like Bass is basking in his misery.

Looks like I'm not the only one who goes into hiding on thanksgiving.

Step aside.

Are you deaf? I said move it, buster! I'm sorry, Ms.

Waldorf, but Mr.

Bass gave us specific instructions.

You're no longer welcome at the Empire.

And this year's best dish is going to be served by yours truly.

So how's life been treating you since I treated you so badly? Better than I thought, honestly.

What about you? I'm good.

I just got back from Uganda.

We're supplying vitamins to all the hospitals there and He's been terrible.


That's embarrassing, but maybe a-a little true.

I'm sorry.

We all know I have a knack for humiliating people.

Uh, excuse me.

Van der Woodsen.


I'm--I'm really sorry about cotillion, too.

I kind of freaked out when I thought my dad loved you more than he loved me, but I realize now he loved us both.

And this just keeps getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

Yeah, I think that night was weird for all of us, but I'm glad that we have the holidays to have a fresh start.

Thank you.


Looks like you got the last one.



Are we really so pathetic that we're having a chicken on Thanksgiving? We were supposed to be in Amsterdam, but someone didn't finish her college applications.

I know, but doesn't that look so delicious? It's a raw turkey.

It looks disgusting, actually.

Um, but you know what? Nobody should spend Thanksgiving eating chicken alone.

So--so why don't you two join us for dinner? I mean, I-I think we can spare some turkey.

And--and the Van der Woodsens do have a long history of inviting bump-ins.

What the hell took you so long? And good morning to you, too, Blair.

Chuck banned me from the Empire? I mean, he's banished me before, but that was when we were on a sex fast.

What do you want me to say? Chuck has hit bottom.

All he does now is drink in bed and argue with monkey.

Well, I had no idea it was that bad.

Yeah, it's bad.

He's even giving up on defeating Bart.

Well, that can't happen.

We can't let Bart win.

We have to reinspire him.

What do you think I've been trying to do? Chuck didn't even care when I told him that Bruce Caplan mysteriously drowned.

His dentist? No, that's Brad Caplan.

Bruce is the Bass business manager who apparently fell off Bart's yacht.

It's not a coincidence that one of the only people who knew about Bart's illegal oil trading died in a freak accident.

Especially since Sheikh Hassan, the man who sold Bart the oil, died in an accident, too.

I mean, maybe if we can connect the two, we can take that to the authorities.

Or at least get Lily to see who Bart really is.

I have an idea.

All I need is a wampum pouch, a push-up bra, and all of Bart's computer passwords.

Dan! Happy Thanksgiving.

You, too.

Dusting off the old 6-string.

I like it.

As a matter of fact, I'm on my way out to a benefit concert Lisa's throwing at the bandshell.

You should come with.

It's a hormone-free potluck.

That sounds tempting, but I'm here to invite you to a Lily-free dinner that Serena and I are hosting at the Van der Woodsens'.

Jenny told me you two were back together last time we skyped.

You can say it.

I know.

I know you disapprove.

I guess I'm just surprised you haven't learned by now.

Uh, learned--learned what? That we Humphrey men don't stand a real chance when it comes to Van der Woodsen women.

Is this the speech where you tell me that we're from different worlds? Because, you know, I-I did--I wrote the book.

Two, actually.

Women like Lily and Serena are never gonna respect guys like us.

All the love songs I wrote Lily made no difference.

Poetry isn't what she wants.

No matter how much we love Lily and Serena, they're always gonna choose guys like Bart Bass.

So maybe the trick is to become Bart Bass.

Yeah, but neither of us could ever do that.

And that's a good thing.

Bart's cold and calculating.

A reptile.

Yeah, well, that snake is spending Thanksgiving with Lily, and you're not.

I should go.

Daphne, right? Graydon's assistant at "Vanity Fair"? Georgina Sparks.

We've spoken on the phone ad nauseam.

I just got off the phone with Dan Humphrey.

I'm done working on Thanksgiving.

Daphne, I, of all people, understand the challenge facing a young mother in the big city.

I, too, have a little rug rat, and it is a constant struggle to balance family and career.

So, please, mother to mother, I need to see a copy of Dan's Serena chapter.

You know that I'm not allowed to give out copies of writer's submissions.

Now if you don't mind Oh.

But I do mind.

Why don't you make it easy on yourself and your little bed-wetter and just give me a sneak peek? No.

Ask Dan if you wanna read his Serena chapters.

Chapters? There's more than one? I thought we were done, but he just sent me something else.

Did somebody order a Thanksgiving spread? You just cost my dim-witted doorman his holiday bonus.


Don't blame him.

I said you called for a stripper, and obviously I'm a convincing one.

I've come to kidnap you and bring you to Serena and Dan's Thanksgiving.

I'm not going anywhere, but you are, unless you want me to call security.

Don't be a grumpy gus.

Bart and Lily won't be there.

Come on.

Let's get you cleaned up.

What part of our last conversation did you not understand? As long as I can't defeat my father, we can never be together.

Just because we can't live happily ever after doesn't mean that we can't have a little fun once in a while.

We made a pact.

Need I remind you what that means? But it's been too long since Monaco.

Pocahontas needs her John Smith.

I always thought of myself as more of a John Rolfe kind of man.

That's my Chuck.

You can play both after dinner.

And you're sure Lily and Bart are gone? They are, and now so is my appetite.

When was the last time you showered? Only if you join me.

Something smells divine.

Oh, that would be Dorota's candied yams.

Aren't you two supposed to be on a white sand beach where no one pays capital gains tax? Tropical storm.

Our flight was delayed.

So it looks like we'll be staying for dinner after all, if we're not imposing.

Uh, no.

No, not at all.

I mean, we have plenty of food.

We'll just We're gonna need to change up the seating arrangements.

Mom, you're here.

Well, we got rained out.

Darling, you went grocery shopping.

I'm so proud.

Looks like we're gonna need to set two more places.

Um, actually, make that four.

Look who I ran into at the grocery store.

Blair's plan worked perfectly.



How are you? Mmm.


Why are you mad? I didn't decide to close the airport.

Lily and Bart are the least of my concerns.

Oh, you're mad that I invited Steven to dinner.

No, no, I'm thrilled that you invited your ex to our Thanksgiving dinner.

I was hoping maybe Ben or Colin or Carter could stop by later for apple crostata.

Oh, come on, Dan.

I only invited them because they had nowhere else to go.

What would you have done? Called you, given you a heads-up.

In an equal partnership, you're supposed to take the other person's feelings into consideration.

I'm sorry.

But it just-- it happened so quickly.

And honestly, I didn't think you'd care.

That you invited the guy you were ready to get engaged to at cotillion? Why are you being so insecure? Look I'm fine that your ex is here.

'cause you invited her.

But we're together now.

I think your stuffing's burning.

I'm so glad you two could make it.

Yeah, everything looks wonderful.

Doesn't everything look wonderful? The bar certainly does.

He'll perk up.

He's just dehydrated.

And is that your old beau looking more handsome than ever? It's so generous of you and Dan to invite him to your thanksgiving.

I'm not sure Dan feels the same way.

What are they Tropical storm.

Hopefully Chuck can hold his tongue until after the pie? Have you seen Nate? No, not yet.

Charles? Lily.

What are you doing here? I live here, and I'm hoping that your presence today means that you're going to apologize to your father and put this feud behind you.

The problem with putting Bart behind me is that then he can s*ab me in the back.

Who invited him? Well, it is Thanksgiving.

Let's try to have a nice meal together.

I think now Charles has no evidence against you, so he can't hurt you anymore.

I'd like to make sure of that.

I know I'm the last person you expected to see today, but my dad and I ran into serena at the grocery store.

And she couldn't help but adopt a couple of strays for Thanksgiving.

Pretty much.

So can we talk? Don't worry.

I'm not pregnant.

I just miss you.

Sage, look, now isn't-- Nathaniel.

You know what? On second thought, right now is a great time.

We'll go upstairs.

Dan, right? Steven.

I hope there's more than one place card for "Serena's ex.

" Uh, y-you know what? I'm actually not Serena's ex anymore.

You're kidding? No, no, no.

This is--this is our Thanksgiving dinner together.

Well, enjoy it, because I have a feeling it'll be your last.

What? Do you need me to spell it out for you? The sex tape blew up, I broke up with her, and then she ran to you because she's terrified to be alone.

Y-you don't know anything about Serena.

Or I-I'm sorry.

Do you still think her name is Sabrina? I know that she needs someone to take care of her, and I know you can't.

Oh, yeah, but you and your Omega-3 empire can? Well, I did all summer, and we were great together.

I think we still could be.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Masterful work, Dorota.

If things continue to progress at this rate, Humphrey will be gone by tomorrow.

Chuck, where are you going? If you think tricking me into making up with my father is going to allow us to be together, you're mistaken.

I have to defeat him.

Bruce Caplan and the Sheikh are both dead.

That--that can't be a coincidence.

I have a plan.

How many times do I have to tell you Bart is not stupid enough to leave any evidence? We don't need a smoking g*n.

We just need a single thread to tie the two deaths together.

Bruce Caplan was on your father's yacht.

And--and maybe the Sheikh was on his way to see Bart.

Or maybe Bart had sent the car.

Well, that kind of information could be hiding in the open.

A leasing agreement, a logbook.

But the--the FBI aren't gonna take a circumstantial theory.

The only person we need to convince that Bart is a m*rder*r is Lily.

And Lily's been by his side at every turn.

Lily could care less about an oil embargo or a faked death.

But a real one? Or two? If only we could get onto the Bass industries server But we need a password.

And if only I had texted your uncle Jack to do a little bribing and blackmailing to get them.

And if only Nate was upstairs right now, trying them all.

You're amazing.

I know.

Now go see if he's found anything.

Hey, Dominick dummy.


No van der woodsen family holiday would be complete without you.

Keep your flattery in your pants.

I know you sent in two Serena chapters to "Vanity fair."

I did.

They're both the truth, And I'm still not showing you either.

I don't need to read them.

Obviously one is the stupid Serena serenade that you've been composing since ninth grade, And the other is the piercing expose that you started to write over the summer.

Don't be an idiot.

Do you wanna win, or do you just wanna win Serena? Serena? Dinner's ready.

There is no winning without Serena.

Dinner's ready.

Daphne, it's Dan.


Uh, yeah, I've decided which chapter I wanna publish.

Oh, Dorota, this looks amazing.

I may need to have a second plate! Oh! And the toasted almonds are such a lovely surprise.

Speaking of surprises, I was so sorry to hear about Bruce Caplan's passing.

Uh, w--I had no idea.

What happened? He was so young.


He was sailing on the Bass yacht and just fell overboard in broad daylight.

You'd think someone would've jumped in to save him.

My god.

How tragic for his family.

And for Bruce.

It's odd that Bart never mentioned it.

You know, I-I wanted to thank you again for inviting us.

It--it means a lot to Sage and to me.

Yeah, of course.

I-I'm sorry.

I feel terrible though.

Up you have enough to eat.

I forgot you're gluten-free.

I'll be fine.

You know, I-I-I'm more concerned about you.

Why? I eat everything.

No, I-I'm talking about you getting back together with Dan.

You know, I-I know I hurt you, but I mean, this kinda represents everything you said you were trying to escape from.

I mean, he wrote all those horrible articles about you and your friends.

Yeah, but he didn't write one about me.

I know that Dan has made his mistakes, but so have I.

Me, too.

The biggest being pushing you away.

I'm still in love with you, Serena.

We deserve another chance.

I'm sorry, but I'm in love with Dan.

You're not.

He's your rebound from me.

No, you were my rebound from him.

I left the city Because I thought he wanted to be with Blair.

But Dan is my first love.

He'll always be.

You know, maybe I got it right at cotillion after all.

Steven Nate, I came up here to make out, not to watch you and Chuck play wikileaks.

This isn't gonna work.

It has to be at least nine characters.

Try this.

ParkAve740 There's nothing confidential here.

It's all just general files.

Doesn't matter.

Just look for travel and living expenses, leasing agreements, anything overseas.

Hey, just give us a second.

Give me 30, and I'll leave you alone.
Amuse the young lady, Nathaniel.

I've got this.

Okay, I'm sorry.


Admit you missed me.

It's okay.

I don't care if you watch.

She's a keeper, Nate.

And, yes, I can attest to the fact that he missed you, everything has really fallen apart for him since you two broke up.

Yeah, so I should probably help Chuck.

I did something that I'm not too proud of-- Wait.

I think I've got something.

It isn't line-caught blue marlin, But it doesn't look half-bad.

Lily? I just heard about Bruce Caplan.


Tragic news.

Who told you? Speaking of bruce, I heard he drowned like a rock.

or at least had them tied to his ankles.

Charles, show some respect.

Yeah, maybe we should take a moment to remember Bruce, who died falling off your yacht.

And Sheikh Hassan, whose Bass industries-provided car burst into flames.

I hate it when that happens.

Bart, is that true? I have no idea what kind of car he was driving.

Oh, I think Chuck could shed some light on that.

Right? Bentley W12, provided by Bass enterprises.

The leasing agreement, hot off the press.

So what if we provided the Sheikh's cars? We're certainly not responsible for every mechanical malfunction.

So it's just a coincidence that the two men who could've sent you to prison happen to die in transportation you so generously provided them? If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna freshen up.

If you done with problem number one, problem number two needs meddling.

Have you noticed Mr.

Steven has left? I'll be right back.

Hey, thank you again for postponing Paris.

Did I see Steven leave? Yes.

Do you know that he tried to get back together with me? Well, you must be in seventh heaven.

Deciding to take the evening apart to consider it? B, you know that Dan's the one.

I've been holding my tongue because we're finally friends again.

And, the only thing I care about is that you are happy and in love.

But Dan Humphrey is not the one.

I don't want to lose our friendship again either, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't say any more.

He is a self-promoting hipster weasel who's thrown every one of his friends under the bus, and I'm not going to sit by and wait for him to do it to you, too.

I know in your twisted but loving way you're trying to be protective.

But you're wrong about Dan.

So please just accept him, and this'll be the best Thanksgiving ever.

Lily, please.

This is just another one of Chuck's games.

When I asked you about the oil deal, you promised me that no one got hurt.

And no one did.

At least not by me.

So Bruce and the Sheikh's death were just pure coincidence? Yes.

Are you questioning me? Maybe I should start.

All I did was protect you.

By lying to me.

I never lied to you.

I told you, no one got hurt.

You're hurting me right now.

Chuck is just getting to you, and he won't stop until I make him.

I just wanna thank you all for joining us for our first Thanksgiving together as a couple.

Even Georgina, who I didn't actually invite.

But welcome.

So to many more years of love, happiness, and good friends.


I, too, have something to be grateful for freedom of the press.

If you'll all take a look at your phones, you will soon realize that my protege Daniel Humphrey has just released the latest installment of his serial a chapter on our very own Serena.

The right chapter, thank you very much.

What's she talking about? "Serena Van Der Woodsen-- golden girl falls from grace.

" "A faux love story.

" "Serena is nothing.

She's a golden shell.

Give her love, and she'll do anything you want.

" Serena, I know you're upset.

"With Daddy issues like these, "It's not hard to push the right buttons.

"And once you do, "The most powerful girl on the upper east side has no power at all.

" I understand if you would've written this in the spring.

you were so mad at me then.

But why would you write this now? Why--why not write it now? It's no less true than it was then.

Okay, I'm sorry.

I must be confused.

I mean, has everything that's happened since cotillion been a lie? The--the vespa? The bar? Did--did you ask someone to stop the elevator? Vanya.

I told him I was trying to win you back.

But everything I've said about how I feel is the truth.

No, that's that's not possible.

That doesn't make sense.

You couldn't say these things about me if you loved me.

I invited you into my home, Dan, and my world, and--and then you just humiliate me.

That is the issue.

It's "My world" Oh, come on.

It's a figure of speech.

No, it has always been your world, and you've never let me forget it.

I've always been a visitor-- the poor kid from Brooklyn who you've never seen as an equal to you.

Okay, so this is your payback? Do you feel better about riding the subway to school since you made a fool of me and everyone? What I did is no worse than what all your friends do to each other every day.

You try to ruin each other, and then you sit down for Thanksgiving and you call yourselves family.

You were supposed to be different.

I used to be.

Got me nowhere.

So now I'm the same.

Good-bye, Dan.

Are you okay? I don't know.

But you can gloat.

You were right.

For the first time ever, I'm sorry I was.

Well, 90% sorry.

Thanksgiving is ruined once again.

Are you kidding? What is Thanksgiving without a side of drama? And pie.

Apple or pumpkin? Both.


I'm fine.

I, I just need some fresh air.

Maybe you should sit down.

I can get you a glass of water.

Oh, Charles, I forgot how sweet you are.

The only thing that matters is that you finally know the truth.

I do, and I'm sorry.

What on earth do you have to be sorry for? For believing all of your lies.


Actually, I was just going to tell Charles how sorry I am for trying to force a reconciliation between the two of you.

I know that will never happen, and I should have accepted it sooner.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Lily.

I promise it'll get better.

Nate and I survived both our chapters.

It didn't work.

Hey, Dan, before you go That was from all of us.


I just wanted to say I was impressed with your latest literary offering.

You've restored my faith in your generation.

If you ever need anything, give a call.

Do not leave me alone with them.

The last time I attended a shunning, I froze my zhopa off in Siberia.

Oh, it can get just as cold around here.

You think they hate me? They fear you.

Welcome to the upper east side.

Mind if I join you? Not at all.

It's been a trying night.

I was thinking about taking a few days at Miraval, If you don't mind.

Sounds like a perfect idea.

What's wrong? Who called? Mm.



Okay, we need to work on your poker face.

You're not fooling anyone.


Like Chuck said, it hasn't been a great time for me.


So? Tell me what's going on.

Who was on the phone? Look.

It was Bart Bass.

A few months ago, I made a mistake with "The spectator" finances.

You know, the kind that sends you to prison.

Bart knows, and he's using it as blackmail to turn me against Chuck.

Well, there must be some way out of it.

No, there isn't, Because I'm guilty.

And if you wanna leave now, then I totally understand.

Are you kidding? Now you're the good guy and the bad boy.

I'm not going anywhere.

They kicked you out, didn't they? I saw your piece on Serena.

You let me off easy by comparison.

All I did was tell the truth.

Your truth.

Everybody has a version, or way of delivering it.

It wouldn't have been my choice.

Well, maybe that's why Lily doesn't respect you.

So is this how you become Bart Bass? I did what I had to do.

And tonight, for the first time, they weren't looking down on me.

They might've hated me, but I was one of them.

Congratulations I guess.

So now that you've achieved that, you can come back to Brooklyn.

What I want isn't in Brooklyn, dad.

I have a plan.

I have this whole time and it's working.

Lily, I've had all the stepmothering I can handle for one day.

Charles, please listen to me.

I'm a fool for trusting your father all this time.

That's what I was trying to apologize to you for before-- Bart interrupted.

I'm on my way to Miraval for a week, and I'm scared to be around your father, and I fear he's coming after you, too.

I'm well aware.

Unfortunately, I think there is little I can do to stop him.

Bruce Caplan and the Sheikh's deaths won't stick in court without hard evidence, and you made s'mores of all the financial records.

Not before I carefully read each film with Cece's jewler's loupe.

She always said that was the best way to catch a husband in a lie.

I know she was referring to low-grade diamonds, but still I'll send you everything I can remember.

Thank you.

It's the least I can do.

Charles Be safe.

Nathaniel, remember when I said would ask for your help in the future? Meet me at my office first thing tomorrow.

Unless, of course, you'd rather a wake-up call from the FEDS.

I'll be there.

Thanksgiving may be over, But I hear that our favorite upper east siders are still cooking something up.

And pretty soon, everyone is going to feel the heat.

Of course, when you fan an old flame, sometimes you wind up just getting burned and having to start from scratch.

I just got your text.

What happened? Lily has finally seen the light.

She's going to help me take down Bart.

Will you go to w*r with me? I thought you'd never ask.

Luckily, the things that have been slowly simmering always taste the most satisfying.

Bon appetit.





, Gossip Girl.