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02x11 - The Hive

Posted: 01/16/23 15:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis.


Thought I was dead, didn't you Sheppard?

Jace here has really fine tuned the enzyme.

We've gotten so good we can even lace food with it.


You've just had your first dose.

You're gonna help us, destroy a Wraith hive ship.

There's been a slight change of plans.

McKay's going to stay here,
while we run the op.

Sheppard, you there?

I think I might have set the alarm off.

What do you want?

The one who flew the ship.

And now the conclusion...

The ship.

Where did you get it?

You mean the Dart?

We call them Darts because they're so pointy.

Tell me.


I really don't wanna say.

I don't even know your name.

In time, you will tell me every...

Tell you what? What's wrong?

She didn't even tell me her name!


Are you unharmed?


Where'd they take you?

A little Q and A with the Queen of the hive.

What'd you tell her?

It was a short conversation. She walked out.


I don't know. Maybe she was late for a meeting.

No. There's something else.
I sense she was agitated, even angry.


Another hive ship has arrived.

Are you sure there's another ship?

I sense it... close by.

Well, maybe they're planning
on culling the planet together.

- Or they're gonna fight for it.
- Either way,

the planet's only a few days away, so we don't
have much time if we still intend to stop them.

Alright. First things first.
How to get out. Any luck?

Not yet.

Don't worry... I'll figure a way out.

I was afraid you were gonna say that.

OK, they definitely should have been back by now.

Seriously, am I the only one who thinks that
maybe things haven't gone according the plan?


OK, look, we can't just sit here.
We need, we need to, we need to do something.

- Like what?
- Like go get help!

Look, we can dial the Stargate back
to Atlantis where we have a ship...

a fast ship with, with, with shields. We can fly to
the hive and then, then rescue them if we need to.

Can't dial the Gate, remember? Ford removed
the control crystals from the dialing device.

Yes, I know that. But here's the good news.
You're the ones guarding them.

Look, all you have to do is get me
the crystals, I can fix the DHD.

And then then look, you just have to walk
into Ford's little room back there and get them.

We're not giving you anything.

Then I can't dial the Gate.

What I said.

What is this, an Abbott and Costello routine?
Look, just give me the damned crystals!

You want the crystals,
you're gonna have to go through us.


Last time we were on one of these ships, McKay was
able to open the door by cutting right into the wall.

You mean like with a knife?

You have a knife?

One for them to find, one to keep.
Everybody knows that.

Right! Forgot all about that rule.

Well, it's a good thing I'm here.

Right! Now, just, take your time...

I said take your time!

I hit the exact spot you were pointing at!

Alright, alright. Anybody else have a knife?

Getting warmer.

How many of those things have you got?

How many d'you need?

OK, you can take them out, easy. Just a few well-placed
karate chops and, and, and, and down they go.

Piece of cake. Let's...

Are you an idiot?

Desperate times, desperate measures.

That's one hell of a karate chop!

You must have a hell of a time going through airports!

Ford, what the hell are you doing?

- That's the last of it.
- What about the rest of us?

- You don't need it.
- You don't know that.

We're heading to the Dart Bay.
Stay together, and stay quiet.

Lock and load!

And that's what happens when you back
a brilliant scientist into a corner!

Now focus, focus.

Ah, control crystals! Yes!


They are coming.

I got it.



More coming!

This way!

Big dose! Big, big dose!

But you needed it.
You needed it.

To lay out the guards... idiots!

"You want the crystals?
You're going to have to go through us."

Well I went through you allright, didn't I?

Like a hot knife trough jelly.

Knife trough butter.

Okay... Focus. Must finish dialing. Please, please...

OK, go home.

Help us. Please, help us.

She's alive!

So is this one.

Let's get them out of here.

We don't have time to stop.
This isn't the mission!

There is no mission, Ford.
There's just your stupid plan.

- If you hadn't screwed up...
- Look,

the sooner you stop arguing with me and help me
save these people, the quicker we get out of here.

Unscheduled activation!

It's Doctor McKay's IDC.

Lower the shield!

I know what I need to do!

Rodney, what's happened?
Where are the rest...?

There's no time, no time.
The planet... not Ford's, the one the...

ship's headed towards, we need to get
there and we don't have much time.

I was barely able to escape myself,
but I managed to take out the guards.

Oh, you should have seen me! I was amazing! I wish
we'd got it on camera because... That's not the point.

Rodney, slow down. Are you alright?

Yes, yes. I mean... I don't know.

I mean, I did take out the guards and
they were huge and dumb and stupid...

What guards?

Ford's guards! Didn't I mentioned Ford?

No, you didn't, and you haven't even
mentioned Sheppard, Teyla or Ronon either.

Yes! They were there too, and there were the two guards.

They were huge and massive and I had to take them out,
so I had to inject some of the enzyme.

You took some of the enzyme?

I didn't take some of the enzyme.

I took a lot of the enzyme, because I had to,
because I had to take out the guards, which I did,

and you should have seen me, I was amazing!

Are you insane?

Yes, yes, now that I've taken the enzyme, yes.

Rodney, focus. Where is Colonel Sheppard?

No, no, no, I had to take the enzyme because,
because I had to take out the guards!

But that's not the point...
the point is we don't have enough time.

We need to stop the ship from getting
to where the ship is going.

Come on, come on, let's take a
walk to the Infirmary, alright?

What are you doing?

No-no-no-no, I don't wanna go to the Infirmary.
I wanna go to the... the...

Doctor Beckett, we have an emergency.
We're headed to you.


Are you alright?

I think so.

You were shot by Wraith stunners.
You both went down pretty quick.

The effects of the enzyme must be wearing off.

Where are the others?

Feeling better?

Her name's Neera.
Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.


Where are the others?

They split us up into separate cells.

I guess the Wraith figured keeping us
in smaller groups would make it tougher to escape.

We shouldn't have stopped.

- What's done is done, Lieutenant.
- No!

First you set off the alarms, and then
you stop to rescue people when you know
damned well the Wraith are on our tail?

It's like you're purposefully sabotaging this mission.

You hate to see me succeed at anything.

You've got a lot of issues to work out, Ford.

Teyla and Ronon went down too quick when they were shot.

The enzyme's wearing off.

You feeling anything yet?

Not yet.

But I will.

It's happened before when I've run out of the enzyme.

It gets pretty bad.

So we gotta figure a way out of here.

And no more unnecessary stops.

Colonel Caldwell!
I didn't think you were due back here for days.

Doctor Weir requested that we join the search ASAP,
so we pushed the engines a little.

How is he?

I've sedated him;

administered a beta blocker to bring his blood
pressure down to a more manageable level.

It's a wonder he didn't suffer a stroke.

Did he mention anything further about
the location of Colonel Sheppard and his team?

Nothing coherent, I'm afraid.

By the time he arrived here,
he was hyperventilating, pulse extremely rapid.

He could barely get out a word...

although, being Rodney, he certainly tried.

How much of the enzyme did he take?

A very big dose, I'm afraid.

I found a significant amount of it in his system...

nearly as much as Lieutenant Ford.

Alright... can you wean him off it?

I wish I could.

Unfortunately, Lieutenant Ford took the last supply
of our enzyme when he left Atlantis,

so an incremental withdrawal is out of the question.

Unless we harvest more enzyme.

Not an option. By the time you go out and collect it,
the enzyme will have broken down in his system already.

No, I'm afraid for Rodney the only choice is...

Cold turkey.

Aye, to put it bluntly.

I can administer some dr*gs to help ease the process,

anti-nausea medication, pain reliever,

benzodiazepine for anxiety, as well a sa multivitamin
injection to bolster the immune system.


But there's no dodging the fact it's
gonna be difficult... possibly even deadly.

Are you alright?

I'm just tired.


The enzyme's leaving your bodies.

Mine too.

How bad will it get?

Bad. Maybe not for you.

You guys haven't been on the enzyme for long.

But me, on the other hand...

Thank you.

How're you holding up, Lieutenant?

OK. I just need to get my hands on some more enzyme.

Then I'll be able to get us out of here.

We'll do it together. With or without
the enzyme, we're a team, remember?

I remember.

Don't just stand there... get me more enzyme.

We don't have any.

It's the cave... Ford's cave... he's got a,
a whole cabinet of it. There's, there's dozens of vials.

Do you know the address?



I'm sorry, Rodney.

You don't have to scream at me!

I'm not screaming.

This is fun for you, isn't
it, watching me like this?

I assure you, it's not.

What is this, payback? You're jealous?

Jealous of how vital I am to
this mission... vital, vital...

jealous of how I get to go offworld
and, and you get stuck in this stupid,
pathetic excuse for a hospital.

You know that's not true.

Jealous I get all the women and you don't!

Excuse me?!

Please, just give me a little enzyme... just
enough to take the edge off. I'm dying here.

I told you, we don't have any.

You think I don't know you're lying?

- I'm not lying.
- You are. You think I don't think you are but you are.

And don't think I won't forget it...


I don't know! Just k*ll me.

I wish... It'll pass.

Don't shout! I am right here.

Perhaps we should move him
to a more secluded area.

What... so you can k*ll me in private?
s*ab another knife in my back?

Rodney... no-one's trying to k*ll you.

You have no idea of the
agony I'm going through.

Oh, I have an inkling.

Kanayo, you must be strong.

Fight it!

I do not know what else to do for him.

There's nothing we can do.


He is dead.

Is that what's gonna happen to us?

One less for you to feed on?

Take him.

How is he?

Asleep... finally. Mercifully.

Has he mentioned anything
about Sheppard and the others?

No, not yet.

Our conversation was of a different sort.

I feel not unlike the priest in The Exorcist.

Well, he's through the worst of it.

The nausea has passed,

his pulse has returned to normal,

blood pressure in a more reasonable range, considering
his borderline hypertensia before taking the enzyme.


I hate to say it

but his stubbornness is probably what
sustained him throughout the ordeal.

We won't tell him that, though.

Aye... mustn't feed the beast!


You should get some rest.
You look exhausted.

I'll stay with him just a wee bit longer...

just to make sure he's out of the woods.


Nice work.

Thanks, Elizabeth.

Come on, buddy, hang in there. Don't leave us.

Yes, Sir.

I'm sorry, Sir.

No, none of that.

Mission's not over, remember?
We've still gotta figure a way to get out of here.

You hear me?

Yes, Sir.

Aiden. You can make it through this.

Move away from him.

- What are you gonna do with him?
- Move away.

He's sick!

That is why we're taking him.

Where? Where are you taking him?

To a cocoon.

It will preserve him...
keep him from dying.

Until they're ready to feed.

I'm sorry.

It's my fault you got caught,
I should never have asked you to stop.

It's OK.

You were trapped in one of those cocoons,
no-one can blame you for wanting out.

Now your friend has taken my place.

Well not for long, not if I can help it.

How will you get us out of here?

OK, I haven't figured that part out yet...
but when I do, it's gonna be real impressive.

The Wraith will not allow us to escape.

Yeah, well, I try not to let them
tell me what I can and can't do.

You do not fear them?

The Wraith? Naah.

Now clowns... that's another story.
Scare the crap out of me.

Well, look at you.

Ah yes, bright-eyed and
bushy-tailed, as the idiom goes.

You gave us quite a scare.

It was very strange.

The whole time I was under the influence
of the enzyme, it felt like I was...

I was perfectly lucid... eloqent, even.

I mean it was you who wasn't making any sense
or listening to reason. It was very peculiar.

I think I kind of understand how Ford
must have been feeling this whole time.


What happened out there?
And where are the others?

I don't know exactly, but I think I can
figure it out. I told you Ford's alive.

Well, you told me, but I didn't believe you.

The man is nothing if not
resilient. He's been busy, too.

He gathered himself together a little
g*ng, doped them all up on the enzyme.

They're the ones that caught us, drugged us,
and coerced Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon to join
them on a mission to destroy a hive ship.

A hive ship?!

Yeah, they managed to steal themselves
a Dart. Like I said, he's been busy.

Look, when they didn't return from the mission,
I realised something had obviously gone wrong.

Now, I have the coordinates to the planet
that the hive ship was headed towards to cull.

So if the team is still alive...

maybe captured on the ship...
there's a chance we can rescue them.

Yeah. At the very least we can warn
the planet of the impending culling.

I'll alert Colonel Caldwell.

Very good.

How're you feeling?



Ready to get out of here.

Have you had any luck finding a way to escape?

I think our only chance is to
try to create a diversion...

try to overpower them the
next time they come in here.

Have you thought of Lieutenant Ford?

If his withdrawal was as severe as Kanayo's...

If it distracts you,
clear your mind of it.

If it fuels your anger

use it.

D'you have anything sharp...

knife, hairpin, anything that'd puncture
the skin on these walls?


It's just that everyone in
my last cell had one, so...

Your people were taken by the Wraith too?

A few.

My whole world was destroyed,

and my people taken and brought here.

I watched as my own mother and
younger brother were fed upon.

Sorry to hear that.

We had no means to fight the Wraith.
We are a simple, peaceful people.

We're peaceful too, but the good news is,
we have the means to put up a hell of a fight.

- You have fought the Wraith before?
- Lots of times.

Won some battles, lost some.

w*r's not over by a long shot, but
we're managing to hold our own.

And the clowns?

The clowns?
Oh, yeah, the clowns.

Yeah, we fight them too...

entire armies,
spilling out of Volkswagens.

We do our best to fight them off, but...

they keep sending them in!

According to Ford's intel,
Edowin has a space Gate.

If we can get there quickly in a Puddle jumper,
we wouldn't be able to do much more than just
warn people of the impending culling.

Do we have enough time?

- Yes.
- We think.

- We should.
- We hope.

It'll be close, yes, but using the Daedalus
we might be able to get a radio lock on

Sheppard and the team inside the hive ship.
If they're still alive, we can beam them out.

Alright. Let's get this bird off the ground.

- Coming with us?
- No, no...


For warmth.


How's that? Better?

Yes. Thanks.

How long will they keep us in here?

That's a very good question.

If we're able to escape, where will I go?

Wherever you want.

Can I go with you to your world?

Sure. Why not?

I'm sure we can find a spare room.

I'd like that.

What is it like, your world?

It's nice... comfortable, good climate.

Tell me what it looks like.

Like every other world, I suppose

Trees, water, mountains.

Starbucks on every corner.

What is it called?

D'you mind if we pick this up after we get some sleep?

Yes, of course.

What is it?

I don't know.

Must have just dropped out of hyperspace.

Maybe they're getting ready for the culling.

Take him.

Shall we talk now?

About what?

You are stubborn.

Yes, I am... and, she's very pretty, by the way.

Neera... the girl you planted in the cocoon
for us to rescue after you let us escape.

The one that was supposed to get information from me.

It's never gonna happen.

We drop out of hyperspace directly behind the planet...

use it to shield us from the hive ship and
we can attempt radio contact with Colonel Sheppard.

But we won't be able to make
radio contact from behind the planet.

This is why you and Major Lorne will take a cloaked
Puddle Jumper to get close enough to determine if
Colonel Sheppard and his team are still aboard the ship.

If they are, we'll move into position
around the planet and beam them out.

And if they're not there?

We'll beam a nuke aboard the ship and destroy it.

What if they jam us like they did before?

Doctor, you worry about getting Colonel
Sheppard and his team out of that ship.

Let me worry about destroying it, OK?

Ah, there you are.

I guess an empty room is off the table,
but nice try back there in the cell.

I knew there must have been a good reason for you to
let us break out, but that was quite the performance.

Where'd you find her?

She is one of many thousands
that have come to serve us...

even worship us.

They do my bidding,

and I let them live.

A Wraith-worshipper?

The prophecy of The Great Awakening
has come to pass. The end of days have come to the...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know about that because, I'm one too.

Although in my case, it's not so much worship
as it is a meaningful business relationship.

You lie.

OK, tell me this.

How else could I get my hands on a Dart?

And who else could provide me
with specific instructions on how
to infiltrate your hive and destroy it?

Of which queen do you speak?

You gotta have a window on this boat, don't you?

Take a look.

The other hive that joined you for the culling...

a lot more people to feed on
when you don't have to share.

I will speak to her of this.

You don't really think she'd admit
to trying to have you k*lled, do you?


I shall savour your defiance!

How'd you get our weapons back?

That was the easy part.

Getting some more enzyme... that was harder.

You're one tough son of a bitch!

What are you doing?

Down that hall, fifty metres, turn left.

It'll take you to Teyla and Ronon's cell.

I'll hold the Wraith back for you.

You're coming with me.

I'll hold the Wraith back, boss. Now go. I'll be OK.

I'm not going without you, Lieutenant.

John. I'll catch up. Now GO!

Ford! Oh, crap.

Get ready.

How about I bust you guys out of here?

If you don't mind.

I've gotta get myself one of these.

Where's Kanayo?

He is dead. Ford?

Well, last I saw he was alive... I'm stickin' with that.

Jumper One, you have a go.

On our way. Engaging cloak.

Oh, no.

There's two of them!

You said there was only one.

- Well, there was only one!
- Now there's two!

I can see that!

Let's try and hail Colonel Sheppard.

The culling is beginning.

We've gotta stop them.


Stay here.
When I give you my signal, get out in the open.

Jumper One, what's your status?

We're unable to establish a radio link with Colonel
Sheppard or the others on either of the hive ships.

Which doesn't necessary mean they're not on
either of the ships. Look, they could have had
their radios taken from 'em.

We can't make that assumption.
Return to the Daedalus immediately.

Almost there now.

Good. We need to take those
ships out before they start culling.

Is that his signal?

It'd better be.

Oh, I sure hope that worked.

Max power to the shields.

Are we within transport range?

Yes, Sir. We have a weapons lock on
coordinates inside the first enemy vessel.

Deploy warhead.

The enemy has engaged counter measures
to block our transport.

They're jamming us again!

We're under fire.

Forward rail positions, return fire!

This is not good.

Not good, not good.

How much of this can the shields take?

Not much. They're already down twenty percent.

Our people have been in Wraith hands too long.

We have to assume they've been compromised and
that the Wraith know that Atlantis wasn't destroyed.

We need to win this.

Look... see that?


It's a Dart firing on one of the hive ships.



I don't believe what I'm seeing.

Sheppard's actually getting them to fire at each other!

The blast has destroyed everything
in a fifteen thousand metre radius.

Did any Darts survive?

Negative, Sir.

Copy that. Atlantis out.

Doctor Weir?

We received word from Daedalus.

They said they should be back to
Atlantis by nineteen hundred hours.

They called the search off?

They said there was nothing to search for.

Thank you.

Offworld activation!

Who is it?

We have an IDC.

It's Colonel Sheppard's code!

Let them in!

Sorry we're late.

Alright. Up you go.

Why aren't you dead?

Ah, it's good to see you too, Rodney.

No, no, I mean... well, you know what I mean.
Why aren't you... dead?

Well, I knew when the hives started
to sh**t at each other,

it was just a matter of time before they blew
each other up, so I went to the space Gate and
dialed an address where I could land safely.

I didn't think the Dart could fit in our Gateroom.

The Colonel was kind enough to make us
whole again, and we returned home.

I'm curious, Sheppard... how did you
know the Wraith would fight each other?

A little intel from Ford in the game, plus...

well, I kinda goosed things along with the Queen.

It would appear the Wraith are becoming
more territorial than we had thought.

There is definite tension building among them.

Which is good for us.

Certainly is.

It also opens a brand new strategy in fighting them.

And, and, where is Ford?

He was aboard the hive ship when it was destroyed.

He was last seen aboard the hive ship.

What does that mean?

Well, you know Ford. I wouldn't be
surprised if we run into him again.