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02x07 - Instinct

Posted: 01/16/23 15:45
by bunniefuu
What a great vacation getaway
in the Pegasus galaxy.

Where is everyone?

There is smoke from the chimneys,
they're inside.

Can't say I blame them.
There's nothing I hate more than a damp cold.

Let's check this out.

Howdy folks.

Who are you?


This is Teyla, Ronon, McKay.

You from Matira?


Over the mountains then?

A little further.

Then you've come a long way.

You'll be in need of food and drink.


Take it, you don't get
many strangers around here?


Especially not those who travel near dark.

Why's that?

- You really don't know?
- Callum.

What's your business here?

No business really, we're just travellers.

Then you best keep travelling.


Alright then.


Goran, you can't send them out there.

They look like they can take care of themselves.

May not even start tonight.

It's been three months,

how much longer do you think it will wait.

Hi, what are you talking about?

The Daemus.

Never heard of it.

It lives in the forest, it'll be feeding soon.

And it is some kind of an animal?

It's a creature, that has the appearance of a man.

But it can suck the very life from your bones.

Leaves only a dead, withered husk behind.

Sounds familiar.


we know you're not used to
deal with strangers, but

we may be able to help you
with this little problem you're having.

We're used to deal with this kind of thing.

We call them the Wraith.

These are the creatures from the old stories,
from the time of the cullings.

So you have heard of them.

Yes, but the histories of them are incomplete.

They tell of the great ships that descended from the sky,
but there's no description of the Wraith themselves.

Although there were a few among us who
guessed the Daemus might be one of them.


Because it too came from the sky.

It was about 10 years ago.

A bright light appeared above the village...

and crashed in the hills.

We didn't know what that was,

but the people were terrified.

Hurry, gate in the house.

I went with some of the other men to investigate.

We found the wreckage,...

a few wounded survivors,...

we didn't know what they were.

We decided to take no chances.

We slaughtered them,

burned the bodies.

Wise decision.

Unfortunately, we didn't get them all.

And although none of us saw,
evidently one of them survived.

It took it's first victim, that very night.

We tried to hunt it down,

we couldn't find it.

It's been out there ever since.

It feeds three, four times a year.

Takes two or three people each time.

Two years after the crash it took my own son.

That's it.

One Wraith in the forest.


I'll be done by morning.

We all go together. In the daylight.

Are you really going to help us?

Like the man said, it's just one Wraith.

It'd be downright unneighbourly if we didn't.

In that case, drinks are on me.


let's not forget the food.


Is it true?
You're going to hunt the Daemus?

It looks that way.

I heard it has two heads and
it can turn you into stone, just by looking at you.

Well you heard wrong.

My uncle say's it'll come and
take me if I don't do my chores.

He said that?

Well then, if we get rid of it,
you got nothing to worry about.
You'll never have to do chores ever again!

- Really?
- Yes, look, go away!


As far as we know, no-one was taken last night.

But it will strike and soon.

Well, we'll k*ll it before that happens.

You must be great at parties.

We're talking about 100's square miles of forest.

Be patient. Ronon's been going up against the Wraith,
one on one, for the last seven years.

If anyone can track this thing, it's him.

And exactly how is he gonna do that?

I also have good hearing!


Carry on!

What about you?
You sensing anything?

I am not sure.

What do you mean?

There is a presence here,

but it is different.

I cannot quite explain it.

It's in there.



It's in there.

- It was a Wraith?
- Yeah.

- Did you see it?
- No.
- Well, so how do you know?

Ronon is correct.
I can definitely sense it now.

A female!


- Get out of the way!
- Please don't sh**t!

She's not what you think!

She's my daughter.

She means you no harm!

She's a Wraith.

Maybe so.
But she's different, I swear to you.

Let me guess.
A Wraith with a heart of gold?

She doesn't feed.

She's never taken a human life.

How is that possible?


lower your weapons and
I'll explain it to you.

It's alright.

- Father.
- I won't let them hurt you.

I raised her as my own.

You live here?

This was part of a mine,

before the last culling.

It's not much to look at, I know,

but we don't have much choice.

The people of the village would not understand.

Gee! I wonder why.

The villagers told us
there was a Wraith in the forest.

It came here in a crashed ship, ten years ago.

Ten years ago?

Ellia was just a child.

Do you really think that she could be responsible for
the deaths that happened immediately after the crash?

So you know about that, then?

I was there.

I helped k*ll the survivors.


when I found a young female lying unconscious,
some distance from the crash,

I couldn't bring myself to hurt her.

I brought her here to this cave to

hide her from the others.

To this day, the people of the village don't know
and you must promise not to tell them.

She's not responsible for what's been happening!

Well then who is?

I believe another Wraith survived the crash.

An adult.

That's who you should be looking for.

If she does not feed, how does she live?

At first I

fed her as you would any child and

that seemed to suffice.

But then something began to change.

The food no longer gave her any sustenance.

There was a hunger growing in her
that would not be satisfied.

I heard the stories of the other creature.
Of what it did to survive...

and I was afraid that was what Ellia would become.

And so I...

started to experiment.

I have extensive knowledge of
the chemical properties of various...

medicinal plants that grow in this forest.

Are you interested in science?

I'm not sure that's what I would call this,
but yes.

Ellia's hunger was growing stronger every day and
I wasn't sure that I could do anything for her.



I came up with this.

A drug that allows the Wraith
to survive without feeding?

- That's what he said.
- Is such a thing even possible?

We don't know enough about Wraith
physiology to say for certain.

Although I must admit,
it's intriguing that this Dr Zaddik claims
that this Wraith survived on normal food for a time.


Well, if he's telling the truth,
it might be the answer to a very puzzling question.

Right now, our best guess is that
the Wraith evolved from the Eratus Bug.

Like the one that attached itself
to my neck a year ago?

- That's right.
- I hate those bugs.

Trust me, I know.

We speculated that they evolved into the Wraith

when they began to take on the characteristics
of the humans they were feeding on.

Now there are many aspects of human
physiology that are quite useful.

Bipedal motion, opposable thumbs,
large brain capacity.

But the human digestive system
serves no purpose in the adult Wraith.

So why have one at all?

Because they eat normal food when they're young.

Exactly. Then at some point they lose
the ability to sustain themselves with that food.

So it's a teenage thing.
Pimples, rebellion, life sucking.

Something like that.

The question is what causes it?

If it's due to some chemical deficiency like

a diabetics inability to process sugar, then it's
possible it may be addressed with some kind of drug.

Zaddik could be telling the truth.

I'd like to go to the planet and check into it.

Is that really necessary?

I'm sure we could get a sample.

Bring it back here for you to analyse.

It's not just the drug I'm interested in.

This young Wraith could be very
important for our research.

What research?

We're working on a retrovirus
that would alter Wraith DNA.

Essentially stripping out the Eratus
Bug elements of their genetic code and
leaving only the human aspects behind.

- A drug that turns Wraith into humans?
- Effectively yes!

But so far we haven't had much success.

Apparently, because we lack the living tissue
and blood samples we need, to test it.

You think this girl would be willing to provide them?

Look, I realise we can't bring
her back to Atlantis, but...

I could take the retrovirus and equipment
necessary for the analysis, with me to the planet.

A few days with a cooperative test subject
could be worth months of theoretical research.


I don't have to tell you how
important this could be for us.

Is she dangerous?

She's a Wraith!

Although, I have to admit,

she does seem a little different.

Now remember, the leaves must
be dried and finely ground.

Like this?

A little more.

Now why is distillation an important step?

To remove the toxins from the ferrison root?


We wouldn't want the serum to send
you into paralytic shock now, would we?

No father.

Have you ever seen anything like this before?

No I have not.
She's unlike any Wraith I've ever encountered.

What if it's all an act?

If she were a k*ller, why would he protect her?

Maybe the act is for his benefit too.

No, they live here together, Rodney.

If she were like other Wraith,
he would be her first victim.

Teyla, this is Sheppard.

Go ahead.

I just got back with Beckett.

Ronon's gonna take him up to the cave.
I'm gonna check in with the villagers.

What are you gonna tell them?

I'm still working on that.

This equipment's remarkable.
Where did you get it?

Oh, here and there.
Let's start by analysing that drug of yours, shall we?

Yes, of course.

Would you like some tea?

Thank you

Oh, no thank you.

- Would you like some?
- No.

Are you sure, it's very good!

I said no.

Maybe some biscuits? I baked them myself.

Gate away from me!!!


It's alright. It's OK.

They hate me, don't they father?


They just don't know you.

Was that really necessary?

You can dress her up and teach her table manners,
but it's not gonna change who she is.

Teyla, this is Sheppard. Come in.

Go ahead, Colonel.

Is Ellia still in the cave?


Has she been there the whole time?

Yes, why?

I just found another victim.

Apparently, he's only been missing a couple of hours,
which means she couldn't have done it.

Looks as though Zaddik may have
been telling the truth after all.

We must defend ourselves!

Colonel Sheppard.
Is there any progress with this hunt?

We're working on it.

Maybe we could help you?

That won't be necessary.

We're sick of doing nothing.

We're sick of being afraid all the time!

That thing is hunting in daylight, now!

We'll never be safe.

Just be patient.

We'll take care of it.

I told you she wasn't responsible for the killings.

The serum makes it unnecessary for her to feed.

Can you confirm that?

Not yet. It'll be a while before
I can complete my analysis.

Alright. Well, in the meantime,
there's another Wraith out there.

I believe Ellia may be able
to help us find it.


May I speak with her?


May I join you?

Ellia, we need your help.

You can sense the other Wraith.

It is alright.

It is nothing to be ashamed of.
In fact, I have the same ability.


I sensed you in the forest,
when you were watching us.

And I knew even then that you were different.

Your father has raised you well,
he has taught you right from wrong.

You are not like the other one.

I don't let him in.

I don't like what he shows me.

I know,

but you have to try now.
We need to find him.

You don't understand.

I have tried myself,
but I can get nothing.




Now concentrate.

Try again.

I saw a river.


Is there a river nearby?

Yes, just to the East.

Alright, let's go. McKay, stay here and help Beckett!

- Medical research, not really my thing.
- And hunting Wraith?

I mean, I could stay help Beckett.

Never could get into biology.

This is too much information about the human body.

One time, when I was an undergrad,
I diagnosed myself with half a dozen separate medical
conditions, before I had to drop the class.


Yeah. Believe it or not,
back then I was a bit of a hypochondriac.

You know, this does require
a certain amount of concentration.

Am I bothering you?

Maybe I'll go get some air.

This must be the river
she saw in her vision.

Assuming she's telling the truth.

Just cos there's another Wraith,
doesn't necessarily mean you can trust her.

What have you got?

Fresh tracks.
It's him.

Now do you believe?

I still think there's more to this
than she and Zaddik are telling us.

He's heading upstream
into the hills.

Let me ask you something.

If you can prove to everyone that I'm telling
the truth, that Ellia no longer needs to feed.

Do you think the villagers would accept her?

That's what I'm afraid of.

No matter how hard we try to convince them,

they'll always see her as a monster.

I'm getting old, Doctor.

You've got lot's of time.

Never have as much as we think we have.

And when I'm gone,
she'll be alone.

I try to teach her about love
and human companionship,

but that's exactly what she'll never have.

Zaddik, there's something I want to show you.

I didn't say anything at first,
because I didn't want to get your hopes up.

It's a retrovirus.
Something I've been working on.

I don't understand.

Oh God, how am I gonna explain this?

Part of Ellia is human.

And part of her comes from
a creature we call the Erratus bug.

It's the part that makes her look the way she does

and where her desire to feed comes from.

Now it's possible,
by means of this retrovirus,

we can strip away those parts
and leave only the human parts behind.

You mean she'd be like you and me?


Now I must warn you.
The retrovirus is still experimental.

In fact it's only been tested on cell cultures
in a laboratory and so far without much success.

I'm hoping,

that what we can learn from your daughter
will help me perfect it.

We got a problem.

Why didn't you just radio me?

I wanted to radio but...

Looks like they decided to join the hunt.

If they find Ellia, they'll k*ll her.

Sheppard, this is McKay.

What is it, Rodney?

The villagers are on the move and
it doesn't look like they're gonna a picnic.

Are they heading for the caves?

Not at the moment, no.

Alright, get back there and sit tight.

We're losing time, guys.



She's not here.

Good Lord!


She took the retrovirus.

- You said it wasn't ready.
- It's not! Not by a long shot.

What'll it do?

To be honest, I have no idea.

Colonel Sheppard, come in.

Go ahead.

We've got another problem.

Ellia's gone and she's injected
herself with the retrovirus.

Why would she do that?

She must have overheard
us talking about it.

I told Zaddik it might be
the key to making her human.

Please. You've got to find her before the villagers do.

Look, Ronon says we're close.

If we lose the trail now, we may never catch the Wraith.

Rodney and I will find her.

Alright, but be careful.


I'll come with you.

No, I think it's best if you stay here.

Look, is there anywhere that she liked to go?
Any favourite hiding spots or favourite places?

Yes, she often goes off
for hours at a time, up into the hills.

I don't like it, but she doesn't listen to me.

It's a start.

You know, I thought it was pretty nuts, when
Ronon was trying to track a Wraith through this forest.

Now that it's just us,
do you feel any better?

Oh yeah. Supremely confident.



Where did you go?

I was hiding.

I didn't want the others to know.

To know what?

Ellia! Why did you take the retrovirus?

Because I don't wanna be this way anymore!

I hate what I am.

You heard what Dr Beckett said.
You know the retrovirus isn't ready.

I have no choice.

When they k*ll the other Wraith,
I won't be able to pretend anymore.

Pretend what?

I've wanted to tell you for a long time.

Your serum doesn't work, father.

It never has.

That's impossible.

It's been two years since you...

since the last time.

That wasn't your fault.

It was my idea.

I needed time to perfect the forumla.

But it wasn't working.
The hunger just got worse.

What did you do?

I'm sorry father.

No. No, that was the other one.

It was both of us.

I sensed him out there.

I knew when he was feeding and
I would go out at the same time.

No, it can't be.


Stay away!

What is it? What's happening?

Let me help you.


This is where he's been making camp.

He was here less than an hour ago.

You hear anything?


Me either.

Easy now. You just went to all that trouble to
save my life, it would be a shame to k*ll me.

Are you alright, Rodney?

Yeah, I'm just peachy now.
What the hell was that?

The retrovirus is having the
opposite effect, than we intended.

I guess so.

Oh God.


You poor girl.

You never deserved this.

I know part of you is still there.

Ellia please! This isn't you!


Are you alright?

Don't try to move.

It was Ellia.
But it wasn't her fault.

Over here! Come on.

No, no, you people need to go back
to the village. It is not safe here!

Who is that?

Don't you remember me?

No. It can't be.

You were taken by the Daemus.

No father.

Father? I don't understand.
You're his son?

If my son were alive, he'd be 34 years old.


There's another one of those things out there.

Look what it did to Zaddik.
I say we go after it now!

No-one's going anywhere.
We'll handle this!

Stay calm. How is he?

I've given him something for the pain,
but his injuries are too severe.

He's not gonna make it.

This can't be happening.

It's not possible.

I'm sorry.

Don't blame Ellia.

It was my idea.

You have to understand.

When I found her, I'd just lost
my own wife and son to a fever.

She was just lying there helpless.

When I saw her, I knew what I had to do.

As I told you, in the beginning she survived
on food and water, like any young girl.

Then the hunger came.

It's alright. Take what you need.

I can't!

Yes you can.

She took what she needed from me to survive,
until I perfected the serum.


I'm so sorry!

She never fed on anyone, after that?


Alright! Teyla, Ronon, you're with me.
The rest of you, stay here!

Colonel! The retrovirus is acting quickly.
The human part of her is almost gone.

You said she k*lled the other
Wraith and saved McKay's life.

Yes, but I'm not sure she knew what she was doing.
She's operating on a purely animal level right now.

Is there nothing you can do for her?

I might be able to reverse the effects, if you bring
her back alive. But I doubt she'll cooperate.

She's also stronger and faster
than any Wraith I've ever seen.


All this time. We thought you were dead.

There was no other way.

They never would have accepted us.

And I couldn't abandon her.



needed me.

Colonel, this is Beckett.

Go ahead.

Zaddik's dead.


She knows we're here.

She's watching us.


We want to help you!

Dr Beckett can make you better,
but you have to come with us.

We will not hurt you!

She took a blow to the head when Ellia hit her.

Stay with her.

- Sheppard!
- That's an order!


What happened?

Where's Colonel Sheppard?

He went after the creature.

You let him go alone?

He wanted me to stay with you.

I am fine. Go.

Aren't we supposed to follow his orders?

Sometimes, we're allowed to make exceptions.

And who decides when it's one of those times?

- We do!
- That's good enough.


Don't make me do this.

You OK?

Yeah. She tried feeding on me.

She wasn't gonna let us take her back.

Yeah. I know.