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02x05 - Condemned

Posted: 01/16/23 15:41
by bunniefuu
Look familiar?


Me either.

I do not believe I have been to this planet before.

There's no sign of any settlements,
or at least nothing recent.

Other than the smoke from that camp fire.


yes well,

other than that.

I'll land within a few hundred yards

It's primitive, definitely primitive.

Probably not even worth making contact.

What is that smell?

- It appears they left in a hurry.
- They're not used to friendlies coming out of the Gate.

What are you?

Oh my God, he's tasting it!
You don't know what that is.
That could be their laundry!

Pretty good.

Oh yes, good idea. And when you're finished
with their porridge, why don't we try their beds.

Want some?

- How good is it?
- Leave it be Goldilocks.

Take cover!

What the hell's in those sling sh*ts?

You alright?


You know this is not
the way to make new friends!

But we'll leave if you want us to!

I'll take that as a yes.
Let's go back to the Jumper. Teyla you're on point.

- I'll take the six. McKay help Ronan.
- Don't worry about me.

I'm a worrier. Let the man give you a hand.


Alright move, move!!

- Everyone in one piece?
- Yeah, thanks to that ship.

Be still.

Yeah, I like their timing.

- No kidding, you see that thing?
- Yeah, I saw that thing.

Unidentified ship.

This is the security vessel Borus.
Follow us immediately and we will lead you to the city.

Understood Borus.

Thanks for the help back there.

That's how you make new friends.

Welcome to Olesia.

I am Marin.

Lt Col. John Sheppard,

Teyla Emmagan, Dr Rodney McKay,

Ronon Dex.

Please, follow me.

I sent a security detachment as soon as
we detected your presence on the island.

- The prisoners there can be quite hostile.
- Yeah, we definitely got off on the wrong foot.

- Prisoners?
- Yes. The island is a penal colony.

The prisoners usually don't cause much trouble,

- as long as you don't try to land there.
- You could put up a sign.

The stargate is on the island. Does this
not affect your ability to trade with other worlds?

Yes of course.

As a result we have needed to be
almost entirely self sufficient.

Then why put a prison there?

I believe the Magistrate is better suited to
answer these questions. He's very eager to meet you.

Your ship is a most intriguing design.

I must admit I'm surprised to find others
in this galaxy who's technology rivals our own.

- Aside from the Wraith, I mean.
- It's funny. I was about to make the exact same comment.

Where do you come from?

Until recently,


- The Ancestral city.
- Yeah.

Unfortunately it was destroyed
by the Wraith a short time ago.

How tragic.

Yeah, we're pretty broken up about it.

We are a part of a small group
of people that were able to escape.

- How fortunate for you.
- Yes, yes, yes, very fortunate.

Look, getting back to the technology thing. I'm just
curious. How have you been able to make such
advancements without the Wraith stepping in?

The Wraith have chosen to leave us alone.


I don't know.

They never come here?

The Wraith have been here many times.

But with the Ancestral ring on the island,
the Wraith have always been,

how should I put this,
satiated with the prisoners living there.

The Wraith have no need to venture any further.

Well that would explain why you put the prison there.

The island

has been a penal colony for hundreds of years.

It's location there has benefited my people greatly.

- Not all your people.
- I assure you.

Only the most violent criminals are sent there.


you've discovered.

- It's a good crime deterrent.
- Crime...

is virtually non-existant on Olesia.

Unlike the prisoners,
we pride ourselves on being a most hospitable

and civilized people.

This section of the city is
devoted to scientific research.

Our scientists have recently attained success in
the enrichment of a fissionable, yet non radioactive,
material to be used in generating power to the city.

Fissionable, yet non radioactive. Well that, that,
that, that, is that even possible? What kind of materials?

It's an ore.

They extract it from a mineral found on our planet.
It's quite volatile and yields great promise.
I'd be very happy to show you the laboratory.

I'd be very happy to see it.

I'd be very happy to go back to our ship.

Our people are due to check in with us
in a little while over the radio.

We'll have to get back within range.

You can link with one of our radio relay stations.

There should be enough power to reach
the island, if that's your concern.

- So we'll be speaking privately?
- Of course!

And you believe they might be willing
to share some of this mineral?

Well, they seem open to it. They don't getlmany trading opportunities coming through the Gate.

Sounds promising.

There is however, the minor
moral hiccup of their form of capital punishment.

- I'm sorry.
- They have an island.

It's their own version of Alcatraz,
where they send the worst criminals.

And the Gate is on the island so...

So the Wraith feed on the prisoners.


Talk about cruel and unusual punishment.

I prefer lethal injection, although I do
have a certain fondness for the electric chair.

Call me romantic.

The Wraith get what they want
and the Olesians get left alone.

I'm surprised it works.

He did however say
that only the most violent criminals get sent there
and that it has been this way for hundreds of years.

Do you k*ll all of your violent criminals, on Earth?

Certain countries. Yes.

Do we need to get into this right now?

Well we do if we plan
on doing business with these people.

I wanna know more before I jump to any conclusions.

- We were able to speak with our people. Thank you.
- Of course!

If you're open to it, we'd like
to discuss possible trade opportunities.

We are very open.

I'm sure that there is much that
we can learn from each other.

Well, Doctor Elizabeth Weir will be the one to begin
official negotiations with you. That's really her thing.

I'm looking forward to meeting her,

and the start

of a promising friendship.


- Aren't you a little creeped out by that guy?
- They're politician's Rodney. They're all creepy.

Prepare to fire?

Margaret Thatcher wasn't creepy.

Although, maybe a little.

She resembled an Aunt of mine.
Same hairstyle, facial structure.
Only my Aunt was much taller and remarkably hirsute.

Oddest thing. She had to shave twice a day.


What was that?

- They're sh**ting at us.
- The prisoners?

- With what?
- Cloak the ship.

I can't, we took some damage.
We'll be lucky to make it to the Gate.

- How close are we?
- Close enough to dial.

- That was close.
- Get ready to send an IDC.

I've lost control systems, hang on!

Have at them!!

- Are you alright?
- I think I chipped a tooth.

Did I chip a tooth? Cos I'm bleeding.
Cos I'm a high risk for endocarditus.


That was...

not one of my better landings. Sorry.

The Gate should still be active for a few minutes.


let's go.

Hi folks.

I hope I didn't crash land on anybody.

You should know our people are expecting us.

If we don't show up soon,
they'll come looking for us.

Is that supposed to concern me?

Don't go getting all full of yourself, Chief.

A few canons are no match for the kind
of fire power they'll be bringing with them.


I should compliment whoever took that first shot.

- It was a good one.
- Yeah, it was nice wasn't it?

What do you want from us?

Well, we've already got your weapons,

now I do believe we'll take your ship.

See, we had been planning a little trip
to the mainland, but after seeing you
fly that thing through the Ancestral ring.

You're referring to the ship you just shot down!

One that doesn't stand
a hope in hell of every flying again!

The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

What am I, MacGyver?
Fix it with what?

Get him up.

You seem like a smart man.
I'm sure you'll think of something.

Maybe all you need is a little motivation.

Maybe you should think about fixing it Rodney.

Good idea.

My friends all tell me
I have a remarkable gift for persuasion.

What happened?

Gate activated. Nothing came through.

- Colonel Sheppard?
- So we assumed.

We received no IDC.

A few moments later, Gate shuts down.

They should have returned by now.

Dial the planet and try to establish a radio link.

Yes ma'am.

Major Lorne? This is Weir.

Go ahead.

I may have to go offworld to assist Colonel Sheppard.
I'd like you to assemble a team and
have a Puddle Jumper ready to go.

Yes Ma'am.

- Anyone having any luck?
- Not yet.

These bindings are very secure.

Well, leave it to convicts to know
the best way to tie people up.

Well, eventually I will get free and
when I do, he's gonna pay for this.

Well, listen to me. When you get free,
you get us free and we all get outta here.

Let him find out we're gone,


- we're gone.
- You expect me to let them get away with this?

- The operative words are get away.
- After I k*ll him.

- That type of thinking will get US k*lled.
- Well if you would return fire!

- The weapons systems were damaged!
- If you say so.

I do say so and right now I'm saying knock it off.

Is that an order, Sheppard?

I am beat up, tied up

and couldn't order a pizza right now if I wanted to.

But if you need it to be, yeah!

It's an order.


There is no power getting to any of these controls!
Do you understand? Look, nuthin'!

Why not?

Let me go out on a limb here and say maybe
it had something to do with the crash?

Which of course begs the question,
how the hell did you get your hands on expl*sives?

Eldon made them.

He fashioned a composite out of minerals and
materials he found around the island.

Crude yes, but effective.
We shot you down, didn't we?

- Eldon. Who's Eldon?
- That would be me.

You're a prisoner?

- I was accused of k*lling one man.
And it was a case of mistaken identity.
- He's a scientist.

Tell you what Eldon, you can tell him
your whole life story. Just help him fix the ship.

Look, I don't know what you expect me to do.
I don't have any of the proper diagnostic tools,
not to mention the fact that...

You'll figure it out.

And if I don't?

Well, I can k*ll ya.

But you strike me as the type of man who,
despite being weak and cowardly on the outside, harbours
a strength of character he doesn't even know he has.

I'm sorry. Was there a compliment in there?

See, the way to motivate a man like you Mr McKay,

is not to thr*aten your life,

it is to thr*aten the lives of your friends.

That's right.

Fix the ship.

Otherwise, they start dying one after another,

until you change your mind.

Or until they're all dead.

I don't care.

All set?

Ready to go.

- Still no word from them?
- Nothing

- Don't worry, we'll find them.
- I was hoping to negotiate a trade agreement.

Now I'm worry I'll have to negotiate their release.

We don't know that.

Dial the Gate,
but go to stealth mode the moment we're through.

The technology on this ship
is far more advanced than the Olesian's.

How ironic then to have been shot down
by the cast of Braveheart!

I was surprised we were able to sh**t you down.

This is the old low tech
versus high tech argument, I suppose?

We've been working on those weapons for years.

Yes well, well done! Good for them...

Now are you going to continue talking or...

Thank you.

Oh give me that!

See, where did that come from?

Those canons.

- Your design?
- No, no, no, no.

Well, I chose the material and
helped calculate trajectories.

The ignition mechanisms

and the fuses, of course.

But most of my efforts
went into fashioning the expl*sive sh*ts.

Ah expl*sives.

Is that how you k*lled the man?

I didn't k*ll him.
I'm innocent, I don't belong here.


I wonder if there's ever been
a convicted felon who didn't claim he was innocent?

I don't care if you don't believe me.
I just want off this island.

Oh no.

What is it?

I assume there's no DHD beside the stargate?

The Ancestral ring.
Is there some kind of dialling device that turns it on?

No. Nothing.

Oh, of course,
why give the prisoners such an obvious means of escape.

What's wrong?

The main power distribution conduit's been damaged.

That effectively cuts all the power to primary systems.
Drive pods, cockpit controls, DHD.

Can you fix it?

Easily, if I had a replacement.

Without one, you and
your friends aren't going anywhere.

Neither are you.

If you don't fix this ship,

Torrell's gonna make sure you're the first
the Wraith find at the next culling.


Choose what?

Which one of them dies first...

Do it!

- I can't do that.
- Well then, I'll choose for you.

Either way, one of them dies unless you
change your mind about fixing that ship.

Well I'm sorry,
but there are some things beyond my capability.

- I don't believe you.
- Well, I know it is hard to believe, but....

- No I mean, I think you're lying.
- I'm not. It's broken. You don't understand, broken?

I know your type.

You whine and you complain

and you see to it that your every task
is viewed as some impossible achievement.

So that when you do succeed, your gargantuan
efforts are viewed as all the more heroic.

That may be true in some cases,
but this is not one of them.

You are asking me to do the impossible!

Your friends lives are in your hands.

I'll give you some time to choose.

Listen to him, McKay.

He's k*lled eleven people. Eight before he was
sent here and three since he's been on the island.

So eleven...?

You've got some catching up to do, don't you?
He's only k*lled one.

Who him?

I told you I'm here because of a mistake.

I'm sure everyone here on this island says that.

Well as a matter of fact, some of us are innocent.

Only a few like Torrell are actual murderers.

You mean they put all their criminals here?

Regardless of the crimes they commit?

Once, only the worst of the worst were sent in here.

But the punishment proved to be such a successful
deterrent, that crime rates in Olesia plummeted.

Which meant fewer and fewer prisoners.

Less food for the Wraith.


So they lowered the bar.

They have not returned to the planet?

No, and we haven't been able
to establish radio contact with them either.

They didn't return to the city.

Perhaps they travelled through
the ring to another planet?

No, they would have radioed first.

Something must have happened on the island.

I'll alert our security teams.
Have them begin a search.

We'll join them.

- I would advise against that.
- Would you?

The island is extremely dangerous.

Our ships are heavily armoured.

We know the terrain as well as the prisoners tactics.

- Don't worry, we'll find them.
- I hope you do Magistrate.

For all our sakes.

Of course.

I think they're loosening.

Take it easy Chewie.
You're gonna cut your damn hands off.

The more we struggle, the tighter the bindings get.

- You need something like this.
- What about the guards?

They stepped away. No-one's watching.

Will you help us?

If you'll help me.


Fix the ship.
Let me leave with you.

Oh for God's sake!
How many times do I have to tell you?

I know you can do it.

I could see in your eyes when you were working.
You were holding something back from us.


Nobody could fix it.

I don't care who you think I am,
or what you think you saw in my eyes,
but it is totally, completely impossible.

- Torrell and his men are gonna return soon.
- He'll fix it!

- I just said I couldn't!
- You really suck at lying, Rodney!

We have a deal.

- There is one SLIGHT possibility.
- See?

I won't actually be able to fix
the ship to fly out of here, but I might be able to...

cobble together enough power from
the secondary systems to activate the DHD.

That way we could dial the Gate and leave on foot.

When I say might, I mean probably not.

It's a long shot at best.
I'd have to bypass the main power distribut...

Get us outta here!

What are you doing?

Give me one reason why I shouldn't cut your throat!

For one, it would make a mess.


we made a deal.

Just let him go.


Suck it up!

Why are we stopping?

This is way too easy.

Alright, stay close

and stay quiet.


Why does he say that to me?

I didn't know anything about this,
I swear.

We'll never be able to make it to the Jumper.
They have our weapons!

We don't need weapons.

What about the fact
that they seriously outnumber us?

At least we got the element of surprise.

I was beginning to think you were afraid to fight.

No. I'm just naturally lazy,
but I will if I have to,

and it's starting to look like we have to.

How much time do you
need to rework the DHD?

Well in a perfect world, two days.

- Rodney!
- Right now... ten minutes give or take.

Alright, we need to create a diversion.
We're gonna split up and flank them.

Get them looking everywhere except the Jumper.
Hopefully we can buy enough time
to steal back our weapons.

- Or we can just dial the Gate?
- They fixed the DHD?

- That's impossible.
- I don't think they're the one's who dialled it.

Get down!

- It didn't see us.
- If it saw us, it didn't care.

- Why not?
- Who cares, they left the Jumper.

I'm afraid the news is not good.

Our rescue teams had just begun the search
on the island, when the Ancestral ring activated.

The Wraith?

It appears a culling is underway.

We're not sure how many ships are involved,
but our teams were forced to fall back.

I'm not giving up hope.
I'll send teams back in the moment the Wraith are gone.

Hopefully, your friends will have evaded the culling.
I must attend to this.

I apologize for my tardiness.
I had an urgent matter to attend to.

A matter which could ultimately benefit us both.

In that case,

apology accepted.

I think this is my favourite vintage yet.

I hope you find the food acceptable as well.
My new Chef is quite accomplished.

I certainly hope so.

Your previous chef unfortunately proved to be
far more appetizing than the meals he prepared.

I must admit,

I still find it intriguing
to watch you eat actual food.

Our lineage may have diverged,

but there are those of us who still retain

an appreciation for finer things.

And although it may provide moments
of pleasure, it does not sustain me.

This arrangement I have made

with you and your predecessors,
has served both of us well.

While others of my kind have been
forced to sleep between cullings,

I have enjoyed a steady stream
of humans for my consumption.

And the taste of their defiance is sweet.

You in return have been allowed to live in peace.

And we thank you for that.

But throughout the galaxy, hives continue
to wake in far greater numbers than are sustainable

and with a hunger that is most pressing.

I assure you that I have put measures in place
to augment the population on the island.

Then why is it there are
even fewer inhabitants on the island?

My kind would have destroyed your entire planet,

but I am more civilized than that.

- Thank you for your generosity.
- Still,

there are interests which must be served.

There are many Wraith who hunger

and I have promised to provide for them.

The decision you are now faced with is,

on whom shall we feed?

Your needs shall be met.

You have my promise.


I would hate to see anything happen to you.

I do so enjoy our dinners together.

The Dart went back through the Gate.

- Do you not know why it did not cull anyone?
- Maybe he did.

He headed for the mainland when he first came through.

Alright, keep watch.

How's it coming Rodney?

Slower than I expected,
but faster than humanly possible!

Any chance of getting
the cloaking generator powered up too?

Could really come in handy right about now.

OK and how about have a snack?
Maybe you'd like me to make you a nice sandwich?

Only if it's humanly possible.

It'll be a miracle if I get the DHD back online,
let alone the cloaking generator. If I can
manage that, the power will be intermittent at best.

OK, well,

FYI the Wraith have all gone. So it's just
a matter of time before Torrell and his boys return

with all of our weapons!

I get it!



What's happened?

No-one must know I'm speaking to you.

Of course.

You should leave as soon as possible.


The Magistrate has just rescinded my orders
to send rescue teams back to the island.


Why would he do that?

Several arrests have been made.

Many people in the city have been apprehended
for unspecified violations, to be sent to the island
to increase the population there.

To keep the Wraith fed.

This has been going on for some time,
but never so bad as this.

The number of arrests is...

I cannot keep quiet any longer,
I have to speak out!


Seeding fear not only among our own people,
but now our guests?

I cannot allow it.

I was only trying to understand
why so many people are being arrested.

Your job is not to question
the actions of this government.

No! Wait!

Help me, please!

- Where are they taking her?
- I'm sorry, you had to witness that.

What crime has she committed?

I have recently learned that Marin

has been involved in a group seeking
to undermine the Olesian Government.

She has become very adept at spinning lies
to suit her organization's treasonable agenda.

Did you or did you not rescind the order
to send rescue teams back to the island?

Why would I do that?

That doesn't concern me. My first concern is
with the safety of my people and I promise you, if...

Everything is being done to ensure
their rescue and safe return. If there has been
any hindrance at all, it was because of Marin.

What's going to happen to her now?

She'll receive a fair trial in our courts.

And then what?
Sent to the island?

I'm sure where you come from,

treason is also considered a very serious offence.

So that's a yes.

Tell me, what else is considered
a serious offence around here?


that threatens the welfare of the Olesian people.

Are you sure it's the welfare
of the people that concerns you?

Or just your own?

Choose your words very carefully Dr Weir.

Oh I do.

Why, is that a threat?

It's advice.

From one ally to another.

Well this alliance,

it's just been rescinded.

We're leaving!


you plan to arrest us too?

Because you do not wanna do that!

The party's over

And we were having such a good time.

Alright, let's see if we can hold them off.

As soon as you get the DHD back online,
dial the Gate and make a run for it.

When you get back to Atlantis, start working
on those sandwiches, we'll be right behind you.

Two minutes!

Hold on that long and we're good to go!

Don't move!

That's it! I did it! We're ready to go!

You see that?

I knew you could do it.

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no.

You don't have to do that!

Look, if you want me to dial the Gate for you,
that's fine. I... There are hundreds of
suitable planets out there you can go to.

But, there are hundreds of unsuitable
planets you can send me to, aren't there?

Yeah but, I won't, I won't send you to one of those.

I think our best option is
to just come with you to your planet.

Provided you got more of
these laying around there. Do ya?

Forget it.

I'm sorry.

We'll dial you another address,
you can go through, but

we're not taking you home.

You are aware of the fact that
we have a lot of weapons pointed at you, right?

Yeah, well you're gonna m*rder us
the minute we step through the Gate anyway,
so what difference does it make?

That's very distrustful.

Wait! Look!

Oh no.

We've got a Wraith cruiser headed for the island
and I'm picking up several more on approach
outside the atmosphere.

Go to stealth mode.
Let's find our guys, before they do.

What is that?

What is that?

It's a Wraith cruiser and trust me,
you don't wanna be around when it get's here.

Come on.

- Wait! Wait!
- Come on.

Dial the Gate.


If all the prisoners get off this island,
where do you think that ship will go?

What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
We got a big problem in here!

What's up?

- I lost power to the DHD.
- Why ?

I told you power would be intermittent at best!
We should have dialed immediately when it patched in,
instead of standing around and talking!

- Can you fix it?
- I don't know!

- They're right on top of us.
- Look, we could sh**t them down.

Neither your weapons nor ours will damage it.

What about the drones?
Can you patch enough power to arm them?

They're not as intricate as the DHD.

- Maybe, maybe, maybe one, given the time contraints!
- Then do it.

Can one drone sh**t down an entire Wraith cruiser?

- Maybe we'll get a lucky shot. McKay?
- Almost! Just give me one more....

OK we're on, go before the power cuts out again!

- See that?
- A drone.

- We scored a hit!
- Great.

That's either going to buy us time
or piss them off.

But we don't know what the ship's gonna do now.

Colonel Sheppard? You've damaged the Wraith
cruiser and it's leaving the area, but there are
two more cruisers incoming.

Elizabeth, where are you?

We're in Jumper two, we're cloaked,
directly above you.

You alright?

Our Jumper's disabled.

Right now, I need you to dial the Gate
to one of the back up planets to the Alpha site.
Doesn't matter which one.

Do it.

OK, everyone who wanted off this planet,
now's your chance!

Time to go.

And why should we trust you...

You wanna stay here, stay. I really don't give a damn!

But you are not coming home with us!


Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can come.


I need you to keep the Gate open till the last of
them go through, then shut it down, dial Atlantis!

We could land and pick you up.

Just keep the Gate open, we'll take it from there.

Stay in stealth mode
until the Wraith have gone away.


Here comes another Cruiser.

Dial Atlantis.

We're dialing, head for the Gate.

They're through.