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01x12 - Benedict Canyon

Posted: 01/16/23 11:15
by bunniefuu
In the city of Los Angeles,

the people are represented

by two separate,
yet equally important groups...

The police
who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

That's two hours of my life
I'll never get back.

All this party chitchat
just drives me up a wall.

You're a mom now.

You have more important things
in your life.

So guess who's wearing
$1 million worth of diamonds

on her wrist?

Well, aren't you

You know, this'll go
another hour or so.

Why don't you come down?

Sorry, mom,
you're on your own.

I'll call you tomorrow.
Love you.

Love you too, baby.

[Pop music playing]


it's a brand new day...

[g*n cocks]


No shells anywhere.

sh**t probably
used a revolver.

But we have a witness who saw
a white male on a bicycle.

No wallet or purse.
Car was in her name.

Lily Walker.
Celebrity stylist.

She picked out clothes
for the alisters.

I'm impressed... with you.

Don't buy his b.S.

He had no idea
who Lily Walker was.

On the other hand,

I haven't missed an issue
of w in ten years.

All right,
so I assume the b*ll*ts

came from this direction.

What do you got for me?

Lifted a handprint
off the window.

Suspect probably braced himself
on the car when he fired.

We're running it.

Got a hit on the print.

And the winner is Harry rice.

Currently on parole.

Last known address, venice.

Strike one, armed robbery.
Strike two, as*ault.

Strike three, Lily Walker.

Harry rice!
Police! Stop!

Put your hands on your head!

I ain't goin' back in!

Hands on your head, Harry!

[g*n cocks]



What's the record for closing
a robbery homicide?

I wouldn't Polish the trophy
just yet.

Look at this. Stitches.

They look fresh.

And he got them done
this afternoon.

So why didn't they show up
on the prints on Lily's car?

Somebody's playing games.

Latent confirmed.

The print on the car
is Harry's,

and Lily Walker
was k*lled by a 38...

Same caliber Harry was packing.

Yeah, and we've got
the bicycle.

Maybe the k*ller used that
to roll up on Ms. Walker.

Everything points to Harry,

except the stitches
on his thumb

didn't show up
on the handprint.

And this.
Fingerprint powder.

Somebody's been here,
dusting for prints.

Maybe they had a...
Found a print right here.

See, Harry used to
stand here, smoking,

checking out the action
in the alleyway.

Somebody could have
lifted a print

and transferred it to the car.

Harry was just a patsy.

Meaning this was
a professional hit.

Very professional.

How am I supposed to
tell our daughter?

She's only two.
How do you explain?

Do you know where your wife
was going last night?

She was on her way back
from a dinner party

at robbi Nathan's.

She's a publicist.

She didn't even want to go.
Robbi insisted.

You weren't invited?

I stayed home with Kate.

Our fulltime nanny quit
a few months ago,

and the new girl
leaves at 5:00.

Who knew Lily would be
at the party?

Um, well, robbi, obviously,

and, um...Greta,
Lily's assistant.

I I don't know.
I have to get home.

My motherinlaw's alone
with my daughter.

She's a complete wreck.

One of our mutual clients
was having an issue with Lily,

and I thought a little
dinner party might provide

a neutral ground to work out
their differences.

Who's the client?
Khloe kardashian.

And what was the issue?
Oh, khloe wouldn't say.

Give me a few times and I can
set up an appointment with her.

We set up
our own appointments.

This helps me forget.
You should try it.

I hear it helps
with anger, too.

I loved Lily.

No offense,
but you had us fooled.

It's called acting.

So what was your beef
with her last night?

Lily dressed me
in an Alexander emery gown

for the golden globes.

The dress made my ass
look like a pancake.

That's hard to believe.


The golden globes were,
what, three months ago?

Why wait till last night
to bring it up?

Well, I heard a rumor

that emery paid her
to put me in his clothes.

Paid, as in kickbacks?

Lily used to dress me
in Jill Jennings.

Like a peach, detective.

Then, out of nowhere,
she puts me in this hack emery?

What did Lily say?
She denied it.

I just hate that we
left each other angry.

All right, thank you.


Alexander emery.

If he was
paying Lily kickbacks,

he can't be thrilled
our boxing beauty there

stopped wearing his clothes.

Do you have any idea
how many mansions in Malibu

have been built
on the bad taste

and insecurities of actors?

Sounds like you don't
particularly care

for the profession.

Stylists are
glorified gatekeepers.

And they don't let you
pass through the gates

without paying a toll.

Cost of doing business.

You're admitting
you paid Lily under the table?

Lily? No way.

My business
was with greta the goon.

Lily's assistant?

I figured one shot
of melina on the red carpet

wearing an original
Alexander emery

would keep
the countryclub mamas

buying my designs
for at least a year.

How much did you pay her?


Why wouldn't I try
to keep Lily's clients?

I've been here for five years.
Her clients love me.

I'm good, you know.

Well, you're certainly
a selfstarter,

taking kickbacks
from Alexander emery.

So what?

The truth is, Lily's
the only stylist I know

who wasn't taking money.

So if she
found that out you were,

you might lose your job,
might get blacklisted.

It's one thing
to take kickbacks.

Another to get caught doing it.

I didn't hurt Lily.
I swear.

I was just trying to
put away some money.

I thought Lily
was going out of business.

What makes you say that?

Lily used to live large...
Big vacations,

expensive restaurants,
a condo in Hawaii.

But six months ago,
that all stopped.

She sold the condo,

stopped the vacations,
the dinners out.

Well, that's the first
we've heard of any problems.

Are you sure?
Ask her business manager.

He'll know.

When she fired
the livein nanny,

I figured it was code blue.

Her business was good?

Her business was great.

Here, see for yourself.

Look at that yeartodate.
Makes you wet, no?

All to tell some spoiled brats
what gatkes to wear.

Her assistant told us
she was cutting back

on vacations, dining out.

Yeah, to spend time
with her kid.

Lily had a good head
on her shoulders.

I'm gonna miss
making her laugh.

What's this?
"Lily Walker styles"?

Six months ago,
we converted the partnership

into a corporation.

Just a different way of
skinning the same cat.

Except, all the shares
of the new corporation

are in Lily's name.

Her husband didn't mind?
He did not.

He's a broker,
commercial real estate.

I don't represent him,
but I assume he's doing okay.

Why would you assume that?

Because around the same time,

he waived all his marital rights
to Lily's assets...

Her corporation,
her bank accounts,

the house in brentwood.

All in her name.

Uh, excuse me.

Kay, listen, I need
the quarterlies for mattawin.

Putting all the assets
in her name?

It sounds like she was worried

he was gonna
spring a divorce on her.

He told us
the livein nanny quit,

but Lily's assistant said
that Lily fired her.

Did you know that "nanny"

is Swedish for
"daddy gets lucky"?

Maybe Lily caught him cheating,

forced him to put
everything in her name

so that if he divorces her,
he gets nothing.

On the other hand,
a few wellplaced b*ll*ts

and he gets everything.

We We let the nanny go because our
daughter was getting too attached to her.

We ask because,
about that time,

you waived all rights
to Lily's money.

Why wouldn't I?
She'd earned it.

That's a refreshing attitude,

but our boss
would point out that,

as the surviving spouse,

you get all that money back.

Are you accusing me
of m*rder?

Our boss would say
you have motive.

You tell your boss
that Lily put everything

in a trust for Katie and
she named her mom as trustee.

I got nothing from her death.


They say I should be strong,
but I'm not strong.

I see Katie, her smile,

and I see my daughter.

I'm sorry.

Oh, there's no need
to apologize, Mrs. Walker.

We're only here to confirm

that Lily named you
as trustee to Katie's trust.

That's right.

Um, I was not
always the best mom,

so it meant the world to me
that Lily trusted me

to take care of Katie.

Why, is there a problem?

What usually happens is,

is the person names
the other spouse as trustee.

Unless there's some
sort of marital problem.

Lily and Douglas
had a good marriage.

I mean...Lt was rough going
for a while.

That's normal,
but they worked it out.

Rough going,
maybe six months ago?

Around the time
Lily fired their nanny?

You think Douglas
and the nanny...

If that was true,
then why would Lily

have helped her find a new job

with the people next door?

She wouldn't have.

Katie will be waking up
from her nap soon,

and it would really upset her
to see strangers here.

If not the nanny,
then somebody else.

No wife circles the wagons
for nothing.

Oh, this from your long
experience as a bachelor?

I've had a few wives
cry on my shoulder.

Yeah, against your better
judgment, I'm sure.

What would these wives
say about the fact

that Lily didn't
throw Douglas out

when she found he was cheating?

They'd say that Lily
must've thought

it was just
a onetime thing.

What if the person
it mattered to most

was Douglas's jilted lover?

Maybe she imagined a future
with Douglas.

With Lily out of the way.

The night Lily was k*lled,

Douglas stays home babysitting.

Maybe Lily kept him away
from parties

with her clients for a reason.

Maybe his fling
was with one of her clients.


Clients like khloe kardashian?

Khloe was right.

Jill Jennings' clothes

did make her butt
look like a peach.

Well, it makes you wonder

why Lily switched
to another designer.

Five months ago,

around the time
Lily moved her assets.

Dozens of articles
about Lily and Jill Jennings.

"Lily and Jill, once known

"as the combo
made in fashion heaven,

"have officially
descended into hell.

"The fallout is blamed
for declining sales

at Jill Jennings' showcase store
in Beverly hills."

A catfight.
Sounds promising.

"Hell"? What a load.

Lily was good for me,
I was good for Lily,

and after a year, we moved on.

And you moved out of your
Beverly hills store to here.

Did Lily badmouth you?

At least now I can design
the clothes I like

and not what some stylist
thinks is stylish.

What exactly happened
between the two of you?

What's it matter?
Am I a suspect or something?

Lily's husband is.

We believe she discovered
he was having an affair

six months ago.

She was preparing
to divorce him.

And you think the affair
was with me?

Well, it would explain
the falling out.

Jill, mega limo called.

Your driver is running
ten minutes late.

Old habits die hard, huh?

Anyway, Douglas and me?

There's not enough bourbon
in Kentucky.

If anyone wasn't faithful,
it was Lily.

That girl had all the sincerity
of a pushup bra.

She didn't fall
for the fakeout.

Back in college,
I made extra cash

driving a town car.

It always amazed me

how quickly passengers forgot
they weren't alone.

Whoever was driving
Jill Jennings six months ago

would have known if she
was screwing Douglas.

We are talking
about six months ago.

Some things I saw
in my rearview mirror

were unforgettable.

Six months ago? That's easy.
Terry Briggs.

You see, some of the clients,

they get a driver
that they like,

they stick with him.

Ms. Jennings
always requested Briggs.

Yeah, this Terry Briggs...
About 5'10", gray hair,

likes to hoist a few?

Yeah, that's him.

Jill would've needed
a professional

to k*ll Lily Walker.

Terry Briggs used to be a cop.

And her special driver.

Thing about Briggs... has
a weakness for the ladies.

Jill Jennings
is right up his alley.

Hey, Briggs still work here?

No, we had to can him

for driving miss Jennings
off the books.

I know where to find him.



You son of a g*n.

I swear, I danced
all around the bar.

When I heard you came back
to work with the good guys.

It's been a bumpy landing.

I figured swapping
a few w*r stories

might sharpen up
the old instincts.

Ah, don't sweat it, buddy.

The skills you got...

They don't go away.

You seeing anybody?

No. Yeah.

Well...Maybe, I...

I'm hoping it
turns into something.

But, hell, look at me.

It's not like I'm such
a great catch anymore.


Rick...You know,
it's a shame we lost touch.

Ah, it's gotta be five years.

You know, I was shocked

when I heard you retired.

I figured they'd
have to drag you

kicking and screaming
out of there.

Well, they did.

I just retired two years ago.


Where were you hiding?

Undercover vice over
around venice beach.

Venice beach?

Thought you hated the sun.

Ricky, you talk about a gig.

I had broads
coming out of my ears.

[Both laugh]

Hey, Deb, come on!

We're getting
a little thirsty over here!

Hey, Briggs, you know what?
I think I better go.

Mm, no, no.
No, no, no.

These days, if I don't get
a solid eight hours...

Come on, you wimp.


Briggs spent his last three
years on the force

working vice in venice.

Harry rice was his confidential

Son of a bitch Briggs
k*lled Lily Walker.


You were playin' me.
Oh, Ricky.

Oh, man, you always were
a scumbag.

You know, nobody ever
trusted you.


Screw this; I don't even
know who this...

This Lily Walker was.

But you know Jill Jennings.

And you know Harry rice.

How many people can say that?

He's dead, by the way.

And, what, I k*lled him too?

No, he blew
his own brains out.

But that's what happens

when an old friend
frames you for m*rder.

And you'd know all about that,
wouldn't you,

you king of frame jobs?

This was found
in your apartment.

The powder you used
to lift Harry's prints

and plant them
on Lily Walker's car.

In case you forgot,

m*rder for hire makes this
a death penalty case.

She didn't pay me.

Not in money, anyway.

Names, dates, places, Terry.

You know the drill.

Back when I started
driving Jill...


Lily's dirt bag husband
kept hitting on her.

Took advantage of her.

They had an affair.


Lily found out about it.

Dougie said that Jill
was hitting on him.

So she blackballed her
all over town.

Jill didn't deserve that.

So she begged me
to do something.

[Door opens and shuts]

Spell it out.

She asked me to k*ll him.


Isn't there somethin'
you can do for me?

Only if you do something
for us.


[Over wiretap]
Ordered your favorite.

What's the occasion?

What do you think?

I'm celebrating.

What are you talking about?

You know what
I'm talking about.


[Chuckles] Okay, fine.

Don't I at least
get an "atta boy"?

What for?

Damn it, Jill,
don't screw with me.

You know I k*lled her for you.

You did what?

Are you for real?
You asked me to do it.

Let go of me!

You stay away from me!

Don't look at me!
Look at him!

He's the m*rder*r!

Ms. Jennings...
He is a k*ller!

Ms. Jennings.
He's crazy!

What are you doing here?

You're under arrest
for m*rder.

What did that loser tell you?
Let's go. Let's go!


Yeah, I know, Terry.
Come on.

She must have figured
he was wired.

She played us.

Or Briggs played you.

You heard the surveillances tapes,
she had nothing to do with the m*rder.

It was a nice performance
for the police,

but our witness says otherwise.

That brokendown buffoon?

You have anything
other than his word

that he acted on
my client's orders?

Beyond the fact
that he had no other reason

to want to k*ll
a Hollywood stylist?

E she stiffed him on a tip.

Max, stop.

Terry and I were
seeing each other.

I ended it a few weeks ago.

He still had feelings.

Maybe he felt sorry for me.

Lily ruined me.

It's true, I slept
with her husband.

But he got me drunk.

And he dragged me to bed.

And I'm the one who ended up
in Los feliz.

I hated Lily.

But I never asked Harry
to k*ll her.

Obviously, Briggs thought
he could win her back

by k*lling Lily Walker.

Drop the charges against Jill,

and she'll be more than happy
to testify against him.

If that's the best you got,
Mr. Steinberg,

we'll see you at
the preliminary hearing.

25 years on the force,

I...Never k*lled anyone.

But Jill was depressed, so...

I had to do something.

I love her.

So I did what she asked me.

She told me where
Lily was that night,

and I waited outside
on a bicycle.

And I shot her.

Thank you.

During your time
with the LAPD,

did you know detective morales?

Yeah, sure, we...

We worked in the same division
for a couple years.


You two ever go out drinking?

Yeah, I went out drinking
with all the guys.

Huh. Isn't it true
that three days

before you wore a wire
to meet my client,

you spent four hours
with detective morales,

drinking at a bar on figueroa?

Well, I don't know
if it was four hours.

Would you like to see
the bar tab?

Over $100.

The drinking binge
during which morales

presented you with
a m*rder case against you.

And a favor to his old buddy

helped him cook up
this scheme to entrap

and frame my client.

That's not true.

Done with this witness.

Your honor, that's not true.

You can step down,
Mr. Briggs.

Your honor, the people have
failed to present any evidence

implicating my client
in the m*rder.

Other than the testimony
of her coconspirator.

I meant credible evidence,

as opposed to
an uncorroborated fable

cooked up over drinks
by two old pals.

Call it the blue wall.

Call it having
your buddy's back.

Whatever you wanna call it,

an admitted m*rder*r
comes out a winner

with a sweetheart plea bargain,

while my client,
an innocent woman,

could end up on trial
for her life.

Mr. Decker...

This boys' night out
doesn't sit well with me.

Mr. Briggs' credibility
is at best sketchy.

Without corroboration,
his testimony

is not probable cause
to hold Ms. Jennings for trial.

The charges against her
are dismissed.

[Whispering] Oh, my God.

Thank you.

A fourhour pub crawl?

$120 tab?

I see why you didn't mention it
in your report.

It was immaterial, Joe.

Briggs and I never
discussed the case.

I never brought it up.

Yeah, well, next time,
do me the courtesy

of letting me decide
what's material.

I don't like being blindsided.

Why didn't you call me
for rebuttal?

Would you have
called you to the stand?

You were pretty hard on him.

Considering the fact that he
used to work across the hall,

I wasn't hard enough.

Now we have to rebuild this
case, brick by brick.

I'm not buying revenge
as the motive.

What if the motive
is Lily's husband?

Maybe the affair meant more
to Jill than she let on.

I keep playing
the "what if" game.

What if I hadn't gone
to the four seasons for drinks?

What if I hadn't
bumped into Jill?

What if I told her
to go to hell

when she suggested
we get a room?

Lily would still be alive.

The affair was Jill's idea?

I was gonna end it, but...

Then Lily found out.

Jill and I were
at a restaurant in tarzana

when Lily walked in.

Thought she was gonna
k*ll me on the spot.

Jill must have been shocked.

Jill was thrilled
that Lily's client

was wearing
a Jill Jennings sweater.

Who chose the restaurant?

Jill did.

Any chance she knew
Lily'd be there?

I suppose.

She could have easily
found out.

Rule number one
of the mistress handbook:

Never flaunt your thing
in front of the wife.

Unless you want
to break up the marriage.

Except Jill miscalculated.

Lily forgave Douglas.

Yeah, that's
the kind of woman

I'd like to meet one day.

Course, it's not evidence

that she had Briggs k*ll Lily.

Briggs could still be
just some hopeless romantic

who went the extra distance
to win the woman he loves.

That's the kind of guy
I'd like to meet.


Barry baitos.

Both Lily and Jill
wrote checks weekly

to someone named Barry baitos.

What are you thinking?

Briggs testified
that Jill told him

Lily would be
at that diner party.

If Jill was on the outs
with the in crowd,

how did she even know
about that party?

Lily had a standing
appointment with me

every Monday night.

She was born with spondylosis.

It's an unusually
thin vertebrae

at the l5 level.

So you saw Lily
just before she was shot.

Yeah, and she was
in a really good place too.

You know, mentally, I mean.

Katie was starting
nursery school.

Douglas had closed
some big deals.

Um, you also work
on Jill Jennings.

Lily recommended me to Jill.

She had l5 problems too.

Car accident
when she was a kid.

That Tuesday,
did you happen to mention

robbi's party to Jill?

I'm very discreet.

Now, I'm very skeptical.

I have my hands
on a blank subpoena.

Would you like me
to fill in your name?

No need to get so nasty.

Uh, yes, I told Jill.

I don't usually
speak out of school,

it's just...Well, Lily and Jill
used to be so close.

Did Lily ever talk to you
about Jill and Douglas?

Jill and...

I I got the impression
that Lily and Douglas

were very tight.

She was really looking forward
to going to the party

with him that night.

I was supposed
to babysit Katie,

but if I hadn't been
so damn selfish,

Douglas would have
gone with Lily,

and none of that horror
would have happened.

What do you mean selfish?

Oh, that afternoon,
out of the blue

I got an invitation
to a private showing

at van cleef.

I'd never been
to a private showing.

They even sent a car for me.

Well, who arranged
the invitation?

I thought Lily.

She was always
doing things like that.

But she said it wasn't her.

I checked with
the p.R. Firm

that handled
the van cleef event.

They said Jill Jennings called
and begged them

to add Lily's mother
to the guest list

at the last minute.

Douglas was at home,

Leaving Lily on her own.

And an easy target
for Briggs.

Call the cops.
Tell them to refile.

Oh, what now?

I didn't separate
my recyclables?

Not to sound like
a broken record,

but you're under arrest
for m*rder.

We've got a new design
for you, miss Jennings.

Orange jumpsuits.

Now you know she planted it.
I was telling the truth all along.

Yeah, I hear they're gonna
put your face on a stamp.


So what is it
you wanted to tell me?

Does he have to be here?

He's my partner, so, yeah,

he has to be here.

I'm scared, Ricky.

They're sending me
to pelican bay

after the trial.

Put me in with the animals.

I just...

I thought...

You were a d.A.

Maybe you can
make a phone call.

25 years on the job!

You wanna make me beg?

I'm ashamed I ever knew you.

You put five b*ll*ts
into an unarmed woman.

You leave a kid
without a mother.

It's time to cowboy up...


She called me
on the way home.

She wanted to know if I was
having fun at the jewelry show.

And we talked about the baby.

[Crying] And then she hung up.

That was the last time
I talked to her.

The last time I heard
her sweet voice.

Thank you very much.

Mrs. Walker, ahem,

I am very sorry for your loss.

You now control the trust

that Lily set up
for your granddaughter.

Isn't that right?

The trust that pays you
a substantial salary.

That's true,
but I never wanted it.

How about your soninlaw,

Trust was made up of assets
he was forced to renounce

after Lily caught him cheating.

Doesn't he want it back?

Calls for speculation.

I'll rephrase.

Mrs. Walker,
were you aware

if Douglas was unhappy
with the way

the marital assets had been

Oh, psh.

I heard arguments about it.

But it...

Lily and Douglas

were very happy together.

That was the important thing.

Since Lily's death, though,

has Douglas talked to you

about reclaiming those assets
from the trust?

No, he can't.
It's all for Katie.

But, with your help,
he could.

Isn't that right?

Why would I help him do that?

Because that was
your agreement, right?

What agreement?

You went to the jewelry show.

Douglas conspired
with Terry Briggs

to k*ll Lily.

In return, you and Douglas
would plunder Katie's trust.

No, that's monstrous.

I would never hurt my daughter.

Never? Really?

Isn't it true you abused
your daughter as a child?

No! I did not...

You don't remember
locking her in a closet,

so you could go out
and party with your friends?

Objection! Relevance!

It goes to credibility.

She claims she'd never
hurt her daughter.

I'll allow it.

Answer his question.

I had a drug problem,
a long time ago.


Made mistakes.
I hurt Lily.

But I have been clean
for 28 years!

After I shot Lily, I...

Rode the bike a few blocks

back to my SUV.

Put the bike
in the back, and...

Drove home.

I called Jill and...

Told her it was done.

She started crying.

She thanked me.

We decided
that it would be best

if we didn't see each other

until everything blew over.

That was the hardest part.

I really fell for you, baby.

I got nobody to blame but me.

I'm sorry.

No more questions.

One moment, Mr. Steinberg.

the lateness of the hour,

court will adjourn
until tomorrow,

and you may crossexamine
the witness then.

"Everybody wanted
Lily Walker dead"

as an alternate
theory of the crime?

That's pretty bold.

And compelling.

Steinberg just needs
one juror to secondguess us,

and at this point,
Briggs is about the only thing

between us and a hung jury.

Is this your ride?

Yeah, it was stepfather's.

After he died,
mom couldn't bear to sell it.

Sat in her garage
for four years.


[Cell phone ringing]



The guard found him
with a shank in his neck.

Apparently he picked a fight
with a banger from la familia.

The deputy said he didn't even
try to defend himself.

Sixth amendment guarantees
my client's right

to confront all witnesses
against her.

Mr. Briggs's death
has rendered

my crossexamination of him

You crossexamined him
at the preliminary hearing.

That crossexamination
can be read into evidence.

That is no way for a jury
to weight Briggs's credibility.

They've already heard
his selfserving,

prejudicial testimony.

The only remedy here
is a mistrial.

Your honor, Mr. Briggs

committed what is tantamount
to su1c1de,

maybe in an effort
to torpedo our case

against his former lover.

You cannot allow Ms. Jennings
to profit from that act.

Mr. Decker,

I am going to take this
under advisement.

Hey, I checked the case law.

It's 50/50 the judge'll
declare a mistrial.

And without Briggs,
we can't win a new trial.

How in the world
in Steinberg know

that Lily's mother
had locked her in a closet?

I don't know.
Maybe Lily told Joe.

No, I just talked
to Lily's husband.

He didn't even know about it.

He said Lily never
spoke about her childhood,

and doubts that she would have
said anything to Jill about it.

I mean, is it possible
that they knew each other

when they were kids?



I don't see how.

Lily grew up in glendale,

Jill in simi valley.

Have Jill's parents been
to any other court proceedings?

That girl's a lot of things,

but she's not our daughter.

But she listed you
as her parents

on her driver's license

20 years ago.

We took in foster kids.

We couldn't have kids
of our own, so...


Jill was with us
on and off for eight years.

So Jennings isn't
her real name.

No. It's Gwen.

Gwen coulter.

We haven't seen her
since she was 17.

She ran off.

Can't say I've lost
any sleep over it.

She was trouble from day one.

What kind of trouble?

She was very aggressive.

She never bonded
with the other kids.

Tell her about sister.

Gwen came to us
when she was nine.

She had a doll
she called sister.

I walked into her room,
and she was sticking

one of my knitting needles
into the doll's eyes.


I don't know what
somebody did to that girl.

But we couldn't fix it.

15 years?
You gotta be kidding.

Without Briggs,
you have no case!

Well, there's enough
circumstantial evidence

to connect the dots
without him.

The dots say Briggs
k*lled Lily Walker.

They don't say my client
hired him to do it.

Question of motive.

She lost a fashion contract!

I think the jury will see that's
hardly a motive for m*rder.

You might be right.

Thank you for coming in,
Mrs. Walker.

We wanted the victim's family

to sign off on the deal

before we finalize
a plea bargain.

Well, I'm sorry they wasted
your time, Mrs. Walker,

because we're not
taking any deal.

Can I get you a pillow,
Ms. Jennings?

I can see your back
is acting up.

I, um, I have a friend
who has spondylosis too.

She can't sit for more
than 15 minutes.

That's not what I have.

I had a car accident
when I was a teenager.

Of course.

What would be the odds
that you and Lily Walker

would share the same
congenital defect?

Maybe my back hurts

because a certain lawyer
won't get off it.

You know, about that
car accident, Ms. Jennings.

I spoke with your parents,
David and Ellie Jennings

in simi valley.

They don't remember you being
in any car accident.

Well, they just forgot.

It wasn't a big accident.

No, a parent wouldn't forget.

A foster parent, maybe.

And with all the kids
that came in and out

of the Jennings home
over the years, well...

You were nine when you were
first placed in their home.

Oh, my God.



That's not my name.

It is, it's you.

Your eyes.

Oh, gwennie.

Gwen coulter.

That was your name.

Isn't that right?

[Sighs] Yes.

Henry coulter was Lily
and gwennie's dad.

When Mrs. Walker was smoking
crack 28 years ago,

she lost custody of her girls.

When she went into
courtordered rehab,

Gwen and Lily
went into foster care.

Gwen was eight,

and Lily was four.

One year later,
Mrs. Walker was clean,

and she regained
custody of her girls.

But she only took one.


She left Gwen in foster care.

I had to, I...

I was on my own.

I couldn't take care
of two kids.

You see, a nineyearold

couldn't understand that,
could she, Ms. Jennings?

There had to be
some other reason.

Lily was prettier.
She had brighter eyes

or a bigger smile...
No, that wasn't it!

Lily was younger.
She was still a baby.

She was helpless.

But it wasn't fair.

You were the firstborn.

And Lily stole your mother
from you.

If you could have,
you would have

stabbed her bright eyes out
with knitting needle

right then and there.

But you had to wait 25 years.

And by then,
Lily had a perfect life,

perfect husband,
perfect daughter.

While your life was filled
with struggle

and failed relationships.

Lily must have been thrilled

to find her long lost sister.

Why didn't you girls tell me?

She didn't want
anyone to know,

because you had a plan...

To wreck Lily's perfect life.

Isn't that right?

You slept with Lily's husband

and make sure she found out.

The venom must have been
boiling in your veins

when their marriage survived.

And that's when you turned
to Briggs.

Did you tell him to make sure

that he put two b*ll*ts
in your sister's face?


Gwennie, your own sister.
How could you?

How could I?

How could you?!

That first foster home
they put us in,

every night, Lily would
crawl into my bed with me.

And I'd put my arm around her

while she cried herself
to sleep.

I'd tell her, "mommy
will be better soon.

"She'll come
out of the hospital

"and she will come get us,

and our lives
will be the best."

And then our big day
finally came.

They told us mommy was
getting out of the hospital.

Our foster mom made us
chocolate chip pancakes.

The other kids wanted some,

but they were just for us.

It was our special day.

Because we were going home
with mommy.

Why didn't you pick me?

Gwennie, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

She took 15 to life.

It's on me.

Is that an apology?

My dad used to say an apology

was the best way
to get the last word.

So if that's what
this is, counselor,

screw you.

[All laughing]

Make it another round.