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01x08 - Playa Vista

Posted: 01/16/23 11:02
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented

by two separate,
yet equally important groups:

The police
who investigate crime,

And the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

[glasses clink]

[cheers and applause]

[camera shutter clicking]

Nice to meet you.

You guys ready?

All right.
You excited?


Damn it.

[sighs] well, that's not
how you do it.

No worries, Kristin.
Take a Mulligan.

Can I have some water, please?

I'm not giving up on us.

Call me back.

Yeah, his hand
was all over my ass.

I just passed Kristin Halstead,
the golfer.

I heard she lives here.

No, that's
Michael Lee, idiot...

The guy I met
at the gym last month.

I dumped him.

Well, he's a liar.

Weird. The water
from the sprinklers looks red.

Oh, my God.

[woman speaking indistinctly
over phone]

Detectives, victim's name
is Kristin Halstead, 26.

She lives on the other side
of the courtyard.

She's some kind of pro golfer.

Kristin Halstead?

She won the LPGA championship
when she was 19.

Ladies' golf.

Casey's into it.

Better action than the men.

Tonight was the first time
I saw her.

I came around that corner.
We almost bumped heads.

She was on her phone.

Did you see anybody else
in the courtyard?

No, I almost never
see anyone here.


You think of anything else,
you give us a call, okay?

First blow to the temple
knocked her down.

Second and third
finished the job.

Couple hits went wild...

Broken branches,
shattered light fixture.

k*ller was lying in wait,
let the neighbor walk by.

Kristin was targeted.

Nearest and dearest
always makes the job easier.

Boarding passes,
hotel receipts...

Looks like all she did
was travel to tournaments.

No condoms,
no sign of love life.

Cup with milk by the bed...
she had insomnia.

This might be why.

Unpaid bills,
collection notices,

Barely 20 grand in savings.

Eight years on the pro circuit?

LPGA, break even at best.

She needed money.

Maybe she borrowed some
from the wrong people?

Let's ask the man
taking 15% off the top.

Kristin didn't have
a personal life.

She was on the road
50 weeks a year.

This is totally shocking.

We noticed she had
money issues.

Money's always an issue
on the ladies' tour.

They see what men make
in prizes, endorsements.

Something was
keeping her up nights...

Maybe fans or stalkers.

Not that she told me.

But she did seem
off her game lately.

How so?

I set a meeting late
Tuesday night with a sponsor.

Kristin showed up an hour late.

She was a mess.
Her shirt was torn.

She say what happened?

She overslept, jet lag,

And she caught her shoulder
on the car door.

I asked her what was wrong,
and she wouldn't say.

Blunt force trauma...
that's the easy part.

w*apon's trickier.

See the grooves on the skull?

Maybe from a decorative knob
at the end of the w*apon.

What about these bruises?
They look like finger marks.

They are finger marks...
definitely pre-mortem.

- How pre?
- I'd say within a week.

I've never seen
a car door with fingers.

Well, G.P.S. on her phone
should tell us

where she was Tuesday night.

Give or take 50 yards,
here she was 9:00 to 11:00.

Swanky digs for a rendezvous...

Maybe she had
a personal life after all.

Excuse me, sir?

Do you recognize this lady
from last Tuesday night?

Maybe you parked her car?

She wouldn't let me.
I asked ten times.

What was she doing?

Just sitting in her car,
texting, right over there.

I went off shift,
she was still there.

Excuse me.

She had a good view
of the entrance.

Maybe stalking somebody?

Stalking and texting.

How did people work out
their crap before cell phones?

Your girl made 12 calls
and sent 15 text messages

between 9:00 and 11:00,

Mostly to her parents
or her agent.

I'm assuming this gets juicier.

- Five of the texts were
to a no-name, throw-away cell,

And she also received two texts
from that same number,

All of which were deleted
from her phone.

So we subpoena
the service provider.

Any idea on the throw-away?

But every couple of weeks

the throw-away was making calls
from a different golf resort...

Alabama, Arizona, Hawaii.

These courses
are all stops on the tour.

Another golfer...
love it.

That narrows it down
to a couple hundred pros.

Wait, these calls
from Vegas in September...


The tour wasn't in Vegas
in September.

There was
a celebrity poker tournament

at the Bellagio on Labor Day.

Casey and I
watched it on bravo.

Very romantic.

Here we go.

Actors, comedians,
and sports stars,

Including Chip Jarrow.

The Chip Jarrow?
The golf superstar?

Married golf superstar.

What a tragedy
about Kristin Halstead.

How well did you know her?

Was a great player.

Nice girl too, I hear.

Hey, baby,
you should lie down soon.

Doctor wants you
to rest that knee.

Okay, honey.
I'll be in in a minute.


Can you tell us where
you were last Tuesday night?

You know,
I got to tell you guys,

When I'm not on tour,
I just lose track.

This cell phone number,
is this yours?

Let me put it another way.

If I dial that number,

Would we hear a phone ring
somewhere in your house?

Oh, yeah, that's, um...

It's a throw-away phone.

I use them all the time...
duck the press, fans.

We traced texts
to and from Kristin

to your number
on Tuesday night.

Why was she contacting you?

She was asking me
about my endorsements...

You know, career advice.

You said you barely knew her.

You think that I was hooking
up with Kristin Halstead?

[laughs] you're kidding, right?

It was a pretty open secret

that she played
for the other team.

She liked girls?

And that agent of hers

did a good job of keeping it
out of the press.

These rumors dog the LPGA...
lesbians running wild.

We get you're trying
to protect Kristin's reputation.

I am trying
to protect her legacy.

Or your cut of her legacy.

Look, whatever Kristin did
in her own time,

I didn't want to know.

Did she go to girlie bars?
Okay, maybe.

A specific girlfriend?
I got nothing.

Disclaimer noted.

Anything ever happen,
you look the other way?

Last month...
Palm Desert invitational.

Kristin asked
for an all-access pass

for a friend.

Here... Carly Morris,
she was in the gallery.

After that, I can't say.

But Kristin shot
three under par that day.

Did you know Kristin Halstead?

[door closes]

Yeah, I knew Kristin.

So creepy, her getting k*lled.

You two romantically involved?

Kind of perv of you asking,
isn't it?

We had sex.
You want to know what we did?

I'll use my imagination.

Usually when
there's been a m*rder,

A significant other
comes forward.

We weren't significant.

I spent that one weekend
in Palm Desert.

I maybe saw her
five times after that.

She was way more into it
than I was.

- Tuesday night, where were you?
- I had a dance class.

- What about Friday night?
- Out with friends.

We'll need their numbers.

Where do you work, Carly?

I'm a student.
I study design.

And I waitress a bit
on the side.

Low-rent apartment,
low-paying job...

Lot of goodies lying around.

A thank-you note
from a personal shopper

at Belle Rouge.

Maybe she can tell us
about Carly's sugar daddy...

Or mommy.

Carly Morris
is a, uh, loyal customer.

With expensive tastes.

She must run up a hefty bill.

You're asking me to disclose
personal financial information?

We're asking for help
in a m*rder investigation.

You seem like a woman
who does the right thing.

Sometimes I do.
Sometimes I don't.

You don't need to work me,

Okay. Who's buying her
the high-end goods...

- A married guy, married woman?
- They're all men...

A different one every week.

And don't ask me
for their names.

Let me guess.
You work on commission.

Turns out Carly Morris
is not registered as a student

at any institute
of higher learning

in Southern California.

Yeah, her line of work,
you don't need a diploma.

Kristin Halstead
was in love with a hooker.

If the STDs don't get you,
the blunt force trauma will.

Kristin was calling
Carly Morris at all hours

the past two weeks.

Maybe Carly's the one
Kristin was waiting on

outside the hotel Tuesday.

Assuming Carly was there
on business.

- You run Carly through vice?
- Yeah, they don't have her.

And she doesn't pop up
on any escort sites.

She could have
a pimp or a driver.

If Kristin was interfering
with their business,

maybe the pimp took her out.

Carly did have one legit job.

She paid withholding
on income from the A.K. lounge,

high-end club downtown...

Jerks flashing cash
and the women who love them.

Always a thrill to hear

how you're spending
your evenings, detective.

Check if anyone at this club
was setting up Carly's dates.

- Tuesday night some b-lister
had his hand up my skirt

for, like, a half an hour.

It's like he lost
his car keys up there.

makes it tough to do your job.

That is the job.

How about Carly?

She getting friendly
with anyone that night?

Yeah, we don't gossip.

It's, like, a code,

So Carly wouldn't want me
telling you.

Huh. Yeah, Carly
wasn't so nice about you.

She said you were the slut,
not her.


I'm just not a hypocrite.

Did she say Tuesday night
was my idea?

How about you tell us
what happened?


So Carly says some A-lister
in the V.I.P. lounge

wants to play four square
and she needs backup,

so we go to his suite.

Which hotel?

That tall,
round one off the 405.

Yeah, we know it.

So it's me, Carly, Natty,
and this guy,

supposedly major,
who I don't even recognize.

You remember his name?

He made us call him "Ace."

He's, like, an old white guy,
almost 40.

- [whistles]
- Thanks.

He pay you with a credit card?

I'm not a hooker.

He did send a cool kooba bag
the next day...

Just a nice gesture.

Uh, can I go?
I'm... I'm losing tips.

So far, Carly's lied
about her job,

Kristin, and her dance class
on Tuesday.

Juggling three girls...

I'd like to meet
Ace's choreographer.

I'd like to meet
his pharmacist.

No 40-year-old's
that busy without a pill.

No, sir, Carly's not here.

Her landlord said
she packed to go home.

And isn't that
her car out back?

Yeah, well,
you can't talk to her.

She's a nervous wreck.

Your daughter could be
in real trouble.

Someone she was close to
was m*rder*d.

She talks to us,
we can help her.

She hasn't done anything wrong.

Mr. Morris, do you know how
your daughter makes a living?

Serves drinks to rich guys.

Hey, if those numbnuts want
to lay down a 1,000-buck tip,

more power to her.

Yeah, and it's not like she's
gonna be a waitress forever.

One of her friends
down at the club

got her a public relations job.

Which friend?
Did she say?

No, but it was
for some company's retreat

in North Carolina...

They flew her out...

Caviar all the way
across the country.

I think we're done
with the questions.

There's no
caviar service anymore,

even in first class.

Maybe her friend had access
to a private jet.

And flew Carly to Greenville

for a little
one-on-one r&r?

F.A.A. Should have
the flight plan.

"Intelogue," one word...
got it.

They file a passenger manifest?

Thank you much.

Flight from John Wayne
to Greenville,

leased by
Intelogue investment services

in Irvine.

Look who
their new spokesman is...

Good old Chip.

That's Ace.

Carly say anything
about her relationship with him?

She said he might be the one.

Who is this guy anyway?

He's one of the best golfers
in the world.

It's completely outrageous.

My client being dragged
out of her parents' home

in handcuffs,
charged with prostitution?

We had to get her attention.

First of all,
she's not a prost*tute.

She's in love with Chip Jarrow.

Oh. She in love
with Kristin Halstead too?

Carly's the victim here.

She was led on
by a powerful man.

- Save it for Chip's lawyers.
- Fine.

Carly, tell them what you know.

Kristin and I dated briefly.

But I'm not a lesbian.

She was way clingy.

She know about you and Chip?

She knew I met Chip
last month at the a.K. Lounge.

I told her it was serious.
She wouldn't accept it.

She ever thr*aten

to expose your relationship
to Chip's wife?

She knew
that wouldn't work with me.

Last Tuesday night
when you were with Chip,

did you know Kristin was
downstairs in the parking lot?


She kept texting me.

Later she told me
she tried to talk to Chip.

What'd she say happened?

Chip would never hurt anybody.

All right, she's said enough.

Her lawyer's not
gonna screw up the chance

for hush money from Chip.

So he was cheating...
big leap to m*rder.

How about the deleted text
messages from Kristin's phone?

Tech services just
got them off the server.

Two weeks ago, the first text
from Kristin to Chip...

"I know what you're doing."

Meaning she knew
about Chip and Carly.

Chip texted back...
"don't know what you mean."

Yeah, and here on Tuesday,
Kristin to Chip...

"you're a fraud,"
with two exclamation points.

This is from Wednesday,

after she confronted him
outside the hotel...

"You won't get away with it."

And Chip texts back...
"so what?"

Oh, and this is nice...

"everyone will find out
you're a d*ke."

Must be the career advice
Chip was talking about.

Two days later, she was dead.

Go talk to Mr. Jarrow
about these texts.

Wake him up if you have to.

[water splashes]
Little late for a pool party.

You son of a bitch!

They're not playing Marco Polo.

I hate you!

- How could you do this to me?
- Monica. Monica.

Hey! Hey! Drop it!

Hey, hey.

- Son of a bitch.
- It's not what it looks like!

Drop the club!

We're okay, right, honey?
We're okay.

Yes, yes.

Requesting an R.A. Unit
to 459 Amalfi Drive.

What happened?

Uh, I took a pill

and must have been
sleepwalking and...

Fell in the pool.

[chuckles] pretty stupid, huh?

God, it's a good... good thing
that Monica saw me.

- I, uh, I-I...

I grabbed a golf club,
and I tried to pull him out.

You fell in the pool,

and your wife
was trying to save you?

Pretty crazy, huh?

- I almost drowned.
- Honey, are you okay?

Yeah. Crazy.

We weren't fighting.
I love my husband.

I understand.
You were angry.

What was it about... a woman,
Carly Morris?

our marriage is rock solid.

Monica wasn't angry,
just scared.

I'm married.
I get it.

Things get misinterpreted...

Like between you
and Kristin Halstead.

Last thing you need, right?

Kristin thinks you're stealing
her girlfriend.

You know,
I really don't remember.

Last week, Friday night,
can you tell me where he was?

He was home all night...
With me.

Mom, you okay?

Everything's fine, sweetheart.

Yeah, but you're all...
you're all wet.

Luke, go back to bed.

We know you talked to her
at the hotel Tuesday night.

- Somebody tell you that?
- I want to hear your side.

You know, detective,
my head hurts like all get-out.

Let's try an easy one.

Friday night where were you?

I'm Mr. Jarrow's attorney.
He's done answering questions.

This is a police matter.

We walked in
on a domestic as*ault.

No, no, that's totally
not what happened.

Oh, man, you're bleeding.

- Is my client under arrest?
- Please.

Is his wife?

Then I'm asking you to leave.

Monica must have found out
about Chip's par three

with Carly and company.

And the way she swings
a five iron,

she should be on the tour.

Evening, counselor.
Show's over.

Ah, I caught the highlights
over the scanner.

Domestic disputes
involving m*rder suspects

always get my attention.

Get anything
before the cavalry showed up?

Usual west side cover story...

Slip and fall into the pool.

Mrs. Jarrow
alibied Mr. Jarrow

at home the night
of the m*rder.

Well, not even Superman
can be in two places at once.

So bust his alibi.

The guy's got more phones
than pockets.

If we can get a hold
of his other numbers,

we can pinpoint his location
on Friday night.

I'll get you a subpoena
for the numbers.

But make it count.

We're hunting big game here.

Might only get one shot.

Thank you.

Can you tell us
why you were the last person

your boss called Friday night,

right before
he went off the grid

and turned off his phone?

All right, I might have talked
to him, but I didn't see him.

I was home all night.

Except your cell phone
was bouncing off towers

all the way to Hollywood,

Right to the same block
Chip was at.

You met up with him,
didn't you?

Come on.

Chip's a buddy.

Convince us you and your buddy

didn't end up
at Kristin Halstead's place.

We didn't k*ll anybody.

You're not convincing us, Doug.


He wanted me to hook him up.

What, you're his condom caddy?

He's a public figure.
He needs me to front for him.

We drove around,
lined up the girls,

then I booked a room
at the Thompson.

I picked up the key for him.

And then I left him there,
and I got a cab back to my car.

- What time was this?
- 9:30.

Did you know Kristin

was threatening
to expose his cheating?

If she was,
he'd have just paid her off

like every other woman.

He had his wick out,
they had their hand out...

His girlfriends, even his wife.

What do you mean his wife?


That's confidential.

If you think holding out on us
is gonna help your buddy...

Monica busted Chip for
screwing around ten years ago.

Her lawyer made him
tear up the prenup,

draft a postnup.


Anytime Chip's
caught being a dog,

she gets a million bucks

to stay in the marriage
and to keep her mouth shut.

For Chip, it's the cost
of doing business.

How about for her?

You'd think all that cash,
she'd chill.

She hates Chip's guts.

If Chip's wife already knew
about his infidelities,

He wouldn't k*ll Kristin
to protect his marriage.

Maybe she was threatening
something more precious.

What did she text him?

"you're a fraud.
You won't get away with it."

Her computer
shows searches for Adidas,

AT&T, Intelogue...

All Chip's endorsements.

Maybe she was gonna expose him
to his sponsors.

Hundreds of millions
down the drain.

That's motive.
What about his alibi?

His caddy left him
outside a hotel.

He had his cell phone turned off
for three hours...

Could have been anywhere.

Get a search warrant
for the house.

You might want to get
your husband.

He checked himself
into rehab yesterday.

He's a sex addict.

At least that's
what they're calling it.

Partner, in here.

That look like
dried blood to you?

[chuckles wryly]

You drag my client
out of rehab?

He was in the middle
of treatment.

And he can go right back
just as soon as he tells us

why the m*rder w*apon
was found in his master bath.

I have no idea what you guys
are talking about.

Look, Kristin Halstead
was unhappy with her career.

She made threats,
but my client didn't k*ll her.

So where was he Friday night?

I had a social engagement.

With another woman.

Two women.

Actually, uh, it was three.

What is it with you
and the foursomes... a golf thing?

We'll get you
the ladies' names.

No more questions.

Between Chip Jarrow
and Tiger Woods,

the sex-rehab
industry's covered.

Three women...

Three women who've probably
been paid off

to back up Chip's story.

The m*rder w*apon
tells its own story.

No prints on it.

The dried blood
belongs to Kristin.

There should be blood
on the plastic wrapper,

but there isn't.

The w*apon was put back
in the wrapper dry.

S.I.D. find Kristin's blood
anywhere else in the house?

Uh-huh, on the floor,
under a tarp...

In the pool shed.

The k*ller hid it there first.

Then after the blood dried,

the k*ller moved it
to where we'd find it.

Chip's bathroom.

Someone's trying to frame him.

The wife who hates his guts.

If Kristin blew
his endorsement deals,

the wife had as much
to lose as Chip,

and if he goes to jail,
she gets everything.

Before we bring her in,

they have a 16-year-old son
living in the house.

He'll know if his mother was
home the night of the m*rder.

I said I don't know anything.

Just a couple questions.

Anytime you want to stop,
we'll stop, okay?

[school bell ringing]

Thank you.

We figured you must be worried
about your dad.

He can take care of himself.

How are you handling it?

Must be pretty tense
around the house.

You mean
by my mom and dad fighting?

I'm used to it.

Like the other night
around the pool?


My dad's got girlfriends.

He doesn't care about us.

All he cares about
is getting laid.

Is that why your mom
was angry that night?

That golfer that got k*lled,
my dad was banging her.

Where'd you hear that...
your mom?

Uh, I don't know. I mean, my...
my dad, he was all mad.

He called that golfer a bitch.

We want to ask you about
Friday night two weeks ago.

Who was home?

Me and my mom.
Dad went out.

Okay, what about your mom?

She go out too?


Why are you asking
about my mom?

Wait... wait, you think she...

Luke, did she leave the house?

You got it all wrong, okay?

I mean, didn't you find...

My... my... my dad
is the evil one.

Didn't we find what?

Luke, did you put the towel bar
in his bathroom?

- Luke, don't answer that.
- He can answer that.

I don't want you
to say anything.

We're gonna take you
to the police station.

We'll call your parents,
have a lawyer meet you.

What are you doing?

He's 16.

It's one thing to talk to him
as a witness.

The minute he made himself
a suspect, game over.

You do realize he's guilty.


And until he gets
with a lawyer,

nothing he might tell us
is admissible.

Are you pulling back
because of who his father is?

I don't care if this kid's

a 16-year-old g*ng banger
from Crenshaw.

We don't talk to him
without a lawyer.

If the boy is not under arrest,

I'm gonna take him home
to his parents.

- Take him.
- Come on.

Nice work, counselor.
Kid was good to go.

She did the right thing.

Now search warrants...

His bedroom, school locker,

any place he has access to.

Impound his car, bicycle,
even his skateboard.

Ethics are nice,

but I'd rather have a judge
throw out a confession

than not have
any confession at all.

The next time a suspect
wants to talk,

you let him talk.

No searches for Playa Vista
on his G.P.S.

He went low-tech...

A mailing list
from some charity event

with Kristin Halstead's
address circled.

You people are crazy.

He's just a boy.

Where are they taking him now?

To a holding cell until his
arraignment this afternoon.

He's innocent, for God's sake.

If anyone k*lled that woman,
it was Chip

or another one
of his gold-digging skanks.

Ferocious mom.

I'm not so sure
about her maternal instincts.

The mailing list
with Kristin's address,

it was for a PGA/LPGA benefit
for the star beam foundation.

Mom co-chaired the event.

Luke could have hacked
into her computer.

Or mom gave him
the mailing list.

You're charging him
as an adult?

He's barely 16.

Old enough to drive himself
to his victim's home

and bash her head to a pulp.

Of course, if he acted
under the influence of an adult,

that would mitigate
the charges.

What adult?

Luke, who gave you
Kristin's address?

Who are you accusing?

His mother.

Lay off my mom.

We didn't k*ll anybody.
The bastard did it.

This skank...

This gold-digging skank
was gonna mess things up,

so he k*lled her, okay?

Luke, take it easy.

There's your answer.

Luke, let's go.

- Miss Stanton.
- Thank you.

"Gold-digging skank"...

Took the words right out
of his mother's mouth.

Cops find any actual evidence
of her involvement?

No direct evidence...

Just this...

From Luke's private blog
on Facebook.

"he's like my mom says,
a whore-chasing pervert."

And here... "my mom had to have
all the couches cleaned,

"because she said dad
got his filthy whore juice

all over the cushions."

She poisoned his mind.

The cops also found this
on his computer...

An arrest report.

Three years ago,
Luke was picked up

for vandalizing
his father's new Ferrari...

With a baseball bat.

Monica knew he was violent

and kept feeding his hatred
for his father.

I wish we could charge her.

I have a friend

who spent the last year
in a custody battle.

His lawyer came up
with an interesting concept.

Parental Alienation Syndrome?

What the hell is that?

In layman's terms, your honor,

it's one parent
brainwashing a child

into hating the other parent.

In this case,
hating to the point

of committing v*olence
against the parent.

That forms the basis

for charging Mrs. Jarrow
with m*rder.

She convinced her son to k*ll

and therefore is guilty
as an aider and abettor.

We will present
expert testimony

that the v*olence
does not need to be directed

at the target parent.

It can be directed at someone
or something the parent loves,

such as a mistress or a car.

We will also show
that Luke Jarrow

acted under
the mistaken belief,

fostered by his mother,

that his father
was sleeping with the victim.

Your honor, whatever
the merits of this theory

of parental alienation,

I doubt whether it was designed
for criminal matters.

There's always a first time,
Mr. Simms.

Mr. Dekker, I'll allow you
to proceed against Mrs. Jarrow,

but I won't rule
on the admissibility

of parental alienation
until I hear your case.

Parental Alienation Syndrome

is a disorder in which a child
is indoctrinated by one parent

to become estranged
from the other parent.

In my opinion, Luke Jarrow
suffers from this syndrome.

He exhibits unambivalent hatred
toward his father,

while being very attached
to his mother... the alienator.

We've heard evidence
of Luke describing his father

in the same terms
used by his mother.

- Is this typical?
- Yes.

In parental alienation,

the child often uses
the exact same words

as the alienating parent.

We've also heard evidence

that Luke m*rder*d
Kristin Halstead.

If Luke hated
his father so much,

wouldn't he have k*lled
him instead?

In my opinion, Luke
is psychologically incapable

of murdering his own father.

He would do
the next best thing...

k*ll a woman he believed
his father was in love with.

Parental Alienation Syndrome

isn't recognized by the American
psychiatric association, is it?

No, but P.A.S. has been
recognized by the courts.

In child custody cases.

How could Luke have P.A.S.

if he lives under the same roof
as his father?

I admit this case is atypical.

To say the least.
No more questions.

Redirect, your honor.

Dr. Coburn,
to your knowledge,

isn't it a fact
that Luke's father

has been away from the home
48 out of the last 52 weeks?

Yes, that's correct.

So in many ways,

this is a typical case
after all.

Thank you.

I don't need my mom to tell me
what to think about dad.

I've lived with him
for 16 years.

I have my own ideas.

Give us an example of that.

When I was nine, I wanted
to be a golfer like him.

I begged him to play with me,

but he always put me off.

And then one weekend he had
a charity tournament in Vegas,

and he took me with him.

I was so psyched.

I had a new set of clubs.

We had lunch in the bar.

The waitress
was flirting with him,

and my dad said,
"I'll be right back."

So I sat by myself.

The manager offered to take me
to the pool or the video arcade,

and I said, "no, I'm gonna wait
for my dad.

We're gonna play golf."

I sat in that bar
for six hours,

and he never came back.

Thank you, Luke.

Your witness.

Luke, you said
you form your attitudes

based not on what
your mother tells you,

but on what your father
says and does.

Is that right?


Now, you told the police
that your father was having sex

with the victim,
Kristin Halstead.

- Do you remember that?
- Yeah.

How do you know
they were having sex?

Did you see them together?

No, I-I heard my dad
tell my mother.

Now, we've heard testimony
from people who knew Kristin

that she had relationships
exclusively with women.

We even have a text
from your dad

threatening to expose her
as a lesbian.

I don't care.

He said they had sex.

When did you hear him say this?

Some argument he was having
with my mom.

Did you actually hear him,

or did your mother tell you
that's what he said?

And, Luke, you are under oath.

I don't remember.

They were always fighting
about his skanks.

- His gold-digging skanks.

Do you remember
calling them that?


Where did you hear
this expression?

I don't... I don't know.

- How about
"whore-chasing pervert."

I don't know.

People's 32, your honor...

Downloads from Luke's Facebook.

"he's like my mom says,
a whore-chasing pervert."

You get a lot of information
about your father

from your mother, don't you?

I guess.

What about "mom told me
I couldn't go in dad's new car

because he uses it
to drive his sluts around"?

- You remember writing this?
- Yes.

It's from a statement you gave
the police when you were 13.

Tell us why you were talking
to the police.

Because I smashed up dad's car.

Smashed it up
with a baseball bat...

Your father's new Ferrari.

Objection, relevance.

The police counted
54 separate hits.

You were a very angry boy,
weren't you?

Mr. Dekker.

No more questions, your honor.

I've always tried to shelter
Luke from negativity.

I know how important it is

for a boy to look up
to his father.

Of course, he's smart.

He knows what's going on,
and that makes him angry.

But I never encouraged that,

and I never wished Chip
or anyone else harm.

Thank you, Monica.

You found out ten years ago

that your husband
was cheating on you,

cheating serially.

But we stayed married.

We tried to work it out.

In fact, you and your husband
signed a postnuptial agreement,

an agreement
under which he pays you

a million dollars outside
of community property

for each instance
of infidelity you uncover.

Yes, but I agreed to stay
in the marriage

because I love Chip.

You also agreed to keep
his infidelities confidential.


Because if they became public,

it would damage his image

and thr*aten
his business interests, correct?

It would hurt our family.

So when Kristin Halstead

threatened to expose
his affair with Carly Morris,

that was more than
just a threat to your husband.

That was a very real threat

to you and your lifestyle,
wasn't it?

We would have dealt with it.

Chip would have paid her off.

But she didn't want money,
did she?

They all want money.

Who? The other girls
he's paid off...

Like Ladonna Brenner,
a bartender...

Amy Moran,
a cocktail waitress...

Sybil Gardini,
a fitness instructor?

- Yes, all of them.
- I have a dozen more photos.

I don't need to see
those whores.

Were you aware
of your husbands appetites,

that he needs sex constantly...
threesomes, foursomes?

I know he's a pig,
a filthy pig.

And you say this
in front of your son.

he knows what his father is.

He knows it.

Mr. Dekker, however angry
Monica Jarrow is,

however she's poisoned
her son's mind,

It doesn't rise
to criminal liability.

I'm going to instruct the jury
to disregard all testimony

Parental Alienation Syndrome.

Your honor, P.A.S. is my case
against Monica Jarrow.

You should let the trier
of fact, the jury, decide...

I decide what facts
the jury will consider.

P.A.S. Is off the table.

Your honor,
if P.A.S. is off the table,

then it cannot be considered

to reduce
Luke Jarrow's culpability,

so the jury
should not be instructed

as to the lesser included charge
of manslaughter against him.

The jury should only
be instructed as to m*rder.

Your honor, that is not fair.

The jury should be given
the opportunity

of finding Luke guilty
of the lesser charge.

Half a loaf, Mr. Simms.

Manslaughter instructions
are withdrawn.


As your last instructions

before you conduct
your deliberations,

you are not to consider
Parental Alienation Syndrome

as a factor in determining

The only offense
for you to consider

will be the sole count
of m*rder.

[gavel bangs]

Oh, this could backfire.

He's 16. The jury
could balk at 25 to life.

It's not
about what the jury will do.

Mr. Simms says Luke
could get life in prison.

We'll do whatever we have to.

Just tell us.

- You want to plea-bargain
for Luke?

Not unless someone's willing
to share the weight

with him for this m*rder.

Otherwise, no deals.

All right.

It was me.

I drove Luke to Kristin's,
gave him the w*apon.

Hell, I k*lled her myself...

- Whatever you need.
- Chip.

I can't have my son
go to prison.

He's just a kid.
They'll k*ll him in there.

I did it.

It was me.

You'll have to plead guilty
in court,

- and you'll serve time.
- Yes.

For my son.

Will I get a chance
to talk to Luke?

I just want to explain
some things to him.

We can do that.

And your son will know
how much you really do love him.

Oh, no.

You do not get to swoop in
and be the hero.

I was the one.

I helped Luke.

I told Luke...

Kristin was a threat
to our life together.

I gave him the address.

I put him in the car,

and I shut my eyes

until he came home
with blood on his clothes.

Oh, my God, Monica.

That woman was a threat.

Maybe you were willing
to risk everything... not me.

God, all these years...

- Being humiliated.
- Don't.

No way I was gonna let
that lesbian ruin it all.

Luke was a minor.

I thought even if he got caught,
he'd only get a few years.

I was the one there for him.

I am the one that he loves,
not you.

I understand
you reached an agreement.

We have, your honor.

Monica Jarrow will plead guilty
to manslaughter.

Luke Jarrow will be recharged
as a juvenile.

In that case,
this trial is over.

The defendants are remanded,
no bail.

It's better this way.

- Okay.
- Wait.

Wait, did he make you do this?

- No, baby, no.
- Did he make you do this?

- It's okay, Luke.
- I hate him, mom!

- Luke.
- I hate him! I hate you!

I hate him!
I hate him, mom!

And it's a beautiful shot
for Chip Jarrow.

What a comeback.

Whatever else you might think
of Chip Jarrow,

he still swings a big club.

It hasn't affected his game.

Guess that's all he has now.

It's all he's ever had.