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01x05 - Pasadena

Posted: 01/16/23 10:52
by bunniefuu
- In the criminal
justice system,

The people are represented
by two separate

Yet equally important groups--

The police
who investigate crime

And the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


- Rebecca, ven aqui.
Drink with us.

- I can't.
I'm so tired.

- Come on!
- Lo siento mucho.

If you can make it through
the dinner rush

Without breaking a plate,
I'll bust out the good stuff.

- hey, hey, hey!

you're all fired!

- ¿que?
No hablo ingles.

- No problema.
Yo hablo español.

Todos ustedes
quedan despedidos.

- Oh!
- Whoa!

- Emt said she had
multiple fractures,

Internal bleeding.

- A lot
of external bleeding too.

- Yeah, they're giving her
50-50 odds.

- We know
where she came from?

- Yeah, the restaurant
said she works there.

Her name's rebecca townley.

We got a purse here,
car keys there,

Cell phone smashed to bits.
- How about a witness?

- Santa claus--
he says he saw it go down.

How you doing, sir?

- Hey.

- You, uh...Saw what happened
to that girl?

- Santa needs his cookies
and milk first.

- I'm sorry.
I can't do that, sir.

I always figured santa
to be a good citizen.

- That car--it came at her
like a bat out of hell.

It hit her,
then stopped...

Then rolled
back over her again.

- You see a driver
or a license?

- No, no, no.
But the car...

It could have been gray
or black.

That's all.

- Okay.
Thank you.

Take santa down the street
to tommy's,

Get him a chili dog.

And don't let him
out of your sight.

- All right.

- Car took two runs
at the girl.

Makes it attempted m*rder.

- Could make it a homicide.

Rebecca townley
was 16 weeks pregnant.

- Rebecca's been with me
for two years.

She's my best manager.
She's a very upbeat person.

Is she going to make it?
- We don't know.

Can you think of anyone
who'd want to hurt her?

- No. Uh, she and her husband
split up last summer,

But I think all that was cool.
- How about a boyfriend?

- I don't think
she was seeing anyone.

- But somehow
she managed to get pregnant.

- She's pregnant?

- She was--
about four months.

- She didn't say anything.

We are practically
like family here.

- You notice any change
in her habits,

Anything unusual?
- Well, yeah.

Last month
she said she was quitting.

She was working
in my santa monica restaurant.

I told her I couldn't afford
to lose her.

She agreed to stay on
for a little while,

But only if she could work

- Rebecca actually
hasn't been inside her home

In at least a month.

- You keep tabs?

- I notice.

The, uh--the window in
my kitchen faces her front door.

The lights
haven't really been on.

There's been no music,
no tv.

The, uh, the only time
I actually have seen her

Is twice, late at night,

When she was
picking up her mail.

I just figured
that she'd met some guy,

Was spending the night
over at his place.

- The closet's empty.
She took her clothes with her.

- Yep. About a month.

That's the age of the mold
on this loaf of bread.

- Anybody been here
looking for rebecca?

- Or maybe you noticed someone
outside watching the building?

- You mean like a stalker?
Wow, that's interesting.

No. I-I haven't seen
anybody like that.

- Okay, thanks.

- Tell rebecca
that kern is praying for her.

- Looks like she was trying
to shake somebody.

- I'm going
with the ex-husband.

Maybe things weren't so cool
after all.

- Robert forester?
- Yes?

- You've been away?

- On business
in twentynine palms.

What's this about?

- Your ex-wife,
rebecca townley,

Was in an accident.

- Is she all right?
- She's in a coma.

- Oh, my god.

Come inside.

So what happened?

- Hit-and-run in the alley

Behind her restaurant
last night.


- When's the last time
you saw her?

- Maybe...
Four months ago.

We had some financial b.S.
To sort out.

- New girlfriend?

- Yeah. I moved on.

- Financial b.S.--Alimony?

- No, there's no alimony.
We have good jobs, no kids.

There was a settlement,
a clean break.

Everybody behaved,
under the circumstances.

- What circumstances?


- You cheated, or her?

- Her.

- Same guy who got her pregnant?
- Pregnant?

I had no idea.
I-is she--

- I'm afraid not.
She lost it.

Any chance the baby was yours?

- No.

And she never told me
who the other guy was.

Believe it or not,
I didn't care to know.

I just wanted out.
- If you had to take a guess...

- Probably someone she met
at the restaurant,

Some a-hole
with a big expense account.

Becky always had
big aspirations.

- Just for drill, mr. Forester,
we'll need documentation

About your trip
to twentynine palms--

Boarding pass, hotel bill,
that kind of thing.

- Sure, no problem.
Everything's in my briefcase.

- Bitter much?

Forester's alibi checks out.

Hotel's got him in his room
all night

Surfing the net
on his computer.

That leads us
to suspect number two.

- The baby daddy.

- Rebecca's?

- Meter maid found it two blocks
from the crime scene.

We got a car club card,
proof of insurance--

- Unpaid parking ticket.
That reminds me.

I think I got one of those.

- Don't let it go to warrant,
or I'll be kicking in your door.

Corporate gas card--
yarborough media strategies.

I don't remember seeing that
rebecca's ever worked there.

- Maybe her baby daddy does.

- I'm adam yarborough.

I hear you're asking
about rebecca townley.

- Yes.
Does she work here?

- She's not one
of our regular employees, no.

Why do you ask?

- We found your company gas card
in her car.

- She's an outside consultant.
Why were you searching her car?

- She was run down
two nights ago.

She's in a coma.
- Oh, my god.

- Aren't you gonna ask
about the baby?

- I-I think I need to speak
to my attorney.

Go ahead and leave your card
with the receptionist.

Thank you.

- One more thing,
mr. Yarborough.

You don't happen to know

Where ms. Townley's been living
the last month, do you?

- Just leave it
with the receptionist.

- Yarborough's company
has offices here and in d.C.,

But his only residence
of record

Is a house in maryland
he owns with his wife.

- Yarborough's got to lay his
head someplace when he's in l.A.

- Well, he and rebecca
have probably been laying it

In the same place--
a shag palace, as it were,

That he keeps off the grid
so his wife can't find it.

- Now he's got
his girlfriend pregnant.

He's worried
his wife will find out.

What kind of car
does he drive?

- Leases a white beemer,

But it doesn't match
the description

Or the tire tracks
at the scene.

- Rebecca charged two visits
to an ob-gyn in pasadena.

She has a place
in west hollywood

And she works downtown?

She goes all the way to pasadena
for an obstetrician?

- Maybe because it's near
yarborough's shag palace.

- she just found out
she was having a boy.

She was over the moon
about it.

- I bet.

I've got three kids myself.

Listen, doctor,
we need to get in touch

With the baby's father.

We think rebecca might have
been staying with him.

- Well, rebecca never
identified the father.

I told her we needed to run
blood tests on him.

This is the address we have
on file for her.

- Pasadena.

- And this is the contact
she gave

In case of an emergency.

- Adam yarborough--
same address.

- My office sent
prenatal vitamins to rebecca

At that address last week.

- I think we have
a shag palace.

- Afternoon, ma'am.

We have a search warrant
for the house.

May I have your name, please?
- Search warrant? Why?

- Could you please identify

- Carolyn yarborough.

- Are you related
to adam yarborough?

- He's my husband.

- And you live here?

- Yes, of course.
What is this about?

- Rebecca townley gave
this address as her residence.

- I-I don't know
who that is.

- Sorry, but we're gonna have
to search the house anyway.


Wife and mistress
under the same roof?

knows how to live it up.

- This is a misunderstanding.

Rebecca townley
doesn't live here.

- So you do know her?
- No.

- Not even as a friend
of your husband's?

- No.
- What about someone

He worked with?

- I said no. Why are you
asking these questions?

- To be clear, you don't know
rebecca, never heard of rebecca.

Rebecca's never been
in your house?

- Nope.
- How do you explain this--

Prenatal vitamins
for rebecca townley

In the medicine cabinet
in the guest room upstairs?

- Adam.

- Carolyn,
don't say another word.

- We were just having
a conversation.

- I don't want to talk anymore.
- Fine.

We'll continue at our office.
- No, she's not going anywhere.

- Mr. Yarborough,
your wife has been lying to us

From the moment
she opened the door.

If you want us to arrest her
for obstruction, we can do that.

Your friends and family
can enjoy her mug shot

Tomorrow morning
along with their wheaties.

Or we can skip the arrest,

And you can all come down
to our little slice of heaven

For a friendly chat.

- Carolyn
can't have children, okay?

Rebecca was our surrogate.

That's why
she was living with us.

- You impregnated her
with your sperm.

- A fertility doctor
did that.

- Name of the doctor?
- That's privileged.

- I know it's privileged,

But why do you want to muddy
your own alibi?

- You still claim
you don't know rebecca?

- Adam had a brief affair
with rebecca.

She got pregnant.

Adam and I aren't able
to have children,

So we decided to raise
the baby as our own.

- That doesn't explain why
she was living at your house.

- I agreed to care for rebecca
until she had the baby.

Adam and I are deeply committed
to making this work.

- Hmm.

Must be tough...

Putting on a brave face.

- Adam made one mistake.

I wasn't about to
let it destroy

Everything that
we've worked for.

- As for the night
of the hit-and-run,

My client was at her book club
till just after 12:30.

We can give you the names
of the people who saw her there.

- You're an extraordinary
woman, mrs. Yarborough.

Give me a minute?

- It may not be
to your liking, detective,

But my client isn't gonna let
you pry into his medical history

Just to satisfy
your curiosity.

- Mr. Yarborough is saying

That rebecca was a surrogate
for him and his wife,

That she was impregnated
at a fertility clinic.

- That's your story?

'cause your wife just told me
you impregnated rebecca

When you had a fling with her.
- Don't respond to that.

- You went
to a lot of trouble

To hide the fact that rebecca
was living with you.

You ditched her clothes,
her personal things.

All you missed
was the pill bottle.

So what are you really hiding,
mr. Yarborough?

- Adam, we're leaving.

- Last question--

Your alibi
the night she was run down.

- I was at a political
fund-raiser in bel air.

- My husband and I
are supporting candidates

For state assembly.

Adam's firm helped me
with my fund-raiser.

- What time did he leave?

- Uh, about 10:30.

That's when my husband
kicked everybody out.

He goes to bed early.
He's training for an ironman.

- How well do you know
mr. Yarborough?

- Oh, well enough.

We've been relying on him
for five or six years now.

We raise funds for charities,
cultural affairs.

Uh, could you just get
that grapefruit for me?

It was the worst idea
my husband ever had--

Putting a fruit tree
uphill of the pool.

Those darn things
are cotantly rolling in.

I-is adam in trouble?
- Probably not.

Did you ever hear him mention
the name rebecca townley?

- Oh.
Oh, I see.

Well, for what it's worth,

I-I've never seen adam so much
as look at another woman.

- How was he the night
of the fund-raiser?

Was he worried, preoccupied?

- He's always preoccupied.
That's what makes him so good.

- Uh, did you notice
if he left with anyone?

- Uh, congressman nelson
from riverside--

of defense appropriations.

It was adam
who convinced him to attend.

They go back
to the 2000 campaign.


It's all yours.

- A hit-and-run?
Is adam a suspect?

After the fund-raiser,

Adam and I went back
to my hotel for drinks.

- Till when?
- Until the bar closed.

I spent the night in westwood

Because I had an early meeting
in century city.

How serious was this accident?
- The victim's in a coma.

She was pregnant,
and she lost the baby.

- Oh. That's terrible.

- You and mr. Yarborough--
you good friends?

- He started out as a staffer,

Ended up running
two of my campaigns.

- You know of any problems
in his marriage?

- Not directly.

When you campaign with someone,
you hear things.

- What kind of things?
- Gossip.

Adam had a bit
of a wandering eye.

- Mm. The name rebecca townley
ever come up?

- No. Was she the young woman
who was injured?

Look, whatever you hear
about adam,

I want you to know
he is one of the most loyal,

Trustworthy men
I have ever worked with.

Excuse me one second.

- First he says yarborough
cheated on his wife,

Then he calls him loyal?

- He's a politician.
He's always playing both sides.

- Yeah, I remember--
four scotches.

Left me a $100 gratuity.
- Nice tip.

- He flirted.
I let him.

My husband and I
are saving for a house.

- Was he alone?

- Uh, there was another guy
with him.

- Yeah? Him?

- Right--bourbon.

- You remember
what time this guy left?

- He only had the one bourbon,
so it had to be early.

- Could you possibly pull
his tab for us?

- Scotch charged the drinks
to his room,

So it should
just take a sec.

- If nelson
was yarborough's client,

Why didn't yarborough
pick up the tab?

- Maybe yarborough
was long gone by closing time.

- Didn't you talk
to congressman nelson?

Didn't he tell you
I was with him?

- He was hard to pin down.
I guess that's how

He keeps on
getting re-elected.

- Hey, look, I went
straight home from the bar.

I didn't hurt rebecca.
My wife and I wanted that baby.

- See, we'd be a lot more likely
to believe you

If you and were wife
were on the same page

About this pregnancy.

- Okay...

I had an affair
with rebecca.

I met her last summer
at a fund-raiser

At casa antonio downtown.

She was working there.
- Downtown.

We were told she used to work
at the, uh, restaurant

In santa monica, right?

- Right.

Yeah, santa monica--
that's where we met.

- Must have been
a big shock to you

When she told you
she was pregnant.

- Yeah, it was.

- And the blood test
for genetic diseases--

Dr. Weinstein in pasadena
did those?

- Yes.
- Yeah?

- It says here rebecca's
r.H. Negative,

So you must be
r.H. Negative too.

Is that what dr. Weinstein
told you?

- Yes, r.H. Negative.
- Yeah.


Will you excuse us?

He's lying.

Weinstein never ran
any tests on the father.

- One way to know for sure--
book him for obstruction.

He'll get swabbed for dna.
We can get a paternity test.

- Even if yarborough's
not the dad,

He still could have run
rebecca down.

- You should ask her.

Rebecca townley
just came out of her coma.

- The doctor said her mind
and her memory are all fine.

So she's still my becky.

- If it's all right, we'd like
to speak with her alone.

Anything she can remember
will help our investigation.

- I'll be right outside.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Can you tell us
what you remember?

- I don't remember much.

The last thing was,

I took my keys
out of my purse.

Did you find my purse?

- Yes, we found it.

- There's a picture
of my baby.

He's so tiny.


What's wrong?

Is it my baby?

- We're very sorry.

- no!


- Take it easy.

What happened?

- Tom did this!

Tom--tom nelson
k*lled our baby!

That bastard k*lled
our baby!

- Congressman nelson--

Sounds like he took pressing
the flesh to a whole new level.

- oh, my god!

- She was sedated. We haven't
been able to talk to her since.

- What were her words

- "tom did this.
Tom nelson k*lled our baby.

That bastard
k*lled our baby."

- "our baby"--
hers and nelson's.

- Yeah, or hers
and the pizza boy.

Where was nelson
when she was run over?

- At a hotel bar
in westwood.

- He's a congressman--he has
a knack for having other people

Do his scut work for him.

- If he has a dog
in this fight.

First step is proving
he's the baby's father.

We can't force him to be tested
without corroboration,

So find some.

- Becky didn't tell me
who the father was.

She said he needed
to keep it a secret.

What kind of a father
conceals his identity?

- A married one.

- I was looking forward
to having a baby around.

I was hoping becky
would change her mind

And move back to delaware.

- Change her mind
from staying in los angeles?

- This is no place
for a single mother.

I told her she needed me.

But she said
she didn't need my help,

That she'd be
moving up in the world,

That she'd make me proud.

- Hey, what'd you find out?

- Rebecca told her mom

She was, quote,
"moving up in the world."

- So she thought she hit
the baby-daddy jackpot.

- A five-term congressman

Seems more like
the grand prize than yarborough.

- Assuming nelson's the dad,
he got yarborough

To take the rap
for knocking up his mistress?

Talk about loyalty.

- Assumptions
aren't corroboration.

We need someone to confirm it.

- Well, if anyone's gonna crack,
it's yarborough's wife.

She was shaky
in the interrogation.

- You should be the one
to talk to her.

- I told the police
my husband had an affair.

I told them that I agreed
to raise his illegitimate child.

How much more do I need
to humiliate myself?

- Mrs. Yarborough,

We know your husband
didn't father that child.

And for your information,

Rebecca townley's accused
congressman nelson

Of trying to k*ll her.

Now, your husband's
a good little soldier

In the congressman's army,

But the time
to stand by your man is over.

One more lie,
and you're going

From obstruction
to m*rder conspiracy.


- Nelson convinced
my husband

Into going along
with this ridiculous cover-up.

An illegitimate child
would've have ruined his plans

To run for governor.

My husband
believes in nelson.

He thought
for the greater good, he'd--

- Whose good
are you in it for?

- Nelson agreed to appoint me
lead counsel

To the defense appropriations

Look, I have ambitions too.
- Nice.

What do you know about this
attempt on ms. Townley's life?

- Nothing.

Look, rebecca
gave the impression

That nelson was happy
to have a child,

That he was happy
to be with rebecca.

And she seemed mostly happy
to go along with his charade.

- "mostly happy"?

- He sent a car
to take her to a doctor,

And she refused to go.

- This was to dr. Weinstein?

- No, it was
an asian name--taketa.

I heard rebecca and nelson

Arguing about it
on the phone later.

It was a big argument.

- Sign in.
- I'm not a patient.

I need to speak
with dr. Taketa.

- He's with a patient.
It'll be about 20 minutes.

- Nelson tried to send rebecca
to an abortion clinic.

He wanted her
to get rid of the baby.

- And he settled

For a back-alley
vehicular abortion instead?

All right.
First duck in the row--

A subpoena to get proof
of nelson's paternity.

Second duck--tie nelson
to the driver of the car,

Whoever that may be.

- I won't submit
to a dna test.

- They have a warrant.

- Call a judge.
File an injunction.

- Everything's in order.
There's nothing we can do.

- We'll be leaving soon,
mrs. Nelson.

- My husband is happy
to clear up this whole matter.

- I read your book.

I thought it was brave

To talk about your
ovarian cancer so openly.

- Well, when I wrote it,

Remission seemed
like a long shot.

But here I am.

- I'm sure your family
is happy about that.

- I'm sorry about what happened
to that girl.

Losing someone you love
is hard enough,

But when it's a child...

- We're done.

- Thank you so much, ma'am.
Sorry for the bother.

- We need to get
ahead of this

Before those cable crackpots
turn it into something it's not.

- One of us
has to tell matthew

Before he reads about it
on the internet.


I'll call him.

- Paternity test positive--
that's one duck.

- Here's another duck--

Rebecca's ex-husband,
robert forester,

Works for aqg industries,

Which happens to be one
of yarborough's p.R. Clients.

Aqg landed 100 million
in military contracts,

All thanks
to earmark legislation

by congressman nelson.

- That's a lot
of coincidences.

So when did the ex-husband
start working for aqg?

- Right after he
and rebecca separated.

- So nelson
steals forester's wife,

Pays him off
with a fancy job.

We should all be so lucky.

Maybe we found the driver.

- He has an airtight alibi
in twentynine palms.

- Only one reason
he didn't tell the police

About his connection
with nelson--

He's hiding something.

- I don't know
how robert got his job.

We haven't really talked
since the divorce.

- He knew you had an affair
with the congressman?

- Yeah.

He was devastated.

Our marriage
had problems, but...

That ended things.

- How did he react
to your pregnancy?

- I didn't tell him.

It would've destroyed him.

Why are you asking
about robert?

You think he's the one?

- He's definitely
a suspect.

- Well, I didn't see
who was driving.

I just--I remember
this--this car.

It was so loud.

And there was a silver crown
sticking up on the hood

And a metal antenna.

- Did your ex-husband
ever meet congressman nelson

Or adam yarborough?

- No. I don't think so.


- You told the police
nelson k*lled your baby.

- No, no,
I didn't mean that.

I was on painkillers,

And I was in shock.

Tom loved the baby.

- We know he arranged for you
to see an abortion doctor.

- Well, he panicked,
but, you know, we talked,

And then he found out
we were having a son.

Tom would never
hurt me...Never.

- She's changed her tune.

- Ah, nelson got to her.

Now, this car--the ex-husband
would've rented it.

- You know how many vehicles

Have radio antennas
and hood ornaments?

- Most of them
are 15 to 20 years old,

And they all have
one thing in common--

They're not fuel efficient.

It's a 300-mile round-trip,
twentynine palms to l.A.

- He would've had to stop
for gas.

- I don't know how many
gas stations there are

Between here
and twentynine palms,

But see if the police
can get a picture

Of robert forester
to each one of them.

And ask nicely.

- No, I didn't see the man.
I close at 11:00.

But like I told
the officer here,

When I got to the station
about 6:00 a.M. That morning,

I come to find somebody busted
the lock on the water hose.

Huge puddle of water--looked
like they washed their car.

- Can you show us where?

- Yeah,
they broke the lock.

- Anything
other than a puddle?

- A shirt, looked like it
was used to clean the car.

- So the shirt,
long gone now?

- Nah, I still have it.

Yeah, a good cotton shirt
makes a good rag.

Can't have too many rags
in a gas station.

- Rebecca's blood
was on the shirt.

And it gets better.

- Latent found
robert forester's thumbprint

On the wall
by the busted hose.

- Mmm!
I love making his day.


- We're out here live
in front of the parker center

Waiting for the arrival of...

- Mr. Forester!
- Mr. Forester, did you do it?

- Mr. Forester!

- All right, all right.
Leave him alone.

- That's one down.

Now let's go bag ourselves
a real live congressman.

- Now that LAPD.
Has a suspect in custody,

I hope that focus will shift

To the one responsible
for this heinous crime

And away
from the wild speculation

That has engulfed my family.

Our nation faces
perilous times.

I will not be distracted
from my duties.


They always play
the victim card...

Like it's our fault
that he knocked up his mistress.

- I'd like to move forward
with charges against nelson.

- For what--
failing to keep it in his pants?

- We think he reached out
to the ex-husband

Through adam yarborough

And convinced him
to run down rebecca.

If we can get the ex
to flip--

- "if" and "we think"

Are not words that fill me
with confidence.

You want to bring charges
against a u.S. Congressman,

Bring me videos of him

Buckling the ex
into his seat belt.

- That job was no gift!

I was hired
because of my qualifications.

- Explain exactly how running
a mailbox store

Qualified you to do
corporate communications

For a military contractor.

- All hail the american dream,
ms. Price.

- And american free enterprise.

We'll be talking
to adam yarborough.

First one to squawk
gets the deal.

- Still using that ploy?

- It's still working for me.

- I did not try
to k*ll rebecca.

I was in my hotel room.
You can check my computer.

I did work. I sent emails.
I bought stuff.

It's all time-stamped.

- But somehow
your thumbprint

And a man's shirt
with rebecca's blood

Were found at a gas station
near twentynine palms.

- My client
takes business trips

To the marine base
twice a month.

When he drives,

That station is
a convenient stopping place.

As for the shirt,
anyone could have planted it.

All this
so-called evidence

Only highlights
the big hole

In the middle of your case--
the m*rder w*apon.

You don't have the car.
No car, no case.

- Wrong.

- That's what I like
about you, ricardo.

You cover your doubt
with confidence.

- I can tell you definitively
that mr. Forester's computer

Was hooked up to the wi-fi
in the hotel that night.

But I can also tell yo
that someone else accessed it

From a remote location,
used it to surf the net,

Write e-mails,
and work on file documents.

- Forester wasn't using
the computer?

- Forester didn't even have
to be in the room.

- Somebody just tried
to make it look like he was?

- By creating all this acty
on his computer.

- The person who accessed
his computer, where were they?

- They could be
anywhere in the world.

But I can backtrack
the computer's I.P. Address

To a server
at a specific location.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- They're looking
for a computer from this office.

- We have evidence

It was used to create an alibi
for robert forester.

- Someone from my office?
That's ridiculous.

Knock yourself out,
mr. Morales.

Open every drawer,
every cabinet.

I have my district's business
to attend to.

- Anything?
- No.

We checked every machine.
Our computer's not here.

- He probably got rid
of it.

- Charge nelson
as forester's co-conspirator.

When the screws tighten,
we'll see who flips.

- We move
to dismiss this case

For insufficient evidence,
your honor.

Mr. Morales
doesn't have the car

Nor this phantom computer

That could somehow
magically negate

My client's alibi.

- Nor does he have
one shred of evidence

Of any agreement
or overt action

Implicating my client
in a m*rder conspiracy.

- Your honor,
the evidence established

That mr. Forester's mputer
was operated remotely

At the time that he claimed
to be in his hotel room.

As your honor knows,
a m*rder w*apon

Is not essential
to prove guilt.

As to congressman nelson,
the people can prove

That he was part
of an ongoing conspiracy

To disguise the fact

That he fathered a child
out of wedlock--

A conspiracy that included

Having another man
claim paternity.

It included buying
mr. Forester's silence

With a high-paying job.

It included pressuring
the victim, rebecca townley,

To have an abortion.

And finally, a conspiracy
that included using a computer

In congressman nelson's
congressional office

To remotely operate
mr. Forester's computer

To help him create an alibi

While he was out murdering
rebecca's unborn child.

In the name of that child,

That unfulfilled promise,

The pele ask that you
let a jury hear this case.

- Well put, mr. Morales.

The court hereby rules

There's sufficient evidence
to proceed to trial.

Defendant thomas nelson
will remain free on bond,

Defendant robert forester
will be held on remand.

We are adjourned.

- 50 bucks says
nelson's lawyer wants a chat.

- Do I look like a sucker?

- If you say someone
in my office used that computer,

I believe you.

I can only imagine they thought
they were doing me a favor.

But I swear to you,

I had nothing to do
with hurting rebecca.

- You were ready
to get her an abortion.

- In a moment of panic,
yes, I was.

But I love rebecca.

And she made me see
I was making a mistake.

I wanted that baby.

I had plans
to do the right thing.

- Oh, we're supposed to take his
word he had noble intentions?

- He's been paying
for ms. Townley's medical bills.

He's arranged to pay
for her mother's stay here.

- Did he arrange
for a gift basket too?

- Fine.
Make fun of him.

But at the end of the day,

You'll be on the business end
of a lawsuit

For defamation
and wrongful prosecution.

Come on, tom.

- Nelson's
all about nelson.

- Yeah...

But I believe him
about doing the right thing.

What's the narcissist's version
of "doing the right thing"?

- Divorce your wife
because you've "grown apart,"

Then marry your mistress.

- But first you hide
the assets.

I never thought I'd say this
about a politician,

But nelson's books
seem to be on the up-and-up.

- What do you make of this?

Ten years ago,
nelson set up a family trust.

Then last month,
he paid a bill

To the same lawyer
who set up the trust.

No reason he'd go back

To that same lawyer
ten years later.

- Unless he was setting up
another trust

For rebecca and the baby.

- Mm-hmm.

His lawyer won't tell us.

- Someone else might.

- Tom was adding me and the baby
to his family trust,

And it would've taken effect
after the baby was born.

- You're sure
it was his family trust?

- Yeah.

I signed the papers
at the lawyer's office.

Tom said the baby would never
have to worry about anything.

- It sounds like
he made it clear

You had a future together.

- We were gonna be a family.

- Did his wife know?

- He hadn't told her yet.

He said we had to wait
for thght time.

I have to go back inside.

Sometimes I still feel
the baby inside me.

The nurse says it's normal.

- There's no way nelson

Could've legally added rebecca
to the family trust

his wife's permission.

- So either rebecca
lied to us,

Or nelson lied to her.

If nelson's wife
wasn't going to be around--

I mean,
like really not around--

Her consent to add rebecca to
the trust would be immaterial.

- You mean not around,
as in dead?

- She had cancer
four years ago.

Say the cancer came back.

- Nelson starts planning
his future as a widower

And makes arrangements to
add rebecca to the family trust.

- If his wife found out...
- She'd be very pissed.

- My hususband
may be a philanderer,

But I can hardly believe
he's a m*rder*r.

He's harmless.

- I'm sorry you have to suffer
through all this,

given your condition.

- What about my condition?

- During our investigation,
we found out

You've flown to new york
five times

In the last three months.

- On my husband's business.

- We also discovered
a number of calls

To dr. Berkal
at sloan-kettering.

He's the same oncologist
who treated you

The first time you had
ovarian cancer, isn't he?

- The cancer came back
six months ago.

- What's the prognosis?

- I'm hoping to see my son

Graduate from college
in the spring.

But I'm not sure.

- Who else knows?

- Just my husband.

We thought
it was better that way.

- It must have come
as a great shock

When you discovered your husband
was planning a new life...

New life, new family.

I doubt a woman like you,
who has faced down cancer,

Would stand still for what your
husband was planning to do--

To obliterate your memory,

Your life together,

The life you gave up
for his career,

To obliterate all of that
with a ready-made family

The minute you succumb
to your disease.

- You're accusing me
of m*rder?

- Mrs. Nelson,
at this very moment,

The police are
on their way to palm springs,

To a vacation home owned
by your aunt and uncle.

They keep a car there,
don't they--

A 1986
tan cadillac deville...

A car matching
the description

Of the one
that ran over rebecca townley?

- The police are
outside the house now.

- You have one chance,
mrs. Nelson.

Agree to testify
against your co-conspirators,

And I'll keep you
out of prison.

You can die with dignity
at home.

But once the police pry open
that garage and find the car,

All bets are off.

- They're getting
the door open.

- Mrs. Nelson,
your time is running out.

- All right. Yes.

I found out about tom
and that girl.

That he could do this to me,

To our son.

I told forester

That I would have him fired
if he didn't help me.

At first, he refused,

But when I told him
that his ex-wife was pregnant,

That did it.

I told him
about my uncle's car,

I gave him
the key to the garage.

I went
to the congressional office,

And I used a computer
to forge forester's alibi.

- Did anyone else help you?
- No.

Just forester.

It just...

Simply could not happen.

He couldn't just erase me.

- Who else knew your uncle
kept a car in palm springs?

- Just tom.

- The garage was empty--
no car.

- Well, that's not possible.

I gave forester
specific instructions

To put the car
back in the garage.

He wouldn't have gotten
rid of it.

- I'm sure he didn't, but
I'm thinking your husband did.

He knew what you'd done.

He tried to protect you.


Oh, tom.

- Does either side care
to be heard before sentencing?

- Your honor,
my client testified

In the successful prosecution
of robert forester.

She did her part.

Probation is
the appropriate sentence.

- As long as
I wear this robe,

No one murders a baby
and walks.

- Your honor,

Patricia nelson only
has a few months to live.

Cancer is her sentence.

- And she'll be serving it

At century regional
detention center.

With respect
to the amended count

Of solicitation
to commit m*rder,

The court hereby
sentences patricia nelson

To 365 days
in the county jail.

- Your honor.
- We are adjourned, mr. Morales.

- This way, ma'am.

- I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

- Time to go.

- I do love her.

I just couldn't stand
the thought of losing her.

I just couldn't be alone.

- Please.

He cheated on his dying wife
just so he'd have someone

To tuck him in at night?

- You're young.
You'll find out.

It's the one thing
we men fear the most--

Being alone.