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12x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/16/23 09:42
by bunniefuu
This programme deals with Sexual Abuse.

MATURE JENNIFER: The world to a
happy child is full of open arms -

its mother's, its family's, its own...


Life gives, the child embraces
its abundance,

its haphazard treats and generosities,

its scatter of good deeds.

There's no pattern to its gifts
and kindnesses,

and there is no plan.

I'll see you all at clinic
this afternoon.

And don't forget to remind
your expectant mothers

to drink plenty of water
in this hot weather.

I'm thinking of getting Colette
a paddling pool.

Do you think she's too old for one?

We're not too old for one.

I can quite see us using it to cool down

in our bikinis in the back yard.

There's two more newly discharged
mothers for you, Sister.

Mrs Barnes and her baby boy,

who's breast-feeding
like a professional.

And Mrs Soho ye.

Her little girl's bottle-fed.

But she was slow to gain,

so we kept an eye on her
for an extra week.

Two more for my little cohort.

I'm sorry, Nurse Crane,
am I in your way?

I just saw little Peter Mackay's name.

I delivered him.

His mother was widowed
not long after having him.

She was in a very bad way.

I had to refer his older sister
to Dr Turner for malnutrition.

I hope there's nothing amiss.

He's simply one of many behind

with their routine health checks
and vaccinations.

Oh, well, I'm glad
it's nothing more serious.

Sadly, many mothers share your view.

And as we know, missing vaccinations
can become very serious indeed.

I do wish you'd take as much care

with these accounts
as you do with that stick.

- Morning.
- Oh! Nurse Corrigan.

Now, there is rather a lot
outstanding on your tab...

Which I've told you we do not allow!

To avoid awkward conversations
exactly like this one.

I might pick up

a few other things while I'm here.

Are you sure you're going
to have enough left

to pay for all of this?

I'll start another tab, then, shall ?

You heard what she said.

Go on, Fred.

With Colette in foster care,

I just like to make our time
together special.



Mrs Mackay?

Mrs Mackay?

I'm so sorry.

I seem to have called inopportunely.

Talbot, not Mackay, as of this morning.

That's my husband, Joe.

So funny saying that again
after all this time.

He's obviously wonderful with children.

Many congratulations to you both.

Who's this, then?

My name is Sister Veronica.

I'm a health visitor.

A health visitor?

Oh, er...

Well, why don't you come in and join us?

Do you fancy a pie or sausage roll?

I can't vouch for how healthy
they are, mind.

That's extremely kind of you,

but I'll leave you to celebrate
and call another time.

Wait, you can't leave without
a piece of wedding cake.

It does look rather marvellous.

Nice big slice.

Plenty of marzipan.

You look like a woman
who likes a bit of marzipan.

And I don't suppose you have to
watch your figure.

The Almighty asks many things
of religious sisters.

Calorie counting is not one of them.


Mrs Lorna Pryce?

Nurse Corrigan will see you
in the cubicle on the left.


The last time I saw you,
you were this big.

A textbook birth, as I recall.

Would you like to go
and listen to a story?

Maybe your grandma can take you
over to toy corner.

Oh, I want my mum
in the cubicle with me, please.

Would you rather not have a cup of tea?

No, Nurse, we do everything together.

Come along. Let's go. There we go.

So, no nausea this time round, then?

No, but she's very tired.

My husband's away at sea,
and Karen's been playing up.

You know what that is, don't you?

She knows it's going to be all change

when her new baby sister arrives.

You reckon this one's
going to be a girl, too?

Not 'alf! I have a sixth sense
about these things.

I'm telling you, Nurse,
my mum's always right.

I hope my daughter says the same
thing about me when she's your age.

What's the secret?


And lots of Neapolitan ice cream.

Is it not the height of arrogance

to paint oneself into a picture?

It is not godly.

Corners first, then sides,
then we group by colour.

Sister Monica Joan,
would you like to pick out

all the pieces with straight edges?

I am engaged in the appreciation of
this slice of wedding cake.

I can smell the brandy in it from here.

That won't help you with your jigsaw.

Our wedding cake's being soaked
in vintage Armagnac.

Matthew's father chose it
from his cellar especially,

and took it to the patissier himself.

Did you ever consider making
your own cake?

- Yes.
- Surely not, lass.

And I realised at once that the
enterprise was completely doomed.

I can't even boil an egg,

which does not sit well
with marrying a man

who needs to entertain
at a very high level.

Well, perhaps he can learn to cook!

He doesn't have to.

I've booked myself onto
a Cordon Bleu cookery course

starting tomorrow.

Well, good for you!

I shall soon be giving Fanny Cradock
quite a run for her money.

I can see you've got your work cut out.

So, I've never had
the pleasure of a hangover,

but I can't imagine it makes
housework seem appealing.

Where's Peter?

He's at nursery. Joe took him.

I wonder if you might bring
him to my clinic tomorrow morning.

He's behind with his developmental
health reviews.

They shouldn't take long.

And we can book in his overdue
vaccinations at the same time.


That should perk up a bit
with a drink of water,

possibly an aspirin.

Flowers are like people, really.

Oh, I'm sorry.

You've got washing soaking.

I'm on my monthlies.

Not that it's any of your business!

I'm sorry.

I'll leave these here?

I'll see you tomorrow.

At clinic.

We'll get you settled
over here, Mrs Pryce.

Nurse Corrigan has just changed
all the linen.


I knew it wouldn't be long.

Oh, come on, Mum, stay with me.

Like last time.

Well, you didn't have Karen then.

I've got to look after her.

I don't think I can do it by myself.

You're not by yourself, Mrs Pryce.

Nurse Corrigan is going to wait
on you hand, foot and finger.

Jam sandwich before we go, hmm?

Yes, please!

I'm afraid we don't allow food.


Yeah. Yay!

Stop fiddling with the strawberries.

I need them for my Mille-feuilles.

That is my mother's speciality.

A thorough training
in classic French gastronomy

is always a good investment
of any woman's time.

Especially if it means
she can make Mille-feuilles!

Are there really ,
layers in the pastry?

Well, I'll find out when I make it.

Now, it says that they supply
speciality ingredients,

but I've got to take a dozen eggs.

How am I going to manage
a dozen eggs on the bus?

You won't have to, I'll drive you there.

I told you - get off my strawberries!

You might not be taking
this seriously, but I am.

You know me, I'd be happy

with some corned beef hash
and some gravy.

But if you really want to practise
pulling out the stops,

why don't you just start by
asking some friends

round to my place for dinner?

A dinner party?

That's actually quite a nice idea.



Bear down. Give it all you've got.


What's taking so long?

I think baby's
far too comfortable in there.

Hello, ladies. Little one not keen
on making an appearance?

She's been pushing for over an hour
without any progress.

It's unusual to be so slow
with a second baby.

I think baby may be asynclitic,
Mrs Turner.

Can I ask for your opinion?

Of course.


Lorna, I'm just going to have
a quick check down below.

Take a deep breath now.

You're doing better than you think.

Lorna, it seems your baby's head
is tilted at a slight angle,

which is slowing everything down.

I'm going to fetch Dr Turner

and see if we can help them
get a wriggle on.



All right, kids?



Evening, Mrs Talbot.


Not exactly the ideal home, is it, love?

I've been at work all day, Sand.

I don't think I should have to
start again when I get home.


Hey, put your pyjamas on, all right?

There you go.

Ann Marie, give me a hand, sweet pea.

I hope your mummy don't think
she can stop making an effort

just because we're married now.

Not when I work so hard
to look after you two.

Sorry. I don't know what I was thinking.

You put your feet up,
I'll get the tea on.


I'm tired. I'm so, so tired.

You're nearly at the finish line.

And Dr Turner is going to be
pulling away to b*at the band.

We know what to do when these little
monkeys won't play ball.

You push as I pull,

and we're going to get the head out
with the next contraction.

You promise me.

We're going to do this together.

I can't!

Yes, you can.

Come on, Lorna.

Think of your mum and Karen.

One more push. For them.


There we go! Baby's head is out now.

Gently does it.


Coming with no trouble at all.

Congratulations, Lorna.

You have a baby boy.


He will be a bit marked
by the old forceps,

but he's still absolutely beautiful.

A boy!

Oh, hello, handsome.

It looks like you've been sent
to prove my mother wrong.

Mrs Talbot, I am so pleased you came.

You don't have to use my married name.

You can just call me Sandy.

Now, young man, do you think
you can place these pieces

- back in the board?
- Yeah.

You won't find nothing wrong with him.

I'm a good mother.

Even if I'm a bad wife.

What an extraordinary thing to say.

You've barely been married a week.

I'm sure Mr Talbot
is more than satisfied.

I'm not.

Do you want to tell me
what you mean by that?

There are... things that happen
in a marriage.

Things that people are meant to want.

That people, men...

...believe is theirs to have.

And if they can't have it...

...then they just...

Take it?

Against your will?

All done!

My goodness, that was quick.

LORNA: His head's a funny shape.

He looks like he's from Mars!

SHELAGH: I understand it looks alarming,

but I promise it really is
nothing to worry about.

You, young man, have developed
what we call a cephalohematoma.

Mm. Yes, you have.

It's simply a bruise under the scalp,

from where we had to give him
a tug with the forceps.

Has it damaged his brain?

No, not at all.

The swelling should disappear
within a few weeks.

Please, could you look
in my bag, Nurse Turner?

There's a hat in there.

A pink one, but it'll have to do.

Karen's coming later to meet the baby.

I don't want to give her
any excuse to take exception.

Mrs Talbot... Sandy!


I will not let you leave these premises

until we've found a way of helping you.

You're distressed, Sandy,
and you're in pain.

I can arrange an appointment
for you with the doctor.

And what am I supposed to tell him?

I shouldn't have even said
anything to you.

But you did.

I think you did that because you've
been carrying too much on your own.

I'm good at that.

Before I met Joe,

I could go weeks not knowing
where the next meal was coming from.

Kids crying with hunger,

jumping every time
there's a knock at the door

in case it's the welfare
come to take them off me.

I needed help then, and he gave it me.

He puts a roof over their heads
and food on their plates.

And I'm grateful.

Gratitude does not extend to the
acceptance of sexual as*ault.

Or r*pe.


I believe that is what this is.


...will you please just forget
that I said anything?

Is this what you made at cookery class?

I love a custard slice.

It's a Mille-feuille, Nancy.

Everything tastes better in Spanish.

There's a lovely soft set
on this filling.

I think I might try a gateau
St Honore when you come for dinner.

When's that, then?

I shall be issuing written invitations

on Matthew's correspondence cards.

It's going to be at his flat,

because his oven's big enough
for a rack of lamb.

Oh, what a shame - I'm vegetarian!

There will be a meat-free
alternative to the entre.

- Barley sugar?
- Oh, yes, please.

Oh, lass...

I meant to give it to you earlier.

It was delivered by hand this morning.

I hope it's nothing important.

Thanks. I expect it's about
Colette's school trip.


can't believe it's a boy,

especially in that hat!

Are you sure that lump
isn't going to hurt him?

It looks far worse than it is.

Do you like your little brother, Karen?

MM -hm.

His name is going to be Ian.

It's my dad's name.

MUTTERING: Oh, Lorna, love...

He passed away
when I was just a toddler.

I think that's a lovely way
to remember him.

Mum? I thought you'd be pleased.

Oh! I'm over the moon!

It's just made me come over
all emotional.

What are you doing?

I'm going to sell some of my clothes
to raise a bit of money.

So we can buy a house?

Well, yes, eventually.


I don't like that dress.

It makes you look like Ermintrude
off The Magic Roundabout.

I wish you'd told me that in the shop!


Uncle Terry and Auntie Vera
are taking me

to Brighton in the holidays.

I'm glad they're looking
after you so well.

One day, we'll be able
to afford a place of our own.

And we'll go to the seaside
every holiday

until you're begging me,

"No, not the beach again, Mummy!"



I'm a little tired tonight, Joe.
It's been a long day.

I've been working hard myself.

I took another job,

if you remember, to earn more money... your kids.

And I'm grateful.

Show me how much.

No, Joe.

I'm not asking your permission.

- MUFFLED: Stop it.
- No!

- Shut it!
- Get off me!


- Not tonight, Joe.
- Shut up, Sandy.

- Stop it.
- Come here!

- You're hurting me!
- Yeah?

- Please!
- Shut up!


I'm glad to have the opportunity
to pray tonight.

I thought Sandy was asking for help.

But now I know her pain
and the source of it.

She's simply withdrawn.

She refuses to let me assist her.

Trust is not easy for women
who have suffered.

Yes, but what can I do, Sister?

Show her, by example,
that she has worth.

That way, she may confide in you again.

But you may be obliged to wait.

Oh. But I'm absolutely terrible
at waiting.

Then you will have to learn.

It's going to be all right. I promise.

Shoes on.

Here you are, lad. Mind the roads.

Oh, no, no, no...

What are you doing here, lady?

You ain't been here all night?

We had nowhere else to go.

Boys do a lot better
with a kite-fold nappy

and a single pin.

I'll show you how to do it.


Here we go.


Oh, Lorna!

It just feels...

...different this time round.

And I know it shouldn't matter,

but his head looks blooming awful.

My mum won't say anything,

but even she keeps looking
at it sideways.

Look, why don't I do Ian's blood test

and then take him to the nursery?

And you can have a sleep.

Everything feels worse
when you're tired.


All right. Come with me, soldier.



Oh, there's a brave boy.

I hope I did the right thing,
bringing her here.

It's all I could do to stop her
from walking off.

Sister Julienne's already on the phone,

trying to find her
a place to stay in a hostel.

I've seen other women in her shoes,

walking the streets at night
to get away from someone's fist,

kiddies in tow.

I say other women...

.| mean my mum.

Oh, Fred...

Shouldn't still be happening.

Well, I wish it weren't.

You look after
that little girl of yours.

Can't put a price on childhood.

I knew we'd be having...


But not like that.

I thought I could stand it.

But then I realised
Ann Marie had overheard,

and that can't happen again.

He'll be up now.

He'll know we've gone.

I did the test several hours ago,

and just when I think
it's stopped bleeding,

it starts again.

Have you seen these?


Tiny, but...

They aren't normal.

I'm going to have to refer him

to the paediatrician at St Cuthbert's.

First, we need to talk to his mother.


Good morning.

Are you Mr Filbert?


I don't really know how this works,

but I have several
fabulous items of clothing

that I hope might be of interest.

Here, we have a psychedelic twist

on the classic mini dress,

perfect with a pair of coloured
tights or go-go boots.

Then there are these very cute culottes.


...a playful plastic mac,

inspired by Mary Quant.

Madam, does this look like
a Paris catwalk?

Quid for the lot.

£ ?

Take it or leave it.

I shall most certainly leave it,
thank you very much!

I just don't know what you mean.
A bleeding disorder?

The first sign was
the haematoma under the scalp.

His blood is obviously
having trouble clotting.

But we can't be sure of anything here.

We can't do the necessary tests.

But some conditions can run in families.

Not in our family, they don't. I'd know.

The ambulance has arrived.

I want to go with him.

I want you to rest here
for at least another day.

Ian is going to be
on the special care baby unit.

There won't be a bed for you.

Oh, I want my mum.

Please. Please, get my mum.

Sh, sh...

This is the address of the hostel.

Are you sure you don't want me
to come with you?

I've just got to get on with it, Sister.

Besides, might look funny,
me turning up with a nun.


Sister Julienne packed
some sandwiches and fruit for you.

I'll come and call on you
tomorrow morning.

Peter hasn't got Mr Wiggle.

He'll be in the bag, Peter.

Thank you, Sister.



Good afternoon.

Flowers from Mr Pryce
and a ship-to-shore telegram.

I'll leave them here for Mrs Pryce
to enjoy when she wakes up.

I asked yesterday
if there was anything wrong

with the baby, and Dr Turner
kept saying he was fine.

He swore blind there was nothing wrong!

A number of symptoms
had yet to become apparent.

Baby tan's problems
were spotted quickly,

and he's in the best possible hands.

This would never have happened
if she'd had a girl.

I'm looking for my wife, Sandy Talbot.

I'm afraid I cannot assist you.

You sure about that, Sister?

Entirely sure.

Please, remove your foot
from the premises,

or I shall be obliged to call the
police and report trespass.

I want Mr Wiggle!

We'll look again in the morning, Peter.

- He wants Mr Wiggle.
- Sh.

BOARDER: Shut that kid up!

Good morning, Miss Higgins.

I've just been with poor Lorna,
and she's desperate for news.

Has Doctor managed to speak
to the paediatrician yet?

I connected them by telephone
ten minutes ago.

Well, that was a bit of a shock.

Baby Ian has haemophilia.

Oh, no.

They're bringing his bleeding
under control,

but the diagnosis is going to
hang over him

for the whole of his life.

Which may be a short life.

Like his grandfather's.


You might wish to look at this.

I had a rather strange exchange
with Lorna's mother,

and I thought I'd check
the family's medical records.

It transpires Lorna's father,
the late Ian Fothergill,

also had haemophilia.

d*ed in his late s after a fall.


Well, it's not going to win
any prizes for cleanliness.

But it's somewhere safe at least.

How are the children coping?

Peter kept everyone awake all night.

We must have left his bunny at the flat,

and he can't sleep without him.

I'm sure we can find him
something else to cuddle.

I'm going to have to go back to get it.

Joe will be out at work now.

Oh. Come in.

Nurse Crane!

I was hoping to see Sister Julienne.

She's been called out to Mrs Kumar.

May I be of assistance?

I was just wondering if there might be

any extra duty that needs covering
over the coming weekends.

We arrange the whole roster
so that you can spend time

with Colette on Saturdays and Sundays.

Yeah, never mind.

It's just, I've seen a lovely
summer trouser suit

that I thought she'd look
really lovely in.

It all adds up.

Your daughter doesn't need more new
clothes any more than you do.

What she wants is your company.

We'll leave your duties as they are.


It affects boys almost exclusively.


What does it actually mean?

For him?

For my baby?

It means that, if Ian hurts himself,

he may bleed very badly

and need hospital treatment
to help his blood to clot.

He's having a transfusion now,
but after that,

he'll probably do very well
until he becomes more mobile

and perhaps gets
little bumps and knocks.

Can you die from it?

Lorna, sometimes life expectancy
is affected.

But your father lived to be almost .

And they're making medical
advances all the time.

My father d*ed of cancer, so...

Well, that's what my mother told me.

Why would she lie?

Are you sure this is the right key?

He's changed the locks.


Sorry to interrupt.
Jonty's a little peckish.

Do not touch that bread -
I need it for the croutons.

And every piece of fruit in that bowl

has a precise and designated purpose,

whilst I, please, note,
have a piping bag in my hand.

Well, that's hardly a m*rder w*apon.

I wouldn't be so sure.

Might I inform you
that I have never found you

more attractive than I do
at the present moment?

How did you find out?

That he had haemophilia?

It was in his medical notes,

because it's a medical matter!

He did well, your dad.

He did well for years...

Until he d*ed!

Aged .

Fell down some stairs in the tenements.

It ruptured something inside.

Why didn't you just tell me the truth?

You made us so happy.

Being parents made us so happy,

and I didn't want you
to be afraid of it,

to avoid it just because
of the haemophilia.

You might only have had girls.

But I didn't only have girls.

I had Ian!

He's what matters now.

And I don't want any more
to do with you.

SANDY: He's changed the locks
without my permission.

Well, you can take it up
with your landlord.

Even if it's not my name
on the rent book?

That might be a problem.

Mrs Talbot's son is four years old
and has an acute condition

that requires
the swift retrieval of medicine

locked in that flat.

Ladies, this is a civil matter,
and we can't get involved.

So what counts as a crime, Constable?

Does cruelty count as a crime?

Does v*olence count as a crime?

Well, it depends on the circumstances.

SHELAGH: You're going to have fun

when your baby brother
comes home from hospital, Karen.

You'll have a ready-made playmate.

I'm ready.

I need to get on with this, Mrs Turner.

Time for you to go with Granny.

No, Mum. You're on the outside now.

Yes, good girl! Oof! OK.

I have outlined Mrs Talbot's
circumstances to you

in words of one syllable.

She is a mother of two.

She has been terrorised by her husband,

who has excluded her from her home
and exercised force,

and yet you insist you have
no power to intervene!

What kind of force?

Physical force...

...of an indecent nature.

I see.

I'm not entirely sure that you do.

Is this true?


It is.

Sister Monica Joan,
I didn't know you were invited.

It doesn't mean you won't be welcome.

It has been said that Nurse Franklin
requires encouragement.

There is none better placed
to provide that than I.

Are the kids really all right
with that policewoman?

Every time I check on them,
they're smiling.

If they're smiling, I can bear this.

I can even bear being examined
by the doctor.

I'm sorry, it's considered necessary.

Words aren't enough, they said.

They have to look for evidence.

But there will be evidence.

You sound stronger.

I'm not strong.

If I was strong, I would have stayed.


Evening. My name is Balfour.

Are you the police surgeon?

No, I'm a detective sergeant.

I understand you told
the constable at the front desk

- you've been r*ped?
- Yes.

By your husband. Is that correct?


In which case...

...nothing we can do.

I beg your pardon?

He's r*ped me every night
since our wedding.

It's not possible under English law
for a man to r*pe his wife.

The offence does not exist.

But the blood on the sheets exists.

My bruises exist.

- Do you need me to show you this?!
- Sandy, Sandy... No.

Do you want me to shut up as well?

You were the one forcing me
to talk about this,

forcing me to come here, and for what?

At least he only humiliated me
behind closed doors.

I'll take Mrs Talbot home.

I don't have a home.

Good evening, all. Please, come on in.

Hello. Lovely.


Sister Monica Joan.



You have a beautiful home.

It's all the better
with the company of friends.

Now, Madame La Chef
has ordered me to offer

everyone an aperitif...


..| would pass some olives around,

but I'm scared to go
get them from the kitchen.



Is Trixie actually growling?

It sounds like
she's wrestling with a bear!


Yeah. I think the bear might
come off worse.


I'm sorry, Sister.

I spoke out of turn.

It's highly possible
I acted out of turn.

I should have put up with it.

When nobody knew, it didn't matter.

I didn't have to be ashamed.

There are plenty of people
and institutions

who deserve to be ashamed.

But not you.

If I divorce him...

...will I have to get a lawyer?

Divorce him?

Cos if I do that,
I'm saying "sod you" to him.

I'm saying, "I don't accept you,

"or your body,
or anything you did to mine."

And I don't know how to get one.

I've never committed a crime.

Thank you so much for coming.

For hors d'oeuvres,
I've made a mousse de legumes

with an additional amuse-bouche
of gazpacho,

which is a chilled soup.

The mousse is green
and the gazpacho's red.


Bon appetit!

Boone chance.

CYRIL: This is so full of
flavour. Lucille would love it.

She's always saying the English
cooking wouldn't be so bad

if they just added a little bit
of garlic to everything.

MONICA JOAN: It must require
considerable skill

to make the texture so very similar.

This mousse de legumes would make a
very nutritious weaning puree.

Well, that's not quite
the accolade I was hoping for,

but an improvement on
previous efforts, nonetheless.

What's in the blood again?

Clotting factor, to stop bleeding.

I've got to go home in a minute.

I've got to put your big sister to bed.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for everything.

Oh, dear, that's such a shame.

I didn't realise you were supposed to

put it in the oven
without the frills on!

And I'm afraid the nut roast
is ruined, too.

Truth to tell, I've always
thought nut roast tasted

ruined in the first place.

CYRIL: And I've had
so many cooked dinners

from Mrs Wallace
and Mrs Buckle this week

that I've completely lost my appetite.

Perhaps we might hasten
forth to dessert!

The finest component of every refection.

It's a tarte Tatin...

or upside-down apple pie.

Deliberately upside down, that is.

Although, there's a possibility
I used...

Salt, not sugar?



Oh, I can't apologise enough!

What ingredients have you left
in the kitchen?

Oh, eggs. So many eggs.

And about a pound of incredibly
expensive Breton butter.

Oh, and some spinach
I'd bought by accident.

I've seen so many families
torn apart by news,

but never such a happy one
so completely devastated.

Lorna couldn't have been closer
to her mother, and vice versa.

I couldn't have been closer to you...

...and yet, I kept a secret once.

About your mental breakdown.

And it came to light while we were
trying to adopt a baby.

Everything around the birth
of a child seems to be felt

so much more intensely.

Joyce lying to Lorna
about her father's illness

has shattered all the trust they had.

But how can they rebuild it?

How did we?

Hardly seems to matter now.

For Lorna,
there's a complicating factor.

I see it so often with the mothers
of sick children.

She's looking for someone to blame.


What's this?

The mirage in the desert?

- No, Nurse Crane.

This is eggs Benedict.


Mr Talbot?

I should've left her in the gutter
where she belonged.

No, where you lay waiting for her.

I don't want her back.

I suspect you'll find
that the sentiment is mutual.

And this is for the kid.

I'm not an animal.


Midwife calling.

I spoke to Hedgehog Ward,

and it seems Ian is going to be
allowed home within a day or two.

We need to start getting things ready.

My body's already ready.

There's milk everywhere.

If you tell me where your breast
pads are, I'll fetch them.

I don't know where anything is.

My mum did it all.

She was going to do it all.


I missed you, sweetheart.

How was school?

I got a gold star for arithmetic.

Miss says I've got a head for figures.

You certainly didn't get that from me.

Does that feel better?

My mum must have washed this by hand.

Smells of her special soap flakes.

I don't know what these smell of,

but they've been beautifully prepared.

That was all her.

She kept going on and on
about me having another girl.

I know why now.

She was terrified of it being a boy.

Your mother wanted you to have
the pleasure of

holding a baby in your arms.

Every cupboard and drawer
upstairs is filled to the brim

with her love for you.

Love doesn't lie, though, does it?

Love hopes.

And love forgives.


If the love is real,

it's less painful to let the anger go.

And, Lorna, tan's blood disease
is not your mother's fault

any more than it is yours.


ON TV: It all started one Monday.


Sid and I had gone to see Gran...

Nurse Corrigan?

There's a man from Palmer's
electrical shop at the door.

He's most insistent
that he speaks with you.


MATTHEW: The legalities are pretty grim.

Since your husband hasn't
deserted you or committed adultery,

I think you'll have to try
to prove cruelty.

He r*ped her!

Is that not cruelty enough?

Legally, r*pe is only
grounds for divorce

if the husband r*pes
another woman, not his wife.

Also, because you've been
married for under three years,

you will have to prove
exceptional hardship or depravity.

Like strangling?

Pressing his hand on my throat?

I certainly think you have a case.

But you'll have to be prepared
to go into details in court.

And he might contest it.

He might even, in theory,

choose to defend himself.

Well, what does that mean?

He would be able to
question you in court.

The more I learn about the legal system,

the more sickened I become.

I'm going to get him into court
and tell the truth,

even if I have to save up
my money for years.

No, you are, in fact,
entitled to legal aid

for matrimonial cases these days.

And I will help you to find a solicitor.


Why are you letting him
take away the television?


Colette, finish watching
your programme downstairs

while I have a word with your mother.


Right, young lady, you stay there.

I'm going to put the kettle on

and then you've got
some explaining to do.

How much do you owe in total?


Just short of £ .


That's weeks and weeks
and weeks of your salary.

Even I can do those sums.

Look, everyone makes mistakes.

It's not easy to manage your finances,

and I forget sometimes
that you've had no guidance.

I was an orphan.

Colette's in foster care.

I just wanted her to have all the things

that help you pass as normal in a crowd.

I never had them.

How about we sit down
at the weekend together

and take a look at your income
and your outgoings,

and I'll help you draw up
a repayment plan within your budget?

Would you?

If you'll let me.

I grew up watching my mother
counting every penny.

We could have won medals for thrift.

But there was always a fire in the grate

and good, plain food on the table.

I'll bow to her for that
for the rest of my days.

I didn't think I'd need to learn

to be a mother.

It seems nobody's born knowing, lass.

I'll get tear stains on you.

It'll all come out in the wash.


Good girl. That's it. Ohh...

Little boy to see you...

...and two girls.

Better late than never. Brave boy!


Oh! Are you wearing lipstick?

Well, you got to make an effort.

This is for you.

It's a copy of the typed report
I sent your solicitor

asserting my strong conviction
that you and your children

will be better off
if the marriage is dissolved.

Everything he's done to me.

All written down in black and white.

It makes it real.

It has made me... very angry.

I saw.

And I wanted to say thank you,

because when I saw you shouting,

I knew I could shout, too.

Ian seems to have taken to
the breast wonderfully.

Much better than Karen.

He seems to have just got on with it.

Aw. He's a happy, thriving baby

who's already gaining weight.

Every time you worry about his future,

you must remind yourself of that.

Six wet ones out, six dry ones in.

Thanks, Mum.

We're a good little team, aren't we?

All right, who wants a hold?

He's a little squirmer.


Oh, that's it.

He's your father all over again.

Proper little frown on him.

I only remember my dad laughing.

He used to laugh every day.

We made a point of it because
we didn't know how long we'd have.

We'll make sure this little
fella laughs every day, too,

for as long as we have him.

For as long as we're all together.

That may be for a long, long time.


You stopped talking to me when we
had the upstairs television.

Maybe that's no bad thing.

You always say unkind things
about yourself.

It makes me sad.

Well, I'm going to show you
something that will make you happy.


What is it?

A Post Office book.

You can see everything I spend
and everything I save up

written down here in this column.

I'm going to show this to you every week

so you can see how close we are
to getting our own flat.

I like that.

MATURE JENNIFER: Once we start
to grow, nothing is ever

entirely innocent or easy,

and the best things in life
are not gifts,

but earned and even fought for.

Love deepens.

Respect blooms.

We share more than we keep,

grow more than we reap or spend.

Loss is endured, and the heart
learns to be steadfast.

There is strength in all of this,

and piece by piece, we are made whole.

- You wanted a boy.
- Can I not want just one son?

My name is Threapwood.

I'm the new chairman
of the Board of Health.

I've been summoned.

What if they tell me
I've got to give up working?

The maternity home and the surgery
are closing with immediate effect.

He just doesn't seem quite right.

Prepare the resuscitation equipment.

What is happening?