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03x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/16/23 09:34
by bunniefuu

Well, I fancied a day out
in Leeds meself, so...

What's going on, Clare?

Why is everybody pretending
you're going to Leeds

when you're not? You're in

I know where they are.

I saw 'em go in.

Saw you drop them off.

I don't go in with them.

Once, you did.

Once, I did.

Why don't we just start
at t'beginning?

Well, no, you could skip
the bit where our Becky

hanged herself because of
what he did to her.

And the bit where Ann Gallagher
was abducted, terrorised

and r*ped for
the best part of a week,

thinking she was going to die.

And the bit where
Kirsten McAskill,

sweet little Kirsten McAskill,

had a car driven back and forth
over her till her innards

burst out of every orifice
in her body.

And the bit where I nearly died
in hospital,

having me spleen removed.


Why don't we skip all that guff
and just cut to the chase?

# There's a tower block overhead

# And all you got is your benefits
and you're barely scraping by

# In this trouble town

# Troubles are found

# Stuck in speed bump city

♪ Where the only thing that's pretty
is the thought of getting out. ♪


How you doing?

I'm all right, thanks. How's


Good, good.



Do you want to get tea
and biscuits, Neil?

Yeah, yeah.

Have you had a good week, then,

CLARE: He's been writing to him
since he were ten.


That...Frances, Cicely, Cecily,

whatever her name
ended up being,

gave him his address
at Gravesend.

And he wrote. Ryan did.

And he didn't hear owt back
for long enough,

but he kept writing.

Then when he...

..moved up here,
which as far as I understand

were a complete fluke, I don't
think he asked to be moved,

he managed to get a message
to Ryan.


We think somebody
he'd been inside with.

Oh, do we?

A man handed him an envelope
outside t'school gates.

This were...don't know,
months ago?

How did he know which school
he was at?

I've no idea.

We've no idea who he was.
Ryan doesn't.

He's never seen him since. Jesus.

Anyway, this note with his new
address at this prison here.

And in the note, he said
he'd had all of Ryan's letters,

everything he'd ever sent,
but he'd never answered him

because he couldn't, short of
sending it to your house,

which obviously
wasn't going to happen.

And Ryan knew, he understood
it were impossible.

So he'd given up ever expecting
anything back.

But then,
after all that time...

..he got this note asking him
to visit him.

So... So you took him?


I knew nowt about it.

He asked Neil
if he'd help him,

and I think Neil thought...

I don't know.

You know how persuasive

Ryan can be.
I know how soft Neil is.

Anyway, after the first time,

Neil were worried he'd done
the wrong thing, so...

..he told me.
And I were t'same as you -

amazed, appalled.

And I told him, I said,
"This has got to stop."

But then Ryan got difficult
and angry and upset.

And...the thing is, you see,

he doesn't really know
a lot of what...

He didn't live through it
like we did

because we kept it from him,
as much as we could.

He doesn't really know
what happened to Kirsten.

He does.
He doesn't.

He knows that she died
in appalling circumstances.

He does.
He definitely knows that.

He doesn't really know about
what happened with Ann.

Do you really think
he don't Google stuff?

And he also knows that
I was in hospital for weeks

because of what he did to me.

He doesn't really know
about what happened...

..with his mother.

Because he's never been told.

Well, why didn't you tell me?

Because I were frightened

because of the way
it affects you.

I kept saying
I wasn't comfortable

or happy with it
and that you'd go mad, but...

It's a really easy
conversation, Clare.

You go, "There's a lot
you don't understand

"and I hope you never have to.
But please,

"please trust me when I say
that the answer is no, no, no.

"You do not want to go visiting
that deranged,

"murdering, subhuman
piece of excrement."

I know, but you know...

..he is his dad.

WHISPERS: He's not his dad.

Don't you start calling him
his dad.

Biologically, he is.

And he's curious.

Who wouldn't be?
He's growing up.

He's growing up, he wants to know

about himself.
God, this is mad, Clare.

He's been writing to him
since he was ten.

It in't going to go away.

And it's only something he'd do
anyway, soon enough,

when he's old enough.

You're just weak.

And naive.

Well, obviously -
that's why he came to you.

Cos nobody else
would have done it.

I'm amazed you have.

The one time I went in...

..the second time
he visited him,

I wanted to see
what were going on,

what he wanted,
what he were after.

And I think if I detected
anything off-kilter,

I'm fairly certain
I would have told you.

But I didn't.

There were nothing.

It were like they did just want
to get to know each other.

And it's what the courts
would let him do anyway.

You know that.

He genuinely seemed thrilled
to see him

and genuinely seemed to want to

just get to know him. You
know, Clare, this is a fella...

..who poured petrol over him

and tried to set fire to him.

Yeah, but he didn't.

Yeah, because we stopped him.

Well, he were in a very bad
place when he did that.

For f*ck's sake!

He would have k*lled himself
as well, if he'd had done it.

He weren't going to come
out of there laughing, was he?

Are you seriously trying
to excuse the shit-pot?

Look, I never asked to be
in this position

and I've had to try and make
sense of it as best I could.

Ah. You never were overly
bright, were you, Clare?


Can I just try and say
what I'm trying to say, and why

it wasn't just as simple as

coming to tell you
what was going on?

Oh, whatever.

But I am going to
have to interrupt

if you're going to
keep talking shit.

What if seeing Ryan
having a good relationship

with someone
he clearly thinks a lot of,

who has been brought up well...

What if seeing someone who
comes from a normal world

makes this... understand something

about trying to be
a better person?

What if this is
the one good thing,

the one good, simple

that he's never had before,

that makes a difference?
What if through this,

because of this, it got to
a point where Tommy...

Oh, "Tommy".
..understood enough

about how abnormal
his behaviour's been?

And what if he got to a place
where he wanted to be different

and he wanted to be forgiven?

And if that happened, if,

and if you could forgive him...

..wouldn't that be better?

For you more than anyone.

And I mean, it's not like he'll
ever get out of there, is it?

He will die in there,
and he should. He should.

Of course he should.

But if there were a way
of finding some...


..wouldn't that be something?

And maybe...

..I don't know,
maybe this is where it starts.

Has he given you any indication
that he wants to be forgiven?

No. No.

No. And he won't, Clare,

because some people are just
too far beyond the pale.

And you know...'s not even his fault.

He was born this way,
with this...this kink,

this...this absence,
and, yeah, certainly

being brought up by
a heroin addict didn't help.

And that's why we
throw away the key.

I'll tell you what,

here's the deal.

when he asks me
to forgive him...

..I will.

How about that?

It won't happen.

He's a narcissist,
he's a psychopath.

I can tell you for a fact
that it won't happen.

And have you considered,

whilst Ryan's having this
marvellous effect on him,

what the effect on Ryan is

going into a place like that?
A Cat A prison

full of the worst,
most damaged,

most sick people on Earth?

He's young, he's impressionable.

He shouldn't even have to

think about people like that
at his age,

and I have done my damnedest

to keep him away
from any of it.

And you have just...

You have just...

..blithely let him
go in there.

There were nothing blithe
about it.

He wanted to go in there.

Why did you only go in once?

Because I didn't like it.


But you let him go in.

I wasn't the one
who wanted to see him.

I am not going to fall out
with you, Catherine.

Is it your choice?

Nobody means more to me
than you do, you know that.

Just tell that Neil

that I'll deal with him
when I see him.

Stupid bitch.

f*cking hell.





GUARD: Time's up!

Hey, you know I'm going to be in

This Tuesday.

I pleaded guilty
to this...thing.

I didn't do owt,
but I were there, so...

..anyway, I'll be in court
in Leeds.

You should come and see me
if you like.

You could sit in the visitors'
gallery. Can we?

Yeah. Yeah...


Oh, no, it's Tuesday.
I'll be in school.

Yeah - see if you can get
a day off, then, eh?

Hey, and stick up for yourself
wi' this Hepworth.

He sounds like a d*ck.

Yeah. I think things might
be better now.

You, keep an eye on him.

Think Catherine's
got that covered.



Come on.

Yeah, see ya.

Hey, how was your skydiving?

Oh, my God. It was immense.

Yeah? Yeah.

Oh, I want to do that.

One day, eh? You and me.
Bungee jumping!

That's what I want to do.
Do ya?

Yeah, we'll do it.
That's what we'll do.

Yeah. You coming, Neil?

No, I'm past all that.

I'll come and watch, though,
and take some pictures.

It's a date.

See ya...


Why do you think
he says stuff like that?

We aren't going bungee jumping.

Even if he got parole,
which he won't... the time he got out,
he'd be, like, .

And I'd be,
like, or something.

You know, perhaps
when you're in for life...

Perhaps you need to use
a bit of...self-kidology, eh?

Keep yourself going.

Oh, here she is.
Come on.

She knows.


She knows.








What are you doing?!

I just wanted to say...

..I think you should do
what you said.

I think you - we - should... know.

Send him on his way.

Are you around
Monday lunchtime?

CATHERINE: I had this idea that
I'd try and tell him the truth,

or a version of it,
when he was .

I thought,
let him have his birthday,

give it a week, and then...

..tell him that his mother
didn't die in childbirth.

But then be very clear...

..about the fact that his...

..that his da...


That his dad... not someone he should
feel under any obligation

to get to know.

And then let him
make the choice.

But be clear, if he did choose
to get to know him,

that that would have to be it

as far as him and me
were concerned, because...

..for them to have
any kind of a relationship

after what happened to Becky...

..would be so repugnant to me

that it isn't something
I'd be prepared to live with.

But it's happened.

They are having some kind
of relationship

and I didn't know a damn thing
about it.

And it sounds like they
get on like house on fire.


Ten years old.

All this time, you think
you know someone,

you live with someone.

God, I must be slow.

The fact that he never
mentioned him

should have rung
alarm bells, but...

..instead, I just allowed
myself to think

that he didn't even
think about him any more.

That he kind of got it.

And there's me thinking Clare's
the naive one, bloody hell.

Clare should have told you.

He's going to have to go
and live there with them.

Not having him here.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry I left you
on your own to deal with it...


..when she died.

Can't imagine
why I did that, now.

What a coward.

We both did what we had to do.

I think we both probably
went a bit mad.

I think the only way to cope
with something like that

is to go a bit mad for a while.



You all right?
Should've told her.

You should have told me before
you took him that first time.

What are you going to say
when she asks? Cos she will.

Same as I told you.

Felt sorry for him.

And if I didn't take him,
who would?

It's what he wanted, Clare.

Ryan, come on, love,
it's ready. Turn that off.


Where is he?

CLARE: Ryan!

Come on.

Better face the music
sooner rather than later.

I'm sorry, Catherine.
He should never have taken him,

and I should have come
and told you,

and we shouldn't...
Yeah, but you did, so...

Him? Neil? Whatever.
But you?


What have you brought that for?

So obviously you knew
this was a problem,

which is why you
haven't told me about it.

You're not chucking me out.
I brought your pyjamas

and a toothbrush
and a sleeping bag

and I think it might be best
if you stay here

a few nights. What about my games?

Can I have two minutes
with him?

So obviously
this is all my fault

for not addressing things
more clearly with you.

I thought in some ways I had,

Perhaps I thought
you'd picked up on

more than you have,
but maybe not.

I need my gaming things.

Yeah, I'll get your games

Not trailing back and forth
again tonight.

It's only round the corner.

I'll come and get it.
There are things you need

to understand, so that
your decision to visit... keep visiting him,
if that's your plan,

is as informed

as it can be. I don't want to talk
about it.

No, neither do I,
so I'll be brief.

So the first thing
to be clear about

is that the way this man is,
who you're choosing to visit,

isn't necessarily hereditary.

All right?
Do you know what that means?

Hereditary? Yeah. Tell me what you
think it means. Why?

So I know you know
what I'm talking about.

It's like what you inherit,

like, genes from your parents.

Right. And grandparents. Yeah.

So...yeah, some things you
inherit, some things not.

So he has a kink in his brain.

A twist.

A psychological...


It's an absence of something
that allows him to...

..possibly seem
quite normal to you,

but it allows him
to do things -

evil things, nasty things,

things that normal people
just wouldn't do,

things that he's ended up
in prison for.

For ever.

Now, you don't have that kink,
that absence.

You have a normal brain.

Yeah, I know.

You are not evil. Yes!

And... Yeah, don't speak to me
like that.

So what you have to understand
is... Right,

you know, my tea's going cold.

What you having?

That'll be all right.
What you have to understand...

I'm not a weirdo.
Neil's explained all this.

Has he?
Kind of.

All right. OK.

OK. Well, good.


So what you also have to
understand is... that he wasn't very nice
to your mum.

Has Neil told you that?

No. OK.

So when your mum died... broke my heart.

And I can't tell you why
or how,

you're just going to have
to trust me,

but it was his fault.

How? Did he k*ll her?

No. How, then?

Well, it's complicated,
and like I said,

you're going to have to trust me.
But this is how serious it is.

If you continue to visit him,

if you continue to choose
to visit him... can't live with me.


I thought she died giving birth
to me.

Well, it was just after.

How was it his fault, then?

I've said all I can say.

No, tell me!
I've asked you to trust me.

Everything I do,
everything I've ever done

is in your best interests.

I don't want you
to keep visiting him.

And if you do want to keep
visiting him,

you're going to have to live here
with these two.

Did she k*ll herself?

But he loved her.
He's told me.

I've got to go now.
So why would she?

People who love people

don't treat people
the way he treated her.

So, did she? k*ll herself?

I can't live here. It's tiny.

Dwell on it.



What a...f*cking mess.

So why has Neil

taken it upon himself
to do that?

Who knows?
Because he's an odd bod.

He had limited access to his
own kids after his divorce,

because of the drinking.

So my mum thinks it might be
summat to do with that, but... know, they were kids

that he'd had
a relationship with

for the first or years
of their lives.

And Clare?

How is your mum?


The mad thing is, though,

even if she did get
a court order,

they'd probably think
it was a good thing,

you know, for him to have
a relationship with his dad.

Is she all right?

Anything to do with
that evil piece of...

..dirt just stirs it all up
for her again, you know?


I thought you'd stopped.

Yeah, well, I haven't.

I love you.

I know.

And he can't touch you.

He will die in there.

It's just...

..anything to do with him,
it's like...


..fucks me up.

I know. I know.

I know.


I start my attachment to CID

You are, are you?

I put in an application
months ago.

I did tell you.

Very good.

Good for you.

Yeah! Yeah. Yeah? Yeah!

Just shit timing.

Come and live round ours.

Your mum doesn't like me.
She does.

She'll be fine.
She'll be thrilled.

You can have my bed.
I'll sleep on t'floor.

You can't be doing with dogs
barking and babies crying.

Not when you've got your GCSEs
coming up.

You'll go crazy.

What are babies for, even?
They just cry

and shit. You should have
knocked on t'wall.

I'd have knocked on t'wall.


No bloody way.

What? The bi-atch.

Leave it. It's fine.
"But he is homeless."

I put homeless in capitals.
I'm not homeless.

And an exclamation mark.

A one-bedroom flat with
a couple of alcoholics?

I think you are.

Recovering alcoholics... That's not
the same... Cawood!


You all right, lad?

Just to say, you played
very well on Saturday.

I'm glad we've cleared the air.

Did you win?

No, but Ryan made some
very respectable saves.

What's the matter?
"Tell him,

"whatever the hell he's done,
to apologise to his granny."

He's had a bust-up
with his granny, so he's gone

to live with his Auntie Clare
and she's a bit...flaky.

What was it about?

His dad. Me dad.

Didn't know you had a dad.
He's in prison.

Do you, er,
want to talk about it?

To someone? Could help.

It doesn't have to be me. Or...

Well, it could be.

Be good to talk.

Wish me luck, Dad!

Why? What are you doing?
Science test!

She's talked about nowt else
since last night.

Oh, sorry.
Yes. Good luck.

And don't say "nowt"!
Say nothing.

Big day.
Big day in Toy Town.

Shut your mouth. Oi, oi, oi!

Tell her, Dad!
Just do your best.

Thanks for driving us in, again,

See ya.

MAIRA: You don't need to bust
a gut, is all I'm saying.

They'll only pay for
one of us to get through

medical school,
and it won't be you.

You'll be cleaning toilets,

so why bother? No, I won't!

It's what happened to him.

See ya!

Grandma and Grandad
paid for Uncle Maruf

to do seven years
at medical school.

He had to pay for himself,

so he could only afford to
study pharmacy for four years.

That's why he's got such
a massive chip on his shoulder.

I kind of knew.

Kind of worked it out.

But then me Auntie Clare
told me,

cos I made her. And do you know why

your mum did that?

They were, like,
seeing each other.

And my dad says he loved her,
and I think he did,

in his own way.

But I think it was, you know... abusive relationship.

So me granny blames him
when she gets upset.

Like when we visit me mum,
up in Heptonstall.

You visit your mum?

Where she's buried.

I'm sorry...
if I've been hard on you.

I didn't realise you had
all this to contend with.

I haven't, normally.

She's found out
I've been going to see him,

so she's flipped her lid.

How would you feel if you did
have to stop visiting him?


Family life is often difficult
to negotiate,

even when it's not
as complicated as yours.

My marriage...

..isn't a happy one.

Isn't it?


We all have our crosses
to bear.

But I want you to know,
the door's always open.

All right?

You'd better get on.


The dead woman
is Danielle Womersley.

She's years old,

and what seems to have happened

is that she fell
from the window

trying to escape from the flat,

or possibly trying to take
her own life.

She's registered blind.

No family's been identified,
but there is a boyfriend,

and he was in the flat

when she was trying to
climb out of the window.

The room that she was
escaping from was locked,

and CCTV shows a man
leaving the flat,

possibly when he's realised

that she was taking a dive
out of the window.

Now he doesn't go
and check on her.

He don't call for an ambulance.

He leaves the flat carrying
these two rucksacks

and he drives off to an address
in Queensbury in this Toyota.

Do we know
what's in the rucksacks?

Cash? Socks? His toothbrush?

Well, given the amount of cash
that was found at the address,

upwards of grand,
then, yeah,

it's possible he was trying to
move as much cash as he can,

as fast as he can,
when he's realised

that things
aren't going to plan.

Now, the Toyota is registered
to a Josip Matic

at an address in Queensbury.

H-MET have got obs on
an address in Queensbury -

not his registered address,
but we've had other intel

and we know he's in there.

It's a street
we're all familiar with,

so I've alerted uniform

that we might need some
assistance with the arrest,

which we're going to move on
sometime later this morning.

Two other males were seen

coming and going from the
Elland flat the previous week,

and the same two males
the week before that,

so they need to be ID'd
as a priority.

"In light of recent incidents,
sightings and happenings

"across the Yorkshire
and Humberside area,

"the Home Office
has deemed it necessary

"to appoint in each division

"one constable
as a dedicated...

"..alien life-form
liaison officer."

A what?

An alien life-form

liaison officer.
Is that a joke?

Do I look like a comedian?

No, Sarge.
No. And just to be clear,

I think they're taking the piss

when we're so short-staffed,
but who am I to question

the wisdom of
the Home Secretary?

"If anyone is interested,

"the successful applicant
must have completed

"their probationary period

"and must demonstrate
an interest

"in unexplained aerial
phenomena in the locality."

There are application forms
here, if anyone is interested.

I'll have a look.

This is right up my street,

Is it? Very good.

Did you hear what happened
to me yesterday?

I did, yes. So,

there must have been
other sightings as well

in the Yorkshire
and Humberside area.

That's, yeah, the inference.

Wow. Me nan's always said
there's more

between heaven and Earth than
any of us ever know about.

Well, I'm sure she's right.

Meanwhile, back on Earth...

..CID have requested

assistance with an arrest
at an address up Queensbury

later this morning, to do with
that dead girl down in Elland,

Mrs Bhuppal.

There'll be a briefing upstairs
'round about o'clock.

I'll say it now and I'll say it
again before we leave.

Please, please remember
your PPE. Mrs Bhuppal,

what did I just say?

PPE, Sarge.



f*ck off.




That bad, eh?


So...last night...

..I drank too much.


Because of all this about Ryan.

And then...this morning,

that girl who fell out
the window in Elland.

She was blind
and she had got no family

and she thought this bloke
were her boyfriend,

and they was just using her,

using her flat to stash
their filthy, shitty money in.

And then t'penny must have
dropped what was going on,

so they held her hostage
in her own flat,

for two or three weeks,
by the sound of things.

And sounded like she...

Sounded like she was just
trying to escape

when she fell, so...

Do you want to go home?

I have this thing, I get... here,

and stuff like this with Ryan,

it triggers it.

It's like...

..when they took me
into that garage,

they'd stuffed me inside
a sleeping bag, upside down.

Somebody pulled me
out of the van.

And it was...him.

And he goes,

"Don't give me any shit,
you little bastard,

"or I'll chop your tits off."

So I didn't scream.

And I should have screamed,

I should have screamed my
f*cking head off, cos if I had,

then somebody might have
heard me,

or they might have panicked
and made a mistake,

and then none of the rest
would have happened.

But I didn't...

And I know
it's a survival thing

and I know
I'm not a coward.

So why does it play over
and over and over in here?


Well, because you're human.

Because what happened
to you was horrendous.

You can go home if you want.

I'll speak to the DI,
he'll underst...

All right.

I was just saying it to you.


What are you going to do?

About Ryan?

Is he still round at theirs?

Yeah. He came to fetch

his homework last night,
which was a tale.

Never normally gives a toss
about his homework,

but he's worked out that...

He's worked out that
Becky took her own life.

Apparently, Clare spent Saturday
evening explaining to him why -

well, a version of why -
but he still wants to

go and visit him.

"He's still me dad."

Good luck to him, eh?

So, who started all this about
an alien liaison officer?

Oh, Gorkem saw a strange light
moving in an erratic manner

over Erringden Moor at five
o'clock yesterday morning.

So then he started Googling
stuff and found out about

that bobby in Todmorden
in ,

reckoning he'd been
abducted by aliens,

so now he's convinced himself
that the Earth's only days away

from being overrun
by little green men.

Fancy travelling all that way
through the galaxy

and ending up in Todmorden.

Well, you know,

come all that way, you've got
to land somewhere.

Yeah, but Tod? I mean,

you'd just open
your capsule door,

stick your antennae up

and turn around
and go home, wouldn't you?

Well, I would, certainly.

Anyway, I thought you'd like to
know that he's just handed in

his application form to Mike.

What did Mike say?

I don't know.

You think it's gone on
long enough?

Do you think
you should tell him the truth

before he makes a pillock
of himself

with a member of the public?

Look, it's Shaf's
jolly little jape -

it's him you need to talk to,
not me.


Catherine Cawood.

DI GASKILL: Catherine, can we
have your team upstairs

in five minutes for this
Josip Matic arrest briefing?

You can indeed, sir.

Upstairs now, boys and girls.

f*ck's sake.

Viktor's here.

Hey, Viktor.

The chief knows what happened
in that flat down at Elland.

It's been in the paper.

He put two and two together.

He says, "You think this
is how to run a business?"

A woman dead,

G left behind in a flat
by a moron,

and the feds all over it.

Josip said she was happy.

She was happy every time
we went around there.

We didn't know she knew stuff
until he rang us up, panicking.

You brought him in.
We didn't know

the dumb bitch would try
flying out the window.

You should know.
You should make it

your business to know
that someone like that

hasn't got it in them to try
anything that f*cking stupid.

And then he says,

"This Josip didn't get
any of the money out?

"He didn't think to take
anything with him?"

He panicked.

What do you want us to do?

He wants Josip moved on.


..moved on as in...?
Moved on.

Before the feds get to him.

He won't talk.
He's been briefed.

He won't talk because you

are going to pick him up
before they do.

He's ditched his phone.

They won't find him.
You need to go there

right now. Do you think the chief

will still want to come to
me wedding on Wednesday?

If you sort this out.
If you don't, you'll be lucky

to be at your own f*cking
wedding on Wednesday.




I didn't know if you'd come.

I do what I say I'll do.

Like help me get a flat?

First things first. I'm...


I'm not in your contacts
on your phone, am I?

No. Why?

Just checking.

And have you ever
looked the pharmacy up

on your computer or anything?

Because we have to make sure

nobody can connect me to him.

So, obviously, if they can
connect me to you,

that's a connection to him.

I haven't. Right.

So Friday night, you crush up
three diazepam...

This Friday?
This Friday, and then you...

Three? Three or four.

Have you got enough left?


Right. And then you put them
in his drink,

whatever he's drinking,
but not the first one.

Wait till he's well under way
and then do it.

Will he be well under way
by ?

Right, well, at that time,

and don't rush,
I'll be just out here, waiting.

As soon as he's unconscious,
you let me in, and...

..that's it. I'll do it.

You'll do it?

I'll inject him with thin air,
as discussed.

It's a syringe.

I want you to hide this

I don't want to risk it
falling out of my pocket

when I'm climbing up
that f*cking wall.

Somewhere handy.

I'll, er, put it in here,

under one of these.

So, I'll do the thing.

It'll take about seconds.

And then... Is that all?


And then we'll put him
in his car and I'll drive him

into Huddersfield, and then
I'll just leave him in his car

somewhere near
Great Northern Street.

What about your wife?
Won't she...?

No, she'll be out of it.

I'll drop a bit of something
in whatever she's drinking.

And then your story will be

that you went to bed
at past ten,

and that you left him up here
drinking in front of the telly

and that you had no idea
he drove into town

looking for prostitutes,

when the rest of the house
was asleep. Yes?

And when it's done,

I don't want any more contact
between us at all.

Is that clear?

You need more pills,
you go to your GP again.

Except, you won't need any more,
because you'll be shot of him.


Are you... Are you sure
you want to do this? For me?

Yes. But you don't mention
anything about me to the police

when they come back to you
about those pills they took.


Yeah, of course.

How, how will we get him
into his car?

We'll manage.

He weighs st.

We'll manage between us.

Dead bodies are very unwieldy.

I'm sure they...
How do you know?

It was on t'telly,
in this crime thing.

Well, I'm stronger than I look.


What's funny?


Nothing's funny!

I'm trying to help you, Joanna.
I know, and I'm sorry.

I'm trying to find a way

to solve the mess
that's been created!

What's in the garage?

Nothing. Stuff.

Can I have a look?


I need to get the...

..the key.

He, erm, keeps it locked.

He keeps everything
f*cking locked.


GORKEM: ..speed of light,
disappeared into thin air.

Then there was
this other incident.

This was in the s.

Field full of cows,
also in Todmorden.


Shit! What are we going to do?

Drive round the block.

This whole herd disappeared
from one side of the valley

to the other, overnight.

And physically they just
could not have got there.

It was impossible.

There were fences, gates.

An entire herd!
Will you shush?

What are they doing?

Why haven't they gone in?

Who's in there with him?

Who can we phone?

He might have done one.
He might have gone.

Yeah. Yeah,
and what if he hasn't?

GORKEM: None of them missing,
none of them harmed.


And this is very

PC BHUPPAL: I'm not disputing
what you're saying.

I'm just saying,
why would they bother?

Come all this way from Uranus,

do you really think
they're going,

"Oh, let's shift these cows.
That'll mystify everybody."

Right, well, you tell me
how it happened, then.

Cattle rustlers!

RADIO: Go, go, go.
Go, go, go. Shut up! Go!


Show yourself! Police!

PC BHUPPAL: Downstairs clear!

SHAF: Stay where you are!

GORKEM: Josip Matic!
Where are you, mate?

Stay where you are!

Hey, get down here now.

He's in the loft,
he's not coming down.

All right.

We're going up.

Eyes peeled outside.

What... What are you
looking for?

I could drag him out this way.

Open this door.

Reverse his car in a bit.
Nobody'd see anything.

Yeah. Er...

Maybe we shouldn't.


Do it.

I know I've always said if
I don't do something to him,

he'll do something to me,
but I don't...

I don't think...

You told him about me.

It isn't just about you.

You told him it was me
who gave you that diazepam.

Yeah, but...

All right. So, erm...

I didn't.


I lied. He...doesn't know
about you.


I just said that
so you'd help me, but...

..he doesn't. He doesn't.

So we don't have to do this.

And I think it might be better

if I just went back and talked
to that police lady,

asked her to help me.
I won't say anything

about you.
You lied?!


So we're not doing it.

Do you want to?
Do I want to?

No, I don't want to.

I just don't want people
behaving like...

So he doesn't know?

He definitely doesn't know?


Are you lying?


But is that all right?
Not doing it.



As long as you're not going to
keep pestering me

to help you with money and
somewhere to live, if we don't.

Oh, er...

Oh, God.

Maybe we should do it.

You're a liability!
Don't say that.

How do I know you're not lying?
Because I'm not lying!

You lied in the first place,
saying he did!

Yeah, cos I needed you
to help me.

Yeah, and now you're going
to go back to your police lady
and tell her God knows what!

I won't say owt about you!

Oh, promise?!

f*ck off.

Anyway, I'm not lying,
cos if I was, don't you think

he'd have knocked on
your door by now

and smashed your teeth down
your f*cking throat for you?

And been to the police?

You'd better lock that door,

or he'll know you've been
in there.


What's happening, Shaf?

Anything? He's gone through!

It's a through-er! He's gone
through to another house.



f*cking shoelaces! You're under
arrest... Keep still...

You're under arrest... Get off me,
you stupid bitch! Stop f*cking
kicking me!

Pulling my f*cking pants

..On suspicion of
false imprisonment.

f*ck you, bitch!

f*ck you, buster.

Man, we are f*cking dead.

..But it may harm your defence
if you do not mention

when questioned something
you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be
given in evidence.

You're also under arrest

on suspicion of
money laundering.

f*cking hell.

You got that, you little shit?



Are you all right?
RADIO: , go ahead.


Write that down.





ROB: Hello, this is Rob,
Jo and the girls.

There's no-one to take
your call at the moment,

but if you'd like to leave
a message,

we'll get back to you
as soon as we can.

Nice one, Sarge.

Hiya, Joanna.
It's Catherine Cawood

from Skircoat Road
Police Station in Halifax.

Er, just to say I've had the
forensic analysis report back

on the pills I took from you,

and I know you're not due
to answer bail

for another two weeks,
but if you want to

get it over and done with,
I'm on duty

today until six o'clock.

So give us a ring
when you get this call,

let me know how you're fixed.

OK, bye-bye.