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03x01 - Halmar

Posted: 01/16/23 09:11
by bunniefuu
In seconds, we'll see the greatest
hospital disaster in recent history.

Give me back my child!

The sun turns so red mother,
and the night became black

Little Brother is dead, mother,
and Mona has been lost

Åge walks outside, mother,
we lock our door

It blows on my pillow, mother,
will The Kingdom be like before?

Imagine, they can sell those
half-witted songs?

That is not an ending.

There is...

Little Brother


The Kingdom is not well yet!

You can easily get those
pathetic knots undone.

It's Little Brother, who's calling.

Can't you hear him?

Or don't you care, as per usual?

I do care.

What is Little Brother saying?

He says, he's drowning.



I didn't order a taxi.

Don't worry.
It's all taken care of.

The Kingdom Hospital
rests on ancient marshland.

Where the bleaching ponds once lay.

Here the bleachers moistened
their great spans of cloth

in the shallow waters
preparing for bleaching.

The steam evaporating covered
the place in a permanent fog.

Centuries later the hospital was
built here.

The bleachers gave way to
doctors and the nations brightest

and the most perfect technology.

To crown the work they called the
hospital The Kingdom.

Now life was to be charted,

and ignorance and superstition
never to shake science again.

Perhaps their arrogance became
too pronounced,

and their persistent denial
of the spiritual,

For it is like the cold and damp
has returned.

Tiny signs of fatigue is appearing

in the otherwise solid and
modern buildings.

No living person knows it yet,

but the gateway to The Kingdom
is opening once again.


Part 9.

I would like to speak to
Mrs Drusse.

It's been a while since anybody
asked for Mrs Drusse.

Can't you get it.
Mrs Drusse doesn't exist.

That bloody TV series has
damage The Kingdoms reputation.

It's all something, that idiot Trier
has fumbled his way through to.

Mrs Drusse is fictional.

Then I would like to speak to
Little Brother.

He is in trouble.

I'm afraid, he's about to drown.

You can show yourself out.

How do you know all this is real?

But I don't actually know.

You won't remember anything anyway,
when you wake up.

That varies. Sometimes nothing,
but most times a little a bit.

You're Krogen, right?

You are Krogen.

Just shut up,
you crazy ugly bitch!


You're nervous.

Does it have anything to do with
what that idiot Trier did back then?

No, it's just that little bird.

What about it?

Is it a migrating bird?

No, it's gone.
I can't see it.

I don't know if it's a
migrating bird.

Forget the bird. It's not important.

Holger Danske...

"Vide et disce.
Exodus anceps ferrum est."

"Watch and learn."

"Exodus is a double-edged sword."

A big helicopter is approaching.

Yes, so there is.
He hasn't made himself known.

That's against the rules.

It's a bloody Swede.

Is there a special procedure for the
patient? We haven't received data.

You don't have any data,
because we don't have any patients.

I don't understand.

Get excited, Danes, we have one of
Sweden's best doctors on board.

Take me to your leader.

Now both have finally arrived,
and Exodus has started.


Exodus is the big departure.

The evil and the good spirits will
exit through The Kingdom's gate,

but everything has to be done


It's at Christmas, it will happen.

It will happen at Christmas.



The elevator elf.

I just want to have a chat with
my old neighbour.

-Neighbour across.
-You always joined the parties.

We danced, and you were a member of
the abseiling club.

That was when you dared
to do something.

What is it you want from me?
I'm just a poor doctor.

I just want to chat to you.

How come you're always here,
regardless of which elevator I take?

Why are you always so grumpy?

I would love to tell you about my
interesting operations. Now...

Hiya. Hiya...

-Dear Mr Medical Director.
-I'm so glad you're here.

My computer is broken again.

What is this crap we buy?
Now I need another new one.

Do you have issues with your foot?

The only thing in need of a
diagnosis is this bloody computer.

My name is Helmer Jr.
Good morning.

I'm the new Chief Physician at
Neurosurgical. My merits.

We are apparently sharing the
responsibility, Pontopidan and I.

What the hell are you laughing at?

I have been advised,

that the relationship between
Danes and Swedes can be a bit tense,

so I have decided to laugh a lot,

just like the Danes do
spontaneously from time to time.

I assure you, there will be no
laughing in this office.

If I may?

As a man from a large country
to a man from a small country

the basic rule of Patience,
is that you put

black on red and vice versa.

That explains a lot.

It does.

It's today,

Ministry of Health presents their
view on quality at the hospitals.

Until now we've been number one.
I have my doubts this time.

Skejby, of all, got that bloody
Cyclotron machine.

I can point out,

parts of the building suffer from
direct sun.

To hell with the sun. It's all that
new, they've built over there.

It looks like shit and could just as
well be a part of Tivoli.

The Swede is coming.

Sweden, Sweden, Sweden...


Good morning, good morning,
to the whole farm

Oh, there he is. He's the new one.

Who was that gay bastard?

The administrative Chief Physician,
Pontopidan. Your new partner.

Remember to be friendly.
Laugh, for Christ sake.

Good morning. My name is Helmer,
the newly appointed professor.

Eldest son of the late
Stig G. Helmer.

I humbly ask for the key
to my office.

I immediately recognised the name,
when I saw the parcels.

I've been wondering, what does the
G in your fathers name stand for?

My fathers name was
Stig Gustav Helmer.

Gustav after King Gustav Vasa.


Christian Tyran and all that.

In Denmark we only remember
Gustav Vasa,

because he introduced mulled wine.

Excuse me, but as a colleague of
Swedish origin...

That hateful attitude towards
my country...

I can see on your lips,

that you were close to making the
comparison with the Vasa ship,

that sank on it's maiden voyage
due to a minor technical fault.

"A minor technical fault"? The lower
canon deck was under the water line,

and the maiden voyage was only
a few meters.

Here you go. Here's the key.

What the hell is this?

-That is a key.
-This is not a key.

-No, it's a key.
-I asked for the key to my office.

We don't use those kind of keys,
we don't lock any department doors.

That was decided by administrative
Chief Physician Pontopidan,

we call it "the open doors
pervasive policy."

There is an invoice from IKEA,
it needs paying straight away.

Oh my God.

I don't have any Danish money on
me out of principle.

Please can you get the staff
together in an hour.

-Of course.
-Thank you.


How nice.

-Who the hell are you?
-I'm a porter.

Everybody calls me Bulder
for some reason.

I'm born in the country, and there
you have to really dig in.

Save me the details. Come here.

Here. You take over.

There you go.

Good morning.

Good morning.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

-Hello. Good morning.

-Hi, hi.
-Good morning.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Good morning.

My name is professor Helmer,


-the joy...


a candle...




Very kind, but my name is not

I do know that,
but the rhyme teased me a bit,

so I thought, it made sense,
that if your father,

who we've all heard so much about,
was Helmer,

you as his son must then be Halmer.

"The whole" and "the half".
It was meant lovingly.

Naver is coming. He's had a huge
argument in the canteen.

Did he do that thing with the eye?
I hate that.


To perhaps talk about something

I understand, you're not keen on
the open doors policy, Halmer?

To put it mildly, I have mixed

about having accepted
this position.

You don't leave Karolinska
just like that.

I had to come to the country that
made my father insane, to understand

and if possible continue his work.

To complete my dad's mission to
raise the Danish standard.

Even close to a Swedish level.

No white man's strength can
reach that far.

But I can see,
I have that opportunity.

With small and precise efforts

I will help you out of the dust,
so you can face the sun.

That's my true calling.

Does anybody know what's on the menu
in the canteen today?

If I were to look around this
group, which I don't want to,

I can establish, that the ethnic
diversity here is way below par.

Way below par.

Yes, right... It's because,
everyone is not here yet.

That is a right mess.
Can you please find Josef and...


Dr Josef and Dr Maria...
I mean Amira.

A Danish break?

A break? They didn't do anything.

And still it's one of the most
important days of their lives.

Josef and Amira, come with me.

Put it on.

Remember to bloody smile.

Yes, there you are.
This is Dr Anderson.

Sit there, just as per usual.
And Dr Mogensen.

So they are originally foreigners

and probably have a different
culture regarding meeting times

if I'm not mistaken?

-All the way under the beds...
-And the toilet, if there's time.

I understand.

I want to thank you for honouring
this meeting with your presence.

Thank you, even if you come from a
nation without watches.

That's how it is.
What does Naver say?

Either I go into such a rage, I dig
my own eye out with this spoon,

or we do it another way,

where I become sweet and compliant
like a spring hare.

-Is a spring hare very compliant?
-I don't know much about hares...

I'm a bit unsure if your statement
contains a trap,

but I choose without question the
spring hare.

As we for some strange

and to me baffling reason share
responsibility for this department,

I wonder, if I can introduce
a non-binary policy straight away.

Non-binary policy? Now?

It's to avoid anything being
twisted with regards to gender.

The introduction of a non-gender

in relationship to patients and

That's really good. That's good...

Pass me a journal.
Any will do. Does anyone...?

Here we have an Astrid Hansen
personal ID 090256.

The procedure simply means you
remove all gender identity.

I suggest,
we talk about an A. Hansen

with personal ID 090256-137,

as the gender is shown by the last

Distrust and hatred

not to mention discrimination

has far too long be-soiled
the world.

Really good, I think.

We start small.
I admit that.

But with these small changes to
personal data we get to the source.

Thank you. Patients are no longer
him or her,

but as I stated earlier,

-What about Hansen?

The surname indicate there has been
a male involved in the family.

Historically "Hansen" is simply
"Hans son".

Two times masculine. Why don't we
just loose the surname too?

Make sure the procedure is
implemented across the department.

As of today.

Trivia... I know it.

I know a non-binary policy
can lead to misunderstandings.


Now we speak of trivia,

I'd like to challenge the professor
with a trivia of a different kind.

It's tradition in this group to
select a representative

from The Kingdom to
compete against any new professor.

Do you accept this challenge,
professor Helmer? They against they.

Custom follow or country flee.

Even though that last part is a
tempting alternative...

-I accept.
-We like that.

Good, good.

I don't think it's fair to challenge
without informing about

the basic idea of the competition.

I think, the professor is willing to
abide by an old tradition,

and is brave enough to commit
himself to what's to come. Correct?

It sounds good.

Lovely to hear.

As The Kingdom is the challenger,
It's "they" who choose the w*apon.

I choose... O.P. Anderson.

O.P. Anderson.

Voila. Voila...

Do you understand the rules and are
you ready?

It is The Kingdom who challenges,
so Bulder, will you begin?

-H.C. Andersen.
-Accepted. Nice.

-Then I say Astrid Lindgren.
-Nah. That's not the same level.

She doesn't beat H.C. Andersen.

So then I drink now?

You drink now.

Thank you, thanks.

-August Strindberg.


-Søren Kierkegaard.
-Yes, thank you. Now we're off.

Kierkegaard beats Strindberg,
so Halmer drinks for next level.

20cl. Those are the rules, Helmer.

-Do you give up?
-Sure he'll give us a small one...

Sure he'll give us a small one...

a small one, a small one...

Drink, drink, drink.

-Give him some water.
-No water allowed, sorry.

Anna, can you please step away from
the games area?

What the hell is wrong with you?

Why are you so serious all of a

The Dane is supposed to be a
cheerful guy.

Something I usually don't drink.

It's a damn effective
"additive substance".

Am I slurring my words? No...

No, not already.
It's just my imagination.

It's my imagination.
"Addictive Substance."

"Addictive Substance" I meant
to say.

-It's now Bulder's challenge.
-Carl T.H. Dreyer.

I can tell you straight away, that's
not accepted.

20cl for Bulder.

Carl T.H. Dreyer?
Who the hell is that?

Incredibly boring films,
that nobody bothered to watch.

That's it. Very nice. Yes.

Ingmar Bergman.
Not a fun guy either, but still.

That's not accepted.
That means double penalty.

Helmer, I really don't think you

I would like you to drink.
That's what's being required.

-No, that's dangerous.
-We haven't forced him.

It's up to you to decide.
You have the right to choose.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...

Are you in? Hand in the air.

-It's time now.
-He shall live, he shall live...

They should be nice to him.

Yes, because even a Swede is a
type of human being.

She should wake up now.

It's far too easy for them to
catch her, whilst she's sleeping.

-Yes, wake up now, Karen.
-Wake up, Karen.

Do you want this off,
professor Helmer?

Oh, dear. We just have to...

-He doesn't want help.
-Get the door off.

Professor Halmer?

It's anger.

It's anger, I see.
It's anger.

I don't really know what that means.

Are you angry? He is angry.

Is it me now?

Yes, the genre has changed,
it's hospitals.


It's accepted.


-Yes, Skejby. Accepted.

Bulder, good sportsmanship.

The animals in Africa are hungry,
before they eat

You can sometimes read it in
Africa's papers

Molak, molak, mak, mak, mak!

No, he's falling.

Oh, dear.
Yes, get up. Just like that.

Give him a hand.

He shall live, he shall live,
hip hurrah

What are you doing?

What are you doing?
It tickles!

-That's the address.
-Who is saying something?

Skejby has unanimously become
Denmark's number one.


Hello. You shouldn't lie here.
It's too cold to lie here.

The hallway is blocked off. You
can't get any further. One moment.

Careful... There, there.

I'm thirsty.

-Here you go, my friend.
-Who are you?

I'm thirsty.

The cup...

moved across the table.

I know that.
When I've had the worst nightmares,

it's always a real mess in my
bedroom after.

I never quite understood that,
but now it makes sense.

It's me, who move the things.

I have read about it.
It's called telekinesis.

It's in reality something most can
do, if they could only be bothered.

Would that mean,

I could sit here and move the
patients around

without having to get out and walk?
I'm a porter you see.

That would be clever.
My name is Karen.

My name is Bulder.

You're surely not Bulder.

They began calling me that when I
started here.

I apparently look like someone,
who was on TV.

My name is Balder,
but now they call me Bulder,

because the old Bulder died,
when donating bone marrow to Bondo.

-Then it went wrong.
-Because the power went out.

How did you know that?
It's a secret.

I have seen it on a DVD.
It was Krogen, who cut the power.

I don't know anything about that.

You shouldn't get involved in
something you don't know about.

We have to find Little Brother.

I don't know him.

There's apparently someone,
who knows something.

It's a spirit. Won't you please help
me find the spirit?

-What are doing, Bulder?
-I'm just trying telekinesis.

Now I've seen you do it,
it didn't look too difficult.

Hi, Bulder.

Hi, hi.

How do you know there are
spirits here?

I dreamt it.

There are plenty of spirits
around tonight.

I dreamt, they flew up and down
inside the elevator shafts

and said "ooh...".

That is quite a stereotypical

It's me who believes in them,
so it's also me who's right.

They landed on top of the elevators
and fell asleep in a great pile.

Could you take me to the elevator
in entrance 3?

That's where Mary rang her bell,
so Mrs Drusse could hear her.

But you have your own bell.

That's because I'm a sleep walker.
Then people can hear me coming.

So I avoid walking into them.

-You just had a good idea, Bulder.
-I did?

Yes, to use the bell just like Mary.

They are up there in the
elevator shaft.

It's no good, Bulder.
I need to get up under the ceiling.

It's that acoustic covering.
It soaks up the sound.

Wasn't there a ladder out there?

It's the acoustic covering, that
takes the sound...

Are you awake?

Can you hear that?

It sounds just like a rumbling

You spirit, who is awake.
You, who's stomach is rumbling.

What's wrong, as you can't sleep?

The spirit puts its whole hand into
the paint.



"I am the last

to fall asleep."

"When I'm..."

-That goes without saying.

What's your name?

"Salomon." Come, Bulder.
No, I can walk myself.

Couldn't you have told me that

"We are all fasting...


What do you mean, Salomon?

He's also fallen asleep now.

I should have known.

This is where, Drusse came.

If anybody knows anything about
Little Brother, they'll be here.

We can't get through here.
But I know another way.

It's very hard to get into

But not hard enough.
I bet you, Karen will manage it,

even though it's dangerous for her.

Oh no. No more danger in The
Kingdom. I can't take the danger.

I know one of the hackers.
Her name is Kalle.

All illegal IT happens down here.
Hi, Kalle.

What can I do for you?

My name is Karen Svensson, and I
would like to be admitted.

Okay, just don't come back and say
it was my idea.

I navigate everything around the
Health platform,

an American computer program that
was forced upon us.

Bloody impossible to use.
What department do you want?

I dream about the Neurosurgical.
I would really like that.


And what diagnosis
have you made up?

Somnambulism and nyctophobia.

That is sleep walking and
fear of the dark.

-Many thanks.

The Director has managed to
finish his Patience.

That's nice.

Don't say that. Soon he'll come
running because it's too easy.

If Little Brother is about to drown,
it has to involve water.

-Where can that be, Bulder?
-I don't really know.

I vaguely remember shapes
and smells.

And something about a statue.

"Look and learn.
Exodus is a double-edged sword."

I find it very hard to think.
It's peculiar.

-What was that?
-We're in the Radiology department.

The students borrowed the machine.
They're actually from Neurosurgical.

-Is this Neurosurgical department?

-It's very hard to get in here.
-It's very hard to get in here.

I know, it's a repetition,
but I think it's correct.

-Are you sure you want to be here?
-Yes, yes.

Now something is starting to happen.

What the hell is that?

Have they managed...

to create a bridgehead?

That must have required...

a certain amount of education
and discipline.

But, of course,

the Dane want's to step
onto Swedish soil

to avoid stupidity.

Who is it, that's capable of such
great thoughts?

That nickname was no coincidence.

I'm just a half Helmer.

I thought, I was an eagle.

Remember, that nobility,
each Swede is carrying,

you can never take!

Danish scum!

Well, you probably thought,

you would avoid the Directors
cocky comments.

I have physically withdrawn and am
no longer really in the picture.

Why? One could ask.

Let me be honest and say:

The 25 years since the last
recordings have left their marks.

Moreover, I can't live up to the
unbearable cockiness,

the younger Lars Von Trier
made use of.

And yet it's precisely vanity
which is the real k*ller.

With this poor excuse,
I make a sort of connection

to the episode
we watched before the end credits.

Vanity is a sort of engine for
all the characters in The Kingdom.

Nothing wrong with that.

You could say the same about the
real world, around us.

I have done my best, and everybody
will of course demand more

a lot more.

That's reasonable, as the short was
too short and the long, too long.

In conclusion, I turn to the old
phrase and encourage everybody

to take the good with the bad.