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04x17 - A Constellation of Doubt

Posted: 01/15/23 18:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Farscape.

What do you desire
with wormholes?

To go home.

That really is Kansas.

Would you like to come in?

Yeah, thanks.
- Oh.

Who are you people?


You been, uh, stealing candy,
Mr. Burroughs?

Oh, Crichton, how illegal is this
dren? You've gotta get me more!

- 1812, this is Bobby.
- Bobby, this is 1812.

1812 is gonna be your
tour guide.

Don't let him break anything.

I won't break anything.

Hey, I got this great idea.

How about... how about we break out
of here and go make some new friends?

Chiana, you know the humans
will not let us out unescorted.

And the way you make friends,
I do not blame them.

Where's Aeryn, Aeryn?

A bioloid.

You know, it's not Aeryn.

It was never Aeryn.

We're not gonna give up
on her, John.

Sikozu said the Scarrans are taking
Grayza to a place called Katratzi.

Maybe that's where
Aeryn is now.

She could be anywhere
out there.

But we're not gonna let her go.

I give you my word.

And now, on Farscape.

Officer Aeryn Sun.

General Ka D'Argo.

Sikozu Svala Shanti
Sugaysi Shanu.

Dominar Rygel, the Sixteenth.


Utu Noranti Pralatong.

The Pilot.

These are the first extraterrestrials
known to have visited this planet.

It has now been several months since
they left with Commander John Crichton,

aboard their ship, Moya.

And besides their names, what
else do we really know about them?

Precious little,

except the carefully orchestrated
appearances allowed by our government.

Good evening.

I'm your host,
R. Wilson Monroe.

And tonight we will pierce the
veil of secrecy showing you these aliens

as no one has witnessed them
before. This network...

How many times are you
going to watch this?

Till I figure it out.

I told Pilot not to let you
know he'd intercepted it.

They never even gave
it a chance.

Well, what do you expect?

It's not what you expect,
it's what you hope for.

It's a backward planet
full of superstitious, xenophobic morons.

Nothing makes sense if they
didn't think of it first,

and even then it's
simplistic drivel.

Beg pardon. How rude.
Are you from there?


Wait! You can't do that!

My quarters. My life. My TV.

This won't...
- Your popcorn.

...bring her back, you know?
- No, but it'll keep you out of my room.

Sikozu Shanu?



A reasonable interpretation
of the word "no."


It's the name of a place, the
place where they took Aeryn.

As stupid as you must
think them, the Scarrans have managed to build

one of the most extensive
empires in the galaxy in part,

and I shall repeat this because
it does not seem to sink in,

by not advertising the location
of their secret bases.

Are you asking the right people?

And who would they be?

Are you asking in Scarran?

Of course I am, you Raskreeta!

I know what that means
and I love you, too.

Well you've earned it.

Bother me one more time and you can
come down here and do this for yourself.

When we come back, we will
meet Officer Aeryn Sun,

rumored within may circles to
be John Crichton's lover.

This alien, who looks
remarkably human,

will reveal a side of herself
that you may find disturbing.

Well I look like your
people, so...

Please, stay with us, as
Alien Visitation continues.

My name is John Crichton,
an astronaut.

Three years ago I got shot
through a wormhole.

I'm in a distant part
of the universe

aboard this living ship of
escaped prisoners,

my friends.

I've made enemies.

Powerful, dangerous.

Now all I want is to
find a way home

to warn Earth.

Look upward and share
the wonders I've seen.

Earth is under no threat
from the Peacekeepers.

But you said...

Look, if... if you were to make
a pact with an enemy, then perhaps.

So, the possibility exists that
your people one day would attack?

Why are you so determined
to twist this into something it's not?

Because, Officer Sun, you are an admitted
soldier in, what is to us, an alien army.

You look human.

Indistinguishable to
the naked eye.

How are we to know that there aren't
thousands of your people roaming our planet,

preparing our destruction?

Surely John Crichton
has explained this to you all already.

Well, we need to
hear it from you.

Hear what?

That Earth is sacrosanct?

That your perfect isolation
can somehow be restored?

Is that it?

Look, from what I know of the Peacekeepers,
and of anyone else for that matter,

they couldn't care less
about this planet.

You're not a threat.

Technologically speaking, you're
not even a potential ally, so...

if someone wanted to enslave you,
if they wanted to destroy you,

could it be done?

Well, quite simply, yes.

The reason you have not seen that interview
before is because it was held back,

after requests from both our own government
and the United Nations Secretary-General.

Tonight, we have our first look at over 120 hours
of previously unseen videotape on the aliens.

Tonight, you have the chance to
see portions of this material,

along with comments from
various experts and leaders.

But first, I'm joined by the
remarkable young man

who was fortunate enough to be in the
right place at the right time with,

and this is always helpful,
the right connections.

Bobby Coleman,
John Crichton's nephew.

Welcome, Bobby.

Good to be here.

Tell me, how did you and that
camera manage to get all this remarkable footage?

Well, when my uncle got back to Earth,
my mom's Uncle John's older sister.

We flew down to Florida and I got
to stay on for a couple of weeks

with my Aunt Olivia,
my grandpa and the aliens.

And the aliens didn't mind
you videotaping them?

No. It was pretty cool.

How did you find them, Bobby?

They're normal,
just like you and me.

Normal? Clearly alien.


Some more than others.

You spent many days in their
company. Did you ever feel threatened?


Did you ever get a sense that
there was a conspiracy between them?

No way.

So, why did you and your family wait
so long to make these tapes public?

Well, we thought about
it for a long time,

and with all these weird
accusations starting to surface,

we decided that it was best to
help everyone not be afraid.

I've seen lots of your movies,

and in every film, the aliens are always
evil, and Earth always is victorious.

You mean we have to learn
there are good aliens?


I mean you have to learn
you won't always win.

This is a watershed moment
in human history.

The equivalent of a huge meteor
smashing Earth during dinosaur times.

Will we bend under the sudden
weight of it or respond and flourish?

You can't even fully accept us,
and we're the nice aliens.

You know, what about some of the next
ones that come down through the wormhole?

My biggest fear, exacerbated
in part by these tapes

is that the fabric of our
society may come under an as*ault

it is not yet prepared
to withstand.

The political complications that may arise from
a simple wormhole floating in your atmosphere

will devastate a planet that is still
in the throes of intraspecies chaos!

I'm particularly concerned with the effects of
another alien visitation on society in general.

Since they've left, there's been a 700%
increase in panic and anxiety att*cks.

If Earth is remembered at all, it will most
likely be for the quality of its manual labor.

In culling through the staggering
amount of candid material,

recorded on young Bobby
Coleman's tapes,

there was one alien visitor in particular
who never failed to elicit extreme curiosity

among staffers here
at the network.

General Ka D'Argo.

Power systems at your
command, Ka D'Argo.

Your ship is so cool.

It's a w*apon.


It kills people.

Whoa. Like monsters and stuff?

Yeah, sometimes but
sometimes just, uh,

kills those who are in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

You said you'd show me
what it could do.

All right, give me that.

Come on.
- You know how to work it?

Look, I've flown this through a wormhole.
I'm sure I'll be able to work it out.

Telemetry functions
at your command.

So I look through this and
what am I gonna...

It's a recording captured
through my targeting array.


It's just that...

It just disappeared.

It's a rogue Leviathan.

It tried to k*ll us and we
had to destroy it.

Could you...

I mean, could we... stop you
if you tried to attack us?

With your current defenses, no.

The most frightening aspect of this
Pandora's Box we've opened is he may be right.

Huh, from what I've heard,

his ship has our best and
brightest utterly perplexed.

By indicating that our current
defenses could not contain him

General D'Argo is performing an
act of psychological terror.

Yeah, I think it's time
we were leaving now.

You're leaving? Why?

Well, because there are some people
here, some very powerful people,

who don't appreciate
what we're doing.

They're kicking you out.

No, but they're making it very
difficult for us to continue down here.

It might be a bit dramatic
for one Luxan, but, uh,

I can do enough damage to your
world to change it forever.

You know, you really shouldn't
be watching this.

Here's a tape you brought
back from Earth.

State wins. No big plays.

Put mine back in.



We can't find it. Pilot's
searched every frequency, every...

No, the Scarrans have Aeryn
in a box, D'Argo.

I know.


Katratzi. Why do I
know that name?

Sikozu heard the Scarrans say it as
they were arresting Commandant Grayza.

No, from before.
You know it, too.

You're confused.

No, I'm not.
Why do I know that name?

No, you're not getting enough sleep
and you're watching too much of this.

They hate you guys.

Well, I liked it there.

You see the show?


You should.

It's educational.
They're not ready.

We should move on.
Inquire at nearby planets.

No, no, no. They won't know.

I know! No, I know,
I know, I know!


put my tape back in.

...change in John is,

he's even more thoughtful
than he was.

He studies everything keenly
before deciding what to do.

I'm here with Un... IASA
Commander John Crichton,

the first and only human to boldly
go where no man has gone before.

You spent over three years in
deepest, darkest space,

battling aliens and evil races.

What was the worst part?

The worst part. Um...

was the complete and utter
lack of toilet paper.


Missing family.

When you got back, what was
most different about Earth?

Nothing, Bobby.
Earth's pretty much the same.

Are you different?

Yeah, I'm different.
- How?

Well, things that used to bother me
don't bother me that much anymore.

The world seems smaller.

And I keep waiting for
something to happen

and I have to remind myself when it
doesn't happen that that's normal.

Post-traumatic shock syndrome.

It's hard to tell without
examining him,

but from this little
snippet of tape,

I'm most concerned about his constantly
waiting for something to happen.

This suggests he's been under
enormous and continuous stress.

You're supposed to be checking for
this place that they've taken Aeryn.

No one has heard of it.

Well, Crichton still thinks
that you're checking.

He needs to keep
believing that.

I've been done for arns.
Pilot has double-checked.

No one has heard of it. No one!

Well, they must be lying.

No, Chiana, they're not lying.

How can you tell if
they're not lying?

You can't tell when I'm lying.

Yes, we can. We all can.


You open your mouth and
words come out of it.

Don't you lie to Crichton.

All right, Chiana.
- Checking.

All right, I'm done. You try!

What ya doing?

Making rat poison.

You gonna k*ll a few?

On the contrary. The rats asked me to make
this so that they can k*ll some humans.

Ha, ha.

Every planet has its indigenous potions
just waiting to be blended and discovered.

I'm playing.

What did you think of
South America?

Very verdant. Uh, green.

No green people, though.
Now, that's a shame.

I heard a lot of people got
freaked out about your third eye.

Well, it was something about,
uh, witchcraft.

They were very fearful.

Rygel's going down to
sort it all out.

I was in South America when
she came through.

Many of the "miracles" she's credited
with have yet to unravel under scrutiny.

We're fairly certain we know how
she cured the blind boy in Brazil.

Why is it so hard for
us to believe

that someone from another planet can
do things that we find extraordinary?

Isn’t she herself extraordinary
just by being here?

I like that you're always
striving to reach higher.

Hoping for a better tomorrow.

It's the quality that first
attracted me to your uncle.

That humans dream?

Yes. You're so ignorant,
but you never give up.

Even in the face of
insurmountable odds.

Listen to what she's
saying about us.

Humans never give up.

Now for that to become
impressed upon an alien mind,

this simple fact that we would
tend to take for granted ourselves

becomes validation that we
eventually will fit in.

Never give up.

Ooh, if you like, I can mix you
something to help your voice drop.

No thanks.

Watch out for the rats. They go
for the young ones first.

She's actually really spiritual.

You should hear her stories about
religions of all the worlds she's visited.

Really an eye opener.

So much cruelty and
so much kindness.

What constitutes a
good religion?

Respect for life.

Do unto others.
- Mm-hmm.

Belief in a higher being?

Of course.

Hmm. Hypocrite.

Me or everyone?

Well, your religions justify k*lling,
and all forms of atrocious behavior.

Yeah, that's hard to deal with.

Miss Noranti is not wrong that we
have a history and culture of k*lling

that we continually attempt to wallpaper
with justifications and platitudes.

I see nothing wrong with
what she's saying.

See, k*lling is often
a part of life.

What's hypocritical is to condemn and then
make allowances when the situation suits.

So it's okay to k*ll?


Sometimes you must.

You in some kind of cult?
Like a witch or something?

Not at the moment.

If her religion
justifies k*lling,

then she's not someone I want
telling us what to believe.

There is never an occasion
when m*rder is allowable.

Life is the font of all that
we hold with respect.

After she's had to k*ll somebody,
then I'll accept her pronouncements.

Do religions hate each other
where you come from?

Oh, good heavens, no.

Religions are grand,
lofty ideals.

Religious followers,
now that's another story.



So we're not so different.

Hmm, that's nothing to
be proud of.

This is a dangerous woman.

She effortlessly twists her simple logic
into something that is almost believable,

until you look deeper
and it unravels.

Not the kind of personality you
would want running around unchecked.

Sometimes it's hard to remember
that just a few short months ago...

Well, what you have
to understand is,

while cultures and civilizations
may vary wildly

from socially primitive
to hyper-mechanized,

there is still a uniformity in the
way that people conduct their lives.

You're saying wherever you go in
the universe, we're all the same?

Essentially, yes.

In that way Earth is no
different from other planets.

Other species from
different worlds?

Do they have relationships,
marriage, children?

Most definitely.
There are limits.

The genetic patterns would have
to support such a union.

And could a Sebacean such as
yourself procreate with a human male?

And could a Sebacean such as
yourself procreate with a human male?

Officer Sun?

I believe Katratzi to be
some sort of base.

Highly guarded.

Officer Sun?

Uh... uh... yes, I was
just thinking.

Well, there's no way to
be sure at this point.

However, our physiologies do
appear to be very similar.

Remarkably so, in fact.

Was Officer Sun's hesitation at my
question an honest moment of introspection?

Or was it something more?

These are now the issues
we grapple with.

How much to trust?

How open do we allow
ourselves to become?

Do we view an alien commingling
of our gene pool

as a favorable step towards integration
into a larger community, or as a threat?

Well, one can only hope
that a union

between those of Earth and
elsewhere is possible.

Such marriages will foster bonds of family
and generate trust between disparate peoples.

If you thought children of race-mixed parents
took abuse at the hands of other children,

ait until one is born
with tentacles.

Seriously now, what is
the big deal?

Firstly, I do not believe
Aeryn's pregnant with John's baby

and secondly, if she was...

Am I gonna get in trouble
for taping this.

Well, not of the
physical kind, no.

Are you gonna be okay?

Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.

I'm just never gonna
be the same.

- Stop that.

Remember when you tried to hide that crush on...
- Stop it.

Jill... what's her name?
- Stop it!

Steiner. Her name was Steiner.

What's my tell?

Your lips. When you see Aeryn,
they soften just a bit.

She has a word for us.
It's called "yesterday."

Yeah, right.

She have a tell?


What is it?

Her eyes.

She's waiting for you.

Can we talk about
something else?


I for one like the idea
that we're not alone.

So why not go all the way?

Become part of the cultural fabric
of the new world in which we'll live?

If they're in love,
they're in love.



That wasn't a question.

You heard it with me.

Only from Sikozu.

No. With me.


You didn't have to.

Under the tree?

Yeah, absolutely.

Hi, Bobby.

Is there one for me?


No. Actually, um, yours is so big
that it wouldn't fit under the tree.

Cool. 'Cause I got
you one, too.

When do you give up?

I don't.

Well, you gotta
give up sometime.

No, I don't.

Hey, Aunt Olivia, can you sh**t
me and Aeryn together?

Actually, I was just thinking
about sh**ting you.

I'm like the coolest kid in
school 'cause of you guys.

Oh, I'm sure you were
pretty cool before.

Okay, I was about to...

Well where do we find her?

We find her.

You could go back to Earth.

Not without Aeryn.

When you're born into military
service, the way I was,

it's deemed best to not have any
ties to anyone but your unit.

No brothers or sisters?

Aunts or uncles?


Didn't you miss that?

Only once I was exposed to it.

They don't like her there.

They don't like any of us.

Footage you're about to see
is simply intended...

You watch too much TV. fuel the discussions that
will ultimately decide...

- Yep. ...the direction
we take as a species.

I'll be back shortly.
Please enjoy.

I bet this son of a bitch
wins an Emmy.

Amidst all the readily identifiable
dissimilarities between our human race

and the alien visitors we've
been learning about,

occasionally on these
startling videotapes,

we come upon a moment that
seemingly unites us in spirit

across endless chasms of space.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Is that a dead rat?


He was my friend.

W- we were just playing.

He just stopped outside the
kitchen to eat something and just...

It's okay.

The more time you spend with
Chiana and the others,

the more you realize, with incredible joy
and relief that we're not that dissimilar.

What are you doing?

I am absorbing beauty.

You like Earth?

I didn't think I did
at first, but I'm, uh,

beginning to realize it's one of
the better places I've visited.

Reminds me of my own planet
about 10,000 cycles ago.

It was meant to be
undisciplined and adventurous.


Think of how we view ourselves.

A sophisticated culture,
growing, evolving.

Then look how he views us,
undisciplined and adventurous.

As time goes on, I predict
we'll be forced to realign

every concept by which
we judge ourselves.

They say you're a
great warrior.

That's an accident of birth.

There are better things
to do with your life.

Ever k*ll anyone with
your tongue?


my tongue contains
adaptive venom.

The victim takes in only enough
to lose consciousness.

No one dies.

Can I see it?


Look, you see only differences.

Tentacles, a tongue with venom.

Everything about him
screams "alien."

Now, close your eyes. Listen.

General Ka D'Argo could very
easily be you or me.

I thought you were
great on Letterman.

Yeah, thanks. Um...

yeah, I thought everyone was
laughing with me, so...

For every instant when we may lulled
into accepting these alien visitors

as perhaps nothing more than peculiar looking
versions of people we know here on Earth,

there comes another moment on
these startling videotapes

that seemingly shatters any
illusion of potential coexistence.


- Why not?

For the same reasons that I've
been saying to you ad nauseum.

Why is it so important?

Because I like stuff like that.

It's cool.

Tell me it's not cool.

It's cool. Cool.

All right. Now, you promise
not to tell anyone?

I promise.
- Okay.

All right, turn the camera off.

Okay. It's off.

All right, you ready?

Uh, Noranti, could you
get down here?

I would have to say that we
need to prevent these sorts of encounters

from happening outside a
research facility.

Every experience is a
learning experience.

The boy did not die.
He is wiser.

The aliens cannot have the run of our planet
until we know more about their psychology.

What is this for?
- Uh, your lips.

Um, I ask because my grandfather says you're
a great bellwether on who we are as a species.

Bull... wether.

Do males... do males put
these on their faces?

Uh, in my family?

Only a second cousin
no one talks about.



Why... why are there
so many colors?

One must look past the physical
and see the spiritual side.

She condemns materialism and
waste, a highly evolved outlook.

Remembering for a moment her
otherworldly origins,

Chiana's perspective is consistent,
well-thought-out and in my view, correct.

I've seen water rooms
like this...

...that have... that have
two toilets,

two showers, a sink, and a tub.

And a bubbling tub. Bubbling...

How many places do you need
water to come from?

You could wash up in the toilet.
- Oh, no way!

See? It's clean.


What are you looking at?

What we're seeing is a very
young disturbed, alien girl.

Clearly a passionate, though
troubled young lady.

This young woman should not be
allowed near any impressionable child.

She is clearly dangerous,
troubled and a bad influence.

I defy anyone...

I'm sick of this popcorn.

I'm sick of those humans.

I just feel sorry for Crichton.

Noranti gave me this stuff
that'll help him sleep.

You think I should go find him?

No, give it to me.

Okay, ready?

Mmm. Feel sorry for Aeryn.

He'll get over it.

I don't think he will, Ryg.

You know, no matter how
long it takes.

I don't think he'll lose hope.

I believe Katratzi to be
some sort of base.

Highly guarded.

They wouldn't have taken Grayza
anywhere less secure.

Who's winning?

- I mean the game.

Who cares?!

You sure got yourself a
lot of junk food.

Too bad. Get your own.

What do you like best on Earth?

Sugar. Anything with sugar.

Don't you have sugar
where you come from?

Yes, but it's used as a poison.

Here, you can get it

What else do you like?

Ah, grease, fat.
Love these things.

I know you'll think I'm joking but
he seems to understand our culture

better than we're
willing to admit.

As an outsider, his views are a prismatic
tool for us to perhaps examine ourselves.

So all in all you could
live here?

As long as I get to
keep my slaves.

They're servants. They get paid.
You don't own them.

What? You're kidding.

They come running when I call.

The government wants you
to feel at home.

Then give me slaves.

Okay. Besides eating, what's
your favorite thing to do?

Uh, gamble.

You can do it over the phone.

You can call females, too.

"1-900-SLUT GIRL."

I was privileged to have interviewed
the Dominar during his visit.

Despite what I'm sure many
viewers are thinking,

this is the ruler of over
600 billion subjects.

He must be doing
something right.

A little-known fact about this, the
biggest story of the new millennium.

There is at least one person
who makes a credible claim

that our alien visitors have
been here before.

In 1985, to be exact, mere months before
the Challenger space shuttle disaster.

We welcome Robert Schelmacher,
former sheriff of Orlando.

Still sheriff. Always sheriff.

No alien's gonna run me
off my job.

Okay, Sheriff.

Suppose you start by telling us what
happened down in Florida back in 1985.

They were here. All of 'em.


Ears. Tentacles. Cher.



And this one.

Their leader.

We're all aware of the
troubled among us,

attention seekers and outright criminals
who have attempted to fabricate stories

and cash in on this
alien visitation.

In the Sheriff's defense, way back in
1985, he filed a report with the FBI,

giving what we now realize are
fairly accurate descriptions

of General D'Argo, Noranti,
Officer Sun, and Dominar Rygel.

The files remain sealed,

and no one in government will speak
of their contents on the record.

Can you tell us what you
remember of that time, Sheriff?

First they kidnapped our
astronaut, the young Crichton.

Then they sabotaged our space
shuttle program, they set it back.

They grounded us.

Next came the truly most
insidious part,

and that was installing tiny
microchips in each of our brains. Oh...

But that keeps the signals out.

And, uh, what do you think the
signals are telling us?

"Eat... fatty... foods."

You see this puny little alien
talking about fat?

That's our downfall.

In what way, Sheriff?

Come on, man. Catch on to this.

We get fat, we can't move,
they defeat us.

It's that easy to
take over a world.

You've spent a portion of the last 18
years in an institution, have you not?

Well, most of it. So what?
I saw them. They were here.

And I know their plan.
But look at me.

Lean. Undefeatable.

Yes, now, whatever you believe
there is credible evidence that we...

- Vegetables. ...we have been
visited by these same aliens

- Fruits. No saturated fat. the past.

The task will now be to find
out why. Thank you, Sheriff.

There's more. We'll be back.

You wanna dance?

- Oh, I'm not very good.
- Oh, come on.

And driving, and driving,
and reverse, reverse...

Bobby, what do you
think of sex?

Uh, what?

- Why are you asking me?

Oh, just curious.

I haven't had it yet.

What, you haven't had it?!

Are you serious?
How old are you?


Thirteen. Well, what are
you waiting for?

It's against the law.

To have sex?

At 13.

Well, that's frelled.

Who cares when you have it?

My mom.

Whoa. Okay.

So, why are all the little girls
wearing all those clothes?

Because they see it on the TV
and in the magazines.

But somebody sold them
the clothes,

so somebody wants them
to have sex.

I never thought of it
like that.

Oh, there is an innocence about
her that is wonderfully contagious.

Outrageous and disgusting.

The boy is only 13.

Is that what we want our
youth exposed to?

Oh, please. Don't make more
out of that than is there.

She was not coming on to Bobby.

I'm not a psychologist, but
that's rather innocent, hmm?

I mean, you get more juice
from Dawson's Creek.

- Okay, it's working.
- What did you wanna show me?

Curiosity causes you to look in
unexpected places, and find unexpected rewards.

Have a go.

Uh, Uncle John?

Commander John Crichton?

Bobby. What the hell you
doing with the Comms?

Uh, Sikozu let me try it.
Where are you?

Australia. I'm working, Bobby.

Wow, wow, wow!

I met this young female and had
no idea she could defy gravity.

I am truly astounded.

In my opinion, there is nothing
about the alien Sikozu

that is not infused with
anger and disdain.

E.T. she is not.

- Yes, Sikozu?

Do you see any value in
us continuing?

Despite my strong feelings for
Officer Sun, I'm afraid I do not.

I will tell Crichton.

Tell me what?

We cannot find Aeryn.

We cannot locate this Katratzi.
No one has even heard the name.

I've heard it.

You have heard it.

Someone said it on this ship.
- No, I heard it on the planet where we left Aeryn.

What are you not telling me?

I'm telling you everything.

You're lying. You're not
telling me.

You know the name Katratzi.
- I have had enough of your...

You have been nothing but lying from
the moment you got on board this ship...

- I do not know! Sputnik,
and I will not let Aeryn die!


It is not my providence if
she lives or dies.


It is not my fault if
she lives or dies.

- And it is not my will if she lives or dies!

Crichton, listen to yourself!

Everything lives and
everything dies,

whether you wish it to or not,
and you have to deal with it!

I can't...
- Pull yourself together!

You! You sh**t me!

sh**t now!
- You're comin' back, Stark?



I believe Katratzi to be
some sort of base.

Highly guarded.

They wouldn't have taken Grayza
anywhere less secure.



That son of a bitch
deserves an Emmy.

Pilot, do you still know the
location of that wormhole to Earth?


Could you set a course please?

I'll have to ask the Captain.




Wormholes? Earth? What?

Look, it's complicated.

I understand that. Pilot...

I need not remind you that
Moya is now phobic regarding wormholes.

You don't have to go
all the way.

Just get me close enough so that
I can make it in my module.

John, you are not going
back to Earth.

No, I'm not.

It's complicated.

We need to maintain clarity of
thought, healthy skepticism, an aggressive inquisitiveness.

To that end, we at this network
call upon the government

to release all files pertaining to
Officer Schelmacher's allegations

of past visitation and any
other related matter.

When the aliens return, and they will,
we also urge an aggressive quarantine

until the true nature of their
presence is ascertained.

Recall that the same
extraterrestrials we behold with wonder

as they learn our language
and dance to our music,

also bear weapons, as well as potential
illness which could destroy us.

Alien visitation is a reality.

They've been here once and we
seem to have dodged the b*llet.

The truth is, can we be as
certain the next time?

I thank you for being with us.

There will be more in the
days and weeks ahead.

But for now, from New York, this is
R. Wilson Monroe saying good night.

You set me up.

Not that I care.

I don't care about much.




I don't care about the things
you care about.

Peacekeepers rule the Scarrans.

The Scarrans rule
the Peacekeepers.

Let them rule together,
put your ass in a cage.

I care about one thing.


God have mercy on my soul.

I think...

I'm gonna need your help,

Mr. Scarran half-breed,

to get Aeryn back.

Help me get her...

and I will give you wormholes.

I have an idea of how to
find the Scarran base.

Aeryn for wormholes.

That's the deal.

On our next special, you will
see footage of the carnage of Jack Crichton's Florida home,

carnage that could only have been
caused by an alien, but which one?

And we'll explore the still unexplained
deaths of John Crichton's best friend,

Douglas "D.K." Knox and
his wife Laura.

Their autopsies and death records are sealed.
The rumors of alien involvement abound.

All this and more, next time.

We hope to see you then.