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01x04 - Mom

Posted: 01/15/23 13:30
by bunniefuu
- [female student] Good morning.
- [male student] Morning.

[indistinct chatter]

- [soft music playing]
- [birds chirping]

- [sighs]
- [dog barking in distance]



[footsteps approaching]

- [metal clanking]
- [Park Hyeong-seok exhales]

- [Park Hyeong-seok] Huh? What's going on?
- [metal clanking]

Huh? Mom?

- Huh?
- [somber music playing]

Who might you be?

- Uh, uh.
- [dog barking in distance]

Oh, uh... Well, um...
Hello, it's nice to meet you.

- You must be Hyeong-seok's mother.
- Um. Yes.

He's told me a lot about you.
I'm Hyeong-seok's new friend.

Oh, really? Hyeong-seok's friend?
Uh. Welcome. Hyeong-seok, wake up.

- Don't wake him up!
- [dramatic music playing]


["Like That" playing]

["Like That" concludes]

[soft music playing]

You two have been living together?

Yeah, to save on rent and stuff.

You two live here? It's so small.

Oh, it actually works well
once you get used to it, that is.

He never mentioned
any of this to me on the phone.

Oh, he must have been so busy
with his part-time job that he forgot.

- [chuckles]
- Part-time job?

- Hyeong-seok has a job?
- Huh? Oh...

Uh. Yeah.

He works the night shift
at a convenience store.

- [babbles]
- [Park Hyeong-seok's mother] Oh!

- [snores]
- That must be why he's sleeping so deep.

He always takes a deep nap
before he goes to work for the night.

He got himself a job.

[sighs] I can't believe it.


[Park Hyeong-seok's mother]
He's gotten so thin.


Do you have a minute to chat with me?

- I'd like to get to know you a little.
- [inhales]

- [indistinct chatter]
- [upbeat music playing]

[glasses clink]

- Good afternoon...
- [soft music playing]

- [groans]
- [glass clinking]

- [indistinct chatter]
- [glass clattering]

You come to places like this a lot?

Oh, well, from time to time.

- The prices are reasonable...
- [gasps]

- ...and it's quiet, so we can talk.
- [screams]

[male customer] Come on.

I have to say you must be very popular.

Hyeong-seok must be so jealous.

Okay, so, what would you like?

Well, I'm not really too sure.

I've never been to a place
quite this nice.

- [gasps] Heavens!
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Huh?


[Park Hyeong-seok's mother]
I can't believe how much

- they charge for a coffee.
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Pardon?

- I'll just have a glass of water.
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Uh...

Oh, but it's really no problem. I could...


[slurps, gulps]

- [indistinct chatter]
- [Park Hyeong-seok's mother exhales]

- [women cooing]
- Wow!

So, this is what's called an "Americano"?

It's good. [chuckles]

I've only ever had instant coffee sticks
and canned coffee before.

I wonder if Hyeong-seok has tried this.
I'm sure he'd like it.


- Oh, right.
- Hmm?

- I forgot to ask you your name.
- Oh, right.

Well, actually,
my name is Hyeong-seok too.

Goodness! What a coincidence, huh?

And now that I think about it
you look a lot like my son too.

[chuckles] Right.

[Park Hyeong-seok's mother]
I can't believe my Hyeong-seok

has a good-looking friend

- like you. [chuckling]
- [footsteps approach]

[Park Hyeong-seok's mother] I know
he's a little heavy now,

but he was such a smart
and handsome little boy when he was young.

And have you ever heard him sing?

- Oh. Uh. Well...
- [grunts]

- [dramatic music playing]
- [Basco] The new student?

[Park Hyeong-seok's mother]
My son's a wonderful singer.

I always tell him
that he can really sing. [chuckles]

- [Park Hyeong-seok] Yeah.
- [grunts]

That's his friend's mom.

Behave yourself today.

They'll fire me
if you start a ruckus in here.


So, that's interesting.
Hyeong-seok got a job then.

Is it because he needs more money?

I don't think that's the reason.

- Has he been eating well?
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Yeah.

He brings home extra bread and bento boxes
from the convenience store where he works.

Thanks to him, I get to have some too.

- [Basco] He works at a convenience store.
- [Park Hyeong-seok's mother] Really?

Ah. That job sounds really nice.

- [melancholic music playing]
- About Hyeong-seok...

He's not getting bullied or anything,
is he?


The truth is... he was bullied a lot
at the school he went to before. [sighs]

I was so busy making ends meet each day
that I had no idea,

even though all I ever thought about was

how to make things better
for Hyeong-seok. [sniffles]

- [sighs] I'm a pathetic mother.
- [sighs]

[Park Hyeong-seok] Pathetic?
Why would you say that?

Hyeong-seok is...

...getting along great with his friends.

[chuckles] Don't worry so much.

Oh, is that so? I'm so glad to hear that.

- [somber music playing]
- [all laughing]


- [splashes]
- [grunts]

[groans, gasps]

Oh, miss, are you okay? [chuckles]

- What was that?
- [grunts]

- Would you please just behave yourself?
- More milk.

- [dramatic music playing]
- Another cup.

Hyeong-seok is so lucky
to have such a good friend like you.

Oh, I'm...

[Young Hyeong-seok]
Is it my fault that we're poor?

I mean, what have you ever done
for me anyway?

I am not... a good friend.

Ah. No. I'm sure you are.

I'm so happy you're his friend.
He needs that.

- He calls that a friendship?
- [Park Hyeong-seok laughs]

- [table trembling]
- [Basco grunting]


My goodness, I think I've taken up
far too much of your time.

- [Park Hyeong-seok] Oh, not at all.
- Excuse me!

- Yes, ma'am! [chuckles nervously]
- Huh? I know him.

- What can I get you?
- Oh, I'm so sorry.

But would you mind,
if I take those boxes over there?


We have someone who usually comes in
for 'em, but sure, go ahead.

- [somber music playing]
- [Basco grunting]

- Are you taking all of these with you?
- Yeah.

I'm going home so I might as well. [sighs]

- I hope I get a seat on the subway.
- Oh.

[Park Hyeong-seok] How is she
taking all this on the subway?

I'm embarrassing myself in front of you.

I'm collecting scrap for money.

- I just couldn't pass these beauties by.
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Scrap?

What happened to her old job?

It's my side job.
Hyeong-seok needs me to send money.

I haven't told him
that I'm working two jobs yet.

- You'll keep it a secret, won't you?
- Of course.

I don't know why,
but I want to tell you everything.

- You feel so familiar for some reason.
- Oh.

- [Park Hyeong-seok's mother] Here.
- Huh?

[Park Hyeong-seok's mother]
For the Americano.

Oh, no, it's quite all right.

Besides, I've got my own money.

Would you take this?
Take it for Hyeong-seok's sake.

- Go ahead, take it.
- Oh.

I want the two of you
to get along together.

Please, he needs that.

- [soft music playing]
- [sighs softly]

Okay, then. Thank you, ma'am.

Hyeong-seok... don't worry about him.


[Basco grunting]

- Oh, I'm so sorry. Gosh, I'm sorry.
- [indistinct clamor]

Sorry, sorry, sorry, super sorry.
I'm so, so sorry. [whimpering]

[Park Hyeong-seok] You don't
wanna see Hyeong-seok before you leave?

No, I just came to bring him
some food I made.

[gasps] I hope he won't be angry
that I brought him food

- when he's trying to lose weight.
- Oh, of course not.

- I'm sure he'll love it.
- You think so?

I think he appreciates you even more now
that he's living away from you.

Ah. I'm so glad to hear that.

And I can bring more next time
so there'll be enough for both of you.

- Something delicious.
- [chuckles]

[Park Hyeong-seok] Yes, ma'am.

[Park Hyeong-seok sighing]

- [Basco] Hey.
- Huh?

- I saw everything, you jerk.
- [dramatic music playing]

[Park Beom-jae] Yup, must be karma
for something awful I did in my past life.



[dramatic music playing]

[Basco grunting]

- You're real rotten, aren't you?
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Huh?

- Prepare to get beaten to a pulp.
- [gasps]

[Basco] Hmm.

- Take off your blazer.
- Wha... what?

- Why?
- You're bullying and using the kid

as your errand boy, and you lied too.

You're unforgivable!

I'll never forgive you. [grunts]

- Sorry? [gasps]
- [Basco grunting]


- [grunts]
- [exhales]

[Basco] I can't believe he dodged that.

Why? What's up? I don't get it.

I... I think
there's been a misunderstanding.

You're despicable. Don't make excuses.

- [grunts]
- [groans]


[Park Hyeong-seok]
Does he have hammers for fists?

- [Basco grunts]
- [Park Hyeong-seok] He's fast...

- [Basco grunts]
- [Park Hyeong-seok] ...and powerful.

[Basco] He dodged my punch?

Has he been training to fight
as long as I have?


- [Park Hyeong-seok] If he hits me...
- [grunts]


- [Young Hyeong-seok] I'm dead!
- [Basco grunts]

[groans, sighs] Why are you doing this?


[Basco] He's extorting money
from adults too.

What have I ever done to you?

[Basco] I'm gonna give that money
back to the kid.

Give me the money that the lady gave you,
right now.

[Park Hyeong-seok]
He was watching us just now?

So, he is trying to take my money.

[Lee Tae-seong] You're a little short.

[Park Hyeong-seok] You're no different
from them after all.

[exhales] I...

I will never ever give you this money.

[scoffs] All right, come on, then.

[Park Hyeong-seok grunts]

[Basco grunts]

- [Park Hyeong-seok gasps]
- [grunts]

- [Park Hyeong-seok pants]
- [Basco] He's fast.

[grunts, pants]

- [grunts]
- [grunts]

- [thuds]
- [both grunt]


[Lee Tae-seong] Always go for the gut
when you strike first.

- [Park Hyeong-seok grunting]
- [grunts]

- [Basco grunts]
- [Park Hyeong-seok] Huh?


[Park Hyeong-seok pants]

[Basco] This stance is the result
of all my training.

It is the optimal stance to weather blows
from my opponents.

This stance means,
"I will never fall to someone like you."

[Young Hyeong-seok] Wh... what do I do?

Keep your fist right by your cheek
to guard yourself.

Feet shoulder width apart,
arms parallel, low center of gravity.

- Boxing, huh? Bring it on!
- [grunts]

[Park Hyeong-seok]
Now, take a step forward,

and shift my weight from my hips

to my shoulders and then to my fists.

This is a straight! [shouts]

[Basco grunts] I've got him.


[footsteps approaching]

Oh, why doesn't he ever listen to me...


[gasps, exhales]

[Park Beom-jae] Basco...


[Park Hyeong-seok] I'm sorry,
but could you take care of him?

[gasps] Basco.



My timing was perfect, but...

- [Park Hyeong-seok shouting]
- [Basco grunts] I've got him.



[Basco] A spinning back elbow?

He's well versed in Muay Thai too.

- [Basco groaning]
- [thudding]

Park Beom-jae, I have been defeated.

[Park Beom-jae] No.
Burn Knuckle can't lose. You cannot lose.

[crickets chirping]

[Park Hyeong-seok]
How did I win against Basco?

- My body moved on its own.
- [door opening]

- [doorbell ringing]
- Huh?

Welcome, sir...


[Park Hyeong-seok] Uh. Oh, that must hurt.

- [Basco grunting]
- [beeps]


- [Basco] I'm sorry.
- Huh?

I couldn't get the money back.

- [gasps]
- [Basco sighing]

- [Basco] Kid.
- Huh? Yeah?

You're not a weakling. You should train.

[Park Hyeong-seok] What was that about?

[Basco groans]


[Basco] Kid... you are strong.


[Lee Tae-seong] You belong
on the bottom rung

until the day you die, you piece of shit.

[Park Hyeong-seok sighs]
I have to get stronger.

[Park Hyeong-seok grunting]
I'm too weak now. I have to get stronger.


[groans, farts]

- [grunts]
- [doorbell ringing]


[grunts] Wel... welcome. [chuckles]

Oh, what's that smell?

- [chuckles]
- [Park Hyeong-seok] I... I was just...



[Choi Su-jeong] Here we go.

- [machine beeps]
- It's , won.

- [machine beeps]
- [Park Hyeong-seok sighing]

- Huh? Wait, why are you...
- Cheers to your workout.

[soft music playing]

- [footsteps receding]
- [moans]

[doorbell ringing]

- [footsteps receding]
- [gasps]


[exhales] All right. Sit-ups this time!


[Park Hyeong-seok breathing deeply]
Oh, I can't!

My belly's in the way.
I don't think I can do sit-ups.

[soft music playing]

[soft music concludes]

["Here Together" playing]

["Here Together" concludes]