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01x09 - Hidden

Posted: 01/15/23 12:58
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented by two
separate, equally important groups.

The police, who investigate crime,

and the Crown prosecutors, who
prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Police have been granted a further
24 hours to interview Lennie Gaines,

the father of 10-year-old
Jodie Gaines,

who's been missing for seven days.

Jodie went missing last Friday on her
way to a music lesson in Central London.

Earlier this week, Lennie Gaines and
his ex-wife Kayleigh

made an emotional plea for Jodie's
safe return.

If you saw Jodie,

and you know where...

..where she is...



.. you've got to tell the police.

She's our baby.

And we need her home.

We need her home now.

Couple of Latvian skip rats found
her about three hours ago.

They were after scrap metal.

She was under that radiator. Time of
death, about six to ten hours ago.

Cause, not obvious.

She'd only been dead an hour or so
when they dumped her.

There's abrasions on the palms of
her hands. Looks like glass.

Is it her?

Jodie had a scar on her left arm.

Any sign of her school bag or

Nothing yet. Anything else for us?

Couple of mothballs, stuck to
the sheet.

Who uses mothballs these days?

Who tapes a kid's mouth shut, and
shoves them in a skip?

I don't know.
But it wasn't her dad.

Let's get him out of the cells, then.

We've told you everything we know.

Yeah, but it will just help us,
Mr Gaines.

We just need to go over your
statements again.

Routine, that's all.

49 hours I've been locked up.

And all the time she's been out
there. Alive.

Well, the other team, you know, made
a bad call.

And I know it doesn't make it any

But when a child goes missing, presumed
dead, we have to consider every possibility.

Even the fact that maybe the dad
did it.

Not this -

Not this dad.

Just like to go over Jodie's
after-school routine, if that's OK.

Just in case something may have been

Guitar lesson, 4pm. Poland Street.

It's about a mile from the school.

How does she get there? Same
cab firm. They're all CRB checked.

Look, Jodie knows all the drivers.
Been through this 100 times.

You don't think she's a bit young to
be taking cabs on her own?

Well, cabs, you know.

They're checked, so they're safe, eh?

She's usually back ten minutes
after me.

I waited

and waited, but she didn't
come home.

So, Jodie was staying with you, yeah?

Jodie lived with me. The family
courts gave me custody. Right.

I'll call Grebo.


Grebo Moore, the guitar teacher.

Lovely. Thanks.

They said she never showed up, but

the school teacher said she saw her
get into the cab.

Cause of death was suffocation.
Jodie had a stomach bug.

Her mouth was taped shut. The vomit
had to go somewhere.

It clogged up the nasal passages.

It could have been accidental. He
accidentally taped her mouth shut?

How we gonna tell her dad?

It's her mum I'm worried about. She
could barely speak.

At least Jodie wasn't
sexually assaulted.

That's got to be SOME consolation.

Although that could have been the
motive for the kidnapping.

They did pull over 50 glass splinters
from her hands. How did it get there?

Could have been a scuffle. Glass
smashed, she tried to crawl over it.

And the sheet she was wrapped in?

1950s top-sheet, could have come
from any retro shop, jumble sale -

Or could have been bought new and had
half-a-century's worth of use.

Talk to the cabbie again.

And to the guitar teacher.

Like I told the other cops, she
didn't show.

The thing is, Grebo -
can I call you Grebo?

We have a witness that saw her walk
through your front door.

I don't know what to say.

You went through my flat.
You'll pay for the damages.

I'll give you the number of our
complaints line.

Jodie comes to you every week for
guitar lessons.

When she doesn't show up, you don't
think to call her parents?

I did the first time she tried it.

Her dad went mental.

What about the second or the
third time?

Her dad kept her on a tight leash.

If I thought for one second that she
was in trouble,

I'd have called her dad.

I've been driving Jodie over a year
now. Sparky kid.

Where exactly did you drop Jodie?

Outside Food City on Poland Street.

Her music teacher lives above it.

And you watched her go in?

Always do.

The school recommends us to parents.
It's part of the deal.

What route did you take?

Shaftesbury Avenue, Wardour Street,

Broadwick Street, then onto
Poland Street.

Lads. All right, how you doing?

Just a quick question. How long you
been working here? Best part of a week.

And this diversion's been in place
the whole time? Yeah.

Am I missing something?

Our cabbie reckons he drove down
Broadwick Street,

and turned right onto Poland Street.

Maybe his cab's got wings.


Maybe I took Noel Street and turned
left into Poland Street.

No, that's one-way.

Then it must have been D'Arblay

I thought these cabbies were meant
to have a memory for routes.

Dom, I sympathise with you,
I really do.

And I'll tell you for why.

When I was married to the first Mrs
Brooks and I came home late,

she would want to know every single
detail. And I used to struggle,

because, I've gotta be honest, half
the time I couldn't remember -

What's it matter what road I took?
Hey, hey. It matters.

Because we reckon you took Jodie for
a little detour.

Maybe school uniforms float your
boat. You're sick.

I've got four girls of my own.

You think you're a man of honour
because you won't touch your own kids,

but if they're not related,
they're fair game. This is crazy.

You've lied once - Dom.

Would you like a cup of tea?

Yeah. Me an' all.

What about you, Matt? Fancy a cup of
tea? Why don't you get us one?

For the tape, DS Devlin is leaving
the room.


You know what, Dom?

I think you're telling the truth.

But I also think you're leaving
something out.

Some little detail you're not telling
us you know.

A bit like when I used to tell my
wife I was working late,

and forgot to mention I'd spent four
hours in the Red Lion.

What's the little detail?

Traffic was hell.

Jodie said she could walk it faster.


..dropped her off on Wardour Street.

Corner of Broadwick.

Promised her dad I would never leave
till she was inside.

We've run his name through
the system.

Not even a parking fine.

Right. Do you want us to let him go,
then, Guv? Don't you dare.

He's told one lie. Maybe there'll
be more.

We've been watching the wrong
CCTV footage.

Now he's changed his mind about
his route,

different cameras might come
up trumps.

Out she gets. Ronnie?

Got him. Nice one.

Second after Jodie turns into
Broadwick Street.

Can you rewind that bit?
For you, anything.

So just after Jodie turns into
Broadwick Street,

one of the residents of the flats
remembers seeing a white van

hanging around the skip.

Do you know how many white vans
there are in London?

But not all of them have got racks
on the side.

It's a glazier's van.

And Jodie was found with glass
splinters in her hands.

Which could have come from the back
of that van.

They're all side-sh*ts.

The driver's in profile for maybe
one frame.

IC1, IC2, maybe.
What about the van?

Congestion zone cameras must have
got the registration.

They got a beauty of the mud
obscuring it.

What about the lettering on
the side?

The logo's all faded.

And the light hitting the glass
means you can't make it out.

Basically, we're back to square one.

Is that a window? It's not standard.

Can't be many that shape around.

That is a modern take on the 19th
century arch window, apparently.

That's very good, but does he have
any idea what building it comes from?

I reckon we've been there a
few times. You've lost me.

That is a window from the south
block of the Old Bailey.

That's right, we did the Old Bailey
job last week.

Wasn't easy matching it up.
Is this one of yours?

What's this all about?

We asked first, Mr Andreou.

Yeah, looks like one of my vans.
What was it, hit and run?

We think the driver may have
witnessed a crime.

I've got over 30 fitters. I need to
check the files.

Leave me your number and I'll get
back to you.

You been sober long?


'To thine own self be true.'
That's what mine says.

How long?

392 days.

That's good.

We need this information now,
Mr Andreou.

You know the Grovewood Rehab Clinic?

I read the brochure in between pints.

Yeah, Christos.

Who fitted the window on the Old
Bailey job?


Nick Carlton. Lives in Kennington.
He's out on a job.

Don't tell my boss, right?

I was moonlighting.

You got the address?

Must have chucked it out. The job
wasn't worth my while. Client's name?

No memory for names.
That's a shame.

What did you do after that?

Big job in Belgravia. Traffic was
mental, got there after six,

so I packed it in and headed for
the Westminster Bridge.

To Kennington? Surely Vauxhall Bridge
would be quicker?

My mum lives in Deptford. Went round
for dinner. Who else was there?

Just Mum.

And what time did the party finish at
your mum's?

Dunno. Watched the footy and left.

Your mum'll vouch that you
were there?

Speed cameras'll do that.
Got done on the way.

80 quid and three points. I was only
going 40.

Nick Carlton is habitual.

He started off with a tour of Young
Offenders Institutions at 15.

He graduated with the big boys.
You name a nick he hasn't been in.

What did he do? What didn't he do?

Burglary, GBH, hit and run,

one r*pe charge that never made it
to court,

one that got him eight years.
He served four.

The youngest victim was 20.

k*lling little girls, though,
that's a big leap.

He has been out six years,
and nothing.

Maybe prison did him some good.
Or taught him how not to get caught.

Did you confirm that speed camera?
Going 40 in a 30.

Doesn't mean he didn't have a dead
girl in the back.

He goes straight on to his mum's
house for spag bol. Man's gotta eat.

He's got history. He was at the
scene of the kidnapping.

I want you to search his van. Yeah.

We went through the van with a
fine-tooth comb.

And I checked the material under the

No fibres, no hair. What? Nothing?

Apart from bad taste in music.

Well, go through it again.
If it was there, I'd have found it.

Actually, that makes sense, Matt.

Because Nick Carlton's been there and
back and bought the T-shirt

with the old hit-and-run caper.

The first thing he'll do is book his
vehicle in for a valet.

But Jodie had glass in her hands.
There must be blood there.

Just abrasions on her hands with
glass splinters embedded.

No actual blood, I'm afraid.

We've sent the glass off for
analysis. I've said it's a priority.

Oh, great.

Cheers, Teddy. Thanks.
So, what now?

Right. Let's check his alibi.
Talk to his mum.

I made roast pork. It's Nicky's

You know what I love, Mrs Carlton?
Roast pork sandwiches.

Thick white bread, butter. Bit of
apple sauce. Pepper. Beautiful.

What about your Nicky? Did he make
himself a sandwich before he left?

I don't know. I went to bed.

At what time? After the news.

Which do you prefer, BBC London,
or London Tonight?

They've all got the same bad news.

Bet the Hammers look good on that.
Nicky gave it me for Christmas.

To watch Chelsea.


Well, well.

We was talking about them the
other day.

He was asking me who uses mothballs
nowadays. You get infestations.

Kept finding the little blighters
all over.

Coming in through my airing

Mind if we have a look?

You already have.

My old mum had a set of them.

What's that, two pillowcases and
bottom sheet?

Top sheet would make the set.

Not gonna be a silly boy and try and
do a runner, are you?

No, you're an old hand at this.

Nicholas Carlton,

I'm arresting you on suspicion of
the kidnap and m*rder of Jodie Gaines.

Maybe you'd seen little Jodie before
and picked her out especially.

No comment. Look, Nick, the only
thing that'll help you now

is if you tell us exactly what

Just...say how sorry you are for
k*lling Jodie.

No comment. It's your best chance of
avoiding life without parole.

He's right.

If you didn't mean to k*ll her and it
was, say, an accident,

it's a whole other prison sentence
between manslaughter and m*rder.

So, was it an accident?

No comment.

Judge gives him life without parole,
I wanna be there.

I wanna see the whites of his eyes.

The glass splinters found in Jodie's
hands are an exact match

with the glass found in the back of
Carlton's van.

Let's charge him.

The defendant has a catalogue of
previous convictions,

many of them violent.

The Crown believes he poses a risk
to children.

There is no suggestion that
Mr Carlton

has ever committed any offences
against children.

His last conviction is
ten years old.

My Lord, he is the sole carer for
his elderly mother.

I am reluctantly granting bail

on the following strict conditions.

Residence at his mother's address in

An electronic tag and curfew between
6pm and 6am.

And twice daily reporting to Deptford
Police Station.


They bailed the bastard. Lennie, I am
so sorry. We'll get him at the trial.

Will you? You said he wouldn't
get bail.

Kayleigh. No, you stay here.

Kayleigh. Kayleigh.


Get an ambulance, somebody.
CID, excuse me.

What's going on? Wait, you're

No, I'm OK. I'm OK.

Matt. Kayleigh.


He k*lled Jodie. Shut up, Kayleigh.

Just wait for your brief to
get here.

I'm so sorry. Mrs Gaines, please
just listen to him, OK.

He's dead.

Nick Carlton's dead.


Mrs Gaines.

I'm arresting you on the m*rder of
Nicholas Carlton.

You do not have to say anything...

Are you serious?..if you do
not mention when questioned

something that you later rely on in

Anything you do say

may be given in evidence.

He k*lled my little girl.

How the hell did this happen?

It was over in a flash.

Where were the Family Liaison

No-one knew that she'd react
like that.

We can't have every victim of crime
taking the law into their own hands.

Every van banger in the country cheering.
They're saying she deserves an OBE.

It doesn't take much effort to put
yourself in her shoes. Maybe not.

But it can't justify m*rder.

You wanna try her for m*rder?

Of course.

What if the next grieving mum gets
herself a g*n?

Any jury will see that she's out of
her mind with grief.

She took a knife to the Old Bailey. The
whole thing was caught on camera. Even so -

We're backed into a corner. I know
it's tough, but we have to prosecute.

Except your jury will be wishing
they'd stabbed him themselves.

I don't want a big messy trial.

Talk to the barrister.

Make a deal.

My client won't serve a day
for this.

m*rder has a minimum tariff, Bea.

Even you can't magic that away.

As soon as the jury see Nick
Carlton's record,

they'll be lining up to shake
Kayleigh's hand.

If they ignore the fact that she
stuck a knife in his chest.

The only fact that matters is that
Jodie Gaines is dead

because the criminal justice system
can't keep scum like Carlton behind bars.

Thanks to Kayleigh Gaines, his crime
spree is over. For good.

It wasn't up to her to end it.

I'm so sorry. Leave the talking to
me, Mrs Gaines.

All I could see in my head
was Jodie.

Dumped in that skip.
Please, Mrs Gaines.

I kept thinking about her last
minutes alive.

Where he kept her. Please.
What he done to her.

How scared she must have been.

I understand why you did it.

You k*lled a man -
Yeah, he was - He was a monster.

If he k*lled your little girl...

..tell me you wouldn't feel
the same.

I'm sorry. We're charging m*rder.

You know, I've always found your
inflexibility truly irritating, James.

Then please don't let me keep you.

Manslaughter provocation, have we
got ourselves a deal?

This was a straight up revenge
k*lling. You know it.

You think she wasn't provoked?

He kidnapped and m*rder*d her only
child. No, that hadn't been proved.

Nick Carlton died an innocent man.

Why don't you tell that to the jury?
We are on the side of the angels, James.

You force a m*rder trial and you're
going to end up with egg on your face.

You shouldn't let her get to you.
I don't. Really?

George said to make a deal.
Kayleigh Gaines should do time.

Manslaughter provocation carries a
custodial. She could get 12 years.

Or as little as 12 months.
Isn't that enough? She lost a child.

She still k*lled Nick Carlton.
What if he was innocent?

She believed he was guilty.
Irrelevant. She'll get a fair trial,

and the chance of rehabilitation.
He deserved the same.

All I'm asking is that we show a
little mercy.

It isn't up to us to show mercy,

So, what do we do?

We do what she should have done.
We let a jury decide.

See the tabloids this morning?

They've giving out pull-out posters
to put in your window.

Kayleigh's our hero.

I can undress myself, thank you, Bea.

You'll never win.

The whole nation's on her side.

I'll take my chances.
It's not too late, you know.

Just say those two little words and the
trial just disappears, just like that.

Manslaughter provocation.

The charge is m*rder.

Oh, come on.

What's a little provocation between

Gloves off, then.

Nick was my only child.

After my husband passed away, Nick
looked after me.

Your son had convictions for
v*olence, didn't he?

I never said he was a saint.

If he'd anything to do with that
little girl's death,

he should have gone to prison.
No question.

I could've lived with that.

But this...

Who gave you the right to play God?

Mrs Carlton, just answer Counsel's
questions, please.

Her little girl's dead, and
I'm sorry.

But who was she to k*ll my son?

He was my baby.

After your divorce, the family court
gave you custody of Jodie.

They said Kayleigh was unfit.

Why was that?

When she had Jodie, the anaesthetist
botched the epidural.

Messed up a nerve in her back.

GP gave her painkillers.

But Kayleigh had a problem getting
off them.

Is it right Kayleigh was born
addicted to crack cocaine?


We heard from our expert
witness earlier

that crack babies have a
predisposition to addictions.

So it must have been no surprise

when Kayleigh became addicted to the

She was addicted within weeks.

But she got off 'em.

After her recovery, what sort of
mother was she?

Good one.

Loving one.

No further questions.

Having gained custody of Jodie seven
years ago,

you've been her sole carer,
haven't you?

That's right.

So, surely you're the one

who must feel the loss of
Jodie most acutely.

You're the one who must feel most...


Yeah, I suppose so. And yet... didn't feel like k*lling
Mr Carlton.

I'm not a violent man.

I couldn't do something like that.
No, you couldn't.

Provoked or not, no normal, decent
person could, could they?

Is my learned friend making a speech
already, milord?

Mr Steel, plenty of time for
speeches later.

On count one, the m*rder of
Nicholas Carlton,

do you find the defendant guilty or
not guilty?

Not guilty.

On count two,

the manslaughter of Nicholas Carlton,

do you find the defendant guilty or
not guilty?


A man lost his life.

He may indeed have been responsible
for the death of Mrs Gaines' daughter.

But it is not one person's right

to end the life of another.

This offence is clearly so serious,

only custody is appropriate.

The sentence I pass is one of 12
months in prison.

Mrs Gaines.

No doubt the real punishment for you
is to bear the loss of your daughter.

You have my deepest sympathy.

The sentence is wholly suspended for
two years.

He might as well have congratulated
her on hitting a major artery.

Does that judge have any idea what
he did in there?

We go through all this, and for what?

To hand a get-out-of-jail-free card

to every knife-wielding maniac who
cries provocation? Maybe not.


Just to let you know.

We found out Kayleigh Gaines was
treated for heroin addiction last year.

Maybe she went further when the
GP stopped her painkillers. Maybe.

But it's not what, it's where.
At the Grovewood Rehab Clinic.

So she went to Grovewood. Trial's
over, what does it matter?

She had company. Nick Carlton's boss
Farris Andreou,

also dried out at the Grovewood.

Kayleigh Gaines and Farris Andreou
both went through rehab last year.

Kayleigh was NHS funded.

So Farris Andreou knew that Kayleigh
Gaines had a daughter.

Whatever he knew about her
personal life

didn't need to come from
the sessions.

They had an affair.

They broke a cardinal rule.

We asked them to leave.

She had to know Andreou was
Nick Carlton's boss.

Do you think all three of them were

Be a hell of a coincidence if
they weren't.

Why else hide it?

The Italian doctor had the hots
for me.

I knocked her back. She thought I
was with Kayleigh.

Who you forgot to mention that
you knew.

We know you've been inside.

For tax evasion. White collar stuff.

Is that where you met Nick Carlton,
in prison?

We were pad-mates, till he got
ghosted out to Ashbridge.

And after that you became penpals?

He came knocking on my door looking
for a job. I felt sorry for him.

And you often employ convicted
rapists, do you?

What are you talking about?

The young woman Nick Carlton r*ped.

She woke up and found him sitting on
the end of her bed. No.

He wouldn't. He did.

He tied her up.

He gagged her, to stop her flatmates
hearing her scream, then r*ped her.

Carlton was in for fraud, swindling
some insurance company.

If you bought that story, you were
the only one being swindled.

He would have been on the nonce's
wing. Maybe he had friends.

Friends like you, just turn a
blind eye.

You have to believe me. If I'd known
he r*ped anyone,

I wouldn't have given him a job.

You're facing quite a few charges
here, Farris. I didn't know!

Kidnap, conspiracy to m*rder,
perverting the course of justice.

To thine own self be true.

And it must follow,
as the night the day.

Thou canst not then
be false to any man.

That quote from Hamlet gets us
through another day.

Be honest with ourselves,

and we can stay sober.

Gotta be honest with others too.
Haven't you, Farris?

Only then are we truly healed.

So, what have you and Kayleigh
Gaines been hiding from us?

I owed her.

They kicked her out of rehab because
of me.

But I only gave her Nick Carlton's
phone number.

I swear to God, that is all I did.

OK. For the tape,

Farris Andreou, who did you give Nick
Carlton's phone number to?


It was all Kayleigh.

She said she wanted Nick Carlton to
do something for her.

Could she have hired Carlton to
snatch Jodie?

Why would she?

Kayleigh, be straight with us.

Me and Farris?

Just a fling.

He reckons you and Nick Carlton were
in it together.


Why would he say that?

He's lying.

Why is he doing this to me?

Farris reckons you were trying to
get back at Lennie.

Cos he wouldn't let you see Jodie.

We get on.

Me and Lennie - Kayleigh.

How can you even think...

What mum...

could do that to her own kid?

Do you think she's telling
the truth?

What do you think? Could it be
an act?

Honestly, I don't know.

So, what now?

You wanna know if someone's telling
the truth,

you talk to the person who knows
them best.

Do you...really think

Kayleigh did this?

I'm sorry.

I can't take this in.

At the trial,

you swore she was a good mother.

She was hurting enough.

Just said what her barrister told me
to say.

What didn't you say, Lennie?

There was this time,

she was late bringing Jodie back.
12 hours late.

Kayleigh had taken her down to

Locked her up in some hole of a B&B
and gone off to... score.

She was using again.
Jodie was terrified.

She said it was like Mummy was
asleep with her eyes open.

So I stopped the visits.

You should have told the police.

I know.

Please, God, tell me she's not

I mean, I saw these interviews.
The appeal.

She was shaking with grief.

It wasn't grief.

It was withdrawal.

But why would she stop using just
when she needed it most?

The stress must have been enormous.
No choice.

The minute Jodie was reported

she had Family Liaison Officers with
her day and night.

Why didn't we see it?

Addicts make very good liars.

The police knew it was someone
close. They got the wrong parent.

But why?

What could possibly drive her to have
her own daughter kidnapped?


That mobile phone was found in
your flat.

Hidden inside a resealed milk carton.

The phone is registered to a Mrs
Gemma Miller.

We've been in touch with her.

She confirms that she sold the phone via
an online auction site to a Kayleigh Gaines.

This... a record of the call traffic
between that mobile phone,

and Nick Carlton's.

We also know you were texting each
other like teenagers

the week Jodie went missing.

I did buy that phone, yeah.

But it was nicked the day I got it.

Maybe Farris took it. I was

Farris and Nick Carlton, maybe they
was in on it together.

The problem here, Kayleigh,

is that we can tell the location of the
calls as well as the phone they came from.

The calls from your phone came...

..from your flat.

So, you see, Kayleigh, we know
you're involved.

Kayleigh? All right.

He was only supposed to hide her.

Kayleigh hired a sex offender to snatch Jodie
off the street and keep her hidden for six days.

That's kidnap, false imprisonment

and the child cruelty involved makes
it unlawful act manslaughter.

Hang on. Jodie died as a result of
being gagged.

Are we saying Kayleigh knew Carlton
would gag Jodie?

You can add perverting the course of
justice to that list cos she is a born liar.

So we charge her with all four

But if we do, we do it right.

She will change her story ten times
before she goes into that witness box.

You need to corroborate these

Mrs Carlton, the police are going to
charge you

with assisting an offender. Oh.

That's rich.

Lock me up. A pensioner.

While that murdering bitch walks
around free as you like.

Did your son tell you why Kayleigh
Gaines wanted Jodie kidnapped?

The more you can tell us about her

the greater chance we have of putting
her behind bars.

If Nick said anything...

After the girl got sick,

Nick said he called Mrs Gaines.

Told her that they needed a doctor.

He wanted to take her himself,

but Mrs Gaines said no.

Said they'd both get sent down,

if anyone found out.

Nick told Mrs Gaines

that the girl was crying and making
a lot of noise.

She said...

..tape her mouth up.

Stop her whining.

It was only meant to be a week.

Fortnight, tops.

You were prepared to let a
total stranger

look after Jodie for two weeks?

It was a nice flat.

She had everything she needed.
Telly, X-Box, the lot.

Nick Carlton was a convicted r*pist,
wasn't he?

Yeah, but he never touched her,
did he?

The police said she weren't abused.

You stabbed Nick Carlton to cover up
your involvement, didn't you?

I stabbed him cos he k*lled my
little girl.

The papers called me a hero.

I'm still the same person.


Yes, you are.

Why did you get Nick Carlton to
kidnap Jodie?

It was Farris.

It was his idea.

When a kid goes missing,

the papers wanna talk to the mum,
don't they?

Farris said

if there was a happy ending,

papers would pay a fortune.

You put Jodie's life at risk, just so
you could sell your story?

I didn't know he'd k*ll her, did I?

Kayleigh, make me understand why you
would risk her life.

What did you need the money for?

I be a proper mum.

The kind I never had.

She grew inside me, all safe.

And then...the minute she was born
it all went wrong.

Lennie just took her away from me.

He just - He just...took over.

I kept trying to find my way back,
but I couldn't.

I needed the money... pay for rehab.

I was all booked in.

I - I was gonna get clean,

so I could be with Jodie again,

Then why didn't you do it the right
way, the normal way?

Get clean, then prove yourself to
the courts?


The NHS wouldn't fund me twice.

I begged for help.

I screamed and shouted for it.

But nobody listened.

Because people like you,

like her...

..all of you, you don't see me.

I'm that bit of shit on the pavement
you step around,

so you don't mess up your shoes.

I was gonna get clean and take
her away.

We were going to Ibiza.
Me and Jodie.

Far away from London and Lennie.

And the dr*gs.

So we could be together. So I could
be her mum again.

You were going to take that little
girl away

from the only loving parent she knew?
I loved her more than him.

You didn't think about the trauma
of being snatched off the street

by a total stranger.
It wasn't like that.

You didn't lose any sleep over
Jodie being in the back of a van,

tied up, her mouth taped shut.
You're wrong.

All because you wanted to be a
proper mum again.

You don't deserve to be a mum.