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01x02 - Unloved

Posted: 01/15/23 12:21
by bunniefuu
'In the criminal justice system, the People are represented by two separate, yet equally important, groups the police, who investigate crime, and the Crown Prosecutors who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

' Hey, Jess.


How's it going? Good.

Try the soup.

It's to die for.

He means last time he made it, six people died.

Isn't that right, Reverend? We've a bed at the shelter if you want it.

You OK, mate? Cheryl! Call the ambulance! Now! We're out here most nights, so most kids whosleep rough are familiar faces.

But you'd never seen this kid before? - No.

OK, well, we'll need to talk to all the kids that were here earlier.

Reverend Crawford? Yeah, ersorry.

We do breakfast at the shelter for the rough sleepers.

The kids usually enjoy that, too.

That poor boy.

He was dead by the time you found him, sir.

There's nothing you could have done.

One of our uniformed guys will look after you.

Multiple bruises and contusions.

Back of his head was popped like a grape.

No wallet, no ID, no mobile.

So not a known local.

What do you reckon? Lad walked off the train and got his first and last welcome to London.

He was what - 12, 13? Someone should tell these kids the streets aren't lined with well wishers.

If the street's the alternative, makes you wonder what they're running from.

Well, he didn't come out of Euston Station.

Must be a local after all.

Well, that narrows it down to So how does a young kid like that get beaten to death and no-one notice? Let's start with the witnesses, get down the Reverend's shelter.

Someone from down there might have recognised the kid.


Mind you, state you're in now, they'll hose you down, give you a meal.

You're no prince charming! First Superdrug we pass, you're stopping for Listerine.

Do you always smell so minty? Cheryl, do you recognise him, love? I was too busy working last night trying to keep warm.

Go on, have a think.

I bet nothing gets past you.

Do women ever fall for that? I don't know him from Adam.

Cheryl, your tattoo - is that a local g*ng? Yeah.

I got out a few months ago when the Rev got me this job here.

Since when did you become an expert on gangs? I'm old bill, not prehistoric bill.

So where do you lot hang out? I'm telling you, man, I got an airtight alibi.

We haven't told you when you need your alibi for yet.

That's your world out there.

This is ours in here.

We don't mix! Yeah? Three pointer says you're wrong.


Shame, man.

You got a photo? He was found dead last night at the back of Euston, head kicked in.

Don't need no photo, then.

You know who did it? He weren't done by a g*ng, man.

That whole area round there - that's the neutral zone.

No-one gets touched in the neutral zone.

Law of the land, man.

Youths gotta use the train, too, don't they? So bloody tribal.

One street against the next, kids getting beaten for walking through outlawed areas.

Rivalry between kids ain't nothing new, Matt.

Can't tell me you and your mates never organised a punch up between your school and the next.

We never carried knives or g*ns.

Then kids haven't changed, society has.

I hate these cases, Matt.

All that potential gone.

I'd say your male anon was 13.

Cracked ribs, punctured lung, a ruptured spleen.

He hemorrhaged from almost every major organ.

How long do you reckon he could have walked around like that? Slow rate of seepage.

An hour, two tops.

Any sign of sexual abuse? No evidence of any sexual activity.

No fluids, no tearing of tissue.

Just normal blunt force wounds.

Probably from steel toe-capped boots or DMs.

Any tattoos, g*ng markings? No.

Somebody on the street must know this kid.

There's no way he was living on the street.

This boy was well looked after, well fed.

His last meal was polenta and roasted vegetables.

They don't serve polenta and roasted veg in soup kitchens.

Where are the parents in all this? If my kid had missing for the best part of a day, I'd be going spare! You and me both.

We've sent his photo to all the other constabularies, just in case his parents do a walk-in.

There's been nothing.

How's the response to the media appeal? Lots of call, lots of sympathy, but so far no leads.

And you've checked with Missing Persons? Yep.

No-one matching his description, no match with fingerprints or DNA.

Without his name, we've got nothing.

Nowhere to start.

We just got a hit from the media appeal a Mrs Lee, a teacher over in Kilburn.

Couldn't believe it when I saw his face on the news.

Danny Jackson - one of my after school regulars.

Hurry up, Chloe.

So I take it he wasn't exactly teacher's pet? Actually, he was a decent kid, just shy.

He had dyslexia and was on our mainstream scheme.

Do you have an address for Danny? I've got an old one, six months ago.

His mother moved.

New boyfriend, according to Danny.

Did he ever talk about his home life? You mean did he show up with bruises? Kids are good at keeping that sort of stuff from you.


Baggy clothes'll hide a lot.


The boyfriend's a bookie.

Wimbledon dog track.

You're too late.

Danny's mum moved out three months ago.

Well, do you have an address? From day one, Mandy and that kid of hers were nothing but trouble.

Everything OK, babe? Nothing to worry about, sweetheart.

I see you bounced right back.

Mandy left me.

She ripped me off.

As for Danny? Bloody hell, when he weren't drawing, he was bouncing off the walls.

I reckon the reason Mandy got stoned half the time was cos of him.

What about you, Stevie? You ever need to make Danny see sense? I've never hit a kid.


Just give us Mandy's address before she decides to move on again.

She's in rehab.

You see hertell her I want my plasma back.

That's her.

She's been clean for nearly three months now.

Hello, Mandy.

Social Services said I wasn't fit to be left alone with him.

So I wanted him back, so I went into rehab.

He cried when they took him away.

I told him, "Danny, you're going to a nice house.

You'll be fed and looked after and safe.

" After everything I'd put him through.

Aftereverything He didn't wanna go.

I want him back.

Please bring him back.

I want him back! We'll get whoever did this.

A few months ago, the PE teacher at Danny's new school noticed some bruises.

Did Danny say how he got them? Too scared.

Child abuse team couldn't prove anything.

I'd have had a fiver on Boyfriend Of The Year, Stevie Agnew, myself.

We took Danny into care.

Two days later, Mandy turns up.

Said she'd agree to do rehab, anything to get him back.

This is what I always worried the inside of my head looked like.

One person's mess is another person's filing system.

Thank you.

Was Danny placed with foster parents? Phoebe Baxter.

She's the best we've got.

So why didn't she report Danny missing on Friday night? If I'd have told Social Services that Danny was missing, they'd have taken him away from me.

He was settling in so well.

So well you didn't know where he was? It's not prison.

I don't tag'em.

I've been doing this long enough to understand the pattern.

They run away once - parents' house hoping that mum and dad have patched up their differences.

And after a day or two, they come back again.

That's what I thought Danny was up to.

I failed him.

So, just run us through what happened on Friday evening, please.

After school we all sat down and ate dinner together, like always, and then Danny went off to the cinema with Jono and Andy.

After the film, we stopped for some chips on the Camden High Street.

So, tell us what happened then, Jono.

Andy and I went in, got our order.

When we came out, Danny was just, like, gone.

Anything behind me? Yeah, your youth! What about you, Andy? Danny say anything to you before he left? How was Danny that night, Andy? He's a right chatterbox, your mate, isn't he He won't talk to the old bill.

Last time he did, he got nicked! We looked around for him.

We thought he might come back here.

So you think Danny was homesick, Andy? No way! That minger his mum was shaggin' - he used to hit Danny for going in the back room while he was watching ponies.

Danny told you Stevie hit him? He showed us the bruises.

I was in all night watching telly with Debbie.

Danny never came round.

I know people like you, Stevie.

People who lie about hitting kids.

People who get a kick out of seeing the bruises the next day.

I never hit him.

I took him in, fed him.

I put a roof over his head.

Why would I hit him? Right now, SOCO are going through all the CCTV footage in your borough.

Uniform are searching your area.

Forensics are going through your flat.

Let me get this straight.

You're saying I k*lled Danny cos his mum nicked my telly? I never hit him, never.


Uniform found this.

It's Danny's mobile phone.

Found it just across from your flat.

I didn't k*ll that boy! Look, guv, the other kids at Phoebe Baxter's they confirmed that Stevie hit Danny! He's got motive, he's got previous.

Hang on, hang on.

The kids said they only saw the bruises, not the beatings.

Nobody - Nobody has proved that Agnew was battering Danny.

And even if he was, it doesn't mean he's a m*rder*r.

Look at his body language.

He's sitting on his hands! It's classic! He's hiding something! What are you gonna charge him with - bad posture? One of you's right, but tick-tock, boys.

Your custody clock is running down.

Ronnie, mate, I know it's him.

Matt, everything we've got is circumstantial, right? We have a phone that was found in a communal area - Come on.


We have no witness.

And Agnew is gonna deny he's done anything wrong until he is blue in the face.

I've been that kid, you know? Why don't we go and talk to Debbie and check Stevie's alibi? Stevie usually takes me out on a Friday night but I had a stinking cold, so we stayed in.

I sat on the sofa with a duvet, dosed up on cold medicine.

And where was Stevie? In the back, watching telly.

Dog races on Sky.

Did he pop out at all? He was in all night.

I'm tellin' ya, Stevie wouldn't harm a fly.

What's that on your arm? Not what it looks like.

Well, it looks like somebody's hit you.

He's got a temper.

Who hasn't? I can be really annoying.

I know I can.

So, Stevie was in all night, you were in all night and that's it? Anything else? About 10:00, I heard someone put the key in the lock.

I knew Stevie was in, so I went over and opened the door and I heard some people running away.

Well, do you know who it was? I dunno.

I just caught a glimpse.

A glimpse? It might not even have been Danny! CCTV puts Stevie at the flat at 1930 on the evening Danny died.

He leaves at 8:00 in the morning.

He was at the flat all night.

Well, he might have nipped out the back.

Back alley's covered by a camera.

He's in the clear.

All right.

We're back where we started.

Oh, ye of little faith.

That's Danny.

And that other kid's the chatterbox from Phoebe Baxter's place.

Andy Sefton.

So that boy with the hood on could be the other lad.

Jono Blake? Yeah.

And that's exactly the same time they said they were at the cinema in Camden.

From this, they must have been among the last people to see Danny alive.

Bring'em in, first thing.

It weren't me.

You're on CCTV, Jono standing next to Danny just before he died.

How do you know it's me? If it wasn't you, it was your body double.

You were wearing a hoody.

So you can't see my face.

Now, look, Jono, let's keep this simple.

What happened after you ran away from Stevie's flat? I told ya.

The three of us went to the pictures, then we went to the chippy.

And what film did you see? I can't remember.

I fell asleep.

It was boring, just like this place.

Jono, mate, we checked the cinema's CCTV.

You weren't there.

You've gotta stop lying.

Jono you miss Danny? What? You shared a room with him.

So what do you think when you look and see an empty bed? Miss him? Course I do.

We were mates.

How does that make you feel? Wish he was still here.

I bet you do.

I bet you used to look out for each other an' all, eh? Course we did.

That's why I reckon that's gotta make you pretty angry at the person who did this.

Jono tell us what happened.

You think you're so clever, don't you? You tell me.

Grub's up.

Andy here's been giving me the silent treatment.


It's probably cos he's hungry.

Don't look at'em like that.

They're not poison.

I mean, they were made in our canteen but nobody's died yet.

We don't want you to say anything you're not comfortable with, Andy.

God knows I've drummed it into my own boys about the same age as you, actually.

I've said, "If ever you get in trouble with the police, don't sit there and make things up.

" That's the mistake everybody makes.

They forget police have got forensics, DNA, CCTV.

They'll know if you're lying.

So, best thing is tell the truth.

Everything'll sort itself out.

And there's another big reason why you should tell us the truth, Andy.

For Danny.

He's not here to tell us what happened.

As Danny's mate, don't you think you owe him that? What about Jono? He's my mate, too.

What if he knows I told you? We'll look after you.

You don't have to keep quiet any longer, Andy.

Danny wanted some money so he and his mum could get a flat together.

He said Stevie had a load of music gear we could flog.

When we heard someone in the flat, we ran.

One minute, we're legging it and the next, Jono just loses it.

Pushes Danny over, blames him for people being in the flat.

He started smashing his face in stamping on it.

It was like he was trying to bust him open.

Never seen nothin' like it before in my life.

Jono went mental.

So, our prime suspect is a 13-year-old kid whose voice ain't even broken yet.

I dunno.

I need a minute to get my head around this.


Well, do you believe Andy's story? Little kid like Jono does that to his mate? The facts all fit and it's definitely possible.

I tell you what, if he did do it, the case could go nuclear.

The press'll be all over him like a rash.


Hello, Alesha.

Are we done now? Can I go? Jonathan Blake, we're charging you with the m*rder of Daniel Jackson.

I'm gonna need summaries of all m*rder or manslaughter cases from the last 30 years, where the k*ller was under 16- Aw.

Still? Bless.

Play nicely, Bea.

Jono Blake is innocent.

He's just a scared little kid who's been stitched up by his mate and you.

He's on CCTV with Danny minutes before the m*rder.

His DNA's all over Danny's body and his DMs were covered in blood and human matter.

Yeah, well, obviously he was there but Andy Sefton is bigger, older and stronger.

That's your defense Andy did it? Bea, that's rubbish.

The facts don't fit.

It'll take me two minutes to discredit it.

Yeah? Well, when the jury look at big old Andy next to scared, little Jono we'll see who they believe.

Seriously, that's your case? I know her.

She's up to something.

That defense is way too simple.

Just because you two used to do the headboard shuffle doesn't mean you have any insight into how she runs defenses nowadays.

What, you and her? It was a long time ago.

Thanks for that, George.

Stop worrying about her and ensure your case is unassailable.

Youth crime is our most sensitive issue, so no cock ups, no surprises.

Triple check every fact.

Go back to the families - biological parents, foster parents.

Comprehensive character profile of Jono Blake.

That way, Bea can't spring any traps.


Oh, wrong.

Come on, son.

Ooh, pain au chocolat! How did you know my weakness for the French? Jono Blake's Social Services file says he was suspended from school.

Do you know why? The teacher said there was an altercation.

Did Jono start this altercation? Half the kids said he did, half said he didn't.

This is a bribe, isn't it? Can you get statements from all the kids? All of'em? You are taking the Michael! We need every angle covered.


How come he gets to have breakfast with you? Leave it to me, sweetheart.

I'm your man.

Leave what? What's he doing for you? You come in late, you miss things.

# Ooh ah, chocolat # Hey, do you want a coffee? I already told the police Jono ain't been my problem for a long time now.

Tell me about his dad.

Serving life in Ashbridge with his brother.

Last time he came out, he swore blind he was going straight.

More fool me, eh? Was Jono ever violent at home? He's a boy.

They're all little thugs, as far as I can see.

Take a look round here.

They're all the same.

Why was he taken away from you? I've been through this.

I want to hear it from you, so I've got all the facts.

I left him alone - Once.

Overnight? I went for a drink with a guy after work.

One thing led to another.

Next thing I know, it was morning.

Jono was fine, nothing had happened, but Social Services love sticking their noses in, don't they? Sounds like you and Jono have had a rough time.

What would you know about a rough time? I grew up around the corner from here.


Jono's mum left him alone more than once.

He's petrified of being left on his own.

That's why he's always joking and mucking about.

He thinks if you like him, you might stay around.

And how did Jono get on with Danny? Best mates, practically inseparable.

Two teenage boys sharing a room? They must have fought a bit.

Spent a day and a half sizing each other up.

After that, I don't remember a cross word between them.

They were closer than brothers.

So you never saw Jono being violent towards Danny, or anyone else? It's not that simple.

If he'd had once decent role model, things might have been different.

He had you.

And he was changing.

Kids are work in progress.

I know bad kids.

Jono's not one of them.

He m*rder*d Danny, Mrs Baxter.

We have a duty to prosecute Danny's k*ller.

Whose duty is it to speak for Jono? They'll demonise him, lock him away.

Out of sight, out of mind.

If we give up on our kids, it's a matter of time before they give up on themselves.

Phoebe Baxter and Jono's mum could be talking about two different boys.

Their opinions are that polarised.

Doesn't matter.

We deal in evidence, the facts of this matter.

I feel a conscience pricking.

Jono's foster mum, the person who knows him best, says he shouldn't be abandoned.

She feels that Jono's a victim, too.

Really? Cos I've just watched the mobile phone footage of Jono's playground attack on a classmate.

Jono wasn't the victim that day.

He's 13.

He goes into the prison system, he's lost for life.

Then he shouldn't have committed m*rder.

Staunch your bleeding heart, Alesha.

The victim is in the mortuary.

We're Crown Prosecution, not Crown empathy.

A line has to be drawn on youth crime and we're drawing it.

Is that what you think? I think Danny's mother needs us to provide justice for her son.

All persons who have anything to do with my Lords, the Queen's Justices of the Central Criminal Court, draw near At least Judge Anderson agreed to hear the trial in private and keep the public and the press out.

God save the Queen.

Case of Crown and Jonathan Blake.

Imagine being in that dock when you were 13.

I tried to stop him but he just lost it.

It was like he was someone else.

Jono kept kicking Danny over and over.

I legged it cos Cos I was scared.

Out of the three of you, Andy, who's the tallest? I am.

And what weight are you? About ten or 11 stone.

So would you say that you could beat Danny and Jono in a fight? I suppose.

No further questions.

Is that it? That's it.

My mum was out when Social Services took me away.

And when they took you, how did that make you feel? Sad, angry.

Then I went to Miss B's.

She looked after me, things were all right.

No further questions.

Do you start a lot of fights, Jono? No.

Do you remember Martin Taggart? Do you remember Martin Taggart, Jono? Yeah, I went to school with him.

You fought with Martin.

He started it.

But you were fully aware that you were causing him injury.

So? He shouldn't have started it! Isn't it true that no charges were pressed because your father intimidated Martin's parents? What's that gotta do with me? That fight was nothing.

Nothing? That's how you'd describe it? This mobile phone footage was filmed by a child in the playground.

Do you still think that was nothing, Jono? It was the easiest prosecution I've ever had to make.

She didn't raise a single objection.

You should be delighted.

McArdle's asked for the jury to be discharged.

She's changed the basis of her plea.

She's put in an application? For a re-trial.

The new defense she's running is that Jono's not guilty by reason of mental defect.

What? She'll never make it home on an insanity defense.

She's not saying he's insane.

She's running 'non-insane automatism' - an involuntary act committed while not conscious of actions taken.

Most of Jono's blood relatives are in prison.

Her defense is that Jono is genetically predisposed to violent behaviour.

Oh, she can't run that! It's outrageous.

We'd have every criminal in the country making the same case.

What's she playing at? "Don't blame me, blame my genes.

" It's bold, I'll give her that.

But let's not panic.

No sane judge would let that get beyond a hearing.

So who did we draw? Judge DiMarco.

God, let's panic.

For over 100 years now, scientists have seen a relationship between genetics and human behaviour.

My Lord, relevance to Crown and Blake? Researchers in Scandinavia have identified a defective gene that produces an excess of MAOA - monoamine oxidase.

Mono what, Miss McArdle? Break it down for the luddite in front of you.

You do yourself a terrible disservice, my Lord.

Oh, please.

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that destroys serotonin, which, as you know, regulates anger and aggression.

The defective gene responsible for producing this enzyme is commonly referred to as the'Warrior' gene.

OK, and this has what to do with non-insane automatism? Jono has this defective gene.

He couldn't control himself any more than my learned friend here could wish himself younger.

You've had him tested? Conclusions from the Scandinavian panel of experts where they confirm Jono has the warrior gene.

My Lord, if this becomes precedent, we might as well just open the gates of every prison in the land.

With respect, that's not the issue.

We're establishing the validity of putting this before jury.

Precedent! You name me one court that has accepted this defense.

Jerry Robertson is on death row in Arizona.

He was given up for adoption as an infant.

He has not seen and has not had any contact with his biological father since that date.

His biological father is also on death row.

Oh, please! Cases pending Supreme Court ruling.

My Lord, science evolves.

So, too, must the law.

My Lord, I will fill the court with experts who will refute this.

Call your experts, Mr.


We'll see who the jury believes.

You know, for a second in there, I thought your head was gonna explode.

Bloody nerve! You wasted all that public money, made a mockery of the system.

You're just miffed I got the better of you.

Don't take it personally, I do this to everyone.

What is this? Are you grabbing a chance to make headlines? No.

I'm trying to give my client the best defense.

I needed time to get the legal precedent, test results and then assess the scientific data.

So, yes, I used the system something you do every day.

And what if you'd run out of time? Jono could have been sent down.

Do you really think I would have let that happen? What are you so scared of, James? Why would you want to suppress evidence? Evidence knows no morality.

We present it and a jury decides.

It's unproven! The sample group is too small.

It could just push the legal system off a cliff! Well, make that argument in court.

The law has survived DNA samples, CCTV, fingerprints.

I think it will survive this.

And what about Jono Blake? When this becomes public, the media will tear him to shreds.

I'm doing this for him.

He'll be fine.

This is the English legal system on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

George, what if McArdle is right? What if this Warrior gene theory has substance? There was a time when no court accepted provocation as defense to m*rder.

Maybe this is one of those moments when the law plays catch up with science.

You make sure she's not right.

I want you demolishing her like a bulldozer.

This Warrior gene becomes precedent, then tens of thousands of cases will have to be retried.

No criminal will be held responsible or accountable for anything.

Notice of appeal.

Applications in the event McArdle wins.

We'll be drowning in paperwork by the end of the day.

You should be happy.

You got what you wanted - Jono has an excuse.

Everyone's a victim now.

I'll be at my desk.

See, that's seven - No, eight.

Eight messages from No, that'll be number nine - messages from the DPP.

He'll be expecting me to tell him the legal floodgates will not open, this will never become precedent because I have my best on it and he will demolish the Defense.

So I expect you to go in there and to do just that, James.

Tell me why you att*cked Danny, Jono.

I dunno.

He was driving me mental.

Your eyes lit up when I said that.

Go on, write it down - Mental.

Do you know how to spell it? Jono, do you think your attack on Daniel Jackson was right or wrong? What sort of a stupid question is that? Of course it was wrong.

I k*lled him.

He's aware of his actions and the consequences that follow from them.

So he's not insane of schizophrenic? Definitely not.

Tell me, honestly do you think there's any validity to this Warrior gene syndrome? Can someone be born bad? Genes are just one element of a larger picture.

And all they give us is a predisposition.

We still make our own behavioural choices.

Yes or no - is he responsible for what he did? From everything I've seen yes.

Thank you.

Though I'm not sure how Jono will cope with the ordeal of a second trial, especially with all this public interest now.

A few years ago, researchers in Scandanavia found a mutated gene linked to a violent family of rapists and arsonists living in the Netherlands.

And could this Warrior gene compromise a person's sense of right and wrong? From the evidence I've seen, I don't believe so.

Thank you, Doctor.

No further questions.

Doctordoesn't recent research suggest that obesity and sporting ability are passed genetically from parents to their children? It does, yes.

So, by logical extension, we might pass our criminal behaviour to our children? The data from the Warrior gene tests are not random enough to form scientific conclusions.

Their sample bases are too small.

They didn't test enough people? Exactly.

So you're saying that there's a problem with the collection of the data but not the theory? Are you proud? Are you proud of what you're doing, of what you're saying in there? Of all these lies and arguments and legal bullshit? My Danny never hurt anybody! That monster in there is not the victim! Go on.

You're disgusting.

Get off! I'm fine.

Thank you.

From the day he was born, we knew he was different.

There was something odd about him.

We just didn't know what it was.

Not till now.

Well, you know your son better than anyone, Tracy.

Do you agree with the Warrior gene theory? You saw what he did to that kid.

It makes sense.

Thank you.

Did you discipline your son, Mrs Blake? Jack hit him all the time.

It didn't make any different, though he never did what he was told.

How about love - showing him some affection? Did you ever try that? Course I did.

I used to think it was my fault.

What do you mean? I wasn't a good enough mum! That I didn't deserve a kid! But that was before all this gene stuff.

Now I know there was nothing I could have done.

It wouldn't have made any difference.

Papers are right.

He's a monster.

Is that what you really think about your own son? You heard what they're saying about him - His genes are rotten.

He's wrong.

How many months' pregnant are you? Seven.

So, based on your belief in genes, we should take that baby from your arms the second it's born and lock it up? No! Surely genetics dictates your next child will be a monster, too? It'll be different this time.

I won't make the same mistakes I made with him.

No further questions.


Are we still talking? Oh, come on.

I'm running a valid defense for Jono.

You'd have done exactly the same back in your defense days.

I gave up defense cos I couldn't sleep at night.

Yeah, I remember.

Do you sleep better now? Mostly.

Can't believe you still come here.

Creature of habit.

How's Ethan? He's er with his mum in Scotland.

It's for the best.


Jono wants to meet with you.

I tried my best, I advised him against it.

Thank youfor not making that difficult for me.

This isn't a holiday home, you know.

You'll be going in for years.

My genes are messed up.

I am trying to keep you out of prison.

Why? You can't fix my genes, sat in court.

I heard everything my mum had to say.

I'm a monster.

Jono, no, you're not.

I am.

I was born like that.

I'm a mistake.

That's not what this is all about.

I k*lled Danny.

He was my mate.


Why did you ask to meet us? I wanna go to prison.

It's where I belong.

We help destroy him.

Now he believes he's worthless.

Is Danny dead? Yes.

Did Jono k*ll him? Yes.

Has justice been served? Yes.

The law's a blunt instrument but it's all we have.

So, yes, accept the plea.

Jono, do you understand the charge to which you're pleading guilty? Yeah.


Can you tell us in your own words what happened on the night of Danny's death? I got in a fight with him.

When he went to the ground, I kicked him over and over.

I k*lled him.

Why did you k*ll him, Jono? He made me mad.

And you understand what it means, changing your plea to guilty? Please.

It was a defense.

I never thought for one second he'd actually believe it.

Come for the last laugh? Dr Elizabeth Rowels.

She's prepared to work with you.

She can help you.

I'm a m*rder*r.

I was always gonna be like this.


None of us are defined by our genes.

I am.

I'm evil.

That's erm That's too easy, because it means that nobody else has to take responsibility.

You're too young to be a lost cause.

We can still help you, if you let us.
